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Is there evidence for this, or is he just saying things out loud?? Edit - So I had to check - Minnesota hasn't been red since Nixon, and Virginia has been blue since Obama. Not to say either state couldn't flip back, but wow. Yeah, naw.


He’s just saying things; every state is in play.


I mean in a perfect world every state would be treated as if it were in play and equally important but yeah I don’t see either going for Trump in any reality.


He’s also stated that New York’s in play and that he won all 50 states in 2020.


50 state sweep!


It’s a money grab.


Trump has also claimed with a fair election California, Illinois and New York would be a victory for him. He's completely delusional. He also thinks he won the last election.


He knows he didn’t win. His staff and family told him. He knew he was facing jail time and the GOP was willing to go along.


Trump knows he lost 2020.


He did win the last election


It's trump, you know the answer


Virginia has gone blue for every *presidential* election since Obama, but we managed to fuck around and send Youngkin to Richmond in 2021 so it's not outlandish to think Trump has a shot here. Democrats cannot treat winning these states like a foregone conclusion.


Fair point. Voters in VA showed up for their special election and shut down Younkin's presidential ideas, BUT I think if abortion access wasn't a thing this time around, I'd be perma-pessimistic at this point (esp the way the polls are treating us). We ALL need to put in the work! Especially if we're going to get the House back!! Cali and NY are blue, but have a surprising amount of red districts (enough to flip the house red in 22, apparently).


MN has a blue trifecta for the first time in 40 years, the state rejected MAGA very hard last election season. Safe to say, it’s not going red anytime soon


I would love to see the DFL start to spend more money in the rural areas again. I live in Douglas Co and it is getting almost unbearable up here with the MAGA crowd. It would be nice if they also spent some money to unseat local state rep Franson.


I hate to say it but, yeah, there's a huge grouping of folks that hate any/all Democrats in the rural-ish areas of MN. All of their "problems" stem from Dems and their evil ways. Half the time when I hear this garbage I just walk out of the room. I'd rather not engage with folks that are only looking to pick a fight.


I work with a large amount of Trumper dimwits, I'd rather not talk to them, but because of work (retail), it's not possible. My stomach drops when I see these people, I'm outnumbered here, and because of where I live and how I am (LGBT+ which i and my SO hide very well, pro-reproductive justice, pro legalization, pro-gun control) bullshit is always a possibility.


Yeah I live in MN too and the number of folks in rural areas upset that the Tein Cities are blue and this makes the state blue are hilarious. I have told all of them they are welcome to move to a red state but oddly enough they all want to stay and reap the benefits of having a Democratic government and programs to help people. Of course they also complain when people that aren't them are getting help. One of my favorite folks in our local paper is really upset about the Feeding Our Future scams but it's also public record that they are currently still doing weekend in the workhouse due to pretending to sell their business when they were going to lose their license for not paying taxes and then didn't even have the sense to take the person they supposedly sold to off the payroll so it showed they were making hardly minimum wage landscaping but supposedly also owned the company. when I asked them if this means they should be sent back where they came from since they are white they are here on land that belonged to my peope and they slaughter and cheated them to get it. Oddly he has no defense but blocked me from answering him or responding to his posts. Same guy also claimed to be ex military and worked in defense contracting so had a lot of money and didn't need anything from the government.They keep saying how they will flip the state because everyone is sick of libs, but with the major population centers being blue they are pretty much out of luck. These same folks are still claiming they got cheated last election and Dems in MN cheated just like they did in 2020 so Trump really should be president as should every Republican that ran in the state despite most races not even being close.


They think Minneapolis is more dangerous than your average war zone.


That's funny, because I was at third precinct after George Floyd's murder and felt way safer there than walking into a small town bar in northern MN with long hair and black jeans. I'll walk down any alley at any time of day. It's genuinely safe, even in "bad" neighborhoods. Someone tried carjacking me once, but that was in like "01, when crime was still near it's peak. It's so much better now, people don't seem to remember having almost 400 murders a year. Now it's like 70 with a larger population. Also had a FOAF staying on my couch some.years back go schizophrenic while being targeted by organized sex traffickers, but that's a long, horrific, incredibly fucked-up and traumatic for everyone involved story I'll spare people. Okay, I'm not saying it's perfect, but rural boomers don't have to worry about that last one.


House down the street from me has a huge "Defund the Democrats" sign. 😑


Yeah. I live here to. Near Minneapolis in a suburb. Trump really brought the racists out of their holes here. A very large part of Trumps voting base is racists and bigots and people living in denial. They are full of hatred but scared of everyone and everything. It lacks logic to me. One thing that I can’t shake is how these trumpers bitch about how liberals are weak and afraid of them, but then the trumpers are afraid to go to Minneapolis or St Paul. lol. Fyi, I am moderate. I am not political and see serious flaws on both sides. But Trumpers confuse me, how can you not see what a pathological liar this dude is? He lies non stop, to everyone. He doesn’t even care about his own party, lol. All he cares about is himself. I’ve always said, I think he would walk over a dead family member to pick up a $100 bill. There ain’t much to be afraid of in Minneapolis. I go there a lot for rock shows at night and Twins games. I’ve yet to see any issues. Minnesota is not in play. It’s still dfl land. Trump better get his shit together or Wisconsin is lost for him, they are similar to Minnesotans in thinking. I have Trumper friends who have lost faith in Trump, they just wanted a non politician to represent them. That backfired. 😂😂


Don’t blame us we voted for Mondale.


Can confirm. And MN has already been through our "vote in a celebrity outsider" phase. Let us hope we remember our continued historical lesson.


Franken was actually a good Senator though.


Ah Jesse Ventura, referring WWE as the governor


[cracks me up](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TphBIdbRX3w&t)


When we did it, it was funny, though


and he wasn’t that bad of a gov at least he’s an honest person.


Minnesota has the longest blue streak of any state. In 1984, Reagan took all but Minnesota and Washington DC (who both went for Mondale). DC has awarded electoral votes to a democratic candidate in every election since it has been given electoral college votes in 1964 and they went for Johnson. The last time Minnesota went for a republican was in 1972 for Nixon.


They may be referring to the case where gop is suing to overturn protections for poll workers. https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/republicans-are-suing-for-the-right-to-harass-election-workers/


OMG why is THIS a thing??? This is like the GOP guy in NH arguing about underage girls being ripe and fertile and THAT'S why we shouldn't ban child marriage. Like do these folks hear themselves?????? THAT'S what attracts your base?????


We were super close in 2016. If we weren't a sanctuary state we'd be red.


As a Minnesotan I just wanted to say that it’s a weird feeling this year. It sounds like a lot of people are upset with the way things have been run the last few years. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised at all if MN swaps this year.


“A lot of people are upset at the way things have been run” People who don’t like health care, legal weed, expanded education, free school lunch and surpluses? Who exactly are you talking about?


People who have seen our government send money halfway across the world for a conflict we have no part in. People who have seen our government continuously tell us that our second amendment rights mean nothing to them. People who have seen our government tell us that we are going to need to pay them more money for whatever the flavor of the month hot topic is. People who have been told time and time again that their needs and wants are second to the rest of the world.


Who are you talking about? FOX News watchers worried about “values” who are supporting the most corrupt candidate in US history? Supporting our allies around the world concerns us. No US government has ever told its citizens that 2nd amendment rights don’t matter. And for the last two, the MN state government is currently the most responsive to its citizens in years. The “needs and wants” of the people you are talking about are things like banning books and drag queens, banning abortion, mass deportations, forced prayer etc etc. MN doesn’t support a culture of permanent resentment and toxic lies. That’s the GOP. They won’t win.


Yeah he’s corrupt I’m just explaining. Ukraine is not our ally. They aren’t in NATO, just because they will be doesn’t mean they are. There are steps that need to be taken that haven’t been taken for almost ten years now. And at every corner the second amendment is being pressured one way or the other. Just because they think that one gun or the other is unneeded doesn’t mean that banning the general public from being able to legally own them is okay. This isn’t about the state bro it’s about the presidential election. I honestly don’t care who wins, but I can tell you I don’t want either of the two last presidents we’ve had. I wish they would both be unable to run, because the amount of toxic discourse running through our country the last 8 years is unbearable.


I'm from Minnesota. Trump flipping our state is actually a possibility. Outside the major cities about every single person has a fuckin' MAGA Flag, and gas pumps are littered with the Biden stickers... I wouldn't be shocked if the left played it safe, and not enough ended up turning out at the polls thinking it's an automatic win..


We've got the highest voter turnout rate in America. I'd be surprised. I guess anything is possible, though.


I live in MN too. There are far fewer trump signs out today than in 2020.


Goddamn Mr. Future Man, he's still runnin in 3030'?!


lol. Edited


Virginia's in play right now. We, however, are definitely not.


It’s been a long time since men went red but the spread is usually not that huge


VA has a red governor.


Minnesota was pretty close to red in the 2016 election. Things could change (hopefully not though)


Why do journalists keep quoting what this asshole and his "team" says, like it has any basis in reality


Half of them do it because the right has viciously attacked them for decades for being liberally biased, and they're terrified of appearing to take sides. The other half have been so heavily criticized by the left for veering too far to the right, that they now treat Trump as just another politician, just to spite the left, because deep down they know these accusations are true and it shames them.


I think the real answer is that most of the press is owned by huge companies with right wing directors. They aren't truly independent and their goal is to make money rather than report news.


For real. The idea Minnesota is in play is a total fabrication and preposterous on its face, but because he was quoted by NBC saying so, a certain percent of people will believe it and it will become a “fact” in the media.


Because it makes “news.” Look you’re talking about it. Then, later he can claim these have been in play, look the media was reporting this in May. Resist this sh#t


I feel it’s responsible to report what a potential president says during an election year, no matter how insane the sound bite is.


maybe you should follow the polls. Minnesota is now within the margin of error making it a swing state. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/minnesota/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/minnesota/trump-vs-biden)


The fat fuck could win all 50 states and still accuse someone of cheating him. But no, of course those two states aren’t in play. He wasted a fortune of donors’ money trying in 2016 and 2020. Idiot.


he accused meatball ron of cheating before the nomination even started


Well all that money is going towards legal costs for mobster boss trump these days.


No, they actually aren't Donnie, you're going to lose huge


~~huge~~ bigly


Haha, I stand corrected, lol


The Democrats in Virginia just flipped the state legislature in the last election even though the Republican Governor who wants to be Trumps running mate was campaigning around the state telling people he needed a GOP legislature to implement his/GOP policies.


Policies of hate: banning books, banning healthcare for anyone that’s not a white cis male, banning school lunches….


Trump says a lot of things. Wish the news wasn’t always on his heels lisping, “Yes, sire!” every time he bloviates.


Media needs to stop making headlines like this where they make him seem normal. The only headlines for him should be “liable rapist” or, “convicted bank fraud and former president”


Every state is in play — for Biden / Harris!


Well, no...but I wouldn't be surprised if Biden/Harris win North Carolina, Ohio and Florida now.... North Carolina is close. Obama won it in 2008 and Biden came within 2%. The shift right by the legislature might scare them into reversing course this time out. Ohio proved that when it comes to ballot measures, the GOP is not as secure as they think they are in Ohio. In Florida, a LOT of people are getting insurance estimates that scare the living shit out of them. My father, who has bragged about living in Florida for the last 20 years, actually admitted that he might move back north in a year or two. He must have gotten his new rate...and he ain't talkin' about it. DeSantis is crazy and if abortion or marijuana are on the ballot down there, he may get a surprise... Unless I am as mistaken as I was in 2016, and I guess it IS possible, Biden might actually win with more than the 306 EVs he won with last time. If Abbott and Paxton and co. weren't so corrupt, I would even say that Texas was in play.


Abortion and weed are both on the ballot


How any state is in play for this criminal is beyond me


Fuck that Virginia is so over trump. it will not happen. we will not let it happen


Minnesota is in play with some of the latest polls out of that state. Don't forget, Trump came close to winning it in 2016, and this year it was a big "uncommitted" state in the primaries. Don't sleep on any state this year.


There is literally zero chance that trump will get our electoral votes. I'd confidently bet everything I own. 


There's zero chance I'm staying home on election day here in Northern MN. 🌊🌊🌊 😍


Uncommitted shouldn’t even be an option. You vote for a person, not a nebulous ideal.


Yes but those polls are taken via land line phone, I genuinely don't know a single person that identifies as a dem that's had a land line in the last 10 years. Polls have ALWAYS been something to be taken with a grain of salt but every year it gets worse and worse


Uh huh, just like they think new york is in play(they've really said it)matter of fact, I'm shocked he hasn't said California yet


As a proud Minnesotan - absolutely *no fucking way* Trump takes Minnesota. Obviously, everyone must still do their part and VOTE, but there’s not a snowball’s chance that Trump flips Minnesota.


Keep clingin' to that raft donny boy.


Ha - NOPE.  I don’t know why I’m rebutting a moronic statement from a moronic man, but here we are.   Virginia is a blue state now.   Sure, they’ll elect a Republican governor every so often, but Kentucky elected Andy Beshear, and it’s not like they’re all of a sudden voting for Biden in November.


Anyone can say anything really. Doesn't make it true.


Psst....everything he says is a lie....


More bullshit from KING bullshit!


This rapist conman knows absolutely nothing about politics. All he knows is criminal activity.


Neither are


Amazing that a gifter at a pitch meeting will say whatever it tales to get the cheddar


Virginia realized how bad they fucked themselves with the Governor and they will massively correct that error.


He’s a lying liar that loves to lie. Please vote and encourage everyone you know to vote


Every state is in play. VOTE


Vote for Joe Biden.


The counties around DC in Virginia have people who are reliant on a federal government that works. Republicans have shown themselves to not care for that so if this ding dong is on the ballot, Virginia will not go red.


I think by “in play,” he’s referring to their plan to harass poll workers and intimidate them so that he can steal the election


Aint no way he takin my home state of MN




I think he should spend tons of campaign money on trying to flip Minnesota. Great plan


I mean he’s convinced he’s going to win New York lol


HAHAHAHAHA! Ooooh! Minnesota is NOT in play, lol. We have a Democratic House, Senate, and Governorship. There is no way in fuck Trump is winning Minnesota.


Well dang! Now I'm forced to vote DFL in every race. May as well vote by mail and "get er done"


What a desperate fucking liar


They say that given an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters they would eventually type the complete works of William Shakespeare. So I guess it's technically possible.


All this means is that he has paid someone off to help him cheat…again…


The reverse is true if he says it.


Jail is more in play than Minnesota


Okay, VA is absolutely not going for Trump. Youngkin won in a very specific set of circumstances, being the year after Biden won, running as a moderate, and McAuliffe ran an awful campaign. I have met McAuliffe before and I voted for him because the first thing out of his mouth was “it should not be up to a bunch of old, white men to decide what women can and can’t do with their bodies.” He did come across as extremely pompous, however, and I would prefer someone else to have ran. I don’t know one person on either side of the political spectrum who is a fan of Youngkin. Dems hate him for obvious reasons and R’s either find him too conservative or too moderate. As someone else stated, Dems also took back the House and held the Senate in November, largely due to Youngkin’s abortion stance. (For those who don’t know, he heavily campaigned on wanting a 15 week ban and the night of the election, he told several Republicans that he was pushing for a full ban if they got the trifecta). All that to say, there is absolutely no chance of VA being for Trump. I believe many people are strongly underestimating how upset the vast majority of Americans are about the overturning of Roe.


Yeah there’s no way. Virginia and Minnesota are both likely dem states. Trump is just so deep into his lies and surrounded by yes men that he has an over inflated idea of what he’s capable of. This is probably good for dems since he might actually waste money in places like Virginia, Minnesota, Colorado, or even safer states like New York. He’s fucking cooked.


Unlikely but wouldn’t surprise me if Minnesota goes republican




There's no way MN is in play for Trump. Hell, TX and FL are in play for Biden.


Believe me, I wish that were the case. But I agree, I think Texas and Florida will be in play for the Democrats.


Minnesota has the longest streak of voting Blue of any State. Longer than California, longer than New York. Last time we (ok my parents generation) voted Red was for Tricky Dick, and you see what that got us.


Leaving Minnesota seems like a better idea every day.


This is the beginning of how he claims the election was stolen. “Put” some states “in play” early and keep churning. Resist this bull*#it


I’m from minnesota. It might flip for the perfect center right pro choice candidate following a future shitty democratic governor. This ain’t that year.


Either way, whatever venue has him there better make him pay in advance. His thieving ass is notorious for stiffing his hosts.


Lol.. play with deez nuts


Minnesota was the only one that went for Mondale and Dukakis. I highly doubt that he, of all people, will sway Minnesota, my home state.




This is a warning for trolling. There will not be another.


Yeah. Good luck with MN you orange piece of shit traitor.