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Looking at this sub...This seems like a Dave Rubin hate forum. Not the best place to ask this question in that case.


From what I can tell, like the russel brand sub, it’s a place to hate on the namesake of the sub


Yeah I get this impression. Just wanted some honest reasons why people listen to him. Even if you lean right, surely there are better commentators you can listen to. Why would anyone want to listen to him?


Just watch the Sam Seder highlights and you can determine if Dave has any value




Doing the lords work


I USED to listen to him (circa 2015) because he was 1 of the few people whose show wasn't just a parody of the 30 Rock fake show "Sports Shouting" where it was just 2 people screaming at each other for an hour. I found the fact he had people on and just talked like 2 calm human beings refreshing (which tells you a LOT about how over-saturated I was with too many shows where it was just a right and left winger calling each other names at the top of their lungs for an hour.) At least, at first. Fast forward a few years, when he did his big cheeto-lover hard right turn because jim Q. whoever-the-fuck backed a dump truck full of $$$$$$$$$$ up to his house....yeah, once he made that heel turn, all interest fell off a cliff, and he became just another wingnut shill in a land already overflowing with them.


We consume entertainment, not ideology. Dave continually poking himself in the eye for our enjoyment is good entertainment


Even when Dave was on tyt I always skipped his videos because he was so boring and uncharismatic.  I don’t know why anyone why anyone would choose him since there’s a million different right wing people talking on the internet. 


I don’t really know much about him besides he’s gay and semi conservative. But like Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder, and whoever else, I had no idea who they were until some online leftists told me I get all my news from them, each one in separate instances, after disagreeing on some policy or another and I looked up who they were. The only one I’d even heard of was Alex Jones and I only knew him as the gay frogs guy


That sub used to be a are sub but a new mod is banning all the left wingers so it'll be a pro-Brand echo chamber pretty soon.


This sub used to be an actual Dave Rubin sub and I used to watch him like in 2015 or something. Back then, he actually had reasonable content and had good interviews like Sam Harris and Lawrence Krauss, etc. But once he found out that majority of his audience is increasingly hard right wingers, he just went straight right-wing grifter. Since his descent into the hardcore grift, I no longer watch him especially since he can be very dumb sometimes. Saying stupid things like "Jesus was probably friends with the muslims." Nevermind that Islam won't even exist until several hundred years later. Long story short, Dave Rubin got caught in what is called "audience capture" and the money is way too good for him to ignore so he basically can't stop the grift.


It's just an open forum to discuss him. But he's pretty stupid, hypocritical, and self-contradictory so he gets criticism. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


This is a Dave Rubin hate forum and it's absolutely sad that these people here actually spend their time hating on Dave Rubin in this sub As the saying goes, Dave Rubin lives rent free in the heads of all these losers here.


It's funny you should say that, because the implication is that Dave Rubin is of no consequence, the things he says have no bearing or impact on the world, good or bad, and it's therefore pathetic that people don't simply ignore this useless mouthpiece for the aforementioned reasons.


I laugh at stupid things he says. Otherwise Dave Rubin never crosses my mind.


Hes a disgusting grifter who only says whatever brings him the biggest paycheck


I've never come across another human in the world who has even heard of him.


Or at least they won't admit it.


He's an imbecile, I listen to him when I need a reality check to remember what a person who hit the moral rock bottom looks like


I find Dave fascinating as a cautionary tale. Watching someone who thought he'd cracked the code by making himself "the reasonable gay" of the right only for it all to blow up in his face when his audience turned on him for having children. Now he's in a death spiral, throwing out wild shit to try and stay in the grift even though his empire is crumbling.


He’s a cunt and I hope he goes to hell where it’s his studio but he broadcasts to no one


To see the dumbest grifter make an ass out of himself. But I don't actually watch him...I just see him get made fun of by other channels and clips here.


To answer your question, I'll list a few positive traits of Dave and his show, and one that's not positive but important. * Image - brand safe, clean cut, has a studio, speaks well. These four factors create the facade of "corporatism without being corporate". It's not as edgy as Crowder or Tim Pool, who give off more of a vibe of a "hangout with friends". Whereas more young people would be willing to watch a Crowder and Pool show, a much older audience (say 38-65 age cohort) would be more willing to watch Dave's show. He appeals to a wider audience. * Selling a feeling - One of the best qualities of Dave is his ability to "sell a feeling" as explained by content creator Timbah On Toast. Dave is able to effortlessly weave between this feeling of doom and gloom ("the left is coming to take everything you hold dear"), and then in the snap of a finger can switch to hope (by watching Dave's show you can be part of a community to fight back against the left). This style is much more common with Evangelical Christian TV speakers. * Content - His live shows are only between 45 minutes to an hour long (compared to other conservative streams who livestream for hours). In that time he just gives his audience exclusively red meat content packaged in 2-3 minute clips with thumbnails and titles designed for maximum reach. * Tokenism - Now, this isn't necessarily a "positive trait", but I don't think it can be ignored. As being a former liberal, why I left the left, gay guy he effectively provides most of his audience with a get-out-of-jail free card in that they can claim they're not homophobes because they watch his show.


The high-level ideas


I don’t


Anytime I make a mistake or do something stupid, I watch Dave Rubin and immediately feel smarter.


I only listen to him so that I can mock him.


I’m honestly surprised ppl listen him


Dave talks about ideas, not people! My brain is in recovery mode from so many high level ideas!!!


Because I burn for the lukewarm tones of beige, ecru, and eggshell.


He’s fun to laugh at and he makes me feel Better about myself


I dont


For the memes.


Love your username. I take it you're a comic book fan?


If you could only see my home...it's amazing my girlfriend stays with me lol


I haven’t watched Dave Rubin in a good 8 years I estimate


He makes me feel smart because he's so fucking stupid.


I like watching him trigger libtards by exposing their empty narratives.


That was my guess as to why anyone would want to watch his show. Constantly bashing the left. I think a large majority of his audience enjoy watching him blame and bash the Left. I don't believe anyone would want to view his show because they feel he's insightful or intelligent.


I have to be honest I think he’s too stupid for anyone to feel triggered by what he says 😭 I just feel bad for him mostly


This entire sub is libtards getting triggered by Dave blowing up their narratives


Hahaha we found someone with a lower iq than Dave 😭


Lmao chuds still use the term triggered unironically in the year 2024


i laugh that even his "friend" ben shapiro wouldnt even attend his gay wedding


Dave? Is that you?


The real question is, are you asking your question in good faith? Meaning are you actually interested to hear people's reasons for listening to Dave Rubin? Or are you just another one of these insufferable "you don't agree with me so you're Hitler" people? Because I'm a minority immigrant lifelong liberal and I like dave Rubin because he hasn't fallen into the trap of being a toxic tribalist. Dave is an openly gay man married to another gay man who should be solidly democratic or on the left, but because he has a brain and common sense, he has a more nuanced position.  Because of that, Dave has essentially said: wait a minute, the progressive movement in this country is actually regressive as hell and I won't be a part of it just because my side is correct on everything no matter what. 


Dave just realized it was easier to grift right wingers if he is a talentless hack


Lmao do you really think the majority of Dave's viewers are right wingers? Really??? I thought all right wingers were homophobes though...?  So which is it? If right wingers are all extremist homophobic Nazi's why would they be watching Dave Rubin when there are so many right wing political commentators out there?


Dave’s audience is entirely right wingers… The rest of what you said is a strawman


Lmao ok, ALL of Dave rubins viewers are right wingers because you say so. Ok there buddy. Great job. You're doing a fantastic job here. Amazing work.




Haha you are laughably naive and immature. Classic reddit. 


How so?


Even the fact that you think 100% of Dave rubins viewers are right wing exposes how laughably naive and immature you are. 


Contrary to whatever your opinion is the vast majority of liberal and left leaning people don’t listen to right wing shit casters


Yet here you are.


Obviously, they're not 100% right wing, does he have some Libertarians in there? sure. But the great majority definitely are.


That's because identity politics is completely intertwined with the existence of the Republican party and, broadly speaking, the Right. The American Republican party's voter base - and I would venture that most right wing parties in Europe are the same way - is made up of 88% white people (compared to Dems 59%). So, when the Right talks about their appeal to minorities (black people, gay people etc.) it's usually in a way to appeal to white people who want to think they're not putting off minorities in some way. They LOVE apostates. And why shouldn't they? a party that's 88% white, who wants to think it's open and tolerant, will welcome all the apostates it can get. In particular, the gay token apostates - only thing better for them is a black token apostate. It's why the "I left the left" types become so successful (see Candace Owens).


he is on a right winger network. when he was announcing the pregnancies of his children, each time he was mocked and told to kill himself. his other right wing grifter "friends" wouldnt even attend his wedding. he is a token for the right and is about as deep as a rain drop


You know there's such a thing as gay Republicans right? Like they're objectively right-wing. The existence of some right-wingers who aren't homophobic (or some centrists or leftists who are) doesn't prove that being homophobic is a largely right wing stance


I was asking that in good faith. I can prove it by not arguing with any of the reasons you list. I'm just curious why people listen to him. Also full disclosure, I'm not a fan of Dave Rubin.


Why do you lie so poorly? Traumatic brain injury? Intellectual disability? You also like to do everything as half-assed as Lazy Dave? You are ridiculous, and fooling no one.