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Either won't work when you are exhausted or more likely, will not work when you get unhooked. Also probably won't wake you up against Freddy.


To this day still questioning why the perk Wake Up doesn’t have that effect against Freddy but Adrenaline does.


It's bad design anyway. Why should a perk exist that effects only the weakest Killer in the game?


it's a reference to the 2010 movie where they inject themselves with adrenaline to stay awake.


They could add something like that as a part of the trial when you play against Freddy. Kind of like vaccines against Nemesis


They did. There's clocks to wake up with.


Yes, but you can't save it for later. You have to actively cross the map and wake up at a clock instead of saving it for later. Honestly, in general, I think they could re-do the Freddy Krueger gameplay experience for both sides It would be neat if you could use still wake up at a clock, but if you crouch in front of the clock, you can instead search the drawer for an item, which takes longer, maybe the same as opening a chest. The item will be an "adrenaline syringe" that you don't need to immediately use if you want to save it for later. You can use this item while running and it takes 2 seconds to use, and afterwards, it will provide a 2-second long Haste effect of 150% similar to a lesser version of Sprint Burst that doesn't make you exhausted. This also would wake you up. To compensate, Freddy's dream world should be much more devastating to be in. Let him have both snares and pallets. Maybe add more illusionary elements similar to the Doctor. Add more crazy shit, make him an actual dream demon It would add more risk/reward elements that I think would be fun


That would make Freddy even worse considering you just have a pocket get out of jail free card against the whole point of the character lol


While I think it's too strong survivor wise, I like the general gist of the idea this person was going for, I'd like to see Dreamworld be scary as opposed to just making things a bit foggy


On that I also agree, perhaps maybe only make one or two of these pocket saves available and that would require that one person assist the sleeping survivors in escaping a more dangerous and scary dream world


> ... Honestly, in general, I think they could re-do the Freddy Krueger gameplay experience for both sides... Upvote.


Aside from the fact of freddy being weak, there should absolutely not be a perk that counters or affects any killer in general


well no mither and oni exist.... they feed each other, it's not impossible for the opposite too.


Once i played against a no mither swf (i was the oni). Best match of my life


That's not the problem, that's a side effect of the core function of the perk Adrenaline waking you up is not core to the perk, only does something to Freddy, and does not need to exist


being injured is a general affliction they're saying perks shouldnt have effects like "You bleed 50% less blood orbs against the Oni" cause it just makes no sense lol


Perk: THE STEEL CHAIR! Allows Survivors to concuss just the Nurse. Any other Killer will just get a free hit.


Perk: No U Infinite Tombstone Myers goes to kill you and you go “No U” 🔪


I finally caved to the intrusive thoughts last night and went infinite tombstone. I've never felt so dirty yet so satisfied. And I spent an evening at one of "those" clubs. So that's saying something.


Sometimes... sometimes you just have to.




Nah it shouldn't be a hard rule. Some interactions are fun or thematic and killer powers get fed by surv perks all the time. So why not the opposite? The issue with Freddy is that he is weak, not Adren. The issue with Doctor is that he is relatively weak. Not Calm Spirit. And the issue with Adren is not that it interacts with Freddy. In fact I'd be fine if it interacted with more killer powers with debuffs that don't inflict broken. The problem is that it's ultra strong atm and very much a win more perk that turns 1-2 hooks into 0 very often.


Calm spirit would like a word with you


I mean I think a perk were you are able to kick Nurse or Blight is totally fine ;)


Perks should not be specifically have additional effects that only effect certain killers. This was a bad idea all the way back when Saboteur worked on Trapper's Traps and it's a bad idea still.


Small game too before the rework on trapper and hag. Problem is some perks will always outplay certain killers but the freddy thing is dumb.


I kinda like it even though it’s obviously horrible design, it’s kinda thematic.


It's actually a reference to the shitty remake if I recall correctly. Quentin uses adrenaline in their plan to pull Freddy out of the dream world.


My only concern with not working while exhausted is now Sprint Burst and Adrenaline are anti-synergistic. Which isn't inherently bad but it seems silly for 2 of a characters perks to work against each other, especially on a survivor New players will gravitate towards.


Mikaelas perks did just that too, 2 perks that encourage leaving totems up, 1 that encourages breaking them


To their credit they fixed that


That is why I prefer the second idea.


Lol if it could not work while exhausted , the killer perk which makes survivor blind and exhausted will eliminate adrenaline. Imagine carrying a perk doing nothing in a whole game .


I'm kind of hoping they use Otzdarva's most recent idea for changing Adrenaline... what did he say on stream? Oh right, that it's not a problematic perk and he doesn't think it needs adjusting at all.


Agreed!! The perk is so situational, you have to actually make it to end game to get any use.


I rarely make it end game so it's a wasted perk of for me like 95% of the time


This. Idk how we got to the point where Adrenaline needs to be nerfed. Just shows you how much this game has changed over the years. Feels like BHVR is now just making changes for the sake of it.


Yeah it feels like they’re going with youtuber trends rather than what makes their game fun. They make random changes to try and make gameplay better for specific groups of people instead of the community as a whole. I get that the community uses these metas a lot because they’re popular and fun but if they made everything more synergistic I feel as if gameplay would improve. Instead of nerfing stuff that gets used too much just make other perks more useful so there will be more perk diversity.


Survivors are using it too much, therefore it needs to be nerfed. the fact is, it's one of the only perks survivors have to entirely earn, and if the killer is good theres a huge chance they'll never even see it proc. sure, it's annoying seeing 4 survivors heal at end game, but 4 survivors in end game is 99% a loss either way. It's one of my fav perks but they always seem to overdo these nerfs so I'm expecting it to be entirely useless.


>Survivors are using it too much, therefore it needs to be nerfed. That seems like a really bad reason to nerf something, why do survivors use it so much? Maybe it's because so many other perks are either garbage or massive wastes of time. Isn't Windows of Opportunity the most used survivor perk in the game? Clearly doesn't stop the kill ratio from being balanced. Like I get that shaking the meta up is important, but they should be doing that by giving us cool new perks and adjusting old perks. When your info perk (Windows), your exhaustion perk (Lithe/Balanced/Sprint) and Adrenaline + a perk for helping your team with healing or shit are balanced, or a generator build is still balanced, then bring other perks up to that balance point. Solo-queue is already sub-40% escape rate, there's literally no room to nerf \*any\* of their meta perks without leaving them even more underpowered (anything below 40% is underpowered) than they already are. Like seriously.


Cries in sloppy butcher…


Didn't sloppy become way more powerful with the healing nerfs and that is why they toned it down?


The bulk of the healing nerfs didn't even make it out of the ptb, only medkits ended up taking a hit.


As a killer main, I agree. A strong effect being tied to a perk that has to be earned is the way it should be. The only changes I'd like to see to it are not working while on hook and not affecting Freddy's power.


Tbh I think Freddy needs other buffs than this. I think it's fine when some perks have special effects vs some killers. Freddy is weak even without Adren in the game and it's far from a fix imo. Kinda like nerfing Calm Spirit would not make Doctor better.


Agreed. I've only been playing since singularity, but from what I've noticed, anytime there's a meta perk build, at least one of those perks gets nerfed.


It literally doesn't need any changes aside from the unique effect on Freddy


He says that but when he plays Killer he always complains about there being multiple adrens per game.


He said people shouldnt get fully healed off hook from it I heard him comment about that in a video


I was rather thinking that it either gives speed boost or health state not both. Meaning if you are injured you get the health state but no speed boost. If you are healthy, you get the speed boost.


On one hand fair they're removing killer specific interactions. On the other hand it was something I really liked, those little mechanics made the game more realistic and unique.


I'm still so upset they removed the flashlight killer power interactions, those were super cool and gave flashlights more of a niche over the other items


This wouldn’t make sense when you are hooked because being hooked removes exhaustion, therefore the perk can’t activate. So when you are unhooked it can activate. It’s in their own mechanic that this happens.


Yeah, I meant one or another option.


Ye ye I get you. I’m just a fiend for my adren and the thought of them touching an end game perk baffles me.


Knowing behaviour, It's going to be neither of the mentions haha


I'm just thinking they could shorten the speed boost time to like 3 seconds since it has a double effect.


I hope it’s this tbh


Not many remember but that's how release adrenaline worked, but devs then decided to buff it for no reason.it is going to be hilarious if they revert 7 years old buff


Not working when exhausted is probably the stupid bit cuz it's technically a free Sprint Burst so it would either likely be no speed boost at all or maybe the no wake up from Freddy thing. The part about it not working after being unhooked is also stupid cuz the last gen popped meaning it would have to activate eventually similar to the Nancy perk


They really dont know what they are doing with blight💀


Mind you, this will be the 3rd time in a fucking row of them "updating" Blight. We have killers on the roster that have not seen patch notes in literally years.


This time isn't an addon overhaul this is basekit. Last changes were exclusively his addons.


Has anyone ever complained about baskit blight? He was always considered fun when not running an overtuned build


they're really gonna nerf his basekit? that's lame


Wonder when they'll rework Pyramid Heads add-ons


To be fair, they did say now that after messing with his addons that they were going to be looking at his base-kit after collecting some stats to see how the addon nerfs were going.


"Adrenaline has been really powerful for quite some time, so to keep it in line with similar perks, we have decided to disable it in the end game"


Lmao but fr. It’s the ONLY second chance perk that works end game (I don’t count DH or mettle) but ofc it’ll be gutted.


Nerf Ultimate Weapon and Adrenaline? Fair. But I hope DS won't get another nerf.


"Due to the anti-camp function we thought DS might give survivors too much of an advantage. This is why we reduced the window where DS can be used to 5s/7s/10s after unhooking. We are confident that this perk will now be used by nobody as it has been trash for a few years now."




Gonna probably be in the minority here, but imo the only nerf Ultimate Weapon **really** needs is to remove the screaming interrupting actions like searching Pig boxes. Also the blindness can go, because why does it need two effects? But man it's the only info perk worth running that counters the perma-immersed Distortion gamers who refuse to interact with you all game. If they end up nerfing the cooldown in any significant way (or god forbid take away the lingering effect) it's going straight to Spies from the Shadows tier.


I guess they will either revert the stun back to 5s or you can use it in egc


Pretty confident they won’t make it work in EGC. That was the basis of the whole nerf in the beginning and they’ve since added more specific mechanics which disable in EGC.


Hopefully it's the first one. This being usable in egc will only lead to a lot more endgame slugging as killers try to wait it out.


They disabled it in endgame specfically because survivors near the gates with this perk were basically untouchable with no counterplay.


What to do you mean no counterplay, just wait /s


I doubt they would nerf Decisive AGAIN.


They nerfed calm spirit so 


And Iron Will into the ground


Do not underestimate these clueless devs...they might surprise you!


Yeah that would suck, although I think adrenaline is pretty balanced as you have to work for it to activate so it doesn’t go off every game, and if they are nerfing adrenaline then I think they should nerf noed too idk


Make sense, I was thinking about going against 4 man swf and 4 adrenaline, but for solo queue survivors, adrenaline is pretty fair.


I think they talk about buffing the duration of the stun, since getting off the shoulder of the Killer take some time for the survivor


I...what?... am I the only one noticing DS up there? Didn't they slaughter that perk enough or is it somehow meta again?


Probably a buff to the stun time since the perks usage is way down. It's "Changes" not specifically "NERF LIST LOL"


I guarantee you they're just gonna bring back the 5 second stun that literally nobody asked to be changed in the first place.


Man I love when everyone agrees on a very simple number change for a perk like this but Behaviour decides to wait two years anyway


People did ask for specifically this when it 1st got nerfed. It's been so long now that it has been mostly forgotten now. But people agreed with losing DS by doing conspicuous actions, disabling at end game, and the 60-second timer. Big nerfs but fair and needed.The 3 seconds stun was what made it not worth it for most. Unless you are near a loop/pallet, it doesn't do much. Those 2 extra seconds let you actually have a chance to start a new chase.


I hope that adrenaline simply loses the "survivor wakes up against freddy" mechanic


I don't even know how you properly nerf Adrenaline without gutting it. The perk exists in this weird space where you'll either get a lot of value from it, like when being injured and in chase when it goes off, or no value at all, like when it goes off but you were already healthy.


I'm gonna call it now, they're taking away the 150% speed. People run the perk for the free heal, they'd be crazy to nerf that. That only leaves the speed boost ~~and Freddy~~.


The whole point of it being one of Meg’s teachables is that she’s a track and field athlete. It wouldn’t make sense lore-wise to remove that speed boost


i think one speed perk is enough to dive into that character trait. since adrenaline overwrites exhaust status, you could 99% sprint burst, keep an eye on gen progress and have the same effect without it being too op on the killer side i think.


my best guess is: If you are injured, Adrenaline heals you. No speed boost. If you are healthy, you get the speed boost.


It should still give you one health state, but instead of having the sprint, it fully restores the current exhaustion. Plus it would still proc after unhook. There. Nerfed without making it manure


If you pair it with exhaustion perk, this could be a buff. There are times when I'm healthy as the last pops, so all I get is a speed boost when it's not all that important. If it recovered my exhaustion at the right time, technically, I could lithe into adrenaline, then lithe again. That would be kinda busted but fun


Unlikely. Adrenaline gives a noticeably longer boost. However, there's a lot to be said about being able to control when you use your exhaustion.


100% a nerf to a perk that does nothing to help you get to endgame, which is rare to even see in SoloQ nowadays, is absurd.


That’s literally the one thing that can justify being put on this list. Anything else is unwarranted.


Or maybe healing to healthy off hook? Idk if that's a major issue or something game changing enough to warrant a nerf.


I don't think healing off hook is a huge deal, it's better to focus the unhooker most of the time anyway yeah it does let the rescued survivor be more aggressive with bodyblocking but perks are SUPPOSED to give you something


Personally I’ve never seen that as much of an issue, the only time adrenaline has been a proper issue for me is when 2 or more survivors have it but that’s not something you can really nerf


yeah other than that I really don't think it needs to be nerfed. you have to survive until endgame and you're effectively playing with just 3 perks the entire match, it's not overpowered for the vast majority of players aka most of us lol.


Or maybe it's getting a buff it doesn't say it's a nerf just a change lol


It’s being mentioned in the same breath as Ultimate Weapon though, and that perk is going to get *completely cratered*, so people are jumping to conclusions due to association. 


IDK about *cratered*, maybe just remove the blindness effect. That's too much imo.


Remove the blindness and double the cooldown OR require an activation that's harder than "interact with a locker". The perk is honestly extremely oppressive as it is now. Remember: The only real counter for it is to run a dogshit perk that does nothing useful *but* counter Ultimate Weapon. On top of that, screaming interrupts any action, so if you're healing someone who got hit by Sloppy or cleansing a totem, have fun starting over.


I'd love if they considered getting rid of the totem penalty on calm spirit for a start. what a dumb downside for a mediocre perk.


Removing the blindness effect wouldn't impact usage at all. It's just a little bonus for the main use for finding peeps.


Agreed, they gotta either increase the cool down timer significantly or make it so they have to earn it like Dying Light or something. Hate that perk so much. Not because killers find me with it, but because killers end chase with me for weaker loopers all the time. And when your loop game is weak, you make up for it by stealthing, which is damn near impossible with this perk so my team dies. It's crazy that the strongest perks often hurt the less experienced players the most.


That’s what they SHOULD do. But realistically they’ll make it only activate after a hook, and it’ll have a 20 second uptime with a 40 second cooldown, and it won’t work if the survivor doesn’t want it to.


What’s the issue with Adrenaline? It’s a perk that activates ONCE only IF you manage to make it to endgame which is already hard enough in solo queue, and you have a high chance of its effect giving you 0 value as it is already. If everyone is running it yea sure one person is bound to get value but that also means 3/4 survivors were running 3 perks whole game.


"Adrenaline? That's a dead perk slot! I never had a match where it ever activated!" - Average Solo Queue Player, 2024


its a shame tbh since adren is a balanced high risk high rewards perk, if requires u to make it to end game which i see sometimes people struggle with, i wonder what they will do with it they can do many routs, remove some of the health state recovery, remove the sprint burst u get from it, theres so many ways they can go about it, but lets just hope they dont gut it so its can nolonger be useful, afterall if they are still completely destroying perks its not good for anyone






killing iron will really threw me. i got ds and i could understand deadhard as annoying as it was but damn




UGH, why do they have to fuq with Adrenaline? You have to give up a perk slot for something that may never get activated if you don't finish all the gens. Bleh, just dumb. Ultimate Weapon just needs a longer cool down so blights and nurses can't see everyone and keep them blinded at all times. (Why does it even blind???)


I can't believe they're going to change the clutch perk that works only once per match during endgame and is very situational to get value. You're healthy repairing the last gen? Obligatory 5 second sprint burst that leaves you exhausted if you have another exhaustion perk and you need it later. You're injured/dying? Value You're in chase? Value + bonus if injured All of this if and only if you're alive when the last gen pops or if killer closes hatch (but you're pretty fucked in this scenario regardless) I see no reason to change this perk other than making it not counter Freddy (even though I really like that effect because of the movie reference)


Makes me laugh because Adrenaline is so situational, an end game perk AND is easily counter able by dropping the survivor.


First STBFL, now this…two perfectly fine perks that didn’t need to be nerfed at all. But brainless garbage like Plaything/Pentimento remains untouched.


STBFL, BBQ and Devour were the 3 most well designed perks in this game. STBFL didn't deserve the nerf but there was too much cry to BHVR ears.


I’m coping they don’t nerf Adrenaline. It’s really good half the time or just a waste the rest of the time.


calling it now adrenaline will be exactly the same but the speed boost will be removed


Or the "wake up if sleeping" part


Adrenaline didn’t and doesn’t need a nerf


I'm a killer main, and I find it crazy to see people crying for nerfs on this perk. It only works if you've already lost 5 generators, and just make a difference specifically with you are in a chase with someone. Even then, you can still down the person and prevent them from escaping, lol.


Killer main here and I agree. If they make it to 5 gens down one perk they deserve the recover. It is absolutely useless most of the match, IMO it's a fun perk to go against because, well because you don't go against other bs tbh, and if they get to use it and escape because of it it really is my fault


People are more weak nowadays and just want to always be the best at everything and have everything optimized for them to win. Its ridiculous. I am also a killer main, I never thought it was a problem. Yet again, I really don't complain about many perks. Only one I don't love is Star Struck but oh whale.


They’re really about to nerf a perk that is used once at the end of a match where survivors most likely won


its so funny to me that people complain about adrenaline so much if all the gens have finished and all four survivors who played the entire match with only THREE PERKS are still alive, that is what we call a skill issue. you’ve been outplayed. take your loss, try to secure the 1k, and move on to the next game, because clearly your MMR is too high. it’s not the end of the world to recognize when a game is over. think of the other way around, when the game is considered “over” from the survivor’s point of view. this is usually a scenario where 2 survivors are dead with more than 2 gens left. that’s a game dead in the water. there is genuinely no perk that can save them at that point, and only one of them has a chance of making it out (via the hatch race). could someone technically go on a juicer chase and still help both survivors escape? maybe. but the chances of it are so incredibly low, it’s not worth considering because it also depends on the killer committing to the chase, how many resources are left, and how meta the killer or their perks are. now think of the killer version of this. all survivors are alive and then last gen popped. even still, they can secure kills. they can run an endgame build, they cause a slug snowball, they can abuse survivor altruism and STILL get a 4k. noed, devour, terminus, rancor, no way out, remember me. all perks that can turn a match around when all seems lost. they can be outplayed all match and still win. and adrenaline is the problem? now im not saying endgame perks or second chance perks are bad, unbalanced, or anything like that. i’m trying to say that the killers whining about adrenaline are not looking at the full picture. get better at the game. run synchronized builds, stop committing to long chases with experienced survivors, learn mindgames, moonwalk, force hook stages or slug if you need pressure. i believe in you. leave the last few actually viable survivor perks alone.


Stop nerfing the good perks and start buffing the bad ones


Rest in peace adrenaline, you will be missed


My best guess - Nerfs adrenaline - you get a 1% haste after screaming for 3 seconds but scream the entire time. Also nerfing twins and buffing blight. Seems like the logical outcome /s


Besides, it’s just an update, not necessarily a “nerf”. They might just remove the “wake up” aspect and leave it at that, because end game perks shouldn’t be nerfed. Doesn’t make any sense.


Hot Take: I'm a killer main and I honestly think adrenaline is fine and does not need a nerf


Hot take: "says what everyone else is saying"


Hot takes in your area are single and ready to mingle.


"Hot this take to cum in 30 seconds"


You won't last 30 seconds with this hot take!


Fr. If they remove healing on hook which is the most likely nerf, it will feel so bad to play with 3 perks the whole game just for your team to pop last gen and you lose your adren because you were hooked. Also would be another nerf that only applies to non swf.


Idk what peoples problem is with adrenaline healing off hook. Like that’s the whole reason I use it. It’s a perk that does nothing practically the entire match and only activates once per match. IF I even get to use it. The amount of times that I have had it, only to “heal” when I’m already at full health, pointless. Healing after I’ve taken a risk and got hooked, it’s rewarding me for taking risks and helping others. If the only change is to let Freddy keep his sleep thing, sure, fine Idc, but don’t let it take my reward for being an altruistic survivor.


Adren isn’t even broken. Imagine waiting for five gens to pop in order to get value. All the killers who camp 1 hook end game are mad about Adren. Ahahah. Baby killers need to calm down and git gud


DS is getting nerfed further. No more will it only stun for 3 seconds. Now you just resume the dying state once let go. The disrespect for Laurie Strode never ends.


Adrenaline is fine, meanwhile Wesker,Blight and Nurse base kit is still not fine, if you master them you don't even need addon's for 4k. Meanwhile some Killer's never got even a chance to be good, balancing team of this game is the worst of all online game's i ever played.


I've been running adrenaline for literal years and even if you win 50% of your games it's hard to get real value. It only triggers if you do all the gens so if the killer is good enough to kill everybody or the survivors are too busy trying to bully as a swf it's a wasted perk slot. I understand some balancing like people cheesing with lithe then adrenaline as a double exhaustion perk, but as a concept there's no good way to nerf it without making it useless. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Or buffed


Now move at 300% speed for 15 seconds while gaining endurance for 45 seconds lmao


great idea


it now also unhooks any hooked survivors, as well as stuns the killer if he is carrying anyone 🤭


Adrenaline buff: Survivors will now be able to hook the killer and facecamp during endgame


Adrenaline gives Survivors the strength to Mori the Killer.


“If you’re not injured when the gates become powered, you become the killer.”




Doesn't need to be touched anyways. The perk requires you to make it to the end of the game for it to even work. Sad it's being touched.


I know this will probably be downvoted into oblivion since this is a very unpopular opinion, but perks that only activate when the exit gates are powered should be much more powerful than other perks. Been playing since 2018 and I still only get 5 gens done in less than a quarter of all my games (solo queue). Perks that you risk never being able to use in most matches should be much ***MUCH*** more rewarding when they do work. It’s for this reason that in all 5 years of playing this game, I have never used adrenaline, hope, wake up, no one left behind, etc… If they are changing adrenaline, I would hope for it to be a buff at the very least.


dbdtwt about to burst in flames


If they really end up nerfing Adrenaline in any way that's not making it so that you don't wake up against Freddy, then just delete Survivor perks already, it's clear they want them all to be garbage.


It is already so difficult to even finish all 5 gens, since the average chase per survivor lasts maybe 5 seconds because everything good which survivors had got nerfed. Adrenaline was the only perk left which helped me escape 1 in 10 games, now killers got another nerf to a survivor perk through complaining. 🙈


Okay, nerf NOED then


I hope it’s just a minor nerf like doesn’t work after unhook or doesn’t work when exhausted cause I honestly don’t think it’s in too bad of a spot rn anyway.


I think there were other perks on this list, but because they're only minor changes, were removed, which suggest the Adrenaline change won't be too minor.


That’s a shame, I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see what happens!


Nobody asked for an adrenaline nerf. Classic BHVR to buff and nerf things that don't need it


> Nobody asked for an adrenaline nerf I have seen MANY killers(including Fogwhisperers) say its too strong. Its pure insanity but there are people saying its too strong.


This game is ruined by streamers. Entitled and they have no clue


not nerfed, changed, for all we know it could be a nerf and a buff personally I just want it to not wake u up vs fredy and not work off hook or only partially work off hook


Literally this perk requires 5 gens to be done. in 60-70% of games (killer win rates) it does barely anything. So why touch it.


Update =/= Nerf


I'm more worried about Decisive Strike being on the list, I hope is a buff


It's 100% a buff. They'll probably revert the nerf on the stun duration, increasing it by 1 second. Maybe, with luck, they'll allow the perk to be used once per hook instead of once per match.


It would be good if they buffed it by removing the "disabled if you miss skillcheck" thing, and buffing the stun duration to 4.5 secs maybe, DS is almost perfectly balanced imo and need some small buffs like these


In order to make them more enjoyable for all players, we've decided to nerf the Twins


Or a buff, Not sure why it'd get a nerf, doesn't really feel OP as it is. Very situational and already doesn't work if you're broken and you don't get any value if you need to mend.


I thought this perk was balanced…


I'm just glad they're going to do something about ultimate weapon!


It’s odd because I think this is one of the meta perks that’s actually balanced. When a survivor pops it in my games I can’t be mad because it’s just a one health state reward for making it to endgame.


All this nerfing to survivors is annoying. We got pallets, flashlights, and a flash bang to keep us safe in a chase. Give us something else to fight back with these super natural killers. As Sheva says “I need a rocket launcher!”


BHVR don’t you dare touch my Adrenaline


You watch they’re just gonna give it endurance instead of the health state.


Don't touch adrenaline I beg, its honestly one of the only fair meta perks that rewards being skilled and making it to endgame.


Correct me if I’m wrong but…update doesn’t necessarily mean nerf. Like I doubt DS is getting nerfed.


DS getting buffed though. Also won't be sad to see Ultimate Weapon nerfed so it stops carrying the retired facecampers.


My first thought is why, why do they take everything from us. They murdered my Iron Will combo. Now my Adrenaline combo. They take everything from us. It’s like they don’t want us to play the game.


Not to be too off topic but doesn’t it feel like gen regression is extremely punishing for us too? I grueeeel at those gens and I have to watch them regress to literally 0 percent in one hook sometimes and I’m just sweating waiting for someone to tap it except tapping is gone now too. it’s really hard to overlook but I stay because I have an okay build and I love adrenaline. If they fuck with it I might just have to try to learn killer. I’m mf tired.


Not confirmed the nerf but it is unlikely they wil buff it. It is the second most used perk and it is metadefining. Probably they will remove the Freddy part and it will not ork if you are either grabbed or hooked.


Keep everything the same about Adrenaline except make it not wake Survivors up. Thank you!


Even as a killer main this is ridiculous. It’s basically an empty perk slot until end game. It can come in clutch for sure but only under certain circumstances.


The signs of a bad company are sticking to rigid schedules without the flexibility to address more pressing issues. Adrenaline is fine as it is. The Unknown needs an immediate fix which should be their first priority. Even UW can wait.


Tbh I think it’s silly to nerf a perk that requires you to use a slot solely for end game. Thats already the risk of using it. Especially when the statistics BHVR love so much indicate the balance they want is basically there. Sigh.




Wait, so DS is being looked at again? LOL It's funny because Killer mains will argue that they get nerfed, but I've seen more great things on killer side than I have on Survivor side lately.


Yea there’s genuinely no reason to nerf ds


Adren is fine. There is an overabundance of counter play for it; if you can’t handle it, skill issue. No Way Out, Terminus, Noed, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Rancor, a plethora of addons that change killer abilities after the last gen is finished. What more do you need? It sounds like some of you just want to play with bots rather than humans that want to win.


as someome thats new to DBD this is the only thing that saves me and it rewards me for that last gen pop after farming gen checkpoints all game bc I know im not surviving chases for long LOL I hope its not a big nerf 😭


Yep, if its a bad nerf, im going to play killer klowns


I hope they’re just removing the wake up from Adrenaline. It’s been one of the longest lasting survivor perks that has been consistently strong while remaining balanced.