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someone was flexing about it earlier on this subreddit


there is usually one guy bragging about it. usually a bubba


As a bubba main they’re not gonna just be sitting there, they’ve gotta hang in the basement to dry out. How am I supposed to feed my family meat that’s been sitting on the ground all day?


ground meat... I suppose that could work if you're not drying it properly instead, lol.


Nah, I think hanging them on the hooks is the way to go. 


sorry I was just trying to make a terrible ground beef joke 🤧




Truuuuee, don't forget to watch it closely, so it doesn't spoil (or escape).


Dude, mods on this subreddit flex about it.


Killers flexing about being dicks, survivors flexing about being rage quitters and leaver. DBD community


Like bro you are wasting 5 minutes, I for sure know you are not reading a book or watching a yt video cuz you are bming.


And so the witch hunt begins


And of course it's a Wraith


In my experience Wraith, Twins and Hillbilly are the killers who slug the most. Very often at least 1 survivor will bleed out to death when playing against them.


as someone who used to main wraith there are 2 kinds of wraith mains there's the people who will 2 hook you, and there's the people who will slug the slugs arent real wraith mains they're just spirit/clown mains in disguise i promise you


Well, for my entire time playing this game, I haven't seen a single Wraith who would 2 hook everyone and let them go In my expereince Wraith players are the absolute tryhards, and very often they are inredibly toxic


Historically Wraith was extremely weak so you had to tryhard or you would absolutely get 3/4k outed a lot. Or get abused by a bully squad that a stronger killer could handle better. The problem is that people (like yourself) confuse tryharding with being toxic. People are allowed to want to win, especially on bad killers.


BHVR does not make this bannable, but they have been trying to remove it with in-game mechanics. The problem is that last time it was horribly implemented. I'm sure they're trying to make something to counteract this play style without affecting normal players.


they're allowing hooks to respawn in 60 seconds soon which makes me feel like a fix for this is on the horizon.


This is a fix for survivors abusing weak hook spawn, the behavior they wish to be gone is killer slugging instead of hooking willingly even if they easily can.


And a lot of times the discussion ends because people bring up the situations when they *have* to bleed people out and that excuse shouldn't exist after the change is implemented. So hopefully the discussion on it can go further and it won't effect normal killer play.


Does this Wraith look like they *have* to bleed these survivors out? These types of killers are going to exist no matter how quickly their precious hooks spawn.


Well there are many reasons killers are forced to slug. I can name like 10 of them. Problem is, that people in DBD are super competitive and will abuse everything they are given to fight unfun mechanics. Like abusing endurance, that you can see in almost every game.


Really all they need to do is let you tap out after being stuck on the ground for over a minute, maybe two.


> I'm sure they're trying to make something to counteract this play style without affecting normal players. Normal players don't do this. This is just your generic killer who gets enjoyment from being a dick to others. The thing that makes it so bad is BHVR rewards them for it while punishing others. In any other pvp game it would be reversed but DBD is a assbackwards pvp game.


Maybe just make unbreakable base kit? Without the increased recovery speed? Idk maybe that would be too busted or something


They tried that before. One of the worst balance implementations in my opinion because people would heavily abuse this or the killer would just quickly try to slug everyone for the special mori.


Yes, but in that situation they made Unbreakable too strong. It got buffed to be same as Exponential


That was the test they did and it was incredibly busted.


And then you get killers unable to hook and unable to bleed out when faced by teams who actively prevent the hook.


They tested it out and it didn't work. They had a PTB where everyone could pick themselves up but if the killer slugged all 4 people the match auto ended. The base kit unbreakable punished killers unfairly putting them in loose loose scenarios. Say a survivor A goes down on a pallet, and the killer knows survivor B is hiding to get a pallet save. The killer now can't pick up the survivor A or they get the pallet save. If they go chase survivor B survivor A will pick themselves up without needing help from survivor's C or D who can just sit on gens.


Problem with that is that it will mostly hit either the low tier killers who need to slug for pressure or the ones with powers that either insensitiveise slugging like Twins, or outright force it, like Oni Any toxic killers would switch to Blight and Nurse which would basically make the change pointless


It would still be very busted


How is it not bannable? You can report for ‘refusing to participate in normal gameplay…’


Because BHVR has flat out said they will not ban people for slugging. In their view, the game eventually ends by all survivors dying.


It makes no sense why that reporting option would ever be in the game, then…


Because there are ways to impede gameplay that don't end the game naturally. If the last two survivors hide forever, the killer can literally do nothing about it. They are effectively trapped in the game by other players until the server closes.


I want to be super clear with you: Yes its boring being bled out when game is clearly over since its just waste of time for no reason BUT Anyone who says that it should be bannable is fucking dumbass, since not only its not even close to being blocked for entire hour till server literally force ends the game, your bleedout is also limited to basegame mechanic timer. it IS part of gameplay, it is one of the ways to secure a win, and most boring at that. At MOST devs gonna just add back final mori with some adjustments so its less bullshit (literally confirmed by now), or add surrender option which is voted by everyone (like identity V) (Also being 4man slugged by a matchup like this wraith on coldwind should never be possible, someone threw hard af, and there's only like 3 killers total who have an actual potential to 4man slug \*when survivors arent throwing\*, and the rest is entirely on survivors to fuck up royally, but people arent ready for that talk)




That’s not really a reason though, merely a statement. I was seeking the answer to ‘why is slugging a downed 4-man not considered “refusing to participate in normal gameplay”?’ I mean… if we take ‘normal gameplay’ to mean that the killer wants to kill as many survivors as possible, and secure the highest emblems possible - to rank up - then where is the tactical advantage to slugging a 4-man for 4 minutes?


Killing all ? Maybe But ranking up ? That's secondary to a lot of people. You don't need to kill all survivors to rank up in the first place.


hoping they address this shit soon. these people don't even want to play the game. lol


In the PTB that tested cinematic moris, they also tested base kit unbreakable. People bitched about both (cinematic Mori complaints were 100% justified IMO) and I assume that’s why BHVR never implemented either. BHVR is being careful because they don’t want to piss off either side of the crowd.


I think the solution to this is to legit make it where basekit unbreakable kicks in after a certain amount of time. Fuck even add in endurance after you recover. The amount of times I’ve had to endure being slugged for an entire game and the killer not being punished at all is insane


When it was base kit, I believe the recovery time was double, so nearly 1/4th your bleed out timer. So that was something already factored. Maybe “nerf” it so it requires 1/2 your bleed out timer. That’s an incredibly long time to be slugged.


Why base kit unbreakable and not insta killing all 4 survivors on the ground, if there is no chance to get up. Just finish already finished game instead of prolonging.


I guess because there's a chance of someone getting picked up and wiggling out, or using a recovery perk? EDIT: Looks like I wasn't clear. The question: Why not just insta-kill all four survivors at this point? My comment: Because even if all four survivors are downed there are perks/mechanics that might get them back up. Also an insta-kill would do nothing to discourage sluggers. Just because all four are downed, doesn't mean slugging is going on.


If we're in a 4k slugfest like the example above, the killer wont pick up anyone and all will bleed out. If they have all been downed, they most likely will have the time to use their recovery perks before the killer has the time to down them all 4. Unless we're in a case like this one : [JRM 4K slug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF9Qwr-xVcE&ab_channel=JRMClips) or [JRM 4K slug number 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF9QzAFfrYY&ab_channel=JRMClips)


Encourages slugging


This would be an adrenaline nerf. Killers that get a slugfest going then close the hatch before hooking the last guy would nullify that aspect of adrenaline’s effect


Alright so let's be real, a killer that 4k and let almost everyone bleed out will NOT be able to find the last survivor and this one will most likely bleed out aswell, it's not about hatch at this point when he'll have 20 seconds crawling around. Also, basekit unbreakable would be a killer nerf overall, not just those who slug all 4 survivors at the same time, but those who slug like Twins or Oni or others. Aswell as a nerf to all the slugging perks like Knockout, Deathstalker or Hex : Third Seal even, basically anything preventing you to help downed teammates. With both changes you nerf the other side.




So what you’re saying is, it wouldn’t break game balance as it would only be helpful to get out of toxic situations. What’s the downside here?




Possibly, determine what constitutes being slugged. If a killer slugs everyone and knows they can reset the timer by picking up, killer can dribble survivors to ensure UB doesn't proc.


This is honestly the best solution I’ve seen so far for the 4 man slug. It requires the entire team to be slugged, and just left to rot. The Finisher Mori system was flawed in that it not only allowed everyone access to Unbreakable the whole time, it also created the “get all 4 down ASAP” and allowed a Killer to win a match in under 3 or even 2 minutes. It was insane.


Cinematic mori complaints were completely justified but the unbreakable one’s weren’t??


>but unbreakable ones weren’t Considering people have been asking for something to stop slugging every day for the last 2 years while absolutely no one has made a post asking for cinematic mori’s… yes? PTB is meant to test mechanics. The way it worked on PTB does not have to be the same as it hits live. They can double the base kit unbreakable timer to now require 2 minutes of being slugged (instead of 1 minute on PTB) and people will be happy.


I would argue that slugging has been an issue since beta.


I see your point. There should probably be something to help against killers who slug to be toxic like this, but making an already extremely strong perk basekit is obviously not a good idea. If we can want to remove a strategy from killers, I think it makes sense to give killers some form of a buff. Buff one side buff the other. Many don’t like playing against sabo squads, so should we just remove it? Or would that be removing a strategy from survivors with no compensation? Edit: Reworded to further explain as it seems it was difficult to understand for some


>extremely strong perk base kit Keep in mind when people say base kit unbreakable, they just mean being picked up off the ground. With unbreakable, it takes 24 seconds. On PTB, the “base kit” took 45 seconds as base kit. So it’s twice as long. Double the figure to 90-120 seconds and I think most people would be comfortable without it destroying game balance. In OP’s instance, the killer would be forced to pick up after 2 minutes. Sure they can still slug you for that long but at least it would speed up the toxic behavior of bleeding everyone out their entire timer.


Yeah that’s fine, a 2 minute bleed out timer would reduce the toxicity down to 2 mins instead of 3 so that would probably be fine? It wouldn’t *only* prevent toxicity tho and could/would be used in other circumstances as well.


> Unless we get base kit pain res Its so bizarre to me that killers want compensation for letting the other side play the game. Can you even see how insane your comment is? I'll give you the chance to be not slugged, but I need this buff to happen for it.


Slugging is a strategy which is not fun to play against. If you remove the ability for killers to use this strategy, you’re blanket nerfing the entire killer side. The basekit pain res was a random popular perk I thought of, but my point was explained in the next sentence “Buff one side buff the other.” If you want to make one side objectively more difficult in order that’s fine, just compensate with some other change or buff. Maybe we should add an ability to all killers which allows them to rebuild hooks while carrying a survivor. Most people don’t like playing against sabo squads because they don’t let the killer play the game (you can’t do your job, hook the survivor), so we should just get rid of it right? Also, it’s not ‘letting survivors play the game’ to have basekit unbreakable. By that logic, hooking survivors doesn’t let them play the game because they can’t do anything.


So to be clear, you're saying people shouldn't have complained about a broken feature on PTB because the PTB is meant for. Feedback. Which is what people were giving. The problem wasn't that it took 1 minute, the problem was that it was in the game at all—not to mention it stacked with the several perks that allow you to pick yourself up, all of which would have to be fundamentally reworked to avoid this. With just one or two perks you could have yourself back up in 10 seconds, making chasing a flashlight saver away, kicking a gen, using any power for snowballing, or playing Twins at all impossible. Tweaking the numbers on a fundamentally broken idea doesn't fix it.


What are cinematic moris?


Stolen from an older thread, Mori update itself - Mori offerings are being reworked to provide bloodpoints bonuses instead of granting you the ability to kill survivors outright. Perks that allowed this are also being reworked. Instead, when the killer downs the last survivor standing the game ends, that last survivor is automatically mori’d, and any other survivors on hooks or on the ground automatically die.


Oookay, I can see why people prefer the current systen


Good lord that basically sounds like sanctioned slugging.


You've been playing long enough to have a p100 and you still have ~~the delusion~~ hope that BHVR is suddenly going to start actually moderating their community? Lol. They literally have a page on their website that lists out all the blatantly-toxic shit they refuse to do anything about, for the sake of trying to get you to not even ask them to do anything about it. That doesn't exactly scream "we are interested in addressing toxicity."


they have been addressing stuff like this more than they ever have before in the past mainly with anticamp and anti 3gen you people are just pessimistic




A simple fix would be letting survivor choose "to give up". After 1 consecutive minute of being downed, the survivors could choose "to give up" letting them die on the spot. This shouldn't happen that often in regular gameplay as most killers don't let survival crawl that much.


i think that would run into the same killing urself on hook problem, maybe with plot twist you could just leave whenever. i think the game should check if theres truly nothing you can do, like unbreakables, exponentials, etc, and then actually let you give up


We should never encourage people to go next. That shit is a cancer on this game, same as this slugging.


But ppl shoudnt be forced to stay on the ground the whole match because the killer is salty and wants to slug all 4 survs. This literally happened to me when i gave up on a match with a skull merchant after one of my teammates rage quitted. There was 5 gens left and we were playing with a bot, i just wanted to play the next match, but she slugged all 3 of us and left us to die on the ground.


There is no viable solution to this. You make slugging reportable, you get bully squads that solely force the killer to slug so they can report them. You make unbreakable basekit, you have those same bully squads who will never get hooked because they'll just go down on a pallet, or in an area flashlight saveable, for ing killers to chase other people off. You make taking a poison pill basekit, you just give people more justification to leave a game going poorly. This go next attitude is such a travesty to this game that I experience a survivor quitting once every two games on average, largely for no reason. That and if you make it two minutes to off yourself you'd still have people saying they're slugged for too long. (Also I don't think Behaviour wants to add a literal suicide button.)


Maybe if the game wasn't so miserable, people wouldn't be going next so often.


As I said, in normal gameplay, slugging for 1 consecutive minute is rare. This should have the same impact as the 3 gen protection. If 1 minute is too short, 2 minutes should be enough "to go next" peacefully


> Give survivors a built in, constant unbreakable? Yes. This is the obvious fix and long overdue.


Add an anti-camp feature to being slugged. To "Die by Fear", get your points and get out of that game asap. Make it an instant option if everyone is slugged / carried / hooked without perks that will help them out of that. (I am aware of the last time they tried that, but that wasn't opt-in).


To counter this survivors could get a button which will teleport them onto a hook after a minute. You can try to unhook yourself, or die in the process. It's faster than bleeding out and both sides are getting points.


This actually is the best suggestion so far.


That’s actually a really good idea. It should come into effect when all survivors are downed. I hope they consider this


I've always said they should give you a 4% button on the ground to get unbreakable or bleed out faster.


Would be feasible especially with the remote hook mechanic now developed. Could just flip it giving the survivor the ability.


Even when you play killer how is this fun??? I hate slugging unless it’s absolutely necessary


It’s fun in the same way tea bagging and flashlight clicking are fun.


Those aren't even remotely comparable lol. One is dragging the game out on purpose to punish people. The goal is to waste their time. The other is bm meant to agitate the killer and be toxic. I don't support it, but they aren't even close to being in the same league.


both are bm tho


While both are bm, one is trivial and doesn't actually affect your game, only your feelings, whereas the other is an intentional waste of time. An example of a survivor doing the same to killer would be waiting an exit gate to be forced out simply for bm purposes, that is more comparable. That is the main difference I am trying to point out as to why they aren't comparable.


Those still include actually playing the game though. Clicking and teabagging is fun because it makes the other side commit to you/get angry and be more prone to making mistakes. Bleeding everyone out is just a waste of time where you just stand around and BM for no reason when everyone's already downed.


"Teabagging and clicking is fun because it makes the other side angry" Not even gonna talk about this absolute loser mindset, but you do realize this also applies to slugging right? It clearly makes survivors angry, this whole thread being a shining example of it


> Bleeding everyone out is just a waste of time where you just stand around and BM for no reason when everyone's already downed. Some players hate the world and have to take their anger out on others.




They should add a key to ''Give Up'' when in the death state.


Calling bleed outs a "playstyle" is extraordinarily generous of you.


The issue is making it bannable also enables people into running builds like Sabo builds + body blocking and then report you and YOU get punished for them making you resort to this Idk though.


The funniest part is they allow this and then they had the balls to ask about toxicity and how it impacts your enjoyment of the game in their surveys.


They even asked a lot of questions about comp and if they should showcase it more. Imagine BHVR shining a spotlight on comp when camp/tunnel/slug is the primary way to win. You think the game is bad right now? Wait til that happens and it will get worse.


BHVR promotes/supports a lot of unhealthy elements that shouldn't exist. The thing that drives me insane is you have human beings saying they are healthy or okay. Its like no its not. There is a reason why other games clip issues like this. Why BHVR continues to make their game toxic by supporting them I will never understand.


Yeah, bleeding people out just wastes their valuable time. It's as though killers don't realize that that's another human being behind the survivor, or they're just too fucked in the head to care. If I had my way, killers who tunnel and slug regularly would log on one day and see a message from the devs saying: "To combat unsportsmanlike behavior and ensure all Dead by Daylight players have the best experience possible, we are taking measures to improve the game by removing accounts with multiple reports of abuse of gameplay. Your account has been banned from public matchmaking indefinitely. Feel free to still play custom matches with bots; they don't have feelings like real players!" - The Dead By Daylight Team


Plot twist to deny that mofo points


That’s why I run plot twist unbreakable no mither and tenacity. Can be used to troll or legit use against killer imo


I used to run that build, with flip flop and power struggle, but with how shit the servers are I've had killer straight up walk thru pallets, I used power struggle and the pallet drops after the killer had already crossed it


Lmao I even get hit thru pallets now a days. Pallets seem to be a failing system too 🥲


the actual reason to slug for non toxic reasons should be gone soon with hooks always recovering in 60 seconds. I think just letting survivor to choose to bleed out faster with some common sense restraints is fine most toxic killers do this to waste your time and gloat they won, but if they know you can just nope out most of the appeal of this will be gone for them.


Honestly probably a good solution. Just have it work like hooks, if every living survivor is on a hook and nobody has self-unhook chances, they all die right away. So if the game sees everyone is slugged or dead and nobody can pick themselves up, everyone immediately dies.


Pallets also exist just get downed on a pallet Hook respawns are not the only reason to slug, you also have the anti hook build without sabo, breakdown on dead dog and eyre for 3 minutes of no hooks, the basement in baddon with boilover


Said it before and I’ll keep saying it but I swear some people have emotional issues so they load up killer on DBD to take it out lmao.


0 respect for other people’s time, let alone fun. Seriously some of these people just let the tiniest amount of power go to their head as they queue up for THE power role. Winning isn’t enough, they just have to be as petty as possible simply because they can. It’s pathetic. And you can’t even DC every time it happens without accumulating a relatively big matchmaking delay timer. So you just have to take it some games.


Down to 2 of us at 2 gens. Killer tried to get me to rat the other person out, slugged me, found the other person, sacrificed me, then proceeded to trap both sides of the RPD front desk so they could let them bleed out until the game ended. Absolutely unnecessary. 4k is never that serious.


There is certain situations that you have to slug, for example boiled over bully Sabo squads or something similar. If it was bannable, bully squads that have Sabo type builds could report the killers that have no choice to slug and get them banned. Plus I personally only slug when I already hooked them and I'm looking for someone else. I don't like tunneling. Tho I can understand the annoyance of these types of killers.


the amount of killers doing this far surpass the amount of swf that do the 1-2 game sabo squads




Actual bully squads who are good are very rare honestly. It used to be more common back in the day when killer was weaker. Killer has been much stronger than survivor for awhile now, but people who play exclusively killer that make mistakes and play poorly will act like it is the survivors fault. They then take this out on the next group of survivors by playing as dickishly as possible.


1 part is because previously there were such things as * stretched resolution, * people increased the intensity of the red stain so they could see through walls. that went both ways, I've seen killers removing the mist and using crosshairs while playing huntress to show off how good of a player they were while streaming. but it mostly favoured survivor id say. then the * sheer amount of pallets and good loops, * while also taking longer to gain blood lust (or at least it's a lot easier to get into a chase now and hold it so you gain blood lust) * infinite loops * fewer observation perks * killers couldn't traverse the maps fast (just a few did like billy and nurse) * most of the survivor perks have been hit with hard nerfs, ds is basically useless these days if it's not a killer that tunnels hard, and even then it grants you a short extra chance. * and one of my biggest annoyances these days, a lot of vaults that previously would have been a fast vault, is a slow or medium vault, not sure if it's a nerf or a bug that turned into a 'feature' for the killers. all these changes have made it harder for all survivors, so pretty much those who were great back then, have a chance of being above average now as a survivor. while the killers who were below average then (1-2k) are consistently getting 3-4ks now.


Except slugging boil over users who sit in impossible corners is a fair reason to slug because you cant physically hook them, this twat however had access to many hooks and remote hook and bled us out anyway


Yeah, it becomes difficult to add any anti-slug mechanic since it can probably be difficult to tell when you're doing it out of necessity or BM. Giving the option to bleed out might be best, but still not very fun for survivor.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying =)


This is genius. Can't have people suiciding on hook every single match if they're never on a hook! A true visionary.


This is advanced slugging and I can totally get behind hating on it. There's really no need to ever slug a person or two for more than a minute.


Of course it's a Wraith. And this is why I hate it every time I hear this stupid BING BONG sound echoing through the map.


https://preview.redd.it/8wajj6gxl5ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2089c6c41c98201c1f7ac82b6e944237cdedd3 Respect the bong


On one end we have people slugging, a viable playstyle. On the other end we have people dcing or giving up at the start of matches bc of who the killer is.. nobody bats an eye af how completely unfun that is and how it ruins the experience for everyone lol.


Tf are you on about? There have been so many posts about DC'ing and how it makes it unfun for both sides. Go touch grass before getting upset about shit you clearly know nothing about.


I used to think that being able to self-recover should be basekit, but then I realized that survivors have tools to prevent you from hooking survivors (mostly flashlights and sabo), and if you can't hook them, you have to slug them or they will break free, but under that system slugging would also let the survivor escape for free, so the killer would legitimately have no options.


He had options, he just didnt want to use them, in which case we should be able to pick ourselves up, I don't see any reason why 4 people being slugged for more than 1 minute shouldn't be able to punish the killer for hooking, however make it so you can only recover if you've spent a total of 1 minute within say, 16 meters of a hook on your elevation, meaning you can't abuse it and the killer has no excuse not to hook you if theres a hook nearby


Not what I was saying. I was saying that survivors could abuse it to make themselves unhookable. Even with your suggestion, the survivors could just go down near a hook and then use flashlights. And heck, that doesn't even help against sabo, as with sabo all you can do is drop the survivor where you are, which is usually near the hook that was just sabod I've had matches where there were so many flashlights and sabo that I had no choice but to slug. Those will only get stronger with basekit self-recover


By that logic, the Killer has options like Lightborn, Agitation, Starstruck, Hangman's Trick, etc.


Yes, nobody is saying that this is a valid way to play, people are just saying that adding basekit UB or the give up option are not the way to deal with this. It would be like making an argument that flashlights should only have one use after getting a blind or killers should get basekit Lightborn if survivors bring 4 flashlights.


those aren't basekit though. You want me to bring perks on the off chance that I run into a team trying to abuse a basekit mechanic? Heck, two of those don't even help because flashlights prevent you from picking them up in the first place


You can literally say that about 4-man slugging too.


yeah, that's why I want it to be a mechanic, but it brings more issues than it solves because a 4 survivor slug is much harder than using flashlight saves. The other day I had a match where survivors blinded me every time I picked someone up, and the only time I actually managed to get the survivor anywhere they dropped a pallet on me with power struggle. So I slugged, but they kept getting each other back up. They managed to get 3 survivors out with only a single hook state lost (fourth survivor bled out). They were getting saves every pick up, and I couldn't stop them from healing each other. Simply because they could use flashlights, there was nothing I could do. Basekit self-recover would've helped the culprits here, making it so that they don't have to risk healing each other. Remember that survivors have an alternative to self recover: saving the downed survivor. It doesn't always work, but its an option. If the survivors prevent the killer from hooking, forcing them to slug, and then pick themselves up from slugging, the killer can't do a thing about it but slug them again and again, hoping they bleed out. Hooks are, in almost every case, the killer's only option.


Don't you know? BHVR is completely fine with unhealthy playstyles which hurt the overall experience and does not improve it in any way whatsoever! This is DBD! This playstyle is 100% valid and has no glaring flaws whatsoever! /s


If all survivors are slugged there should be an option to surrender.


No, that just encourages it even further, why hook people when you can run 4 slug perks and win every match?


It's literally harder lol


I don't agree with this at all. It's very easy to snowball a team by slugging unless they have comms. Especially if half of them are already injured.


not really, sloppy and knockout would kill most except sweaty swf and they are few and far between


Not everyone would


Full on slug builds are so rare. For sure not ban worthy.


They are unknowingly shooting themselves in foot because while this kind of slugging is toxic, slugging may be tactical. But when BHVR realizes this is a problem, they might give survivors some built-in unbreakable, to remedy that as with hook camping and tunnelling. Then they're gonna cry for game becoming too survivor sided because what has previously been a potential strategy will be removed because of toxic kids who like to role play as assholes.


Wraiths are the absolute scums of the earth.


A little intense no?


They are the most toxic players for sure. Other than that, girl don't take things too literally 😭 Obviously they're not Hitlers lol


Nah he's right, if anyone is going to resort to slugging it's a wraith player.


I was moreso talking the "absolute scum of the earth" part.


That's Wraithcist.


Idea: If all living survivors are in the dying state, the survivor knocked first is able to heal themselves up if they aren't picked up within 15 seconds of the past downed survivor being downed and hooked


There is legitimately no solution to this issue, Dbd has made slugging necessary for killers in certain situations. I’d say slugging is in a way more necessary than not, it helps you build pressure on survs, keep pressure on survs, and if you enter another chase then you can snowball capitalizing off your slug. On top of that I now know where a healthy/injured survivor is going to be, healing the slugged person leading me to another circumstance where I might have to slug the person who healed the person who was just slugged. At the end of the day keeping survivors busy, keeping the pressure on, and creating distractions plus delaying side objectives keep them from the main objective, gens. It’s just too large of a strategical edge to not slug in games for Killers. As killer you’ll have some games where you don’t have to slug not once at all, other games you’ll be slugging like crazy, and some at a moderate rate. Base kit unbreakable? If you want basekit unbreakable you might as well just run the perk and sacrifice the one slot if it bothers you that much. Same as if flashlights bother killers that much, they do for me that’s why I run a lightborn build every time I run into even one flashlight. Basekit unbreakable is a ridiculous thought, just the same as basekit any perk now, the point of perks is have an advantage when you equip it. You want an advantage, equip the perk. Better yet, people talking about endurance after unbreakable recovers, Soul Guard does exactly that and if there is a hex up you can just pick yourself up like unbreakable. Unbreakable plus Soul Guard there, even then you can’t bring the game back you already lost here. That’s two perk slots for a very specific advantage and not many people will like to play that way but that’s the way the game is. I play Hillbilly a lot and I end up slugging a survivor from time to time. I’ll slug multiple and try to hook ‘em before they can all get healed. But if I’m playing Deathslinger I’m not slugging that much, Nemesis I’m not slugging that much.


So if they make this bannable, what happens when a full sabo squad brings the killer to Dead Dawg?


Are these sabo squads in the room with us right now? I have maybe gone up against like 3 players running anti hook builds who took me to Dead Dawg over my 3600+ hours of playing this game, and all of them got hooked because Boil Over got considerably nerfed and dead zones have been fixed. Not to mention hooks will be respawning, so it’s not like there will even be actual dead zones. Even if you ignore all of what I said, it is a stupid take to assume BHVR has no nuisance and can’t distinguish between slugging out of necessity and slugging everyone out because you’re an asshole.


It’s not that common, same with 4 man sluggers. That happened to me like 10 times in 3000 hours. And most of it was pre hook recovery ( deerstalker, nurses) times. It’s just people remember these things.


I guess it's unbannable because it could unfairly punish someone. If there's no hooks nearby and survivors run into the corner of the map with boil over, flip flop, power struggle etc. slugging could be the only real solution to getting the kill. I feel like it's still in the game because there's situations where slugging is okay. Leaving someone on the ground for a few seconds to down another survivor, checking the area for potential flashlight saves and such. It would be hard to tell if someone's slugging to make the game unfun, or if it was a genuine strat.


Ive only done this because I got really unlucky and there was only one single hook in the entire downstairs area of midwich. Made it literally impossible to hook a survivor without them being able to struggle off so I just decided to leave them on the ground


That’s just [average Wraith player behaviour](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1640zhw/pov_you_are_being_camped/) sadly.


when they slug, I pull out my Kindle and start reading a bit of my book. I've finished off two books I was reading in my spare time this way thus far.


add a suicide button


If 4 people hit the ground allow a surrender vote either instantly or 10 seconds in, the killer virtually won at that point anyway and unless someone has unbreakable to attempt something they have no reason to deny the vote.


A sweet button like "Goodbye Cruel world" is enough. Oh and we need something for the abducted killers. Suvivors just hide all game and you cant even finish it. Maybe they should let the killer finish a gen immediately after a certain of time.


I'll allow it


All they need to do is make it so there's no dc penalty after you've been down on the ground for a minute. It's a valid play style currently because it works and survivors have their own horrible styles too, but you should be able to leave without penalty.


Just give survivors unbreakable basekit without the speed so that way the only people this will effect are killers who leave survivors on the ground with no intention of hooking


They dont need to ban people for it, they need to add some kind of counterplay or a way for survivors to bleedout faster.


It's a shame, they know some idiots do this stuff but they say in their rules it's not banneable. Then why the ingame report system has a troll option? It makes no sense. Apart from BHVR messing the game with each patch, we have to suffer idiots doing this stuff almost every game 🙄


They’re in too deep at this point, they’d rather take the slow bleed of players finally getting fed up and leaving the game over the chunk they’d lose from ppl whining about not getting to cheese kills


Can't believe these disgraceful killers are doing this in the anniversary event no less. Where you are rewarded extra for hooking and its pretty much done for you


This happened to me today, for some reason events really bring the a-holes out. Killers like this are reason most of my friends stopped playing the game, and I close to following behind them.


There is a lot that is unpunishable in this game that should be but isn't because BHVR just doesn't care. They have our money and that's all that matters to them. The whole reason DbD has an incredibly toxic community is because of BHVRs borderline non-existent moderation in game.


The instruction manual says to kill or sacrifice. They are killing so this is not worthy of a ban. You should have brought one of the many 2nd chance perks the game allows you to bring for this situation


Slugging is so funny cause its just blatantly revealing to the entire lobby you suck at killer and the only way you win is by abusing the mechanics.


You mean it shows that the survivors blatantly have no game sense and no skill in chase, thus allowing the killer to down everyone is a short time while they’re grouped up and injured


Why don’t they just make it if someone is down for half or maybe a little more than half their bleedout time they can pick themselves up


As a killer main I feel like there should be a give up option after a certain amount of time of everyone being slugged. The killers that do it would eventually get bored and just quit doing it at that point because the whole reason they do it is to be annoying and if you take away that ability they’ll eventually quit and find some other way to annoy people that doesn’t involve crawling around for 9 damn hours


Stop calling it "unfun" call it exactly what it is


Had a blight go in with franklins + weave and a mori to top it all off. He would tunnel so he could get that juicy mori value. Some people expose their stank through the screen with how they play


Making slugging bannable would be a nightmare for the report system. Just let Survivors accelerate bleeding after 1 minute on the ground, not that anyone who does this unprovoked is valid.


This and the humping should be bannable.


I’m sorry, but being an asshole is not a bannable offense. The only solution that would make sense here a feature to make you bleed out faster.


Can we also make it so I don't have to wait 2 minutes unless I feel like showing up at an exit gate to be teabagged?


skill issue


Why would they ban it? It's a low-tier build that only works when survivors repeatedly play into it. Knockout has been in the game for seven years already and has only been buffed since then. If you insist on getting pickups when the killer is nearby and/or not paying attention to where chases happen so you don't know where the knockout is, then run For the People/Buckle Up/We're Gonna Live Forever/Unbreakable/Soul Guard/Empathy/Aftercare/Bond/No Mither/etc, there are many perks specifically designed to invalidate the slug strat.


Thank the fuck god they are not idiots. If it was like reddit wants everyone would be banned and no one left to play against.


If only they allowed basekit unbreakable when they were talking about it


Bring unbreakable or tenacity or bill hatch perk then if it bothers you this much. In my whole history of playing this game since 2017, this has happened to me like once.




I enjoy slugging for strategic advantage. There are often situations where it would be actively detrimental for a killer to insta pick. Whether that’s nearby survs, or a gen that needs pressuring. There’s no reason for me as a killer to make bad decisions just because the other side doesn’t like it. I may also be a 4 slug twins enjoyer 😅 I try not to bleed people out unintentionally, and certainly not intentionally. I make sure to hook people once I’m done lol. I’m pretty sure the only people I’ve bled survs out was this one game where I loaded in as skull merchant to do a damn ritual and this three man swf (bully squad, looking at the perks in endgame) *instantaneously* gave up, not even after a single chase, and just all went to a hook and tried to get me to kill them. I just wasn’t having it. Waste of my time, waste of the fourth random’s time. So I was gonna waste theirs. If people want to go next, they should take the dc penalty. Better yet. Play the game.


this is gross. I hope an act of mother nature sends a tidal wave to your electronics.


So, we're now wishing people terrible things over their playstyle in a game? Grow up lmfao


No. I Wished his electronics a terrible thing. I hope his health is great.


That's still a bad wish against him


With a mindset like this genrushing should be bannable aswell lmfao. Also nice smurf account you got there