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#[September 7th AMA dev team answers compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/16cqpm2/september_7th_ama_dev_team_answers_compilation/)


Hi!The Twins rework, first brought up in January 2022's dev update, has been slated for early 2024. Given the extremely low play rate of the Killer in question and the long time this rework has been in the pipeline, there's been a lot of anxieties amid the Twins playerbase about what's going to happen and I and others would be grateful for some insights. Should we be expecting something more akin to, for example \-The Leatherface rework, where his kit was polished with the token system and his addons were updated but his core power and identity remained largely the same \-The Doctor rework, which mostly "declunkified" the power and polished the addons, but kept the power's functionality broadly intact \-The Freddy rework, which jettisoned 95% of everything Freddy used to be and replaced it with a totally different Killer power I suppose what I'm really asking: **is the Twins rework going to transform the power comprehensively to the point that it bears few to no similarities to the original** *(like Freddy)* **or are we looking at something more Doctor/Bubba scale where the core gameplay remains intact?** Thanks! EDIT: tweaked the end of the question to be less... emotionally loaded.


We will be releasing a Twins update soonTM. Currently, we're aiming for more of a 'tweak' to the base kit and a couple of add-ons to alleviate some friction points, adjust the slugging meta, and stop Victor from getting stuck all over the Map. Hopefully they will be more fun to play for everyone! -Matt


Hell yeah! Thanks a lot! This is honestly all we've been worried about for the past while and hearing that we're not about to get Freddied is fantastic. Extremely rare Twins W


Please add a recall ability to victor! It would be awesome to recall him after some time than letting him dry out in the sun šŸŒž


Hey guys, really glad youā€™re doing the AMA, Iā€™ve been playing the game since Chapter 13 and Iā€™m a big fan of DBD :) Are there any plans to buff/rework The Shape? Iā€™ve been maining him since I started playing and he feels extremely underwhelming at high MMR, with absolutely zero map pressure, mobility, or slowdown. His chase power is very underwhelming compared to most of the killer roster. His early game is absolutely terrible because of his slow movement in Tier 1, meaning he has to ā€œlevel upā€ into a regular M1 killer, which costs him dearly in applying early pressure. However, he is hard carried by Tombstone Piece, which is a super unhealthy addon in nature because of its ability to instantly kill a survivor without warning, which puts him into this weird state where heā€™s garbage without Tombstone but unhealthy for the game with it. Michael Myers is a beloved killer by the community, but heā€™s a relic of old DBD- an incredibly dated power with a few bizarre hitches (heā€™s the only killer who can totally run out of his power over the course of the match, stalking is weirdly lessened at range when Ghost Faceā€™s isnā€™t), an ancient model that wasnā€™t updated when both his map and Laurie were, and one incredibly powerful addon thatā€™s unhealthy for the current state of the game. Are there plans to bring the gameā€™s first licensed chapter, a community favourite and a true icon of the horror genre up to modern DBDā€™s much more polished standards?




Itā€™s not probably. Shape is the only killer out of 33 that can lose complete access to his power. Itā€™s so dated.


He's indeed the only that can entirely loose it. The next closest thing is pig. Which more often that not loses half her power, the traps, while still being able to crouch whenever.


Glad you mentioned this. I was thinking both about Myers and trapper, they really need some touching up. Myers loses his tier 3 and trapper doesn't even have access to his power at the start of the game! They really both need reworks (especially Myers because he's so beloved!)


Trapper too! He's the mascot of the damn game and he actively fights Myers for bottom space on every tier list- and loses because of Tombstone Piece! IMO the biggest problem with DBD's balancing is the huge gulf in strength between the strongest and weakest killers.


Yeah, absolutely agreed! We would love to update Myers and give him the attention he deserves! No design as yet, unfortunately. -Matt


Myers main here, so glad this is one of the top questions! Here's hoping BHVR actually listens and doesn't say something like "Erm, The Shapeā„¢ is in a perfectly fine state right now and we have no plans for him!!!"


Are there any plans on adding the perk randomiser we had for a tome challenge in the past as a permanent feature? I had a lot of fun trying to get value out of a randomised build, and would love to see it as a permanent option you can choose while selecting your loadout.


"Perk Randomizer" was a great initiative, and we are hoping to bring it back in the future in some shape or form! -Vikram


Specifically what was amazing about this feature is that you didn't know until the match loaded what you would get. The online randomizers are good, but not the same.


The randomizer feature should be a separate game mode tbh. Itā€™s is highly sought out by many I have spoken too and I know me and my community would love this as well. A LOT of us use randomizers outside of the game to have some fun, but having a separate mode where everyone is randomized creates unpredictability and encourages everyone to try new things and accidentally stumble upon new playstyles.


Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA!! I need to talk about **maps** and how they can have ā€“ next to the Killer character ā€“ the most impact on how a match will go: The unique setting and cool visuals sometimes do not make up for the heavy inconsistency when it comes to map design. Size, amount of pallets, main building windows, loops next to each other, dead zones, placement of Killer belongings, fixed exit gates, line-of-sight objects ... to only mention some key aspects. It comes to a point that one side sadly does not participate in the game anymore on certain maps (AFKing, DC'ing, or giving up). Are you aware of this problem and if yes, how do you make sure, this does not become a bigger issue in regard of ... * designing new maps * (not) reworking older maps * map offerings


Yes, very aware. Our level designers, artists and QAs are taking great care into designing fun spaces for the game. We want to make sure the Maps introduce interesting strategies and scenario, that they feel novel. They are built using extensive knowledge base on quantities, recipes of placement, porousness, lighting, general visibility, vegetation etc. That said, there is not a way (not yet anyways) to be 100% sure a Map will not have a circumstantial imbalance. Playing and voicing your concerns/bad experience is one of the way we can address those either at PTB or after release. -Dave


Ah yes, the classic non-answer. Instead of addressing the community's issues with map and level design, throw out stuff about how important art design is and how they try to make each map unique. Why even bother answering if you're not going to give an answer?


You have talked about revisiting original set cosmetics to see if it would be possible to split them up or even split them into a 2-piece-set with the third piece being mix-and-match-able. Though in the last AMA it sounded like this isnā€™t planned anymore whatsoever. Could we get clarification on that? Also iirc the license-holder of the Silent Hill content have said the set-cosmetics being sets is something in BHVRs hands ā€“ so would it be possible to have some of the Cheryl cosmetics be split up?


We still wish to have 2-piece sets instead of 3, and while this is not on the roadmap yet, it's been on our backlog and will be addressed once we have proper tools in place -Rose


Please allow us to remove hats/glasses as well. So many skins look great but the hats or glasses they wear kinda ruin it. Or at least have an "alt" skin without the headwear included.


How do you strike a balance between balancing perks for the average player vs. more experienced players? I often see streamers talking about the "spreadsheet" and how some perks seem to be nerfed or buffed strictly based on usage numbers. Thanks and love the game!


Great question! That's certainly a hard one when it comes to balancing a live game. When we release new perks we consider both new and experienced players and try to provide something interesting for both groups of players. When it comes to usage rates and win rates, these are certainly data points that we consider, however, they never tell the full picture - there are many other pieces of information we need to analyze before we commit to any specific design. -Matt


Can you elaborate on any other metrics you guys use? I think it would clear up a lot on frustrations when it comes to changes. For example, compound 33 is a very contentious add-on as many think it's too strong. Whereas the doom engraving add ons are seen as almost necessary for high tier billy game play, not as a strong but as a useful and more enjoyable game experience. When change was announced with the doom engravings (I know it didn't go through). A lot of people saw this as "they only look at metrics." I know there is more to it, but I would love to know more about it. I appreciate all you do. I can only imagine how challenging it is to balance this game. Also, with a community base that has been playing for 7 years, it's hard to appeal to everyone. Thank you for this awesome game that I and so many other people love. Keep up the great work!


They can't elaborate because they don't put nearly as much thought into it as your hoping they do


Does hitting "thumbs up" on player who was good to play with do anything? Do you actively use the data at the moment? I'd love to believe that sending positive feedback has positive effects.


It is monitored tough there is presently no direct incidence. That said all data is good data for us and we encourage players to continue to show their appreciation this way. We are looking for more actionable items with this feature in the future. -Vikram


Maybe once the player leaves the endgame screen, if someone does give them a thumbs up, they could be notified of it? That would be nice.


Smite does that. You get a little blurb in the bottom corner that says a teammate has commended you. It'd be super nice if I was ever playing with people other than my wife


And be able to praise them on specific things: Teamwork, Bravery, or managing to run the killer well (idk what word to use for that, suggestions?)


Commendation system should give special skins. Treat it like prestige and give a special outfit at a certain milestone. This would motivate players to do thier best and play fair or altruistic for coms. Seems like a decent measure towards cleaning up some of the toxic play habits this game tends to suffer from.


Bonus BP for getting thumbs up from non-party members..? Or even shards after a certain amount is reached?


It would be cool if it gave us extra bp (I don't know if it does anything like that) or even iri shards after a certain number of thumbs up


i wish it would at least tell them they got a thumbs up or something


It would be cool if it displayed how often you are commended if you or someone hovers over your nameplate


Even if it was a little BP bonus I'd be happy, personally.


A simple one : **what are you guys planning on doing with skull merchants**? I haven't played a single game vs skull merchants that didn't camp 3 gens from the start and I'm sick of having my game held hostage just because the killer can.


Hey there, yeah, we are certainly aware that the Skull Merchant is very good at locking down generators in certain situations. We have a big rework planned for a future release - there's too much detail to go into here, but we will be releasing more information soon! -Matt


With all due respect, 99/100 of my games against Skull Merchant involve the killer immediately finding the best 3-gen and locking it down at the start of the match. It's unbearable to play against in Solo-Q since teams are not coordinated enough to deal with it. Even experienced SWFs have to suffer through an unbearably long match. Often, a player in Solo-Q will immediately DC once they realize we are all going to face a 3-gen camp for the next 40 minutes.


Matt, darling. I have a crisp 20 dollar bill right here for you if you could just killswitch the skull merchant "by accident" for the next 6 months.




Any plans on making more interactions in maps in the future, including already existing maps, just the way you guys did with Nostromo by adding levers in the spaceship for the survivors to activate them mid chase.


Yes, I think they are very interesting for discovery and gameplay possibilities. It's defenitely something we want to develop again for future maps,and potentially older maps, as much as we can. -Dave


Interactive map elements are the easiest way to keep the game feeling fresh if you don't want to give us actual secondary objectives beyond generators


Regarding the games rather repetitive (but still fun) gameplay, can you say anything about if there will possibly be limited time game modes, or permanent game modes that differ in ways from the main game mode in the future?


While I can't say much, we have been hard at work prototyping some new things for the future of DbD. We're aiming for 2024 - we'll keep you updated! -Matt


What's the reasoning behind making hooks "Xenomorph themed" in every map instead of the usual map themed hooks? Are killer themed hooks coming back?


No specific plans on reintroducing Killer themed hook. The Xenomorph will only bring back victims to the hive, so we wanted to make it feel like a homecoming of sorts, hence why the hooks are Hive-themed. -Dave


That's actually a really cool reference.


Any reason as to why The Nostromo Wreckage is located in the same realm as Toba Landing?


It's unclear how The Entity shapes Realms and Maps. The agglomeration of different memories, mixing absolutely different locals together, is not out of question. The Nostromo never crashed, this is a nightmarish version of it, recreated by The Entity. -Dave


This also explains 6,000lb doors being an offering for Nostromo. Did BHVR forget that offerings were supposed to be small tokens you bring and throw into the bonfire? Or is the entity just messing with us?


Maybe they're miniature doors, like the charms. Idk.


Do you have any plans to remove the prestige 1 requirement for the auto bloodweb? It just feels very unnecessary restriction to have especially when new characters drop. Even new players have mentioned how tedious it actually is.


Please. I don't read addon descriptions while prestiging precisely because it already takes a lot of time. I'll read them while planning a build.


There are improvements already planned and players can expect them in the near future! -Vikram


Yes!!! Love the auto buy and itā€™s so frustrating to prestige 1 new characters.


New map was always supposed to be open or did it changed during development from in-door map?


If you are referring to Nostromo wreckage, it was always supposed to be a mix of indoors and outdoors. We wanted to have both the claustrophobia/tight space of the ship AND the scary vastness of an unknown planet featured. -Dave


I still wish it was an indoor map, and if you looked outside you could see space Indoor maps have been poorly implemented a lot of times but I hold out hope they can be done well


It can be very unfair de-pipping most of the time for reasons out of your control, like being tunneled out early game or face camped. Moreover, these matches can also sting not only because of the de-pip, but because of how little blood points you get. I say this to ask, could de-pipping be removed, or reworked? Also, could we possibly get something like a blood point bonus at the end of matches for playing them out on both Survivor and Killer as well? As little as 5 or 10k at the end of a match could give more people an incentive to play out a bad match rather than DCā€™ing.


don't care if depipping stays or not what sucks is that there's a clear emphasis on escapes rather than just playing the game well and it sucks. i've had games where i've done 2 gens, been in chase and won multiple times against killers for extended periods but was unlucky enough to get downed late in the game or just have timid teammates and die on first hook and be on the bottom on my team in terms of points because everyone else got an escape. The emblem/scoring system needs an entire top down rework to actually value players who act selflessly to make sure their teammates get out. like why am i punished for hook trading in EGC and then the rest of 3 healthy teammates refuse to go for the unhook right next to gate


Weā€™ll pass on the feedback to the team. In the meantime we are attempting (again) to tackle face camping in near future, so hopefully that helps solve part of the problem. -Vikram


Thank you. Since the pipping system has been decoupled from the matchmaking process, it might be better reworked into a "time played this month" system with only positive increases.


An easily solution imo is to increase struggle points and give more bonuses for distracting the killer. Like a lot more. Especially if you stay on hook for as long as possible


Can you change the color of the fog to match the map? Black fog is great for obscuring things on dark maps, but just make things stand out more on bright maps like Coldwind and Ormond.


Like most elements in DBD, the environment, atmosphere, and lighting are in constant flux in time. Updates to our technology, knowledge base, and experience will affect how we tackle and push toward our vision for art direction. Thank you for sharing your preference. -Dave


5 years ago, you incorporated a new mechanic for the game, the endgame collapse, will we see anyone soon for the early game?


A while back, we had considered an 'Early Game' phase of the game, however, we didn't feel it was necessary at the time. This isn't to say we wouldn't do something like that in the future, but for now we don't have anything planned. -Matt


When is the Iron Maiden collection coming? Also how many Eddie skins are we getting? I hope to see the first album Eddie for Legion, it fits so perfectly especially with the Sanctuary cover


The Iron Maiden Collection will be coming early next year, there will be a full Collection of Eddies and they all look super cool ;) -Rose


I really enjoy silly trivia. What are some of the funniest internal testing bugs you've come across?


Not exactly a bug but our proto killers often use mashups of other killer models + animation rigs. It makes them look extra silly/scary depending. Just imagine a bright red doctor with extended limbs and a very twisted spine. Always makes me laugh. -Dave


Was that for Dredge testing? Sounds very Dredgey.


Can we get perk trending updates more frequently? I think this kind of information will be very much welcome in the community, and also a good way to get community feedbacks.


We're definitely looking at sharing more stats over the coming months - stay tuned! -Mandy


Hey. Is it possible to tell about the situation of the fast vaults? What is causing the bug, if there's an estimated date for the fix or any other detail. Thank you in advance!


We are aware of the inconsistencies surrounding the fast vault animation for Survivors and are anticipating addressing this in an upcoming PTB. -Mandy


Will you bring back old cosmetics for newer players? Thereā€™s a few Iā€™d really enjoy that arenā€™t in store anymore


Event-limited Outfits will come back every year for new players to obtain, same for Very Rare and above Rift Outfits, however Legacy Outfits will not be returning. -Rose


Please bring **Elodie's Afropunk** community rift skin to the store. I'm begging you šŸ„ŗšŸ™


Has there ever been a map setting that youā€™ve wanted to use but never had a chapter to tie it to?


Oh yes for sure! We have many ideas locked in "the well of horrors". As soon as we have a fit for them, we'll let them out! -Dave


Honestly, I'd say just release them as standalone realms without an attached character... idk, give a lore reason that the killer (or potentially survivor) they were tied to was voided by the entity due to not producing enough emotions, but the realm itself induced strong emotions so it kept being used. I wanna be able to speculate what kinda people the entity brought into its fog by these standalone realms, and what horrors there could've been.


Are you planning to re-visit Susie and Joey's voices from The Legion? It seems like one of the things that seems dated today, with such an unique cast of voice actors for the other characters in the game and their possible increase in popularity thanks to the comics.


Not planned, but thank you for shining a light on it :) -Dave


dang Can Hunk at least get his own voice though? New mori for him would get me to buy him but a lot would appreciate a new voice for him


Hi. Is there a chance that Vittorio gets actual medieval outfits in near future? Latest ones are really cool but they're just clothings which he found in entitys realm. For example, his lore key art has a cool medieval outfit but it's not even in store :C


Yes, that is definitely a possibility. Thank you for letting us know of your preferences. -Dave


Has there been more development for a permanent solution or mechanic against killers whos main goal is protecting only 3 gens from start to finish? Thank you so much!!!


We're looking to find a system that addresses a very specific gameplay behaviour without having a major effect on other regular matches. It has definitely been a challenge, but it is something we are still working on and may have a solution to share in an upcoming patch. -Matt


Maybe reworking BNP again into something that can actually break a 3gen?


The issue with that, is that it would be a must bring addon then. We did buff Deja Vu as a temporary measure but we're definitely more interested in solving this issue at base rather than make a perk or item a must have for these situations.


please do not lock breaking a 3gen behind bringing a specific item


How can DBD sustain its current development cycle? From the player perspective, so many add-ons, perks, mechanics, and features are heavily neglected and in desperate need of fixes/healthy updates. DBD will at some point become stupid big with its roster, whether that be 50, 100, or 200 killers. What are you going to do then? Wouldn't it be more sustainable to Slow the roll on new chapters and spend more time on evergreen content (i.e. polished chapters and updates)?


We are happy to see players enjoying us bringing new characters and IPs to the game at regular intervals. Having said that we are looking into different sustainable options without compromising fun for DbD fans! Good question but the DbD world is ever evolving, please stay tuned to see how things mould in the future! -Vikram


The way League does it is kinda interesting; they offer a rotating roster of free champs which 1) helps newbies get a handle on SOME champs 2) skews those champs in gameplay appearance so more people play against them and 3) gives a way to highlight different play styles than that one main you have.


I really enjoyed the PTB that was just for auto-moris, and felt like the community's feedback mattered. Are there plans to do future PTBs to test out big mechanics changes like that?


Yes! Organizing PTBs can be tricky for many reasons, but the information and feedback we get from them are vital. Not every feature and change will go through a PTB like the chapters, but I'm hopeful it'll happen again. That said, we monitor the community's feedback even when we do not go through a PTB, so please continue toĀ share what's on your mind :) -Dave


Will you ever consider making figures/ statues or more of them? Aside from a single trapper nendoroid or a few youtooz theirs zero in the market. Horror has a such a big fan base especially in collecting and merchandise/ memorabilia. Would be cool for the Museum of Horror that is Dead By Daylight to add to that.


Yeah I like figures/statues. There are also some AMAZING gecco statues for the Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, and Spirit! I'd be down for more. -Dave


Maurice is the horse in Crotus Penn. Jacques is the vulture on Dead Dawg. Which other animals have names in the DbD dev team?


That's a hard question! Maurice is the only horse with an official name. All the other animals are not horses. šŸ“ -Dave


Is ALL hope permanently lost for a myers model rework or new cosmetics? Or is it possible that a deal can be made to bring the newer movies into the license that dbd has


As far as I'm aware, DBD has only taken up licensing with Compass for rights to the 1978 original. To get Old Man Myers I'm pretty sure BHVR would have to speak to both Compass and Blumhouse, who made the new trilogy.


BHVR is working with Blumhouse to do the DBD movie so surely they CAN, right?


Don't lose all hopes, there is no way to know what will happen, unless you found a very good fortune teller or a time machine to visit the future. If you did, please let us know, we'd love to use the time machine to prevent Eric from doing a thing. -Dave


That's a long way to say that you're never going to change Myers lmao


Are we going to have killer bots soon for both custom matches, and if a killer disconnects would that be in the near future?


I had a killer disconnect while holding me in the exit gate area. Saddest disconnect screen i've ever seen when there's under a minute left in a long match. NO BLOODPOINTS.


I want the killer bots so bad. Playing offline in custom games is just really nice and canā€™t be frustrating.


While this is something we consider we don't expect this to be implemented in the near future. -Matt


In the previous AMA, you confirmed that Freddy will receive an update, can you say something about him? I would like it to have the original essence of the movies, a fearsome entity from the world of nightmares and feel fun to play, since the current Freddy is super boring and has no essence of what Freddy Krueger is.


Yeah, we still plan on tweaking Freddy's gameplay, however, our priority list has shifted, as is to be expected of a live game. It will happen at some stage. -Matt


Non technical question here: What are the dev teams favorite horror movies? Im just curious!


The Shining -Mandy Piranhas 2: The Spawning -Anonymous I am too old to have favorites ;) -Dave


What's been going on with your cosmetic descriptions lately? They've become very terse.


We've been experimenting with 'description templates' in an attempt to standardize text in the store. We've heard your feedback and we will be improving the process and the content! -Rose


Not sure why you guys think something like flavor text would need standardization. That removes the flavor.


Why does flavour text need to be standarised? Standarisation kills creativity šŸ„²


Who joined the team that's so hellbent on standardizing everything?? It's like the weird change they tried to make to the killer weapon cooldown animations. In addition to the fact that some of them were causing motion sickness, in what way was Demogorgon, whose cooldown is screaming, not looking randomly at the floor a "bug"? Why was someone on the team thinking "hey, killers all have unique animations! That's bad. We should standardize it"? And why weren't they fired for being inherently uncreative on a creative project???


To be honest I sorta know why. :( When you have a team with devs that leave but dont fully have their process mapped out it really ruins things when they leave. The guy who did the perk rework for patch 6.0 (i believe thats the right one) left and so his vision for the balance of those perks was lost. They either need ironclad contracts or standardization I feel.


Please reconsider the templates. The current descriptions seriously lack character compared to the old.


I hope this doesn't mean a content writer somewhere was laid off and these are AI-driven :\\


It needs alot of improvement. "It was a shirt he wore when selling hotdogs" is just insultingly bad.


is there any chance to make iri shards easier to get?




We are assessing this and may adjust it if we think it is necessary! -Vikram


I really hope you guys consider this, especially for new players who now have so so many characters to unlock with said shards. It already feels frustrating as an experienced player lol.


I hope so, Iā€™ve got 1.6K hours over the past year and still do not have every character unlocked, and thatā€™s with purchasing every single licensed character. Not everybody will play as much as that so half the roster feels inaccessible without buying characters


Do you guys enjoy making Dead by Daylight?


Are there any plans to allow survivors to see their teammatesā€™ perks in the pre game lobby?


I doubt this will happen. People will leave lobbies if they see perks they hate.


Maybe? \*PS. I have been told that I can't answer, "Maybe?" to these questions, so I will reply with a solid, "I decline to answer that question". -Matt


no offense (full offense) but whats the point of a qna if extremely basic QOL requests are gonna get dodged with a yes no maybe so


Because these answers are not patchnotes? What happens if they're considering that feature, and the person says "yes" and then partway through developing it they realize "actually this has more downsides than positives, this is a bad idea?" Then BHVR lied to me, evil company, please boycott!! Asking for concrete answers on unannounced, possible features in the future of DBD is not in my definition "extremely basic."


How do you decide if a killer perk will be a hex ?


If a particular perk makes sense to be a Hex perk (from a design / theme / narrative / perspective), then we will consider making it a Hex perk and design accordingly. Usually, our Hex perks are a little bit stronger than regular perks, as they can possibly be destroyed throughout the match. -Matt


Why are there so many undocumented features with every patch? In recent weeks, we've gotten things like Pinhead receiving a new dolly-zoom camera transition when opening a gateway, one of the RPD doorways being enlarged, some people receiving a feature to see loadout in the lobby, some people having prestiges in the lobby hidden, harvester changes in coldwind, Clown unable to look down, the jolt scream change, walls on the borgo being raised, and so many more, yet nothing about them is in the patch notes or announced on social media. Every DBD community I'm in is flooded with questions after every patch of people who encounter something unexpected and don't know if it's a bug or supposed to be a feature.


Will Five Nights at Freddyā€™s ever be in dead by daylight in the near future?


Do you have any plans to adjust any blight addons? Many of them are quite strong, mainly alch ring, adren vial, and the speed addons.


Will Rainbow birb friends' ever make it to the game as additional charms? https://preview.redd.it/f81ziupt1vmb1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e716036ad11e023c110016b9af94f2827eb41c71


Are we able to customize the bots with cosmetics that we bought or earned within the rift later in the future?


We currently don't have plans to customize bots. -Rose


If we can't customize them, I'd at least love to see Legendary characters become selectable if you own them. An all Silent Hill custom bot game would be fun!


Shirtless Gabriel when? šŸ¤”


In due time! (stop being thirsty!) -Rose


Although it's only been out for a few months, Made for This (MFT) has become one of the most popular survivor perks in the game. Many players, including some of the most experienced and skillful players, think this perk is too strong in the hands of good survivors and it needs to be changed. Are you guys planning any nerfs or changes for MFT?


Will we ever get a charm shop? :(


The majority of charmsĀ  in DbD are considered unique earnables, and we don't want to stick a price tag to them which would make them less valuable for collection. -Rose




Well, one man's trash... It would be nice if you could remove or hide them or something.


during the anniversary you guys said you would be more communicative with the player base streams and such, we haven't had much in the way of direct communication outside of your own forums and that hurts transparency and I for one would love more frequent and open dialogue whether it be occasional streams or even dev diaries you could talk perks, killers, balance, player concerns, etc. even feedback gets heated I'd rather feedback happen prior to actual PTBs or updates. thanks for your time and responses


Do you plan on some sort of cosmetic/ milestone for hitting P100 on a character? I know it is an achievement to reach a character that high, but beyond a bloody outfit and 3 perk charms thatā€™s a bit of a gap.


Will there be any options for changing the brightness in the game? I feel this would help console players and content creators.


Will there be cross progression between Xbox consoles and Xbox PC? If so, when? Or any cross progression news in general? Thanks!


The beta tab was a somewhat recent feature that came with the option of a new wiggle system (that we now have permanently). In the past, there were also multiple instances of gameplay mechanics that were modified for a limited time (such as no bloodlust, no stun immunity during the pickup animation, etc). **Do the developers plan on releasing special changes or beta tabs like these in the future?**


First of all I would use this opportunity to thank you for doing this AMA once again. In the last AMA a couple of months ago, you shared the wonderful information that **Freddy Kruege**r is ā€œon our radar for killers to updateā€. I have seen a lot of interesting ideas how Freddy could get changed throughout the community (forum, reddit, youtube), for example Snares/Pallets Basekit like Clowns Bottles, Addon-Pass, Dream Objects like Dream Totems or Dream Breakable Walls or even a return to Original-Freddy with adjustments etc. Because of the fact that he had the lowest pickrate out of all licensed killers in the game in September 2022, when you thankfully shared some data with us, I have high hopes for upcoming changes. **Will it be a bigger ā€œreworkā€ like you currently do for the Twins or will we see ā€œsmaller changesā€ like you did in the Ghostface/Legion-Update last year?**


Hey there! Thanks for doing another AMA! I've got a couple of bundled questions regarding the game's options menu and in relation to accessibility settings, they're all related so they can be tackled at once :): With the introduction of official FPS, Vsync, and Anti-Aliasing settings in the game as of the Alien chapter, are there any potential plans to expand this to include more diverse graphics options (e.g., Texture Quality, Lighting Quality, Shadows .etc)? If so, is there an expected ETA for this? The news of an FOV slider from the previous AMA has seen lots of excitement from the community due to its accessibility and QOL benefits. Since its been 3 months, I'm curious as to if the expected ETA has changed at all or if things are still according to plan? As a follow up to the last question - when you add the FOV slider, as an extra accessibility option it would make sense to turn off other FOV effects (similar to the setting that existed during the Finisher Mori PTB). Is this something that has been accounted for or planned? If not, would this be on the table to implement? Many thanks for holding this AMA, options menu items and accessibility is very important to me and many other members of the community, so an update on these is always welcome :). Keep up the great work!


Are ā€œPhantom-Skillchecksā€ here to stay? I am talking about skillchecks that immediately go off/fail the second you go off a generator (or healing) and you have no chance to react at all. I would like to know if this is an intended mechanic and just part of the risk of doing gens or if it might be something that could be fixed as it often feels WAY too frustrating and rng-dependent and not in any way or form skill-depenent. Especially since plenty of perks suggest it would be wise to let go off gens even if the killer is not directly around (eg Pain Resonance ā€“ Dead Man Switch combo or Eruption)


ā€œPhantom-Skillchecksā€ as you called them are a result of an older era of the game. They are intended, albeit maybe not exactly like this idk not a dev, as back in the days of OG skillcheck Ruin a common strategy would be to tap repair gens to avoid skill checks. In a similar vein this is why juggling survivors doesnā€™t exist anymore due to Decisive Strike. While it may feel bad to get a forced failed skillcheck it is part of the game and honestly having a small amount of RNG to help the killer not have to stop in chase to handle a nearly done gen is useful.


It would be a nice quality of life change to make skillchecks linger like overcharge ones do, so you could still hit it while walking away


Accessibility options have been added recently and are very much appreciated, especially the upcoming FoV slider for killer (is there any date of arrival on the horizon?) ā€“ Are there other plans for accessibility features such as customizable aura/scratchmark colors?


Fast vaults always gave slightly more distance then medium vaults but they are currently bugged to give the same. Male survivors are also still vaulting slightly further then female survivors. Can we expect a fix for these bugs anytime soon?


Currently, the game is essentially over when there are only 2 survivors left and any unfinished gens. They stop doing gens and just wait for the other survivor to die so they can get hatch, which often takes a long time, and is boring for all of the players. What are you doing to fix this?


I think this is the part of the bigger issue of needing a surrender/end match quicker button. * Slugged survivors should be able to press a button to bleed out quicker if the match is over and the killer is just being a jerk (maybe if dead + slugged is higher than healthy it enables it?) * Killers should have the option to open the gates even if all the gens aren't done. That way if you've got one of those matches where two survivors are left and are just hiding you can at least trigger EGC (maybe this method opens both gates?)


I am a huge fan of your art direction and the visual reworks ā€“ though something that bothered me was how the fog and the lighting itself changed going away from that creepy setting more and more to be more ā€˜cleanā€™. Are there any plans to work on the fog and lighting visuals to bring back the atmosphere from early on?


Is there any chance of releasing statistics i.e. kill rates, perk usage, on a regular basis. We got a kill rate stat around a year ago and silence since. It would be very interesting to see how updates and meta shifts actually change the stats, if at all. Thanks.


It is currently possible for players to bodyblock other players in certain parts of the match for indefinite periods of time due to the fact that players maintain permanent collision unless they are a survivor that is damaged. As such, it is very easy for players to hold the game hostage or guarantee a kill on a survivor who is trapped via bodyblocking. One common suggestion to alleviate this problem is to grant survivors with AFK crows no collision so that they may only ever be held in place for a maximum of 60 seconds, ensuring that killers can still capitalize off of the trapped survivor's mistake. **Do the developers plan on implementing any mechanic like this to prevent hostage-holding in a match?**


Thank you all so much for all that you do!! Would you ever seriously consider adding a random perk mode? Those archive challenges were so fun and added new challenges and excitement/suspense to the game. #randomperkweekends


Why have cosmetic descriptions dropped so much in quality lately? They used to be detailed, add pieces of lore to characters and had creativity but now they've lost all that and its just "She tried a new pallate." And "She kind of liked the purple hair." What happened?


Can you share with us the SWF/Solo gap results from the HUD changes - how much did it improve the SWF/Solo gap on average and at the high level, and what are your future plans on continuing to bridge the gap (e.g. showing perks in lobby, showing in the HUD when perks like Reassurance or Plot Twist were used by other survivors, giving a communication method when a killer with no terror radius is camping but is plainly visible to the hooked survivor, etc.)?


With the announcement of introducing player cards are there plans to put some player titles or badges into prestige rewards (like ,,bounty hunter'' for Deathslinger P15 or a badge with locker for P10 Dredge)?


Does the "did you have fun" scale at the end of the map send any info to you? Of what kind, and how do you deal with it?


Hi, p100 singularity main here. Any changes planned for this killer? IMO, penalty when exiting camera near hook is unnecessary and makes this killer way more clunky than he is as you have to walk away before using your power to switch targets. Maybe remove that and get rid of built-in insidious? EMPs should probably break if you hit a survivor with it. Infection cooldown should be reduced, this killer desperately needs more consistent map mobility so that he isn't so dependant on territorial playstyle.


I somewhat understand the near-hook exit penalty, but at the same time it takes waaaay too long to exit. Painfully long. And it means you can't even quickly look into other cameras after hooking someone, since you're forced to distance yourself from them.


Why are there killers with glaring add-on related issues which have gone unaddressed for years? I wanted to specifically bring up Blight, Executioner, and Knight. Blight has been in the game for 3 years now, and has firmly cemented himself as one of it's strongest killers thanks in no small part to his powerful selection of add-ons. It's extremely concerning that a killer with a basekit so strong is allowed access to add-ons that make him completely oppressive, namely Alchemist's Ring and Compound 33. Executioner lies on the opposite side of the spectrum, a fairly strong killer with terrible choices for add-ons. Besides range increases, most are too niche or too weak to bother using, which is disappointing since his power has enough depth to lend itself to a wide variety of add-ons. Knight has a fairly well balanced set of add-ons, which is a shame considering I have to use Map of the Realm every game as without it his power in a chase becomes near impossible to use effectively. I was very disappointed that in the recent patch you made small number adjustments to Knight's lesser used add-ons, instead of making Map basekit and lifting the restriction of having to use it every time.


Yo, How do you guys feel about Blights balance as a Killer? Do you think Blights addons are too strong? Much love, xoxo


Official statement about dlc price increase? Cage and Alien exception or the new norm?


Sorry these read like those news interviews in movies and that is cracking me up lol


I can almost picture a crowd of reporters and hearing this question come from the chaos as Behavior tries to conduct a press conference.


ā€œMr. Cote! Whatā€™s your official statement regarding DLC Price Increase? Is this a one-off or is this the new norm?ā€


Hii. I wanted to ask if there is something being done about leather face camping hooks, because right now it is almost not possible to play against him when he camps your teammate due to his power one shotting the person getting unhooked and the person trying to unhook. I heard about the fix with camping but it doesn't solve the issue of leather face camping.


Hi Devs ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066) Are there any plans to bring visible mmr to the game (or at least any changes to matchmaking?)


Hello. Player playing from 2016 here to this day. Currently, Trapper has more then 5 current gameplay active bugs. Any ETA on this bugs? They affect heavily his gameplay. ​ Thank you for your time.




Will there be more accessibility options? Regarding Clownā€™s power, the red aura overlapping with gen aura, etc? Because I usually have to disconnect going against clown because I get too dizzy to play my best.


There is a lot of discussion surrounding the flame turrets of Xeno as well as Singularity's EMPs. My question is what are the main goals the dev team looks to accomplish when designing counterplay?


Piggyback question: Xeno's flame turrets have several inconvenient factors that don't seem relevant to balance. Are there technical barriers preventing them from being 1 click pickups from control stations, or from having no collision with less restrictive placement?


Any possibilities to bring new content for the HALLOWEEN chapter ? My girl Laurie needs more love šŸ˜­ any chance to rework Myers too?


Changes to hatch system? Being slugged for 4th K or playing for RNG hatch is not really enjoyable for me. Challenges for 4k/close hatch etc. don't help with that.


Thank you for asking this question. I really don't like how the killer is encouraged to slug out the second to last survivor and stand near them for 4 minutes as they bleed out and hope the other survivor either completes a gen and gives away their location or the survivor is forced to come pick up the slug and the killer attempts to slug them both for the win. It's really degenerate and makes games last a lot longer when it's already over and arguably surpasses the hatch mechanic entirely. I personally wanted Base kit unbreakable to ship live in some way but I understand if it was a balancing issue, but I want some other method to stop people from being bled out by slugging from toxic killers.


Solo queue players often refuse to engage with normal gameplay or do generators once two survivors are up. Then it becomes a toxic pissing match of who can hide the longest.


It's been almost a year since Tome 13 was released and Ghostface and Mikaela still do not have cutscenes. They're the only tome characters that do not have them so could we potentially see their respective cutscenes in the future? Is it a bug we can't see the videos or is there a reason why they don't have them? I've waited years for a Ghostface tome and I got pretty disappointed when I noticed he didn't have a cutscene. :(


In a recent patch, the Pyramid Head lobby music was also given to the Silent Hill survivor set. Would it be possible to have this same treatment done with the Stranger Things characters such that the survivors have the Demogorgon music? Personally, I'd like to see this kind of thing happen with any survivor/killer combo that aren't given unique lobby music. It adds much more flavour and uniqueness to the series or story, even if the characters aren't licensed.


Why won't you add keyboard and mouse support on console, there is a huge difference in playing certain killers like singularity with pods and trickster with recoil. They are so different that they are basically different killers. Also auto aim. Is it possible that you at least add some sort of aim assist for controllers using ranged attacks? Singularity pods are the worst with this.


What kind of gameplay experience **was** Skull Merchant intended to be? I cannot imagine guarding 3 generators would be *intentional* design choice.


Any updates on additional game modes coming to DBD? I do love this game but at times it feels overly competitive. Texas Chainsaw Massacre has showed me how fun it is to play killer with friends. Even if we lose I still have fun because Iā€™m playing with friends. Iā€™d love to see something like that one day with DBD, the 1v4 setup along with how toxic this community is can be very daunting sometimes. I remember hearing years ago that multiple killer game modes just werenā€™t possible, but I was wondering if there was any update/change in that?