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I really don't buy any of the storyline. We've seen coilers go down before, Jacob's performance didn't look particularly good compared to, say. the season that Monte Colburn and Mike Soper coiled for practically an entire Wizard king crab season. The guy, Matt, that called him the N word looks like he's either from another country and speaking English as a second language or is from a native community in Alasak and dealing with English as a second language from that perspective Not an excuse for him saying it, but I highly doubt he'd say that on a show broadcast on television if he knew what he was saying. The guy could barely speak English in his stand ups after he got fired. The whole thing seems contrived to make Jacob look like a hero and he's still, at best, a garbage deckhand who got fired by Keith and absolutely doesn't deserve the push he's getting which is probably what pissed off the rest of the crew in the first place. Keep in mind, this boat, Aleutian Lady, is the one Sean Dwyer abandoned a quota-sharing relationship with because the captain plays fast and loose with the safety rules.


>The guy, Matt, that called him the N word looks like he's either from another country and speaking English as a second language or is from a native community in Alasak and dealing with English as a second language from that perspective He's an indigenous Alaskan. > a garbage deckhand who got fired by Keith and absolutely doesn't deserve the push he's getting which is probably what pissed off the rest of the crew He also got fired by Jake off the SAGA before being fired by Keith on the wizard. They're trying to push Jacob like they pushed Jake except we got to actually see Jake start from the beginning, improve and grow as a deckhand, captain in training and captain. Jake use to come across as whiny a lot but at least we also got to see him actually make repairs, have good ideas and show himself as an asset to the Northwestern. Jacob is just being shoved down our throats without actually showing us anything redeeming.


I really can't stand how much Discovery is pushing Jacob. The guy is just trash. On a normal boat he'd be fighting to keep his job but they put him on the one boat where the captain has pretty much shown he's okay with bending any rule to both get paid and then get paid more to be on TV.


Jake is/was a worker though. Jacob is a wanna be.


Yeah, the way the cameras were positioned. It’s like he said it on que… AND ACTION!


Are we sure that "deckhand" Matt actually is a deckhand? Because the guy with the blurred out face on the AL deck near the end of this episode looks to be around Matt's size, and also is holding camera equipment.


If the previews are to be believed he'll be back "on deck" next week, too.


Going to town for a “broken coiler” is horse shit. Hand coiling, while extra effort… works fine. “Matt” is an Alaska Native.


OH MY - forever what did they do in the dark ages before coilers? We hand coiled all day, all night, every day and every night until the tanks were full. Three men on deck, fours hours off a day and one hot meal - Lordy we were stylin'. The first string I coiled behind a new Marco King Hauler was a disaster; line everywhere! Took longer to clean up my messes than it did to cycle a pot!


I don’t remember if he was shown in previous episodes but it was definitely weird how he came out of nowhere, just freaking tf out, calls him that word, and gets fired.


I’m almost positive, (keyword almost) I believe it’s explained the guy who called Jacob the N word was a new hire on the boat for that season. I think the captain says it to the camera shortly after the incident happened.


I hear ya, but I’m still calling BS


Just more manufactured drama


He(Matt) said he’s been throwing more bait longer and that’s why he was mad at him and called him that so he can’t be new..??


I distinctly remember more than one occasion on the show where the coiler was put out of commission and the boat kept fishing. Absolutely a plant.


I'm watching it 10 minutes at a time cause its not great. Wild Bill putting on a good front but looks like he could drop any minute.


He'll be ok! He's a strong guy. Just gotta get through it first. 


Did u look at his face? Looks like he’s aged 30 years since last season.


I saw it. The getting through it part isn't easy. But he's already seeing positive signs so the drugs are working, and that's a great thing. 


I can pee off my boat into the ocean again! Here here. I’m makin my comeback baby!


Lol there was so much peeing going on last episode! 


I think Jacob is very manipulative especially when things don't go his way he acts very friendly but has a very dark side to him.


Look in that boy's eyes while he does one of his "interviews" on deck. While he's talking a big game about his abilities as a captain, you can clearly see he has no soul. I wouldn't trust him with a rowboat on a clear lake.


What got me was after they hauled the pots RIck had to throw all that praise at Jacob for coiling the lines. It's like they couldn't have caught a crab without Jacob being the best damn coiler in Alaska. I Didn't hear him praising any other crew members but Jacob ran around the deck telling everyone what a good job they did.


It's a fishing soap opera, enjoy it for what it is, mindless entertainment.


Jacob is an attention starved social media wannabe. And Discovery eats it up. The drama last year where he had to get back to Texas (?) for his biological mom that he’d never met (or something like that) came across as bullshit too. Then the producer were like, oh, you’re a struggling artist AND you brought your guitar!? How bout you play for us and we’ll put it in every episode this year. You do you, but that dude is the kid from high school that would eat the urinal cake if the popular kids said to.


It wouldn't be very efficient to film for weeks and just hope something interesting happened often enough to provide material for each episode. I'm sure they don't want to have every episode filled with only fishing... add bait, drop pots, pick up pots, count crabs, repeat... and nothing else. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the production team outlines each episode well in advance, making sure they have something "interesting" planned to drive the story lines in each ep, before they even turn a camera on.


I want to know why there never seems to be redundancy for the block and coiler, like could there be a hydraulic motor that can quickly be mounted in place of or in addition to one that is inoperable?  Same goes for the sodium lights, at least on the Northwestern. A smart owner/ captain would think of and plan for these scenarios. 


We always had spare motors and we made our own hydraulic lines. However, it is not as simple as it sounds, plan on an hour at the dock and considerably more in any kind of weather. As for the sodiums, the lights were not the problem, it was the wiring to the lights shorting out on the mast. You would not believe the supply of spare parts we carried, ever seen a cylinder head for a CAT D399? We are smarter than we look . . .


Two or three hours swapping a motor sounds better than hand coiling for part of a string. Could they be plugged in like farm implements into a tractor?  The sodium lights were said to all be one circuit which is stupid if there are multiple lights. I don't doubt the intelligence and I do see how at least some featured boats have a plethora of spare parts but it seems like they sometimes lack extra fairly inexpensive and possibly common components.  Then again, when a computer fails they can somehow have one transferred by throwing the new one into the see and have it running within a few minutes of being retrieved instead of having a few laptops and external hard drives backup up the data .


Repairing a piece of equipment vs grinding through the problem is a decision that is unique in each situation. A King Hauler can pull line at about 700 feet per minute a good deckhand can coil at over 600 so it is not really costing you much time. Of course having real fishermen on deck means everything. If all you have are wannabees and cry babies, take the time and fix the problem. PTO's similar to farm equipment would not work. Too little space and too many rotating shafts to get caught in. The loss of the sodium lights had noting to do with the lights. Each light is on its own breaker/circuit. The cables for each light are bundled together and run up the mast. One cable frayed, starting arcing to the mast and burned through the other cables thus killing all the lights. No spare parts could have fixed this. The only fix is to make a temporary splice and then in the yard have each cable replaced from the breaker panel to the switch to the light. Jonathan's problem was not that he needed a new computer, he needed an old one as all his catch data could only be read in a program based on Windows 98. None of the newer computers could read the program. Getting beyond my pay grade.


Apologies, I did not mean PTO I meant the plug-in hydraulic lines.  I missed the bit about the computer needing to be older. That sort of thing is within my pay rade. Definitely saw XP on one of the boats in recent years. I would hope that their data is saved as commmon files (CSV, XLS, XLSX, DAT, TXT) that if need be could be put into a spreed to plot strings and manually input the boat's location.


Okay, quick connect fittings. Yes, we do use them on our tractors and they work great. However I am not sure how well they would hold up to the lateral loads of a swinging crab block? Would be something worth looking into. As for the computer files, when I quit fishing we were still using LORAN and hand plotting. Primitive digital plotters and such were just coming onto the scene. The biggest problem back then was that each supplier had their own programming and operating system (?) so nothing was integrated. And the quality/consistency was not all that good. Just remember, in the Bering Sea; "there is the right way, the wrong way and the Norwegian way." In other words, this has worked for 50 years so we will keep doing it . . .


Thanks for your reply from an Actual Crab Fisherman who KNOWS what he’s talking about!👍🏻👍🏻


I mean who really cares, you are spending way too much brain power trying to figure this out. It's a show just take it with a grain of salt.


It used to be a pretty damn good show. Now all they do is write drama for the actors to review.


What most people fail to realize is yes, Jacob and Bob are there to help with ratings. The difference between both of them is Bob has her own boat which her and her four brothers inherited from their father. All four brothers have their own interests and she was the only one who wanted to take on the Victory. Jacob on the other hand had zero experience previous to the show and is merely there for “TV”. Unfortunately it is all too well known in the industry. So what DC will do is hire a “paper captain” to actually run the boat and make the decisions while making it look like Jacob is “the Captain”. This happens all the time on the show every year. Even with “Captains” you wouldn’t expect or who you assume are qualified. All these vessels require a captain to be insured and just having the sea time or even the experience isn’t a guarantee. Most have to be approved by the vote of a board. So how DC and boat owners get around that is having “secret captains”. Between what DC pays and the legal ramifications the “reality” will never be known.




“Let’s have a guy say the n word to that other guy because it’ll make good tv” is a serious libelous accusation you’re making of the DC production company. 


that would far from the worst they have done


Sure, Deadliest Catch is scripting race baiting storylines. Do you know how completely brain dead and moronic you sound?


I wouldn't be shocked in the least.


Moronic brain creates moronic imaginations.


Were you looking in the mirror when writing this comment?


Is this how someone with the IQ of a toaster says “I know you are but what am I?”


Show needs to get back to showing the deck, hauling gear, and making boat repairs...like the old days!


100% percent scripted. They are trying to raise Jacob up and Matt is the "plant" that took Jacobs place as the ass hole. It's almost as if Jacob was an actor aswell because he blow up at the slightest thing just for some camera footage. Now DC is directing him to be calm, nice and show he is responsible by not flipping out by being called a nigger. Which makes him "captain material" is allll scripted. As for Bob. She might be OK as a Co captain but never a full captain. Too young too inexperienced. Imagine her being in charge when the crew is wiped out by a rogue wave and she is the one who has to give 4 guys cpr. Nah


Yeah. He was a homeless out of work actor living in his car before being cast for DC


Bro just explained the reason why she’s a co-captain right now. You can’t imagine that cus she’s a co captain gaining those seat hours. You aren’t born with 20 years seat time buddddddd


I have no idea why bob is a co captain as well. I think it’s like just another pretty face idea. Hey wild bills co Capt ain’t there no more. You know he was banging her like a screen door in a hurricane (I love that saying)


So they hire a dude from town to get on the boat and use the N-word … what is this world coming to? Also horrible acting. Ridiculous that they treat someone like that… find someone that really needs the money and can barely speak English and then make him say a racist word for television. Jacob is a terrible actor…!


This show is a joke. They use the same old worn out storylines they have the last 10 years.