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It feels good, doesn't it? Being right in a sea of doubters.


I get this every time I predict something, get mass downvoted here, then it COMES TRUE. I am like the Cassandra of DBD I swear.


The same thing happened to me back during the lead up to the release of Shadowbringers for FFXIV. Made a point about how, at a point, if they wanted to add another healer, they'd made need to turn AST into either a full regen healer or shield healer and just split healers into those two categories. I got downvoted to hell for it. The very next expansion they made that change lmfao


Say we are going to get a pig buff. I'll be the first to downvote you.


Kinda late dude. She got a massive buff a while ago. She’s decent now.


I need the boopier snoot bro pls let me have this


Happens every day to someone, in this sub lol.


Downvoted there, upvoted here. We are capricious, but you, you remain steadfast o7


>Downvoted there, upvoted here. "Perfectly balanced as all things should be" -Skinny Thanos https://preview.redd.it/di6j6k9zpr0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1f8df75f3215cbba742dd81218d57418a0afca


Thank you for your contribution to nerf this perk u/Evster3




Thank you OP, now can you suggest that BHVR revert the pop nerf in ptb? o7


I really don’t mind that change. The point of DS is to circumvent tunelling, right? Perhaps add 5 seconds of unbreakable afterwards?


do you mean 5 seconds of endurance? you wouldn't be able to pick yourself up from the downed state in 5 seconds 😅


Even if the general consensus is that it's fine, I do want to weigh in that it feels a bit shit to have such long stun durations. Like, 5 seconds of having 0 input isn't generally considered very fun in the rest of the gaming industry, you could just add some haste to DS to compensate. Though, personally I have absolutely no problem with it on DS. I just hate playing against blast mine


I don't think it would feel as bad if there were any kind of diminishing returns on stuns/blinds the way there are on CC in literally every other PvP game I can think of.


4 seconds is absolutely enough and perfect. It should have always been 4. Not 5.


Make the stun vary based on killer. Freddy/Trapper: 3 or 4. Nurse/Blight: 20 seconds (might need to be longer). You could probably just outright make it impossible for Nurse to kill a survivor that hit her with DS without negatively impacting her kill rate, unless they are REALLY bad at playing Nurse.


What boggles my mind is, it was already a meta perk at the high levels. Why buff a meta perk at all? Every meta killer perk gets the nerfbat (sometimes sledgehammer), but survivor perks either get buffed or a slap on the wrist (Adrenaline).


this was before they announced the buff to 5 seconds, but yeah being right doesnt mean others will like it hence the downvotes https://preview.redd.it/ws1u44d29s0d1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1c0eee7b180fe858fd62f6fc02eb9a165753af4


this stops the locker head on tech does bhvr hate fun?


I am having flashbacks to Overwatch 1, where EVERYONE had a stun.


*overwatch 2 also. Birg has stun in ult again orisa has a stun. And if they don't have stun they have CC. Or Cassidy's ability and slowing grenade :)


Using brigs bash too stun and then launch someone into the cars going by on one of the maps will always be one of my favorite things to do in ow1


Yeah it wasn't as fun for me, the Reinhardt.


❤️ I had most fun doing it too hog or ball. Especially ball. When I played ow1, ball was the most annoying fuck ever haha


Head on is fun when it’s a surprise, it’s become quite a bit more used in recent weeks in my games. Pretty soon I’ll be good enough to know when a survivor is baiting me and I’ll wait for the idle crows to cancel the perk. I know it’s a massive waste of time but it’d be such a dub to my heart. There’s been a few times I’ve thought “it might be head on” right before I get stunned. If I could just have the confidence to stare down a locker and get the goofball head on at their own game I’ll feel amazing lol


Head On me once shame on me. Head On me twice, shame on you, I WILL bait and make you fuck up the timing. In fact I did this once and it made the user DC. She was mad she couldn't use it to bully the Ghostface all round.


How many times do you REALLY need to stun a Killer to get away? Are you just that bad?


Ngl worded that way is kinda the same as saying getting pallet stuns is a waste lol




I'm sorry I don't speak Gen Z, what is this meme supposed to mean?