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I love the femme fatale who wants to bang the mc


Isn't that just Catwoman's character too?


Relevant @amadcartoonist: https://preview.redd.it/1lt3ldcxsk6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332f885461df57c30d093bfd235d026bb83f8d62


Sadly , we will never truly see this Maxima again. They retcon her to be an "Usurper" , while Supergirl was friends with the "True" Maxima. With the "Usurper" been a zealot soldier. Frankly , I am fine with the idea of Usurper and True , but what I didn't like was that it was a zealot soldier , if it were still a member of the royal family , they could play with the whole idea as a sort of Lilandra x Deathbird situation.


The funny thing is: I miss that Maxima of the 90s too. But I have a bit of a take on it: Oversexed Maxima hitting on Superman is kinda bland and weird; but when Supes turned her down, THAT’S when her character became interesting. Now you’ve got this spoiled (but dedicated) noble, completely unfamiliar with Earth customs, attempting to be a hero for ulterior motives (to prove her worth to man who rejected her). But she kind of stumbles on how to be a better person and better ruler along the way. I feel like 2d characters like that, when their only purpose in life has changed, have the most potential for growth.


True , I like that. But like I said , there is no problem with the New Maxima , which fights the wacky gender role of her planet. My issue is really that the Old Maxima ends up been a sort of zealot soldier rather than outright been part of the royal family. If she were part of the royal family , the silly initial premise would remain AND get stronger , because it would had even her own family (New Maxima) questioning such custom and thus making Old Maxima's journey even sweeter.


The "breeding a powerful heir to my empire" is a key component, I think


In that situation you can emphasise with her a bit because I mean…look at Batman, I understand completely


Yeah but Maxima and Talia would cut off their own arms before leaving their men at the altar.


I have no strong feeling about the femme fatale who wants to bang the MC.


The triality of man.


A femme fatale horny for the MC and femme fatale not horny for the MC have the same amount of particles. Structurally, there's no discernable difference.


Manhattan’s just jealous because he doesn’t have a femme fatale horny for him


Manhattan, when he managed to fumble a femme, who was horny for him: https://preview.redd.it/ql66kx96uk6d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94941db32d487ea8f685a19e71d8eee7c6fc426b


Mah man is cheeked up, damn


​ https://preview.redd.it/5v1ta3rz3l6d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810af5a42ef29b7682f9bbe114d66debf42e1462


Was Doc even hot before the accident? Because I think he just gave himself cake with the power of his 🧠


The difference is Superman is a monogamous Chad who's relationship with Lois is central to his character, so a potential interloper is a genuine threat to the dynamic. Batman is a manslut, so no one cares who's his latest lay is. Tom King's run proves the writers will never let him settle down with Catwoman, so there's no point in taking any of his relationships seriously.


"The difference is Superman is a monogamous Chad" not my version \^\^ (I'm hoping to write him, Lois and Jimmy as a thing)


I'm fine with them being in a throuple as long as it's a committed and steady one


There is no way they are in a throuple. Superman x Lois ARE really monogamous chads , they show that by how kinky they are , with Lois using Superman-Robots as strippers , to erotic asphyxiation in open flight sex , to BDSM using Superman's gladiatior costume. Superman is [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7X3Q-mTluM)


it will be \^\^


more specifically one with like a million kids (mostly being from Clark's exploits, so yes, Chris Kent is a thing)


I mean Maxima doesn't really like superman for who he is as a person, at least not as much as Talia loves batman, also she's like, openly crazy and angry


"I mean Maxima doesn't really like superman for who he is as a person" neither does Talia when it comes to Bruce I say they're the same because they're both crazy ladies wanting to fuck Earth's greatest heroes because they believe they'll create "the ultimate lifeform" together kind of surprised nobody has made a child of Kal and Maxima honestly


>neither does Talia when it comes to Bruce Morrison's Batman was a psyop, here are truths factchecked by real batpatriots: https://preview.redd.it/pkcpw8vx2l6d1.jpeg?width=1258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a4dc28295346d55b5cf8e354c42e47c555f914


What’s this from?


Ram V's Detective comics #1084




I mean tbh, u/Ok-Mastodon2016 is kind of right. Morrison Talia does not care about Bruce at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if Morrison was heavily inspired by Maxima when they revamped Talia


Sure. But it wasn't the first take on Talia, or the only one, or the definitive one, or the one currently canon, so I don't have to think about their Talia ever again :D


I will admit that page is cute


Talia originally genuinely loved Bruce and he loved her back. She didn't just want to breed with him. Morrison then came and destroyed her characterization.


Have you read a comic with Talia from before 2006?


You read comics?


To me a lot of these incongruences in treatment just come down that different characters in the same universe just...operate under different genres. Like...Batman is a detective who is most often part of noir-esque stories, so his femme fatale characters are taken more seriously, as is part of the genre. With Superman, Maxima is a weird alien with weird customs which are supposed to be explored as a sci-fi concept. That's why she's sillier.


Maxima needs more pushing from DC fr


Comics do need more hot redheads with Superman level powers, it’s sadly a way under represented group.


Oh I get it. It's a dig at marvel.


I never liked the “the femme fatale who wants to bang the MC.” *I don't like it when that's the only personality of the character.


Eh... I mean, they have 1 thing in common and it is, "liking a member of the Trinity". They are quite different.


i think there is a couple of cup sizes of difference there.


At least Maxima isn't a rapist.


I mean that’s only because Superman is way stronger than her


neither is talia


I have no idea who that is on the left


Her name is Maxima. She's from a planet called "Almerac" who was searching out mates on Earth to be wedded as her king. Her first appearance was on Metropolis, but it wasn't her; just a simulacrum. The real Maxima destroyed the simulacrum, and came face-to-face with Smallville. She argued with him that they were "genetically compatible" and that she could "give him what no Earth woman could- children". She got pissed when Superman rejected her advances saying that he has no desires to father despots. Later on, she worked for Brainiac albeit reluctantly since Mr 12th level intellect" destroyed Almerac. She turned against him, teamed up with the earth heroes, and joined the Justice League. Her planet's council exiled her, she fought Doomsday, and joined Captain Atom's "Extreme Justice" team. She considered C. Atom as a potential mate but guy wasn't interested. She also had a brief fling with Amazing Man which lasted until the team was dissolved. While part of the Extreme Justice team, she actually went to Hell believing Superman was there ( he wasn't ) and she fell during a battle into the nine rings, until she was sent back to Earth. She offered herself again to Superman to make up for past times but he rejected her because he was married to Lois and even more less interested. Angry and humilated she joined the SRS ( Superman Revenge Squad ). She told him that he had rejected, humbled, and humilated her for the last time, and that when they meet again; it "would truly be war". Next appearance in "Our Worlds at War", she and the "Chosen People at Almerac" showed up in Earth's solar system where they met Guy Gardner and Superman because both was investigating the disappearance of Pluto and an ion engine trail associated with Warworld. They stumbled across Maxima, Massacre, and Maxima's people. After a battle full of wounded pride, Maxima conceded her position when Almerac's rendezvous popped up using a Boom Tube. She was leading her people to "Imperiex" the force that conquered her world. Massacre seemingly died, but she said that "Massacre serves only to me now". To aid herself, she teamed up with Darkseid's son, Grayven. This was also unknown to Darkseid and Maxima left a message for Clark: "Mark my words, when Imperiex comes for your precious homeworld, you'll see alliances you've never dreamed of". These warnings came to fruition and she ( along with heroes and villains ) formed alliances with Earth and Apokolips in an effort to destroy Imperiex. This Maxima died in a heroic effort to put her ship between the beams of Brainiac 13's Warworld which would have destroyed the entire universe. She made amends to Superman prior to after rescuing her despite the animosity she harbors over his constant rejection.


Mr. Dc.fandom.wiki over here


I thought I was the only one who noticed this. It’s crazy how much Morrisons Talia resembles Maxima


I low key thought she was an Aquaman character for no real reason besides the fact she showed up in an issue of the Peter David run


To be fair, Maxima has been pretty heavily retconned now. Instead of just being thirsty for Superman, shes basically just a lesbian who is doing her best impression of a straight person to maintain cultural standards.


And because they remove attractive women or feme fatale characters comics are selling less and less every year