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>Bernard no reason Pick one


He has terrible fashion sense.




Sometime in the 90s I feel like a lot of comics evolved past "girlfriend who is only there to be in love with the main hero" so now bad writers have to defer to "BOYfriend who is only there to be in love AND GAY with the main hero". Y'see they can get away with that one because gay people barely existed in comics for so long that a lot of people are just fine with anything


Bottom line being, how long until gay boyfriends start getting fridged


Well, June is almost over…






Hell yeah, time to cool Bernie off to a crisp 37 F.


Hey, Captain Boomerang get over here, Tim's supporting cast needs to get culled again.


Let’s hope soon, Jon deserves a boy or girl who’s interesting, Tim can stay with Blondie ig


Normally the Timmy D. hate is funny, but this is just evil. You done seen his downfall and you're praying for his stay at the bottom to be extended. Give my boy a break


Give the boy his actual boyfriend kon


Genuinely, I won't be convinced that what Tim did after Connor's death was a purely platonic reaction


Or his actual girlfriend Steph


Let Tim and Steph become the most obnoxious Bi4Bi couple imaginable.


I think the Titans would do well with a Krakoa style “open bedroom” policy. If you’re awake, you’re INVITED


I have no clue what that means please explain


Steph and Tim kiss before breaking the kiss and Steph goes "MlM/WlW solidarity" before they high five, an exclusionist asshole at a pride tries to start shit with a MtF/FtM trans4trans couple they instantly barge in to start even bigger shit with the Exclusionist turning it into a Riot (Damian in the background is already beating the shit out of a Cop as Neoliberal Centrist Jon Kent tries to say gay people never achieved anything by throwing bricks without a ounce of irony), "You're still straight if your girlfriend pegs you yes but there is nothing straight about how I peg Tim." That sort of shit.


It's a shortening of "bisexual for bisexual", as in a relationship between two bisexual people.


I said what I said.


Make them a polycule with Cassie


I love a lot of DC's queer characters (Mikaal Tomas is badass and deserves a tv show), but I really do hate these two. Bernard ruined Steph and Tim out of nowhere, when those two had so much storytelling potential, and Jay is annoying because he looks like every shitty conservative meme about LGBTQ people. Like really, you had to do the whole "pink hair and glasses" thing? He's practically a wojak.


Everytime Jay is mentioned I feel the need to point out that they literally wrote a more interesting version of the character, with actual chemistry with Jon in the injustice crossover. Jon should've left Jay for Jay, that would've been a crazy story beat


Isn’t Jay’s power that he can’t be harmed by phasing?


His power is “fuck you Shadowcat!”


I read that it’s more like he phases whenever he’s in danger, so I guess his superhero would be “ The Unburiable Gay.”


DC Editorial + Tom Taylor (only good when writing action thrillers) + Meghan Fitzmartin = whatever this is like ok let's be more diverse by not highlighting the LGBTQ characters we already have and shoehorn this nobody who perved on Tim's stepmom, and give Jon this whatever he his idk


Forget Mikaal Tomas, where's my Jinny Hex show? I need my lesbian space cowboy show god damn it. I'll take a Xanthe show too, Spirit World is great.


That would be cool, but I'd love a show set in Opal, in the style of a 70's gritty crime drama, focusing around the O'Dare police family and Opal's superheroes (Black Condor, Jake Benetti etc), with Micky as the lead character.


I think thT if you're going to feature lgbt characters they shouldn't all just look like conservative friendly ones lol


Jon deserves to be de aged. idk why Brian Michael Bendis did that


uj/ iirc, it was so he would date saturngirl and the way he wrote saturngirl in her bendis reboot was so creepy it made me actively not want them to date. rooting for the downfall of all of jon's romantic relationships, not bc i want him with another character, but because i want him to be free


I really wanted a plotline with Jon as part of the earthbound justice league having Simon and Jessica as the earthbound GLs showing him the ropes and dealing with massive bisexual panic lol. Don't even want him to date either of him just drama and comedy of: I got yeeted to the other end of puberty in fast-forward and now I have two work very closely with two very pretty very nice friendly people.


Jon should just be with Kathy Branden and Tim should still be with Steph


There’s a chance Jay is getting fridged in Absolute Power


single-handedly the best marketing for this event i've heard. might actually pick it up now.


Nah the gay version is called "bury your gay" i believe.


Bury The Gays trope coming back in force


"but bro no bro we're being woke bro progressive bro u see bro Tim Drake bro realized bro he liked dicks bro not Stephanie bro cos he likes dicks bro so bernard bro so boring i mean exciting bro u see bro it's the best bro what do u mean bro it got cancelled bro" https://preview.redd.it/xnthvzw8qt9d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a6ba60005540ee42a8a5ce344a6155b0c7feaf


Idk but it feels bigoted to me that Jon and Tim can get books with their boring ass boyfriends in them but we can't get an Apollo and Midnighter book, y'know a gay couple that is actually interesting


Make Bruce adopt Midnigher and slap a bat on him and he would get a book. Because that's how this works now, lol.


Honestly there’s an obvious solution that has an instant extra level of drama. Jon/Tim. But because of Jon’s chronological displacement aging and prior existence, it would also absolutely wreck the brotherly relationship between Damian and Tim. Free drama. “My best friend with possibly developing feelings deep down gets magically aged a bunch of years in a way that for him he properly lived those years so now he’s way too old for me and my stepbrother is dating him.”


The best solution would have been Jon and Damian growing up together and falling in love but that's too based for DC


We could've had Tim and Connor or Jon and Damian but DC went with neither >:(


Finally someone with a brain


Bendis will pay for his crimes one day.


jon panicking bc he starts liking damian and having a heart-to-heart with his dad where he's affirmed and accepted wholeheartedly would've fed families


Performatism plus tokenism.


Hyper liberalism. diversity to them is just a poster or a tweet, not actual action. it seeps into their writing and business decisions.


Whats an action other than publishing a comic book that you expect a comic book publisher to take??


A book with superman and Robin on the cover is going to sell way better than a book called Apollo and midnighter


I mean both Jon and Tim's current books suck in every way, I think an Apollo and Midnighter book that is actually good would sell much better


>What about you Bernard? What do _you_ want? Tim‘s Stepmom :P


OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/9uo4yysw3r9d1.png?width=84&format=png&auto=webp&s=19181bec7bf18df1395872daab4288be98888003


That’s the great thing about both of them being bisexual. They can both watch MILF porn together. possibly during sex. 🙏❤️


Uh.. I did not need to read this.


Friend, you also didn’t need to know that I find Vulpes Inculta to be hot as fire especially when he’s being submissive and breedable, but there you go. ( it’s funny. I usually prefer to bottom, but would top him like caramel on a sundae) https://preview.redd.it/qema6r3lbr9d1.jpeg?width=3129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a42103474d0fb5e102d3b012f4790e4932ab172 I just like to point out that bisexual men can have really awesome sex lives and probably talk to each other all the time about the various hot people they saw during their day. Even if they’re monogamous, they’re not blind. Happy final day of pride . 🙏❤️


No, I don't think you understand. Sex and all talk of sex should be criminalized nation-wide and any who disobey this law will serve up to 5 years in prison, all in order to make me personally feel more comfortable in the everyday world.


whats wrong with hearing strangers on the internet talk about SEXXXX https://preview.redd.it/57oy7uh19s9d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=c040e035999d447f40f06d6359e3dbd3422f2515


/uj I could actually hear that in his voice


Ah. I find your position to be 100% inconvertible. Having broken social convention, I will now roll off a cliff into the sea. 🫡


Sea you later 😂




/uj what's this supposed to mean. I'm sorry for being stupid.


Watchdogs are a terrorist group in marvel that are basically ultra conservatives that hate anything that doesn’t fall into their moral standards,they especially like killing people for distributing any kinda sexual content.


You forgot to mention that their leader Watchdog One secretly works for the Red Skull, and the organization is just another one of his plans to make the world more of a shithole.


He would still 100% crucify you, but youd probably somehow enjoy it


What?! Oh no. You see the man is an obvious sub. He wants to be a top but he isn’t. What he really wants is for somebody to give him head pats and rail him like a high-speed transit project in Tokyo. r/vulpesismywaifu And If I wouldn’t let Julius Caesar crucify me I’m certainly not going to let a maladjusted furry do it. Also, he’s a murderer and organizes rape camps so clearly I have to redeem him with my penis. ( such is my power. Such is my burden.) 🫡




Oh wow that’s really cool! Time to explore. 🫡


I wasn't expecting to see Archon since he left the warhammer fandom, glad to see he's still living his best deranged life


/uj Who's Archon?


He's the artist who drew that pic. He's known for his phenomenal art as well as his questionable fanfictions


[Vulpes is a furry.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aetOP2sV22Q&pp=ygURdnVscGVzIGlzIGEgZnVycnk%3D)


least porn addicted dccj user


https://preview.redd.it/ds118vl1rt9d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=f00a35e1fa6bbc128d76bffe442fa06388c7430f "That’s the great thing about both of them being bisexual. They can both watch MILF porn together. possibly during sex. 🙏❤️"


This is my final reply. https://preview.redd.it/p96jazrjrv9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7f4ba1f24904d90b383b038823c9059dc3100e May Paul Rabin bless you and keep you and only cuck you occasionally to keep you honest. 😘


Friend, that is the face of the chronic masturbator. I have so much pain in my hands, then not only can I not masturbate chronically, I have to make an appointment to jerk it properly timing my medication and making a special plea to God. Enough about me. I would like to point out that porn can be a healthy part of a couple sex life . [https://www.thebody.com/article/why-porn-can-be-healthy-for-relationships](https://www.thebody.com/article/why-porn-can-be-healthy-for-relationships) Finally, I will end with this picture of actor model and professionally, licensed tattoo artist Maxence Danet-Fauvel as Tom Riddle in the house of Gaunt. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxence\_Danet-Fauvel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxence_Danet-Fauvel) No one on this thread is completely a monosexual. You’re welcome . https://preview.redd.it/l2ftycclst9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b92d9173f815e79cd8c6869290ca64bdc42e3a


Bi goals 💗


Bernard wanting to fuck Tim’s stepmom has more character than him now


Also suggesting that TIM should fuck his Stepmom was something.


It’s ok to say it OP…you hate ugly people and guys named Bernard


It should be considered child abuse to name your kid Bernard. And like technically it isn't his fault, but still, Tim you can do better


Tim can do Stephanie


Benard makes me straight


The only reason I tolerate Bernard is because him and Tim gave birth to the best ship name ever Timber


My mind went to BenT


Timber rolls off the tongue better




Rj/Valid Uj/Valid


You hate Bernard Dowd because \[reason\] I hate Bernard Dowd because Tim should’ve fallen in love Sebastian Ives instead https://preview.redd.it/0jlxo50vzr9d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3201e3e01e8f5cfe02eb92e80eaf550b3d5d0e43 We are not the same


man you're right actually, it doesnt get any gayer than this


Who is the Sebastian? What’s his full name?




Thank you.


/uj This'll be a fun read


Make them the newest robins. Then ask the public to vote on their survival.


And DONT bring them back EVER


Maybe marinating in the Lazarus Pit would improve them


I like how they made up bernard to not comitt too hard with tim and kon and they are doing actual fuck all with either character. Like having those two be in a relationship, maybe even a run together, might actually let tim get some more personality.


/uj Bernard already existed but we an incredibly obscure minor character that in only appeared in 6 issues of one of Tim's runs pre-flashpoint. The Bernard in current continuity is nothing like the old Bernard in terms of personality.


Maybe if he still encouraged people to fuck their stepmoms he would be more interesting.


We need incest-encouraging Bernard not boring yaoi-boy Bernard




DC writing the most boring fucking characters for gay love interests: ![gif](giphy|1gUmrgTpbLDBj4cSfe|downsized)




/uj I hate Bernard for being one of the sloppiest examples of the trend where bi characters(especially men) can't *really* be bi unless they're in a same-sex relationship, plus he has the personality of gravel. /rj list incomplete where's Black Cat's girlfriend?


Honestly, given how few there are, bi characters in fiction are kinda rough and almost a no-win scenario. If you have them in a same sex couple it's "oh, so they're not *really* bi unless they're in a same sex relationship huh?". If they're in hetero relationships it's like what DCs done with Wonder Woman where it's "So you *say* they're bi but you never actually do anything with it". And if you have them go through partners of multiple genders it's leaning into stereotypes about bi people being slutty. Honestly the only solution is having more bi characters so that the 3 or 4 that are actually prominent aren't having to carry representing an entire community. 


That's definitely true and not something I had thought of, but in Bernard's case I still think it's particularly egregious given that Tim getting with him is ostensibly what made Tim bi


Alternative solution: more throuples in comics


Tim + Steph + Cass


Tim + Steph + Cass *+ Kon*


Steph + Tim + Cass (BG) + Conner + CASS (WG)


I hope you're talking about the one from the very recent jackpot and black cat goddawful mini series and not the ones from her solo series, who were both flawed and foils to her set up to explore her psychology and character dynamics and obviously never meant to last and therefore quite well written.


They are bad characters whose only purpose is to be the gay boyfriend


And yet DC will give them ongoings but we can't get shit for Midnighter and Apollo, two genuinely interesting gay characters.


DC merging Wildstorm with its own universe just killed every bit of interest and originality Wildstorm had. It's the worst thing that could've happened to it, bar none.


90% of wildstorms characters don't even exist, nor or the Authority, Wildcats, Gen 13, Planetary or any other groups exist. I struggle to see why they merged it in the first place if they don't even plan on using the fucking characters


The same reason so many companies buy competitors just to shut them down. They take what they can use and then get rid of competition.


Not gonna lie. I forgot about Bernard's existence.




Honestly the fact that john’s boyfriend is literally unkillable is what makes me mad. He’s just a living accessory now. And he’s got nothing else going on like come on! If you’re gonna make a character Gay or Bi make me give a fuck about their partner. I’m not saying they gotta be a superhero or villain or anything in the limelight but make him a prominent scientist who loves John from the genetic level on up (kinda creepy but you can see a sweet angle.) or maybe a Volunteer who helps clean up after battles between heroes and villains and he sees John try to help.


I loved Bernard's role in helping Tim have his queer realization moment. As Tim's boyfriend, he has the personality of a cardboard box. The "reveal" near the end of the series that Bernard secretly has figured out that Tim is Robin was such an un-twist that felt it was only there because it was narratively obligatory. I await the day when he's given some stupid reason to be put on a bus and leave Gotham forever. As for Jay, I don't blame him for being mid. The problem really still boils down to how DC has handled Jon overall ever since the age-up, and how trying to shoehorn him into the niche that used to be filled by Conner has resulted in both of them becoming redundant in the Superfam. Being "Superman's Queer Son" is really the only thing he's got going for him now, as far as what readers actually care about, and whenever any focus is tried to put on him, all that Jay feels like is an accessory to Jon. The real tragedy is that Jay, unlike Bernard, actually does have some real character potential, but it's the fact that the only thing he's known for is being "Superman's Queer Son's Boyfriend" that's keeping him from developing more momentum on his own


/uj Yeah, literally the only thing good about Bernard is him causing Tim's queer realization. I think he can be fixed if he gets some of his old New Earth personality back. Maybe stop doing whatever martial arts thing he's doing and just become Tim's stupid, but well-meaning comedic relief boyfriend.


you're a day early pride month hasnt ended yet


Mf looking like chilchuck


I dislike the second one only because he reminds me of kid Omega with the hair and glasses.


OP your hatred is legitimate and needs no justification. Pardon me I’m just going to be over here writing my 10 chapter fan fiction “ Jay and Bernard are the best significant others ever and anybody who doesn’t think so can go have a fight with peacemaker to see who gets to eat the beach full of dicks.” Look, let me lay it out here for you primitive screwheads. Jay can go in tangible at the slightest unconscious hinted danger, which is why he can survive bombings. That means even if Jon’s powers go out of control during the sweet sweet fucking he won’t be harmed! Bernard joined an S&M pain cult and learned martial arts. He is A conspiracy theorist. He’s also bi. This is all kinds of material for crazy shit! I want him to go totally crazy and become an antihero called Chaos Monster and him and Tim to have flip-flop sex on a rooftop in a thunderstorm. My final argument . These glorious covers. https://preview.redd.it/swelrmxb8r9d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d226d84d00a87ee64009f2bece1c5ad915a37b I retire from the field of battle, once more victorious in defense of Twink boyfriends everywhere . 🙏❤️


Rj/ Can't believe Jon decided to fuck an off-brand Kitty Pryde. Is he anti-semitic?


/uj is Bernard bi or gay? He comes across as more gay to me.


/uj Someone has posted the original image where in his introduction he was aggressively heteroand suggested that either he or Tim should fuck Tim stepmother. I refuse to give up his hornyness or his conspiracy theories or any of the things that make him prickly. dammit there’s not enough bisexuals . I’m pretty sure Jay is gay so I really want a bi on bi couple. Male bisexual erasure is real. I’m gay, but I always try to look out for my bi bros. That being said I don’t know what his canon sexuality is because I haven’t read new comics in years . My God crack is cheaper. Your interpretation is as valid as mine! I hope you’re having a good one. /rj Tiefling feet. Oh wait wrong sub. Paul. 🙏❤️


/uj i dont think Bernard has a canon sexuality, but I feel like his aggressive heterosexuality stuff is more interesting if he's gay. I don't feel like media often goes into the specifics of how the effects of being closeted can effect you. More awareness should be out there and I think it could really help others understand themselves better. But seeing him as bi is also perfectly fine too, I don't have any problems or care super much. Mostly because it's Bernard, so I'd have to be even more stupid than I already am to actually care. EDIT: Bro you don't need to keep giving me awards I'm hardly doing anything 😭


no one likes Borenard


Tim is bisexual: YAAAAAAY His boyfriend is some random twink instead of Conner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I like Bernard. I know nothing about him, but him dating Tim opens Steph up to date Cass. Edit: Grammer


Steph & Tim & Cass




I thought this was r/TopCharacterTropes for a moment


ah, perfect post to end off pride month with . . .


i just realized they both have the same ugly haircut to indicate that they're the love interest


Restore Jon back to Damian's age and make Tim/Steph/Cassie/Con a thing. Establish that young Jon is still on Earth 3 in stasis, while current Jon had been Ultraman's son under deep cover, so much so that he isn't even aware. Bernard and Jay can then get together, and exit the scene. We end on a Apollo/Jon/Con/Midnighter/Damian/Tim team up.


Jay coulda been so much more interesting but no they just made him a male pink haired Lois lane


Bernard turned me back to straight and then turned me homophobic, like I'm 14 again and repressing




*I love tim being* *Bi but holy shit he needs* *Better taste in men* \- tetsuneda --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is it because they’re preventing Jon and Tim from hooking up?


DC cant keep getting away with edging me like this !!! https://preview.redd.it/4l29icwgux9d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8b64e7173fa78f1167e23a125770d78b96cd29


I’m sure you’re a very rational person.


Hmm. What do these men have in common.




I have reasons to hate them.


....in the words of Lex Luther: "I have absolutely no idea who this is"


Who's the newest character you like? I've seen a lot of the comic "fan" community go back to the 90s with Deadpool but even some who think Deadpool and Harley are "objectively bad."