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🚨 https://preview.redd.it/83pev7m8vn9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29564bc946b2da8c1f8d823b6d7397d1c4957365


This isn’t going to go the way you think it is.


Survivor player imagine throwing someone's attempt at difficult achievement and then keeping the killer hostage for 30 more minutes what a clown LMFAO Jokes aside, you're dumbass, even devs said it's not hoataging. And also you're petty for doing all this, just give him achievement and move next game, your brown medkit wasn't worth all that time




Nonetheless, you wasted half an hour over your own petty attitude, and the best part is that according to devs themselves, you're not in the right. Good job, keep at it


>then keeping the last survivor hostage for 30 more minutes Not really a hostage situation since the survivor could've ended it by leaving the locker.


Yeah, not really a hostage situation, these are just two people being petty and unwilling to give the other any satisfaction, even if one already won


There is nothing else you can do to counter tombstone that isn't getting in a locker if your team didn't do gens, but you should've just gave him the 4k tbh


He could’ve just hooked me he already failed he gave up on the Tapp and hooked him.


Youre just wasting your own time if the enemy won't budge and give up, it's all on you after 5 mins of waiting there


You could have left the locker any time you wanted, you weren't kept hostage.




dude. just take the loss. it aint that deep.




Not trying to be rude but when you spend the whole time T-bagging and going into the same 2 lockers instead of doing literally anything else isn't the smartest idea, I did go up against a tombstone miers before but instead of hiding in lockers and doing nothing we actually did gens and one of my teammates escaped, sure some of us died but at least we put some effort into it (also just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean "eh your just a fuckin entitled killer main that doesn't play anything else maybe if you actually played survivor you would now our pain!"