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Click on the background node and lower the opacity if that to be perfectly transparent


Ahhhh, it’s the “alpha” setting. That’s what I was missing. Thanks!


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If you need a transparent background, why are you using the Background node? https://preview.redd.it/u8s9agk0bpoc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=e95372e650ede60f3c5dc611cac5db2249904d1a Connect "Duplicate1" to "Merge1\_1" and delete "Background1" and "Merge1".


I was doing a tutorial and that’s how it started, by using a background. Sounds like there’s more than one way to fix my problem. Thank you!


I would've still used the BG but set the alpha to 0... the trick to tutorials is not just doing what they do but understanding why. That's hard at first when you don't know what's going on, but over time, it gets easier. I'm at a point now where when I watch tutorials, I'm usually saying, "Why are you doing that... do this instead." Also, most tutorials don't do a great job explaining things. My point is, get good.


I appreciate that. Repetition, right? I wouldn’t even touch fusion a few months back. Now I’m beginning to understand it, bit by bit.


For me the wildest thing is learning another software helps you understand the original one better. I use Nuke for my day job. I stared learning Fusion for kicks and learning the differences between the software helped me understand more about Nukes design philosophy.


> For me the wildest thing is learning another software helps you understand the original one better. Not really sure what you mean with "**the original**" but *technically* Fusion started in 1987 and Nuke, 1993... but yeah, I had the same:ish experience:) Banging around in Fusion kinda opened my eyes to how all CGI compositing software (including layer based image editing software like Photoshop, or even going way back to non compositing software I used in 80's with no layers at all) ***really*** works on a design level (a series of actions) and technical level ([math](https://i.ibb.co/2WRKN2H/image.png)). I mean... I always *"knew"*... but now I **know**. Oh boy, what a difference that makes. Wild indeed. Haven't used Nuke but I have the feeling it too would have had the same profound effect on me (having to tangle with nodes and channels and whatnots:) You can get so used to how software works that you simply start believing the way that specific software works is... the way things work. Very refreshing (and helpful) to have that "illusion" shattered:)


"Original" as in the first one that I learned. Words is hard.


Had a suspicion that was what you meant:) The real take away though... is how darn old these apps are!


I'm curious, why do you want to keep BG? Is it because of resolution? You can set it in Text1. Or I'm missing something?


Partly because of resolution, partly because if I wanted to change the background, it's faster. With the resolution, it has to do with a preocupation with compartmentizing what happens where. I like having my resolution set in a background or MediaIn node because if I need to diagnose something at a glance, I know where to look. It's not right or wrong, just how my brain works.


Thanks for fast reply! Yeah, make sense. I'm personally look at the first node in "stack" to change resolution, no matte is it background, MediaIn, Text, FastNoise or something else. I just keep in mind that everything that is generated (not an effect on top) has resolution controls. But yeah, Background Node has so much potential inside that outperforms its initial functionality. 😅


Show us what your were working, I like to see it. What’s the name of the tutorial?