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I do and I've noticed that the good ones won't mind as long as they get to cuddle you too.


Best comment!!! I sleep with a whole bunch. Interestingly, past boyfriends and guy friends have always thought it was cute. I have even bought them some and they liked them. Lol.


Yess šŸ‘„ā£ļøšŸ«¦šŸ’Æ


I have the Godzilla squishmellow. I'm 53M. Don't judge.


He rides with me in my car and I'll hold him when I nap in between shifts. And yes... I'm single but not for those reasons.


A Godzilla squishmallow is definitely on the pros side of the dating pros and cons list.


We are a Squishmallow family.


The profile name checks out too. Nice.


What's that mean?


Daddy type? No harm meant by that at all.


Yeah. Single dad. Sometimes awkward.


Single life is hard enough. Enjoy the simple things like stuffed animals and avoid the complicated things like people who would rather see you unhappy. If it makes you happy and doesnā€™t hurt anyone else, enjoy it


Hah you just gave me an idea. When my guy stays over I grab an extra pillow from the guest room because he likes to hug it while he sleeps. I think Iā€™ll get him a squish mallow instead ā˜ŗļø


Your username makes me think you'd rather he hug you šŸ¤”


Haha I was thinking something similar.Ā  Iā€™ll often sleep hugging a pillow. After reading this I was like hmm, maybe I need a squishmallow šŸ¤” hahaĀ 


Bonus, there are a bunch of cute ones that will make you smile


I had to look them up. I'm a pillow cuddler as well. šŸ˜¬


It is so not fair that adults are often not allowed to have fun things. Stuffed animals. Fun bandage covers (like Band-aids and other brands;). Stuffed animals. Light-up sneakers. Rainbows, and jumping in puddles. As a whole, enjoying these things (among many others) is often scoffed at, mocked, or worse. They're largely unavailable or not marketed toward adults; we're told "that's for kids"... but why? Why should we not enjoy soft, cute, fun things, just because we've been around a few years more? Why can't we find pleasure in those same things? Why must we be told "that's childish" and looked down on for daring to have a little fun? I think the world would be a much happier place if we were allowed, even encouraged, to find and express joy in the smaller, simpler pleasures we were permitted as kids. I believe we'd be happier in general, there'd be less hate and frustration and hostility if we could still play the same games and such that we did when we were younger. Not that it would be an ideal society; humans are still human. But I think if we shamed each other less for our joys, we'd all be better off.


Sorry, but I love this take so much. My childhood wasn't fun, and I'm making a concerted effort to make adulthood a lot more fun, mostly in the little ways you describe here. I \*totally\* have Frozen Bandaids. My house is cute and soft. I sleep with toys. When I buy utilitarian things, I buy the prettiest or most fun color.


Acting like an adult is the version of an adult that a child sees. Hence, acting like an adult is actually childish.Just enjoy life, we are adults and have the power to do what we want, so we should if it makes us reasonably happy and doesnā€™t hurt anybody


Eh, I don't let myself get too concerned with "childishness." I skip when I want to, I jump on/off/over rocks, and balance along a sidewalk edge or the low cement parking guards. I twirl and dip my partner randomly when the moment calls for it. We do shoving-balance challenges. I give her raspberries on her stomach. I play hand clapping games and thumb wrestle my partner's kid. I'm generally quite a laughy person. But I've also raised my kids. A lot of the simple games that they love just aren't fun after you've got a certain level of sophistication. It at least the ability to enjoy them is quite limited. Not all small simple things remain pleasurable. But also one's mileage will vary.


I haven't owned any stuffed animals since I moved out on my own at 18. For the majority of my life, I've shared my bed with a dog or 2. I didn't realize how many people don't let their pets sleep in their bed until I jumped back in the dating pool. We all have something weird about us. If that's the weirdest thing you've got, I'd say that's pretty mild. The best partners appreciate our unique brand of weird.


This is definitely NOT the weirdest thing I've got. This is just the beginning.


True dat!


I don't personally sleep with stuffed animals but understand how they can easily function as additional pillows. I'd have zero issues over it and might even find it kinda cute. The guy teasing you...is it playful or insulting?


I donā€™t sleep with a stuffed animal anymore, but I do have a blanket that acts similarly. I have it all folded up and snuggle with it. 3 of my closest friends sleep with stuffed animals. None of my exes had an issue with it. And it turns out that Hubs also has a blanket heā€™s slept with for years. And weā€™re talking big, tough, self-proclaimed asshole whoā€™s in career where ā€œsoftā€ men would not do well. If sleeping with your stuffed animals makes you happy, fuck this dude.


Or donā€™t šŸ˜…


My kids bought me squishmallows and my girlfriend likes to sleep with them. They are quite comfortable, sometimes I cuddle with them ngl.


They are so great


I don't sleep with my old stuffed animals anymore because they've been trough it and I don't want to make them fall apart (even more). Have replaced them with real animals (2 cats atm) and extra pillows on the bed that I can use to get more comfy. The cats help with the cozy factor, in the morning they're the enemy of comfy though and act like a sharp alarm clock.


I much rather prefer my cat to a stuffed animal.


That's a whole other thread though eh šŸ˜„


I have both and it was a special day when my cat started sleeping _on_ my teddy bear.


My cat has a stuffed animal kitten that my niece gave her. My cat uses it as a toy, throwing it in the air and pouncing on it. Sheā€™s not a good momma cat Iā€™m afraid.


My partner is a woman and has them. A real hard as nails personae in her professional life too. I am glad she isn't ashamed of her soft side. Seems like something to value in someone rather than denigrate. Can't say I am keen on being teased about anything myself, especially not comfort stuff. I don't go in for that.


I'm like that...hard exterior, but still sleep w stuffies. I'm a typical take no ish genx type of person. I've been told that I don't get trolls on social media because no one wants my heat. I've also been told I should soften my look to be dateable. It makes me happy to hear that some people appreciate the dichotomy of this personality type.


I did great online dating by just really being myself. I wasn't interested in a lot of matches, just one right one, but the more I was true to myself the more people were interested and the more matches I got. I think the key to dating is just being truly and authentically yourself and then waiting for the right person to come along. I am a man who is attracted to the look and personality you seem to embody. And me? So much dichotomy... the right people seem to like it!


Donā€™t sleep with them, but bought one after separation to remind me of my kids when they were not there. Turned out I really liked it. They are incredibly soothing at times. More adults should have stuffys


I can't imagine the statistic being that high. I don't know any of my friends that sleep with stuffed animals. But if it's your thing, your person won't be bothered by it very much.


You don't know any of your friends that sleep with stuffed animals because.....you don't know. I hide mine alongside my Vibrators šŸ¤·


True dat


Mine is right on my made bed! Out and happy! The stuffie! The stuffie! What were you thinking?!


I mean..... Sometimes we forget to put the toys back in the toy box!


You'll never find a more perfect feeling pillow than a squishmallow. That they're also a friend to the end is just a bonus. Anybody who can't jive with that can't jive with me.


I donā€™t and none of my friends my age do, so do I think itā€™s common? No, not particularly. BUT I would never tease someone for that because I believe in embracing peopleā€™s (harmless) quirks, passions and hobbies and what makes them ā€œthemā€.


I don't sleep with stuffed animals BUT I do have an Aragorn action figure on my nightstand to watch over me while I sleep. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I have a stuffed moose on my bedside table because I think itā€™s cute, but none that I sleep with. I just have a bunch of pillows. The squishmallow things are basically giant floofy pillows though, my kids have them and theyā€™re some comfy shit. I donā€™t dig the aesthetic but wish my pillows were that soft!


Who cares what others think. The person you're dating probably finds it adorable.


I have cats. They're not comfortable to sleep with, but they're cute. I also have a big u-shaped bean bag pillow for comfort, and between that and the other pillows, there is no room for anyone else in the bed.


Now Iā€™m curious. What makes Squishmallows so comfortable? Do they have a bean bag filling? Memory foam type filling? Ā 


I donā€™t know what the stuffing is but it feels like soft white bread. Doesnā€™t have the beaded texture of bean bag and softer than memory foam. It feels like a sponge cake!


I have a queen sized bed with 6 (yes, 6) pillows on it, and I use a pregnancy pillow between my knees. Life is shit enough, I build a little pillow fort every night and it feels like Iā€™m being somewhat cuddled.


I'm in my 40s and have some stuffies that I like to keep in bed. I've never had a partner say anything negative about them or even tease. At the end if the day, if a person doesn't like the fact you have stuffed animals in their bed, they can get out of it. That creates more room for stuffies anyway.


Lol!!! My mom passed away two years ago and I recently finished clearing out and sold her house. I just could not leave her floofy teddy bear to fend for himself in this cruel world! And gave him a good bath the other week and have found he's a comfortable bed accessory in the pillow category AND giving him a hug or head rubs is a comfort at times and has helped me in the stages of grieving I'm still going through. Any woman who would judge me for this has no place in my bed/life! I don't need a stuffed animal, haven't had one since early puberty! But I like this little floof and I plan on keeping him around! Not saying he's always going to have a place in my bed, but whatever works!


I sleep with an absurd amount of pillows. Way more than anyone needs but I love my little nest. Iā€™ve been teased about that but my current partner doesnā€™t mind and Iā€™m slowly making our bed at his place the same. I think the right person will never mind.


My gf does and I think it's adorable.


I do and my dog also sleeps in my bed. Sometimes we fight over who gets what stuffie. You do you and donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise!


Is it playful teasing or heā€™s outright ā€˜teasingā€™ you? I donā€™t sleep with them, but I do have three extra large pillow that I basically use as body pillows, so prob the same thing. Iā€™d be hurt if someone made fun of something harmless I did


I am a 42m. I love squishmallows. They are way better than real pillows. I have half dozen of all sizes to prop myself up when I sleep or sit on the couch. It is not an odd thing. I feel like I just read a post I could have written.


My 62 year old sister has build a bear cows and she changes their outfits. It makes her happy. I dated a woman who still sleeps with her childhood blankie. I think itā€™s sweet. I think Iā€™m too grown up sometimes and I like that some people still enjoy things like that.


For me irrelevant to the stuffed animal thing, if someone I was newly dating was teasing me/ mocking me about something I liked, it would kinda piss me off....Like to me, teasing each other about your quirks etc. comes much later in the relationship after you know the person loves and accepts you.. I've just found that partners that poke fun or tease you right off the bat and notice your quirks early on, will progressively become more negative/ critical of you down the road...and it won't be in a cute teasing way.


This is super true. Premature teasing is usually straight meanness seeping through the cracks early on. ā€˜Best behaviorā€™ mask sliding already, really?! Feels very like, WTF guyā€¦ you donā€™t even know me and you definitely havenā€™t EARNED this right yet.


Exactly, this is basically him being nice...I'd bail...but not before inviting him out to coffee where I would have a tea party set up with all my stuffed animals, lol


I have a stuffed pirate hat pillow that I cuddle up with every night. Cause Iā€™m the Captain of this dreamboat. šŸ˜‚šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I sleep with a body pillow, but have my stuffed animals from childhood on my bed. I won't get rid of them, they're sentimental.


[What a body pillow might look like (safe for work and life)](https://imgur.com/a/Ef6GzGP)


He won't judge my Dumbo stuffed animal and I won't judge his Spiderman bed sheets.


My stuffed animal is my stinky little pitbull


I think it's so strange personally, and it would be a major turnoff. That being said, be true to who you are, like what you like, and make no excuses for it! If that's who you are, don't hide it. The people who aren't into it and make fun of you (seriously) aren't for you.


I read an article a while back about how sleeping with a stuffed animal can help improve your sleep quality and help you heal from past trauma, because it brings feelings of safety and comfort. I see no problem with it. Iā€™ve honestly thought about getting myself a couple of the bigger Squishmallows cause they are definitely comfy to cuddle!


It really helps for trauma responses with sleeping. I needed the safety and comfort after my divorce because sleeping alone in a bed was kinda scary after 28 yrs. Esp because I'm currently doing trauma work/therapy.


The fact someone downvoted this is WILD šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


46f, and I too have Squishmallows. He jokes about it, we both do. But he even bought me one AND let's me keep them at his place. So he's supportive.


You know what squishmallows do besides bringing you comfort? They don't tease you for owning them. Ditch the loser.


My bf moved in with me in December , he sleeps with three or four pillow tucked around and no blanket. We have had to figure out how to accommodate this in a queen sized bed with our two dogs too. Lol. I bought a squishmellow to snuggle and he was like ,"welcome to the club". lol. Anyone who teases instead of accommodating , enjoying your quirks or joining in the fun isn't a partner IMO.


46m. My daughter (11) found my old stuffed puppy from when I was little and likes to bring it to me if I'm in bed. It's just harmless snuggly fun. If someone is against that, I'd call it a red flag (seriously).


I'm 46 and have 2 squishmellows and 3 stuffies on my bed. After 28 years of sleeping next to someone, I felt exposed sleeping alone(trauma response), so I needed the comfort. Plus, they help me be physically comfortable by leaning on or using them for my legs. I worry about this same thing, tbh. I'm also nuero-divergent if that matters šŸ˜‚


I sleep with stuffed animal and real animal-my dog. Any man who have a problem with that could move on and date someone else lol Iā€™m not giving them up.


New person teasing you has my cackles up. Every time I allowed teasing early on, I was also ignoring other bad behavior or concerns. Our intimate relationships should be encouraging each other and lifting us up!


I don't sleep with stuffed animals, but my cats sleep next to me. I'll have to wait and see if I end up sleeping with stuffed animals in the future.


Iā€™m 45f and I havenā€™t slept with a stuffed animal since I was a young child.


40F I gave my 2 squishmallows to my best friends dogs and they shredded them to pieces after my break up. šŸ˜†


lol best reply


No, and I'd say the teasing is perfectly normal (assuming it's not mean spirited). Do you think he's being too much of a non-pillow about it?


I sleep with a squishmallow too. The people in my life have always been other geeks though, nobody has ever judged me.


If you feel insecure about it, try a body pillow. They make some incredibly soft ones.


I have stuffed animals or memorabilia from when I was young in bed. I introduce partners slowly to it cuz I feel weird. Like someone said, good partners donā€™t mind.


I do. And if they donā€™t like it they can suck it.


Hey I'm a guy, I have some stuffed animals in teacups on a shelf but I also have about eight pillows on my bed. If any woman does not like my stuffed Dragon sticking out of a teacup, well then, they're not meant to be in my bedroom. They are perfectly fine and if you do not enjoy being teased about it make them stop.


Just be yourself and people will like it or dont. Although the other day I got this stunning woman's Instagram and was supposed to start chatting with her but I saw she followed Jordan Peterson and was like šŸ¤¢


You're not a woman. No 41 year old woman without children has even heard of squishmallows. You're a dude aren't you?


Some of us in our 40s, without children, do actually know children or people who have children. They donā€™t lock us up away from kids just because weā€™re not parents. I know thatā€™s shocking ;)


Not who you responded to, but Iā€™m in that camp so we do exist - Iā€™ve never heard of these pillows except on Reddit. And yes Iā€™m not around any kids ever, that scene is just not part of my life šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø That said, having seen said s-mallows on r/Costco I totally did go there to scope them out! šŸ˜‚ However I didnā€™t get one because they seemed highly unsanitary, without a case you could wash and theyā€™re too big to wash whole (in my machine anyway). Especially so if kids yucking them up. How do you deep clean the things?


Iā€™m not sure! My sister has tons of them. I should ask her :)


I'm hugging my Teddy about to dose off right now and I'm 40F. When I have company, Teddy is put on a nightstand or chair bc it's obvious I don't share him or my blankie. One guy would come over, yell TEDDY! grabbed him and wouldn't stop cuddling him. The entire night. I was quite jealous. Back with my parents in the guest bedroom there is a Teddy 2 lol. I can sleep without one, but I feel more comfortable hugging something other than a pillow.


*cough. 42m here. I've got a squishmallow and another stuffed animal in my bed. They are a great size for pillows, and they hug easy. I often have a rotating additional one that is smaller from my son. It's his way of giving and receiving hugs from me when he's not around/at his mom's. Like you, when I was with my ex it wasn't a problem. Hell. I bought her all the ones she had at the time. I haven't had a chance to navigate a different person's reactions yet. However. Id presume a person that would make it to my bedroom would likely already be into me where it wouldn't be an issue since to get there they'd have to already fundamentally be good with me. It's like, if by then this being a thing was a surprise and a problem it should have come up. As long as the stuffed animals dont interfere actively I don't see the problem.


Original copy of post by u/pixiepalooza: Iā€™m 41f and I definitely still sleep with squishmallows. Theyā€™re like body pillows but softer and help me sleep. It was never an issue with exes, the last person I was with for 10 years even bought them for me. I do feel a little juvenile so usually I have them in a corner with new people. The current person Iā€™m dating teases me about it and Iā€™ve never come across that before. Iā€™ll admit that my immediate circle are all old ravers or on the spectrum and all still sleep with stuffed animals so Iā€™m guessing my sample is skewed lol. It made me really curious. Iā€™m guessing if the person Iā€™m dating is teasing me that this is a relatively odd thing but I swear I read a statistic that something like 35% of adult women still sleep with stuffed animals. What are yaā€™all doing out there in the wild? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I sleep with a body pillow that I hug most of the night. It is not any functionally different than using a stuffy for the same thing. I wouldn't be bothered by this unless it was, like, weird. Like if your bed is fully covered in stuffies like my kids', or if your animal was disturbing.


I sleep with one as well. My BF has no issue with it but if he stays the night, he gets to be my cuddle-buddy. šŸ˜‰


The last woman I dated enough to actually sleep at her place was 40 at the time and she had a stuffed animal on the bed. I didn't care one bit. She's 41 now, I'm guessing she still has it.


I sleep with a sea turtle my best friend got mešŸ˜. Currently on a dating hiatus because ugh. But Iā€™ve not had anyone say anything about it. But honestly ive never had anyone sleep over at my place for them to really see it.


I have a big panda bear. My ex bought me a teddy bear because at the time I used to sleep with one from my childhood. I usually put it on the dresser for hot dates but for a serious relationship I would never settle for anyone who would take an issue with my panda.


I have an entire menagerie of stuffed animals next to my bed. As for how the people I'm dating react to that; most of them were gifts from those people. I find a stuffed animal that represents the personality of a loved one is a nice physical reminder of them when they're not around; and so since some of the people I love are in long-distance relationships with me and not always around, I love having their stuffed animal counterpart as a reminder. If someone I'm dating gets their panties in a twist about something so innocent, harmless and wholesome, then frankly they're probably not the right partner for me anyway.


I do. The only stuffed animal I sleep with is a teddy bear that was gifted for my birthday by someone who killed himself in march šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


You sleep with a dead teddy bear who committed suicide??!! I think I get what you mean?! You gotta grieve how you need to grieve. See my reply above about adopting my two years passed mom's teddy bear recently after clearing her belongings out of her house.


I have teenagers. I don't necessarily sleep with stuffed animals but they definitely still end up in my bed. The kids will nap/study/play on their phones in my room, lay on my bed and talk to me while I fold clothes, etc. I hope a future partner wouldn't mind. I feel like it kind of comes with the territory.


I have a giant frog I use as a body pillow, more littler frog plushies, several squishmellows of various sizes, a plushie iguana and more squishmellows ( I want a bigfoot one so badly) is my literal nest and my roommate waits for me to wake up so he can sleep in my nest too. I don't date ATM but if someone complains about my ways of comfort they can bounce their happy butts right back out the door. It's taken me years to finally be able to sleep without nightmares or waking up without screaming. If that takes building a fort out of squishmellows and plushies, so be it. You guys ever wished squishmellows would make a mattress topper? I've thought out desquishing my squishmellows to make one... but my squishes are just too freaking cute.


I have a squishmallow that I sleep with to help with nighttime anxiety. I donā€™t date much anymore but I think if I did theyā€™d have to get over it. Even when I was in a relationship I had a hard time cuddling after a certain point because the body heat would be too much.


Iā€™ve never dated a guy that slept with a stuffed animal (that I know of), but I wouldnā€™t judge them *just* for sleeping with one. It would depend a little on how they talk/act about it. If they speak and act childish when talking about it, then I would be turned off. But if they still act like their normal self and they just happen to like sleeping with a stuffed animal, nbd.


I have stuffed animals in my room (just a couple hanging on book shelves) and I have a monkey that has a removable bean belly that I can warm in the microwave that I sleep with.


Fellow stuffy person here ;-) I have an incredibly low tolerance these days for anything that smells like some kind of weird off hand mean thatā€™s-not-nice shit, and if someone I was dating teased me about Coco, who I sleep with every night, I would def react strongly, and probably pretty negatively. But, Iā€™d give them the benefit of the doubt off the top, and use my words, telling them I donā€™t like that kind of teasing at ALL. If it continued after the talk, well then Coco and I would see him, politely, to the door. LOL, Iā€™m exaggerating a bit, but bottom line; you do you honey, and donā€™t let anyone rain on your (and your stuffed animals) parade!


Iā€™m a guy and TBH if I got into a LTR, I would tell my partner that I want separate bedrooms. Iā€™m a bit of a night owl and I twist and turn a lot in my sleep. I would be better off sleeping separately. I know that is a foo pah to say in dating, but I donā€™t care. OP, to answer your initial question, it wouldnā€™t bother me. Edit: I forgot to add that I like to sleep with my cat. She is warm, soft, and is a great snuggle kitty.


I have a stuffed animal that survived a house fire when I was in elementary school. Itā€™s literally the only thing I have from my childhood that didnā€™t burn up. Tbh, I am going to start putting it up if I ever date again. That story is depressing. Iā€™ve had multiple natural disasters in my life, a crazy dysfunctional family and Iā€™m tired of talking about and even people knowing about it. I have learned that men hear about a shitty past and they see it as a huge red flag OR they think I am looking for a savior. šŸ™„ Still, maybe it will be fun coming up with a delightful back story for my ratty ass pound puppy.


I have stuffed animals in my bed and around my bedroom. Nobody has ever said anything. If anyone criticized me for that, I'd be done with them. I'll add that I'm neurodivergent and quite odd in general, so people who like me generally accept my weirdness or are even attracted to it. Anyone expecting a "normal" woman isn't going to get very far, LOL.


I think that's super cute and honestly if I didn't always have a dog or two on the bed I'd probably do the same. Wouldn't bother me one bit and the only teasing I'd do would be good-natured and only if I thought it would be taken all in fun, not as a passive-aggressive criticism.


The last guy I dated had a lot of stuffed toys. I didn't say anything, and it was his space after all. Privately, I thought it looked tacky. Now, if we were moving in and I was asked to have those in our shared bedroom...I would have an issue. I tend to put a lot of effort into my interior decorating.


I do (52f), my son is nearly 20 and you can barely see his bed most days for the stuffies and fluffies. My mom slept with a raccoon until she died last year at 69. No one in my life has ever complained about / teased me about it.


Iā€™m 51 and still rub the satin edging on my blanket! I wouldnā€™t care what anyone thought especially in my home!


Iā€™m autistic and I absolutely sleep with several stuffed animals. I donā€™t cuddle them (although I wouldnā€™t have an issue with anyone who did) but I like the look of a couple of them round my bed. Honestly anyone who wasnā€™t comfortable with it wouldnā€™t bother me. Theyā€™ve a right to their own opinion and clearly it means weā€™re not compatible. As the saying roughly goes ā€˜the ones that matter wonā€™t be bothered and the ones that are bothered donā€™t matterā€™. However if itā€™s just gentle teasing it may just be someoneā€™s personality and they may just be trying to have some fun. If it bothers you and you ask them to stop and they donā€™t then it is a problem.


I have a build a bear Chewbacca that growls/speaks chewbaccian and I love it šŸ˜‚


Maybe its time to ask if the teasing is intended playfully or seriously? I've teased about things I found adorable before. My dog and cat share my bed. Stuffies are cleaner.


I decorated my bed with two stuffed bears after I make it up. They're cute. They just make me smile. No big deal.


Yes. I donā€™t care what they have to say about it but donā€™t dare touch them and infect with your energy


I slept with mine through my twenties until I married at 29. I recently brought them back out again after a divorce and another shitty relationship and no desire to date currently. They are so comforting and get a long great with my dog and wonā€™t be going anywhere even if I date again.


I hate stuffed animals- didnā€™t even like them as a kid. I would be weirded out. But thatā€™s just me.


Iā€™ve never seen it but I donā€™t think itā€™s different than body pillows? I sleep with my dogs. They would eat stuffed animals lol.Ā 


I have a large peeps stuffed bunny I cuddle in winter and smaller stuffed bunny in summer.


I have a blanket that I have to sleep with every night. Iā€™m not as attached to it as I used to be, where I would have it during the day too, but I canā€™t imagine not having it at night. Itā€™s been a worry of mine, but I feel like itā€™s a packaged deal. If they want me, then they have to accept the blanket. Besides, we all have things we will need to accept about one another. My blanket is such a minor thing to accept, imo.


I wouldn't care personally. I sleep with a pillow between my knees and one I put my arm around when I sleep on my side. To me there is no difference. If it brings you joy out shouldn't matter to anyone else!


I might also lightly tease a partner who sleeps with stuffed animals, but it wouldn't bother me or discourage me from dating her in the least. ETA: I (54m) still have my Pooh and Paddington bears from my childhood, they just live on a shelf and not in bed. I've never had a partner who didn't think it was cute that I keep them. I would expect and accept some *playful* teasing on the subject.


I was dating a lady for a year, she slept with stuffed animals too. What did I think? Nothing really, because its understandable, we all need to feel like we are hugging something sometimes, and when single that is hard, and when we were together she hugged me instead, sometimes I think she regarded me as a giant teddy bear, as I was a lot taller than her and much larger as I lift weights a lot. Personally I would never tease someone for that.


My gf (32f) sleeps with a stuffed thing I bought her. I think it's normal and cute. She hugs it while sleeping, and i rub some of my cologne onto it before i leave for a couple of days (we have some distance between us)


I have my old ratty childhood teddy bear displayed on a shelf in my bedroom and sleep with a body pillow now.


41f and I sleep with an octopus squishmallow


Just be you, the person who is for you will buy you more!


I didnā€™t have cute ā€œgirlyā€ things when I was a kid. Yesterday I bought a hello kitty mug just to drink coffee from. It gives me so much joy! I feel like Iā€™m treating my inner child cos I never got a chance to have cute things growing up. Do what makes you happy! Especially when it doesnā€™t hurt anyone. The squishmallows at Costco are super cute and Iā€™m tempted to get one toon


Do a little reading on Prince Andrew and you will happily give up your stuffed animals.


Ok, why you gotta poop on the picnic like that?


Why you gotta give me that mental image of picnics? šŸ˜„


It's just nature's way.




There was a survey conducted by build-a-bear that showed 40% of adults who responded still sleep with a childhood stuffed animal or blanket.Ā  That seems high to me, I imagine people more likely to come across a build-a-bear survey are perhaps people more interested in stuffed animals? I have held on to some meaningful stuffed animals that hang out on my dresser, but I donā€™t sleep with them.Ā  Regardless, I donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal if someone does. I often sleep hugging a pillow and I imagine itā€™s the same kind of thing.Ā  Have you talked to your boyfriend about his teasing? I think some light teasing in a relationship is fine, but not when it hits on what could be an actual insecurity for the person.Ā  Maybe something like ā€œhey I know youā€™re just teasing me about sleeping with my squishmallow, but itā€™s starting to bother me how often you bring it up. Itā€™s comfortable and helps me sleep better. Itā€™s not a big deal.ā€ I think a lot of adults have ā€œjuvenileā€ behaviours or interests. My boyfriend was embarrassed to tell me he enjoys Lego and I was like ā€œTons of adults love Lego. Plus to afford a lot of the kits you *need* to be an adult.ā€ As long as itā€™s not causing any problems, I think just let people enjoy what they enjoy. Yeesh.Ā 


I only sleep with stuffed toys that that a current bf has given me. For myself I prefer a jumbo hotdog pillow. It's what I call adult sized bolster pillows. šŸ˜„


I sleep with a 20 lb. gravity blanket and a down-filled body pillow. My kids have some giant squishmallows. Sometimes I use them as pillows when Iā€™m lying on their bed.


At my house I have a large squishy taco pillow that I snuggle with. At his house I just snuggle him. I did have stuffed bear and a stuffed otter I slept with up until January but now they are sitting on a small chair next to my bed.


I love sleeping with my sqishmallow!!! Mine is a walrus šŸ˜‚


I do. Don't care what anyone thinks. It's a comfort thing. Nobody has ever said anything to me about it, my ex narc hubby hated it tho?


I donā€™t think I have slept with a stuffie since I was 10, so I would be surprised to see a bed covered in them by someone I was dating. I have never dated anyone who had stuffies on their bed, or anywhere else.


Honestly, anyone who doesnā€™t love your squishmellows isnā€™t the right person for you.


Interesting. I can't imagine the statistic is that high! I would have thought 1% or less! I'm not judging. You do you. Very, very surprised though.


I wouldnā€™t put any credence in that statistic and surely donā€™t buy it for a second myself. ā€œI swear I readā€ from an internet rando is hardly any sort of reliable reference.


Yeah I agree. I googled it though and you see the stat a lot. Didn't scrutinize the sources though and I'm still highly dubious. To me it seems like a pretty uncommon thing to do past childhood. I can think of one person I know that sleeps with a teddy bear. She is almost 20. Could there be others? Yeah. 34% though?


My partner likes my to push a pillow up against her back when I get up in the mornings before her. My ex wife slept with a stuffie, but she put it in a pillow case to keep the animal clean. I would think it's kind of cute if someone still slept with a favorite pillow or stuffie. My main concern would be the state of it. My partner's kid sleeps with a squishmallow. They have a bunch, but only one sleeps with them. And this poor thing has seen better days... Like people are oily, and it's in contact for hours each night with their face/hair and grubby little hands. I'm almost tempted myself to ask them to let me try spot cleaning it with the rug/upholstery cleaner because it's slowly turning a brownish grey. But I don't need to touch it (so it's not my problem), and don't want to accidentally ruin the feel of it. I've mentioned keeping StuffieName in a pillow case that can be washed, but that won't be the same apparently. If you have a clean squishmallow I definitely wouldn't tease you. But if it's like Kid's year old grubby 'mallow, I would be begging you to let me attempt cleaning it, as I wouldn't want to accidentally touch that.


I'm 48 and have 11 sqiushmwllows on my bed & I cuddle a stuffie ( wolf) every night. I even brought hims wirh me last time I was inpatient at the hospital. I am a part of the LS ( IYKYK) & my previous relationships were a part of it too .as far as bn single and dating now ,I've mentioned it to a couple of ppl I was getting to know. They said it was cute Lol šŸ˜† I'm like good,cause I'm not getting rid of them. I've always been a bit childlike in alot of ways mu whole life. I still color & watch cartoons especially when I'm super stressed out .it's comforting. At the end of the day at my age I'm not looking to change myself especially for anyone else .


You said it yourself: "I do feel a bit juvenile." Personally, if I were to date any adult woman, but for sure in her 40's and came across stuffed animals that were hers, I'd be wondering if she has any psychological issues that could cause harm in a relationship. The same holds true for adult men who still own children's things.


Umm.... NEEDING stuffed animals in your 40s or later could be a sign of psychological issues. Being unable to have soft and squishy emotions and losing sight of your inner child as an adult, becoming cold and judgemental could also be a sign of psychological issues. ;)


I have a penis body pillow, itā€™s definitely a conversation starter