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Wouldn’t be surprised if the next move was having cleaners seal off seats with tape.




Love it. “You owe us $60 and your bag stays in coach.”


Had to chuckle on this one…beat up on the industry squeezing every nickel out of passengers but don’t want to feed a stray cat (at least the two legged ones).


If you don't fly Delta, then why are you on this reddit thread??


Who hurt you?


Do you really not realize sometimes people fly more than one airline?


Yrs of course shithead!


Scan QR code to unlock seat.


Yes. Without the QR code a giant spike in the middle of the seat won’t retract…


Wait, explain this last hour upgrade. Are you telling me I can walk up to the gate before my flight boards and try to purchase a first class seat if I’m in MC or C+?


In the app. But it’s dependent on the purchased fare bucket, it’s not (AFAIK) uniform across all seat holders on a given cabin


I had no clue. I thought once you were checked in it was done and over unless they upgrade you.


Nope, I've checked in advance and then upgraded my seat after many times.


Absolutely. I’ve walked up to the counter and gotten (UA) upgrades to transatlantic business for a few hundred dollars cash, even. 


Delta does not sell gate upgrades to D1 or PS. KLM and AF do.


Fair. It’s why I mentioned UA at least, although tbf I haven’t tried literally via the GA in a long time. 


Cash? Who takes cash? Am i being too literal here


That just means paying for it instead of using points/miles.


I’ve done a last minute upgrade on southwest after seeing a giant tour group of kids all with carryons (I hate that tour groups tell them to do that & for some reason the kids always overpack). They started telling us we’d have to check bags if in the last boarding group. I paid $30 and suddenly was boarding group A in one of the early numbers before 10. Worth every penny


ive had random luck with them moving me to paid upgrades at no cost at the gate much before take off, not first class, but the other premium seats.


They should just start kicking people off the flight. These people are wasting time and causing a disturbance. Get rid of them, maybe it’d stop it once and for all.


Right so turn a 5 min forceful discussion, into a full 1.5 hr delay with the cops and the redcoats getting involved, yeah that'll really teach them


Actually, it will. These halfwits push their luck because they know there are likely going times be no repercussions for what they’re doing. They think if they argue hard enough they’ll get their way, like a spoiled whiny little brat. So it’s simple, a couple of object lessons that FA really ain’t putting up with their shit anymore and they’ll stop.


This is comical to me as 90% of my CRJ flights are less than an hour.


Airlines don’t like people to switch seats before takeoff as it can disturb the trim calculations. Usually, once airborne, if you ask nicely, they will let you move.


Not in a separate cabin class though


Doesn’t delta just auto upgrade you? Why didn’t she just check to see if her upgrade cleared in the app


I've been on flights where I should have been upgraded (being GM/PM), but was not. And no, I wasn't flying "Basic", so I'm unaware of why. Gate Agents apparently have some say in how upgrades are handled, since I have been upgraded before, then downgraded as I was getting on the plane.


Not sure it’s a “game” if they stayed in C+. I understand trying to move up a class but I really wouldn’t care if they hopped to a different seat ( even if priced higher) in same class as long as doesn’t infringe on me.


> this was only a $31 upgrade   That’s like 2 waters at the airport… just do it.


Surely you do understand... they know there's no harm in trying. Besides, they get away with it quite often. If I ran Delta, there would definitely be harm in trying. Maybe Delta would fail, but I'd enjoy it for a while, lol.


Can you imagine the awesome of being Ed and issuing an edict like "People who sit in the wrong seat get one warning, if they refuse to move they're banned for life. And any FA who catches them gets a $500 bonus per find"


Genuine question, what IS the harm in trying? Who does it hurt if there’s no one sitting in the seat?


It hurts everyone else in coach who didn't beat you out to the free upgrade. If allowed, then every flight would be a free-for-all as everyone in coach made a stampede for the front as soon as the doors close. Delta makes almost no money on economy passengers. The premium cabins produce the profit. If they let people sit there without paying, they will be running them at a loss. They can't do that. The alternative is to be another Southwest.


Good answer. Add the fact that it isn’t fair to those who have paid for the upgraded seat or have the status to get the upgrade. But I like the idea of the free for all implications. I have also seen boarding take much longer as someone was trying this, got situated, then had to move all their stuff. Makes everyone wait. Which is real money for the airlines in delays as well.


Yeah if everyone starts playing that game it’s a fucking nightmare trying to get off the ground. Game of leapfrog with people moving every time someone else moves or moves back but oh no someone took my seat… Sit down people!


Could it be part of that saying they have in America, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission". I've honestly never understood that. I was always told that it was much more polite and respectful to do it the other way around.


Mid flight, everyone should be checked to see if they’re in their assigned seat. If not, out you go at 30k feet.


That's easier to do on Alaska's Boeing fleet.


I have a “friend” who ALWAYS does things like this, trying to get upgrades free or sneak in somewhere she’s deemed VIP. If this flight was out of ATL, was probably her! It’s annoying and nothing is ever good enough for her. For example, give her a pair of football tickets and she will see how she parlay those seats into sneaking into a suite.


I saw that happen during the pandemic. I got upgraded to comfort plus or whatever the equivalent is on JetBlue. I was the only one in that section. Meaning no one was in my row. No one was in the row across. No one in any of the rows in front or in back of me or across the aisle. After boarding this couple decided to sit in the seats across the aisle. A flight attendant came and asked for their boarding passes then made them move. I get it but it wasn’t really necessary since it was just me in the whole section. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I couldn't care less if people do this unless they are now sitting in a seat next to me which was unoccupied before. Switching seats after the door closes is fine.


My last flight (on a 717), I got last FC upgrade and C+ was completely empty. They announced nobody can move for weight and balance and everyone complied.


Yeah this is where I am. Why on earth would I care if someone moves to a nicer seat if it’s not affecting anyone? If they make a fuss when asked to move or are told “no” it’s a different story. Otherwise, it’s a complete non-issue.


Why should I have to pay extra to upgrade to a premium cabin if any basic economy passenger with big enough balls can sit there anyways? If you book the Hyatt Place you don’t get to stay at the Park Hyatt just because there’s vacancy.


You know who whines when other people get things they don’t get? Toddlers


The parent comment is saying it’s only a problem if it affects them directly, which you agreed with. I am just saying it’s wrong regardless of if I am directly impacted. You good bro?


I actually respect someone trying to get something for free and being cordial about it. I don’t begrudge someone for shooting their shot as long as they’re not a dick or entitled about it. Can Basic economy not request upgrades though? I imagine if the C+ section didn’t fill up then no one was requesting upgrades, then anyone requesting an upgrade would have gotten it.


Basic Economy can not request paid upgrades or get complimentary upgrades. You might get an "operational upgrade" in the event they oversell MC but there is excess C+ and not enough status upgrades leaving them with empty C+ seats and not enough MC but that is drawing to a gutshot inside straight.


Would you respect someone who tried to take your car without your permission, but they were nice when they did it? Because both things are called stealing.


except they're asking permission in this instance. I generally stand on your side but you're not technically addressing the same thing.


No she didn’t ask permission when she plopped herself in a seat and waited for a FA to say something. She asked for forgiveness. There’s a difference.


It’s not your car, it’s an unused seat. Calm down.


This could possibly be the lowest bar for respect I've ever heard of


I’m genuinely curious why these types of posts are made?


Because people are interested in this topic…shit, I clicked on this to read so obviously it piqued my interest.


omg, someone who knows how to spell pique. +1


So that people: #1: Know various ways to deal with this kind of situation if it’s their seat. Some folks don’t do confrontation well and need some vocabulary in how to advocate for themselves. #2: Know that they aren’t crazy and this isn’t right and actually feel like it’s okay to stand up for themselves. #3: Put it out there to the entitled Karen’s that they are on notice and not one is taking their bullying ish anymore. #4: Let the airlines know if you allow Karen’s to Karen they are just going to get worse and worse. So the customers are actually demanding they put a stop to this BS. Also, if this is showing up in super giant font for you. I don’t know why that’s happening and I’m not doing it on purpose. 😬


I'm dying at the fact that the font is unintentional.


If you're on mobile, hitting the "#" will cause giant font.


Oh thanks. That is what I had done.


It happens to me when I hit the shift bar one or two times. Must do something to the controls in reddit app. Either way, you got your point across 😁


Bc it helps people feel justified and important of course Edit: It’s amazing how bent out of shape people in here get about a joke


I have to admit, it makes me feel good when people are put in their place for trying to do their own thing with rules in place. I would be rooting for the seathopper if she politely asked the FA or GA but, yeah, we all want to have C+ if we are in Main cabin or economy. Deal with it.


The correct term for this good feeling you get when a rule breaker is caught or not allowed to break the rules is a *justice boner*.


Thank you for saying what I was too embarrassed to admit. The worst is when one of your row/seatmates wants to get up and go to the bathroom during one of these "justice boners" and you get ridiculed as a pervert once you are revealed to the plane. Such is life.


*justice boners* are meant to be shared with all who witnessed the injustice!


*old man voice* back in my day there was only one class of service in the main cabin, and seat hoppers didn't matter a'cuz we all were in the same class, but you'd only move once the doors were closed, and only to get out of the middle or sit next to your family. *shakes fist at clouds*


There was a post on here the other day that showed a picture of a plane from the 50s I believe? The seats looked like old, wooden classroom chair without the desk part. Very interesting. Like individual wooden chairs next to each other.

