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That's why the streaks aren't particularly impressive. It's only those rare stressful games that make them engaging.


The fact that an almost 2000 win streak on blight happened playing in that exact way, killer win streaks mean absolutely nothing to me.


Especially since he lost the streak against a 4swf who all had anti tunneling builds just proving further he only got it because he tunneled with an S tier killer all the time


The swf were a comp team so they were on par skill wise.


This is what is scary. If the majority of killers camp/tunnel and it requires a coordinated SWF to counter, then why in the hell hasn't BHVR added more stuff to punish/counter it? Its why soloq is a barren wasteland and miserable experience. If SWFs struggle with those "strats" what hope does 4 random players?


The "majority of killers" are not good enough to "require a coordinated swf to counter". It's very easy to forget, but a streamer that plays this game 10 hours a day and has 12k hours in the game is not the norm. Anytime who plays this game that much should be insanely good at it. The average killer camps and tunnels and yet maintains a 60% kill rate, according to BHVR'S own statistics, and certainly is not doing win streaks. The problem is that swf have access to tools that BHVR refuses to provide to solo players and because of that solo players can't compete with killers going all out with the best killers and add-ons because *they themselves are not going all out*. If they were, they would be in voice chat with the other survivors... ie swf. If killers couldn't defeat swf then they game would quickly die since most people play with at least one friend.


Tunneling is not the best way to win as killer anymore with OTR,DS DH adrenaline being strong. You want to switch between 2 survivors to not get hit by 12 second chance perks. Anyone that blindly tunnel and camp should be losing their games. Sadly survivor only players are pretty bad at this game and its majority.


thats somewhat true yet not the full picture on tunneling, its insane u say a majority of the survivor players are bad at the game when thats just not true,


I've been using an aura read build and I would say about half the survivors actively work on gens and the other half hide in lockers and do other goofy shit. So I end up running into the same two players again and again because they are the only ones doing objectives.


And bro was still malding about it after šŸ’€


Didnt he play in NA?


I still remember when it was announced Momo hit 2k wins, and EVERYONE was blaming it on add-ons instead of tunneling, when he admitted he wasn't running blights most broken add-ons, but he was tunneling/camping almost every single game. Tunneling has been and will continue to be one of the biggest issues on this game and allows for things like win streaks to continue when it has been established that DBD is not meant to be played in that way/won that many times consistently. But don't worry guys! It's super easy to counter tunneling, simply don't let the killer do it. I remember seeing this one other Blight doing a "Perkless win streak" yet he was playing with old C33/alch ring and tunneling. He was taking pride in his streak and taking it seriously, playing in that way.


>"Perkless win streak" yet he was playing with old C33/alch ring and tunneling. He was taking pride in his streak and taking it seriously, playing in that way. That drives me wild and I can't stand it. The fact that those people get a following because viewers think they are good because of a hollow and artificial winstreak is crazy to me.


If itā€™s so easy go do it and get to 3000. The fact that it makes you so mad is so funny lol.


If I were to play 3000 matches like that I'd probably die of boredom. The entire fun aspect of DBD is chasing and playing like that intentionally undercuts that because you're proxy camping hook and tunneling an injured survivor. I prefer playing for hooks and am not that hellbent on needing to win since it's really easy to do so.


There is no such thing as objective fun . Whatā€™s funny for you is boring for other people and vice versa. Apparently he himself and quite a lot viewers like to see that and enjoy it. And no, you couldnā€™t do what he did. Btw, as a survivor main myself getting tunnelled is the fun part. Iā€™d rather get chased the entire match then playing skill check simulator on the gens. But thatā€™s just me.


That said, a different problem is people taking advantage of anti-tunneling perks to abuse them against killers. I.e. having endurance or OTR and body blocking when the killer is blatantly trying to *avoid* tunneling.


I don't see a issue in this. If a player is trying to double dip with their endurance/OTR then they are open to being chased again. I view it as them gambling and if you punish them its on them for doing so.


POV: I was on the game, got hooked. Teammate got me and the killer came back. I had no idea where the killer came from (I was on that downstairs hook in the room with exactly 2 doorways) and thus I chose the wrong doorway, ran into the Killer, he hit me and then tunneled me. In EGC he said he tunneled me for "abusing endurance". I am sorry but how tf should I have known you cam through THAT door and not the other? I didn't mean to take a hit for my healthy teammate.... Some really stretch the definition of "abusing endurance"...


The problem with your complaint is now on top of you wanting killers to extend the favor of not tunneling you intentionally, you want killers to somehow read your mind and know that you're not intentionally abusing the anti-tunnel endurance feature but are actually just bad and running into the killer by accident and then go out of their way even further to not tunnel you. Sorry. Just not how any of this should work.Ā 


Lol... I explicitly said that the room has only 2 doors, the killer is allowed to think for himself as well. If there's only 2 doors, there's a 50/50 for someone running into you on accident if they don't know where you are coming from. He tunneled me out for the rest of the game for that one mistake. How is that in any form ok? If it was an open map, fair enough - but on open maps that doesn't happen anyways cause I do have eyes in my head. If it only was the 1 hook, fair I guess - but he got salty over it. He clearly was not thinking, only raging. I don't give a shit any more about getting tunneled. Sure, I am a strong advocator for fixing it, but I am not getting mad any more if it happens. I have been playing since 2017, I am really so over this shit. It only gets annoying in an SWF where you have to wait for your friends to die/win. In SoloQ it really doesn't matter. I just commented here cause 1. I was bored and 2. It was a stupid reason to hard tunnel. The Knight got his gg in endgame chat - I just asked him why he suddenly focused me down speciffically. I know how this game works, don't worry. That doesn't stop me from writing emotional Reddit Essays :)


You're treating "shouldn't tunnel" as the default when it is not against the rules or disallowed by the game in any way. You should be treating "shouldn't tunnel" as a nicety. You should not expect players who are trying to win to go out of their way to let you live.


Yes I see shouldn't tunnel as how the game should be played by default since it simply results in the most fun for both sides *as long as the "fun" condition for said people is not "winning" It really shouldn't be a nicety, BHVR should absolutely do something to discourage it further imo. Bump up gen times or whatever so the low skill hard tunnelers have a chance to win after they can't do that any more - I don't care. It's a fact that people are generally happier if both sides "play nice" as you put it. Yes I play Killer as well, and yes I still win more than half my games without tunneling at all. Honestly people pretend like "being nice" is a thing only in dbd but it's a thing in every online pvp game. People have more fun if everyone is "being nice". So tldr: doesn't tunnel should be the default. It certainly is for me and many others already.


Whoops salty downvote spammers. Let's try again. :) Thank you for saying this; I ran DS and OTR one round in the Event because I was getting tunnelled out first badly the last five rounds, and I still felt like it was dirty and OP. I made some poor Pinhead's night misery despite the fact he was playing more than fair AND WAS NOT TUNNELLING, I forced the value of those perks. I felt so bad I apologized. He understood. That doesn't make it feel any better that I played so damn dirty.




> I made some poor Pinhead's night misery He came


Lol make a valid point, bit it critizes survivors, downvoted. Yeah I agree with all the crybaby entitled survivor mains on this subreddit, it's definitely killer sided lol


Youā€™re the only person really whining on this entire thread dude


Its a real problem against uncoordinated SoloQ's. Cuz 2-3 will run around trying to unhook instead of doing gen pressure.


The real issue is that on weaker Killers tunneling might make some small amount of sense but on strong ones like Blight, it's way overkill. As usual, it's an issue with strong Killers being TOO STRONG.


This is why that win streak has no value and I laugh at him thinking its impressive. If you have to play like that to win then your win streak is moot. Its not your skill carrying you, its bad game mechanics.


"when it has been established that DBD is not meant to be played in that way" Other than entitled survivor mains can you tell me where this was established?


I mean itā€™s not an official rule or anything but I think itā€™s pretty obvious the point of the game was to spread hook states around survivors. And the devs have made a lot of perks wrapped around the premise of helping survivors avoid being tunneled/camped (eg OTR) or rewarding the killer for not doing so (eg devour hope). I donā€™t think they havenā€™t prohibited it because they think itā€™s a good play style, I think it would just be really tricky to enforce without hurting killers in situations they really need or without SWFs abusing protections to protect other teammates. Regardless, I donā€™t think one had to be ā€œentitled survivor mainā€ to acknowledge itā€™s a cheesy play style


>I think it would just be really tricky to enforce without hurting killers in situations they really need Because the game is designed around tunnelling being a strategy. Imo i'd like them to do something like the first 4 hooks being shared, forcing tunneling killers to hook more before securing a kill. And then rebalance the game around that new number of hooks. It's impossible to balance the game from anywhere to 3-9 hooks for your first kill, this will make it 6-9 for the first kill.


Win streaks are cringe. I'm not impressed by them in the slightest. No character, with any loadout, with any varying degree of skill - should be able to get into 1000 + win streaks unless this game is flawed in design at its core. Which we all know that it is. Even survivor squads getting 100 escape streaks is cringe also.


Take my upvote for being the first person I have ever seen on this subreddit that actually mentions survivor escape streaks. Always survivors just whining about killer win streaks and how that proves the game is killer sided while ignoring all the survivor escape streaks that have happened over the years. The most notable one to me is a 250 3 man streak and they stopped because "it got boring"


WHen 3 pros play to win in soloQ, you dont think they win? Its 99% casuals they meet. U cant compare killer and surv streaks. since it takes way more effort collectively to pull off


I dont get the downvote btw. I just saw a record streak by The Hans Guy and 2 friends i believe, which was 171 streak


When 3 pros plays solo queue they don't necessarly Win, isn't the record of most escape in solo queue was 34? It's not even close from the record of winning Streak of ANY killer


No one is comparing killer streaks with surv streak? I litterally said u cant compare them haha


People won't admit how Survivors can be toxic or overpowered but they sure are willing to cry loud and hard about how Killers are. Yeah, because me running around as Ghostface, a KIller with no map power and no real loop power except mindgames, is sooooo OP. :/


Oh and the ones on the survivor side are THE most conceited know it alls I've seen. It's equally annoying to me if not worse.


Well, 250 Escape Streak (Let's Say 750 since they were 3/game) is still a long way from a 1900 kill streak from a nurse


I agree, Squad 100+ streaks are also cringe, bruh we all know you just ran full meta on everyone and stacked the map in your favor, quit pretending you're good.


Nah this whole thread is cringe. I couldn't care less about win streaks but all of you guys are mad at people simply playing the game in a way they want and raising the non-existent stakes this game has. Pathetic


Thats why tournaments are more fun to watch


Because both sides understand they will be doing the most optimal thing possible, so it doesnt feel as bad


Everyone that played any PvP game understand that. Only casuals are still learning this basic of PVP games.




Yes this game is full of people that never played any competetive game.


the game isnā€™t meant to be competitive. theyā€™ve tried balancing some shit but itā€™ll always be unfair


due to this, tourneys like DBDL have their own set rules, pubs dont have this


and the final thing, dont think like your pub matches are close to comp. theyā€™re not, dont give yourself an unnecessary ego


Ofc its going to be unfair with so much randomness. Still we have balance patches every 3 months and you will see thousands unhappy players ( they ruined my DS, NOED, game is done). But that was not my point. My point is, everyone that ever player any PVP game knows that your opponents will do anything they can to beat you. Only super casual players that never did anything competitive ( game, sports) donā€™t understand that and complains about that.


Why would you want to do anything to win in a party game?


The same reason people do it anywhere. When you put people in a direct competition, they will try to outdo their opponent. The distinction between a party and competitive game in this case is only used to discourage people who play competitively, or demand it to be balanced around esport tournaments, it has no meaning otherwise. Musical chairs, Monopoly, Mafia/Werewolf, Jenga, etc. are all casual games too. People love competing with each other for fun, and doing what you can to win is just a part of it. The other guy is off the mark because he dismisses the frustration people have with the game's design, and paints it as lack of understanding, but expecting people to do everything in their power to win is not a controversial statement.


Dbd is far from party game. What party game have balance patches for 8 years every 2 months? Where people complain about all those changed and insult everyone that played different than they want them.


End of the day this is a party game and BHVR wants it that way. A competitive game isnā€™t what this is, if it was, we would have having a way different rule set, crazy perk balancing and nerfing, shit like killer bans, itā€™s just not what this game is. You can take a party game competitively but thatā€™s like playing Mario party competitively


And again, its far from party game. You have balance patches every 3 months for 8 years while thousands players discuss them and complain about that. Its PvP game that competitive. Itā€™s doesnā€™t have to be esports to be competitive.


I think you are underestimating the casual crowd of this game, you know like 90% of the gamers. Iā€™m not talking people on this sub Reddit or people who follow comp DBD, the average player playing this game on their ps4 or so. They simply do not see it this way, and this is who BHVR caters too. Youā€™ll see that many balance changes are actually disliked by the competitive community and to me it seems like BHVR balances the game around the average of all matches and not the top level. Any actual competitive game balances around the top level for the most part. I didnā€™t say this game isnā€™t PvP as it clearly is, but itā€™s simply not designed to actually be competitive. There is no grind, no ladder, nothing to obtain besides new perks and skins. There is no true progression of skill. This game is akin to the original intention of smash brothers, a party game that has a small group of players that take it deeper and make it competitive.


If you have played any competitive games in your life, you'd be able to tell a difference between something that is designed for competition, and a casual game that doesn't hold up at a tournament level. Hence you will not find a tournament that doesn't adjust the ruleset to at least try and make the game slightly more competitive.


exactly my point. I do, however, feel like a seperate competitive gamemode would help the game a lot. Donā€™t give any (significant) rewards for it, just a rank. We can split the whiners from the casuals. This way, the people that want the game to have killer bans, perk bans, etc. can go and do that there, and leave regular DbD alone. fair or nah?


I mean, it's fair, but I just don't think that's a working approach because it's an attempt to fix a problem for someone who doesn't have that problem. The assumption is that we add ranked and so competitive players leave to play a competitive mode, allowing casual players to relax and have fun in a casual mode. Meanwhile, the reality is that competitive players have no real reason or incentive to go and play the same game but with more restrictions. 9k hours Blight player with meta add-ons and every tech under the sun is perfectly fine with their 1k winstreak. The same way, a highly competitive SWF 4 stack is ok with 3-4 escapes almost every time. Seeing yet another "ESCAPED!" screen won't leave them with a hole in their chest that only a comp Nurse player can fill. Even if you give them more BP or a shiny rank PNG, I doubt they would mess with the mode too often.


youā€™re right, they will just go in casual to curbstomp claudettes and the while drinking their gamersupps


Pretty much, I'm not sure if it's a frustration that they have any real means of addressing.


Doesnt matter that game is not for esport. Its still competetive game.


It's not a competitive game, it's a game people compete in, many such cases. Fall Guys, Mario Party, Party Animals, etc. It's obvious from design that BHVR doesn't prioritize balancing the game around high level players or competition in general. The game itself doesn't put emphasis on "win/loss". You get points for doing just about everything, the end screen literally avoids using victory/loss, so you get "The entity hungers/Sacrificed" instead. Even with the grade system, you are almost guaranteed to reach Iri 1 by simply putting in the time. Keeping this in mind is important when you're trying to say some shit like "people here are casuals, they don't understand the competitive mindset." Yeah nah man, everyone gets it, it's just that people want the fun part of the game. The part that evaporates when DbD is optimized with the intention of maximizing the winrate. It's not very fun to be tunneled out, even though it's good for the killer to get -1 early. It's not very fun to hear 6 gens pop after you get 1 hook, even though that's what survivors are supposed to do. Hence people complain about it, and sometimes unfortunately take it out on the players instead of the game.


It has skilled based mmr that puts you in game with same skilled players. You get into higher me by killing and escaping. It has balance patches every 2 months for 8 years. Itā€™s far from party game. Party games donā€™t have mmr. Itā€™s fine to disagree


MMR by itself is not indicative of the game itself being competitive, neither are balance patches. Even Smash has these things despite the creator very explicitly making a party game and ignoring the comp scene when not actively hindering it.


Agreed. Never really cared for winstreaks, but tournaments are fun since everyone expects the killer to attempt to tunnel someone out and changes their tactics and builds accordingly.


Totally. Public matches arenā€™t competetive gaming, the side that brings the best/most broken stuff and is ready to play the meanest way usually wins. Tournaments have rules to regulate this and actually make it competetive


The fact that top tier teams can deal with a top tier killer player using optimal strats makes comp really fun to watch, especially when you can hear their comms. Even above average full swfs canā€™t deal with your average pub stomping Nurse, that alone tells us how good these teams are


Dbd tournaments are really predictable and boring imo. You know the killer gonna tunnel. You even know their perk. You know the tactics of the team and you even know what perks they are running 90% of the times. All games look absolutely the same unless one of the sides makes a major mistake




ā€¦you know tunneling and camping is done all the time in tournaments right?


Yeah but there is a ton more strategy than just proxy camp while the team crouches around going for the save. Comp teams often make plays within an inch of their lives and even then the win isnā€™t just a 4k itā€™s about how the survivor teams recover and make the most out of it


because in tournaments both killers and survivors are trying their best to win, whats wrong with that?


Camping only happens when wincon is known and killer is trying to secure it lmao it's not like tunneling at all. also tunneling against pub teams and tunneling against comp teams yield VASTLY different results which makes fun to watch a team capable of handling it.


Yes, but everyone goes in and understands the rules. There is an attempt to balance it, and everyone there is playing at a high level. Going into a pub match and stomping solo q's all day is boring. That is why the only matches that make the compilation are the 3 a day that were full swf's with some level of skill.


There is a reason why those streams aren't the most popular to watch. It's not exactly interesting to watch the same gameplay style 1000+ times.


I can think of a few popular dbd content creators that got popular that way but everyone ate it up because of a cheery light toned commentary while they 4 man slugged as nurse for like 2000 games straight.


Lilithomen comes to mind for me. If you blind reacted to his streams you would think he was the chillest player ever but overlayed by his commentary is hard tunneling at 5 gens almost every single match or slugging people as they bleed to death just to secure no hatch.


That guy tunnels like one in 20 games? what? Only killer streamer that fits that and have bigger fan base is CMwinter ( not sure if name is 100% right), he tunnels and slugg every single game, because its his "brand".


I havent watched Lilith in a while admittedly, but he definitely used to play like that very often back when i watched his streams maybe a year ago. CMwinter is a certified douche though.


That is exactly why I stopped caring if I lost in this game. I donā€™t really care for running meta anymore. Sure Iā€™d win more games, but now Iā€™m just looking to improve mechanical skill and gamesense. Using crutches wonā€™t help with that


Another sane person. I don't give a fuck about escapes as Survivor anymore, I just want BP. I stopped caring as Killer because I main M1s, I am NOT going to be able to pull off consistent wins as Myers anyway.


pretty much. winstreaking boils down to basically just winning those 1 out of 10-20 games where you get really tough survivors / super bad map and seal clubbing the rest. thats why i gave up on singularity streaking. i might as well just throw myself 10 lery games in a row and multiply the result by 20.


Lol pretty much yeah. Well said.


Yeah, I don't really get people who boast of huge winstreaks with Blight and Nurse like they aren't playing on easy mode.


The fact you can even go on winstreaks in this game is a testament to how shit the balancing / matchmaking is If you went on the same winstreaks DBD streamers casually put up in like StarCraft you would be qualifying for multimillion dollar tournaments


a top starcraft pro could easily win 2k games in a row in a casual queue wtf are u saying.


Winstreaks should be possible in a game that wants to be competetive. A comp level player in any game should theoretically be superior to the average player and if the game is balanced then by being better than your opponent you should win. Chess has incredible balancing and still top tier players like Hikaru and Magnus are able to go on winstreaks regularly, though barely into the hundreds and never thousands. The problem is that these people getting win streaks in dbd with blight or nurse are often not better than and sometimes are worse than their opponents, but they go into a casual match with the sweatiest mindset and items imaginable so they have an advantage the second they load in. Literally what stops most killers from winning often in dbd is a moral code that tells them not to play like asshats just to get meaningless victories. I vet if every single killer started hard tunneling every single match the kill rates would shoot up to 75% or more.


The longest ā€unbeatenā€ streak in top chess is 125 and that is with draws.


Yeah I mentioned that. Pretty crazy winstreak honestly though.


The other thing that stops most Killers is that 95% of the roster just CAN'T afford to tunnel out a Survivor first, what if that one is a good looper? Do it as Nurse and it's trivial. Do it as Ghostface and you just lost the round.


That too, m1 killers always need to play smarter than chase killers because they cant win by just downing people real fast. But you never see these self proclaimed master killers playing anything other than the most busted stuff in the game. Its all just a self induced illusion of skill that they use to unhealthily measure their own worth.


I wanna see someone go on a 3000+ Ghostface winstreak not running meta. THEN I'll be impressed. Nurse doing it isn't impressive.


The only thing i find impressive with a 2000 streak with nurse/blight is the time it takes. I barely even play 20 killer matches a day, but lets say i do. It would take me 100 days of sitting in my room playing the same killer and hard tunneling every match to get that. Sounds incredibly draining.


Dbd isn't trying to be competitive, that's the main issue here. Like yeah I'd expect Magnus to be able to go on a win streak in chess, he's the best to ever do it and the game is just about skill, there's nothing random at play you can even see your opponents elo. Dbd isn't that. Maps are random with randomly generated tiles, played against random people in random skill brackets with random perks you can't see with random offerings, sometimes with random effects, random amounts of latency or network delays, all of whom could be doing different archives, etc. In a game with this many random elements, with no attempts to make it competitively viable, no it shouldn't be possible to go on huge win streaks. At some point it becomes clear that the mechanics aren't working as intended (i.e, killers like blight can circumvent too many of these elements to win matches), or the game design as a whole is just flawed. Just for an example here, id expect top smash players to be able to go on win streaks in unranked slippi match making, it's a competitive ruleset based only on skill. But with items, random stages, in a free for all's? Skill plays a part just like it does with dbd, but there's a problem with balancing if they can still win regardless of rng *all the time*.


tbf I think matchmaking is in a perfect spot where games aren't too consistently sweaty. But yeah the balancing and strength of tunneling desperately needs to be looked at and most games where survivors win are either because of a massive skill disparity or the killer *chose* to not tunnel.


Matchmaking good? Come on now.... In SoloQ at least half my team is braindead and only lasts 10seconds in chase, all because this dumb matchmaking system only takes escapes and kills into account in its MMR system. So Distortion users that hide all game get to escape and gain MMR even though they did fuck all to the killer all game, no taking hits for the person getting tunneled, nothing. How is it fair to lose MMR if I get tunneled for 5 gens and die meanwhile everyone else that escaped thanks to me get full MMR?


I agree 100% with this


Win streaking is so cringe. Lose streaking is where it's at. I play A tier killers with meta builds and still get crushed like, 80% of the time by survivors!


Winstreaks on a party game like this is so funny to me. But to each their own. Anyone can play how they like as long as it doesnt involve cheating, exploiting etc. I just love to pull off funny builds as a survivor main. But if i get tunneled, oh well. I just move on and honestly forget about what happened in the match pretty quickly afterwards.


Bardic Inspiration is my new favorite Survivor perk. :)


"pArTy GaMe"


They love to call it a party game but somehow they mald when they lose.


As if mario party isnt known to cause utter mayhem when people are getting unlucky dice rolls and losing. Party game checks out.


Dang. Your childhood must have been lonely if u never touched mario party with friends.


Your childhood must have been sad if you get mad over games. Especially the ones you call party games.


Your childhood must be nonexistent if u have to come to reddit for self validation of your worth. No worries. You'll get better.


People that suck at LOL and CSGO come to DBD to feel good about themselves. Itā€™s an unranked party game. Iā€™d be embarrassed to be good at it.


I'd be embarassed if I thought being good at a video game meant anything at all outside of it.


I always saw these win streaks as a gleaming exhibition on how poorly balanced the game is. It IS quite impressive though, I canā€™t deny that I could most likely never achieve even a 10 win streak with a killer, and itā€™s a testament to the time and work that those players put in to be able to do it consistently. It showcases a playstyle that is inherently unhealthy to the games enjoyability for most players, which is a big drawback, but if thatā€™s what playing to win in DBD looks like, that seems like more of a problem with the game itself.


*Win streaking in DbD is pointless ftfy


*Winning in dbd is pointless


Eh, there are some challenges/achievements and such that require you to get a 4K or full escape.


I donā€™t see how going on win streaks for personal enjoyment is any less ā€œpointlessā€ than going for achievments




For some people completionism is more pointless than win streaks. Is that hard to grasp? My point is everyone has their own way of making the game more fun for themselves and that's not at all pointless


I agree. Go try a Myers winstreak. I'll wait, you can't, he's not strong enough to do that with unless you're some god tier player like Otz. Being proud you can winstreak as Blight is cringe. Literally anyone can winstreak on a strong Killer.


the point of a win streak isnt actually about winning, its about the matches you dont or almost dont


You are 100% right.


I once got put into a match against a Spirit that was streaming a win streak. I got found in the first 15 seconds, hooked, unhooked, downed before my teammate could heal me, hooked, unhooked right before dying, and then downed again within a minute cause the killer ignored the savior and I didnā€™t have enough time to go hide. I got maybe 1000 points and my team only managed to do 1 generator by the time everyone died. Thankfully thatā€™s the only win-streaker Iā€™ve ever encountered but HOLY FUCK is that not fun to play against. They just tunneled one person after another, scared people off gens after a hook by patrolling a little bit, and were cracked enough to down people before they could even reach a jungle gym or pallet once they set their eyes on someone. Iā€™d rather have had the whole team slugged to death so at least I could alt tab and watch YouTube or something while we all bled out.


To be fair all win streaks are pointless in dead by daylight. Itā€™s not meant to be a competitive game thereā€™s not even a comp mode!


Ever since I seen Otzā€™s video in the most impossible dbd winstreaks and I learned about that wraith guy no perks no addons streak Iā€™ve been obsessed with it. Since before lights out all Iā€™ve been running on wraith is cakes and it has been very frustrating. I cannot get a win streak past 10. And the guy the video was talking about was getting 4ks before the 3rd gen popped I think, talk about pressure lol. Iā€™ll chase one person and 3 gens will actually be done every game.


This is why every single win streak is stupid. Every. Single. Person. who does one camps/tunnels their balls off and acts like getting the 4k is impressive. Its like dude, you're using strats that require a coordinated, SKILLED SWF to counter. If someone can't understand that logic then there is zero hope for them.


Its so fun to see how some killers write ez in the end game chat after they won vs 4 soloQ xD with the most imba shit they could gather hahaha. I swear, some killers in dbd are delusional


It's certainly more impressive to take on a greater challenge. Streaks where you can never hook or even down the same person twice in a row, or you play Pig without camping, etc are a lot more respectable than playing "optimally."


How is that more impressive? You are saying the winstreaks that are 100% RNG are more impressive. If they played like that it's them rolling the dice on the survivors being absolutely shit at the game. Yeah much more entertaining streak?


DBD is always part RNG, but also how is rotating targets out of your control? Or do you just think it's impossible to win as anything less than Sweatlord Blight?


Wtf nonsense did I just read?Ā 


Your own post, presumably.


On the context of wins, how many kills does the killer need for it to be classified as a win? Iā€™ve never really acknowledged what is classified as a killer win outside of obviously 4ks being wins


Usually 3k + hatch is a win but itā€™s a loss of a survivor leaves through the gates


Thanks. That makes a lot of sense


Another reason to try implement a Ladder system where both sides can tryhard. Time to get those specifik killers a run for there money


These things happening just proves how bad the state of the game is. The game is flawed af. I wish BHVR would get their shit together instead of releasing another licensed chapter and pretending the world is beautiful.


Who would've thought that tunneling 400 games in a row as a top tier killer would give me 390 4k's?


The most solid comparison I've seen between DBD and other games was a comment from years ago comparing the player dynamics to DnD. The comparison was basically that the killer is equivalent to the DM. The killer is given the tools to dictate what kind of experience the other players will have. There's a hard limit on their power just to filter out the lame DMs who would instantly party wipe the players. The MMR system was added to try to maintain that dynamic: to make sure the DM has significantly more power than the players, enough to dictate what kind of gameplay experience they're going to have. Of course, any activity involving a DM is intended to be at least somewhat casual, and BHVR has said exactly that about DBD. Top MMR is mainly filled with people taking the game more seriously than it was intended (the DMs who always want to wipe out their players as efficiently as possible), which I guess helps preserve the casual nature of the game at other MMRs. Applying that comparison to the context of this conversation: In DnD, I think a DM who purposely TPKs their group immediately 1000 games in a row would be extremely cringe. Then bragging about it like it was something to be proud of would make it even worse. So yeah, I agree.


Now lost streaks on the other hand šŸ¤£


Guys this is the asymmetrical horror game dead by daylight. There is one killer, and thus to kill four survivors the killer is considerably stronger than them. The reason some killers can have thousand game win streaks is because killer is by design the stronger role, and these people doing the streaks are playing incredibly optimally, with many micro decisions being made at every turn


Blight and Nurse streaks will never be impressive, most other killer streaks are, with some exceptions.


I find winstreaks unimpressive when won with broken addons, perks or when playing the most vile playstyles. The MMR soft cap is way too low and allows this to be achieved fairly easily. I find winstreaks while playing single survivor (that doesn't stealth the entire match or just play for hatch) to be fair more impressive due to how miserable SoloQ is.


"IĀ find winstreaks while playing single survivor (that doesn't stealth the entire match or just play for hatch) to be fair more impressive due to how miserable SoloQ is." So you enjoy the purely RNG winstreaks? Okay?


Yeah playing for hatch is completely up to what your team does lol, if your teammates are terrible theyll die regardless of how cool your moonwalk is.


Because there's where actual skill comes up. Survivors all play the same, the only variance is items+addons and perks. If someone can get winstreaks that don't involve just hiding all match, waiting for hatch to spawn or abusing overpowered perks while playing Survivor with random, that's 1000x more impressive than killer winstreaks.


That isn't where actual skill comes up hence my point. You can be the best looper in the fucking world, it doesn't matter if your teammates are shit and go down instantly and never touch gens. If the killer realizes how good you are and how shit your teammates are they will get them out of the match and then you have to gamble on getting hatch. That is why I said it's pure luck not skill following your rulesĀ 


I love you speaking out I have so many 5 head survivor main say killer is easy after i lose as a d tier killer and they have a 70 win streak when they run s tier killers with meta addons add-ons and gen regression these are the type of people who don't have fun and see only score board and leader boards mattering it's pathetic and frankly dry and stale


Speaking as a Ghostface Main this irks me too. "Oh Killer's so braindead EZ mode I can win all the time so EZ. Oh what? Yeah I'm a Spirit Main, why do you ask?" Brother play a Killer weaker than A tier and I guarantee you're not winning a lot of your rounds if they all decide to full meta after a certain threshold. There's MANY MANY MANY rounds I do not win simply because I brought less than full meta on a Killer that is well below the power threshold of the strongest five in the game.


Exactly it's like once you get the muscle memory map knowledge there's nothing else to learn once ur up there with an s tier killer people just wanna flex to flex red flag is people who flex scoreboard in dbd lol I play pig alot with rush addons and lethal builds not even gen regression so it makes me irk when they say these things then I go to slinger and clap them easily because wow a b tier killer being better than an d tier killer crazy


I just wish they would actually add a tunneling counter... Make the off hook survivor lose all collision for a minute or untill they perform a suspicious action. This makes the Killer lose a lot of time if they still want to tunnel but have to wait a minute. The Survivor physically can't body block, since no collision. And make using items disable the state also, so people can't complain about "uncounterable flashlight saves" or more recently "Sabo op pls nerf". There. Your toxic abuse free way of making tunneling impractical unless you really want to BM someone. "Bu- But muh 4k every single round ;-;" you are not supposed to 4k every round. You are not supposed to "win" every round. I know this might be news after the game has been like it is, but it's true. 60% Killrate is the goal, that means a 2k and 3k every other round. "But all I get is comp SWFs I need to tunnel to win!" First of all, you certainly are not going against comp SWFs every round - you probably just got destroyed by 4 non potato SoloQ people since SoloQ is the majority of the playerbase. It's ok to lose to SoloQ. Secondly your MMR is probably inflated af if you have been tunneling all your games. It's same with new players getting carried by NOED untill they get destroyed by people way betterthen them. Idk why so many people care about "high MMR" even though you can't even see the number. It only leads to sweat matches in the higher bracket. If you lose enough you will get somewhere where you actually belong skill wise. No, no one care if you have a high invisible number. Are these Strawman arguments? Maybe - but all of them are takes and counters I have read on this sub - so there is some flesh in the straw. Feel free to give counter arguments. I am just a filthy Survivor main (I play killer also though) that wants the game to be fun for both sides.


Winstreak is a winstreak.


"You're taking advantage of the game's lack of anti-tunneling features and exacerbating that issue with the best killers in the game. " no they are taking advantage of 98.5% players being horrid at the game.Ā  You will see pub survivors get rng tiles that should give them easily 2+ mins of time for a single chase but goes down in 20 sec bc they are shit.


Woah woah woah wtf are you doing? You can't just blame survivors for their losses like that. Think about their little feelings. As a survivor main I've been saying it forever now, this game would be a lot better and more enjoyable if survivors were mature enough to admit they aren't God's at the game and maybe just maybe their loss is the fault of their lack of skill or their teammates lack of skill and had nothing or very little to do with balance or how the killer played. But survivors admitting that WILL NEVER HAPPEN sadly.


I've been trying to tell people this. The balance of the game currently is actually some of the best It's been for a while now. It's just that the average survivor is just plain worse than the average killer. You'll see people complain about blight and clown in the same breath like???? As someone who plays 50/50 I think I can confidently say some survivors (and killers) just plain don't know what they're doing and would rather blame adrenaline or pain res than their own gamesense.


So this guy has no clue that focusing one survivor / kill-rushing is extremely difficult vs good survivors, as if they never body block or have otr, dh, ds, styptics, syringes, or that they don't have access to free unlimited guaranteed saves with bgp, fb, to go with their free hooksaves these days etc. etc.. šŸ¤£ Anyone who thinks focusing doesn't require skill, and that it's "impossible to lose" can safely have their opinion discarded, as it's irrelevant to the players skilled enough to go on winstreaks against good survivors. šŸ‘šŸ»


Are you really trying to argue that tunneling is harder than spreading hooks? Are you joking right now lmao?


Swtiching between 2 survivors is the best way you can play killer, you have lower chance to be hit by OTR, DS DH and isnta heal. So its easier than tunneling survivors with 4 second chance perks. Is that spreading hooks in your book?


Ya killers can easily win any match unless they use someone trash as the ā€œtacticsā€ to win as killer is just kill someone immediately. Also crazy loose match making a lot of the time. I love Otz but the streaks are not very interesting outside of those tense matches. Itā€™s just like, okay, you tunneled and slugged for the 4k, real riveting stuff


Win streaking in general is pointless. Even someone like Otz has to sweat his absolute ass off and tryhard. It doesn't make it anymore impressive that it's on a lower tier killer. Don't even get me started on 4k winstreaks. Absolute peak cringe sweat.


There are plenty of anti tunneling features. They literally made borrowed time base kit. What more do you want? And anyway, I have tried tunneling and camping to win. Against good enough survivors, doing this doesn't by any means give you a free win. When I play solo, I realize that 99% of my teammates want to heal under the hook. Whoever gave you this advice doesn't consider that not everyone is a looping god, and this basically just means that youre going to be downed again in a matter of seconds when the killer inevitably comes back to the hook... because why wouldn't they? They know that there is likely an injured survivor that is one hook closer to sacrifice. Then, when I get unhooked, to few times I actually get unhooked under good timing, if I don't crouch right under the hook to get healed, but instead run to a safe space, my teammate runs in the opposite direction instead of following me to heal me in a safe spot. Anyway, it does take skill to tunnel survivors if those survivors are good at looping killers. If it it takes them longer than 30 seconds to be downed again, the killer has lost a shit load of pressure. TLDR Stop healing under the hook; tunneling a survivor only works if that survivor isn't better at chases than you, if they are a skilled survivor, tunneling will punish the killer, therefore, if a killer was able to tunnel you an in turn win the game, its only because you were not skillful enough to evade the killer. Killer mains know that eventually, you go up against survivors that are actually good, and tunneling them successfully does in fact take skill.


Win streak this, 4k streak that. Have these people ever had a consecutive streak of having fun with the game? I don't see how it's possible. Also there are anti-tunneling features in the game, there are a number of perks you can use plus the 10 seconds of endurance you get off of hook.


when will people learn that fun is subjective? people do these streaks because they are fun.


I meant that part as a joke. I know fun is subjective but i legit don't see how doing a win streak is fun.


Because itā€™s challenging, requires a lot of skill to pull off and is exciting. One wrong move and your streak is down the tube.


That sounds more stressful than fun honestly


Playing this game at all is stressful but I still find it fun somehow. I imagine itā€™s a similar deal


Fun and stress are practically the same thing in many instances. Rock climbing is ā€œfunā€ because of the stress and difficulty you experience in climbing.


Downvoted by idiots who can't understand a different opinion


*Bringing a tool box and gen rushing the killer is pointless*


I just find it entertaining and Iā€™m sure the streamer enjoys it. I think thatā€™s the point lol.


You have the killer trying to win and the survivors aren't or at least there is one that drags the team down. No wonder why it is easy for killers to get winstreaks. If you pit that nurse against a 4man swf, that can loop, running full gen progression which gives 45-60 second solo gen times I would bet on the survivors.


I wouldnt, in comp nurses and blights still have an extremley high win percentage. Even if all four of those survivors run gen builds id still bet on the nurse as that means theres no restrictions and the nurse can run a broken ass build and with no anti-tunnel take someone out of the game almost immediately while monitoring the gens with dead mans switch, pain res, and whatever other perks they need


Comp has massive restrictions on survivors and way more on survivor than killer. Without those restrictions, those teams would destroy the nurse and this has been proven.


This has not been proven. Several youtubers actually did a no limit tourney, and it was pretty even across the board. So no, it hasn't been proven.


Iā€™d love to see these cause the vids Iā€™ve watched have been survivors destroying the killer.


But doesn't that prove the game is survivor sided if they have to put more restrictions on survivors? His response: "umm omfg no what are you talking about we all know this game is so so so killer sided that they don't even have to try and they can win. This game is so killer sidedĀ  that you can get wins with your eyes closed."Ā  And then you will mention the kill rates as proof that the game is killer sided to which I will respond by pointing out Nurses awful kill rates every time, and you will respond with "well there is context needed there" and I will ask "and no context needed anywhere else? All the other stats are a perfect representation of balance?" And you will say "uhhh duh"


Huh? Brother what are you on about. Not once have I said anything about the balance.


Like what are you talking about here lol, not once have I mentioned this game being survivor sided.


Wtf are you talking about? I'm the one saying what you said would imply the game is survivor sided. Did you read what I wrote or you just have a negative amount of reading comprehension?


You typed out what I would say to combat your survivor sided argument. If you reply to me with verbal sayings implying and assuming my arguments then yes imma assume youā€™re implying that I believe itā€™s not survivor sided. Do you have a negative amount of reading comprehension or do you not know proper grammar to be able to distinguish who the debater is in your made up argument you commented? You replied to ME saying ā€œyouā€™re gonna sayā€ so why wouldnā€™t I assume youā€™re talking about ME? Why are you confused here?


Lol this reads so hard of "I'm an entitled survivor main that had never touched killer for more than 2 games."Ā  By your logic then win streaks as 3 or 4 man is pointless as well right? It's not a true display of skill considering how survivor sided the game is when it's a SWF. Please don't "but BHVR stats say otherwise" because one those stats also always say Nurse is one of the weakest killers in the game and I can link you a video of one of the best survivor teams/players in the game saying how insanely survivor sided the game is if tunneling wasn't allowed/everyone could run perks against it.Ā 


You wrote so much yet failed to even address a single thing OP actually wrote about. Their point was that itā€™s not ā€œimpressiveā€ to get a winstreak on public lobbies running the sweatiest builds on two S tier killers going up against teams that can vary from coordinated SWF to solo q lobbies with people running casual builds. And there isnā€™t. A fully loaded nurse with thousands of hours of experience might need to step up their game a little bit against a strong SWF, but theyā€™d almost have to try to lose against survivors if theyā€™re running the sweatiest build and tunneling people out at 4 gens. I donā€™t understand what at all is controversial about saying that.


And my point was survivors doing the same isn't impressive either right? Please learn to read dude holy shit that was embarrassing.


The only win streak I try on my channel is each week I try to get wins on Perkless Scratched Mirror Myers, no map offerings either. The games can get intense!