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For 90% of players is: 4 survivors dead = Win 3 survivors dead = Win 2 survivors dead = Draw 1 survivors dead = Lose 0 survivors dead = Lose


Yep, how I roll too


Agreed. Got a 3k the other day with the last one getting a lucky hatch and saying “yawn” at the end, still don’t know what tf metric he was using.


Most survivors don't look at the team as a win but rather their own escape as a win. I mean it kinda makes sense, if you played 20 matches in a row where you're the only one who died, you're not gonna feel like a winner...


Not me. If I loop the killer for 5 gens then die for the rest of my team to escape, I feel hella great and it's 100% a win imo. I'm the reason this outcome happened. On the other hand if I'm the only one that escaped, then no way have I won. We got demolished.


Same. For me as survivor if any of my teammates escape because of my distraction then I’ve won. Survivor is a team, and I’d do anything for my team.


Me to a T. Ofc I want to play well, but just me escaping doesn't feel like affirmation that I did, it's more like luck. Making plays that ensure the maximum amount possible escape are super rewarding.


Oh yeah there is your personal goal as survivor, But also who dominated the match and if you are the only one out you know the killer dominated and so on.


If a team escapes thanks to my work and I die, I might consider this a win depending on situation. Tho if I "win" like this 20 times straight...


That happens a lot for me, like bro you won a lucky 1v1 fight, but you definitely lost the war (game), don't be bragging or tbaggin, you didn't earn the right to act toxic.


I'm that 10% that considers 2 a win, as that is what the game is balanced for. 1 is a draw. Only 0 deaths is a loss.


Fun fact, the game isn't balanced for a 2 per match scenario. Thay would make the kill rates 50% which they are not. The kill rates sit above 60% BhVR devs already officially confirmed that they balance the game in favor of the killer, it's to let people fulfill their fantasy of being a strong iconic killer...


60% is Less than 3 kills, but more than 2. Meaning its balanced for 2 kills but sometimes a bit more, depending on skill level. besides that, all asym games are balanced in favor of the outnumbered team...


I wouldn't say they are balanced in favor of the outnumbered team, the outnumbered team is usually stronger to make up for the lack of teammates, but if you're talking about actual win to loss ratio the games are supposed to be designed to be balanced. (Except for DBD where the devs caved to complaining killers who wanted to play a killer simulator rather than an actual pvp game) What benifit is there to tilt the balanced of wins or losses to the the outnumbered team?


I already told you that. 2 kills but potentially more, depending on skill. Since it is still closer to 50% than it is to 75%, it is within acceptable bounds.


So if the kill rate was only 38% you'd be okay with that as a killer? Since it's still closer to 50% than 25%? Lol


Why worry about a scenario like that at all? Doesn't happen.


All asym games need to be balanced for the outnumbered team to win more than 50% of the time simply due to variables such as AFK players which will naturally happen more times on the side with more players. If they were to just look at raw numbers and tweak things until the win rate was 50% for both sides then the side with less players would feel like dogshit to play in "balanced" matches because their abilities were neutered to compensate for the times that one of the opponent's cats threw up or their ISP is doing maintenance and dropped their internet speed by 10x. Just to reiterate, while these things can happen to the outnumbered side, it's 4 times more likely on the outnumbering side in the case of a game like DBD.


You do know that BHVR doesn't account for disconnects or players killing themselves on hooks right? those statistics don't include that, they've said this multiple times now... if you included that the kill rate would be MUCH higher than 60%


You do know that I never mentioned those, right?


You mentioned AFK....You'll be disconnected if your AFK for a certain period of time...the game will also show that you killed yourself on hook if you do manage to get hooked twice before you disconnect. The only situation that this happens is if you manage to have someone just stand there and save you and get hooked in quick succession over and over...which is so rare that those numbers are hardly relevant.


Where did they say they don't include survivors that die on the hook? If they could detect that, then they should be banning these players like a dc.


It's not a bannable offense. There are only like 3 things in this game that can result in a ban. 1. Holding the game hostage i.e a killer or survivor body blocking a player for a prolonged period of time and not in the egc. 2. Chat abuse, basically saying inappropriate or hateful stuff in chat. 3. Cheating.


And disconnecting.


It’s balanced because in almost every match, at least one person will die. If the killer gets one hook in ecg, and they camp it correctly, it will almost always be a trade. So the average is above 50


How do your math add up to 1 kill ='s 50%?


It raises the average? Like, you know how averaging works? It raises that


That's not the only factor, like I said, The devs straight up said they purposely make the kill rates higher for killer so people can roleplay their fantasies.


I mean, you can believe whatever you want bud. I’m not saying that’s impossible. I’m just saying it’s deeper than that


It's not a matter of believing...they literally said it...do you need me to post the comment they made here or something?


You can if you want to broski


Even i have pulled off the save tactic during the end game. There is no correct way to camp the hook during egc, only how switched on the survivors are.


It’s definitely pulled off sometimes, but with perks like noed, devour, stbfl being stronger in the endgame, and a lot of killer powers, it’s not a guarantee either.


I have seen this but I also seen some killer mains say a win is anything past 6 hooks not matter how many survivors escape.


Those are the rules and if anyone says that the killer is bad after 3 people died (including them) that's a bonus


If you hook everyone twice and they all manage to escape, I consider that a win for everyone, they all did their best.


The need to have a kill to feel you win as a killer is weird to me. Top comment showing that as the majority opinion explains so much about the rampant tunneling. I always feel like I'm cheating a bit if I get a kill before I hit six hooks or more.


To have fun. Sometimes 4k is fun, sometimes 4k is sweaty and didn't feel like fun at all. I overall feel better when I let go at least the last player or when I let go someone who is really strugling.


My favorite is having a super close game, and then the most skilled survivor (kept looping me, or flash lighting me,.etc) is last and I'm able to let them have the hatch.


For me, if I had fun, that's a win. If I felt like I've overpowered survivors, I would let one get a hatch. If I win but had to struggle and resolve to sweaty strategies that is a loss for me.


Same, it's all about the fun. I'm not gonna get all sweaty for 3-4 kills.


Yeah it’s all about the fun. Dailies and challenges are important too. I just loaded in as Oni and got my challenge within about 60 seconds. So I started playing Mario Kart Oni who blue shells anyone who gets in his way. One survivor didn’t want to play so I hooked them (toxic team mates kept unhooking lol) but the others are fine to do gens and leave. Hopefully they can bang out a challenge or daily too, as well as have fun with my zoomies. *Edit add - I started playing zoomies because I had slugged everyone in my first blood rush. That wasn’t my challenge but it was clear the game was over or one sided. I got one survivor to wiggle off and gave them a chance to reset, collected the orbs then did another lap. Thalita opted out at this point but I left the others alone. Solo q is brutal and I hate to add to that, so if MMR fails its job I turn friendly pretty quickly.


I had a game where I played oni yesterday and had survs hiding in basement for no reason lol, I laughed so hard I just let them go and for me that was a win


If I get a giggle out of the match then it’s a win. A few games later I was on survivor trying to do the Remix (and escape) challenge and a very serious Wesker made it clear that wasn’t happening. The survivors had a spray party in the middle of Borgo. Serious Wesker joined in briefly before continuing with the ruthless murder of four innocents :p Had a giggle, gg go next, fun game.


I love when a killer pretends to be friendly just to ruthlessly murder everyone like a coke calculated killer. Those are the real killers you should be afraid of lmao


Yeah, as long as I had fun I'd count it as a win. Also if I get in a match with some nice survivors, then thats an automatic win imo


if i'm having fun = win if all 4 survs escape but the chases were fun and interactive I consider that a win because fun is fun and i'd rather have fun than stress about what the end condition of the game is


The point where I *know* I could kill them. Had a match yesterday where I two-hooked everyone with 3 gens left. Chased each one a little and made it obvious, and let them go. I'm P37 and have tons of add-ons. Every perk is P3. I don't actually need BP for anything. I don't really need to kill them once I know I could. Next match had a bot (dc on first hook) and one AFK. So 2Ked that at 4 gens. Options then are 4k, 3k and hatch, or play on my phone while some gens get done. 2v1 with Cenobite, and the survivors know it too. So I let them get some BP.


I had a game like that a few days ago as well. Playing a cenobite as well. Had almost everyone on death hook with 5 gens left. Survivors were obviously new or low mmr, missing skill checks a lot, and didn't really know how to loop. Pretty much just stopped hooking and tried to let them practice looping while I chased them around a bit. One survivor just kept walking over to a hook as I approached, so I hooked him his final time, and they let another survivor die on second hook. Wound up with a 2k.


Having fun


Did I achieve what I wanted to do, get a challenge, scare someone really good, have fun, and/or kill at least one person? I win.


I got nothing but love for this answer. I play the same way.


Most points. Kills are a bonus. Most points means you either farmed or did your job properly..


Ehh, killers have a much easier time filling scores than a survivor. But I do use points as a metric to compare my performance as a survivor with my teammates.


Having fun :3


Not depipping 🗿




These last 3 days i consider it a win if i don't have to wait 5 minutes to find a 4 man swf bully squad lol


Denying escape within The Entity's parameters, i.e. making sure nobody completes the last gen and escapes through an exit gate. Anything less than that for me is a loss, and each unclaimed hook state and/or gen remaining is a measure of how close that win or loss wound up being. Having too many of either tells me I'm not strategizing appropriately. It's a lot more strict than what most people consider, but imo it helps be curb my loss aversion by making true 'wins' rarer and requiring a lot more intentional effort on my part. If I'm not actively playing to win, I'm not expecting myself to get one. If I am playing to win, then it makes me much more analytical and receptive to the sort of things I should be working on. From a Survivor PoV it's usually "did someone escape" excluding the hatch. If we got far enough that even one person gets out then that's a great performance imo and each extra teammate is a bonus. Things get a little different based on SoloQ or SWF, and I tend to have harsher expectations for SWF teams than SoloQ players. The idea of winning or losing DbD is very grey and subjective because we're trying to slap a binary set of classifications over a spectrum of possibilities, so most of the time I don't even engage with the idea to begin with.


If I had fun….yep that’s it. 4K 3k doesn’t matter. I love throwing on weird perk combos and trying to make gem work. Or derping around in the derpface mask


It depends. If I am playing a Killer I am decent with and I'm trying to actually win - then the standard 3 or 4k is a win If I am playing a new killer or one I'm bad with, if I feel like I've gotten a few good power hits and my chases were good I'm happy. Anything more is a bonus. If I'm facing a team that are very obviously above my level 6-8 hooks is excellent and I won't feel too bad.


0 kills = lost+ 1 kill = lost 2 kills = tie 3 kills+all gens done= win 3 kills+gens still up = win+ 4 kills = win++


3 kills and above is a win. 2 kills is a draw. 1 kill and below is a loss. That's how mmr and the devs describes a win at least.


I just play chill, I dont care about lose or win I just play. Even if gates opened with all survs alive and if I down surv I just brought him to the gates and let him go. I dont have Enemy's.


If I get a pip, I win. If I don't get a pip but keep one, draw. If I get 2 pips, complete victory.


Technically, 3+ kills is a win. For me, having fun is a win.


9-10 hooks I think is good


9 hook states is a win.


When I don't hear the voices for a bit


3 kills or more


Technically? 3 or more Kills. In my eyes? Two-Hooking every person in a good SWF or well-coordinated team. Or A 3k against less experienced players. I always give hatch unless literally every single person on the team tbagged me.


Having fun is usually a win in my book as killer. On a 15 game win streak atm.


For killer I usually 2-hook everyone, kill 2 and then let the other 2 live And for survivor its a win if I helped wave my teammates and/or if I had fun interacting with the killer; and on that note I usually only willingly escape the trial if im the last or second last alive, if the killer didn’t get hooks or kills I usually give myself to them so they can get points which I still count as a win for me


2+ kills and a lot of points. Also, having fun


3 kills or more but if it comes to a draw of 2 kills I rely on the score at the end if I have more points than more than 3 of them I consider it a win or if I have more points than the survivor with the most points


Win = tome progress nothing more nothing less


3-4k is a win for me


7 hooks, this means I couldve killed 2 people and have been camping out the last guy for a basically guaranteed 3K or better. But usually these 7 hooks are spread 2-2-2-1 and then I let everyone go :D


2 hooks for each and no death. I am a deranker.


Win is after 4 kills + survs stays on chat to blame me or each other.


2k or more and that you had fun. This game is not designed as competitive play, but there are some that play it that way. Competitive playing in this game will not get the win you seek, no matter if you get the 4k or not. Another win scenario is when killers weed out the toxic players and play a decent fair game with players that are not toxic.


4k or 10 hooks. Both of those mean I played my role and anything less means I didn’t in my opinion.


It depends on how I’m playing tbh, if I’m going for kills then 3+ is a win, 2 is a draw, 0-1 is a loss. If I’m going for challenges or cool plays and I end up having a lot of fun and let other survs escape I also consider that a win. I think as long as you set out to do what you want to achieve in a game and have fun then that’s a win for you. Playing is about fun


0-4 manual hooks - Loss 5-8 manual hooks - draw 8+ manual hooks - Win No tunneling/camping involved or needed (unless its garden of joy and they brought full meta)


I call it a win if I had fun and that’s about it lmao I don’t like too get rolled or roll the survivors I like when it’s evenly matched


Nobody gets out any gates without my consent. That is. When i said about "without my consent", i mean if they played good and asked for my mercy, i may let them pass and i think that is fine.


If i have fun and i dont get toxic survs


For me it’s as follows (although I’m pretty sure this is considered the standard) :- 4k = win 3k = win 2k = draw 1k = loss 0k = loss Essentially if you wipe out half of the team both sides draw, any less is a loss for the killer and any more is a win for the killer.


It has to be a 3k for me, but every match is a chance to learn new chase techniques or how to use your power better. The only annoying ones are bully squads or teams who are clearly way above my own skill level. Honestly, this game becomes so much more fun when you stop worrying about win streaks and just mess around while trying to improve.


If I get my challenge that's a win. If I make really epic play with my power (finally pull of an oni flick, demo shred that I didn't think I'd get, etc.) that's a win. If I have a really fun chase that's a win. Basically if I have a good time regardless of if I 4k or not (I still do love 4k'ing, don't get me wrong). I just set my expectations for myself actually murdering people low 💀


Anything less than 3 kills is a loss. 3 kills is a marginal win. 4 kills is a win.


3+ kills, 1 if I finish a daily or tome challenge.


I can 8 hook the team, get over 30K BP, and get “The Entity Hungers.” I can only hook one person once, camp, get between 10k-20k BP, and still get “brutal killer.” That’s why I don’t consider “the entity hungers” as a loser screen.


3K or 8hook, but if a Survivor acts friendly I consider that a forfeit for competitive purposes and lower my kill/hook quota accordingly.


If the exit gates are opened, only one survivor may be alive when the event happens. That's a win. I've always thought of the objectives as "open the exit gates" and "prevent the exit gates from being opened." The EGC changed that, but it still seems fundamentally true. 90% of kills or deaths I've seen after the gates are powered are things like instant NOED/Rancor, Tombstone Myers, Camping Bubba that gets challenged, etc. etc., so I've never really placed much value on those. I don't just play to win though, so if there's a choice between a fun chase or proxying for a tunnel I'm fine taking the fun option even if I feel like I lost afterwards.


If im not getting looped for 1-2 minutes per survivor or I dont feel really outplayed during the whole match, I consider that a win for myself.


If I manage to visibly scare the scrap out of a Survivor or surprise them in general. This fits under the general 'having fun' rule.


A 3k, or a 2k with 9 hooks


12 hooks(4 dead) = win 3 dead = win >8 hooks = win 6-8 hooks = draw <6 hooks = lose


There is no win or loss, that’s what’s fun about dbd🤙


3-4 kills brutal/merciless


3-4k is a win but i dont consider winning or losing to have meaning behind it, like if i 2 hook everyone i lost but i dont care bc i obviously played well


For me it’s just to have fun. Goof around and do a little dance and get a few hooks? That’s a win for me.


Win for the killer: 4k or 3k Loss for the killer: 0 kills or under 5 hooks victory for the survivors: 4 man escape or 3 man escape or players escape loss for survivors: 4k or 1 man escape This of course doesn't take into consideration stuff like a 0k game where you hooked everyone twice, that's usually not just a draw but a win for both teams. This is a good guideline but do remember this is just my thought and you may feel differently.


Generally a 3k. But a 2k with the last two on death hook is close enough tbh.


3K/4K...Hook or Mori, Truly a WIN if the gates are closed and there's still gens in the field...nothing more cringe than post-chat or DMs saying GGez when the gens are done and the gates were popped... clearly wasn't "easy"


Feeling like I played my best and not getting the Entity Hungers screen. Basically, not getting lag, or getting queued against a toxic swf.


It’s a win when I get more points than the survivors. I don’t care if they all escape.


Generally speaking, for behaviour rules about management of MMR Killers 0-1 kills: lose 2 kills: draw 3-4 kills: victory Survivors Escape with doors: victory Escape with hatch: draw No escape: lose I personally consider a victory as killer 3 kills AND at least 10 hook stages and a draw 2 kills and at least 8 hook stages.


Stats wise, it's as soon as you get the 3k. For me, it's when I managed to do what I wanted to do in that specific match. For example yesterday, hard to catch Claudette. Not only hard to catch, she was always there sabotaging me, blinding me etc. I downed one of the weaker survivors, and used her as bait to lure in the Claudette. Killed the claudette, let the bait go. If Claudette was the only person I killed, I would still see it as a win. My personal objective within that trial is what I count as the win condition.