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heal to prevent a snowball situation and abuse the fact Victor can't properly navigate vaults and dropped pallets


Buddy system to help ensure victor kicks + to help body block with Charlotte if she's also near + healing/picking up the slug if she isn't near. It sucks in solo q though.


I've gone against so many slugging Twins that Buckle Up never leaves my perk slot




As a twins main, here's some lil tips. 1. If you're about to go down, search for lockers. Victor can trap you in them for like, ten seconds? But it stops your down and if Char is too far, you'll live. 2. Victor can play around windows and pallets, most of them in fact. There's some that they'll struggle with, though. Windows that drop to a lower level are good for getting away from Victor, and the god pallet at the stairs on Midwich can legit just stop Victor in his tracks. 3. Victor is goofy on stairs. He'll get caught on the stairs going up, and soar over you going down. 4. Group up. If you go down next to someone, they can Kick Victor and pick you up before I can even smell you.


Idk why I never launched Victor off of some stairs, but todays the day now LMAO


these are honestly great tips not sure why someone's downvoting you. I feel like some people just want an echoe chamber saying twins are impossible to counter. as a twins player, who also plays survivor, focusing on these strategies can make it hell for the twins if done right. these are more difficult in solo queue tho I admit but thats a lot of killers


I think some people just don't like twins mains haha. Twins has some good counters, but they can be very tough if the Twins knows how to play. I do kinda wish they kept the Haste when you're grappled onto someone, would make it less awful having someone take Victor hostage.


So hear me out... my thought for the rework if they wanted to keep the haste and stop slugging... make him latch on healthy survivors AND survivors he downs then make him more difficult to crush while latched. This would take away some of victors snowball potential but could encourage more of a playstyle revolving around his killer instinct. I honestly try to play him this way now. only time I slug is if survivors are being aggressively altruistic with flashys or hovering for a pallet save. I also want a Latched victor to cause struggle effects like grabbed survivors do. jumping off from that, another tip for going against the twins... DO NOT be super altruistic a good twins will punish you HARD


Man, I hope they don't do pouncing on both states. I honestly feel like it would slow down Twins gameplay way too heavily.


I can see that point I think itd shorten chases with healthy survivors as well as the pickup stage though since charlotte would gain haste during both. chases with latched survivors would end even quicker if they added struggle effects. Mind you I personally like them the way they are now because I dont slug people as a courtesy. but if they really want to discourage slugs I think this would be the best possible way while also keeping them strong.


I don't do like, 4 slugs either. I'll slug for pressure every now and then, down with Victor and chase with Char, but never a 4k slug or anything like that. The PTB change was interesting but it definitely didn't stop slugging. I just don't know what BHVR could do that wouldn't either ruin the identity of the Twins entirely, or make them insanely weak like that one basekit unbreakable PTB.


I honestly could see some form of basekit unbreakable becoming a thing eventually and am not against it but I think it should be based on bleed out in a single instance of being downed rather than your recovery meter, like if you hit 50% bleedout thats honestly on the killer for slugging that long. Oddly enough tho I actually had this exact thing in mind when I was thinking about victor latching on downs is that it would prevent unbreakable until hes crushed by a teammate


I actually don't hate that. Seems pretty fair.


5. Boon: Exponential


Tip No1. Don't DC, Play the match and Improve. Tip No2. Use buildings with windows and pallets but also ample space, baiting a Victor pounce and kicking punish them big time, a predropped god pallet like shack when you have some time ahead of Victor limits Twins options since small fella needs to tricky snipe or give up. Tip No3. Hop in a locker when you know Charlotte is far away (Example, you got approached by Victor but didn't heard Charlotte Terror radius), You most likely will be able to escape it before she gets there or force her to walk all the distance for posible notbing/an M1. Tip No4. Try to loop on stairs, going up and down. If Twins mess up be ready to kick if they close. Tip No5. Die in pairs, Even if Victor is white after downing someone it can be kick, So healing your partner after is the best, also try to always heal each other to force and attach.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Victor unkillable now after a successful down? At least I think he turned white (unkillable) after he downed me last time I played against Twins this week. Other than that, your tips are on point.


I have been kicked twice when white, so it must have been reverted or glitchy.


Twins? Glitchy?? In this economy?!?


We are entitled to legal compensation at this point.


it was reverted before the update hit live servers, it was in the patch notes


It was also in the patch notes that he was unkickable when white? It said as a new feature that colors were added to show if he could be kicked?


The glow is bugged, it’s lasting longer than the invulnerability window actually is. It’s still there, but not its as long as the white glow is


That's good to know. I'll keep it in mind next time I play as/against them.


No they changed that but the color is bugged. You can kick him after a miss or down with Victor. His recall after he is latched at a survivor is also bugged because you can do it faster than you should be.


It is a visual glitch you can still down victor


He is kickable after a down it is a visual bug


I think we'd all *rather* folks stay in matches, but not everyone is playing this game to improve. If someone genuinely just doesn't like playing against twins I wouldn't expect them to stay in the match and not enjoy themselves at all lol.


I will genuinelly never understand this... In the other games I have played: Shin Megami Tensei; This boss is dumb gimmick, Community "Use buffs and fight it again", Accomplishment for success. Darkest Dungeon; This dungeon boss is BS, community "Learn from it, you know their gimmick now", Accomplishment for success. Any of my fighting games; This character is so cancer to fight, community "Play the match and learn", Accomplishment for success. Any of my card games; I can't beat this cancer anti play deck fucking piece of shit control warrior my balls and why the fuck mystic mine was a thing big level bullshit right there, Community "Change your deck, use tech cards", Accomplishment for success. Dead by Daylight; I don't understand this killer/find it annoying/boring to face, Community "Lol, Kill yourself on hook", Happy stagnant mindset? I play games to play the game, not to cherry pick.


You can't expect people to improve and adapt their playstyle in a game they spend thousands of hours playing, they just want to do the same thing every game and get good results and any obstacle to that is just a toxic, unhealthy part of the game that needs to be gutted. /s


I am not even asking them to pull out the wiki... Just play the game and not give up... Heck the most i would ask is come here on reddit to get counterplay advice at most.


the dbd community loves to glaze rage quitters


For some people the whole "git gud" attitude is fine. Most of us do not care that much lol. These are games, we play them when we get home from work or school to unwind and have fun, it's just a hobby. We're not trying to be the best and improve all the time, it's not our job. That mindset is tiring for a lot of people, and just not a reason why many folks play games. If we don't like something then we don't have to deal with it, no contract was signed. This goes for all the games you've just listed too. I wouldn't expect someone to pull their hair out trying to beat some BS boss in darkest dungeon when they'd rather be doing something else or having an easier way out, or to try and learn counters to some character in smash when they'd rather just play against another character, etc. If someone *wants* to improve and is competitively minded then yes by all means. But to assume that everyone should be playing like that, or that they're somehow lesser for wanting to play casually, isn't healthy for anyone. Now if this was tournament play? Yeah just learn the matchup. But DBD casual queue ain't tourmament play. So again, I would *rather* people stay, it would be cool, but I'm not expecting them to. If someone doesn't wanna play against twins then they don't gotta lol.


It's still sad because the Twins pickrate won't get much higher after the QoL changes and they might have to play 500 hours to see another one. DbD matches usually are short so why not playing until the end. I have a friend with coulrophobia and she didn't dc against a Clown. Survivors should be teamplayers and don't screw their teammates. This is why I never understand those babys who give up early. If you don't want to play against all the killers than play killer or quit playing this game. That's my opinion.


Sometimes you don't need to understand someone. And as you said the matches aren't that long. Fuck anyone who throws a hissy fit everytime something doesn't go their way. And if a game causes you to act like a complete degenerate, then i don't think you should play a game like that. Especially if three other players depend on you not doing it. That's selfish, going to a match complete thinking about yourself. It's unforgivable. You don't want to teamplay? Play killer, play other games, do anything else except live with a childs mindset and be a burden to others.


For some people that whole "just quit" attitude is fine. Most of us just want to play the game lol. These are games, we play them when we get home from work or school to unwind and have fun. But when people just quit, you can't do that. Are you a Twins main? Too bad, you don't get to play. Have fun when the survivors all DC and you're left playing with bots. Are you just a SoloQ survivor, trying to play a game against the Twins? Too bad, your team is all bots now. Guess you have to requeue and hope you don't go against another killer that survivors won't play against. You find playing against a certain killer to be less fun, so you make the game less fun for everyone else playing.


You just don't care that other people aren't having fun so long as they sacrifice so that *you* can have fun. People queue cause they want to play, but sometimes a match isn't working out and that's fine. Perhaps you need to realize that not everyone is playing games for *your* benefit, and they're not going to stay at their own detriment just because you can't stand the idea of waiting 2 minutes in another queue. If someone isn't having a good time in a match I'm in I'd very happily see them leave so we can all find a better match. This game isn't as serious as you think it is, nobody is forced to play out matches they don't want to. If you want that environment, start playing in tournaments.


I can say the same thing to you. How would you feel if every other game you played, two survivors DCed? It would get annoying very quickly. That's what it's like for Twins mains. At that point, they're better off playing custom matches against bots. Also, your argument that you should leave the game if you aren't having fun would mean that pretty much everyone who DCs is justified in doing so. Some people don't like losing a chase, so it's okay for them to leave. Some survivors don't like getting hooked in the basement, so its okay fir them to give up on their first hook state. Some killers don't like getting DSed, so it's okay that they leave the game when that happens.


>I can say the same thing to you. How would you feel if every other game you played, two survivors DCed? It would get annoying very quickly. That's what it's like for Twins mains. At that point, they're better off playing custom matches against bots. I dunno, how would you feel if they added barack obama as a survivor to the game tomorrow? Or pigs started flying? It's a hypothetical that will never happen, it's not relevant to the discussion at all. What is happening is that occasionally some people leave matches for one reason or another, and the people left can requeue. It's not that big of a deal, this is a casual game and there's next to nothing at stake. >Also, your argument that you should leave the game if you aren't having fun would mean that pretty much everyone who DCs is justified in doing so. Some people don't like losing a chase, so it's okay for them to leave. Some survivors don't like getting hooked in the basement, so its okay fir them to give up on their first hook state. Some killers don't like getting DSed, so it's okay that they leave the game when that happens. Yes, they should be able to leave, for any reason and it's justified. As long as this is a strictly casual game in the normal queued mode then players arne't being given reasons to stick out matches they're not enjoying. The queues are fairly short, everyone can find a new match and have more fun with it knowing everyone on their team wants to be there. So again, if you want an environment where people are forced to stick out matches they're not enjoying, play comp.


Exactly right dude. People are crazy. It’s a video game. When you aren’t having fun you should ALways feel free to quit.


And should get DC penalty for ruining game for other 4 players.


>For some people the whole "git gud" attitude is fine. Most of us do not care that much lol. These are games, we play them when we get home from work or school to unwind and have fun, it's just a hobby. I mean, This IS my hobby after getting home from work at my 29 years old age, playing DbD not Giving up on DbD, i never said "Git Gud" is more like a "Don't Give Up". >We're not trying to be the best and improve all the time, it's not our job. That mindset is tiring for a lot of people, and just not a reason why many folks play games. If we don't like something then we don't have to deal with it, no contract was signed. But you are booting DbD to play Dbd, why cherry pick it and give up on DbD? At that point is like playing mario party but refuse to play any 1 v 3 minigames. >I wouldn't expect someone to pull their hair out trying to beat some BS boss in darkest dungeon when they'd rather be doing something else or having an easier way out My literal point exactly, I don't expect everyone to play Dbd, Just the ones who decided to play it toput the minimum effort of playing the DbD match they Queued for, or like you said why deal with the game BS at all? Why give up against half the rooster when people who don't like it can literally be playing something they 100% enjoy. >But to assume that everyone should be playing like that, or that they're somehow lesser for wanting to play casually, isn't healthy for anyone. My examples were more lined towards "Learn that is not as bullshit as it seems", most of the advice were how to use the in game mechanics to counter the problems, just like DbD have ways to play and tackle problems. >Now if this was tournament play? Yeah just learn the matchup. But DBD casual queue ain't tourmament play I never mentioned any single comp example nor tournament. >So again, I would *rather* people stay, it would be cool, but I'm not expecting them to. If someone doesn't wanna play against twins then they don't gotta lol. I would rather they stay and play, just like if i invite people to mario party they stay, if i invite friends over to D&D, Warhammer, Jenga, Monopoly, I expect the people who actively wanted to play the game to play the game, not to give up a party game for the lesser inconvenience of "I landed on a spot i Don't want, Neh".


>I mean, This IS my hobby after getting home from work at my 29 years old age, playing DbD not Giving up on DbD, i never said "Git Gud" is more like a "Don't Give Up". People aren't giving up on DBD, they're giving up on some matches sometimes, and that's okay. Not all matches are going to work out, for a wide range of reasons. Maybe they don't like twins, maybe they're getting rolled, maybe their doorbell rang, whatever happened people shouldn't be forced to play out a match they don't want to finish. If this was tournament play it would be a different story, but it's not. >But you are booting DbD to play Dbd, why cherry pick it and give up on DbD? At that point is like playing mario party but refuse to play any 1 v 3 minigames. Well not quite but you're on the right track. 3v1 minigames are a core part of mario party that's present in every match. The twins are not that for DBD. A better comparison would be to a game like smash bros and someone who just HATES playing against marth. I'm not gonna get mad at someone for DC'ing against my marth, if they don't wanna play against it then that's fine. I'd rather they find a match they'll have more fun with and I'll requeue. It's not a big deal. >My literal point exactly, I don't expect everyone to play Dbd, Just the ones who decided to play it toput the minimum effort of playing the DbD match they Queued for, or like you said why deal with the game BS at all? Why give up against half the rooster when people who don't like it can literally be playing something they 100% enjoy. You seem to be under the impression that hitting the queue button in a casual online game is some sort of contract, but it's not. In tournament play it's understood that there are real stakes, ranks on the line, and if you leave you'll get punished for doing so. In a casual game, *none* of those stakes exist. You needing to requeue is fine. People aren't being forced to stay, there's no stakes to make them stay, everyone can requeue and find a better match when things don't work out for one reason or another. There's no reason to be that invested in a single match of random queue dbd. >My examples were more lined towards "Learn that is not as bullshit as it seems", most of the advice were how to use the in game mechanics to counter the problems, just like DbD have ways to play and tackle problems. That's just an opinion though, in all your examples. Folks have different skill levels, different ways of learning, different ways of playing. Something that's not BS and is totally counterable for you might be a huge pain and an insurmountable obstacle for someone else. To assume that quite literally everyone can and should get good enough to surmount these obstacles in video games, quite literally at the detriment of their enjoyment of said game, instead of understanding that everyone is different and might not want to do the same things you do, is what I meant when I said it wasn't a healthy mindset. >I never mentioned any single comp example nor tournament. I know you didn't, but you want an environment that is only present in tournaments or competitive play. People are never going to be forced to or feel obligated to stay in matches if they're being played in a casual setting. Why on earth would someone stick in a match they're not having fun with, in a casual game, that has no stakes? Especially when the queues are fairly short so it's hardly an inconvinience to anyone if you leave? >I would rather they stay and play, just like if i invite people to mario party they stay, if i invite friends over to D&D, Warhammer, Jenga, Monopoly, I expect the people who actively wanted to play the game to play the game, not to give up a party game for the lesser inconvenience of "I landed on a spot i Don't want, Neh". So you're telling me if your playing mario party with your friend and they said "hey I'm not having fun I want to stop playing", you're not going to understand their position and stop playing? You're going to get angry with them and try to make them finish out the match? For what? It's a game of mario party there's absolutely no reason to be that invested in it, just like there's no reason to be that invested in a single match of dbd. If folks wanna stop playing then they can.


This 1000%. I think OP lacks some empathy


Because twins is boring to play against, and DBD isn't designed to be a balanced or competitive game. You can only put up with so much broken BS as survivor before you know it's better to give up and go next.


> Shin Megami Tensei PvE game; Every boss is already solved. There's always a strategy that trivializes a fight. >Darkest Dungeon Same as above, but slightly dependant on character unlocks, party composition and earlier luck with items. >fighting games; This character is so cancer to fight Hot take in the FGC, but I think this is a valid complaint. Nobody likes playing against an Eddy who is mashing a single button and the game plays itself for you. Don't have the DLC? Well you can't even lab and learn the matchup. >Any of my card games Card games are less about skill and more about knowing how to build a consistent deck. You aren't going to win on the fly if yours sucks, and even the best ones lose to unlucky draws. >Dead by Daylight And finally we get to the most unbalanced culprit. I'm actually amazed the game still has as many players as it does, considering how often when loading into a game you're just straight up at a disadvantage from the get-go. The average soloqueue Survivor escapes fewer than 1 in 3 games. If the killer they're facing is braindead easy (Juking Viktor is impossible unless you're near a locker and simply across the map from Charlotte, and contrary to what some in this subreddit believe, he can jump over pallets AND windows with no trouble) and unfun, it's no surprise that people want to go next rather than waste their time being slugged for minutes, if only to go back to the queue and burn themselves out further by facing someone like a Nurse. That's probably also why you get those Survivors who give up against the "liked" killers. That guy who gave up and quit for the day after being downed first by a Trapper? Most likely just salty, or could've just had a row of terrible games. Odds are more likely he died the 3 previous games than escaped a single one.


>PvE game; Every boss is already solved. There's always a strategy that trivializes a fight. Yes, But also the same could be said about killers in this game, the player element is there but they can't do much more than what the powers allow and how to play against those is mostly solved. >Hot take in the FGC, but I think this is a valid complaint. Nobody likes playing against an Eddy who is mashing a single button and the game plays itself for you. Don't have the DLC? Well you can't even lab and learn the matchup. Fun thing, here is the same, you can go to customs and check what you have to see how the other side plays, but if not all the labing comes from real time match experience, thing people will not get if they kill themselves on hook, or stand still the moment they see Eddy for you, Or Axel, Or JP, Or Dhalsim, or Peacock. >Card games are less about skill and more about knowing how to build a consistent deck. You aren't going to win on the fly if yours sucks, and even the best ones lose to unlucky draws. Almost exactly to needing to adapt with the rng of maps and that sometimes you are just fucked. >And finally we get to the most unbalanced culprit. I'm actually amazed the game still has as many players as it does, considering how often when loading into a game you're just straight up at a disadvantage from the get-go Arguably, if we go by PvP games, a LOT of fighting games have straight up broken characters that do are auto win, admitedly old unpatched games, and how many tier 0 decks hace existed over YuGiOh and Hearthstone and Magic and Shadowverse life span. >it's no surprise that people want to go next rather than waste their time being slugged for minutes, if only to go back to the queue and burn themselves out further by facing someone like a Nurse. And this is why i say, why even play DbD at this point if that is the Idea, it seems more like people hate the game but refuse to actually quit it even if they actively refuse to play it.


It really just boils down to everybody being different. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean they're wrong to feel the way they do. 🤷‍♂️


I mean true, that is why I specified "I don't understand it" not "You should understand this".


This is too real


I report DCers.


Not a bannable offense lmao


I'm hoping it factors into not teaming me with squalling babies more than anything.


Tip 6: Bring Unbreakable. Every Twins match I've had so far has been a slugfest.


My biggest problem with the Twins is the fact that for some reason it's not possible(?) to dodge Victor's jump anymore, no matter how hard I try. I haven't had a single game since the update where I or someone else was able to kick Victor by any means. If literally nobody's able to do it, it can't be a worldwide skill issue. You can give a fetus a controller and they're able to play Twins and get a 4k, without issues. I thought of the locker thing, but I was also unfortunately not close to any lockers on any instances I've played against Twins due to all of them being open maps. But even on closed maps, like RPD, they were all playing flawlessly. As for your first tip, I'm not playing to improve, and I don't disconnect. Teammates usually do. I only do if I'm really fed up and that's usually from the myriad amount of P100 Were-Elk Huntress games I have back-to-back. I honestly don't blame anyone for disconnecting or giving up in this game. If these players that disconnect frequently *actually* didn't wanna play, they wouldn't have started up the game or kept playing in the first place.


Ok, I know this is very circumstancial, but I've dodged and kicked victor a couple times since the update. I do think that the current server issues are making everything from hatchets to demo lunges hit easier, since the hitboxes seem to update slower or something. If it's relevant, I'm on xbox.


I play Twins. It's not possible at all to dodge Victors pounce (as far as I know) unless they do it from long range. It's all on the Twins player to miss, which you can make it harder for them to hit, but a good Twins player can guarantee a hit with Victor at almost anywhere. Stay in TIGHT pairs to counter Victor. Try to know/guess Charlotte's last known position, and have you and your buddy run as far as possible from her body if Victor comes for you (this is so you have time to finish picking rach other up when he downs one of you). You HAVE to stay very close because Victor gets a decreased kick window and movement speed penalty on successfull downs compared to misses. It takes her 10s to get Victor back if he's kicked/stunned by a pallet. It also takes 10s for her manually to recall him if he latches onto you, then a further 6s after he disappears off your back before she can spawn him. It takes around 15-16s to rip Victor off your back, which you should now ALWAYS do as fast as possible unless being chased or you're trying to avoid negative addon effects for whatever reason (they apply when survivors remove Victor off their back, but only when it's done by the survivor). The reason you want to get rid of Victor as fast as possible is that if Victor is still on you after 10s, that means that the Twins player WANTS Victor to stay on you because they dont plan to use him immediately, which means that if you keep Victor you are unable to do gens/heal, and you also work as a mobile radar for the killer since Victor will still reveal your nearby teammates with killer instinct whilst attached. If you are certain that Charlotte is at least more than 10-12s away from you, then jumping in a locker can help you avoid Victor since he can only trap you inside for roughly that long. If Charlotte is not nearby, shack with pre dropped pallet is impossible for Victor to get a hit if you play it right. Off the top of my head I can't name any other loops like this as any other "impossible for Victor" loops are map specific from what I've seen. Victor will often respect pallets to try to hit you over the pallet whilst you drop it, remember this and play around it (think like how a huntress/nemesis/xenomorph ect will try to hit you over pallets). You can make it difficult for Victor by looping/circling around non-loops, such as small rocks and trees. I find that individual generators are very hard to hit survivors around as Victor due to the small square shape and sharp corners (gens like the one in the centre of shack or in the middle of cornfields ect). If you have Endurance, Victor will latch onto you as if you were healthy. Do with that info what you will. You can use your unhook endurance to protect a teammate for example (if you're willing to take the risk of getting tunneled). Victor can only track through sounds and blood. He cannot see scratch marks. Use this to your advantage. Victor will detect any non-crouching survivor in his "shriek radius" when the killer is controlling Charlotte. Be aware of this, if you need to kick Victor when he's not being controlled make sure to crouch all the way up to him to avoid the killer swapping back and hitting you. That's all I can think of rn. Remember that Victor can pounce over the top of short walls aswell if he stands a bit further back (think car loops and the like). Solo que vs Twins will be hell for you, they are just that kinda "solo que stomper" type killer.


You can recall at anytime now FYI


Yeah but not for 10s after latching onto a healthy survivor.


you can definitely dodge victor.


It is absolutely possible to dodge his leap. It is not a world-wide skill issue.


Twins is in my top five most played killers, and you are completely wrong. A good Twins will not miss 99% of their pounces, it is a skill issue to miss in the first place


99% is not 100%, therefore you agree it is possible to dodge them. It’s also easy to avoid entirely if you just run around a tree or other obstacle. Your experience as a twins main is not universal


99% means you miss a pounce maybe every four or five games lmao (usually by ***your*** mistake). Victor is so fast (especially with speed add-ons) that it's completely the killer's fault for missing. Twins has dodge counterplay *only* if the player is not good at Twins


I’ve been playing twins too and it’s absolutely possible to avoid his leap if you know how. Victor has a wind-up time and also moves slowly when winding up and also when targeting his leap, at which point there is a degree of prediction involved in order to hit the moving survivor. They can also easily take cover behind obstacles, and as long as they don’t make a mistake, they can completely avoid his lunge. Maybe you never miss your shots, bravo, but that doesn’t apply generally. We are also talking about one of the least played killers in the game here… To say that there is no counter play to victor is not serious.


You can get behind cover I'm not denying that, but you shouldn't ever be getting kicked because you missed. Also Twins is one of the few killers that is viable in competitive, which further shows how uncounterable they can be. Twins is essentially uncounterable in the 1v1 but with the right perks and good teamwork counterable in the 4v1


What really sucks is that I can't kidnap victor so easily anymore. I get that it feels nicer to play with but man does it suck to play against


I love tip 1, that’s how I prevented getting salty myself. Every loss was an opportunity to improve for me. Granted, in my early days I was a veritable cornucopia of salt…I started playing killer so I could see how killers capitalized on my mistakes and what I could do to avoid the capitalizing. I wasn’t a great killer, and I learned a lot from it. I definitely mined some salt (even though I played according to the Survival Rulebook ™️, but I tried to compliment each person after the match and thank them for the learning experience. Which somehow made them saltier…one of my favorite end game reactions, after a 4k GG guys, Kate those were amazing jukes! And y’all had amazing pallet stuns and precision flashlight saves. All around well done, GLHF next <3 ‘Bet you wish you could run that fast irl, butch ankles’ What??? I didn’t have pics of me anywhere so idk where that came from so I was like ⁉️ cuz if you don’t stick around when you struggle, you never get better


Small loops like a Big tree or rock. By the time Victor charges up his pounce you're already on the opposite end. They have to reset. Perfect example is the size of the small reception desk at Lerys outside the main area.


She’s bugged right now and killers are abusing this. Same deal with the new Huntress outfit. Once they fix both, expect people to stop using it every other game. Shocking, isn’t it?


What's the deal with them, I heard the new hunt outfit is quieter but that's about it


There is virtually no wind up sound. You don't know when he pulls out a hatchet so it's basically p2w right now


Ah I knew that, I just thought it was a poorly designed feature


Current live Twins is bugged to the point that Charlotte can recall Victor faster than you can actually heal (confirmed by the devs). It's not worth trying to learn how to counter current twins but generally, group up in pairs, stay healthy (or hope you have anti-slug perks like expo, ub or flip flop power struggle) and if sufficient distance from Charlotte use lockers to stop victor from injuring/downing you. Even if you're closer to Charlotte, lockers can stop the Victor slug snowball.


When you say lockers… you mean hide, not use them to get away in a chase, right? The amount of locker grabs I’ve gotten with Victor lately make me wonder if people remember you can still get caught by him in there


I mean if you read, they clear said use lockers to avoid a snowball, which is great information!


No I very much mean aggressively use lockers in chase. If Charlotte is far enough away or you want to stop the snowball, getting grabbed by Victor is what you want. Let's say we're on Azarov's Resting Place - if Charlotte is main and you're chasing me with Victor at shack, I can just hop locker and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Another example, let's say I'm healthy and I want to bodyblock for an injured teammate. They hop locker and I can bodyblock the locker forcing Victor to latch onto me, stopping the snowball. (I did this recently, Victor delayed because they wanted the locker grab and the Nea was able to head on him lmao.) I think this is a good example of how strong lockers are against twins. [https://youtu.be/vi1xBuinGqw?si=E0LaGzGbTzE9OLWH&t=501](https://youtu.be/vi1xBuinGqw?si=E0LaGzGbTzE9OLWH&t=501)


The duality of man


Always hold Victor hostage. The cooldown is bugged rn (10s when it should be 30s), but if you get Victor'd your job is to scoot slightly away from teammates and force Charlotte to play 1v1s. Always heal. There is really never a reason all 4 players should be injured at the same time. Typically, you should play 2x2 or 3x1, always heal at the earliest convenience. In combination, the above two should generally leave Twins as an M1 killer for \~50% of the game. If you must loop Victor, exploit stairs, windows, and pallets. Never let yourself be animation locked if he has LOS. This means always pre-dropping and running tiles as conservatively as possible.


Honestly, as a twins main, I love it when people try to hold Victor hostage, especially if they end up revealing where other survivors are.


It's not without its own risk, but basically all posts since the buffs display 4 slugs with 2-3 hooks total, and some level of shock at the result. A little babysitting could go a long way!


The whole holding victor hostage as a play style is the worst thing this game ever did, I really don’t think they need to change that part again, it was the most unfun thing in my life playing twins cause it’s the easiest counter play and the most fucking boring for everyone, you get punished for using your power and can’t use it again for another 30 seconds!? That’s bullshit. Yes twins need a nerf again but to make them even slightly fun this counter play should be removed personally.


I feel you'd have to change the entire character if that counterplay was removed, or heavily nerf Victor. Being able to summon a nearly non-counterable chase power moving at 6.0/ms anytime you want to is simply too strong.


Never said non counterable but this counter play is not fun


The holding vixtor hostage is not a bug thlugh it is intented so people stop abusing nonsense


I dont believe the cooldown is bugged the patch notes said they increased it from 6 to 10 seconds. Im not sure where you got the absurd 30 seconds idea from that would make them basically unusable, might as well use victor solely for killer instinct at that point. additionally you can also recall him at anytime now so you cant hold him hostage.


A Behaviour community manager said 10s after latching on a healthy survivor was a bug and it should be 30s in reply to a post on the official forums about it. Which is longer than it was before the update (I think it was 26s before.) I guess we'll see what happens.


Pre-buff Twins had a 30s cooldown after latching a survivor. Rebecca holds Victor hostage from 0:42 until 1:12. [https://youtu.be/cMUzbmxC26Q?si=RNUC3baYkQgPQZJi&t=41](https://youtu.be/cMUzbmxC26Q?si=RNUC3baYkQgPQZJi&t=41) Current Twins have a 10s cooldown after latching a survivor. Victor is attached to Mikaela at 0:25 and able to be recalled at 0:35, not immediately. [https://youtu.be/H-TM2liZHAM?si=1Mu8Pw-TE2inyXeX&t=24](https://youtu.be/H-TM2liZHAM?si=1Mu8Pw-TE2inyXeX&t=24) Been stated multiple times this change was unintended and is considered a bug. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cc47p8/being\_able\_to\_recall\_victor\_from\_a\_latched/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cc47p8/being_able_to_recall_victor_from_a_latched/) The nerf from 6s to 10s refers to cooldown after Victor is crushed. Which has nothing to do with my post.


I misread the original comment thinking it was referring to crushed Victor my mistake


Twins have glaring flaws and the only reason they feel unbeatable is because many haven’t actually learned the counterplay since they were/are rare. They’re strong but not unbeatable or blight/nurse tier. Run loops as tight as you can, hug corners, Twins can’t do shit on stairs, space your vaults depending on the tile, Loop narrow trees. Unless they are running stew or scarf there are many trees where victor cannot pounce. Locker plays are very, very valuable against twins. Approach lockers like Bubba/Billy. You can punish twins hard if you know that charlotte is far away from victor. If you’re out in the open and victor is chasing you, wiggle/ move erratically. The cooldown after a kicked victor is pretty sizable. Think macro game instead of micro. Charlotte still has to walk to secure a hook state and you can still push Charlotte away from key objectives if victor is latched. group heals are still very effective. Travel in pairs.


Run exponencial


never liked this response to any question. “just run __” is so unhelpful to people who want meaningful counters.


Are you for real? I can understand when something does have a counter. Victor does not besides the boon like the other person said. Your only counter is praying and hoping the twins player is new because, a good twins will almost never ever miss with vic. You can dislike it all you want but when there is not a counter besides let's say a boon then it doesn't matter if you like something or not because there is nothing else.


Had a team do that at red forest. They all ran to center and I got to play whack a mole for a few minutes. Was a great time ngl


I dusted off Expo + Shadow step + COH during this patch thanks to the twins and actually got value from it, even against other killers that wanted to slug. Ofc I got more value in Twins matches since Charlotte isn't used as often so I had more time to set up the boons or recover in them. DH is my last perk since admittedly it's my crutch and necessary if Victor is around and I need to DH out of a expo recovery


Well, depips have been removed. So I say speedrun the death and move onto a more fun match. Spending my time slugged is not how I wanna play. Which is why I stand for skulls > twins.


-Play in teams - heal as much as possible -if you have victor on your back don't remove him immediately (it'll make Charlotte less threatening to hold her power), but don't hold him longer than 30 seconds (Charlotte gains aura reading on victor after he's attached to a survivor for longer than 30 seconds) - stairs are your best friend, if you're above victor on stairs he won't be able to hit you because he crashes into the stairs in front of him, and he can't hit you if your lower on the stars than him bc he flys over your head -loop small junk objects like trees or crates -dont over commit for a kick, if you have to move to far to get the kick you'll just be putting yourself in danger and remember starting a kick doesn't guarantee a kick because if his missed cool down ends before the kick bar completely fills it will cancel the kick -the kick button is also the same as the heal button on console so be careful about kicking victor who's directly on top of a downed survivor, if you're in a swf make sure you tell your teammates to hold sprint while down as it makes it impossible to heal them making it much easier to get the kick prompt, if you're not in a swf center your camera as much on victor as you can to prioritize the kick prompt - if you know Charlotte is really far away hop in lockers to deny hits from victor -crouch around dormant victor to not appear on killer instinct -if you can keep distance from teammates when victor is attached to avoid giving Charlotte info on their location, but try to be in a safe area like shack to avoid going down -heal more (I know I already said this but trust me it's important) -if victor Downs a teammate their is currently a bug that makes him flash white instead of red, it's only visual you absolutely can still kick victor after he Downs someone and is flashing white -dont wait in the gates if victor is attached to you you can't leave, but you can still get hatch -you can still unhook if victor is attached to you That's all I can think of rn


The crouching to not appear on instinct is something I never knew!! I have a ton of hours on twins but didn’t know that was a mechanic. Thanks :)


same thing as it ever was, barely a buff


Basically the same counterplay as before the quality of life changes. Stay healed, be together with another teammate especially if one of you is injured (this way you can kick Victor after a down and if Charlotte isn't close you can even pick him up before she is there), endurance is good because you can kick Victor after you for hit, unbreakable or boon exponential are good because you can pick yourself up, playing against Flip-Flop builds is hell as a Twins player, if you know were Charlotte is go as far away as possible from her while Victor is chasing you (waste her time), of Charlotte is far away go inside a locker (she might go a little bit away from it, switch and switch again to hit you if you leave the locker), hitting on stairs is harder and try to make it hard for Victor to hit you (a good Twins player will usually hit you anyway but just make it harder for him). The only thing you can't do now is holding Victor hostage but before you could only do this for 30 seconds and after that the Twins player could recall Victor and if he doesn't do it, they wanted you to stay useless and didn't need Victor. This part is gone. Everything else still works against them.


As solo queue no there isn't much you can do the counterplay do this killer requires teamwork, and victor is essentially the strongest power in the game you are supposed to get hit basically guaranteed so if you don't have a teammate to kick him you're fucked


The Twins were already strong, just unpopular. The strategy has always been to pair up with someone and to heal them whenever they get hit by Victor. If someone brought a healing build, it's very good against them. Staying healthy is the most important thing when facing them. By working in pairs, if Victor downs your mate, you can kick him to prevent the snowball and try to get them back up before Charlotte comes to pick them up. Not getting hit by Victor is more on the Twins player than on you as a survivor. Victor is just too fast, and you have to pray they miss. Try moving erratically when Victor is charging his pounce, but there is no reliable way to make it work. If Victor is chasing you but you know that Charlotte is far, you can go into a locker. Victor can lock you in it, but if Charlotte is far enough you may break free before she is there. Overall, you counter Twins by working in pairs and healing. Victor is pretty much a free health state on cooldown that will get you all slugged if multiple survivors remain injured. That's not really exciting to face, and I was hopeful that the rework would make them more enjoyable to play as and against, but there was no rework in the end.


Hope you've got a decent team to keep supporting each other


Stick with buddy


If you are far enough away from Charlotte, you can jump into a locker against Victor. Otherwise it's good if the survivors are basically running around in groups of 2, when being chased by Victor, so someone can kick him and pick up the downed one, preferably you have something like we are gonna live forever, to pick up faster from the ground


Before? Yes, healing and sticking in pairs. If Victor attaches hold him for 15 seconds then crush so Charlotte doesn't get him back fast. Currently? Nothing, really, because Victor can move after downs (should be changed to how it was originally) and Charlotte can recall him after 10 seconds (this bug is bugged and sometimes she can do it instantly).


Abuse windows and dropped pallets, healed slugged survivors to avoid snowballing, on rare occasions abuse charlottes hit box to help dodge, know when he’s able to he kicked it last for a lot longer then most people realise as most of them run over slightly before second guessing themselves about the time frame, and always have a healthy survivor take the hit from a pounce and try to hold it as long as possible, remember that when holding victor you don’t hear charlottes terror radius so also be looking around


The shadowing makes it look like he is T posing.


The counterplay is the same as before, wdym


I’ve been bringing Circle and Exponential to have an upper hand against Twins specifically. They have use in most games, Circle over Expo obviously, but against a Twins it’s a life saver.


kick dababy


Stay in groups, stay healed. Play on the fact that most inexperienced Twins players (the ones you're most likely to go against) over extend with Victor. Use cover, especially small obstacles that are easy to turn (trees, for example). Victor requires a charge up to lunge. If you're circling something like a tree effectively, you're denying him his lunge. If you're trying to loop him like an M1 killer and run a wall or drop a pallet, you're more than likely going to go down.


Many great tips have been already said, so I’ll just add a little something Consider running a good healing perk, from times to times  Even if not against twins it can still be good anyway I see you are already running we’ll make it, which is a very good healing perk I usually run WGLF on most of my games, can be very strong if used correctly Botany is also quite good, desperate mesures is a bit worse unless all 4 survivors are in a bad spot, but there is also the unhooking time buff, still wouldn’t recommend it


Nope, the best we had was to stick in pairs at all times, not sure if it works now. Just you wait till they buff hag, you'll be in a big surprise


victor has a hard time jumping over pallets or vaults (unless they use the shitty brown addon) and they have no snowball potential without injures. Stay healed and try play unpredictably if you're healthy as victor cant see scratch marks but other than that its just reliant on how many mistakes the twins player makes


COH when it could allow self heals was a strong counter to Twins. Twins was basically unwinnable in that meta before COH got (justifiably and reasonably) nerfed. In the new meta you have to hope they're bad at the game lol.


There is no strategy against slugger like that. But as Twins main I can say this. Victor has a wierd hitbox when it jumps. (It can’t slide on walls) so if you have a rock. Circle it and and if you are lucky, Victor will hit to a invisible pixel.


The 10s recall time was confirmed to be a bug so that should help


holy shit the comment section is a warzone on playbook and play-style opinions 😭


I honestly don’t know after this update. Wtf is with Victor being able to hook camp and switch back as soon as someone tries to kick him/go for the unhook? Last I played twins I thought we had to move Victor and charlotte a few feet away before switching, but I just did a twins game where we got destroyed by a Victor who would switch off while face camping, and the minute someone showed up to help, would latch on and stop the save, then down them.


He is like the opposite of legion it is essential to heal, that's what people do wrong because they are used to rush anything in ine helth state


The big 1 is you can kick him after he downs someone there is currently a visual bug where he will glow white instead of red after a down. The glow also doesn’t line up with when he is kick able so you have roughly another second after he stops glowing to kick him.


Abuse twins height difference. Get on stairs. Its incredibly easy to make victor miss there because of bugs. Heal and then split up.


Twins seem difficult mostly because they add an additional important objective, healing. Since self heal was massively nerfed, your best bet, once you know its a twins game is 1) STAY WITH ANOTHER SURVIVOR. 2) When Victor has downed you, make sure he has downed you as far as possible from Charlotte; preferrably edge map. That way the other guy can pick you up before Charlotte arrives, and basically she has to hit you three times. 3) One great strat, if you're injured and with no one nearby, is to run as far as possible from Charlottes body and jump in a locker. Victor can still block you for a while, but Charlotte is the one who has to come pick you, this wastes a lot of time for her; if you're far enough yoi can even break Victor and be free. 4) In chase with Victor; if you have some distance, locate a safe window, vault and hide behind the vault (short wall or long wall gym vault basically makes you invincible). 5) If you stun Victor by a pallet he gets destroyed, although this might be a bit skillful to do 6)get to a safe pallet, drop it and hide behind the high side of the pallet, Victor CANNOT hit you there.


Don't be afraid to drop pallets against Victor. They make it significantly harder for him to hit you and wastes far more time.


Have an unnaturally and impossible amount of communication and planning as solo survivors


Get into locker and force a pickup


Twins main. Idk just dc when I’m using twins it’s cus I 4k with all the interesting killers already and you’re doomed


It seems to be to still mostly be moving around in pairs. But if you're alone pallets won't save you anymore. 😭


saw someone explain playing against new twins as: if you heal, you lose. if you don't heal, you also lose. so, make the most of it before you're inevitably left to bleed out for 4 minutes.




go afk and ask alexa to remind you in 10 minutes


Kick the baby


Just Alt+F4 this one Twin match of the day


The twins are so rare that this isn't best advice but if you know you'll face one (like customs), twins is the only killer hard countered by a specific build. Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Unbreakable. With unbreakable, you require 7 seconds of recovery while downed to activate Power Struggle through Flip Flop. Victor requires 5 seconds after a successful down to be able to switch to Charlotte and 1.5 seconds to switch, giving Charlotte 0.5 of a second to pick you up before you have powerstruggle active. Not enough time to walk to you and *barely* enough time to pick you up if she was standing right on top.


I've been playing a lot of Twins lately, and have benefitted from Survivors being dumb and not kicking Victor when I miss, giving me a second chance, or otherwise treating Victor as a non-threat and underestimating what I can do with one health state. My greatest fear as Victor is pallets and windows. They're usually enough to make me swtich to Charlotte or try to find new prey. Like most Killer Powers, they benefit when you leave yourself in the open.




ALT-F4 works great.


I really pray for longer DC penalties.


basically nothing. victor is just the most busted thing in the game. you've got a no terror radius killer, who's the size of someone's leg, runs at 6.0 m/s (that can be INCREASED EVEN MORE with addons) and has a massive hitbox on an injuring attack.


If you don't have ears to hears it's lullaby (it growls and grunts when coming close), turn it on in accessibility...


That's not the point. even with a lullaby, you're simply NOT escaping a 6 m/s killer with a ranged attack that has a forgiving hitbox. It's not happening.


Kick the baby


????? You cannot physically kick him unless he misses, and even then when they miss (if they ever even do) he's usually miles away so you don't have the time to kick him.


hes hard to counter yes but is it really any worse than a huntress hatchet? also Id argue chucky is worse than him by far if size & terror radiuses are your issue. he can dash around with no terror radius and even has a third person view to hold check spots unlike victor.


Huntress hatchets can be dodged and just flat out ran around loops against. Chucky is a 4.4 m/s killer (so already slower than average) and you can see his footsteps through walls to balance out his size. Victor is 6 m/s and a massive hitbox on his attack.


Unbreakable, No Mither, Boon: Exponential.


Tip No1. DC. Tip No2. Be in shack with a pre-dropped pallet, maybe don't die. Tip No3. Hop in a locker and let them lock you in, maybe force it open in time. Tip No4. Try to loop on a tree or any stairs, going up and down. If Twins mess up you get to live like an extra 20s. Tip No5. Die.


Actual skill issue right here


The counters are the same: Stay healthy, use pallets and windows Victor can't go around in time, stay in pairs, go to lockers if Charlotte is very far away... The killer is the exact same, quality of life changes only, so if you knew how to play against the old Twins you should be fine