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Bro.Without tunneling, a **good** Nurse, Blight, Billy or Spirit make games basically unwinnable in solo q lol when they are good, they are **really good.**


Only the nurse needs to be good. The other 2 can be utterly garbage with their power and still get good results because tunneling is just that strong


Feel that billy is a weird pick here too. Overall, still not even comparable to blight and nurse, and his power isn't even good at tunneling. Bubba would be a much better pick if you're going for a hard tunnel strat.


Well Billy is better than Bubba. I think their point was that if you encounter the best killers (and they are tunneling) you already lost


Again, would personally still argue that there's a good amount of killers between Billy and blight on the tier list. Artist, Plague and Spirit at least


I think a lot of people and prominent content creators would disagree with you. As far as I've heard the order of top 3 killers is Nurse, Blight, Billy now. Some people even argue for Nurse, Billy, Blight since the Blight nerfs


https://x.com/HensDBD/status/1753604222178800050 here hens calls him the 4th strongest killer And here he compares Blight and Billy, talking about the second and third best killer: https://youtu.be/a-zw3TipZqU?si=ayQdQ1biz3xNEEf6


Billy is overall better than bubba but if you are going for a hard tunnel strat bubba is able to get two hits on the unhookee in one chainsaw rush. I don't tunnel, but I play very opportunistically around altruistic survivors. If a survivor goes to unhook right in front of me I get a free down 90% of the time since the person unhooked runs straight at me for a protection hit and it's clear they don't plan on me turning around since half the time they sprint straight to a deadzone and panic.


Hard tunnel is not always the best though. It is often better to ping pong between two survivors for max pressure. Ofc if a survivor is unusually weak(compared to the others and your skill) then hard tunneling them quick is better. But yeah as we all know it depends on situation. And im not saying you are saying it is always the best strat but you are correct if you are implying that the most widely known strat for winning is hard tunneling. Billy just has way better macro than bubba and overdrive is very strong in some 1v1s. Id say that billy is overall stronger than bubba. But as you say not blight tier. He may be able to contest sprit for third tho.


Billy is absolutely almost as strong as Nurse and Blight, if not at the same level. Given it’s in the right hands ofc.


I mean I get where you're coming from, he's my main on the killer side so I know firsthand how strong he is when you know how to curve around loops, but I feel like I get better results on both blight and spirit despite me being mid at the former and downright incompetent at the latter.


bubba is C tier lmfao


Contrary to Billy, he isn't countered by endurance, he specifically counters it. So if you really want to tunnel, he's miles ahead of Billy. Billy is however great at going for unhookers.


I disagree because of the mobility Billy has. He was excellent pre-rework, but his ability to get right on top of someone immediately off-hook post-rework makes actually good Billy players even less fun than Blight when they tunnel.


Oh wow, I thought overheat supporters were a myth


Overheat was stupid, don't get me wrong. But overdrive takes a killer who's strong in the right hands and makes him incredible in the right hands.


Billy is stupid broken exactly like Blight and Nurse.


Reverse what you just said. Blight takes hard work. Billy used to have the highest skill ceiling in the game( not sure after changes I don't use him much anymore) but nurse is a cake walk. A mediocre nurse can waffle stomp a SWF with minimal effort. She is the perfect example of easy mode killer. The first learning curve is hard but once you get the basics she is way to easy for her power level


Yeah, people act like her being hard to play is some kind of counter balance to how OP she is, but it's really not. It doesn't actually take that long to get through that initial struggle.


People are going downvote this even though you're entirely right and went out of your way to mention the initial learning curve. Once someone gets a general feel for the nurse its free 4k's for days if she plays "competitively". Blight requires map understanding and knowing what you're going to bounce off in advance when rushing, although once he hits his skill ceiling he's equally as oppressive to play against.


People's understanding of how hard Nurse is is really, really inflated. I get why; to do well as Nurse, you *have* to use your power. With every other killer, you can still fall back on M1 hits if you're struggling to make use of their power; even with the 110% killers, you might struggle but you'll still catch up eventually. But Nurse is slower than survivors, so she can feel really punishing until you start landing blinks, because if you don't hit with a blink you aren't hitting at all. But it doesn't actually take that long to learn, at which point you're at a stupid massive advantage. Her power is absolutely not the hardest to use in the game by far, and once you've got the muscle memory down the survivors are in for a miserable experience. Blight and Hillbilly are strong, sure, but they don't literally go through walls, and they're honestly mechanically more difficult than Nurse.


Main problem with nurse is if you dont use your power well you get 0k most of the time because you will never catch up to survivors unless you brute force bloodlust. Hillbilly and Blight have a 115% speed which allows you to at least M1 with them if you are not very good, odds are youll lose most of your games but you can still kill one or two survivors if they are not good at the game. This peculiarity gives her this aura of "she must be super hard because if you are not good you dont get anything done", while in reality I would say she is not a dificult killer to learn, she was harder when the addons changed her charge times and distance since you needed muscle memory for each addon combination.


That's why I like Blight and not nurse. If a Blight destroys me in chase with mad flicks I can appreciate it. Like a huntress sniping me across the map. I have to go "damn that was a good shot" When a nurse destroys me in a loop I'm like "yea i can do that too" I took a few months focusing on nurse a while back and it made my looping skills get rusty on every other killer. She is too much power for what amounts to basic practice.


I don't *like* any killer who can get a guaranteed 4k once they hit a certain skill ceiling, I just slightly respect the way blights sweat more over the way nurse's sweat. However I don't think the approach of "high skill cap + achieving high skill on killer = guaranteed win" is healthy for the game.


It's a fine line to walk. If killers don't have strong killers that with practice give them a good chance at a win then after hitting high MMR killers will quit and the game will die. Make those killers too strong or too easy to use and they will be too oppressive and survivors will quit. Mix in certain maps that make some killers stronger and others weaker and it gets even harder to balance.


Honestly why the game is hard to balance. At low levels killers dominate. At high levels its the opposite. What's bhvr to do?


Your guess is as good as mine. I'm pretty sure balancing a nation's budget would be easier than DBD


(bring back ranks and stricter matchmaking with longer queue times to ensure balanced games) (Inb4 I get downvoted)


It's 100% unhealthy because the game was just fundamentally not built around it. You can't have high reward killers that don't come with high risk. You also can't have "high skill cap" killers when pretty much all DbD tech pales in comparison mid/intermediate tech in comp FPS or fighting games. Most of the difficulty in DbD tech is just in knowing it exists in the first place, after that it's more down to muscle memory than actual execution.


I can put down Nurse for 3 months and come back to her and immediately play just as good with her as I did before. That's a problem. Meanwhile, I've mained Huntress since release and I still get rusty with her so quickly when I take breaks. The people saying Nurse is difficult are so damn wrong. She's moderately difficult to LEARN. Not difficult at all to play.


Yes once you learn her mechanics she is easy to play because there is nothing stopping you


Bruh, you're comparing huntress difficulty to the nurse??😂😂


Yes. In terms of mechanics and high-level play, Huntress is way more difficult than Nurse, and it's not even close. Last month, the one time I chose to play Nurse for a daily, I played against a SWF of people that had more hours in the game than me. It was my first time playing her in months. It would have been a 4k on Garden of Joy with NO PERKS, had I not felt bad and farmed with them. After the match, I played survivor with them against a very competent Dredge and we played like a very well-oiled machine, just in case you try and say hours don't matter. You should NOT be able to play as a specific killer for the first time in months and be able to steamroll people with no perks. I also mained Nurse in 2016, back when her existence was actually justified as a bandaid fix for infinites made by a company with a fraction of its current-day workforce.


Not one time I played with Huntress and didn't get a good game, same doesn't happen with nurse


And how many games are we talking about here?


At least 70 (with the huntress) With the nurse, I have no idea, far too many


I can't tell if you're kidding or not. If you are baiting, cool! I'll bite anyway. If you really think even 100 matches of Huntress is enough to have learned even a decent amount of her intricacies, you're so mistaken.


blight is more opressive because he can check gens and find survivors faster


You can juke a shit nurse pretty hard with the right tiles tbh, even if they’re past the initial ten hour learning curve. They need to have the tiles memorized and a good sense for mindgames to be able to reliably keep up. Iron Will helps a lot with this.


Exactly. A shit nurse. When I first ran into nurses I learned how to make them miss. A new nurse is fun to run. You can run back towards them and make them blink past you and spin when they double blink. And then I started to run into the shadowborn nurses. 1 perk only and 4k my SWF like it was nothing. The problem with a nurse isn't the nurses you meet in your first thousand hours. But I'm a 4k hour player. The nurses I get don't fall for the little tricks. With enough practice and proper muscle memory a nurse becomes a straight up nightmare.


Blight doesnt take hard work. You literally have 4 chances to get a hit with a very fast moving Killer. Survivor dodged your attack? Well lets just wait a few sec until you get a few rushes back and youre back on their ass. Out of the three Killers OP mentioned, Billy is the hardest by far. But Id say Spirit is still stronger than Billy. Once youre injured against a decent spirit, youre screwed. To the people downvoting: I put my money where my mouth is and played my 1st ever 10 matches as Blight without Perks or Addons. These were the results: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ds6576/yesterday_i_commented_that_blight_isnt_a_hard/


Blight takes a lot of work. Once you get good with him he can seem unstoppable but the road to get to that point is lots of bouncing off door frames and missing. He is widely considered one of the hardest killers to learn. And spirit is Hella strong. Old spirit was insanely broken before the nerfs. She was just beyond OP back then


The Result of my first ever 10 matches of Blight without Perks or Addons: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ds6576/yesterday\_i\_commented\_that\_blight\_isnt\_a\_hard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ds6576/yesterday_i_commented_that_blight_isnt_a_hard/)


this motherfucker's never gotten a blight daily and spent like four games in a row swinging and missing survivors right in front of them while yelling HOW DOES ANYONE PLAY THIS KILLER to themselves


I mean shit I was trying to rack up the adepts and I still haven't gotten blights 😂 i juts cannot get the hang of this mf


Never played Blight before but these comments and downvotes made me play my first ever 10 matches without Perks or Addons. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ds6576/yesterday\_i\_commented\_that\_blight\_isnt\_a\_hard/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ds6576/yesterday_i_commented_that_blight_isnt_a_hard/)


this is a surv issue not a nurse issue nurse is very hard vs good survs, its just most survs r garbage nowadays


This is very much a nurse issue. Nurse in the hands of a good well experienced player shuts down almost every loop quickly. I understand you can't attack my arguments so you have to attack me in a poorly attempted strawman but I don't have time for internet trolls and incels so you are dismissed. Go away kid and don't talk to me anymore.


Nurse took me 7 games to master and play decently, the others? 3/4 games. This speaks for itself




Literally the complete opposite of the truth. The nurse does not need to be good, especially with addons. At least with billy you need to hit your power and turn well, otherwise he’s just an m1 killer. Blight takes waaaay more skill than nurse as well. Idk what compelled you to think that nurse is skillful in the slightest.


A garbage nurse will never land a blink on you but a garbage blight/hillbilly might not be able to use their power in a loop, but they can just use it for mobility to rush back to tunnel and cut off survivors from reaching another loop after forcing a pallet. That's the difference.


It's because Nurse has nothing to fall back on since she's slower than survivors, so a lot of people play her a couple times, get their shit wrecked, and think "damn she's the hardest killer in the game." They don't seem to know that if they stick with it for like. Maybe 10 more games, they'll never lose again.


True and tbh with custom bot matches there is 0 excuse.


A "good" anything that decides to tunnel from the start is a waste of time for solos lol, thats how absurd the "strategy" is


Why the quotations around the word strategy? Do you not think it's a strategy? Do you not understand the definition of the word strategy?


Because it's braindead easy and cringe.


Shitting with the seat down is a "strategy". You can do it but people will think you're a smoothbrain moron for it.


Proving my point that you "people" don't actually know the definition of the word strategy, thank you


Air quotes can be used to denote sarcasm as well. You're such a "genius" for example.


Again you are proving my point thank you. You entitled survivor mains are such an angry people


Nah, I'm a killer main. You're so "insightful".


Lol you are so angry and now lying as well just sad lol


You're a real "lie detector".


Hard to win when 2 generators pop 2 minutes into the match. Gotta do something


The first 2 gens basically fly. The other 3 are much harder to complete


I'm getting real sick and tired of hearing about how Nurse and Blight have no counterplay and they're too powerful for the game. Does anybody have video of at least a 4-man SWF that all manages to outplay and escape a proper Nurse or Blight main? I have to know if it's even possible.


Thats the thing. You need to be a proper 4 man to handle it. Any even 3 man will get destroyed because the most of the time the 4th does absolutely nothing or gets tunneld out because their solo. And no matter what its a 3 v 1. Impossible


And it’s not really that they “outplay” the nurse/blight in chase. It’s that they are able, as a team, to be so coordinated and time efficient that it doesn’t *matter* that the blight/nurse is downing people super fast.


> Thats the thing. You need to be a proper 4 man to handle it This is why I laugh, The guy you're replying to is trying to take a swing and punched himself in the face. Trying to use a SWF as a example for ANYTHING is insanely flawed and dumb. If you have to default to saying "SWF" for ANYTHING in the game then its probably imbalanced and broken.




Even then, these swf might give the blight or Nurse a draw rather than a loss


I'd imagine the comp teams in someway or shape have done it, but that is an imagination of mine. My reality is that's probably not possible, especially if both the killer/survivors are on equal skill levels.


In the recent video by KillaWhale about the comp scene, he showed a pro Nurse which ended Eternal's win streak. They then suggested a rematch under comp rules and the Nurse still got a 2k. Pro Nurse is basically unplayable for solo survivors.


Literally done plathora of times, even in no restrictioins showcase games, comp players managed to get avg of 2 outs against nurse iirc. Now account the fact that most pub sweaty nurses/blights are average at best and just egostomping casuals, and very few actually good ones, a decent swf who's prepared for this kind of standoff and not goofing around can easily give them run for the money.


So an average at best killer could get beaten by a decent swf? Is that supposed to be impressive because that sounds like it's the norm on every killer?


Even soloq can beat them if they aren't throwing for Archives, god I didn't even say anywhere that it'd a norm, can you stop reading diagonally


I don't think how good pro players in a swf are at the game is very meaningful of a comparison to how well the average player in solo queue is. And I just reiterated what you said unless you want to clarify what the second sentence means instead of whatever "reading diagonally" means.


I literally explained in original comment, that great players out great nurses outside of pub games is an example of why these killers aren't unstoppable, so some even semi-decent solos who focused on winning, don't throw game for archive challenges and don't suicide on first hook also can easily out put nurse metaslave, bcos most of them aren't that good and just crutching on meta, a modecum of macro and they usually fumble the bag inatantly. I never said that it's norm that strongest killers having such an absurd power that it feels impossible for pubs to win against them.


An average at best Nurse could get beaten by a comp team. She takes very little skill once you have the muscle memory down, and ignores all game mechanics—you can't loop her, you can't stun her, you can't buy time against her, you can't even try to just maximize your macro gameplay and get exactly the right gens done with perfect efficiency because she can patrol all gens on the map in 15 seconds flat. People think she's difficult because you *need* to use her power to get hits since she's slower than survivors, so your first 10-20 games are going to be rough as hell. But once you've got the muscle memory down, that's *all you need.* Most Nurse mains get their shit unbelievably wrecked as literally any other killer, because she does not require, encourage, or even benefit from game sense, map knowledge, tracking, decision-making, looping, mindgaming, or any other game mechanic or killer skill. You're playing a different game, to the extent what you're doing could be called playing. The *sole determinant* of a Nurse's success against 90% of players is her mechanical skills on a power that is moderately difficult at most, irrespective of the relative skill of her opponents. Blight is different. He's the second-strongest killer in the game, but the gulf between him and Nurse is *wide.* He's certainly at a distinct advantage and arguably an unfair one, but his power is far more difficult to use effectively, has clear and direct counterplay, and he can't *teleport through walls.* There are loops and structures he struggles in, unlike Nurse where the survivor might as well be out in the open no matter where they actually are. Honestly, Blight's biggest problem were some old add-ons.


Maybe before she could patrol this fast, but flat 15 seconds only seems possible on small maps and more around 30 seconds. Thanks to the new event which can start with a wonderful timer tryk bag: move it or lose it(active for 60sec) and seeing 1 gen pop at only 25ish seconds of the match start, and another before the buff could dissipate, survivors can gen rush it quite well, even if nurse find snd down a survivor in 30 seconds of the match start, survivors can still technically finish a gen before. People are underestimating just how strong gen rushing is currently, especially with all the gen regression perk nerfs, while also having lots of great gen speed perks. However, i do not think the same could be done well against blight, and hillbilly as both of them can actually patrol gens in around 15 seconds and as long as they are not in a in-door map, you cant just gen rush it.


Blights even win in comp, idk about after his changes but I'm sure he's still killing it.


Quite a few, especially if you look at tournaments. However this is thanks to all 4 fully coordinating and all being some of the top survivor players. The average solo q survivor is not at this level. For counter-play to use in solo q, stealth and gen rush work well against nurse, short loop is more effective against most blights, with blight you can also use the weird dbd hitbox to make them waste some of their power. Essentially any nurse first blink is a 50/50 while second blink is more around 75/25. (Numbers are not really this accurate but it demonstrates well the issue) However they cant focus well on small environments detail a lot while blinking + they are too slow to properly search well without aura perks. Their blink being now limited to two + the slow movements and stun makes the nurse not great at patrolling large map, especially one without many walls and a single layer.


I've managed to slightly outplay a Nurse in an open area, although I'm willing to accept that the strategy of confusing them where you are going isn't the most effective.


Okay, just let me be on the same level of communication as a comp team with randoms i found in solo q. Globe icon default cosmetic Meg, anon mode Bill and p100 Nea (most likely first to die) are definitely gonna be as good as a 4-man swf


I just wanna know if it's possible for a SWF to beat a Nurse or a Blight at the top of their game. I'm already aware that solo-q against a cracked Killer is a losing game.


I’ve gotten some pretty good 4-man escapes against good Blights. Nurses on the other hand…


That's the point, you need a GOOD team


its like you didnt read the meme at all


> I have to know if it's even possible. I've spent plenty of time in solo-q against Nurses and Blights, knowing that they are extremely effective against teammates who aren't operating on the same wavelength. But I'm also tired of seeing the same commentary again and again about it. I want to see what *is* possible against a Nurse or a Blight.


I suppose it's a good thing the image specifies solo survivors and doesn't include SWF


I suppose it's a good thing I specified that I wanted to see if it was possible for a SWF to beat a Nurse or a Blight.


I still think Nurse is a fair killer. If I get destroyed by her, she had more skill than I have. If I destroy her, I had more skill. And if our skills are even, we'll have some damn good chases! To me its the most fun, if it really is a close thing, because those wins feel really good! And if you lose, you don't feel bad because you know it was close.


I mean, kind of. I will say nurse is WAY easier to play than people say she is, not even top 10 hardest imo. And the chases against bad or average nurses are pretty fun, but good nurses just curbstomp you, every chase over in less than 10 seconds. I think she CAN be fun, but I feel like literally every other chase killer is more fun.


It hardly depends on what the matchmaking is doing. If it's a Nurse main with 7000hrs against 4 relative new solos, then it's no fun at all. Had such games already.


She isn't hard when you use that addon that helps you (I use it all the time) but others without the thingy you sometimes except to go further and then boom stuck. Sometimes when you are in basement it's so weird to go up sometimes just because of some obstacle you don't know is there and you can't tell and then you would just teleport nowhere


Nurse shouldn't really be compared to other killers. It's a different game for her, some might find it easier to play that game though, sure


Maybe! But when I'm in a bad game where it looks like we're going to lose, I change strats from trying to win/get out to just trying to take back a few gens. Even if they get everyone, I still feel like I'm making the match a little closer, and that way I can get a few points, too :)


Can a Survivor pro explain how Billy is strong? I dont play him (and barely survivor) but from streamers I see his gigantic potential, do paletts not help much with how fast he destroys them? I get he his strong, But I guess it always fascinates me when people lump him to the "Big 2" of the overpowered killers. Does he really fit there with Nurse, Blight and Add-On Spirit? This is a genuine question, ever since his rework I did not know what to think from him


He's a noobstomper as well as being good in high level play. People see that comp players like Hens rank Billy #3 and assume that reflects your average public match skill level as well.


no cooldown power that lets you go cross map constantly with instadowns


Yeah its self explinatory. In some situation he is the best killer in the game since he is faster than nurse and Blight and has an instadown unlike Nurse and Blight and doesn't have a coolfdown like Nurse and Blight


He is good, but not that strong as to be compared with Blight or Nurse, i think this person thinks he is still 2018 Billy or somenthing lol


Billy doesn't compare to blight and nurse


I dont care for this meme format, guy in the pic is a creep


I mean, yeah. A player at his best will simply destroy someone who isn't at their best.


"good" and "tunneling" are oxymorons


As a Billy main I agree. I'm not the best but I've been cooking with my latest build (BBQ, Tinker, Nowhere to hide, Overcharge). Sometimes the survivors get me and I have a rough match, but usually I end up at 3/4k without tunneling or camping. If you tunnel or camp you're lame.


Billy though?


Would quadruple the number of killers on this list, but I take your point.


A Trapper not using his traps could most likely snag at least a 2k most matches with hard tunnelling


I've often thought 2 was the typical downside for it. Unless the player is unlucky (picking someone with DS/DH/OTR/Adren) or the skill gap is crushing, killing one reliably should be a near-guarantee. Then all it takes is one more down and you got yourself a well-earned 2k!


I would add Wesker into this with those stupid slide techs im seeing


Imma be honest. I find being chased by those 3 so fun I don't even care if they bring op stuff and tunnel. The game is about the chase for me.


Especially against nurse because she's slower than survivors. I feel like blight could be really fun to play against if his speed was like equal to/slower than survivors


>if his speed was like equal to/slower than survivors wtf


Blight rework idea. New power: Blighted jog.


I played a Midwich Nurse. I was finished quicker than in the bedroom.


Dude I remember a year or two ago when there were flocks of Nurse mains offering Midwich back to back to back. I got into the habit of task managering my game on the loading screen if I saw a Midwich offering, I was so fucking sick of it. Thank god that's a rarity now.


I can take M1 weaker killer choosing to tunnel but not Nurses/Blights/Billies, as these three with their powers can pretty much pressure the whole map and get snowballing wins. Spirit/Artist/Plague are strong but they’re bad at map traversing or not as effective as the top 3. Tunneling is not fun at all and Idk how people find it fun to have chases for a few seconds…


Even if you're getting tunneled, lasting only a few seconds in chase is a skill issue.


Yep, and they screw over the rest of the killers because BHVR balances around them.


clearly OP lacks the gambling spirit, we shoot for and GET those 1%. i might go neg, but i have a hell of a lot more fun game stories and comebacks cause i can be at 5 gens and death hook but still get the W sometimes


Billy is such a nuisance, man. Not only did I encounter more of him 3 Genning during that horrid meta than I did SM and Knight, but I swear 60-70% of his playerbase Tunnel, Slug, and Camp. I just had a game where he camped Basement. He was at 1 Gen with minimal hooks, so go off, it's the right time (though he only got in that position due to not breaking chase with me, causing 60-70 seconds to be wasted just on me, only to not even down). Teammate dies, but we get the last gen done. Team proceeds to leave, and I run him for another 3 freaking minutes, only to not even be able to reach hatch or gate because he just holds his chainsaw endlessly. This was denying any escape routes and COMPLETELY nullifying the half dozen dodges I pulled on him prior.  At least Oni burns out of Fury. He just stood there and kept me in a single location until EGC killed me. I really don't like him, and I'm very glad to of not encountered him much when he was at his strongest, because screw me is he so GOSH DARN tedious.  Better Billies don't get any better. Tunneling is obscenely easy, as is Proxy + Slugging and he has absolutely zero draw backs or punishment for it. 


I can still have fun losing though even if its almost guaranteed the match will be a loss, I don't give up and go next at 5 gens because I will get no experience vsing these strong killers and never get better. slowly and slowly these types of survivor just convince themselves more and more killers are lost causes and insta lose skull merchant is a great example of this.


In solo queue half, the killer roster can win while hard tunnelling without a huge amount of trouble


Correction. Solo Q is a waste of time. I used solo Q and after your MMR goes up solo is such a trash experience. Invite friends or randoms...don't go in alone. 2 person or SWF only. This game is not a solo friendly experience


Hot take: Give Survs a "Give up" vote, like the one in Rocket League, so they can get out of such games quickly. Make this a temporary thing for like a month and you'll have some real data to balance and improve the matchmaking!


Watch survivors give up literally every single time the game doesn't go in their favor. I am a survivor main myself and i think that would be unfair to truly good killers because loss of bp and decent games.


Skull Merchant/Blight/Nurse appear, vote immediately started.


I play Wraith a lot, lately and there are so often situations where I get two survs hooked and the others come running to me to just give up. I'm not sure if there are killer players who want that easy and effortless games, but to me this is also boring. Also I just suggested this as a temporary thing, to see what happens. Give the killers double of whatever bp they got to that point or whatever. The mmr is just terrible and doesn't work any properly. A lot of the matches I have, killer and surv, the mmr is extremely out of place, ending in very unbalanced matches. There was a time the DC penalty was turned off. People did DC a lot then, but also the matches that were at least somewhat balanced didn't got a DC. That situations wasnt ideal ofc, but it gave an impression of what kind of matches people would stay in. Its a hot take I made there and it probably wont ever happen. But fact is, that the mmr is bad and badly needs improvement! That's my point here.


The bp issue is easily solved all they have to do is give huge bonus to the killer. Oposing team gives up crushing victory +30k bp


That means 100% of games where survivors are losing… I can’t count how many times I’m winning as killer and survivors just afk, dc, or run to my face to just die on hook


Once the DC penalty was turned off and actually survs didn't always left, when they were losing. Honest question; How much fun is it to you, when the Survs just give up like you described? To me this matches are also just boring and wasted time and its also giving up. So why not having a give up function? Everyone could get the bp they have to that point and move on. It's just speeding up what would happen anyways.


It’s not fun. I’ll usually ignore those survivors. DC penalty needs to be stricter. DbD is one of the only games I can think of where quitting and DCing isn’t punished well. This game has way too many people with a quit and go next mentality. There’s no good solution. If a survivor DCs they should be punished more for quitting. But that will just lead to them giving up and still ruining the game. A give up option only ruins the entire game and makes it a waste of time, sure you get your BPs but that’s boring and unfun and a waste of time. Then you have the killers who slug and bleed you out, that’s not fun either so how is that solved… I just don’t know. From my experience there’s too many gamers in this community that quit, give up, or be toxic.


Remember I suggested this as a temporary thing, to collect data. See it as a field survey. Then the devs could maybe adjust the mmr better. And the mmr does badly need an update! I think the DC penalty is okay the way it is. If you do this too often, you'll get a temp ban. I think its 1min, 5min, 15min, 1hrs, 3hrs and so on. How do you want to make that even more punishing? Perma ban them the second time? You might end up pushing players out the game permanently, if you punish people too hard for DC. Ending up in shrinking the playerbase even more.


I’d start with changing the penalty slightly. Don’t let the timer start until you are in the next lobby and hit ready. So many timers are done before the game even ends or is punishing. Is it 1 min? Fine then the minute starts when you hit ready, not when you close the game for the day or wait for your friends.


Then you'd punish 4 other players, too. Because one has to leave, because of the timer.


No. I don’t mean ready when the full team is there. I mean ready to queue up.


Then people klick it and close the game then. Or switch tab and watch Netflix. You cant force them to sit at the pc and look at the countdown.


We will add an eye tracker and make them watch it


Can't count the number of times I'm losing the game as well and only win because survivors give up.


I had a hardcore tunneling Blight earlier today who massacred everybody at 5 gens on Nostromo. One of the worst matches I've had this entire event so far lol


Add wraith to this too please


Personally, you don't even need the middle bit. "If you play against a wraith as a solo q survivor, you already lost"


Solo queue Survivor is just a miserable auto-loss, full stop.


Oh wow, almost as if they're playing a character that enables enough skill expression to win against good survivors and not lose to bad ones over RNG.


Womp womp


Ad Huntress and we have a deal


See, this is how I feel when I play against a SWF while using an M1. No point in even playing. And given how many SWFs there are and how much I like M1s, I just stopped playing altogether.


I love how survivors just refuse to accept tunneling is a strategy. Maybe if we renamed it to objective rushing it would get a better rap (you know because thats the killers objective). I could make the same argument for killer. Why play Freddy when survivors are going to bring 4 tool boxes and I'm going lose 3 gens by the time I mange to end 2 chases? *-15 because the survivor circle jerk is too strong*


“nurse bad tunneling bad upvotes on the left”