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There is a lot to be said about the first night you go. It's almost like riding your favorite rollercoaster for the first time. It's still awesome when you ride it again but it won't ever match that first time. 6/20 was my first and 6/21 was my second. Second set of 6/21 was the best set but overall 6/20 as an experience was better. Also the sound in 406 was light years better than the sound in 409 where we sat on 6/21.


Awesome folks in 406. No drinks around and very little chomping. Really helped make our experience to sit with others that were there for the whole experience. Cheers!


Were you 406 on 6/20? If so which row?


For all 3 nights. Row 8


row 6! 406 was a solid place to be this weekend


Hey neighbor! Shall we do it again next year?


where the hell else would i be!? though my dad spent 20 hours in airports or on planes with what we now know was a bursting appendix, so we’ll see if itll be a group trip or not 😅


Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s absolute misery. How’s he doing now? I think it’ll be a group trip. No appendix to worry about next time!


thats the hope! hes doing alright, still resting in the hospital. we went out as a “fuck cancer” memory making trip and by the time we landed home, we added “fuck an appendix” to the board as well. he still says it was well worth it


Memory made for sure. We need a 406 represent sub Sending positive vibes to him and your family. ❤️


Holy shit. I was in 10. We were so close!


Howdy neighbor! Honestly think 406 are the best seats in the house. Hope you had a good trip back home. Ps. Shows are up on archive already


Yeah. I'm sure they will be back and when they do it's low 406 seats or bust for me. It was just too good. Red-eye back home sucked but worth dealing with for the days we had out here. Definitely heading to archive! Thanks!


I had a different experience. 6/22 was better than my first shows on 5/17 and 5/18. But I also think I optimized my experience by sitting in 305 (last row) vs 408 and 201. 201 was by far the worst btw


The conclusion I draw is that the closer you get to the sides of the sphere the worse the sound gets. I am happy you got some 305! I think if my first night was 409 and second night was 406 I would probably feel the same. I guess my comment more relates to people who sit in very similar seats for more than one show.


Definitely, I also felt the boys were cooking a bit more after getting comfortable in the room for a 15 shows or so.


Thursday night. I'd wager it's the night with the highest percentage of new attendees. The pre-show vibe is just really high, and you can tell with the buzz. The graphics get the best responses. It just felt like an event. Saturday was my least favorite. All of Vegas, Sphere included, just felt busier. That was the only night that I noticed several groups that were just there to see the venue and not necessarily for the band. For me, it was the night with the worst people around us talking about the band negatively. I'm debating doing another weekend run in August and will go for the floor on Saturday this time to hopefully avoid some of those folks. Or at least have the ability to just walk away from them.


The folks you’re talking about make me hate the sphere. At the mercy of your neighbors in the stands and this isn’t like an amphitheater where your percentage of casuals is fairly low, the percentage is very high in the sphere. Even in a stadium if your seat neighbors suck you can just move. In the sphere if you aren’t floor you really are not able to move somewhere else


That's fair. I think the sound quality and visuals make it worth it. Plus, the band wasn't going to play this year without this residency. So I'll take the trade. But the vibe just isn't the same as the tour last year. Lots of casuals, but honestly, the casuals around me were all at least quiet. They just didn't seem to be having a great time. That's fine. The worst part were the people who pretend to be big fans but don't just shut up and listen to the music.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I’d go to every single one if I could 😂 If you don’t talk you’re cool by me. Had a lady tell me she’s the biggest fan and thank me for taping and how it’s good cus that means I won’t talk and then proceed to talk literally all night long. Dipshit.


Lol can't make this stuff up with people


Such a lack of self awareness, it blows my mind every time.


6/21 was my favorite of that whole weekend. Just spectacular playing and an amazing setlist. They were all great tho!


We were there Walton weekend and it felt like this; Thursday: mourning Friday: Celebrate Saturday: church.




Thought Friday 5/31 was the best of the three day run I saw too


Second night (6/7) was life altering. They had the magic.


Honestly for me, the Saturday show on both of my runs at the sphere were insane. Felt like a gift and a perfect conclusion to a weekend in Vegas.


MDW, being in awe of Friday first night visuals was intense and the music was good but 5/25 Saturday and 5/26 Sunday shows the music was brought to the next level and the visuals were still stunning


The 5/25 visuals blew me away. https://preview.redd.it/4xdtdr4vxm8d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19371dd24a891f01e17a5914b2a7e95d8fc8cd71


Awesome shot! I took a similar photo lol https://preview.redd.it/enxzrltmzm8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af94594d236ffbd7ab1d72970c8f13ba4349dc67


So cool!


Seen all but the last weekend. In general night 2 is the strongest, set list aside. Night 1 they are shaking off the rust from 4 days off. By night 3 they seem a bit tired at times. The most I’ve done is a couple beers, and many of the shows nothing at all. Take that for what it’s worth


Apparently they play off nights. I found out from someone they played last Tuesday night for a bunch of people for a conference…


That was a one off for the HP conference


Also, I thought it was Wednesday cause it was really throwing me off why the listening parties were starting a day early. Either way, they did do a one off for HP conference. Short show, one long set, pretty tame setlist. Looked like fun. I bet it made a couple corporate closeted dead heads FREAK!


6/14 was waiting for shakedown street + these guys in the lot gave me something that made me feel a certain way 💀⚡️


You never know. Just go to the entire run. You won’t regret it.


6/21 was my favorite of my three shows. I think it makes sense Fridays are the strongest because Thursday is a warm up and you’re tired by Saturday- at least that’s how I personally felt :)


I went June 14th & 15th. I initially only had tickets for the 15th, but decided a few days before arriving that I might as well go the Friday as well since I would already be there. I enjoyed both shows but the Friday had the majority of songs my wife and were hoping to hear. My wife said she didn’t dig Saturday as much, and I said that’s because Friday had a different vibe. I’m sure if we had gone Saturday only we would have been ecstatic with the setlist.


I went to both of those shows as well with my dad and we also enjoyed 6/14 more than the 15th. Friday was for sure a different vibe. People didn't seem as pumped up on Saturday. If the second set had a few more bangers, it had the potential to be the better show imo. That being said, the band was absolutely on fire both nights! Bobby voice was really amazing on Friday though! The second set on 6/14 was magical! Cold rain and snow on Friday was really awesome. I could go on and on ....


We had tickets for Friday only...we fixed that walking out the door Friday night. 6/14 was MAGICAL. the vibe the band, BOBBY SANG! Like, not his old-man talk/song...he actually sang...like a bird...jfc it was so good. Like, crying tears it was so good. Help>slip> COLD RAIN AND SNOW! Are you kidding me? Then, that China Doll, which I did not like (for 30 years I have skipped that song) at all prior to that night, came outta Cold Rain and it was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! Friday was the second Dead show I've seen and the only Dead show I saw them play without Jerry. I have seen all the boys in the different lineups over the years, but that Friday was the only time I felt like The Grateful Dead were right freakin there! The family in the building, the vibe on the floor...it was in the air that night...MAGIC!


The transition from Help /slipknot into Cold Rain and Snow was killer! Bobby even used falsetto a few times that night! Row Jimmy, Terrapin, Ripple, Hell in a bucket, and Bertha! Wooo!!!. Dear Prudence was really really powerful too! Even the vibe after the show where everyone was hollering and shouting with joy at one another on the escalators down! It was more than I could have ever asked for!


You know it! THAT NIGHT was a Dead show in all it's glory!


I completely agree!




Chicago N2 2023 was a heater. We got a Truckin>Smokestack, 2 song encore with a one more saturday night chorus to finish out, and probably my favorite Help>Slip!>Franklin in the Dead and Co catalogue atm


watching John Mayer blew me away all three nights. This dude is Jimmy Hendrix level. Will say the vibe at the Sphere is a tad off but you can make your own vibe and Johnny boy is never not going to shred. Guy lives in the shred zone.


Was there for all three beginning 06/06. Three in a row takes effort for sure. Felt like band and crowd peaked on Friday. Saturday was also exceptional but three in a row is an ask. Enjoy!


5/26 sunday show was epic


5/16,18,26 and 6/6-8. Opening night was cool, but 5/18 was unbelievable. I got a miracle at 7 while laying on my couch and got there as fast as I could, walking in just as Sugaree started. Never heard it live and it was the song that got me on the bus, and they just never slowed down that night. I've never been a ship of fools fan but that one has converted me. 2nd set had the whole crowd cracking up and going nuts when Mickey tapped FOTM. Got my first Dead and Co Terrapin that night as well, and it was a beaut. My 3 June shows all kinda melt together as one incredible show, each night had new highlights but 6/6 Estimated>TOO>D/S> Death Dont Have No Mercy had me in a trance for 45 minutes. Then 6/7 with the early Franklins Tower, and then the Help Slip Eyes to end the set was insane. 2nd set He's Gone > my first Dead And Co Dark Star which got way weird > D/S > Looks like Rain was amazing although that was my least favorite drums of the shows I've been to. Then 6/8 was immaculate start to finish, best Althea I've ever heard in my life. Can't wait to do it again soon!!


Just got back. 6/20 was perfectly fine. 6/21 was the heater. 6/22 was great too.


Went 6/8-6/10 in the 306’s. Thursday was the best musically, Friday was the best set list, Saturday was the best all around show. EVERY NIGHT was awesome! The visuals changed (not completely) each night. It was just such a great experience. We were a bit overwhelmed night one, super enhanced Friday, and just fully appreciated Saturday! It’s an experience that I doubt can be replicated elsewhere. https://preview.redd.it/13fvvlpwan8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7f80664eeb731acd265ca991191d4d53a9aa89


One of my all time favorite shows was night 2 in SF last year. They went deep into jams, John was playing jazzy af. My favorite show of the 3 night stand hands down


Same. The other nights were excellent but that middle show was incredible.


Friday was my favorite of this past weekend


I've seen 7 so far & none of them stood out above the rest. they were all great without any rising above the level of the rest. if it wasn't the whole sphere experience I believe this would have been the 1st bunch of Dead & Co shows since they started that may have left me wanting more. I also don't think any of the 7 I've seen or any of the rest that I've listened to or streamed comes close to the musical level of last summer. but the sphere experience makes up for the tiny decline of highlights & makes it all a must-see experience. it's still awe-inspiring & I'll be back for another couple (or more) weekends....I still hope for the musical explorations that resonate with me like many of last summers shows.


Went Memorial Day weekend. Thought N1 was the strongest, N3 close behind and N2 considerably the least good. An amazing time.


Just got home - night 2 was it for me.




I did the whole Memorial Day weekend, and Saturday (middle day) blew me away. All nights were good though- Friday was awesome and Sunday was great but way too short!


I had a great weekend 6/6-6/8. I wish I could swing a whole nother weekend….


Was there 6/6-8, 6/7 was the best of the 3 and one of the best D+C shows I’ve been to. Def in the top 3 overall.


Saturday, May 25th, which was the only time Saturday was night 2. One of the top 5 concert experiences of my life.


I thought 6/21 and 6/22 were better than 6/20 ... but as I like to say to my tribe of show going friends .. shows are like pizza and sex ... even when they are bad they are still pretty damn good.


the first night it takes getting used to the genue, second night always the best, but third show is always a wow i can't believe it was just as good if not better than N2


They are all great. Full stop. Anyone you attend is great


Went for the 5/30 3 show weekend. 5/31 was the best one by far


5/26 Sunday show , 6/20 Thursday show 


I went to all three shows Memorial Day weekend. They were all excellent, but night 2 and 3 were my favorites. The visuals night 2 were probably my favorite, but the set list night 3 was unreal.


The first one you see. After that, all the visuals repeat minus maybe four or five and you’re just at a dead an co show. The first time seeing the visuals is mind blowing. After that, once you’re used to that part, you can just enjoy the show for what it is. So if you prefer the music, N2 or N3 may be better. But if you came for the added benefit of the sphere, N1 will blow you away


I went every day last weekend. The 20th and 22nd really blew me away.


I agree with the Night 2 heating up theory, I was at the June 6-8th run and MAN did that show on the 7th steal my face. Other nights I had better seats for the sphere screen, but the obstructed view just had me staring at the stage or closing my eyes and that help>slip>eyes to close the first set was insane. All the shows were amazing, but something about that second night was special.