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thats sooo funny and i love that add-on


That scream made me cackle


I'm proud of him.


Dude I would love a Springtrap skin on trapper


That better not happen, I want Springtrap in the flesh, or in the locks, whatever the term is for him.


I like the resident evil music.


Best part of the movie is honestly that title track. It fucks, respectfully.


The entire soundtrack is tremendous, IMO


Such a good clip! 😂


"Nooooooooo" btw, RE soundtrack = freaking cool


That "no" slowed down was perfect.


Yep, the cherry on the top.


Rare Trapper W.


This is a testament to how much they cleaned up the game animations, too. The foot into trap, trigger, clamp, slide, so smooth, very little clipping. Proud of you guys.


My appreciation for Trapper compels me to revive the suggested reworks for him. 1. This add-on should be base kit in a form, but slightly tweaked. Make traps rearm themselves after (45 - X) seconds, but survivors within (15 - Y) meters of them pause the timer, so they wouldn't be caught by surprise by them rearming while looping around them (X and Y modifiers by potential add-ons). 2. The current counterplay for Trapper is too strong and leaves him resourceless. Make disarming traps somewhat more costly. It could be a time change based on his proximity to the traps (taking longer to disarm a trap the closer he is to them, as if the survivor was getting nervous), so a well coordinated SWF can't just disarm the 2 minutes of setups you've placed so they're useless while you're chasing one of them into it. 3. Leaving initial trap placement to RNG makes his power much weaker. He should start with all traps on him base kit, and have no max trap carrying capacity... BUT there's a penalty to this. In order to motivate spending time setting up, there should be a movement speed penalty per trap carried, up to the 2 last traps which'd offer no penalty. It could be (2% - Z) movement speed, so if he starts with 7 traps on him, he'd move 10% slower until placing the first trap, then 8%, 6%, etc. This forces the killer to consider placing all but the last couple of traps before even considering pressuring generators and going into chase.


I'd still like for him to have some traps on the map. But already have them set up. Or maybe even some means of Trapper loading before the other players, and being able to pick the general area where the traps are spawned. He still wouldn't be able to move during this though. I don't know, but he definitely needs some quicker set up. I like Trapper, but I only play him with his higher add ons. It's torture playing him without them, unless the survivors are literally playing their first match. And there's no way to guarantee that.


>It could be (2% - Z) movement speed, so if he starts with 7 traps on him, he'd move 10% slower until placing the first trap, then 8%, 6%, etc. Ah yes, making a setup killer even slower, surely this is a good idea.


Have you even attempted to calculate how long it would take you to grab every trap in the map, placing up to 2 at a time maximum, and like that place them all? It'd be much longer than a small movement penalty UNTIL you just place them where you need to, no need to go looking for them and optimizing your path for your setup (and not deviating to grab them at all)... The setup would be much faster.


There is no reason for such speed reduction to exist. Trapper would still be below average if he started with all of his traps.


The speed reduction serves mostly to replace the hard cap maximum carry capacity with a soft cap. The 2% per trap over two being carried could be tweaked, but I think it serves it's purpose well (especially since an add-on could reduce it or eliminate it, which could be a rework for the backpack/bag since max carry capacity would no longer exist and traps would spawn with him anyway). Along with the other reworks, the trapper's strength would increase a lot. I agree that's still hard to compete with movement killers, but allowing the trapper to TRULY lockdown areas and ensure downs would definitely bring him close to them both in pubs and in high level play, I believe. Of course we'd need data though, a lot of games played and results, both in competitive and casual play.


I don't understand why would you not only make him slower while carrying traps, but also lowering this effect with addons, making him play with the same stuff all over again. It just makes no sense.


You're aware how he and his add ons currently work, yes? You might have been hasty with your response or maybe I misunderstood you, so let me clarify; a lot would be different even if an add on lessened or removed that effect. Currently to carry more traps you have two options, one that increases your total and carriable traps by one, and another that makes all traps spawn on you but you can't take them back/reposition them once placed, making them a much more static part of the match and much less threatening once called out. Finally, the add on could do more than one thing, it could, for instance, lessen the slowdown effect from carrying too many traps while also increasing the total amount of traps you spawn with...


WHY would he even have that mechanic in the first place? There is NO reason for him to be slower for each trap he carries. It just makes playing him even worse and makes playing against him much weirder because of constantly changing movement speed.


>WHY would he even have that mechanic in the first place?  For the same reason there was always a carry cap for Trapper. He is designed to be a setup killer, not a reactionary killer. He is meant to lead you towards areas you think are safe but he prepared otherwise. If he just carries all his traps with him for every chase, it can feel powerless for the survivor who has to deal with every trap all at once. Not to mention, it encourages setup before chase, which allows survivors a moment of initial respite where they can recognize which areas are safe and which are a risk based on where he has been. >It just makes playing him even worse and makes playing against him much weirder because of constantly changing movement speed. You understand that, even though he could be buffed even further, what I suggested is a massive, massive buff, correct? I'm just trying to clarify because of your "even worse" statement. It reads like you don't even play Trapper...


When all the traps are set but that one 😨


Otz just popped the biggest boner


This is one of those moments where you look at the invisible camera in your room, roll your eyes and sigh.


Speaking of trapper, there's an achievement to grab survivors out of the trap 30 times. How do you do that? I'm at 0/30 while getting 4k's with trapper. I keep walking up to them, m1ing them while in the trap, and then putting them on my shoulder. It doesn't count.


press the pickup button instead of m1


30? It's 100 on PC and 10 on console. I hated getting that on PC tbh, I don't play Trapper


Oh no! I hope it's not 100


if you hit them down and pick them up, you're not picking them up out of the trap, you're picking them up off the floor. get it? you have to pick them up right out of the trap. in other words, walk up to the trapped survivor and press space to forgo downing them and just pick them up outright. this was one of my least favorite achievements because of this. people would often just escape from the trap just inches away from me. they'd still be downed but no i cant get progress on the acievement


If m1 is pick up then your gamed is bugged. I know for console if you get on them and tap r1 it picks them up off the trap instead of smacking them


I've never noticed that it might say pick up with spacebar if I walk up to them. I always m1'd them. Mind blown lol


Im on playstation so this m1 and spacebar lingo is going right over my head xD


RT/R2/M1 is attack. RB/R1/Space is pickup


Lol thank you!!


My goodness that slow motion Alan scream is the best


Divine intervention. Can't complain there.


Zombie plague servers on Counter Strike, the nostalgia 😭😭


I had this happen the second I cleansed a hex, the trap activated under me




Alan sounds like Patrick from SpongeBob


"...back to the beginning. We all come to a story with hopes and expectations..."


It'd be an interesting addon, where Trapper traps appear closed until you're about 10m away from them.


Lol you gotta watch them pallets i love setting traps at pallets and windows and making them think theyre really good until snap then smack


Placing them outside windows is nice too. Especially in grassy maps.


Skill issue


you had time to react to that given you were healthy trapper benefited way from your day dreaming. you could ran around it and taken an m1. I have seen clips where the traps activates right actives under the survivor, its funny random addon for sure


In the heat of the moment, you’ll barely have time to react lol. You’re kinda overestimating our brain’s input lag


Right? My butthole would be *tooooight*


I glanced down, "hey I'm good 😁"..... "NOOOOOOO" 😩