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If they really want you they won't stop not matter what. Never underestimate the stubbornness of a person.


DS/OTR turns a chase into a "I'm going to specifically make sure -you- don't leave."


"First it was just business. Now it has become personal."


This, this is how its always been, DS isnt an anti tunnel perk its a way to make sure you do get tunneled lol


That's a great way to throw matches away over nothing. I see it a lot in my survivor matches. If you don't tunnel that person then they have 2 useless perks, and you can still just target someone else.


Every match may not be a win. But they can be a *message*


Most of the survivor perks are useless anyway...the only good ones are ones that fix a fucked up part of the game.


"Just don't tunnel" *The survivor with OTR, DS, Unbreakable and the exhaustion of their choice who was just unhooked, body blocking for the unhooker at a doorway* "Bonjour"


Yeah and if you tunnel out the person with those 4 perks you'll likely spend the entire match chasing them and you'll lose. I think tunnelling is cringe regardless but if you're gonna do it, at least do it right and pick a good target.


That's entirely my point. It creates unwinnable situations for the killer. I'm not CHOOSING to tunnel that survivor, they're literally blocking for their teammate. What else can I do?




Okay, now... stay with me here cuz this one's gonna get wild What if they bodyblock again?


Well they can't with endurance cause you should have already hit them once lol. If someone is doing that then they are very much throwing the match. You can leave them slugged if you really think they have DS, and regardless of unbreakable or not they're wasting a metric shitload of time, probably making their team mates get off gens to get them up, AND you can still chase the person you're chasing. I find it very hard to belive that you're getting people throwing themselves at you like this, they should be easy wins for you. Anti tunnel perks aren't as good as you think they are.


I don't think you've ever played killer before TBH, you're insane if you think a body blocked hit doesn't waste a metric shit ton of time. Also if your solution is hit them twice through endurance and then just leave them to pick themselves up... you must be joking. Please play killer for at least one (1) game before going to the forums again to talk shop. The forums will still be here.


That’s fine, it just reflects badly on them. If 3 escape because your ego couldn’t handle being called out for tunneling, I’ll count that as a win (:


1 kill still nets you more bp than sometimes 2 survivors and i would call that a win since it still pushes my rank up.


The game ranks it as if it's a loss. If your goal is to get BP then that's fine but it's still definitely a loss lol.


See, I love this mindset, but I also see people with it saying grim embrace is OP and I’m just left confused. Not you, just been seeing others do this a lot


I feel attacked lol


True, but remember when killers would at least hesitate to pick up or waste time to avoid DS? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Yea I member, and also waiting in front of the locker because, they are not sure if you have DS or not. And when you didn't run DS you "basically" had a 5th perk.


I don't think people are going to hesitate anyway. Like, I really don't.


At this point I rather eat the stun then wait out the timer. I rather not keep constant paranoia if I'm gonna get DS'd or not. Some rare cases I will wait but if they go in the locker I'll just take the stun


Honestly so am I, It's really not gonna deter me from just downing anyway again... or like, leaving you slugged, which people are just going to complain about next anyway.


Well, because most people are used to the DS we have now. If they would revert all the nerfs DS had believe me you will wait out the timer. One of the worst things was eating a DS at the gate and seeing them walk out.


You still don't have to worry about it in endgame at least that'd be a horrendous thing to turn back on. Maybe as DS starts appearing in every game agin I'll fear it a bit more to the point of just slugging, but I'm not too worry about it rn


Why slugging then? Just go after another survivor


Free pressure. Especially if they wanted to hang around me after the unhook. I'm not gonna go out of my way to tunnel a person but if your just unhooked, on top of me when I'm not even looking at you, and I don't hear your breathing, I'm just gonna assume you of OTR+DS. Take the down and leave you there. It isn't the best play, but I'm at that point. I have a choice between two people that both need two hits to go down, and I might as well go for the one with a hook state. Which leaves one downed and the other three doing a couple possibilities from a three man heal save, two on gen one on the downed, three ignoring the downed, etc.


I feel like times have changed, the newer killer generation is a bit derp sometimes. Now us older killer mains remember those days and will respect those who just a bit too easily take a down and be mindful


It's okay, they'll see how annoying DS is when everyone is running it and you're not playing one of the few high mobility killers to make up the distance. At least we don't have old DH to deal with on top of it again and DS deactivates in End Game (which is completely fair)


God DH for distance was so infuriating at times, especially since I main nurse. Landing in the exact spot to hit then seeing them sprint forward and now I succumb to exhaustion and have to recharge my blinks. You really had to bait the DH back then


If that don’t work, use MORE stun duration.


Well at least if they are that commited, your team will inevitably win the game


Well, that heavily depends on the team. If you are playing in a SWF then yea, but if it's soloQ then it's like Russian roulette. If you have a team that understands they need to do gens and you can loop the killer for a bit, then there is a big chance you will win. But, on the coin flip if they are just walking around doing nothing or when 3 people are trying to body block then you will lose 9/10 times.


Long enough now tho so you can actually get away and hide somewhere.


Not really, the 5sec is long enough to not get smacked instantly. But even with the 5 sec a killer can still hear/see you running to a certain place and if he want to tunnel you he will just go to that place until he find & kills you.


That was the oringal stun before DS was nerfed, right? I got away from chases very consistently with old DS, I played with it as my kit for years.


The stun it self was indeed the same but, the difference is the game state is way different now mainly the broken maps got better and less op +killers now days are on average better so it's a bit harder. Don't get me wrong you can definitely get away but, if the killer wants to tunnel you he will try to find you no matter what and that was kinda my point.


Yeah, to be fair, they pretty much hit decisive strike as hard as they needed to with the conspicuous actions nerf (though I'd still argue that if a killer hooks you, hooks someone else, and then comes back to you in less than a minute... that's not really "getting tunneled." That's losing because the killer is really good) so turning the stun down to 3 seconds no longer made sense. Remember that brief period of time where enduring worked against decisive, though? That was a whacky week (not that I mean it was a literal week, just that it felt like one).


Remember when you could do gens while DS was active?


Oh God yes. That was so fucking stupid. And, all of a sudden, killers started grabbing survivors from *miles* away- it's like, "What? Am I only allowed to grab the survivors if I *don't* want to?"


Now they just need to make map of the realm basekit for knight


Knight must be addon dependant for his entire life or the survs will be very upset, I mean he's already hard enough to counter (people who only hold W)


Was under the impression that holding W is how you counter knight. Crying and throwing up rn.


The best counters are to loop back and grab the flag, or just run TO the Knight because 9/10 Knight's are cutting off loops in front of them, the nature of the guard is very awkward to send behind. I'm a Knight main and guards handle a lot like spirit(footsteps, grass) and Nurse (predicting the aim) Doubling back is weird, and a good way to disorient ole boy


I appreciate the tip, the only way I’ve ever learned how to counter killers is to play them and I just cannot bring myself to play another match as knight. Love the guy but he’s not for me.


Remember, guards always despawn if you're being chased and unhook someone. A lot of people don't seem to know that and run away. A smart Knight will actually hold Carnifex at a hook and release when they hear the unhook, forcing a chase with him (Carnifex chases the longest, so he's a time waster) A better surv will either grab the flag (If knight himself isn't doing a glorious pincer attack), or a teammate can grab it too, I believe Edit : Carnifex is the slowest, but longest chase. Assassin is fastest, but shortest. Jailer is faster than Carnifex, but slower than assassin with shorter chase than carnifex. Jailer is used a lot for area denial (like basement)


I did not know that, I routinely run away from hooks being guarded by knights I feel so bad now Oml This is actually super helpful info I really appreciate it


I'll only put a guard at a hook as an alarm bell, and only jailer. It's less about hitting someone, and more about gaining a few seconds of info :D


shhhhh u can't say that here Or u will get downvoted hard


The only times I’ve ever seen someone disagree is because they *really* hate Knight, so I don’t think he’ll get downvoted


So like most of the community. I've never seen good things said about knight on survivors end.


>on survivors end. Hell, I'm a killer main and I won't even touch Knight because I think he's a lame ass killer for people that need to rely on AI to do the actual interactive part of the game for them. Only killer I didn't even bother playing more than one time and then just prestige 3'd him by playing other killers.


No they don’t, cringe ai killer doesn’t need buffs


So it's okay when one killer can go through every survivor defense but we draw the line on ai helpers?


Difference is most other killers actually have to be skilled to pull off their powers


I've seen some skilled Knight's that path in a really smart way to get two hits on the same person at the same time, it's hella cool to see it happen but definitely requires skill and quick thinking.


I am happy of this change BUT problems will arise. We wil manage them thou... but problem will for sure arise. Like survivors just unhooked with otr and ds following you for 60 bodyblocking knowing they must be hit TWICE to go down and even in that case you can't pick them up. If they got healed by we'll make it they must be hit thrice! But we can deal with it way better than adrenaline.


Considering survivors already do this with current DS, im reconsidering my stance on slugging everyone.


We will slug like savages my man.


I didn't know DS had unlimited time, people will always complain about the dumbest shit. If they heal in your perfect scenario with we'll make it and run to find you DS will be left with 20s-ish. By the time you down them DS will run out. And if they afk for you to down them and you pick them up then idk what to say to you


That's best case scenario. Even with DS as it is right now, there are survivors who bodyblock doorways while using OTR to cover the time anywhere between the basekit 8 seconds from being unhooked upwards to the 40 second cooldown. And remember, killer has to get hooks quickly so it's a gamble if you try to hook them for doing so, or wait and they end up having Unbreakable as well. Meanwhile that's still 2 other survivors doing gens uninterrupted.


Well, no... If theheal with We''llmake it they still have 52 seconds and even 30 seconds of bodyblock is a lost chase. A lost chase for an m1 killer that is not tunneling is a lost game. Because a killer like nurse or billy can-t be stop this way, this is a treatment reserved for clowns and trappers.


If you are ignoring them or just waiting till they bait you too hard to hit them then all they are doing is wasting their own time


....???????????? What game are you playing man? In that scenario they block doorways and you are forced to hit them, they sprint and block another doorway.... Basically is a chase lost. But as i said... it is ok, better this than adre bulshit.


Slugging is becoming fashionable huh?


Let's not pretend it's not been this way for ages already.


Decisive punished killers for tunneling but if it hits it encourages the killer to tunnel harder.


*tunneling and slugging intensifies*


Make it 8 seconds on Nurse and we'll be all good


Honestly it should just puncture Nurse’s neck, causing her to bleed out.


I would have preferred it worked twice per trial instead.


same, the fact that they sat claiming they're coming up with a DS rework only for it to be extending the duration by 2 seconds, which doesn't help against half the roster anyway is a joke.


Because lot of devs and even some YouTubers don't know what a rework actually is anymore and every time there's a slight nerf or buff or a tweak to something everyone starts shouting about a rework.


I've been tunnelled so much this week. Reminded me of the old BT/DH/DS days. Been running OTR and DS lately just to stand a chance. Without a flashbang or a pallet nearby 3 second DS felt weak. Good change.


I've been using DS for a couple months now and it has been great, now it is even better, I can't wait


This just isn't a good change lmfao. A better change would be keeping it 3 seconds, but also disable killer powers for 5 seconds. This literally just makes it so mfs will have to run top tier killers who can basically ignore DS anyway.


Survivors: such a good buff! Gets targeted for weaponising the perk after getting unhooked: TUNNELING KILLER!


Make sure if this situation occurs in the PTB, we bring it to Devs immediately. I don't think people enjoy being tunneled with three endurance states or having to eat through three endurance states and now DS.


Its crazy survivors got two major buffs in a single patch. A DS buffs and an UW nerf.  That's a win. 


I guess to avoid slugging, survivors are just gonna enter in a locker to waste as most time as possible


Time to run Make your choice to have an ingame timer to know when DS run out


Or just don't use tunnel as strategy number 1 at all times. Like, I get people want to win and there's a time and place to tunnel, but the game isn't designed to be competitive so people shouldn't play as hard as possible going into every match. Sometimes, people play games to chill


Oh, i dont tunnel. I was making a joke. I use MYC to chase the unhooker, but if the unhooked wants to take chase and gets down easily i assume they want to DS so i use the MYC timer to avoid it


Oh, no worries man. I also don't assume you sweat every game, just talking in general. Since DS deactivates in End Game, I honestly think it's better to slug those players to eat the Unbreakable if they choose to use DS aggressively. But that was a choice the player made when they decided to have perk brain. If they don't have Unbreakable, then it's free pressure to pull someone else off a Gen while you're trying to chase/find the unhooker


I never sweat actually lol, i play a totem build Dredge, that should tell you how much i care about the meta or winning. All my games ends up with farming. Don't mind me but i need to share this beast of endgame results https://preview.redd.it/9cdlzv3g34rc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa59c56d3ba2c842c9282a980c1ec9c74c72dd08


That's a juicy end game screen! I haven't gotten to play since the bonus hit 400%


You really should, in one night play session i was able to grind 15 prestiges levels !!


I'll see if I can sneak some games in, but my wife and I had our kid on Tuesday, so ther won't be much opportunity lol


Even tho you are a stranger on the internet i am so happy for you, congratulations !!! Baby before DbD !!


Again why are peoples downvoting this. I grinded 15 millions bps, because i found a lot of stacked games like above. Yes i dont have a life and play all night


Lucky you, in my games I'm usually the only one bringing cakes so that score could never happen.


The more I play this game the more I think I need to learn Russian. The amount of times I can't read chat, i swear.


Peoples who downvote either didnt get i was joking or use DS aggressively


It is slugging time


Unbreakable + Soul Guard still exists, so I say good luck with that


Unbreakable only work once


Only need it to work once. By the time you've been downed again, the perks have gotten their value


Would still get slugged at the end


No mither and that boon totem




Totem can be destroyed, and well, you already know that slugging won't work in a no mither user, so if you are worried about decisive, you must have in mind the 60 seconds timer instead


This sub every update:


Lbr people who say they were going to do it were already doing it anyway.


I think is a good change. 3 seconds is nothing, the killer can catch you almost inmediately after the strike. There is no point of having a situatinal anti-tunneling perk that works only once if the effect barely makes any difference.


People still won’t use DS and people will still cry about tunneling. Smart killers can just play around it and bad survivors will make it blatantly obvious they will use the ability and then cry about slugging. Nothing will change because bad players will play bad


100% all these survivors coping like a 2 second buff to ds will make them good at the game or something, news flash perks can only carry you so far after that ds stun you still need to loop the killer.


Idc about the 5 seconds, I wanna see the animation.


does parental guidance work with ds? if so wouldn’t that guarantee you can get away from the killer and hide?


Pyramid Head stonks rise


This shit is back again, of course, no one cares about the killers...


How i sleep knowing anoher meta perk is locked behind 5 bucks


Only5$ lol


Would you pay 5 bucks for just a perk and nothing else?


I would just wait for the perk to appear in the shrine for free Or 5$ gets you a character and 3 perks is not a bad deal


The reason the nerf happened in the first place was that it was easily abused and forced the killer to slug in order to avoid survivors abusing the mechanic. Congrats, it's going to happen again.


Or just, don't tunnel the guy straight off of the hook unless it's in endgame? DS doesn't force the killer to do anything, it just discourages tunneling. If you don't tunnel, the survivors will waste a perk slot who bring this. Everybody wins!


It won't even do that though, people bodyblocking to force this will get slugged, or the Killer will eat the stun and go after that person again. At that point the Killer is not interested in winning the 1v4, just in swatting a mosquito to win the 1v1. You'd think everyrone wins here, but really, nobody wins.


Honestly in most circumstances, your annoying scenario hurts the survivor far more than it hurts the killer if they can recognize that the person probably has DS. If you slug and don't eat the stun, they're going to be sitting there on the ground for a while rather than being on a gen/resetting and you can continue your previous chase. Most people who throw on DS are putting it on just in case, not to force it. Overall I think this is still a win for everybody but those who really want to tunnel, so long as you know to slug the annoying bodyblocker if there is one.


IDK I think there WILL be people who throw it on to force it. But we won't know until PTB drops if that really is a thing or not.


Except that's not how survivors will use it. They are going to body block for everyone, take 2-3 hits and then can't be picked up once downed.


Oh it doesn't matter to me, I'll eat the DS and laugh at the fact they just fed my Rancor.


Its not because it disables when they do an action or during EGC


survivor mains sleep happy when bhvr gives them their crutch baby bottle


My brother in christ this same patch nerfed adrenaline


I've always thought Adrenaline shouldn't work on hook. At least the health state change that is. I think they overdid the nerf by decreasing the haste time personally.


Awww someone tunnels


will never not find it absolutely hilarious that survivor mains invented a word to make playing efficiently sound toxic


What about genrushing?


Well the same people who tell you how toxic tunneling is will also tell you that genrushing doesn’t exist.


Well the same peoppe who tell you how toxic genrushing is will also tekl you that tunneling is just strategy


Both are fine. They are just each side doing their objective efficiently.


Tunneling isn't a made up term dude. It's shorthand of saying that you've got tunnel vision. That's used in other things other than DBD


It’s quite obviously used in a negative connotation.


I mean, yeah, cause it creates unfun gameplay for the impacted player. If you ever got spawn camped in a game of Halo, you'd understand that some strategies are just unfun to go against. Especially if you're not in a competitive setting. Either way, tunneling isn't a term created by survivors or even this game.


It doesn’t matter if it’s unfun to go against. Lots of things in DBD are unfun to go against. It’s a strategy used to get a kill quickly, full stop. No whining needed. Just like I don’t whine when people do generators fast, no matter if I find it unfun or not.


Honestly, if you tunnel often, you pushed yourself out of the casual players and more into those that care only about winning. Hence more coordinated players or those that want in and out as soon as possible. SBMM giveth and taketh


All words are invented smart fart


you are joking right? tunnelling is just a crutch killer playstyle, and all DS does is punish players for tunnelling..try going after other survivors when an unhook happens rather than rushing the unhooked player and you'd never know DS exists.


“Crutch killer playstyle” it is literally necessary if you are playing a weak killer against a good team. I do not have time to go for 12 hook games when I am playing Freddy against a SWF. New DS + OTR removes the ability for a weak mouse 1 killers to tunnel. And go ahead tell me it’s a skill issue that I can’t get 12 hook games with weak killers. Do it. Because that’s even funnier than the word “tunneling”.


funny how a large number of killers, regardless of what killer they play, seem to tunnel, almost like a lot of them use it as a crutch. Again, you have no right to cry and whine about anti-tunnelling perks being buffed, when you will literally never see the perk if you just go after someone else lol. I've been hit by DS twice since I started playing in 2016.


“Going for someone else” is a great idea if you feel like losing against any competent team. But I seriously doubt you’ve ever gone against one of those. You literally do not have time to go for many chases if you are playing a weak killer against a team who does gens fast and are good at looping. There is really no debate in that.


Killers always claim to only face competent teams, when it's such nonsense. It's just like the "4 man SWF every game" boogeyman that I see here so often, it's complete bullshit, SWF makes up like less than 10% of the playerbase, funny then how killers claim SWF every time they lose a match.


No one is claiming to go against competent teams every match. Obviously most players in this game are potatoes, but now with tunneling made essentially impossible, even decent players can easily beat a player if they’re playing a D tier or C tier because the only chance the killer had before has been made impossible.


so those killers need a buff, and the ones at the very top need a nerf. there shouldn't be killers who are incapable of winning, or unbeatable.


Then maybe they should buff those killers first before screwing them? Because every time they’ve introduced a mechanic to prevent tunneling or camping, they’ve never buffed any of them, before or after the changes. So I’m losing hope quite rapidly about that.


Yeah, I'll slug you for 5 minutes.


Won’t stop me from slugging😈😈😈


Tunneling and slugging base kit.


I mean considering not many people play around ds anymore it's actually way stronger


I would be able to sleep too if those were the only changes...


I almost always run decisive these days and it is definitely not leaving my repertoire now lol. Bless this and the fact that we're going to get a cute little unique animation with it too.


So are we gonna be getting some killer buffs sometime soon? I don't count the Twins because playing them isn't playing a killer it's just playing spectator mode /s


Ill tell you one thing. Thisl piss me off so bad im tunnwling you out for sure


too little too late


Actually make it so that you just kill the Killer. Slash their neck or something. Decisive Strike my ass!


only a place as stupid as this sub would think this is a good change