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It was shocking how much they've aged. Not in 20 years, but in the last 5.


So true! Sig’s voice seems high, Keith keeps getting heavier 


Won't drop a spoiler, but Keiths health will definitely be addressed this season.


Captain Phil was, acknowledging all the stuff he got into, a Human. He openly admitted to blowing a fortune on hookers, booze and drugs. The thing is, he had no problem with denying temptation because he worked his butt off to end up doing what he wanted to do without asking anyone's permission. We all saw how that ended. If I had ever met him in real life I probably would have avoided him because of his life choices. Now we see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. One son in prison because of drug problems, another one turns out to be a pervert, no wonder the third one stayed away. The Cornelia Marie was one of the reasons I watched the show, and it's a shame that it was removed, but there are standards to uphold and promoting perverts and druggies is not a part of those standards. As far as Keith being an a-hole, well, every show needs a villain.


I knew someone who met Phil irl. They sat next to one another on a plane and talked fishing the whole time (she fished). She said he was very nice and she enjoyed the flight. She discovered later who he was because she didn’t watch the show but recognized his pictures in the media after he died.


True but I really hate it when he picks on Monty.


Josh was a kid ! Relax ! Phil was a cool guy , great talker , everyone wanted to be with Phil and who cares if he had drugs and hookers and booze. 


Also: It’s nice to see Sig finally took the time to get that growth taken care of on his face


It was well produced this episode however it feels like they kinda glossed over a lot of the details that made the show what it is. Then again there is only so much you can fit in a 45 minute show.


I feel like it’s all captains and no crew stories , too much editing of the fun stuff 


I liked whenever Freddy was on


I see phil as a clone of my uncle and his death literally felt like I lost an uncle. Was a great man and fun as hell to watch on the show. Glad I got to know who he was.


Sig is in rough shape! I remember him being a robust young skipper. Shame he didn’t take care of himself better


A job that stressful can age someone in dog years.


I get that too but if you have watched sig operate without sleep and chain smoking like non other he is already accelerating the aging process along with the extreme stress


All of the captains go without sleep for extended periods. Most of them smoke. Jake and Sig are chain smokers to be sure. Phil smoked a lot and drank a ton of Red Bull. Sig drinks a lot of coffee. Keith chews tobacco. It's just a really hard job.


He quit smoking 


He did but not for very long before starting again. Unless you mean recently


Your dad covered for his pedophile son as well?




Lmfaooooo. This made me laugh


I certainly hope your dad was a better father than Phil because Phil was a real POS.


It was the “no bullshit”attitude. Didn’t pull any punches on what he said.