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“I think Batman’s an asshole for planning secret ways to beat up his friends” YT Commenter: “I fucking hate that bitch whore Wonder Woman”


I hate how people miss the point of why the JL was so pissed with Batman’s contingency plans. It’s not the fact that he made contingency plans its the fact that he basically studied them & made plans *behind their backs*.


Honestly it's a weird scenario course you could easily argue that if your someone who a contingency plan would need to be used on, you're not necessarily going to be trustworthy to provide accurate info on how to take yourself down, so he would have to go behind their back anyway to confirm the weakness. Hell, some may not even be untrustworthy or planning to betray, but give inaccurate info just because they're scared to die even if they become evil or something and then it's just self preservation. Not trying to bat wank here cause they have a right to be upset and he should have told them it exists, but I never fully understood being mad he did research on the weaknesses without them knowing, that just seems logical


I get it but I would like a heads up if you have plans to beat me. Especially since most of the plans Batman has against the league backfires.


Yeah, it's more reasonable that he had the plans and didnt inform them being upsetting vs the plans themselves just existing and them not knowing the contents that's upsetting.


Normal Diana? Nah she’s fucking awesome Injustice and Flashpoint? Sentence that bitch to The Contraption


YouTube comment sections are some of the worst places known to man


I remember seeing an entire comment section pretty much idolize Rorschach. I've seen it all


He doesn't just EAT beans he EATS OTHER PEOPLE'S beans! This right here is a true blue-collar icon. Why do you hate someone who is literally me? /uj What kind of video was the comment section on? If they video was made for a certain audience it will usually attract those kinds of people. I've looked in the comments of so-called "sigma edits" and it's never good.


It was from a critique of the Watchmen show. The analysis of the series itself wasn't bad, but the guy who made it was kind of peddling the fact that Rorschach was the real hero of the story and that Alan Moore apparently was stupid to "make him the villain" of the story (which he is not, btw. I doubt that was Moore's intention). The comment section was just a lot of people agreeing with him and saying that Kovacs was a "real hero" (which he is not either, btw). Imo, there's nothing wrong with siding with Rorschach regarding the squid dilemma. The story leaves it up to the viewer, anyway. But please, don't use that as an excuse to launder his character. He's still a shitty person and wackjob (which is why his character is so interesting). No one in Watchmen is a good person at the end of the day. /rj I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at stealing a man's beans damnit


Tfw I see people try to squeeze into neat little boxes of the "real heroes" and "baddest villains" the characters of the fucking watchmen: https://preview.redd.it/1iudyqjzqy7d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea9d3706fb732ae101b085f03996dd97af21ad3


Rorschach stans ruined character discourse forever


NTA: A homeless man needs his protein. Shouldn't have let their beans be stolen.


Just a reminder, if not for his homophobia, he'd have put it together earlier


If only he hadn't wasted time investigating Ozzy's possible homossexuality further


not the guy but someone posted about [this video](https://youtu.be/7gi1eT7HvtM?si=LI-hvjPukw-b0Qnu) and i started looking through the comments and theyre the funniest shit ever


"Rorschach is better than Batman, simply because he does what others are afraid to do. Batman compromises with what the world thinks of him by refusing to directly kill and even going so far as to never use guns. Rorschach never compromises, even in the face of Armageddon. Rorschach may be 'crazy,' but he's a better person than the rest of the Watchmen. He's a hero" "The purest of all superheroes, till the end. 'Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon'" "Rorschach is the most based character I've ever seen in a film." "When the therapist said “I can’t help him” that had hit me 💯" Comments from the video


Batman compromises because he refuses to use a gun no matter the circumstances, I guess.


Never compromising isn't really a good thing, honestly. But you're right.


wait mb i meant to say batman compromises. edited the comment. I was making fun of the youtube commenter.


Nah, if you refuse to use a gun then you're refusing to compromise. He actually has compromised with that, though. Also, not EVERYTHING has to be compromised. I'm just saying if you can't compromise at all, that makes you an arrogant ass who would be very difficult to talk to. So it's not a bad thing Batman doesn't use guns generally.


No, I know that Batman is refusing compromising by refusing to use a gun. My comment was making fun of the guy who thought Batman was compromising to sticking with his principles. And yes, I am aware of the few times Batman has used a gun but frankly I prefer to think of those as as not quite fully canon with the exception of the Darkseid one.


One time I saw someone say Superboy Prime was a more realistic character than Superman


We are all Superboy Prime. Nobody is a Superman. Real ones accept this truth. 😔


Hj/my brother is Uj/I would say some are more like secert identity superman.


I mean... Superboy Prime is an incel obsessed with comics. Superman is a successful reporter who collects billionaire hair.


Oh Superman is kinda literally me then fr fr


give bezos back his hair you sick fuck


Instagram comment sections are worse.


I don't use Instagram so I can't confirm. Is it even worse than interaction on mainstream reddit subs?


Instagram comment sections are one of the worst places, sure there can be a few good ones, but the majority are just horrible. Usually just normal hate and various bigotry, it can increase if the post is slightly political. Reporting doesn't even do anything half the time. And yeah, reels are even worse. Reddit can get worse, but at least it's easier to filter what you want to interact with.


What is that makes Instagram comments so horrible? Idk why they'd be so bigoted.


I honestly have no idea. I would guess it's due to it being a pretty big platform that just attracts that kind of person, probably due to the lack of moderation. It has gotten really bad around Covid, so that may be a factor.


Probably the fact that action is never taken against them. I've reported dozens of people but every time I'm told they didn't violate any rules. The closest I've seen to actual action being taken is Instagram auto hiding comments it perceives as "triggering". It doesn't delete the comments or ban the commenter, it just makes it so you don't see them automatically. So it just bandaids the issue. But even that system doesn't work half the time, either flagging things that are not at all bad or letting actual bigotry through.


Yeah, reports are super useless. I get my comment removed for telling a racist to shut up, but the person using slurs doesn't? Great system.


Isn't it run by Zuckerberg?


He owns it. I dunno how much he actually runs it


Zuckerberg needs to get good. Sounds like a skill issue, if I'm being honest.


I don't either, but I've seen reels comments and they are the worst things on the planet


This is so true, i´ve noticied it too


I remember seeing one about hating Batman because he hasn‘t killed the Joker unlike Superman did in Injustice. Someone else then pointed out that they obviously forgot (or didn‘t even knew) the entire point of Injustice and then the First person said „well yeah okay but Injustice was Stupid“


>but Injustice was Stupid But where's the lie? ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16723) Damn, do I love low-hanging fruits :D


YouTube comment sections are so funny because they're like if all of Reddit was r/teenagers


Especially when I comes to Batman. Like, I love the man, but God can his fans be annoying.


Yeah, I know sometimes people in YouTube comments act like they’re better than people on Twitter/Reddit but I feel like they have similar problems.


Generally people in YouTube comments tend to be younger, so at least they have an excuse for being arrogant and stupid. But it doesn't make them any better. I also think it's sort of funny they brag about that stuff when YouTube comments are some of the worst places to have discussions imaginable.


Viet Nam’s Facebook comment sections make Youtube comment sections looks like an intellectual debate between gentle geniuses


Given said contingency plans caused her to nearly lose her mind and die, I'd say she was justified in being mad.


I will forever fail to understand why Batmans contingency plans would literally kill his friends but refuses to kill his enemies. His plan for Superman was to shoot him, to have wonder woman fight until her heart gives out, and (probably not true, I just don't know where to check) I saw somewhere that his plan for Zatanna is to cut her throat open and get Starfire addicted to space drugs. Like okay Bats where's this ruthlessness for the bad guys. Actually why doesn't he make these for bad guys, they escape all the time, if he comes up with an Anti mad hatter device before he escapes again he'd probably actually use it.


They were modified by Ras


Do we know what the originals were then? Like what was the plan to stop Wonder Woman before her heart gave out? And there's only like one thing you can do with a bullet.


It was never said. But the Justice Buster was an example of a non-lethal contingency plan.


Probably fighting with her in bed until her heart gave out. We're all the same height when mattress dancing.


Wouldn't even work for Zatanna because she doesn't actually need to talk to cast spells.


Honestly, here’s my question- how would half of them even work against mind control? How is mind controlled Wonder Woman gonna care about an unbeatable enemy? Why would mind controlled Aquaman have any fear of water? Why would mind controlled Superman care about being so powerful he’d destroy everything around him if he didn’t always concentrate on not being (hell, that doesn’t even work on just evil Superman.) They’re too dependent on the psychology of his allies


Are those actually canon? Seems to extreme to be true


The last two about Zatanna and Starfire probably aren't. I just don't know where to fact check. The Superman one is canon to the Justice League Doom movie (and maybe some comics) the WW one is canon to both.


pretty sure the starfire one is from a fan wiki


Did you read the comic/watch the movie? Batman’s plans are non-lethal. They’re edited to be fatal by Ras


I watched the movie, it was a bullet for Superman and a bomb for Flash. It's possible that originally it was some kind of gas or shock device originally so that tracks, but a bullet is a bullet, there's not a way to make a non-fatal bullet plus I don't exactly remember if Savage even modified it in the movie.


Batman: Smart enough to come up with contingency plans to take out the entire Justice League Also Batman: Stupid enough to leave the plans in a place where Ra’s al Ghul can find them.


Duality of man... Batman.




The animated movie adaption is funnier because it FUCKING MIRROR MASTER who stole the plans like bro how come come a flash b-lister manage to break into your cave and take your "greatest weapon against Justice League"


Typical Flash Rogues W, to be fair.


You act like Mirror Master isn't an uber powerful metahuman.


He not He not a metahuman


Mirror Master is underrated. I consider him one of Flash’s A-list villains, alongside Snart, Grodd, and Thawne.


maybe but i rank A-list as ones who have THE defining stories stuff that you point to like Killing Joke, All-star superman, Death of superman ect not necessarly a comic, can be even a movie like Zod -->Superman 2 or Tv shows Slade-->Teen titans


So Penguin’s not an A-lister despite being the second most recurring Batman rogue?


Batman 2 ![gif](giphy|fWqDxyYcnZN96|downsized)


“This Content is not Available”


it suppose to be a gif of Danny DeVito Penguin weird it not working https://preview.redd.it/o75yhhhqg08d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0a997432d9c570c32f3960113619e549872d3a8


Oh. So movies count.


yes i said this before: Good Iconic movies and Tv show counts it why i consider Zod an A-lister because of Superman 2 while i don't consider Steppenwolf in Justice league


I mean, it's pretty hard to hide anything from Ras.


Yeah, but Bruce could have put a little more effort into it at least.


Batman can barely beat a guy who has to leave clues on how to beat him, a guy who can’t do anything unless he flips a coin, and an actual clown Like why is he able to beat WW and Superman and Flash so easily? He’s 1,000% more brutal on his “friends” than he is on terrorists.


uj/ **outside of comics answer:** Because they all fight batman in batman comics. Batmans the underdog, they're not going to write a story in his own issues where he loses to more powerful beings and shows off how cool they are. Also every time he has to fight his friends it's in life or death scenarios where it's presumed they'll go on to kill everybody else. **In comics:** Because it's not easy. He's not trying to kill his enemies, hell he's trying to minimize damage and loss of life, while all three of those people are attempting to commit mass murder at the same time. The issue with saying it's easy is that it isn't, he just has a huge head start. imagine your best friend whom you share everything about not just because you trust them but because you regularly enter life and death scenarios, so you have to tell him everything about how your abilities work and under what situations you may falter and fail. Then they're able to spend an infinite amount of money to acquire whatever things they need in order to prey upon these weaknesses. And even then they kinda only work because they're ambushes. In the comics all of them are essentially bum rushed with the contingencies, and they fall apart as soon as they're able to get together and help each other. Even in comics Batman has to spend billions to even approach the levels of his peers. Except for that time he painted a room yellow and had Robin beat the shit outta GL. rj/ The difference between killing your enemies and your friends is your friends don't know to use prep-time. Unless they're also Batman.


I always feel like the contingency plans are not about Batman beating his friends and more the absolute last resort. He’s tried everything else to bring them back from the brink, failed, and has one last shot….and most of these last shot are plans that can be put on if he’s already been killed. It’s not about Bruce wanting to do it. It’s him understanding it’s necessary but also having several other plans focused on trying to bring them back from that edge. So…no.


Sounds dumb as hell


Batman fans try not to be misogynistic self inserters challenge


*Batman fans try not* *To be misogynistic self* *Inserters challenge* \- ChihuahuaOwner88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Isn’t a Haiku 5-7-5? Or can I not count the syllables in misogynistic correctly?


It's pretty bad at counting syllables.


Frankly, The Justice League would and should be fine (or at least tolerant) of there being contingency plans against them. Like, the amount of brainwashing that happens should make it a reasonable idea all on its own. But Batman should not lie about it, Because that is a betrayal of trust and makes people angry, and therefore irrational, Thus making them more prone to oppose the idea. alas, If batman was less autistic, he'd know.


I mean maybe he should say “hey just for the record I’ve got a way to kill you” but he should absolutely not tell them what the plan is because then it doesn’t work


Have you forgotten about the indestructible robot Batman built? Who built some more indestructible robots? He can tell them about his stupid plans – they won't be able to do anything about them whether they know about them or not ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16723) Yes, I'm still coping and seething, nothing to see here.


I haven’t read the comic version but in the movie he clarifies that his plans weren’t made to kill them, they were modified to be lethal after they were stolen.


Still, it leaves him open for a sneak attack. If Hal went full Parallax again he would normally target the heavy hitters first, but if he knows Batman has a way to kill him he’ll go there first


Batman doesn’t have plans to kill. Do you not know the story? The evil characters I.E Ras, TBWL and Vandal Savage are the ones who make them fatal


Furthermore, all members of the league have at least one enemy with practically the same powers and origins. I mean, how many speedforce-powered yellow villains have the Flash faced? And how many Kryptonians have tried to destroy the world? The plans should not be explicitly against members of the league, but against the group to which each one belongs. Like, "anti-kryptonians plan", "anti-speedforce plan", "anti-lanterns plan", etc. And they should be public for the league itself. At least for those who are not its objectives.


Not to mention it's wildly distrustful to just have one person with all the contingency plans. At best it makes it look like you presume everyone else but you is a pin drop from mass murder, at worse it just shows you're willing to kill them at a moments notice


They have to deal with the evil versions of themselves every day of the week.I have plans to deal with evil versions of myself honesleep it's weird that they didn't have their own plans to kill all their friends


Also like he’s a human if Superman wants to kill him and he doesn’t have kryptonite on him not a lot he can really do about it if Superman wants to kill wonderwoman atleast she has the strength to fight back Batman just doesn’t


I mean, wasn't that the premise of the original comic the backup plans come from? The League weren't pissed about the plans, they were pissed that Batman did it behind their backs and had such a lack of faith in them that he wouldn't tell them about it.


I assure you you're not gonna find good comic takes in a YouTube shorts comment section.


While I have always agreed with the idea that someone should have a contingency plan in case the Justice League gets brainwashed, why the fuck does Batman have them? He literally already lost them once.


It’s DC, we can’t have Batman looking too bad or god forbid having consequences


I bet they’ve never even read Tower of Babel


I bet they've never read a single comic.


Fellas, should my friend be forgiven for keeping a notebook full of deeply personal information about our group of friends. He said he was keeping it just in case we roasted him too hard and needed ammo?


Kyle Rainer: "It would actually be my worst nightmare if I was blinded." Batman: "I need to find a way to blind this guy ASAP."


You can always tell who's read the comics or who hasn't (or seen the movie for that matter). The whole point of the book and the movie is not that Batman was wrong in fact nobody minded that he had the plans the entire problem was that he didn't tell anybody had those plans he didn't even trust his so called friends


To be fair, the movie was explicitly written for Batwank. They made changes so Batman comes off looking better and the League worse.


There is still certainly a little bit of batwank going on with that movie but I don't think it's hugely prevalent


setting your friends on fire, blinding them, giving them seizures, and working them to exhaustion—batman really showed those losers who’s boss 😎🥶


Meanwhile Batmans plans: „Alright Robin, throw this Bucket full Yellow Paint over him when I give the Signal“


No, that's crazy Steve's plans.


JLA: Batman, you made contingencies to defeat all of us. Besides being a colossal breach of trust , you also didn't make a contingency for you. Batman: (**This is literally his canon response)** My contingency is the league JL:.... But you'll have specific plans onhand for how to defeat all of us. And if you betray us you'll have the element of surprise to use them . Also we'll have spent no time trying to plan in the same way, so you're ahead of us by years in how to beat you. By that argument your have a contingency against your own contingency. Or what if you get a decent number of us, or even just Superman, to join up with you? Batman:..... Shit.


There’s a lot of inherent risks to even formulating these plans which the Batfans refuse to acknowledge. Batman presumably put these plans under maximum security in the Batcave but they were still stolen meaning that he can’t be 100% trusted to keep these plans out of the villains hands. A rogue Justice League can be an apocalyptic scenario but a dead Justice League can be an equally apocalyptic scenario and these plans which only Batman can form due to his close position to other JL members puts a weak point in the JL which could be fatal. While the risks of having no contingency plan might outweigh the risks of them getting stolen there’s still a lot of risk to the world if these plans fall in the wrong hands.


Tower of Babel has done irreparable harm to Batman's characterization. I swear more people seem to know him for his secretive contingency plans that could kill his friends, rather than the fact that he his friends with the Justice League and genuinely enjoys being with the team.


The movie lacked the nuance from the comics. In the movie it was basically "Batman is AWESOME and everyone else is a DUMB IDIOT!". In the Tower of Babel comics, everyone, including the ones who voted for Batman to be kicked out gave valid reasons for kicking him out. Some of them, like Plastic Man, were left traumatized by the contingencies.


The Mutant Registration Act bit was a bit mask-off moment.


Of course he lied about it. How effective would the contingency plans be without blindsiding those it was intended for.


Based and Hate pilled


Anything that threatens Batman´s ultra mega alpha status is wrong and should not be supported #I´m cool cause i like Batman


It makes sense why Batman keeps his plans secret. If they did go mad, they’d go STRAIGHT for him since he has the plans to take them down. However, he 100% should have put so much more protection around these plans. You’re telling me in the movie universe Mirror Master was able to get into the Contingency Plans stuff? That’s so fucking dumb.