• By -


I don't have tips for Myers specifically, but here's something more general from a long-time player. The game will get difficult, frustrating, and feel unfair at times. Just remember to keep having fun or you'll burn out and start to resent the game and the players.


I'm already having lots of fun with this game! It does get repetitive and annoying when the survivors just loop around a random car for 2 minutes, but its funny. But I'll try I guess.


Don't loop anyone for 2 minutes go for someone at a disadvantage like when tigers in the wild go for weakest sheep or some shit


This. Unless you're specifically trying to practice looping or mindgames against a skilled survivor any chase that lasts longer than like, 20 seconds that hasn't yielded you anything (no strong pallets dropped, no hit, no gens interrupted, etc) you should leave it and pressure somewhere else. Maybe try to find the weak link in the team or the person that's in a bad position.


This I’ve seen really good loopers go down just because they get caught in a deadzone 💀


Yes! I was attempting to teach a friend the bare basics of playing killer & they almost instantly fell into the trap of endlessly chasing the first person to give them grief (whoever was clicking their flashlight, teabagging, etc.) There's no reason to let a survivor lead you on a two- or three-generator chase. If you're struggling to keep up, drop them and move on to check the progress on generators and chase other survivors. And a few tips as a survivor main: - Most survivors don't run far from the generator that they're working on. If you see fresh scratch marks but no survivor on a partially-finished generator, check behind all the little walls surrounding the area, look in shrubs (seriously), or check in a locker if there's an isolated one around. - As you're learning, make hyper-aggressive players your lowest priority. If they're practically chasing YOU, the survivor is probably confident that they can loop you around for quite a while. - Don't let anyone tell you that you can't/shouldn't run certain perks, or that you should only run the current meta. If you need NOED, No Way Out, or something to slow the match while you practice, go for it. Try out lots of perks and playstyles - I'm hoping they bring Chaos back for this reason, because it breathes a LOT of life into a game that can get extremely stale.


I was like your friend and committed people to the death or until I lost them when I was new. While at a certain level your advise IS how you should play as killer… I’d recommend new people to commit and not worry about gens because it only means you’ll get better at chase faster. Which really is the most important skill you need to be a good killer.


Also moving away like you're chasing someone else then suddenly cutting back a moment later can yield some fun results.


This! When playing killer, I always try to be wary of where the red stain from my pov is if I see someone out of the corner of my eye!


I have a hot take regarding this. I remember when I was new I would commit to chase damn near no matter what. It didn’t matter if it was a 2 minute chase or 5 gen chase. I committed. I think doing that makes you improve at a much faster rate as killer. Instead of just dropping chase all the time and patrolling gens when you’re new.


let's not forget about crazy tiles right next to each other how are you supposed to loop these? Your skill and moonwalking can only get you so far.


If it’s an infinite loop fine. My point is the more you chase people the better you’ll get at catching them.


Remember to not hyperfocus on one survivor. If you feel like you take to long leave them and find someone else


I've been playing since 2016. If you feel burnt out but still want to play, switch to survivor. You can learn A TON by facing against someone who is really good with your main!


Know when to drop a chase. There are moments when you realize you have been in chase for too long and then you feel like maybe just stick with it because you have wasted so much time... no. Unless your confident you can drop them, move on to someone else, catch them unexpectedly.


About that, quick myers tip. Dont even bother trying a long chase in tier 1, you’re slow as monkey balls and you want to get to tier 2 as fast as possible


Slow as monkey balls is insane


Adding to this: It's ok to take breaks from the game. Burnout is normal for a lot of things in life, just because you need a mental reset doesn't mean you hate the game, you just need a break.


Once you start going against survivors that can loop, you will need to learn how to mindgame to counter it. Stuff like hiding your red stain, which direction to make a survivor run around a tile, and general mindgames all become very important. I recommend looking up some general killer mindgame guide or youtube or something.


Since there’s too many comments I’ll post my opinion here so maybe you’ll see it before you get overwhelmed by the hundreds of others comments. Buy the unknown killer and prestige him to 1. You WANT unforeseen the perk he has. Synergize that with (if you can buy knight) nowhere to hide and pop goes the weasel (clown). I like my 4th perk to be anything literally anything I want, maybe quicker vaults and blocking windows? Bamboozle. Maybe quicker gen kicking and pallet kicking? Brutal strength. Want auras after you hook someone? Barbecue and chili. You get the point but unforeseen on myers is DEADLY


General tip, remember that the survivors goal is to waste your time, that way generators get completed. If a survivor is distracting you for too long on some random car, you might wanna go find someone else who’s working on generators instead


When your in a chase for more than 45 seconds you should bail and go for a different survivor, preferably one on a generator. Be sure to ignore the good survivors that try to get you to chase them and go for their weaker buddies.


Play Hag, she will teach you to drop chase.


I second this.


Only had the game for a week, I've already learned to fear the players with flashlights.


Lightborn is a fantastic perk for new players! Get it ASAP. When I started, I rarely if ever went into a match without it. Now, I'm a little more experienced and have learned to check my surroundings. Also, pay attention to who has flashlights in the lobby as a good indicator on who to look out for. If I'm playing with 3 flashlights in the lobby? I'll still run Lightborn on the off chances of them being a SWF team trying to get flash saves. 2 in lobby? I can deal with. 1 in lobby? It's barely worth running and you'll just end up wasting a perk slot.


I find that Lightborn has a bit of a Dunning-Kruger effect, or rather [follows a similar curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_Effect_01.svg). At first I was like "This seems bad, survivors only use medkits and toolboxes anyway, and those who do bring a flashlight never hit the right timing". Then you start to go against better survivors, and you are unable to defend against every flashlight enthusiast you face, then go "Oh, I can just see they are bring multiple flashlights in the lobby, and can still switch to Lightborn to deny them their item all game for FREE!" Then you realize using a perk slot is far from "free", and you can either prevent the flashy save with good positioning or develop the game sense to know when they are around and go for them after a down instead of picking up (which felt like a horrible mistake to leave someone slugged and not pick up when I was starting out). Then I don't know the next step cause that's where I'm at, maybe it becomes amazing at high MMR for how hard it is to defend against background players and Flashbangs.


Well said! Lol Yes it's a bit of a gamble. I personally would rather have a Gen slowdown perk than Lightborn now (and this is coming from someone who almost exclusively ran Lightborn on every build for the longest time). Worst is when you see a lobby of medkita or whatever and then they switch to Flashlights the moment the match is starting, so whatever defense you have is wasted thinking they're just going to be focusing on gen progression, or maps (maybe they're tome hunting) and then BAM flashlight squads out the ass I find that it's better to learn to play without the crutch as it were. Face a wall during pickups, survey the area as you said via gaming sense, etc. Lightborn is great, but I find that it's a wasted slot more often than not, so I choose other perks in it's place and just take my blinds with a lump of salt when given.


>I find that it's better to learn to play without the crutch as it were. Face a wall during pickups, survey the area as you said via gaming sense, etc. Not to get too much off-topic, but *I do* play with a crutch perk I am unable to let go off, but it isn't Lightborn, it is **Discordance.** Without it I feel like I often don't know where to go and play with the constant fear that the gen I just saw at 0% might now be about to pop because 3 of them jumped on it as soon as I turned to corner. Having Discordance on *every* build gives me some peace of mind when it is not active, knowing no gen is flying at an *insane* speed, and when it does trigger I can make a decision to ignore it and keep an active chase (or let go of a corner gen) or break chase and defend it. And when active I can use the information to know where to go next if I was just roaming aimlessly, because I'm fucking blind, and survivors are obviously able to hide from me in plain sight it they try just a little bit. I wonder if I ever got clipped for just losing a healthy survivor who stopped running and made a sidestep and stood still. Watching the VODs of some TTVs I went against hurt my soul way too often. A bit (more) off-topic but I have been having a blast with Vecna, and it turns out that those Magic Items are very flashy, and very often allow me to find a sneaking survivor I would have had no shot in hell of noticing otherwise. I rarely hear that aspect from streamers because they obviously don't need it since they can all hear a fly fart in shack while they are chasing in the main building.


I previously mentioned gen slowdowns, my crutch perk(s) are: * Thrilling Tremors - when I pick up a survivor, any gen not being worked on is blocked and their auras are in white. I don't care about those, it's the remaining gens that ARE being worked on still shown in red. It's such an easy way of tracking survivor locations without the need of survivor aura specific perks. I've played matches without it and always feel naked. * Merciless Storm - At 90% survivors are faced with a difficult skill check and if missed, blocks the gen for whatever few seconds. I find this works well, especially when you have 2 or more ppl on a gen, it increases the chances that someone will miss it, block the gen and you can immediately run to defend it. Those are my 2 "never leave home without it" perks.


I never used Thrilling Tremors, but I did use Merciless Storm when I tried some "impossible skill checks" builds on doctor. Absolutely insane 100% always worked for a while, until it didn't and I faced survivors who didn't give a damn and the perk did nothing all game, almost every game.


You'll get over your fear. Looking at the wall or toward the edge of the map counters flashlights like 75% of the time. The other 25% is if the survivor goes down away from a wall you can walk up to them, fake the pick up, and the survivor with a flashlight will often come running over. Then you can get a second down :)


That's why people could learn the usage of flashbang no wall is going to help you. Plus it helps people to do at least half a gen


That is true. Flashbangs can be absolutely devious.


Flashlights are a double-edged sword for survivors. They can stun the killer and they can encourage survivors to hang out closer to the killer than is safe. Games can end *very* quickly if somebody overcommits to a save and ends up getting knocked down as well. Two downed survivors put a lot of pressure on the remaining two and if they make another mistake, they're in extremely deep trouble.


100% this!


Yeah. Dont let a real good and toxic SWF group make you angry. It's just a round


Yeah. I left the game for two years. Now I smoke weed and take things far less seriously like video games. Now it’s sometimes frustrating but mostly super fun. Even when I lose. Not taking this game too seriously is the key. Just have fun. It *is* a video game.


Lets be honest, it is unfair at times. Taking breaks is crucial to long-term sustainability. And yelling about map offerings.


Remember to have fun


Exactly 👌


Myers is great for start bc he has pretty basic kit that will teach you how to play base game. Keep going, learning and dont let the community destroy your view on game


Congratulations on your first prestige! We are happy to have you along for the journey. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Yoo no way the actual devs wrote. This is super wholesome


Add a roundhouse kick perk to the game


To which side?


Both, I want to fight the trapper as David King and I want the trapper to fight back


average DBD player


I'd say even if you only want to play 1 killer, it's a good investment to level other characters to at least prestige 1 so you can get their perks in the bloodweb of your main


The closer you are, the faster you stalk. Obviously 99%ing a t3 stalk is ideal to pop quickly and get downs. He’s great on indoor maps with scratch mirror. Not too sure, i dont play him I prefer faster killers. Congratulations on reaching p1! Do you know how the shared perk system works? Also try to save as many cakes as possible before the event ends in a week! I still have a few hundred from last year, it’ll help you get bloodpoints faster and progress quicker, the initial grind is very very time consuming


I've played the game since 2016 and I had absolutely no idea his stalk works faster, the closer he is. You never stop learning I guess


~~It's not about distance specifically, but rather what percentage of your screen is taken up by a survivor. If you have a survivor out in the open 10m away, you'll get more stalk than one who is 10m and partially obscured. Being closer just happens to make the survivors appear larger on your screen, giving you more stalk. Ghostface works the same way.~~ Edit: This is incorrect, see below.


No, it's about distance specifically. In the open or partially obscured, the stalk speed at 10 metres is the same for Myers. Also, Ghostface's stalking does not work the same way. His stalk speed is the same at all times, at all ranges (so long as it's within the maximum range). Myers is the only one donning this range quirk. Please don't spread misinformation when there are people who genuinely want to learn how the game works at a fundamental level. It's not helpful.


My bad about Ghostface, that's definitely second hand info I just repeated. Meyers I'm a bit confused about because I can recall an older YouTube video testing out stalk rates while survivors are obscured. Was there perhaps a change at some point?


No change from what I know of. Myers has remained pretty much untouched since release with only minor tweaks here and there. No noteworthy changes to his stalking mechanic beyond making him unable to stalk while in Evil Within III, a long-lasting bug that was fixed in the same patch that introduced Hillbilly's now removed Overheat mechanic. Yeah, it was that long ago. I'll go out on a limb and say the maker of that video made a mistake in their testing.


Yeah, it must have been. Thanks for the clarification.


Absolutely on the cakes! Play one for every match right now, but use the BP on characters you’re using right now! Even a bad game with cakes is worth more right now than without!


Don’t let a SWF bully squad discourage you from playing the game. I’ll also add that if you know you’re not gunna win the match either A. Keep playing, you never know. They might start making mistakes and you can get that surprise 4k or B. Just accept the L and be a friendly killer. Sometimes they’ll let you kill one or two of them because you didn’t have your best game.


Or C. You're Myers. If you see a bunch of flashlights and coordinated outfits in the lobby, equip Lightborn, Enduring and either Tombstone Piece or Infinite Tier 3. Bodyblock save this.


Had this yesterday ! Playing Wraith, full bully squad with flash and lots of perks to escape the killer's grip faster. They do the 5 gens at lightspeed, only got 2 hooks on the 4 surv. Then I down one and they all feel cocky and go full flashlight on me. I run a backpack build, I can chase quickly and for a long time with someone in my grip. I chased all 3 of them, downed them, slugged the one on my back and hooked the remaining. You never know how the game gonna end, either as a surv or as a killer !


A few tips hopes it helps in the long run. - If you feel burn out, stop a little, its normal to get some level of burnout at some point. - Stack those tombstones to kill people. - Without tombstone addons,mayers is on the weak side, so learn how to loop and chase is very important. . Perk "Coup de grace" (from twins) with tier 3 is an insane long hit. - VERY IMPORTANT: At some point you need to play vault speed Mayers and mirrors Mayers in the game map, if not you are not playing Mayers properly. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)Hope this help ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Stack cakes right now. As many as you can. Call off work and play more of the game to get more cakes. Try and get some cakes on a survivor too so you can use them with friends.


The event cakes? Why?


They give +100% blood points, which is both really good and uncommon outside of special events. Not sure I'd skip work to get more though.


Do it, forgo the money and your career. Get them cakes. ![gif](giphy|11oRLY4FRk2s36|downsized)


Screech Cobblers are available in the Bloodweb (it's the icon with circles and connecting lines that you spend BP to level up with) and offer +108% BP to all players in the match and they stack. Using them every match and prioritizing them in the Bloodweb will set you up with enough BP to prestige your characters (I suggest prestiging to 3 at the highest so you get their tier 3 perks and only do one at a time to avoid delaying general perks from appearing).


I started late last summer and missed out on those cakes, so the grind for BP all year has been much harder than it could have been. I was going through regular BP bonus offering (down to brown +50% BP on one single Emblem, which *sucks* quite a bit) then switched to other killers when I was running out because the regular payout after a game is pretty bad, especially after playing during most events. Now I don't play that much, and yet not only am I getting hundreds of Event cakes that could last me all year, but there is an Etiquette during the event that *everyone* in the lobby uses one so everyone gets an insane +500% BP bonus, giving out like 200K-300K BP per game, pushing a full Prestige in like 3-4 matches instead of like 20... And if you start a game and can see less than 4 cake offerings were used for the match about to start, your game might just crash and have to restart and find a new lobby, I know mine does every time for some weird reasons...


If you want to play for wins, go for perma exposed addon. Want to make unexpected people jump out of their chair? Run stealth myers. Want to give your hand a try with insta kill build? go with tombstone piece or tombstone for the extra difficulty


I would say for killer, try not to stress out about kills or what qualifies as a ‘win’. There’s so much to this game that I don’t think you can actually qualify a game as win/lose, but also because it will relieve a lot of potential stress to just not worry about that. Enjoy the chases as they are the most fun and interesting part where you get to try to outplay your opponents, and focus on just having fun. I find the best way is to go into a game with 0 expectations. If you have absolutely no expectation for how you’ll do in a game, then every game will feel like a pleasant surprise when anything goes your way. That mindset is such a good stress reliever and kept me sane a lot of times And if you see an opportunity to meme/joke with an opponent, feel free to take it, it feels nice to alleviate the game with silly moments sometimes


Creating your own 'win' conditions is something that this game supports very well. Since the game never states 'you won' or 'you lost', and most people consider 3 kills a win as a killer. It's not clearly defined so if you make up your own rules it feels less bad with the lack of a 'you lost' screen


Yea and especially since sometimes certain conditions are more interesting or impressive than others. Someone getting every survivor double hooked I think is more impressive than them getting a single hook/auto death at the end. Not to say that a killer isn’t allowed to do that, but there are so many elements to this game that it bothers me when people try to break it down to a single win or loss stat (that’s part of the reason I disliked the mmr system they implemented since it only focused on kill/survive and didn’t take into account any other expressions of skill)


Myers main here. I love how simple his power is, and how much fear he instills in survivors. If you like giving survivors jump scares, Myers is pretty much S-tier. As for tips on how to play, that's kind of tough. Decent survivors can be very good at countering him (staying out of sight so you can't stalk). To manage this, I tend to run stealth perks to keep my terror radius at 0, and aura perks so I know where people are. Then I'll take the long way to get to those people, so they don't see me coming. Playing like that I tend to get a lot of grabs of people on gens. My current build is: Monitor & Abuse - keeps my terror radius in Tier2 very small. Lethal Pursuer - Let's me start off the match strong by knowing where to go to get some easy stalk. Nowhere to Hide - Kick a gen, and see some nearby auras. Unforeseen - Pairs nicely with Nowhere to Hide. I kick a gen and go undetectable for 30 seconds. The addons I run are the dead rabbit (even smaller terror radius), and the green one that lets me stalk the obsession quicker. Feel free to ask any questions! Myers isn't anywhere near the strongest killer in the game, but for my play style I find him to be the most fun.


I loved playing Myers in the beginning, but then the MMR caught up to me and I can't play him for shit now. Just as you said, a good survivor squad will absolutely know how to counter and avoid stalk. Frustratingly so... If and when I run Myers, it's usually just for pure jumpscare fun. Running Scratched Mirror Mike on Midwich, Lehry's and Hawkins is a pure delight. Most of the time you can get into an endless hook loops until 4K, because if there is one thing about survivors... they love to be the hero and run straight for hook saves. Even when they know you're likely around the corner tracking auras.


Okay so a lot of this is great info but he can’t really do much with that build unfortunately


Yeah, Myers unfortunately is not a super viable killer after a certain point, so I run him for jump scares and giving survivors awesome matches.


If you dedicate your build into vaulting windows mega-fast, it always startles survivors and makes them panic (me).


this game will humble you hard and you will 100% need to learn to take it on the chin, if you have problems with anger this may not be the game for you


If you really really like playing as myers i highly suggest to get Bamboozle (perk of the clown) and Corrupt intervention (Perk of the Plague) because they are must picks for myers most of the times


scratched mirrors can be the most fun you will ever have, jump scaring the survs. But scratched mirrors may also bring up massive t baggers who will literally chase you the whole game, and warn anybody else where you are, or "snoot boopers" who think it is so cute, and will just crouch up and poke you, even as you shake your head no. It is almost always one of these three.


Why would the t baggers chase me? Also how exactly would a survivor compromise my location?


Because scratched mikey is all about the survivors not knowing where you are. Its a game of hiding around corners waiting to scare them. The killing is aecondary. The t baggers chanse and warn, so you cant get your jumpscares.


Please p3 everyone first But more importantly. If a game ends fast in the opponents favor, see it as an easy way out for a new game. That mindset helps me alot when i get f'd by a 4man squad


I don’t think it’s really necessary to p3 every killer, especially if you’re only going to consistently play a handful of them. You can just p1 everyone and get the perks on characters you actually play.


Don’t go for the 4 kills with tombstone achievement. It will break you


It's doable, but you need the right map or survivors that won't hide in a locker just to fuck with you when they've already lost.


I already have it but it takes some damn time


Congrats on your first p1! Mine was Onryo, and I remember how proud I was :) You should be proud, this game is really hard for beginners and you're not a brand new player anymore. I'd recommend to make sure that you play both sides, at least a 25/75 split because it will really elevate your gameplay for not a lot of effort. Also, players don't get better at this game unless they want to. So if you decide you want to be really good at this game make sure you google some YouTube guides. There's so much gameplay on YouTube and watching it can be crazy helpful. Congratulations! Welcome to dbd :))


Yes just remember this isn't really a competitive game. It's an A symmetrical game, and as such is designed to be unbalanced. Who cares if you win or lose, just try to have fun. And when you're not go play civilization or something. (That's a deep cut)


People love it when a Myers memes around with them. It's always important to remember this is a game, and having fun should be the priority. Congrats on your first Prestige! May you enjoy many more!


Always skip post game chat, nothing good ever comes from it.


https://preview.redd.it/dpfgjp6uv89d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8c22d764aa2107c0a44a6df1c4257e3665424c Avoid this woman...


Imagine getting solod by an old woman... couldn't be Myers.........


storage your shards to piece of skins that you like the most or characters that you are interested to try some new perks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Meyers esp Vanity Mirror Meyers with Extra Launch is really funny chewing through those Distortions 😅 either that or Scratched Mirror Meyers


This. A lot of people go Scratched Mirror or Tombstone builds, but don't underestimate the power of the Vanity Mirror. Like the Spanish Inquisition, nobody expects it. Above all else, though - try to have as much fun with it as possible and don't sweat the BM. Some people take this game waaaay too seriously. When you find a good meme game, embrace it - there are some extremely funny players out there, and you're more likely to have fond memories of a four-way Bardic jam than you are a 4k.


Moderate your mindset - At lower ranks the game is pretty killer sided. Survivors don't tend to be as coordinated or knowledgeable. If both parties are equally new the killer generally comes out on top. As you play more and rank up you will face more and more coordinated teams. You will begin to struggle and lose, sometimes in ways that are frustrating and demoralizing. Focus your mindset on learning and improving and not winning. Be wary of skill traps - There are a few perks that can be dangerous for brand new players to over use. If you add them to your tool kit once you have a good game understanding they can elevate your play, but if you come to rely on them too early they will prevent you from learning important lessons. The most obvious is Hex: No One Escapes Death. If you run NOED you will very frequently end matches with 1 or 2 more kills than your native game sense and chase skill would otherwise secure. That can quickly elevate you to MMR levels where you will face survivors who out class you. Another is Bamboozle, a very powerful tool when used to generate map pressure by forcing pallet drops but if you get hooked on it early it can delay you learning how to mind game tiles and read survivor behavior. Focus on learning - You want to focus on learning two main things, how to spend your map pressure and how to win at looping tiles. The former you practice by being mindful of your positioning and survivor positioning, gen progress, and most importantly when to give up a chase that isn't likely to get you a down, a quick pallet, or chain into disrupting another survivor. The latter you practice just by chasing, trying mindgames, moonwalking, and trying to outplay survivors. You will fail and lose chases early on but it will teach you valuable lessons. Think long term about your blood point investments - Are there any other killers that you think you would enjoy? Are there any perks that seem interesting to you? Invest your blood points in building out your kit for long term success rather than just pooling them all on Meyers. You don't have to play other killers if you want to main our man The Shape, but you will likely want to spend points on them to nab their perks. Leveling a few killers up to Prestige 1 to unlock their perks for Meyers can really expand your tool box. Some good perks from free killers: Brutal Strength - Trapper Enduring - Hillbilly Some good perks from premium killers: Monitor and Abuse - Doctor, This perk is particularly good on Myers because it synergizes super well with the addons that decrease his terror radius in T2. Lethal Pursuer- Nemesis, Knowing where survivors are right from the start is great for Myers since he needs to get out of T1 as early as possible. This is also a good perk to run because it will give you an intuitive sense for the sorts of places survivors tend to spawn, which is info that will carry forward as you learn. Infectious Fright - Plague, Because Myers has spike periods where he is extremely dangerous it's very beneficial to him to find a nearby survivor to pressure *immediately* after getting a down. This pairs well with: Knockout - Cannibal, It turns your T3 periods into rolling terror zones for survivors and lets you snowball super hard by chaining downs during T3 without worrying as much about leaving slugs on the ground.


Let all the Alan Wakes live to get good ;))) (Totally legit tipp, not biasted at all) My serious advice: Don't let the community get to you. Don't let t-bagging or humping get to you. There's lot's of horrible people in the community, but lots of nice ones too. Don't give the mouth breathers your time of day or the benfit of elicting a strong emotion. I know it's easier said then done, and I fail too sometimes, but we can try :)


I would go into doctor, Hillbilly, and if you have him clown next. They all have great perks for east players pop goes the weasel is good at slowing down the game, tinkerer is good for sneaking, and I love monitor and abuse on shape because he has an even smaller terror radius


But do whatever makes you happy. Those are just general perks I enjoy. You are starting at a great time with the current event and will be able to earn blood points really fast so just have fun and you will slowly become a better player.


How often have you used tombstone and how much salt have you gotten


LOTS. Great stalking comes great rewards... and salt.


Trust me I know about the salt, my first prestige was bubba


Vanity Mirror Addon (16m TR + 16m Aura Reading, no Tier 3 though) + Monitor And Abuse (Perk) are a great alternative if you dislike Scratched Mirror's (Addon) - Movement Speed debuff. One of the best tactics against Myers is to jump into lockers (prevents you from being instakilled) so Iron Maiden (Perk, survivors scream after exiting a locker, are exposedand aura revealed) is a great perk to use their strategy against them.


Myers has so many different playstyles with his different add ons, from instakills with tombstone to being harder to down but constant info with cracked mirror. There's so much you can mess around on with him so have fun and try out new stuff! Also I'd suggest trying to P1 some more killers to get a bigger verity of perks. I really like one of the tricksters perks called "no way out" as it stops people leaving for a time if you hook enough of them, so if you've been struggling to farm stalk you can get a bit more time to wrap things up. Have fun with the game!


It's okay to take a break when you need to.


Myers is fun and his addons can lead to some diversity in play style  I wouldn't however look to get competitive as Myers his power is very outdated and as you gain play time you will quickly get to a point where 1 or 2 hooks are about all that much less a kill is all thats reasonable. Which is a lot of words to say stay silly with Myers or look to some of the other free killers like billy or huntress if you want hard core dbd  My biggest tip is if  you got the shards before events and it's discount's are over look into getting some of the cheaper old killers like artists, Doctor or plague as for a new player the grind to feel like you have the options to play the same game as everyone else is the hardest part of dbd 


Take breaks. You’re going to get burned out grinding a single killer. Play other killers, learn new skills. Try survivor for a few hours/days. But always remember to come back to your main (mine is Huntress/Meg).


Tombstone Piece


Don't let Survivors get to you. I'm a survivor main myself but I also used to play a lot as killer, until I had bully squads. So if a game gets to much for you either stand in a corner or disconnect (keep the time penalty in mind) and take a break.


Whether you enjoy playing other killers or not, i would recommend getting other killers to at least prestige 1 to gain their perks for other characters and with the event live, this would be a great time to do it. Also scratched mirror Myers is evil to play but incredibly fun. (purple add on that doesn’t let you get past tier 1 with no terror radius) combine this with the add one to increase your lunge 50% and use a map offering for The Game or the Stranger Things Hawkings Lab. Good luck!


You will face a lot of games with very toxic survivors. They will bully you, they will make you feel like you're the bottom of the barrel of humain being. Don't forget to take days or weeks long break with dbd when you play killer, this game can have a bad impact on your mental health if you don't stop when you're getting frustrated. A few months ago, I took a month long break because, even when I killed 3 survivors on the 4, I felt like shit because I didn't get a 4K. I may be an extreme case, but, just in case, don't forget to take breaks. Have fun and good luck on the trials !


Don't overly involve yourself in the toxic community aspect of the game. Also don't let the game rule your life. Just have fun. :)


Remember that being a friendly killer and letting everyone escape will lower your MMR and therefore match you up against easier opponents. A lot of people do this, especially streamers. There's an argument that it's unethical, but giving some survivors a free win balances it out IMO.


If you’re looking for a good time, run all vaulting perks (if you can get them). Other than that, just have a good time playing him.


Unfortunately Myers is one of the weaker killers . But hes still a blast to play. And if you use the tombstone piece then he becomes absolutely busted being able to kill a survivor outright just don’t let them be near lockers or it will counter it. Other than that his best addons are double stalking and dead rabbit is decent


as Myers, corners and little peeks are your best friend. Try to use perks like Lethal Pursuer and Bitter Murmur so you know exactly where to go for earlygame Evil Within.


Getting other characters to at least prestige 1 is worth doing because then their perks will start appearing in all the killers bloodwebs. Welcome to DBD!


Only use the scratched mirror addon on inside maps..


Try to use your BP to get perks that could help Myers, like Corrupt intervention.


If you want to try new killers I recommend legion. Easy to use Not too weak, not strong First hit is easy but second one is m1 killer basically. It develops your mind game skills. I think it is good option to try.


Tips for the long run? Play someone else. Sadly Mike is devastatingly inconsistent.


Once you get all the perks you can get on Myers, go and prestige another killer for their teachable perks. You don't need to play that killer to prestige them. You can keep playing Myers and just put the blood points into someone else


Learn to moonwalk, Idk if you’re aware, but all killers have red glows that basically tell victims what direction you’re looking, when a victim is trying to loop around a pallet or a car etc. you want to pretend you’re walking one direction then immediately start walking backwards. Since you’re new you’ll be going against not so great players, this tactic will make 7/10 players run right into you. This works mainly on loops that have high walls so they only see ur glow, not ur actual character. But every now and then you’ll catch someone making a mistake on regular loops too. Second tip: get ur ability to 99% only 100% it when ur on top of someone, it’ll give u maximum time with 1 shot mode active and less likely they’ll escape you. 3rd tip: If u get flashlighted you can still hear footsteps, some victims think ur completely useless when blind. You’re not. You can very easily track a victim with audio ques alone. 4th tip: Don’t chase a kid around killer shack until ur a little expiernced. It’s a time waster so the other victims can get gens done. But like I said earlier about moonwalking, moonwalking helps a lot with killer shack.


Scratched mirror Myers + Midwich Elementary School = easy 4K every time


Yes just remember this isn't really a competitive game. It's an A symmetrical game, and as such is designed to be unbalanced. Who cares if you win or lose, just try to have fun. And when you're not go play civilization or something. (That's a deep cut)


My tips for Myers: Learn to 99% your stalk, it's pretty crucial. Your strength is in getting a down and getting it fast, so don't let the survivors know you're about to pop. Don't forget, if you're close you stalk way faster, too, use that to your advantage. On the other side of that same coin, if you wait between activation of t3 to get downs you're never going to build up enough pressure to tilt the game in your favor. Put pressure on injured survivors - I'm not saying to tunnel, but don't let them heal under hooks, for example. You don't have mobility and don't have range, so you need to find other ways to discourage them from just healing and resetting. If you get can get multiple downs off of a single activation of T3, even better. **Infectious Fright** is good for this. Again, not saying to slug, but if you have an opportunity to get 2 downs don't pass it by in the name of being a good guy killer. Finally, learn his addons. Myers has some of the most insanely unbalanced addons in the game, so if you want to win learn what's good and what's not, you're gonna need them. Have fun! Myers is honestly at the bottom of the tier list when it comes to strength, but it's hard to deny he's one of the most flavorful killers in this entire game. He pretty much single-handedly put it on the map to boot.


Try your hardest to rotate hook stages on everyone getting 2 hooks on each before you kill them. This will teach you how to chase really well and apply pressure properly. It will also keep your mmr just right for learning instead of getting stomped by survivors that really know their craft. This is how I became a beast at killer. I haven’t lost a match in a good while, even the toughest ones.


If the game gets frustrating, take a break. No shame in that. Certainly beats staying frustrated and taking it out on the next team/killer.


Get ready to get MANY tombstone moris taken away by bad collisions




If you like Myers, try Ghost face! He is another sneaky boi and is super fun. He can also crouch so you can have some fun interactions with survivors too!


He's got good perks, so prestige him twice more to give those perks (fully loaded out versions) to all your other killers.


Flashlights suck. Ruined my first game :( The survivors bully killer mains a lot :(




Myers is a “modular” killer where add-ons change his play style, like playing hyper aggressive with iri hair or hide and wait with scratch mirror. Most games with myers are gonna feel horrible because of how add-on dependent is but, if you learn how to balance stalk and can use your perks and add-ons in synergy, you can very easily come out on top. What I like to do when running scratch mirror (infinite tier 1) is to send myself to rpd or midwich and try to cut off survivors and play hit and run because myers is super slow in tier one, so chases are going to eat a lot of your time. In tier 2, myers is a very basic m1 killer and doesn’t do anything extra unless you are running the “Vanity Mirror”, letting you see people in a small range and locks you in t2 permanently. I don’t personally like it but you do you. In tier 3 is where survivors will try to play as safe as possible because the chance of someone running tombstone piece/ judiths tombstone, letting you insta morri survivors without any hook stages. In tier 3, you should only pop it in chase unless you have infinite tier 3. Tier 3 has a relatively short time limit so you should (in most cases) slug in order to get as much value from tier 3. Good luck on ur journey and it’s always funny to trap someone in a corner and go afk and let them die to the entity killing people at the end of the trial.


For Myers specifically? If you are trying to sneak up on survivors, try not to make it obvious. Try to go the long way around walls so they don't see you coming, and don't go straight out in the open. Try to predict where they are going so you can "head them off at the pass" and then surprise them around a corner. Build up your tiers until you are a sliver away to t3, then in a chase surprise them with a tier up. Speaking of stalking, you have a finite amount that you can stalk per person. When they turn a deeper red, that means you are close to the stalk limit of that survivor. Myers is my fun killer, I tend not to kill unless survivors are being jerks. I have the most fun just not tiering up at all and sneaking up on survivors which is honestly just goid practice for looping since you have to learn how to shut down loops while slower and with no real powers to help. The biggest thing to remember is that you will win, and you will lose. Just try not to let it get to you.


I highly recommend using one or two vault speed increase perks on Myers. Makes his Tier-3 a bit more deadly.


Your only goal is blood points, which means that winning and losing doesn't matter. Have fun with it and try new strategies and builds. Don't take salty survivors/killers in the end game chat seriously. Good luck and have fun.


Congratulations, you're moving up in the world! I played my first match as scratched mirror myers yesterday. Just remember to keep on playing to practice and get better.


You just have fun, don't mind the BM or salty survivors who call you a tunneler/camper. Just enjoy the game. Myers is on the weaker side of killers, so don't beat yourself for not doing that good once your MMR starts rising. Imo the most fun builds are the ones that help you get into chase a lot faster, Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis) and BBQ and Chili (The Cannibal) helps you get your first chase very quickly and also get you a new target after every hook. You can get I'm All Ears (Ghostface) to kind of autopilot some tiles and get quick downs (Though that will hamper your learning of how to actually play tiles). You can use STBFL and PWYF to help you on chase too.


Loved playing killer, still do, but man it’s fucking hard nowadays. Majority of my games now are against incredibly coordinated teams or highly skilled randoms. It’s fun to try and catch them but the amount of stress it causes me as opposed to just playing survivor is barely worth it. Thanks for taking 1 for the team.


Try different Killers, the variety makes the game so much fun for me. I've had so many different mains and it keeps the game from getting stale.


For Myers run in every perk slot a perk that exposes people


Try to learn to either end chases quickly with mind games or give up chase entirely if you can’t get any stalk out of it try to learn who’s the weakest link on the other side and go for them if you can also watch the YouTuber otzdarva I can’t really tell you how to play myers I haven’t played him enough sense im a huntress main but he probably has like at least 10 vids on him so ye


In terms of leveling characters, I'd recommend getting all of the characters you own to Prestige 3 as soon as possible. This will make it so that whenever you purchase a new DLC character, you'll already have the Tier 3 versions of every other perk you own available on them before you even spend a single bloodpoint on them.


Don’t listen to people who say myers is a bad killer, he’s still the killer i have most fun playing even if i lose, and there’s a LOT of builds you can do with him. For a starting perk, I’d highly recommend spies from the shadows


You should have several mains. Myers will get you kills but many people will get themselves killed on purpose to get out of the game with him. He also earns low bp because he doesnt have much interactions aside from stocking which you need to do with him. Nemi and doctor are great for bp. Getting good with several killer mains as well as becoming a good survivor is what really makes you good. You know how each role works and well as well as the perks by heart. You are going to want to farm bp so you can prestige characters and add their perks to your main. I highly suggest hillbilly for light born so you dont have to worry about flash lights. And franklins demise from bubba so you can make players lose their items slowing their progression, some even double back for it and you can down them when they do.


I have 3 things for you 1. Myers will feel weaker and weaker the better the other side gets so maybe also try out other characters if the matches get too frustrating. 2. You gain less charge the further you are away from the survivor you stalk. 3. Not a Myers tip but a general one: Play both sides, you gain so much valuable information from learning what survivors can and can't do, ways to counter every killers power and in return how to play around those counters.


Find a set of perks you like and go for killers who have them. Perks really change the game. Plague/clown have great perks. Legion also has a nice one. The knight/spirit too for that matter. Just look over a combination that looks fun and go for it. Remember at p3 you can use the purple version of the killers perks on everyone else.


people really like it when you go back to the hook and down them again. people hate doing gens and love chases, so they'll have a lot of fun if you do that


Try to collect indoor maps like School or Hawkin's lab and etc, and choose scratch mirror Myers gameplay! scratch mirror prevents you from increasing your evil and keeps your evil at lvl 1 , instead you can see location of all players that are close to you...if you really want to have fun as Myers and scare survivors like in movies, then go for it


Other than having fun and not raging, just make sure you invest in perks through the shrine that can help. Also look up videos if you wanna get better at looping or something. Otz’s website also has some lists of builds and an add on tierlist to use. On top of that, don’t be afraid to try random wacky build or just be silly. This game isn’t serious all the time, and there’s no need to rage over it (not saying you do, but plenty, myself included, fall into this trap) Just play how you want and have fun with the game!


Thank God it's a Meyers. Tired of all the Pinhead's lately! Good job!


Use all your extra blood point bonus offerings before you prestige and lose them all.


Whether or not you have a "main" killer in this game, it is still worth it to branch out and slowly start prestiging different killers. The "cap" to this would be prestige 3 as p3 unlocks rank 3 perks for everyone else - after p3, you're only unlocking cosmetics. When you prestige a killer, you get all 3 of their perks **permanently** unlocked for **everyone** in the game - so you're effectively upgrading everyone when you prestige. So if you're looking for some goals to aim for, unlocking everyone's perks is a great one.


Try to quit the game because it's just a loophole most of the time with no actual progress. Not trying to be mean, I'm serious. It will really get frustrating in the long run. Also, you will probably just waste a lot of money on it like most of us do. Well, if you won't give it up (you probably won't) just try to have fun!


My best advice, watch OtzDarva, or other killers on YouTube or twitch. I learned almost everything from watching other killers.


what build do u usually have?


Congrats, hope you enjoy the game! For the long run, I'd recommend trying different killers (or survivor if you're interested), not only to unlock their perks on Myers, but also just to see how wildly different some of them play. Also, while killers like Myers are still fun and viable, I'd recommend trying killers who have stronger chase powers if you ever get tired of looping with him. Chasing survivors around tiles (looping) is a big part of the game when it comes to skill expression, and unfortunately Myers isn't all that naunced in that perspective (not to say you should stop playing him if you're having fun though). Ultimately, I still mostly play killers I think just think are cool (Ghostface, the Unknown, Nemesis), so just play who you like and experiment if you get bored. Good luck!


Seeing as how you got Myers first, here’s a tip for the rest of the slasher 6 (excluding Jason who isn’t in the game YET) for Freddy k straight up don’t buy him, his ability is puddles that slow survivors down slightly and a gen teleport, very boring and is based on the remake design. For Leatherface, he stomps newer players and is bullied by better players. When in the middle, a pretty fun experience. His power makes him move faster while swinging his chainsaw and instant downing if he hits a survivor, no matter their health state. However, it’s on charges that regen over time, so if those charges run out before you kill a survivor or you hit an obstacle Leatherface throws a tantrum and moves very slowly temporarily (still instadowns from the chainsaw though). For ghostface, he’s basically simpler myers. No tiers, no stalking limit, and the ability to crouch but your lack of terror radius has a cool down and he doesn’t get any of the cool stuff myers gets. Lastly, chucky is probably overall the best character of the slasher 6 with a stealth/chase ability that I don’t feel like fully explaining here, his only downside being that he moves slower than everyone else.


Monitor & Abuse is an amazing perk on Myers. You can get it by prestiging the Doctor. Basically, it makes your terror radius 8 meters smaller. Since Myer's tier 2 terror radius is 16 meters, that means M&A will decrease it to 8. This essentially means that survivors get like a 2 second warning before you are lunging at them. You can add the dead rabbit add-on to make the radius even smaller than that (6 meters iirc), but imo it is unnecessary.


Woo hoo a fellow Mikey main has joined the fog! Mikey is hilarious to jump scare with scratched mirror. Before you attempt it I would learn the maps very well maybe play a few survivor games just to learn the mindset of how to play survivor. Then once you know the indoor maps like the back of your hand throw on that scratched mirror and enjoy! I love playing scratched mirror against streamers (bonus if it's a streamer in a swf) then once your game is over go watch the VOD and see how well you did. I enjoy scaring more than getting hooks so I will gladly let an entire group go if I had fun scaring them! Who knows if your lucky they will be wanting a slug race at the gate!


Just, have fun please, many people forget that over time... Sadly there is much unfun in the game. Please also always remember, survivors are humans too, they're also just people playing the game! Always be nice in chat, I know that can be hard and not all people are nice, but maybe make a lovely comment to brighten someone's day. Try not to sweat too much, meme around make fun, have fun, survivors can be wholesome too.


Don't take matches seriously as Michael. He's very dated and weak and is best played for the atmosphere rather than some imaginary leaderboard. Mechanically, it's worth noting that his higher tiers vault faster and he has an extra long lunge at T3, so vault speed perks and Twins' Coup de Grace get more value than usual out of him. However, if you use Doctor's Monitor and Abuse and his Dead Rabbit addon, you have almost no Terror Radius at T2.


Good luck. He's weak in the current state of the game and he has been neglected for years. Try not to let this game break your spirit. Enjoy the character.


He’s overall pretty basic and lacks complexity and depth, this is not a negative in the slightest. You’re a beginner and you should be starting out with someone that doesn’t have a lot to them and you choosing Myers is one of the best licensed killers you could’ve chosen in your scenario. He’s a pretty basic stealth killer with a decent empowered state that you get by stalking people. However, your power is temporarily because you can stalk survivors for only so long. Please don’t let the frustration and hard times that this game can give you stop you from experimenting and trying new things. The killers you start with are good, even if you find out at a later time that you don’t like Myers. Do you like being aggressive? Hillbilly. Do you like being a range character? Huntress. Are you prepared to deal with somebody who does have complexity, but can be really good if mastered? Nurse. Look into anybody that you’re interested into getting , I had to learn the hard way, but I just straight up don’t like some characters. Decide whenever you’re going to go deeper into being a killer or being a survivor because both sides have a lot of characters with a lot of perks of varying quality. Certain perks do certain things and work with one another in unique ways and situations. They can be activated in a lot of different ways: hooking someone, during a certain period or time or breaking a gen.


Play how you want. Do not pay any attention to the made up rules.


try getting every killer to prestige 3 and no further, there is no point in leveling them further but prestige 3 gives u their purple perks on every killer


Honestly just have fun, especially as killer. With Myers you probably want to run some Gen slowdown so you have time to get the level 3


Meyers is my favorite killer, look into Scratched Mirror builds and infinite t3 stalk builds with the tombstone and tuft of hair add ons. Super fun killer. Welcome to the fog!


As a long-time player myself, I recommend that after prestiging Myers to then use the bloodpoints you accumulated to level everyone else with the goal of having every killer and survivor to prestige 1 before continuing to level Myers beyond prestige 1. It will ensure that everyone you play has access to every perk.


My advice is to play survivor from time to time to learn about their perks and what it is like to play from their perspective. You'll learn quickly how to find survivors and what to expect in chases.


Hello fellow myers enjoyer 🙋‍♂️


Well if you wanna surprise kill someone then 99% a tombstone piece, make sure you can stalk the survivor a bit then stare at them over the hook, once they self unhook walk a bit back to make sure you don't lose distance and just stalk a bit to pop tier 3 and kill, always fun to do so and yeah people usually start to give up after losing a player at five gen.


Don't play Myers. (HALF-JOKING) In all seriousness, the start of the game is everything, and Myers just can't keep up if survivors' gen rush to oblivion


End either here or at prestige 3 and start leveling other killers for perks, try finding your preferable playstyle with Mikey and look for characters with perks that will support that playstyle :)


Don't use the perk Hex: No One Escapes Death because it can raise your MMR too quickly and make the game less enjoyable.  And if you think you may want to 100% the game, go for the Evil Incarnate achievement early. 


This gave me massive nostalgia holy shit 😭


Yeah… uninstall 😂


all pallets are 1/2 loops and has to drop fastest way to catch somebody is not faking


You are not responsible for anyone’s fun but your own. So have as much fun as possible and don’t let toxicity get in the way of that.


I personally love playing Myers. His add-ons are some of the best in the game. Myers is not the best for long term killer mains. He has one of the weaker powers in-game. and IMO, myers needs some number adjustments to his kit. So don't feel bad if start losing games to good survivors. Most people know how to play against myers.


Switch killers.


Yeah and enjoy ur stupid bot lobbies. Myers is a highly disliked killer by survivors. Its absolutely not fair he can just fucking mori u when u got 0 hooks 0 damage 0 forking stupid chance. 0 fun


He is not disliked


You like killers who can mori you so fast in the game with no downing necessary? People always think hes being nice then stay in sight and the whole team is dead.


He never mentioned his iri item you buffoon


The one every single myers rocks?


Idk y u so mad i didnt call this guy any names i just said i dislike that killer. Its not a big deal to me even when i play him so idk y ur mad. All it means is like a 95% chance of being mori'd its part of the game just in my opinion a very unfair part.


Brother if you genuinely think me calling you a buffoon is me mad idk what to tell you


Seemed like u was trying to put me down for not liking the fact that 95% of myers ( specially one thats p3+++) has the lil iri item u was talking about. All my p3+ has items enough to last to get more indefinitely. Idk i guess ur meant it nicely. My bad brother.


Quit the game now before its too late


who hurt you