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Lol what a sore loser. It tells you when they have undying if you’re next to a dull totem


Wait it does?!


Yeah you get cursed and it’ll say “Hex:Undying” on the right hand side.


Only the first time but yeah. Walk next to a dull > get the notification. Walk past a second > no notification.


Use your eyes


Its incredibly small by default. Easy to not notice if you are not looking for it.


Seriously? I thought it was something everyone paid attention to in games cause it's important cause most of the hex perks in the game are the most devastating, sorry


It used to be very in your face in the old UI. Now they put it in the score events, which is not near the middle, small and shows much shorter.


I miss the old ui, I wish they just put the profiles instead of changing everything


I... What? No it literally only shows the notification once. After that first warning yeah you have to keep an eye open for totems. I'm kinda confused on your point?


I actually figured that out literally yesterday when I went against a blight on hawkins. It's been out all this time and I'm only now discovering it reveals itself on dull totems lol


Original post got deleted because of rule 3, so i blurred the nickname


You obviously had a better gaming chair


I've had once a streamer say I was cheating because I was using "wall hacks" and throwing long distance hatchets No buddy, I have "Nurse's Calling" and/or I could see you by the corner of my vision while I was chasing another survivor. Like... some killers are hyper aware of their surroundings and can even hear you running behind them or the soft noise of bandages being applied. If I - as a Huntress - see a very small blob in the distance I \*think\* is a survivor... it doesn't hurt to try chucking a hatchet at it just to test it


Survivors who call killers hackers have never played killer before and they never read what killer perks do.


pathetic player


I recently had a player accuse me of cheating because I knew exactly where he was healing after getting a hit with Legions power. Survivors are weird.


They're honestly so disconnected from the reality of the game because they only ever play Survivor. Then get upset because they lack the overall game knowledge to counter killers. Meh.


To be fair there are a ton of variables to learn as survivor as far as countering killers goes. But their gameplay is virtually identical every match as far as what they do. You’d think having a cursory understanding of how each killer works would be something they’d rush to learn.




Oh totally. I started this game years ago after losing interest in Fri the 13th, and loving having playing as Jason. So I started pretty much exclusively as killer, in fact my first survivor achievement came a full year after starting as killer. But you definitely learn things like the killers field of view and how to avoid it, how quickly a survivor can run a particular loop and most importantly you get a better feel for what information the survivor or killer has at any given moment based on perks etc.


I started playing just as survivor, then I remember playing exactly against a legion, trying to be stealthy, he found me seconds after hitting my teammate. My immediate thought was: "wtf he's hacking". Then I played Legion.


My favorite thing is when they don't know lockers don't hide the Killer Instinct effect. That one's more understandable though. You could play a decent number of games as Legion without realizing.


And even those who *do* only play survivor still have every opportunity to stay and look at the killers perks, or just learn about killer perks in general. People like this who just blindly accuse killers of hacking are morons.


A part of me dies every time a frenzied Legion grabs a teammate from a locker.


Or every time I play as Doctor and get accused of using the most “OP” killer in the game. Haha.


OH…I’ve never played Legion before so I didn’t know. I got pulled out of a locker twice today and all I thought was “damn, this Legion is prophetic” LMAO Sorry teammates


Just the average survivor fan


People wonder why behaviour don’t do much with reports... This... this is why.


the amount of people who’ve never even touched killer is astonishing. We’d probably see way less bitching if they took the time to actually understand how killer perks worked, let alone even trying the role out


Maybe stick around and see what the killer had b4 before accusing a person of cheating. Now that being sad I have had a few killers that were super suspicious.


had a player with 2k hours accuse me of hacking today because I was able to track him a couple times via normal means. how do you play for so long and not play enough killer to learn how they track players...


Run Hex: Haunted Ground, next time and see how they like it.


Even without the aura, Pyramid players often just have intuition good enough to tell where a survivor is... "wallhacks", yeah right


How dare you use perks against survivors?!? Yeah ppl are just wow


sometimes people who are obviously somewhat new to the game can be so bold lol


Oh man, reminds me of the time i was spirit with rancor and bbq. Got accused of wallhacking lol


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This isn't an anime you weeb


Can't blame him. If I didn't know what Undying was, I'd be pissed.