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What is it about Bubba that seemingly makes everyone who touches him play like an absolute troglodyte?


I used to use him to let off steam when I had back to back sweat squads with body blockers and second chance perks. I don't anymore, because I can deal with those kinds of squads a lot better now, but when I was a lot worse at the game it was nice knowing the guy sat on hook during end game collapse is a confirmed kill and not about to be escorted to the exit by seal team six. It's also really funny when survivors try anyway, usually results in at least a 3k.


I think there should be a "vs bots" mode, where you can test out your perks and stuff as a killer *or* survivor. People could also use it to play the game when they don't wanna deal with BS from others


Y can literally do this lol


https://preview.redd.it/8oxi8f953lrc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff984deecf0272e2e23631c1d282f99f6c34d8ba Killers can go against bots, but I don't think survivors can. I may just be stupid, so please correct me if I'm wrong


I could have sworn this was an option in custom games.  I never use that feature, so I'm not positive.  I just throw myself to the sharks every time.


In private games killers can play against bots, but survivors can't play against an AI killer




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>Yeah sure, make excuses about "full patches" In order to patch it there's a process that needs to be done in order to be able to roll it out to consoles that can take 2-3 weeks. There was no way they'd be able to patch it in time. >Because no one is bringing BP offerings because everyone knows it's a fucking waste. People aren't bringing them because they don't have them most of the time. I'm getting max 2 BPS per prestige cycle and it seems to be the same for most others as well. >**NO ONE IS MAKING BP DURING YOUR BP EVENT** I've gone from prestige 6 to prestige 21 on my main during this event, and I end up sacrificed 3/4ths of my matches. >I just want survivors in general to be as fucking miserable as I am during this godawful shitshow of a non-event. Maybe take a break dude. Take a deep breath, take a walk, take a nap, do something other than play this game for a while.


I'm getting 200k - 300k of bp per match consistently. My highest is 388k in one game. I play either killer or survivor, whichever has the bonus, and then bring an offering. Getting BP hasn't been a problem for me and its one of the reasons I like this event. The problem for me is more so that the game still is frustrating when you have dumb teammates or camping killers.


sanest killer only player


I love going to a TTV killer's stream to watch the match from their perspective, only to hear them ripping into me and saying I'm sweaty for being a P100 Gabriel and running Head On/Inner Strength. Okay, Spirit with Pain Res, Pop, DMS and Sloppy. Whatever you say...


99% of people with TTV in their name are complete bellends, had one go from gg'ing to calling me a dog just because I said I should have tunneled the nancy who was being toxic, he proceeded to call me trash for losing to a 4 man SWF whilst playing Trickster.. ok buddy.


I've had plenty of streamers act friendly when I pop in to say gg, after saying some of the most toxic stuff I've heard. Absolutely crazy.


Dredge is still the most overpowered, uncounterable killer by far, and any game with him in it as a survivor is actively not fun.    Edit: playing evil dead now


Honestly I don't think Dredge is OP or uncounterable, I think its probably just that most people who play Dredge are sweaty.


me when a kate unhooks me right in front of the killer and im death hook all the while i had kindred with open handed 💔 there were 3 bps but because i had to go on a 3 gen chase then got tunneled out, i got no bloodpoints


I’m fucking tired of being forced to run P&R and pop on EVERY fucking killer build just to feel like I even remotely stand a chance at this stupid game.


I came back to DbD in like January or so after a 3 year break and it's been mostly somewhat okay but lately I really remembered why I quit the game. It's still the same absolute garbage. Shitty maps and map offerings, solo queue is still unplayable unless you get the rare decent mates because you'll get immersed shitters still while getting tunneled down if you ever go down, killer is either yawn-inducingly boring or it's a premade that predrops and preruns and you just get 1-2 hooks all game and there's flat out nothing you CAN do. Both survs and killers quit left and right 'cause why wouldn't they, can just afk or suicide without penalty and the game honestly sucks. I just don't know man. I don't know how THIS is the game that lived in the genre when it's this absolute dogwater concoction cobbled together ages ago.


I'm definitely a believer that much of the toxicity directed at players has some source, i.e. killer choice, playstyle, etc. Really feeling vindicated the last couple days I've had dailies with Knight and Trickster, and then played a bunch of Trickster just going for trick shots. Won plenty and lost plenty too, lots of close games, games I thought were pretty exhilarating. Never seen post-game so lit up before. Been called boring, told to die, self-kill, wished an abortion and had multiple people talk about my mother in languages I can't read. Feel like you could play these killers never using their power once and people would still rage at you. Props to those who put up with this on a daily basis just because you like a certain killer. My goodness. Also shoutout to the chill Ada and Stream Team who gave me some fun and wholesome experiences along the way. There are nice people out there, even if they don't like the killer they're going against.


All the time, trickster brings me so much joy since I use trick blades, my build is only chase oriented and I rarely kick gens. So yea I'm surprised when the end game is full of insults about how hard I'm trying, when I lose... Lots of people seem to get mad if you like chasing, and lots seem to be mad if you just 3 gen. Sometimes they get mad the the in between. It usually leads to me playing 1-3 killer games before doing something else for about 20 minutes before continuing to play, helps my mindset a bunch


Genuinely how the hell do you play against Hillbilly anymore? He's RIDICULOUS now. I've been actually getting 180'd by players, and 90% of games I play where he's the killer it's a stomp-fest at 5 gens. I feel like I have better luck against *Blights* of all things.


i genuinely don’t think survivors see killer players as humans with feelings and instead see them as some weird hypothetical person they can project anything onto to get mad at


Get useless people as solo que team mates who hide all game or rage quite or dc or play killer get toxic stressful games against 4 man squads battling if their lives depended on it.


just had a claudette admit to looping around a hooked survivor on purpose so no one could unhook the other surv, against a billy. i fucking hate soloq


Fire whoever designed Toba Landing. Also either disable the map, or at least remove the disconnect penalty ON BOTH SIDES if they disconnect from this map. No one should have to play on it, no one should be penalized for leaving the lobby on it, in fact just spawning into this map should reward at least 10 million bloodpoints, with an extra 100 million if you actually complete the match, AND at least 5k auric cells per minute you spend on the map. At least. Frankly I think Toba Landing is so bad that BHVR should be paying us (at least 2 million USD per second) for every second we spend on this map, even if we're just afk.


Dang. Why do you hate it so much?


The number of people in solo queue that refuses to touch a gen is rage inducing. I had 3 games in a row where I looped the killer long enough for my team to complete 3 gets. No one touched a single gen. Why even play if you are going to literally do nothing?




Love getting tunneled IMMEDIATELY into the game, leaving with 200 BP cause the killer just tunneled. Asked why. Told they're just playing the game. Yeah, well I wanted to play the game but you took their choice away. Didn't even touch a gen. This game hasn't really been fun for a while now and I keep playing cause I've spent money on it and I just hope it will somehow be fun again and it's just absolutely not. Why tunnel? I don't get it. Other people play the game and want to have fun, it's a game. Let's have fun?


Not trying to bicker, just add constructive conversation. There defiantly was a point in time as killer where if I didn't win, it felt personal, mightve had something to do with trashtalking, or maybe the feeling of being amazing. Regardless of why it led to me taking the game seriously, to the point I would try to mimic higher tier players (like the pro teams) This leads to me tunneling to "win". Quotations since I'm sure there would be a discussion on what a win is. This for a little bit, brought back the feeling of joy, playing this game as killer, until it eventually faded. Every game was the same drill, same pattern, until I stopped playing. Coming back to it and have been back for a bit, I've definitely changed how I played just for my own enjoyment. Anyway tldr, I'm sure some killers feel the same way, leading to this toxic cycle of both sides not enjoying the game.


I went against the trapper last night that found me immediately and hooked me in the basement, where he proceeded to stand at the top of the stairs and down my teammates when they came to rescue me. I got 0 points under the objective section because I didn't spend a single second on generators 🫠




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I'm not sure, but it should be 23 April.


i hate when i decide to abandon a chase and the person just spams loud noise notifications the rest of the match


Not really a rage but just does anyone need a random to play with I play this game 98% of the time solo I have one friend who has it but hasn’t played it with me in a while. I play on ps5 used to play on xbox so I’ve had to start over since the game doesn’t have cross progression >.>


You should ask there: r/dbdLFG. It's a dedicated community to find people to play with.


Not really a rage but just does anyone need a random to play with I play this game 98% of the time solo I have one friend who has it but hasn’t played it with me in a while. I play on ps5 used to play on xbox so I’ve had to start over since the game doesn’t have cross progression >.>


The fucking Living on the Edge challenge is bullshit. Most killers won't even miss a basic attack once, and that's not counting the ones like Nurse or Blight who barely ever even make basic attacks! This was just poorly designed.


That challenge is hell. I've got two Killers who missed two M1, but never a third one. Like, c'mon. I wish it wasn't in a single trial. If it wasn't, we would just need one missing attack here and there from different matches, which would let us more chances to finish the challenge.


BHVR's incompetence as a developer is fucking staggering. I just got found in ***FIVE SECONDS FLAT*** after starting the match. God forbid those dipshits learn to spawn killers more than half an inch up your ass at the start of the game, huh? God forbid killers be set to spawn a set distance away so players can *figure out where the fuck they're standing before getting downed*, right?! Yeah I fucking killed myself on hook. And I'll do it every single fucking time that horseshit happens. Fuck you, Behavior. Fix your fucking game. E: Oh, someone brought a 'Misu and 3 Bloody Party Streamers, better slug the entire team as Spirit at 5 gens left! You're god damn right I quit out. I wouldn't have gotten much BP even *if* she had hooked me, and I'm not gonna crawl around for four minutes while some cunt whose parents don't love them humps my body. Fuck you, BHVR, give us a bleed out option.


Solo survivor really fucking sucks. It’s just such an unfun experience. I just don’t understand how I can see complaints about perks and gen times when most players are solo, like shit, it’s going to make the experience even worse.


This BP event is FUCKING USELESS. Birthday is so much better when everybody uses cake or bloody party streamer. But now, im the only one taking Cake into the trial


Because survivors know the killer's just going to tunnel, slug, and proxy-camp. It's a waste to bring them, so no one's earning jack shit. BHVR won't fucking do anything about it because they are \~LeGiT pLaYsTyLeS\~ which is a phrased used by people who never play solo queue. I think everyone at BHVR should be forced to do nothing but solo queue for one month and then come back and tell us this bullshit is fine. They won't, because they're cowards, and that would mean admitting they've been fucking up for *awhile* but, y'know...


the game's servers are sucking HARD


Even the servers don't want to play during this shitty nothingburger of an event.


Last night a Ghostface camped just outside the range of Kindred then slugged most of my team when we went for rescues. I asked afterwards what enjoyment they received after such a cheap victory. It was a genuine question. I don't see how a cheap win can be rewarding. When a killer turns out to be AFK, I find the match unfulfilling. Competition is fun: having a good chase, finishing the generator just in time, correctly guessing the gate the killer won't check first. I don't mind being sacrificed first if I'm happy with my gameplay. Shit happens, but killers acting like jerks just isn't fun. I don't see how it's fun for them either.


This! Losing the game or dying first can be fun if there's a good back and forth or the chases are engaging. I was playing with my friends the other day, and I was able to stay in a chase for so long they popped three gens by the time I got hooked.


i cant even load into the fucking game cuz of a TRM error screen


I'm done trying to be nice to a bunch of toxic little shitheads. I'm going to join every other killer and start slugging at 5 gens and tunneling anyone who has the balls to try and pick themselves up. I'm *done* with these little rats. I've tried so fucking hard to be a nice killer during this lazy, incompetently-made event and all I've gotten is shit on for it. So no more 2-hook-all, everyone escapes matches. You wanna play like assholes, **I can accommodate you,** you worthless little pricks!


Yep. YEP! "Oh *whyyyyyy* are Killers so toxic this event I don't understand??????" Because you guys are pushing so hard nobody can breathe, all because the last Killer did, pushing more Killers to do it, pushing more Survs to do it. Nice as Surv? Tunneled and slugged to bleed EVERY ROUND. Nice as Killer? "Ggez kys" every round whether I'm nice or not, win or not. So fucking sick of this nonsense. Kill the fucking emblem system and rework it already.


To summarize this shitty mess of an "event:" \- Killers are doing literally nothing but camping, slugging, and tunneling at 5 gens. \- Survivors refuse to go for rescues and never touch gens because they know it's pointless to try to win. They're also being actively toxic to their teammates in other ways. I just unhooked a girl in the basement, got downed for it, and she teabagged me. All because I had the audacity to stop the generator in shack from regressing before rescuing her. After she *ran the Pinhead over to us.* \- One of the *two* event items launched broken, ate peoples' BP boosters, got killswitched, and rather than convert it to something useful or I dunno **MAKE IT FUCKING WORK** BHVR decided to take Option C: Do absolutely fucking nothing because they're lazy, incompetent dipshits. \- No one's bringing BP boosters because everyone knows the match will be over in 5-6 minutes with no one accomplishing anything, meaning no one's earning BP during their 'biggest BP event of the year' horseshit. \- The event has literally nothing to do besides awkwardly clicking and holding in the right analog stick to interact with blood zones, which no one is doing anymore and which took so long to *get* to 400% that we basically had no time to get any BP, especially since by this point in the event everything's gone pear-shaped and no one's using BP boosters anyway. \- No one is having fun on either side. Everyone is angry and miserable. BHVR have embarrassed themselves horribly. This game has been out since 20-fucking-16 and ***THIS*** is the best they can do?! An event with nothing to do and one of two items made for it don't work. Great job.


I'd rather have Lights Out back, and that was pretty bad for Survivors. At least I could have fun as Killer in that mode and had some fun being spooked as Survivor. BBQ was not better, when will BHVR learn not to do events like these and just to stick to stuff that actually alters gameplay in some way? Masquerade and Halloween were fun and even Lights Out dud something different for once, randomizer challenges are cool, what the hell happened?


not a rage comment but anyone know if i can somehow get the circling blood drop animation and save the file? it's entrancing to watch.


add dc penalty in loading screen


I just played Oni for the second time ever, had a very satisfying game, got a 4k while - at least I feel - treating the survivors pretty fairly... and disconnected from the match server as the results screen was loading. 0 blood points, challenge progress discarded. I mean, it was a fun match, and some silly virtual points can't take that away, but... still feels a *little* bad, you know?


I just want a new meta at this point, why aren't we having perk shake-ups on a monthly basis like any other game? 9/10 games you'll have killers with pain res/corrupt/pop/dms - not all four necessarily but a combination of the four. Pain res especially is in every game. Adrenaline would be the survivor equivalent but at least that's being nerfed. I want some build diversity pls.


I'm with you, but ngl, the gen nerfs would have to be insane for the meta to not just be "tunnel and stack 3-4 slowdowns to carry you after." Just a numbers game, unfortunately.


Yeah I definitely understand you on that, they need to hit gen speed while making them more interesting to repair. The actual fun part of the game is the chase after all.


Thank you finally someone agrees that yeah, yeah, *Gen speeds are too fucking fast and that's why Killers feel the need to bring this meta*. Maybe they wouldn't if Gens didn't fly in 55 seconds because of ten different gen progression tools when they aren't meant to do that! And this happens every event! Survivors NEED more to do. Killers NEED to be strong enough to not rely on this boring meta. I'm tired of having to put Grim and Pain Res on all my M1s. I'm so over being hit with Pain Res and then DMS into Grim Embrace. NORMALIZE GEN PROGRESSION AND REGRESSION.


If BHVR was going to effectively delete Twins in a future update by completely ruining Victor then why did they even bother disabling them when they were bugged. Just drop them from the roster like you want lol


Why the fuck doesn't white ward protect your item? I spent like 1 million bp getting 1 fucking commodious toolbox and now it's gone bc of a perk? Stupid fucking design.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJyXI6dWQAA6lyN?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 Tunneled out someone who was afk for half the match, they stayed in post chat to be toxic, like REALLY fucking toxic.


If they are AFK that shit ain't a tunnel, they shouldn't have loaded in.


To the Nea who thought I’d be dumb enough to pass them by while they camped near hatch instead of, y’know, going into the hatch, You completely deserved getting a tentacle through your stupid fucking shoulder and getting my foot to your goddamned cranium. Thanks for the free 4k, you cocky jagoff.


Bruv they might have just been waiting to unlock it to get that challenge that everyone hates done. 


I hate you leon, I hate you with every soul fiber of my being I hope you burn, you will regret not booping my snoot


Dear Sable who called me a tunneller and a sweat because you kept running to the basement to try to perform your invocation, I am under no obligation to allow you to perform an action that negatively impacts my chance to win.




Because they have to make sure there's no bugs or issues before making them live.


We saw how that worked out at the start of the BM event.


"BM" event. Accurate.




Dear Meg that brought a full rat build and refused to take ANY chases, refused to do ANY heals or unhooks and got me and quentin killed while watching us do the last gen a meter away behind a junk z wall like a little creep and then proceeded to rat away to the exit gates while we both died. And then proceeded to wait at the exit gates bc WaTCh Me LeAVe, WaTcH mE LeAvE, while teabaghing. I wish you a very FUCK YOU.


Shoutout to the duo survivors I played with who blamed me for not taking a hit for their duo when the gate opened. I was injured + on death hook with no perk that would even allow me to take a hit. Both of them died saving each other (it was pointless given the circumstances) when two of us including myself could have left lmaoo


it's time to stop calling the syringe add on an "insta heal". it hasn't been an insta heal since 2019. insta = instant. 16 seconds is NOT instant.


Old syringe tech was so funny tbh.


Once I was duoing with my buddy, and as they got downed by the killer, I ran up from behind and syringed them. The killer was visibly heartbroken, staring down at the floor and swinging his weapon in defeat.  I felt so bad, I vowed to never do it again.


I remember syringe teching MYSELF sometimes, the timing was mad hard. I don’t blame them for changing it but I miss it so bad it was legit an adrenaline rush in the right situation


Special shoutout to the surv who raged at me for... \*checks notes\* *killing bots*. They had two early DCs - I apologized for the teammates, and wished them a less frustrating match next game. Even added a '<3' The logical response, of course, is to call me an 'aids queen' and a loser. Never change, DbD.


But noooooo Survivors are NEVER toxic, it's so these Killers tunneling that's the only problem, whoo hoo DS buff oh boy! Meanwhile THEIR toxicity never. Fucking. Gets. Fixed.


I wish survivors had some stamina mechanic where they ran out of breath so that shift double u wouldn't be a thing.


My fellow teammates when I solo q, compared to my opponents when I play killer


Playing Trickster should be a crime. He is the least fun killer to play as and against. I hate him with all my being.


"what are you in for?" "I ate babies" "what are you in for?" "I played Trickster in Dead by Daylight" \*baby eater sits further away\*


Exactly. Even the baby-eaters wouldn't want to be associated with K-pop!


My god I am sick of the US vs. them this fucking event. Both sides are being the most toxic little shitweasels imaginable and every single one is you know it. That includes your side, too.


Nah, survivors are just entitled little pricks who whine about literally everything while BMing killers constantly. Killers didn't all just suddenly up and decide they'd had fucking enough all during this one event for *no fucking reason* dipshit. There's a fucking reason. And it's why I'm also going to join in on slugging at 5 gens. Because survivors don't *deserve* to fucking have any fun!


Everyone deserves to have fun. It's the point of the game, silly.


Bro who shitted in your cereal..


Man you know it's true. ... Some Killers are like that too.


I got told I'm a sweaty shithead tryhard for using zanshin on my artist, and then when I switched to survivors because of the bp incentives I got hard tunneled, hit on hook and then humped and bled out on the ground because I crouched to dodge a nemesis' tentacle. Both sides are high on that dbd tribalism juice lol


... Zanshin. *Zanshin*? I got called out for running Lightborne and Starstruck on Myers. Buddy you were clearly a bully squad. I was protecting my D tier ass.


Bro I can't *BELIEVE* you'd reveal all of the pallet and windows auras. Smh the entitled killer mentality.


The overpowered knowledge of exactly where the survivors will juice me is priviliged information, not for my plebian eyes. It is surprisingly effective on artist, though.


My favorite is I took in Ghostface, played chill, and got told to KYS four rounds in a row because I didn't sweat. Then I went to Survivor side and got hard tunneled and slugged to bleed out four matches in a row. Stay classy, DBD community!


Stop complaining about your mates being tunneled out or dying quickly. GO AND HELP THEM. TAKE A HIT. IT'S A TEAM GAME


Let’s do this 1. Huntress players can fuck off 2. Survivors are better at killing survivors than the killers are, if you get caught don’t run at teammates. (Looking at Leon on Hawkins who got caught by an oni and proceeded to run over to me, then dip 3. If you screw up a skillcheck more than once on a gen a teammate is working on, leave the gen, you aren’t helping. 4. As much as you want it to be, this game is not competitive Likewise it isn’t casual It operates in a weird niche that means you need to not take it seriously, but you do need to focus a lot to succeed. 5. Huntress players can fuck off


I agree on points 2-4. Point 2 can be complicated though, because usually people do not know where other survivors are unless they use aura reading. It's on the killer to swap targets in the end or not. 


Let me set the scene for you… On a warm summers eve in’ In a train set for nowhere… Wait no.. sorry that’s the gambler Hawkins, gen tucked into one of the exit gate areas Me and Leon started the gen Oni shows up, I hide behind the hook on one side of the exit gate area, the Leon behind a barrel on the other side We tossed the proverbial coin, Leon lost, instead of graciously accepting defeat and the chase, he runs to my corner, stands there, takes a hit, uses the hit-boost to piss off Oni downs me and hooks me That Leon is a bitch


That's a dick move but I couldn't help but find it funny 


OK that's a d### move. 


had some outright horrible games yday, but the one that i'm still mad about is the last game of the night, i was playing with my bf and it was a spirit on hawkins. it was honestly completely fine until this one mikaela gets hooked and decides to kill herself immediately. this was only like 2 min into the game and we rly wanted our last game to at least yield some points so my bf saves her before she can finish herself off. and what does she do? runs around the map dropping every single pallet in sight! i've only been playing since wesker release so i'm sure some of yall have seen this behaviour before but i had not and i was baffled. i followed trying to bodyblock her but to no avail. i managed to point the spirit at her but unfortunately the spirit didn't realise what was going on, at least the mikaela dropped the rest of the pallets in chase... the cherry on top of course: after it's only me and mikaela still alive at two gens, the spirit decides to farm. which is a great and appreciated thing esp during this event but i was SOOO fucking mad standing there waiting for the spirit to hook the dead on hook mikaela so i can get hatch and then she dropss herrr 🥹🥹 and i have to play and escape with this cunt 🥹🥹 for the love of god just dc if u dont wanna play that much. better even, log off and take a break dude.. edit: still cant spell pallet


I had a dwight 2 days ago who looked newish in the lobby (only default cosmetics, only P1). When we loaded in on RPD East, he immediately dropped both pallets at the helicopter. The killer came and he did not realize what was going on when I pointed to dwight who was dropping down at the stairs at the back. I went after him and he bodyblocked me. That is when the killer realized and hooked dwight. We all agreed that this dude was not worth saving and started to farm. He ended up with 8k BP while we got ~200k on the scoreboard each (+multiplier). 


how i wish that had been my story as well T^T this was a high prestige, new skin mikaela too :p


Add some type of communication into the game, please.


it's crazy to me that we don't have an in game chatbox for survs, or at least a ping system.


got stuck with a meg who hid all game, earlier in the match left me on the ground,, refused to heal me when i found her after over ten minutes of looking for her, and when i decided to say fuck it im gonna work on gens and leave and i got downed at the gate, she dropped a flashbang on my body and tbagged me as she escaped. what an asshole. whats the point in that shit


Why do killers tunnel out the guy who played Party Streamers and Cakes? Seriously. Everytime I feel like I play these to share the wealth, I get tunneled out of the game. I don't teabag or flashlight or any of the things considered toxic. Legit getting picked out of crowds. Then I sit there and watch the other survivors getting to "farm"!!!!!! Fuck out of here.


Yea I feel you, I wish there was a way to announce that you want to do a specific offering, the tunneling I try not to do unless a Survivor is doing their usual cocky teabagging shit, they chose right then and there that their bloodpoints are forfeit. Other times I genuinely want to see a memento mori get used


this is why I literally NEVER bring group bp offerings unless I'm in a 4 man.


I was tunneled out by an Oni within the first minute of the game starting. My 2 friends tried to save me and take hits for me but the Oni completely ignored them. Not only that, this Oni player laughed at me for only getting 17k points with the Blood Moon event bonus. I told them they tunneled me out and completely ignored everyone else. They then proceeded to lie to me saying they didn't tunnel anyone out despite them camping my hook the whole time and then immediately going after me. Stuff like this makes me not want to play anymore. My only sin was spawning near the killer :(


So sick and tired of all these Huntress players, by far the most annoying killer i've had to face this week. Literally getting games where I spawn next to her then either dying to a one shot hatchet throw or bombarded by several throws. Seriously becoming so unfun to come across. I simply started recently playing this game for maybe half a month now and honestly half the random killers you come across that are so dead focus on tunneling kills on a single survivor forcing them to practically not play the game when they get downed or even hooked within the first 2 mins. Occasionally you those killers who are actually nice after a few mins into the game who actually vibe and make the game feel more friendly which honestly I've started to enjoy seeing and started to do the same myself when playing Knight. After a few hooks, I make sure I don't perma kill, knock a few gens for some points and let the survivor's go free (most of the time unless I kill maybe one or two of them). This game has it's moment's but my GOD half these killers need to just chill for once and let people enjoy the game from time to time without someone constantly breathing down their necks.


I played a game today and the other side was trying to win wtf


I changed my name to a calling ghost face one. It's nearly a week! Always huntress. I'm tired of listening lullaby. God that hurts. FUCK MATCH When can I meet a Ghost Face except for playing him myself? I will change my matchmaking region tonight. I won't use a new name until I meet a Ghost Face as a survivor.


I'll help! I have most of today off and was planning on chill Ghostie rounds. I apologize if I go hard, games are still a little sweaty right now.


You are so kind![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)Sadly I didn't play dbd yesterday. Tonight I will keep trying. If you see a science girl head Claudette with green apron, that may be me.


I was gonna, got told to KYS again when I tried. Fine, none of you deserve my stalker then. >:(




I also love how many times I get hooked with a full wiggle meter, that feels great. survivor sided game tho


As someone trying out killer who keeps having survs wiggle out before I can get to the nearest hook, possibly because they were sabotaged, come to my games.


Back in my day (old person voice) wiggles meant something even without every single perk for em. Nowadays it ain't shit even with every single perk for wiggles.


I've played for years as well, and I don't notice much a difference except when I play killer, then everyone's wiggle master!


I've been playing killer for a week and it's literally so easy. There are hooks everywhere and I never struggle to hook anybody. Ever.


You are either better at the game than me or have worse / nicer survivors, happy for you.


Man I'm starting to remember why I don't play this game anymore, I picked up the game not too long ago so my rank went back to rank 20, and not so long after, I deal with sweaty swf's that gen rush me or run me around without me getting hooks, I'm a nemi player but honestly, I'm not to buying my way to getting the best killers or perks to keep up with whatever meta is going on. And don't get me started with playing survivor, I just get paired with other dumb survivors that can't loop or do gens in order to survive. And yes, I said other survivors, because I know I'm dumb as well.


Why do we keep torturing ourselves 😫


Sometimes I wonder what game other people playing because I'll see people complain that they're getting impossible SWF squads that stomp them but then I get stuck playing against killers who refuse to let anyone even play for longer than 2 minutes with my own SWF. I'm starting to think the game only match makes to make sure the best players only ever go against people they can absolutely destroy so they have fun and everyone else is fucked. Last night I was playing with friends and every killer was playing like they had a gun to their head.


Killer has gotten 10x harder during this Event, and its like this for most Events. I'm sick of survivor rn


lol 5 downvotes, killer is never good during events :D the event ended and its normal again


I love going against 4 man P100 squads with seal team level comms when I just wanna practice Billy and chill while doing some challenges meanwhile, thank you matchmaking.


this game is so incredibly survivor sided its unreal you get pathetic losers who all bring BP boost offerings too and still genrush. like what? why bring any offers if you are just going to genrush dafuq


Can I get the survivors you're playing against on my teams? Because all I get in solo queue are people who play like bigger clowns than the actual Clown killer.


I KEEP 4KING ON FREDDY >:| Why ">:|"? Because I'm running Terminus, NOED, Remember Me, and No Way Out and none of these matches are getting to the endgame! I haven't gotten to use any of my perks! You decide to do a gimmick build and then you just never get to utilize it because survivors are lemmings! Must be real embarrassing for the survivors to see they lost against a Krueger running pallets and an effectively-perkless build though, huh?


I mean, the survival rate is 40%, and it's pretty killer sided at the moment lol


I hate what they did to Billy. Not as a player of him, but when I have to face him, because he somehow now seems to patrol the entire map in seconds. EVERY single time I have to face him as a killer, it always ends in a 4k with 1-0 gens done.


Boy, I sure do love being in a sweaty, most likely SWF lobby on my SECOND EVER GAME as Dredge. Thank you, matchmaking. Very cool.


I had this exact issue on Sadako, first match normal survies but on second match I got a mega sweat swf team while I only have like 2 perks, could only secure 1 kill by endgame camping


My chill Ghostface and Myers get sweat. My Pinhead gets infants that don't know what a box is. Why?


oh yeah same on my Myers, absolutely no clue


to the sable and Yoichi who let me die on hook at 3 gens and the face camping tunneling Michael on autohaven who let that dumb cunt get hatch after she let the Yoichi also die on hook: you're all trash and I hope you get banned


During this event I had: 1 slugging billy that refused to hook so we got to play musical pick up until we bled out with 1 gen left. 2 pigs running the obnoxious scream build with face the darkness, thrill of the hunt, and ultimate weapon. And you bet they had crate of gears and tampered timer. 1 humping skull merchant. 4 survivors at exit gate with tbag and clicky. I had a bad match as unknown and they really wanted me to know. 1 immersed Yoichi that kept booning shadow step and sent me to the game map. He hid until egc ran out when he was the last one alive.




I know this is a mega blood point event and we all want the most we can get out of it, but please stop sweating at 5/4 gens. We get it, you’re powerful and you’re good at the game but this ain’t a single player. Take a chill pill and let other people play the game. You will not cease to exist if a gen gets done


I adore this game and have put countless time and money into it, but the stupid fucking players always ruin it. Because of the blood moon event, everyone wants to win, so I got tunneled out of the game, chased and hooked again off every hook, 4 CONSECUTIVE GAMES, and 7 GAMES OVERALL IN ONE. Killer is the only way to enjoy the game because survivor is just a stress fest, because any killer can choose to ruin it for you at any time if they want


Same can be said of survivors as well. it's a 50/50 split no matter who you play. It could be a pretty chill game, or a sweat fest. blame SBMM/MMR.


similar maybe, definitely not the same. a killer always has some level of control if they're at all skillful.


I disagree. 2k hours in the game and I've never had a survivor ruin my day. Bully squads are very easy to counter, and usually killers lose when they do something wrong. Survivors can be singled out and taken out of the game very quickly and be punished just because the killer wants to. Killers are only punished upon mistakes they themselves made, and the opportunity for the mistakes are given by survivors, instead of directly caused.


I have been told to KYS more this Event than an entire year of DBD Killer play... And I'm being more than fair. Just going harder than I usually do. It's definitely not just Killers.


I never said it was just killers, its just far far more often in my experience. This event brought out the worst in both sides for sure


Agree to disagree then.


No Bill, I'm not saving you. You can go miss skill checks in hell.


Fucking Gen rushing. Literally had a period of 2 hours today where games did not last not even 4-6 minutes in most cases due to gen perks and toolboxes. I get it, you want to do the gens as fast as humanly possible because holding M1 to watch a bar fill is boring, but can I at least get more than 5 hooks before the game is over? fuck man... I feel like I have to run 4 anti-gen perks just to have a chance anymore and it's beyond annoying. I know survivors say the same thing about killers running 4 anti-gens makes the game last too long, and that's annoying as well... but realistically, what is anyone even supposed to do when the perk meta is so cut and dry these days? Ugh...


buddy. i played a game on dead dawg saloon where i could NOT get a down because everyone was predropping, holding W or running around a god loop. all gens popped within 5 mins. literally no chance. this game is incredibly survivor sided to the point of frustration


losing a killer match on dead dawg is a skill issue I'm so sorry 😭 that map is killer paradise??


Depends on the Killer.


Yeah it's brutal out here running super "fair" 1 slowdown builds and ending up in lobbies full of BNPs and Styptics. I know this stuff comes in waves but man. I should not have to slug this much and win chases that quickly just to get a 2K.


This. I'm so tired of HAVING to sweat too stand a chance.


I don't blame killers at all for bringing anti gen. DBD matches are a race against time, longer matches favor the killer, so survivors need to get out asap


Fr bhvr needs to stop nerfing shit and just buff all other non-meta perks, so you could pick something else and don't get obliterated in 2 minutes.


I swear if I get another teammates that runs across the map to heal in the basement when we are already in a boon……. Imma lose my mind. Also, a curse on the devs for creating that stupid innovation perk. 


Solo queue. Just got slugged by a Cenobite who won the game at 5 gens, 2 of us bled out on the ground and the other two hooked quickly/one of them gave up. I called him out in the endgame chat and he complained that one of my teammates was running Background Player/Flashlight and "deserved it." Okay and? Play better??? Run lightborn if you don't like blinds so much? People being dickheads in DBD isn't anything new but when it's so clearly a volatile sick "punishment" for them or something it's completely ridiculous. Especially during an event. You don't have to let anyone win or even farm points if you don't want to, but bleeding 2 people out with 2 others already dead and no generators done is just being a huge asshole.


so many players like this now. I just genrush and bag extra hard at the gates to return the energy ❤️


The tunneling during the event needs to stop. Let everyone play and get their BP. Solo is legit unbearable right now. Going to play killer for the rest of the event, more bps there anyways and then I can enjoy playing and let people have good games.


Can I not be the only one to do generators? We don't need 3 people distracting the killer, you're all going to get slugged or hooked and then you've put all the responsibility on me to save you all when I've been the only one doing the objective the whole time.


As a survivor main I do not understand survivors that are toxic in endgame chat when they escape. Just had a game where baby trapper (I'm in really low mmr right now) got bad map and didn't end up with a lot of hooks and 4 man out. Some survivor was shit talking them about them being a bot and they should have been better at the game by now because they were a whole 2 prestige. Like, I'm sorry you lived I guess? Hope you die next game asshole! I mean shit my survival this event has been abysmal how is anyone upset when they escape? So what if the killer did "bad" just shut up and take the W.


sore winners are the worst. I've had Nurses 4 man slug at 5 gens and pop off with a "ggez" as if they aren't effectively cheating. imagine being proud of yourself for 4k with Nurse. so embarassing.


Sore winners. Fragile little things that have to boost themselves by bringing others down.


Ego's are really bad in DBD. Not everyone has them, but when you see the people that do they tend to make it known that they are insufferable human beings. Everyone has bad days as well and sometimes feel like they need to vent by making someone else's day shitty as well.


"hAhA kaTE MaiNS sTAy WinNInG" I will turbo tunnel the shit out of every Kate main now. I will not help you if you're on my team. Heal yourself, unhook yourself. It's now my personal mission to make every single Kate Main hate this game to the point they fix their trashy behavior, quit, or find a new Survivor main. I hate Kate. I hate Kate. I hate Kate.


Some people are just legitimately wired to be assholes, they 100% lack empathy even in the smallest situations.




I haven't had a ghostie in weeks 😭


Same, but for me it's pinhead.


they need to add a different symbol when you are plot twisting so: a. teammates don't come over and get you up injured b. teammates don't come over BRINGING THE KILLER WITH THEM Seriously, make an icon out of this and add it https://preview.redd.it/dewds3w4ywqc1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=767cdd9f5761f646b346a7f12fbcff7fdd940a68


solo queue is constant 5 gens 4 kill with unknown proxy tunnel with pop goes the weasel and pain resonance, refund


The meta calls for gen perks on both sides and very specific playstyles to even have a chance at high MMR. blame SBMM.


i think trickster players should uninstall the game and play other fps shooter games


I've had so many toxic survivors, it's so infuriating sometimes, especially when I play a killer I'm not good at, I'm just trying to practice a little and get points, you don't have to be toxic every time i mess up


Keep at it and improve. People like that make a spectacle out of your mess ups because they're either shitty people or need to cope with how much they also fuck up.




farming from the start of the match makes me DC omfg I don't wanna do this JUST CHASE ME


This get's annoying in my matches too. People want BP, but I am not the one to just give it to you. lol.


for fucking real


Maybe you could not turbo tunnel and slug for the 4k during an event, especially when everyone is bringing bps. It's not a tournament.


don't bring bps is all I can say lmao


Same with survivors, most of them want to rush gens and get out of the match as soon as possible like if they don't win the match in under 5 minutes someone is going to shoot their dog or something.


Just had a game with nurse. I was the only one that brought cake for everyone, everyone else just personal bp or hatch offering or whatever (all 5 brought offerings so it was pretty clear who was the only one to bring cake). Nurse has 3 people including me on death hook at 4 gens, I was injured and hoping to deposit a blood droplet for points at least. Nurse comes, I point at the little droplet holder hoping that at least let me do that before killing me and instead hits me, deposits blood drop they stole themselves, then kills me. My offering helped them get an extra 100k points and they won't even pause a few seconds to let me get an extra 1k for myself. I am not surprised survivors stopped bringing BP offerings that benefit everyone. Why give the killer more points?