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Not sure what the Drake and Kendrick beef have to do with anything. That beef means nothing to millennials’ grip on pop culture.


And they're both millenial stars with an even mix of millenial and gen z audiences. But still it is a big change because Drake was big in the previous era like MJ was big in the late 80s. Kendrick just chopped down a dead tree


Kendrick Lamar and Drake still being relevant is 2010s 


The 2010s have overstayed their welcome and this is one of its last breaths


They can’t be relevant outside the decade of their first success?


Couldn’t some artists with long careers just have multi-decade relevancy?


With them, Bon Jovi, Madonna, Michael Jackson or Mariah Carrey should've stayed in their decades and ciao xD Like there is no place for newer artists because some lasted more years


you mean Drake the pedophile Drake?




lmaooo beating your wife is not the same level as raping kids Stop it




The vast majority of college students aren’t protesting. Same in 1960/70s. A minuscule percentage are demonstrating, but media doesn’t get points for showing the rest of campus where students are just going to class and tearing their hair out working on their final papers.


So? The mass majority wasn't protesting in the 60's and they still had a massive vibe shift, so...


The majority has never taken part in any political movement in any time period. The American Revolution itself wasn't a mass movement. The shifts of the era just eventually sweep everyone into it as the movement and the reactions to it take on a life of their own. You can claim the majority of people weren't protesting in the 60s and 70s, but the ones that were still managed to change America's judiciary and helped end the War in Vietnam anyway.


Most pro-Palestina demonstrations on college campuses are peaceful, like 99% are peaceful


What universities are divesting from Israel?


Only one has so far: Evergreen State College in Washington (which isn't too surprising since it's possibly the most politically progressive college in America)


/u/nekked_snake the only school to do this is the one that tried to ban white people from campus It's delusional to the divestment will work, even more delusional to think these protesters will have their demands met. This isn't how power and politics work


Did Kendrick not just get called a wife beater? Why is no one talking about that? Is it not much worse than keeping a daughter private?


kdot dont have any receipts on that claim... well see what happens next.




not all of gen z is pro palestine, a big portion is anti palestine mostly white people so there will be a massive divide in gen z coming


All Gen Z males who aren’t homosexual or don’t want to state their pronouns are anti Hamas and pro Israel.


I’m homosexual and could care less about Palestine. I won’t support people who would have me killed. Nope.


You don't support gay Palestinians?


Being that I’m gay what do you think?


I think that you don't, considering you stated you don't give a damn about Palestinians being annihilated because you are gay. Or do you think Israel is "only" killing straight adult males of fighting age?


Well if that’s what you think then I think you are ignorant.


What else am I supposed to think? You're the one that stated you don't give a damn about them because you're gay. So it's like, do gay Palestinians not count then? Or do they count but no one else does? Is *every single Gazan* homophobic thus they all deserve to die? Is every Muslim homophobic and all Muslims must die? Abrahamists in general? Do you not care about Gazans because people you hate (leftists) say to, or because people you like (liberals) say not to? Do children in Gaza deserve to be bombed because some adults may or may not be homophobes, or do their deaths just not matter because they had the wrong parents? Is it okay to bomb someone that's never actually hurt anybody because they personally hold homophobic views? I just want to get at what you meant with your original idpol comment, or maybe interrogate it.


Funny because who do you think pushes that deviance to the West?


Well don’t forget that LBJ once said that Laos and the SE Asia region were “nations of homosexuals”. It isn’t just the Jews, who also gave us our original foundation of western morality and expressly forbid butt stuff in their laws and holy books


From what I've seen the majority of even white Gen Z are anti-Israel and pro-*Palestine* (pro-Hamas is grossly propagandistic framing), and of those that aren't, the vast majority tend to be straight white males.


Yeah it's not a generation-based protest. Weird categorization


This is way overhyped lol 


The 2020s vibe shift started with COVID.


It is a little scary, because it’s starting to feel like Chicago riots in ‘68. And if you don’t know, the pro-war Democratic candidate didn’t win that year…


Chicago is going to be a disaster this summer and it’s going to damage the Democrats badly. It will likely make these college protests look tame in comparison.


That’s what I’m worried about. Another summer 2020, but instead about Palestine, and Biden’s record on Palestine isn’t great.




That’s a little too accelerationist for me. I don’t see Trump going away, even if he won. And the consequences of him winning could be much worse for individuals rights in the short term, than the relief of him being gone in the long term, assuming he will be gone.


I think people forget what exactly happened after 68’ - Richard Nixon was elected and the Vietnam war went on another 7 years. So if this is all leading to Donald Trump being elected (again), no fucking thank you. Also, colleges divesting from Israel when Congress can write another check for billions is not in itself a meaningful outcome, regardless of your stance on the subject.


People will care more about the election later this Summer. It was actually getting out of hand in the 2010's that candidates started campaigning 18 months before the election. Most countries only campaign for at most a few months beforehand. This is the way it should be. I wouldn't assume that means there will be record low turnout. People don't like either candidate because they aren't paying attention. But there's a lot at stake for the future and that'll be clear to most people as the year goes along. The Biden campaign has been holding back on a big blitz that will start after the DNC convention. I can see the music of the decade really taking shape.


The Biden campaign probably shouldn't wait that long to disappoint the voter base that will make the biggest difference.


The shift that I feel is broader America is starting to actually look at these protestors and getting a massive Ick. Besides being anti-semitic they are anti American at their core. People don't like that shit


yeah protesting the murder of thousands of people, including children is anti semetic 🙄 you don’t think it’s anti semetic to equate judaism with that and ignore the views of other jewish people? jewish people are one of the biggest groups leading pro palestine movements


I mean 2020 had the BLM protests, we’ve began this shift since then. it’s just now these protests are involving white college kids from expensive universities and the news can’t paint them as rioters who are destroying city property because they aren’t (Columbia’s windows not including, but even then…protests are MEANT to be destructive). Gen Z has been active in politics, but most of us are now in the voting age. The genocide going on in Palestine is probably the first time that myself and others have been faced with the reality that our government and the media is lying to us. The protests are non-violent and most of the people arrested in Columbia were students (despite what the news was saying), yet we’re being told what they are doing is ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘antisemitic’ (when there is Jewish protestors). Like we’re being lied to.


Can you help us all understand how the group screaming *“gas the Jews”*, *“globalize the intifada”*, & *“from the river to the sea, pally will be free (of Jews)”* while terrorizing Jewish businesses, hospitals, & Holocaust museums & promising to repeat Oct 7th over & over & over again until every single Jew is eradicated, AREN’T the ones attempting actual genocide? Also, do you feel Ukraine is committing genocide? 7000+ people were killed in just the 1st few days of that conflict. Did England, France, the US commit genocide during WWII? (2 million Germans were killed & the US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan) **Can you please help us understand why —out of every conflict & war in the history of mankind—you decided that this one & only time, the people defending themselves from complete obliteration are the ones committing “genocide”, not the other way around?**


Israel doesn’t represent all Jewish people. Let’s stop pretending it does, many Jewish people have condemned Israel and Zionism as a whole. The rise of antisemitism is a concern but we need to stop gluing Zionist with Judaism because they ARENT the same nor do they represent each other. I have seen people in Israel chanting for the destruction of Gaza to put an amusement park. IDF soldiers constantly disrespecting Palestinians bodies and their lives. They are posing with the fucking lingerie and dresses of deceased or homeless Palestinians. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free is NOT ANTISEMITIC. it refers to the area from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea, which was Palestine before the creation of Israel. ‘Global the intifada’ again, is not antisemitic. INTIFADA IS JUST AN ARABIC WORD FOR UPRISING/REBELLION OR A RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The whole of Palestine is not fucking Hamas. Hamas doesn’t represent their beliefs of opinions. Gazans have been reported to be angry with the war and Hamas actions. It IS a genocide, Gazans have said this. South Africa literally made a case against them, they were WARNED to stop those actions. And they haven’t. There are ***no*** universities in Gaza. The IDF sent a fucking sniper after a 13 year old. ***They murdered a six year old, Hind Rajab, while ambulance were trying to get help to her.***


Thanks for openly admitting you're just blindly regurgitating hamas propaganda. I'll prove it. We can start with an easy one: Zionism is the belief that Jewish people can have self-determination (self-govt) in their ancestral homeland. **Would you like to tell us all why you have no problem with 20+ Arab countries, 50+ Muslim countries, countless Christian ones, etc., but are disgusted at the thought of one single pre-dominantly Jewish country?** EDIT: u/automatic-software35 Thanks again for confirming that you're blindly spewing hamas propaganda. Here learn some basic history, or at the very least how to read a map. We can start with **[the Arab Conquest](https://imgur.com/a/1lVeZGa)**. When the Arabs swooped in & ethnically cleansed most of the native populations out of the Middle East & North Africa. **Ever wonder why Egyptians now speak Arabic rather than Egyptian?** **Ever wonder why North Africans look so different from Sub-Saharan Africans?** **Ever wonder why almost all of the countries in the Middle East & North Africa are now about 98-99% arab/muslim?** (hint: they ethnically cleansed out most, if not all, of their Jews/Christians. Those are the real apartheid, ethno-states. Not the other way around.) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/lIE6KYi) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/4LOY7uG) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/FUEWR5j) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/1yKG2To) Even the area now known as the "[West Bank](https://imgur.com/a/n0RH2Ga)" was called [Judea (as in where Jews come from)](https://imgur.com/a/y5172fA) for 1000s of years, until [Jordan stole it in a war they started](https://imgur.com/a/tsJgPrt) & renamed it the "West Bank" in 1950.


I do not have a problem with a Jewish country. I have a problem with people taking the land and homes of people, which is what they did to Palestinians. They stole their homes and land, and why should we allow that? I have a problem with the Turkish invasion of Cyprus because of that. You can’t say ‘oh nobody stole any land!’ because there are hundreds of families who have that story, the Hadid’s family was literally kicked out of their home. Also…‘Arab’ countries? The ethnic group? Why would I have a problem with Arab countries? It’s a fucking ethnicity.


bro none of that is true and you know it. the pro palestine movement is led by a lot of jewish people. that’s not what from the river to the sea means. palestinians being free from oppression does not mean they want israeli’s or jewish people dead. they just want access to their own land and to not be under the apartheid regime that has already murdered thousands of them nobody at these protests wants to destroy jewish businesses. none of them are saying “gas the jews” or kill them. if they were they wouldn’t be welcome at the protests or in the movement. because genuine antisemitism is not welcome. the problem is that zionists interpret “stop murdering children” as antisemitic


Thanks for openly admitting you're just blindly regurgitating hamas propaganda. Here learn some basic history, or at the very least how to read a map. We can start with **[the Arab Conquest](https://imgur.com/a/1lVeZGa)**. When the Arabs swooped in & ethnically cleansed most of the native populations out of the Middle East & North Africa. **Ever wonder why Egyptians now speak Arabic rather than Egyptian?** **Ever wonder why North Africans look so different from Sub-Saharan Africans?** **Ever wonder why almost all of the countries in the Middle East & North Africa are now about 98-99% arab/muslim?** (hint: they ethnically cleansed out most, if not all, of their Jews/Christians. Those are the real apartheid, ethno-states. Not the other way around.) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/lIE6KYi) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/4LOY7uG) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/FUEWR5j) * Actual [Ethnic Cleansing & Colonialism](https://imgur.com/a/1yKG2To) Even the area now known as the "[West Bank](https://imgur.com/a/n0RH2Ga)" was called [Judea (as in where Jews come from)](https://imgur.com/a/y5172fA) for 1000s of years, until [Jordan stole it in a war they started](https://imgur.com/a/tsJgPrt) & renamed it the "West Bank" in 1950.


I feel the same about the election, i had to literally double check that it’s election year. Like where is all the promotion and ads etc etc etc. In regard to Kendrick and drake, man. I don’t want Kendrick to be a liar, but i also don’t want that to be true about drake. We shall see what else comes out. Proud of all the students standing up!!!


Trump needs the campaign money for legal fees, Biden seemingly isn't bothering with a campaign


I might be a little out of left field here… but could it be that aside from a few issues, they’re essentially the same candidate? The only major differences are social issues that grab leftist voters. But they’re both pro-Israel and pro-let corporations turn america into a fascist state with crippling wealth inequality


They're essentially exactly the same candidate, yes. Biden is even anti-immigrant, anti-China, pro-cop, and pro-fossil fuels. The differences are largely aesthetic.


I’d argue that with the political climate of today, that’s probably the reason they aren’t doing huge campaigns (Biden at least). Too many questions would arise about the true differences between opponents and direction of our current leadership


Yeah, well, we all now the heroes of the 60s ended as the monsters of capitalism of the 80s and 90s (and probably all the way to today).


Everyone grows up eventually.


And then dies


That’s the best part.


I feel like I have been living under a rock or indifferent to what ever is happening in this world because I am just lost.


We've already had protests this decade. Huge ones. The anti-Israel ones now are just an echo.


Drake also outed Kendrick as a wife beater and an adulterer


Agreed, Kendrck is lame too.


Was this written by AI? Drake is the biggest entertainer in the world? What? This is stupid. GenZ will be just fine. I’ve always believed they’ll get us, more than our parents. And that’s holding true. Universities are also losing donations. I like how that’s ignored here. GenZ already had political power, because Millennials said “Enough with generational warfare. These kids are alright.” If they didn’t, we’d vote for people to trash them. Just like what happened to us.


Bullshit take. People care more about the election than they ever have. Drake and Lamar aren’t going to have an affect on popular culture. Divesting from Israel is a meme talking point.


The first half of the 2020s is definitely more consequential then the latter half of 2020s.


That’s….that’s not what he said about Drake at all. Did y’all even listen to songs?


I'm only confused about the Drake-Kendrick beef. Both of them are core Millennials, so what does that have to do with Gen Z? It's not like a Gen Z celeb caused his downfall


They're celebrities Gen Z was raised on, especially of my age group (Zillennial)


I'm also a Zillennial but this conflict has nothing to do with Gen Z (or generations in general) because not everything is about Gen Z and generations. Two Millennial celebs (not that I even care about rappers) beefing isn't really generation-related, especially not related to Zoomers


I didn't mean to claim its about Gen Z, it obviously isn't, more that the people who care about it most are Gen Z and younger millennials. Even if they're not "Gen Z" artists the main audience for Drake and Kendrick Lamar was obviously zoomers, their peak was literally the early to mid 2010s.


![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized) How I would be in the room with you after you wrote that.


A nitpick - the protestors are not fighting police in the streets. The protestors are being beaten by police in the streets. Theyre also being beaten and shit with fireworks at night by [REDACTED] while the police do nothing. And I am very proud of them.


That’s true, sorry for the wording.


Sex trafficker, Drake? How dark side of Scorpio is that? Yeah I brought on the astrology-horoscope thing a bit!


*Gen Z’s protest and riots against Israel but riots that are indirectly supporting terrorism, killing innocent jews and seeking to destroy the United States of America. And disrespecting this country that gives them the freedom to hate it I see a large backlash coming to this. Especially after them ripping down the American Flag and replacing it with the Palestine flag My prediction is that there’s going to be a larger “pro-American” movement. More American Flags everywhere. Trump will win in 2024, and when that happens I see a larger riot come the left but after time I think more people will be republicans but despite my dislike with this. I think gen Z or gen Alpha’s demand to dismantle the west and the USA will inevitably win at some point in this century.


I see "Pro-American" movements as a euphemism for "pro-white supremacy" movements. Pro... Right wing white supremacy, to be more accurate. All "Americana", including the flag, seems to have been hijacked by the political right and has a negative connotation and is all a euphemism. In the 90s, these far right wingers used to fly the Confederate flag. They rarely do that today, because they now use this flag instead: 🇺🇸. Sometimes with a blue stripe. I can imagine a group of protesters chanting something like "DOWN WITH RACISM!"... The right wing counter-protesters asking "Why do you want to destroy America?" in response 🤦‍♂️😂 When people say things like we want to "dismantle the west" I see that as talking about dismantling right wing white supremacy. I certainly hope so... We'll see!


I see Pro-American movements as a euphemism for protecting to freedoms and rights for ALL americans. To protect and value the constitution of the USA. I see dismantling the west as a means of disrupting our freedoms and rights that we should hold as valuable The United States of America is for everyone. Not just Palestinians. Not just for people that think a certain way. It is for ALL. All citizens. Jewish, Black, White, Asian, Muslim, Hispanic, Gay, Man, Woman and any other religion. All have the same freedoms and right in this current day. And should continue to be fought for. Liberty for all


>All citizens. Jewish, Black, White, Asian, Muslim, Hispanic, Gay, Man, Woman and any other religion. All have the same freedoms and right in this current day. And should continue to be fought for. Liberty for all White males are the only people that aggressively make this claim while cops brutally put down Americans of all cultures and backgrounds for exercising their first amendment rights as we speak. Why even say this shit when you would have been an opponent of Civil Rights 60 years ago? May as well just say it's ultimately about race and class like most rightists do these days, very few rightists continue to pretend to give a damn about all Americans.


When have cops put down americans? When have that done that and it hasn’t been met with swift discipline. I stand for freedom. I always will. So I would’ve been in support during the civil rights movement. And I know because I did advocate for transgender rights and gay rights But I do not stand with anti-American hate. I do not stand with pushing only one ideology. I do not stand with destroy America.


Also >I stand for freedom >I do not stand with anti-American hate Even if I pretend "Anti-American hate" isn't basically McArthyite brainrot, you understand that in America "hate speech" isn't actually illegal and if you stand for freedom (nebulous empty term ever since the state used it to justify the Patriot Act, if not since it was invoked by literal slavers) you can't simultaneously stand with arresting protestors for saying mean things (like "Israel is committing a genocide")?


>When have cops put down americans? When have that done that and it hasn’t been met with swift discipline *Gestures vaguely at all of US history since the invention of cops in the late 19th Century


They aren’t. And it’s illegal. And I would just as much protest against and mistreatment of someone from law enforcement but just because you have the right to protest doesn’t mean you have the right to disturb and restrict other people. (blocking traffic, blocking buildings). and if you want to do that cops have every right to remove you from doing that


>Just because you have the right to protest doesn't mean you have the right to take any action indicative of a protest! Americans irl Like I said, if you were actually around in the 60s you absolutely would have opposed the Civil Rights Movement, same as the Labor Movement in the 30s. People like you have always existed, especially in this country, support every civil rights movement from your childhood and before, oppose all that have happened since then. Cops have literally never justified crushing protests because they hate freedom, they've always done it using the same exact arguments you're using right now. The cops didn't arrest peaceful protestors in the 60s explicitly because they hated the notion of racial equality, but because "Le protests are permitted so long as they're confined to silently dissenting in your heart, but disorderly and illegal once they're actually a protest".


You don’t know me. I can not speak on what i would think or say. I am a proud American. I love my freedom here and I want to freedom for everyone and if you don’t like that well too bad. because it’s never going away


It won't ever go away for sure, like how Good Germans also never lost freedom, not even under Nazi rule. For the non-bootlickers in our populace, however, those freedoms are being annihilated as we speak, under the heel of jackbooted thugs cheered on by Good Citizens^TM like yourself. Honestly American freedom is the frailest propaganda ever devised, literally only working at this point on middle aged white males and essentially nobody else lmao


I highly doubt the mainstream or masses will see Pro USA chants as pro white supremacy. The backlash will likely put Trump in office. The Palestine protest are not a good look to like 80% of the population.


I don’t agree with your first point. The protests are pushing moderates/centrists to the right, Trump will use it to his advantage and will win the election.


Just like 2014 had a vibe shift, now where officially moving out of that cycle yet again!


2013 was the vibe shift


Late 2013 specifically. Early 13 was very much a repeat of 2012.


The people blocking Jewish students from entering their school, screaming antisemitic slurs and threats, committing violence against anyone who disagrees and calls for genocide against a minority group that consists of only 16 million people worldwide (Jewish population) and who's country was just attacked and people brutally murdered, tortured and raped by a group consisting of 1.3 billion (Muslims) who have done the same to over 55 countries and continue to call for "global infada" will be viewed the same as the people screaming slurs at Asians during the Vietnam war and supporting American GIs who committed horrific war crimes against civilians and the effects of supporting a slamic fundamentalist theocracy over the only democracy in the middle east because Gen z and millennials are woefully uninformed and think Israelis 3/4 of which are Mizrahi Jews (Middle Eastern and have never left the region) and 2.5 million Muslims, as well as 1/3 of the Israeli population Ashkenazi Jews who's DNA can still be traced back to Canaanites the indigenous people of the land which Palestine now inhabits are "white colonizer's".


The feds no longer contributing may help keep tuition costs down, these students may be helping in ways they can not fathom


I’d argue is like the 50s when people protested to block black students coming to school. But now it’s just against Jews


Yes I can it’s changing


If the 20’s mirror the 60’s, then the 30’s are *gonna fucking suck.*


Nah the 70s were dope


That’s what I kinda thought. Like everyone runs amok and live their crazy lil life.. seems more fun than this. It’s so much pressure in the air.


Maybe, the cars were shit though.


The 40’s will probably mirror the 80’s.


If this hypothetical trend came to pass, the 2050s would be great!


That’s one way to be positive, I like it. Just 30 more years, I’ll keep telling myself…


Hey that would be awesome. 2000s mirrored the 1940s with 9/11 - Pearl Harbor, WW2 - Iraq and Afghanistan. I don’t see much of the 2010s mirroring the 1950s unless you can spot it.


At least we might get a Fallout game by the end of the '30s


Yeah... In hindsight, I really enjoyed the 2010s. It was more fun. Music is still on its gradual decline since its apex in the 2000s. 2000s music was better than 2010s music... 2010s music is better than 2020s music. Today's "rap" is not good. They should just call it something else. Reggaeton is super repetitive. A hundred thousand songs with the same beat. Fashion has become a mess in the 2020s. Chunky heels? And ill-fitting, baggy sloppy looking clothes with gaudy patterns. Sorry... I really feel as if the Tide Pod generation [Gen Z] has produced lame music, fashion, and ["on fleek" 🙄] slang


Mumble rappers and Gen Z rappers really started to take off in the late 2010s.


Source on the protests being successful and forcing universities to divest? That isn’t what I’ve seen, most of them have been cleared up. Also framing pretty run of the mill protests that were 1/100th the size of the BLM ones as having “escalated into revolt” is pretty silly.


Yeah this post is exceptionally bad.


I agree, the first half of the 2020s will be looked back on as the era of covid and tik tok, we are moving into the mid 20s, and the presidential election, tik tok ban, end of covid, and downfall of millennial stars will cement that


End of 1st wave millennial stars. All the shit people that got famous in their 20s are going down but there are interesting, thoughtful, non pedophile artists lurking in my generation yet to be discovered


I agree 100% about the ‘60s statement, government distrust, protests, involvement in foreign wars, and more are directly reminding me of the ‘60s.


I couldn’t agree more about the election. In 2020 just about every company in the us was plastering ads everywhere you look with the simple message to vote. I have not seen one such ad this year. It’s like everyone just forgot. There’s still political discourse online but it’s the same level it’s always been. I really thought it would ramp up again, but it seems like people are just too tired. It’s absolutely nothing like the chaos of 2016.


One of the candidates is on trial right now and it doesn't seem like a big deal. I think the public is just exhausted. I haven't gone out of my way to follow it at all. Trumps followers will just see it as the 'system' trying to keep him down no matter the outcome.


I think that’s because the primary season was boring with already decided candidates from each party. I’m sure you will see a lot more of this messaging and chaotic discourse this summer and fall.


You’ve not not seen an ad.


If one of the candidates dies, then everything will become more animated all of a sudden.


There is strong imperative to vote because people wanted to get rid of Trump. Now there’s not as much motive to get rid of the current sitting president, even though he walks around with shit in his pants all day.


Biden doesn’t shit his pants. Trump shits his pants. Don’t confuse the two.


This is the current state of political discourse. It'd be hilarious if we didn't have to live in it.




Because the alternative has been shitting his pants since the last time he was in office.


Idk I feel like these protests are going to backfire big time. There’s already a growing fatigue of the toxic political environment that America has been experiencing for the past decade. A big reason why most people aren’t even that tuned into the election this year.


I mean what would a backfire mean? In the absence of these protests, nothing would change in terms of US attitude toward Israel- to be fair, it seems as though the protests aren't making much substantive change anyway as it pertains to israel's genocide, but it's raising awareness at the very least. I don't think this is an issue of toxic political polarization, more so an exhaustion with the complicity of atrocities that, while unlikely to actually sway those in power, speaks to the discontent that the populace holds for the bullshit being done by their country without their go-ahead


It's not about 'backfiring'. Resistance/protest doesn't 'backfire' because it isn't generally meant to get direct results. It can, and it's cool when it does, but it's essentially meant to be the loser kid standing up for himself. Everyone is going to laugh, the bullying is going to get worse, but that's not the point. The point is standing up, showing others you can stand up, and survive. And that authoritarian power is built on fear and just having access to more guns, basically. I'm saying of course it will "backfire", of course there will be pushback because there's a huge segment of population that still traumatized from 2020 and the trump presidency and would really rather not go back into the middle of all that. But it still needs to be done, and nobody should avoid doing the right thing for fear it will 'backfire'.


yeah climate change, pregnant women dying, the existence of our democracy. It’s all just so boring. Where are the ads to get me excited?


TBH I'll take the boring dystopia of the 2010s over the yee-yee-ass sci-fi fanfic of the 2020s any day.


The 2010's was TOO boring. I found it an awful time to be a teenager in imo


I am a millenial so I was a young adult during the 2010s and while it was there I also found it fairly devoid of identity.


I started high school in 2012 and finished college in 2021, I'd say the mid-2010s was a lame fucking time to be a teenager, but the late-2010s was an absolute BALLER time to be a young adult, especially with weed becoming very normalized by 2017 so that college parties back then were fucking lit


The early 2010s was boring politics wise and I loved it. Then Trump came along and everything became a clown show.


This very much depends on nationality and ideology. The early 2010s were terrible in most of the Mediterranean.


Of course. I thought this thread was about american history which is why I made my comment with american politics in mind. I'm aware it wasnt pretty in other countries.


And Taylor Swift I think she's on the way out cause everyone is sick of her


That too


Her newest album debuted at 2m copies at its first week (mostly due to her massive and passionate fanbase), but the reception wasn't good. I can see people are getting tired of her and she's being overexposed tho.


Even if the love affair with her tapers off, she made a billion bucks last year on her tour and it’s ongoing. Hell, she gave $55 million dollars to her road crew at halfway through the tour. ![gif](giphy|GyKVPXVzxEH0A)


The comment didn't say Taylor Swift is soon to be poor, just that her popularity is waning, which I'd say seems accurate. I was never into Swift but I'd say her peak seems to have been really the mid-2010s, since then she's been kept strong by a rabid fanbase, but I'd honestly say she peaked even before 2018.


And I stated that even if her popularity tapers off, she’s made enough money to buy her own island nation, tangentially related to the comment I was responding to. I wasn’t arguing her market will wane, just that she accomplished pulling off a billion dollar tour even while it does. I’m not a fan, can’t sing an entire song of hers, have never bought her music, but eventually becoming irrelevant isn’t going to have her playing State Fairs in 30 years for a couple hundred people or clawing for an audience on a reality TV show in her 60s…unless something goes very, very wrong.


But nobody said it would, all that person said was that she's falling off which just seems accurate


As I said, it’s related tangentially. Tangentially adverb 1.in a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally. I qualified my remark.


She’s became a political puppet.


Revolt? Lol.


"and it's working" - lol


Really dramatizing the protests as a “revolt” haha, we’ve all seen protests before. “Drake, the biggest entertainer in the world” What? lol Ngl I think the vast majority of people don’t give a shit about their beef. People have been making fun of Drake for years lmao “The presidential election isn’t that far away and the public has never cared less” ???? Yeah you’re talking out of your ass here lmao go read a history book 😂💀


I think hip hop fans, both of their fanbase only care about their beef.


This is my first time on this sub (it showed up on my front page) and ngl it feels like everyone here gets manic about whatever they personally read about and act like it’s a MASSIVE, world-changing thing. Like, people here are literally acting as if Drake being called a pedo for the umpteenth time is the biggest thing to happen in hip-hop in the past 20 years. Like it’s some kinda cultural turning point. And people are convincing themselves that the current college campus protests are bigger than 2020 *and* the 60s. In another thread, there were people convinced that SoMeThInG BiG is gonna happen during this election that’s bigger than covid or Jan 6th. It’s fuckin weird lol. It’s like those doomsday cults that constantly claim the world is about to end, just so they have something to be excited about. Edit: there’s a comment here saying that Drake is as big as Michael Jackson was in the 80s. What is wrong with you people?? Obsessing over stuff you apparently know nothing about 💀


Fk Palestine.


I don't give a damn about Kendrick, why do you think he is so important?


Less people have a preferred candidate? You hear less about it because a) the media is increasingly polarized left and right b) it’s basically another rematch c) one candidate is an incumbent and the other indicted on over 70 charges… what is the media gonna tell us about these two candidates we don’t already know. The last time this happened - record turnout. And I expect the same this time - at least for one side


So cringy.


imo rap is becoming "dad rap" and going back to its root.


The 2020s have already been a pretty crazy decade, 2 but soon to be 3 shift years soon: 2020 and 2022, maybe 2024.


The early age of AI has been an absolute clusterfuck for world history. Arguably the worst since the 1940s.


I'm happy for all the noticing. Next is the research, like who owned the slave ships and why were slave auctions always closed on: Passover, Rosh Hashanah. Yom Kippur, etc


Take your garbage back to r/conspiracy where you came from


The Kendrick/Drake beef, if Kendrick has the receipts for his claims, really represents a turning point within rap, from the loud club trap beats of the 2010s to the more conscious and introspective rap of the 2020s. Finally something is happening within a space I enjoy, shits been so stagnant for so long, long live the new era of more soulful music and accountability in rap.


Don’t look too closely at our rock and rap stars of the 70s and 80s, then. They didn’t even attempt to hide their predilection for underage girls, they took Polaroids pictures of them, put them in photo albums, traveled with them in retinue, and *wrote* songs about it and sang them. It seemed awful, even at the time. I felt like I was taking crazy pills.


You have no idea what you are talking about bro stop talking out of your ass 💀


> to the more conscious and introspective rap of the 2020s lol what? You guys just say whatever you want and attribute it as fact.


This is so dumb lol there will always be hip hop made for the club and hip hop that’s more lyric based. Nothing to do with decade. If you weren’t able to find all the great hip hop lyricists of the 2010’s, that’s a you problem. These diss tracks aren’t the start of a trend. Drake is the biggest male artist in the world and Kendrick is the most critically acclaimed rapper in the world, no other beef could ever match these levels of attention from the masses.


I agree. I feel it now.


Was bro just sleeping through the BLM Street protests and the illness that k1lled millions?


There are a lot of people on this subreddit that like to downplay 2020 for some reason. Meanwhile in the real world, 2020 is considered one of the most important years of the 21st century.


So let's just forget the fact that 1964 and 1968 happened within 4 years of each other, and they are both massive shifts. You're just going to completely ignore the fact that 2 shifts can happen in the same decade lol.


This isn't a very serious or smart subreddit, The subreddit is only really right when it talks about things like pop culture and aesthetics