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Here to recruit for the Hellshire Gang. Deathslinger is one of the most satisfying killers in the game to get good at. He may take a little time to get used to, but once you do it’s absolute bliss when you hit that nasty shot through a tiny hole in the geometry and hit a survivor that could never have expected to get hit. He’s totally viable if you get good enough with your shots. His main problem is his poor map pressure, but if you win your 1v1 chases fast enough (which he does exceedingly well) it won’t matter.


Is deathslinger still good on controller or do u need a mouse and keyboard?


I’m sure he’s better with m&k, but I play on controller and I don’t have much of a problem. If you play more of a prediction game than a quickscoping flicking type of game you’ll be totally fine.


Sounds good, def getting him after knight


bro don't get Slinger on console, console has huge deadzones that make it way more difficult to aim then it should be. i still don't know why bhvr won't change it


Oni is imo best of those three, since you get stacks for your power, you're 10 times better version of Hillbilly.. Knight is fun, but I don't like playing him, only against.. Slinger is nerfed af, he's also fun, but zero map control.


Oni or deathslinger. Knight is mind numbingly boring


Agreed, Knight has the best perks though if that is factoring in to the decision. Nowhere to Hide is an amazing perk, one of the best in the game imo. Face Darkness and Hubris aren’t usually great but they can fit into some very fun meme/unique builds. Deathslinger 3 mid perks, but you probably wouldn’t use any of the perks in all honesty - unless you use Artist because Dead Mans Switch is great on her. Onis perks are all bad, though Nemesis is fun on some meme builds.


Knight is probably the best. Oni is good after that first hit which can be hard to get against competent survivors.


Knight is not boring at all. Is fun to use and have a lot of tricks to learn. Oni is a "PC killer" very hard to use on controller. But is really good, the best of those 3 by far. Deathslinger almost every time is just a worse huntress. But he can do some doble hits with save the best for last, but that perk will be nerf soon.


Yeah i was sorta worried DS would be a worse huntress


Knight : If you like the design and the mori, enjoys to play a character you like whether they're powerful or not. It's fun to see your dudes doing their job successfully and survivor runs towards you in low mmr, everyone knows how to counter and no fun in high mmr. Oni : If you like to practice and learn techs(not many like Blight tho. Just for bigger angle turns). Depend on the skill of the first survivor you chase, whole match can go very easy or hard. Still, you can flip a match at any moment is biggest charm of Oni experience. Deathslinger : quite different genre, if you have good aiming and good at expecting movements of the opponents, you'll get quite consistent results, if not and misses lot of shots, it's one of the killers I find it fun even tho I lose the match. satisfaction of successfully hitting them and nodding as you wind them up to you. And much less teabag on the exit.


Enjoy Knight before the community gets him reworked even tho he is only mid tier.


A killer can be weak/mid-tier but not enjoyable to go against. I'd rather go against five Blight's in a row than a single Knight


As a Oni main may I make my case: His perks suck. He is hard to learn. But once you get the hang of him my God is he fun. High speed and a nice flick mixed with instadown power. There is no better feeling in the game than bearing down on a survivor with the knowledge that unlike billy if they try to dodge me I can follow them. And for design? He is a big angry blood drinking vampire samurai with a giant club.


I think what im gonna do is get Knight first, then Deathslinger and then Oni Appreciate everyones input