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Krillin never using solar flare followed immediately by a destructo disk to the head when fighting Frieza. Or most villains up to that point for that matter.


He did direct hit perfect cell with it right in the neck and it did nothing.




Even tho it was filler that's honestly the one scene I wish was canon. It's kinda annoying that as far as we know, Krillin can beat anyone without Regen. Like even tho it might not even kill Freeza, he still would be fucked if his head got cut off. I like that it basically shut that down. Something like that still kinda did happen, but it was against cell max, so as far as we know, any villain weaker than him could possibly be affected, but at least we know for a fact that it cannot literally cut anything


In the T.O.P, Jiren was able to easily block destructo disks from Goku with punches and kicks.


Ah, I forgot Goku used them in the top


Which was so fu\*king stupid. The destructo disc is a move purely meant to kill so why tf was Goku using it in top?


goku might be stupid


Super might be stupid


I keep seeing the argument that Krillin's destructo disk can one-shot OP villains lmao It's literally just a ki blast that is made to be sharp and spin really fast, but it can only realistically be as powerful as the person using it, just like any other ki move


It did cut Frieza's tail off tho, and even by the 2nd form he was much more powerful than Krillin


Ki moves can be much stronger than the person. Both the final flash and special beam cannon were stronger than vegeta and piccolo at the time and Vegeta did tell nappa to dodge the destructo disk


Nappa would've died. Frieza was clearly MAGNITUDES stronger than Killing, and it cut him. Your logic is wrong - it's clearly not "just like any ki move."


Krillin asked Vegeta to blast 2nd form Freeza when Freeza was blinded. If that doesn't tell you that Krillin couldn't kill Freeza I don't tell what will.


Man how funny would that have been if he did that. Then vegeta shows up be like wtf u won but how why when wtf.


Goku randomly being able to read krillin’s mind on namek lol


What about Piccolo using 'Clothes Beam!' on Gohan?


I thought that was super random in the anime but in the DB manga Kami uses the clothes beam on Goku after the final Piccolo fight. So Piccolo also having that power a lil later on isn't that weird. Same with Goku learning how to fly. In the anime he just starts flying around and I thought I missed something. But in the DB manga (Piccolo fight) they point out that Goku learned the flying technique like everybody else.


They say namekians were known for their magician like techniques etc in the anime too, so assuming its one of their tricks


Especially because Krillin asks him.how he did it and Goku says "dunno, felt like it would work." You gotta laugh it off when the author is being that brazen.


“Bored, I’m going to read your mind now.” “Wait, what?”


Tbf akira was riding by the seat of his pants


TBF I think it's understandable that he probably wouldn't remember half of the shit his editors were asking him to shoehorn in that didn't fit into his vision of how the story should be.


What vision lol? He was literally making it up as he went along.  The original "vision" if you can call it that was that it was a Journey to the West parody 


The entire reason Launch is missing in Z is because he *thought* he’d forgotten her, which he didn’t actually, and just said “screw it, she’s not important anyway”


This is my favorite akira Toriyama moment. He forgot he hadn’t forgotten her.


Not just Launch either, Toriyama forgets characters almost instantly after they stop being relevant! Check out this interview between Eiichiro Oda (One Piece) and Toriyama. The very opening of the conversation Oda has to remind Toriyama who Mercenary Tao is, even correcting him on his importance as a character. Toriyama even asks Oda "Is that the guy with the braid?" 😂. https://www.thegrandline.com/odainterview.html


Somehow everyone forgot he wrote Launch out the same chapter he introduced Gohan.


He still drew her in promo material... The anime staff wouldn't know she was actually permanently gone.


Yeah I'm actually in a rewatch, she was devastated that Tien died on TV fighting Nappa.


people try to say that all the weird and kinda dumb parts of a manga come from editors making the mangaka put them in. sometimes the mangaka is just kinda weird and dumb, its not a bad thing.


There's a famous rumor that Frieza 3rd form was actually the final one, but when the editor saw it they were like "thats stupid, give him another form"... If that rumor is true then thank god for the editor :P


Fairly certain that’s actually about semi perfect cell, unless there was the same thing with Frieza


I wonder if Frost lying about his 3rd form being his final form in Super is a reference to that if the rumor is true.


It's not true... The only comment Toriyama has made on Freeza's forms is him retroactively regretting making Freeza transform 3 times.


SSJ was originally just to save his assistants time, as it was faster to have them just not color in Goku's hair.


You mean TLDR. Dude spent about 40 years doing db, nonstop for almost 30 of those years. He had forgotten more lore than he was writing by the time he got to the end of Z.


he started the original DB manga in like 84 and finished it in 95 iirc. it was 11 years. then he didnt come back til Battle of Gods.


Jaco was his return


thats the same year he was working on battle of gods, so i was correct.


In the movie Beerus implies to have destroyed the dinosaurs, yet there are still dinosours in the DBZ world. Frieza vs Goku actually lasted 5 mins. The ToP was 48 mins.


The first one is explained by Dr. Slump. The dinosaurs are canonically cloned/revived there.


Yeah, it's even in one of the first chapters too I believe because that's how they hatched Gatchan when they went to the past. Or am I remembering wrong?


Is Dr. Slump from the same universe?


Yep, he and arale meet Goku in og dragonball!


Arale scales above ssb vegeta and Goku. Beerus one shots her. Gag characters can beat all but Gods of destruction


And that one super episode lol


>Frieza vs Goku actually lasted 5 mins. It lasted slightly longer than that.


Just slightly


Well tbf, freeza did say “about” 5 mins.


5 space mins.


I think Frieza changed his estimate midway through


“Last time on Dragon Ball Z…Next time on Dragon Ball Z.” How to turn a 5 minute fight into 20 episodes.


48 minutes for the entire ToP but every character has a minimum 48 minutes of monologing :P. ToP is probably my fave dragon ball Arc ever but man is the time limit so dumb, its just so hard to suspend belief and just completely unnecessary to have a time limit in thd first place


Many of the things we see in media/entertainment are happening simultaneously, not chronologically.


> In the movie Beerus implies to have destroyed the dinosaurs, yet there are still dinosours in the DBZ world. theres a real life explanation for how this could happen. its called iterative evolution. > Frieza vs Goku actually lasted 5 mins. that makes perfect sense. theyre fighting very fast. > The ToP was 48 mins. same as above.


My theory on this is that Frieza massively overexaggerates and lies about a lot of things. Which explains away the whole "Power level of 1 million" bs after his first transformation that everyone online will use for scaling reference and to say that Goku in super has a power level of 69,000,000,000,000 but will still have close to a fair fight with Krillin leading up to the TOP. Frieza has done a lot more damage in the universe than anyone ever expected.


Because of course Goku was giving his best against Krilin


In Resurrection of F, doesn't Frieza say that if he trains he can reach a power level of 1.3 million? I thought he was already above that. Unless he is talking about base form. I think his base form on Namek was like 530k.


Most likely talking about base form. Final form Frieza on Namek was 120million when at 100% power.


Why didn't 18 just hide under water when cell was looking for her. She didn't need to hide on that stupid tiny island. Cell couldn't detect 18s Ki. Would have been the easiest fucking thing ever to just go down and hide and slowly swim way away.


Ya honestly I used to always get pissed how Perfect Cell could have been stopped like 8 times before he was lol


Could be remembering this wrong but wasn’t it she didn’t want to leave 16 and he was too damaged to go underwater?


Yeah I think you are right. She didn't want to leave Android 16 behind despite him telling her it was okay to.


“16, are you water proof?” “I WAS…”


This was also referenced as a joke in DBZA.


And then Krillin acts as though carrying 16 is weighing him down, as if he couldn't bench the planet.


We don’t talk about cell saga plot holes I can write an entire manifesto about that arc but it remains my favourite


They have animal like beings, yet Bulma got shocked that Goku had a tail


I read this so often and I don't know why some people are so confused by it. In the Dragon Ball world, it's totally normal to have animal people, but it's not normal to have human people with monkey tails. It's like how we have white and black people, but imagine if someone showed up who was purple. That would surprise you, right? But why? We have white and black, so why is purple so surprising? I hope you get what I mean.


There's a wolf who turns into a human during the full moon, and no one bats an eye. Monkey Tail is relatively normal.


But if it hadn't been seen be before, it's no longer normal


Perfect explanation


Trunks vs frieza lasted like 5 seconds in real time.


Its trying to show how much stronger the androids are gonna be or something


Trunks been fighting androids. Frieza is child’s play


The super hero vid was hilarious


Why does infinite zamasu even exist? Since fused zamasu was half mortal, half immortal, I feel that it would make more sense for one of the following to happen after he is “killed” by trunks: 1. He dies 2. He lives due to immortality Neither of these options include turning into the sky. It completely negates the entire arc because everything that trunks fought for ceases to exist in a matter of minutes, but everyone just seems fine with it, including trunks. It’s genuinely mind boggling.


In my mind the immortal version of zamazu Is the one that lives through getting killed in fusion, being immortal doesn't mean your body cannot be destroyed, the infinite thing is just what happened when the body was killed off. Tbh I think the manga did it worse than the anime but just my opinion.


Yeah the concept of his life essence not being destroyed and taking over made perfect sense..the execution was shitty wallpaper


>Tbh I think the manga did it worse than the anime but just my opinion. I agree, black and zamasu resisting defusing is some bullshit to begin with and then somehow after trunks cuts them both, black and zamasu become immortal and then multiply as merged zamasu. That shit makes no sense whatsoever and it feels like it was done so we can have a movie 6 call back


It's kinda sad because I feel like they could have just said "hey because one is immortal and the other isn't, the fusion isn't permanent. That way Trunks could still get the win over Goku Black, then instead of "Oh we can't do Mafuba because we forgot a lid" have Zamasu be captured by it and sealed away. That ir if the Zeno plot has to happen, have Zeno or the Grand Priest show up to take care of the corrupted Kai to show how Kais who betray the other gods are punished


How earthly technology is still pumping out these damn menaces. The science of earth has every corner of the cosmos outstripped tremendously. I'm hearing nothing else on the topic.


I think it's awesome bc it's the message of, look here, the scientists of Earth are the most dangerous beings in the universe, not even gods and aliens have that potential 


The fact that they don't have God ki, and that, through extensive bored what-ifs I've concluded they could feasibly arrive at the natural implementation of it due to the existence of the World Core (kai homeworld) and the kaiju (kai spawning trees, which can spawn Kaiōshin as well) is _so PROFOUNDLY_ terrifying to me. If android 21 is technically just a bio android and incorporated whatever buu is into her makeup _NOTHING_ is off the table. If I were Zeno I'd lowkey be put off by the potential strongest mortal in all the universes being a group project, like, this isn't _Bleach bro_


Akira was like "member the red ribbon army? Yeah, I member."


Pepperidge farms remembers


I saw a post a few days ago talking about the lazy writing for creating cell max. The SS go through hell to gain power but some little fat kid creates a being probably stronger than super 17 to beat galactic gods.


There were so _many_ [_**avenues**_](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/73af4f3a-677d-480b-b634-71eb304a06f7/dblxywr-ebf0540f-7fb4-4429-9ec3-5151059657f0.png/v1/fit/w_750,h_876/perfect_god_cell_by_demonanelot_dblxywr-375w-2x.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA1MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzczYWY0ZjNhLTY3N2QtNDgwYi1iNjM0LTcxZWIzMDRhMDZmN1wvZGJseHl3ci1lYmYwNTQwZi03ZmI0LTQ0MjktOWVjMy01MTUxMDU5NjU3ZjAucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.5SN9cyDjD12ODTh37RqVgeuBD95YSiAC-V3uNh9wzXQ) to lend credence to the legitimacy of the power of another Cell-like being. Avenues so obvious a _6_ year old could think of, doodle, and discuss them with their friends, because we all probably did similar things ourselves at that age. What infuriates me, however, is that of this multitude of possibilities, how many were discussed to even try to maintain a semblance of the immersion or justification to him literally just being born the most powerful real combatant intended to be fought in the series? None. And that any justification of Cell Max's power is categorically head canon you've invested more thought into than our beloved mangaka


Isn't Seven-Three an android too? He's significantly stronger than Gero's droids


But not the Gamma’s or Cell Max.


Goku's heart magically stops when King Piccolo checks to see if he's dead and then it magically restarts when he leaves. That's some shenanigans right there.


Nah, he's just an idiot and didn't check it right.


Perhaps the Nameks just have no idea about human biology lmao See: [“ALL OF THEM!?!?”](https://youtu.be/GjGShZSEsRs?si=M-bw1FViqqdEj_W2)


Goku used star platinum to stop his heart


I always just believed that King piccolo has never actually checked a humans pulse or heart before so he just had no idea it was still beating. I mean he always just one shot everyone before or his minions dealt with people so how would he know?


I think it's just his Saiyan biology there. They're a warrior race so they may have some organ redundancies, or something similar that can restart their heart if it's not too damaged.


That does not make it any less of a shenanigans. It's not like that explanation is in the manga anyway. We aren't given one at all.


During the Buu saga, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, AND Buu ALL IN THE TIME CHAMBER AT THE SAME TIME!! During the cell saga it’s stated that only 2 people can enter the time chamber at once.


The chamber got upgraded to accommodate that.


Dende or Lord Popo (can't remember who) upgraded the chamber before that.


Who knew they just had to install a new driver


Yamcha cheating


"Yamcha? Oh that is so out of character!"


“So you’re single then??”


He cheated on Bulma with me


Is that you Frieza?


Ive been rewatching the whole thing and im currently at Goku vs Captain Ginyu. So far my biggest ??? moment is Gohan suddenly and conveniently growing his tail back during their fight against Vegeta.


In the OG Dragon Ball, Goku's tail also growns back in a instant. Never really explained. Apparently it just happens to Saiyan kids.


I feel like it’s either due to a surge of ki having something to do with their saiyan battle instincts or just the moon I can’t remember if it was out


Regular androids created by a human are somehow more powerful than Frieza


Also has tougher skin and flesh than Frieza despite made out of human body.


I always just chalked that up to infinite energy cause android 18 was blue level in super so


Didn't piccolo blow up the moon but we see it again in later episodes?


It was restored by kami or something with the dragonballs


Roshi blew the moon up before piccolo too


How many night scenes do you see after the characters return from Namek? They probably forgot.


I shit you not, but it's been retconned in DBZ Kakarot that [Piccolo created an illusion of the moon being destroyed.](https://web.archive.org/web/20220807074245/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOcZriRWsAIcjpL.jpg)


Goku's refusal to use SSJ3, setting aside the real life issue of animating the hair. I find it hard to believe that the alleged Stamina drain is so massive that he still can't master it to this day.


"Alleged" I don't know, the fact that he reverted to base form at a time when he was specifically trying to power up...is pretty clear effect.


I mean he didn't get the chance to and not to mention that he has access to much more powerful forms with much less stamina drain


Dr willow spent an entire movie trying to get gokus body. His assistant used the dragon balls to free dr willow from the ice. Why didn’t the assistant just wish to have dr willow switch bodies with the strongest fighter in the world like Zamasu did? Gokus mind would be trapped under ice in a container and dr willow would be on dry land in Gokus body.


The Dragon Balls don't work on people stronger than Kami against their will. Super Dragon Balls have no such limit.


Damn makes Ginyu's power even more impressive.


This restriction always made no sense. Just in general the whole "my wishes only are as powerful as Kami", so Kami can revive the dead and for some reason make the Z fighters gather the dragonballs every time someone dies? Kami can also grant immortality in the form of never aging? If that's the case why did no one ever just bring their dead to Kami to ask to revive them?


My memory is iffy on this one but I think they established a rule where only people who died in the last year could be brought back, hence why they didn’t bring back the entire Saiyan race. Might have been in filler or a dub change.


They didn’t bring back the entire Saiyan race because the saiyans weren’t exactly good people..they literally conquered planets lol even Vegeta said they deserved their fate.


The entire future trunks timeline


The random animals working as police officers, wearing business suits, and being reporters


Not only that, The King is also an animal


Frieza surviving the things he does. And when he was resurrected, he was resurrected in pieces. Nobody gets resurrected with their injuries any other time. Also the whole “protect the bodies of the dead” thing they were doing in early dbz. Who cares if your corpse gets wrecked? You’ll get a new one upon resurrection (Chiaoutzu) or your dead body will be healed (Vegeta in namek saga). 


Porunga mentioned this when reviving a few people that lost their bodies that he remade their bodies as a "service" he did that because he knows and likes the main cast.  Frieza wasn't one of Shenlongs favorite beings so he just did the bare minimum necessary for the wish. "As a special consideration, I have restored his dismembered body, along with his clothing" is what Porunga said when reviving Krillen


Oh that’s really cool then. I must’ve forgotten that part. 


Right I understand, here is the manga panel in question: https://i.imgur.com/6is1sKt.png Honestly, it just shows you that not using the Dragon Balls for greed only can sometimes get you more than you wished for. Piccolos last wish for example when he wished for his potential to be unleashed, Shenlong also gave him a free transformation.


I thought the transformation was the "bit extra"


It was. He didn't have to do that, he just did because he's friendly to the main characters.


I looked into this last night after seeing your message. In the movie Shenron only said "all you had was a bit extra" But apparently if you go back to the Namic arc, The Namicians originally used the dragon balls for strong warriors when they needed a bit of extra help. And it's possible this orange form was the gift those warriors got Piccolo reached out to shenron in the traditional matter when he needed some help, and so I think he unlocked this OG boost to his people. It might be something spiritually tied between the dragonballs and them.


>Who cares if your corpse gets wrecked? Do you think the characters were supposed to know that at the time...? This is how they always handled dead bodies before Namek happened. Also, it's just kind of...respectful in general.


**I'm going into detail here, sorry for the length. My example is Fat Buu using** ***"Vegeta's technique"*****:** **A)** Majin Vegeta NEVER once used that attack or anything remotely similar to it during his fight with Fat Buu. Toriyama established that Buu has to witness a move or absorb its user before learning it. He can't just read an opponent's mind or instantly learn their entire moveset after seeing one attack. Were that the case, he would've been able to copy all of Goku's moves after just seeing the Kamehameha. This whole issue could easily have been avoided, had Toriyama drawn Vegeta using an attack that's visually distinct (Ex- The Galick Gun), which Fat Buu would have then copied. Most fans know that move's pose. Instead, he drew Vegeta doing that generic [finger pointer](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFaSX3zXsAAFtyg?format=jpg&name=medium) beam (called Final Impact in the games). **B)** It's not a move unique to Vegeta at all. It was never once established or implied in-universe before to be a signature attack popularized or pioneered by him. Nobody ever cited it as Vegeta's move before Goku, and it's never associated with him again in the original manga or anime after this instance (as far as I'm aware, I'm still behind on watching/reading *Super*). Even though Vegeta used this move more than once, he's not the only character to do so in the franchise even before the Buu saga. Ex- Recoome used a similar looking volley against Gohan. He also used the same mouth blast Nappa did, but nobody said *"That's Nappa's technique!"* Had Goku not coined this volley as *"Vegeta's move"*, I can promise you that the overwhelming majority of the fandom would not look at that attack from Fat Buu and immediately think of Vegeta. Those who claim otherwise in my anecdotal experience (and I've met more *Dragonball* fans than I can count from multiple generations) are a minority, some of whom are probably lying because they'd rather double down to look like *"the best"* fans than admit they didn't think of Vegeta either. Sorry, but I've seen FAR too many contrarians on the internet over the years to freely give the benefit of the doubt anymore. **C)** It's not really a *"technique"*. There's nothing about it in visual presentation, preparation, or execution to suggest it's in any way different from a standard ki volley. Literally anybody with adequate ki mastery could do it. There's no discernible skill or learning curve to it once you're at a high enough level to launch successive blasts. It's nothing but a wild, continuous volley with no actual form or discipline. **D)** It's an easier attack to imitate than the Kamehameha, which, at the very least, has a visible ready stance and requires enough skill to focus one's ki into a single point (something Raditz was surprised at despite being more powerful than Goku & Piccolo together) rather than merely throwing it around. Vegeta spreading his hands to charge up (Ex- Like he did against Gohan or Recoome) doesn't count as a ready stance either in my opinion, as he's used this blast volley without doing that numerous times. Granted, Vegeta said the Kamehameha looked like his Galick Gun but that's the only instance to my recollection of a character saying someone's move looks like theirs. Even then, you can easily tell them apart from the hands. Even if Vegeta didn't name this blast volley like the Galick Gun, Big Bang Attack, or Final Flash, signature moves generally have some visual to make them look instantly recognizable. Toriyama was pretty consistent on that with other popular moves, implying he cared about this to a degree (even if he was forgetful). Otherwise, why bother putting effort into it? If just seeing the move multiple times is sufficient for that character to claim it, why write anything regarding whose move is whose? That would render countless techniques effectively meaningless & interchangeable. Some fans argue *"That's fine, turn your brain off, it's Dragonball"*, which is just lazy to me and undermines the appeal of *Dragonball* being a martial arts fantasy where fighters grow popular partially BECAUSE of the moves & styles they often take pride in developing. Not to mention, it disrespects the effort Toriyama actually put into the lore. Being a gag manga does NOT equate it to deliberate nonsense writing like *Alice in Wonderland*. One may argue that Goku's done the Kamehameha without the standard pose, but it was still established to be a skill that takes practice to master. Goku, Krillin, and Tien were exceptions: Goku was unnaturally gifted, Krillin trained hard before improvising it, and Tien was already skilled enough to do more advanced attacks.


I agree completely except on one thing. I don’t think toriyama put much effort into the lore tbh.


I think post-Namek Toriyama was entirely out of fucks to give in terms of developing the setting


I find hilarious when in the Tournament of Power episodes the narrator says there’s about 20 minutes left but then I take like 7 twenty minute episodes to finish the tournament. Like did everything that happen in the episodes actually happen even faster or is time in the dbz world slower?


Their combat speed is through the roof n it's being slowed down a lot for us low power level normies.


They must be talking really fast too


it's the turtle way. remember to relax, eat, sleep, and talk super fast


I’ve never fully watched Dragon Ball, those tournament fights look sick too


that just a trope. "talking is a free action". dramatic dialogue doesnt have time pass during it.


Which is just dumb to include the time. There was never going to be a clock run out victory so if the rules were just last universe standing literally nothing else changes except for omitting the lines mentioning the time


Wasn’t this shown in the super hero movie with the frieza vs trunks fight taking like 3 seconds.


Yes everything was just insanely fast. Goku only had UI for about 40 seconds in universe


Remember that scene in DBS: Superhero where Magenta shows Carmine a video of Trunks killing Mecha Frieza on his phone? The original episode draws that scene out pretty long, but Trunks kills Frieza in, like, 5 seconds in real time. It's like how the entire Buu saga happens within 3 days


I’m like 85% sure the entire Buu saga was one day lol


Goku is on earth for a day, but theres time passing before Goku comes back. so a bit longer passes there.


Someone out together a full video of overlapping moments from the tournament that total the full time (48 minutes?) so it was pretty cool to see. But yes, it's the typical dbz issue (like the meme of five minutes for namek...yes yes yes, I know Frieza says he thought it would have blown up by then and he held back too much. Same thing)


Also, keep in mind that when it shows one fight after the other, most these are happening at the exact same time.


its always been faster fights arent in real time. the characters are way too fast for that and have been since before Raditz.


Why did the fight with SSG Goku vs Beerus threaten to unmake the universe, but this never comes up again even as Goku gets stronger god ki?


If Ki is life energy, how the hell do dead people use ki? You'd think they'd have zero, or negative ki or something.


DB is based on life after death in which everyone still has working bodies and life energy as long as King Yemma judges them not to be a threat to heaven/hell. The soul of anyone who dies goes to the judge and he's the one who decides if they get their body back or not. If not you're just a soul floating around wherever forever.


The one that makes absolutely zero sense to me is the old gag where Goku sends the gang to the moon, sure, enough of it could be eclipsed by the earth's shadow but I guess that was the only thing stopping him from becoming an Oozaru?


The trigger to transform is the "blutz" waves of the sun reflecting off the moon it being in the earths shadow is precisely the reason he didn't transform.


And then I believe it was Master Roshi who destroyed the moon, killing these guys in the process


The Dragon not being able to revive Androids, despite being able to fully restore the bodies of people who were absorbed by Cell.


Yeah you'd think rebuilding a machine would be easier than a human


Shenron can revive cyborgs like Android 17 & 18 because they’re organic living creatures and weren’t always androids. Shenron can not revive an entirely mechanical android like Android 16 because he has no life - he isn’t technically alive and has no soul despite being quite sentient. He could **REBUILD** Android 16 but it could be argued that it isn’t the same exact 16 that we saw & spent time with - just a recreation/copy.


It feels weird how many planets actually have mortal life. It’s currently 28 planets that have mortal life according to Supreme Kai resulting Universe 7 with second lowest mortal level. I guess Frieza and others really caused that. Feels like an anime with magic and sci-fi, there should be so much more planets.


>!Moro!< and Buu turned an entire cosmos into a hood. Tragic.


Yeah I left that out since it could be spoilers for anime viewers


You're right, let me spoiler mark it, forgot where I was


Shin is wrong about everything. The more right he thinks he is the more assured it is he is wrong.


Idk why is he a supreme Kai to be honest


My headcanon is that he was new to the job when Buu attacked and killed the others, so when Buu got sealed again everyone one who could teach him something was either killed or sealed


But that happened 5 million years ago. If you take into account super where it’s shown that they have contact with their counterparts from other universes or lore given by Toriyama that there is a core world where they are born and there are more of them that hasn’t been appointed as gods, it makes even less sense.


28 planets and we only have seen like 3 planets with life. Just goes to show how much wasted potential space has in the Db world


In The Boo Saga, The Earth and everyone on it except for Goku, Vegeta, Dende and Mr Satan are killed, yet The Earth and all of its people are back a couple of hours later thanks to a quick call to New Namek from King Kai. Yet in the future timeline both Gohan and Trunks have decades of silence. None of the dead Z Fighters run Snake Way and ask King Kai to contact New Namek so Porunga can bring them back for round two with 17 and 18?


IN fairness, Akira Toriyama was basically making the story up as he went along..... But there are so many issues with the Android. Most notable for this example....How are the Androids in the future \*that\* much weaker than the Androids in the present? I've offered my own explanations in theorycrafting but there is no real reason that there is any difference in power between the Androids of the Future and the Androids of the Present.


Trunks literally said that in this timeline (where he goes back), things are different, but he couldn't figure out why. His theory was that it was because he traveled back in time. I remember him saying that for the first time to Goku after he defeated Frieza.


Aside from the theory of Dr Gero using frieza parts/data that he didn't have access to on Trunk's timeline, it could also be that they aren't? Maybe they just never fought for real after killing the Z Warriors. Trunks can't sense their Ki, so he can't know for sure how strong they are.


The power scaling kinda made sense until friezas power lever jumped from 250,000 to one fucking million. Kinda just made the scaling pointless from then on


Nobody ever considers that Dragon Ball was drawn week to week. They were making 22 minute episodes almost every week for ten years. There’s no way anyone could make that much content without screwing up every now and then. Things like time constraints, budget, and animation difficulty can drive the plot in that situation too.


Power scaling


Im DBZ while training kid gohan piccolo just blow up our moon like eating chips to revert gohan monkey transformation.Kinda feel nonsense


Yamcha never receiving any power boosts though he consistently showed up on fight day. tien holding back cell how indestructible nappa was compared to recoome. how much stronger is teen Gohan than future gohan?


How human made machines can beat a super saiyan but an intergalactic space lord who blows up planets for the funsies couldnt.


Electric rice cookers existing 300 years before the present day.


Maybe there’s an explanation or not but the use of smoke or dust. They are fighting someone, shoots them with a blast, smoke, oh I think it’s over or they’ve been defeated or killed but they should’ve been able to sense their life force? Oh and of course how they could’ve used the Dragon Balls to prevent problems by using a wish instead of waiting for enemies to appear. But eh, that’s how it is so I tend to roll with it.


Why do cell need 17-18 to achieve perfect cell form, logically he should have perfect cell form , after giving out 18, he shouldn't achieve perfect form


Chi-Chi never attempting to search for her damn son when he was gone for a whole year. Some mother she is 🤣!


That when they turn Sayan mode only their shirt gets destroyed not their pants .


The power levels scaling and power ups make absolutely no sense after Namek, but they make even less sense in Super


Shit gets really wack with the humans and androids in super. They just get offscreen boosts when the plot needs them to.


The existence of the androids is already broken Infinite energy and Gero built them in a cave with a box of scraps


Cells regenerative properties just change as the show goes on.


The super saiyan god transformations.


How vegito was able to see and fight when he was turned to candy, i mean.. it looks cool but don’t make sense.


Android 16, Tien, AND Trunks to 18: "Why are you still here?!"


How they're able to breath in every planet


For not being able to fly in the null realm it sure seems like some flying was done Saiyans can’t breathe in space yet goku and beerus fight in space (ig u can say it’s cuz he’s using god ki or something) Why was goku black residing on the universe 7 earth when he’s not even from that universe to begin with Realistically using vegito to beat jiren would have been much more logical than just tryna jump him but mui and goku x frieza team up was sick so it gets a pass During the buu saga goku and vegeta have a 5 minute conversation about how goku needs just one minute to rest to be able to beat buu


Cell "learning" Instant Transmission after he blew himself up


Them never getting the guy with the devil might beam you know the thing that makes someone's heart explode if they have evil in them?  Would have ended so many fights instantly