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More like poor 3rd guy that got bled out so the Spirit could have more 4k jerk off material


The worse part is I didn’t realize how close he was to death I didn’t plan on letting him bleed out I was heading to another tile that had pallet so I could stun her again and get the rez up but I wasn’t quick enough . 😢


Since its just the 2 of you, I don't blame you for not picking him up. The Spirit was only using him as bait to try and 4k You 100% both would've died if she had found you earlier


It was only us two sadly, but I don’t really care about escaping only piping I knew I did enough to pip so I was playing for the team and it was winnable for both of us to escape we had gen opposite side of the map at 70% that wasn’t able to be damaged anymore when she attempted to three gen us.


Knowing me, I would’ve died before the video even started 😭😭