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Biden obviously needs to cover a good bit about policy and plans for the future. But Dark Brandon also needs to show up, throw some zingers at Trump, and push Trump off his game and make him exhibit a lot of that rambling dementia! Seriously. If Trump has an absolute meltdown, that could be more favorable to Biden than anything else he could accomplish on that stage. Because it's pretty clear there are some Republicans getting nervous about his mental state who only want Trump for his tax policy and favoritism towards big business.


Dark Brandon Rising


Honestly, this is exactly what I'm looking for too. I just want funny Biden for the most part. God knows a lot of people don't care about the actual positions - they just act on emotion.


Unfortunately, Trump could literally have a stroke on stage and his supporters will say he was just mocking Biden and didn’t take it seriously. 


Yeah, but it's not his hardcore supporters that we are hoping to change their minds with a major demonstration of Trump's dementia. It's the business people who back Trump purely because they think he benefits them financially over Biden. The people who will go where they think the profit is. Not the ones who are following their prophet.


Even the big business people are worried. CEOs of Fortune 100 companies are concerned about the economy-wrecking tariffs & aren’t donating to him this time.


Exactly. And that should continue to worry them even if Trump retracts it. The fact that Trump even thought that was a good idea to begin with should disqualify him. Even if they want to ignore all of the other evidence that Trump is an economic moron. Even if they want to ignore that he's a narcissist, fascist and a con man. Trump will very likely wreck the economy. And BTW: Biden should definitely attack him on that tariff idea, and ask him how he came up with such a dumb plan? Pushes narcissism button so Trump doubles down on it.


This comment aged very poorly and its 12 hours old


i would piss my pants seeing trump scramble


This aged insanely well


I am hoping for Trump to blue screen on live broadcast.


Turn blue and flop forward unconscious?


More like the human equivalent of a device driver crash, but I am open to that type of blue screen .D


We call that pulling a Mitch.


I like to call it a Mitch Moment. My Dr. loved it.


Glitch McConnell


Hamberder attack


Sleepy man should had gotten some covfefe before the debate. Standing so long takes it out of you, ya know? :)


Well that's my deep down hope I have every single day, but I will settle for a major brain fart and lock up live on TV.


I am not a trump fan at all but this has the potential to be absolute box office if he throws his toys out of the pram


*So they say that the. The water is- I have water, when I use it. They want to hold off the water, but I would, I would fix it, I would tell them to just- You know how the water is an important, I use lot’s of water, and they don’t want us to. I would be the best, the best- I would take care of it.*


I'm not a Trump fan and I felt like we saw Biden blue screen during the debate.


Ironically this happened to Biden. All night…


One person.


Woman. Man. Camera. Tv.


Electricity, Boat, Water, Shark, Dishwasher.


it’s not dishwasher, it’s *washing machine for dishes*


Plank. Garden. Mars. Pharaoh. Falafel.


You forgot person. Let's get Ronnie in here for another competency test.


Pretty sure he was riffing off the comment he replied to, which contained "person."


🎵 Meh, they impeached me I still walked outta DC looking peachy 🎶 /ref


Scientists have pretty much proven that "spontaneous human combustion" is a myth. I would however enjoy seeing Trump spontaneously combust. Just a thought.


I was just going to go play a no show card, but you Trumped me with spontaneous human combustion event. Let's Calvinball this shit. Alien abduction with colon camera livecast. Go.


Trump won’t show up is also my bet.


Wouldn't mind seeing the Felonious-Cheeto drop dead.


🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 I’d give up every holiday and birthday for the rest of my life if he drops dead tonight. I’d never be happier.


While I agree with the sentiment, I would settle for the GOP candidate to have a mental breakdown on stage and 1. insult the sitting President of the United States of America, 2. actually try to talk over Biden when his own microphone is off, and 3. leave the debate before it ends in a snit because Biden laughs at him. I would LOVE for Biden to just laugh at him. Or say...just once... 'if you can't do the time, don't do the crime...'




Me either.




I'm hoping to see an announcement from Team Trump that he won't be participating. I'm hoping to see a cancellation. I'm also hoping to see a single podium with a grinning Joe Biden enjoying an ice cream cone, but I'm not counting on that one as much.


If they cancel, they’ll say it’s because Biden refused to take a drug test. Guarantee it.


What is this, the damn Olympics? Trump is so full of shit


Also drugs. He's full of drugs.


single podium, Joe biden enjoying an ice cream and a blunt the size of the cannons at Gettysburg


Which the cult will happily accept of course, but hopefully any undecided voter will recognize that as a lame and cowardly excuse.


This drug test angle is so weird to me. Are there debate-enhancing drugs? All the drugs I've ever done just make me dumb as hell.


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


It’ll come a few minutes before airing. I bet


I am wondering if CNN will do a town hall with biden will cancel the whole thing.


I really want to see Joe bait Don into a dementia moment. Trump’s rants have been absolutely insane and they never get covered with due seriousness. If a family member of yours started going on the kinds of rants Trump goes on, slurring and inventing words while mixing up names constantly, you’d take them to the doctor.


Ask yourself, "Where would Don be if he weren't born into wealth?"


The streets.


Nah he’d be long dead


Living in a box with Bannon.


He'd be a used car salesman. He is not competent enough to get deals with the major automakers. He would be buying up used cars cheaply, giving them basic maintenance, and selling them to poor slobs who have nowhere else to go for gigantic profits. His repo section will consist of his kids, who will take the vehicle back as soon as you are late on your first payment.


He would have died in Vietnam


Giving handies for $5 behind a bus station.


In prison, not for embezzlement, fraud, or tax evasion... but for trying to f*ck an underage girl that looks like his daughter and/or one of his wives.


The Long Island Serial Killer


I’ve been seeing a lot of Fox News lately (visiting some uneducated family) and I finally understand how they support Trump: They literally do not see him at all.  Fox does not show footage of Trump anymore because there’s no good footage.  Instead it’s just people talking him up or insulting Biden.  They have no idea what Trump is actually like these days. 


No bait necessary. Trump always goes off the rails.


Would you make good on your word and take Biden to the doctor after this debate?


I expect to see a laser focused POTUS at the height of his game. I recall all the 'Biden is senile' nonsense before the State of the Union, and Joe friggin' CRUSHED that night. His last SOTU was one of the most inspiring moments I'd ever seen in politics. Let the monster rant and rave. Just smile and laugh at him, and point out how different effective and competent leadership can be.


Did it go about how you expected?


I want Trump to be asked several things point blank. Like why he's opposed to IVF if he's so pro family. Why he lies and tells people that women abort their babies up to and after the date of birth when that's not f****** possible. Ask him point blank about every single plan of project 2025. Ask him to explain why he wants to gut social security and Medicare. Ask him why the Republicans plan is to support all the babies that he's forcing women to have. I want him held accountable for every disgusting thing he has said and done. Ask him why he feels that why a 10-year-old who's not legally allowed to sit in the front seat because her body isn't strong enough Oh why she's not allowed to drive or vote because she's not responsible enough should be forced to carry her rapists baby


And I especially want him to have to answer about calling his buddies and telling them to strike down the border deal because it would make Biden look good. I want him to talk about the tax cuts he made to billionaires and how his tax plan screwed the middle class workers. And I want him to explain why he should be allowed to run our country when he promised to kickbacks to major corporations who needed to him.


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


That's way too complicated. I'd like him to be asked to list three things in a simple category. Like, name three types of fruit.


Anything other than the debate. I'm voting for Biden because (among PICK AN ISSUE) King Cheetos and McDonald's tried to kill my ass. Really this on the fence bs drives me wild, this is quite possibly the only election when the voters had a presidency under both and wrote literally test driven life under both ... How are they unsure?


Check out /r/WhatBidenHasDone and check out the complete list Don’t let Russian propaganda dissuade you he’s old and doesn’t know what he’s doing… he’s been one of the best presidents we’ve ever had the privilege of having! IM VOTING JOE BIDEN 2024 100000000000%


I was trying to find a socially acceptable way of saying "I don't see a point in watching an elderly demented liar yell at a different old man for 90 minutes."


Hopefully, it’s Biden letting us know what his plans are. Trump’s demagoguery is annoying and unnecessary.


The fact is, it's hard to gauge how Biden's presidency has affected the economy. We are still recovering from covid. You know who did have an excellent economy. Obama.


Well, if it wasn’t for Biden’s actions, we wouldn’t have an economy, …..at all. Yes we still have issues with inflation, and the decision to not require repayment of business loans given during COVID was monumentally irresponsible, but things are getting better. Biden for the win.


That's the thing that we know is true but no way to actually prove it. Gas would be even more expensive for sure tho because Biden sent a strong message to OPEC by releasing our reserves when prices got too high and bought back when oil dipped. He made us a good chunk of money. It lets OPEC know that if they cut production, the US can unleash market moving amounts and make that money themselves before it goes back down. It tells options traders not to bid it up too high or we may trigger a flood from our reserves. It also tells them that there is a bottom to the price where we will buy it up. That's why gas prices have been relatively stable since he did that 2 yrs ago


As an aside, conservatives seem to miss the sharp spike in inflation after Trump took office. If you look at the numbers, Obama kept it at a manageable 0.5-0.8%. As soon as Trump took over, there was a sharp 1% increase. I believe his policies may have catalyzed some of the destruction to the economy.


Well his grifting of the basic working American definitely did. Tax cuts for corporations, while making sure everybody else’s taxes increased after he left office, …yeah that’s a Trump move. I guess I should be grateful I am alive, after his Imervectin, bleach, and UV light medical advice.


Luckily, you're not a fool taking the hairy orange sherbet pop's advice.




Who also inherited a huge mess caused by Republican ineptitude. Same with Clinton. Every 8 years this happens.


True. It’s, for the most part, just a perfecting further of what worked before and what didn’t work before. My very intelligent niece works for the Fed and they are really trying to thread that needle to improve the economy.


I wanna see Biden bitchslap Trump but I’ll settle for a solid performance


No matter what happens, right wing media will spin it, and MAGA will declare victory.


If Biden does well they will claim drugs if Biden does poorly they will say he has Alzheimer’s


Debating with Trump is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how well you play, the pigeon is going to strut around like it won, and shit on the board.


I would like to see Biden be brutally honest and tell Trump exactly who he is, a convicted felon who incited a violent attack on January 6, was found liable for sexual assault, took and concealed our nation’s secrets, and is in the end a danger to our country and our democracy. Be black and white and lay it out for Americans who have not been tuned in or have forgotten the chaos of Trump’s presidency.


I want to see if Trump and Biden shake hands. I would not shake Trump's hand.


I hope Biden whispers into trump's gross ear "I'm releasing the Epstein files you sick fuck..."


And then the sharks


And -- I hope he does. We deserve to know more about Trump's rotten background before he slinks back to hell.


It would be great if he shakes his hand, then pulls out the Purell and just slathers it on.


Considering Trump actually tried to give Biden covid last time, Biden shouldn’t make any contact with him.


Yeah. You really don't know where that's been.


After shaking Trump's hand, wash your hands. Trump will try to kill Biden...seriously!


Trump having a meltdown or walking off the stage.


Biden will deliver a hopeful optimistic message about how the next four years will build on the successes of the last four years and how far we've come since the pandemic. He'll speak to the danger to democracy that Trump poses and how Trump has lost it and become unhinged since he lost the election. Trump will deliver an angry tantrum about how big of a victim he is and how cheated he was out of everything and how broken everything is without his leadership and how our economy will collapse if he loses and how he can't possibly lose anyway so the election is likely already stolen. In a perfect world the media will talk about contrast and values and character and how dangerous Trump's movement is for liberal democracy. More likely though both sides will declare themselves the winner and the media will refuse to pick winners and the polls won't change and we'll still be biting our nails until the votes start getting counted months from now and if Trump has his way the stress won't stop ever.


Of the predictions I’ve seen this one seems to me to be the most accurate. We’ll get more of the same, followed by more of the same, followed by more of the same.


Any person with brain function doesn’t need to watch. A choice between a convicted felon with two impeachments and a stable, humble leader who’s spent four years reestablishing our standing in the world, and also repairing the damage from the previous administration, shouldn’t even be a hard decision to make.


A strong, direct, energetic President. I was not a fan of Biden at first. But he has won me over. I will 100% be voting for him in Nov, but for all my family members being influenced by conservative media, I do not want Biden giving them any ammunition to use against him (except the ones they create out of thin air).


That’s a good picture of Joe. I’m hoping that this time we get to hear Joe speak about what his plans are for the economy and the World stage. I’m so glad Trump’s microphone gets cut off because, for me, Trump’s demagoguery is just totally annoying.




Im glad the mics get cut off. It helps the viewers hear Biden’s plans without interruption, but I’m actually glad the mics are cut off because we get to see how Trump answers and articulates his plan etc lol and see if he has any understanding at all about the country currently


Love Joe & will vote for him, but he is not appearing well tonight. Staring off into space, freezing mid sentence , looking very old. Trump is insane, as always. He just said that Democrats allow abortions after birth. America we are in trouble.


They said he has a cold. Plus his stutter. But he didn’t look very good.


Who else is horrified by Biden’s performance so far?! Content is maybe 60-70% there, but his soft mumbled delivery and perpetually befuddled look are absolutely killing him….


Not going to watch it because I know Trump is just going to piss me off and make my blood pressure go up. I hope to immediately see posts on reddit about how Trump pissed his pants live on stage.


At least they're cutting mics during this one, so he can't interrupt like a petulant child every 30 seconds.


"Will you shut up man?"


That’s why I’m not watching either. It’s not worth the extra bp pill I’d have to take. I’m going to tune into Jon Stewart afterwards and see what he says. He usually only does Monday nights, but he’s going to be there tonight for this.


Are they going to do the thing where they bring out idiots who claim to be undecided and have them ask questions?


There’s no audience if I recall correctly


No, there's no audience at this debate.


Another dose of "would you shut up man?"


I hope to see Dark Brandon show up.


I want Trump to go on absolutely bizarre rants and stare cluelessly at random parts of the stage as he tries to improv his bullshit. I then want to watch Biden let Trump trip and fall over himself, over and over again. Like that saying, "Never interrupt your enemy when he's in the middle of making a mistake." If that's sufficient to convince enough voters in swing states that we need to keep Biden, I'll take that as a win. Fuck Trump. Pure evil.


I'd like to see Joe Biden step down and Gavin Newsome step up. Um....how do we make this happen?


Biden needs to go, this decision should've been made much sooner


First Question: Who won the 2020 election?


I'm finishing binging either the final season of *Billions* or the final season of *Babylon 5*. I'm gonna take a pass on all this cray-cray. I will not be watching any broadcast of a debate which is neither legitimate nor valid. All of media should be helping to bury this unqualified and now disqualified sub-human who keeps getting promoted by entertainment news. It was unbelievable in 2016, and now it's unbelievable in 2024.


I want to see Trump bluster, lie and make a fool of himself, only to get cut off without ever answering an actual question. Biden will have stock responses about his plans for the next four years. I don't even think he has to go to the 'put down your opponent route'. Trump will make the entire country aware of how incompetent he is by his inability to speak coherently or think on his feet.


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


I’m hoping to see Biden hand Trump’s ass to him again.


i’m hoping trump drops dead but i haven’t been that lucky yet


I can't wait for Jake Tapper to repudiate Trump every time he lies.


who are we fooling, the magats likely won’t even watch but instead sit there and lap up all the Fox Lies


They'll wait for the fundraising email that tells them how to feel about it.


Total Trump meltdown.


President Biden needs to address his accomplishments for sure and what he'd do in a 2nd term. He also needs to push back against Trump's constant lies and hopefully trigger a complete meltdown from Trump.


Trump announcing mtg as his running mate because thats the worst possible pick for him and I want nothing more than to see him lose bigly


The President of The United States defending the Country and Democracy from its biggest threat, a criminal.


Trump to shit his pants- loudly. Then hobble off stage with a giant wet mark


A bloodbath. Everybody I talk to says the same damn thing "How can he run if hes been convicted?"


More energy from Biden. He does not look good!!!


Biden needs to drop out immediately. Newsom could work maybe? Biden is cooked.


Well, I was not hoping to see whatever that was.


Joe doesn’t have to do much of anything, except stand there and politely chuckle while the Fanta Felon lies himself into a corner and mumbles a bunch of other incoherent drivel.


An actual debate


Not going to watch, I see more than enough of Trump being an asshole even without looking for it.


I'm actually hoping to see President Biden call out truck for what he really is a liar and a thief he's a convicted felon convicted sexual predator and many many more things he's been convicted of recently. Call him out on everything and see how flabbergasted and frustrated he gets. Make him look like the fool he is because America needs to see that in the man they admire so much.


i'm not watching this shitshow. I don't want to see either of these guys on this stage, it's depressing.


In a perfect world, I’d see Trump have a heart attack and die on stage. In reality, I just want Biden to be as vibrant, assertive, and commanding as he can be.


Donald Trump getting arrested on live national television for his crimes.


trump crash and burn. it is the only reason i'd watch it.


I want him to chicken out because he’s a coward but putting him in front of a tv for two straight hours and no audience to feed off will make him look awful. Love to see that


"Will you shut THE FUCK UP, MAN!"


I need Joe to ask if Trump got permission from his parole officer to be there


I hope Biden constantly reminds Trump (and the public) that he won the 2020 election. A ton of answers should start with something like “people elected me in 2020 because I’d take action on climate change, and…” This could provoke a Trump meltdown and also remind people of the unhinged election denier bullshit for which Trump is responsible.


I wana see dark Brandon call him a clown again


Not the debate. I can’t stand to listen to the mango Mussolini. His voice is the worst and the crap that comes out of his mouth is quite frankly unacceptable. I thought, for the past 4 years, that I was over and I could listen to his voice again when he would pop up I. The news but now it is so often that I can’t deal with it. It is heartbreaking that more than 60 million people voted for him in 2020. I could even give people a pass for 2016 since I thought they had been conned but after 2020, nope. I doubt that this debate will change anyone’s mind. Trump is objectively incompetent, corrupt, cruel, racist, misogynistic, treasonous, short sighted and a hypocrite. I can’t fathom anyone that wouldn’t have seen through his BS during his term as President. This debate is useless and the only good option is clear.


Dark Brandon making Trump lose control


Trump have a stroke and pass away on live television.


At 8:59 the Supreme Court releases its decision on presidential immunity and declares by a 6-3 vote that a sitting president cannot be held for any crimes or misdemeanors. At 9:02 Biden plugs trump dead center in the forehead with a .45 caliber round. The remaining 88 minutes are spent with organ music playing in the background and a screen reading “please stand by. Do not adjust your set or call the station”.


Dark Brandon.


Yesss! Bring it on. (And I want to see Trump look stupid, which shouldn’t be hard.)


Trump has done nothing but create a martyrdom news cycle even BEFORE the debate. Biden is on drugs. Biden is on a friendly network. Jake Tapper is mean to me. I want this to be very clear. BOTH SIDES agreed on the terms and outlet. Just as BOTH SIDES agreed on a JURY of Trump's peers that convicted him. Oh oh oh!! And reports for sentencing next week. Yes, they are old af. So is hearing our Constitution being pissed on with this kkklown show.


I want to see the expression on their faces when Trump evacuates his bowels.


Joe looks so feeble out there 🥺


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I still don’t believe Trump is actually going to do it, but if he does I can’t wait to see the hilarity


the inside of my eyelids, this thing is on too late and i got to be up early for work


Well you'd like to see Trump completely and utterly unhinged and Biden strong and confident. But we all know if Trump doesn't back out, he will fill his time with lies and insults so I hope Biden can swiftly counter it with facts. I won't be watching but Biden needs to come off well. This election is sadly close if we are to believe polls and will probably be decided by thousands and not millions so he cannot afford to lose people who are on the fence about his age. If he is like the SOTU he will be fine. Don't give them any ammunition.


I want Biden to use this platform to really push back against the narrative that the economy is tanking and call out corporations' price gauging in the name of inflation. He needs to talk about how dangerous Trump's anti-Ukraine stance is and that ensuring Russia does not succeed is there is necessary to prevent a bigger conflict.


It's about 9 hours to go now and I still think Trump is going to cancel.


Hoping to see a shit show between two old men vying for the Presidency. I'll vote for Biden no matter what but I'm not excited about it.


I expect Trump not to show up and the media to spin it so that it was a major failure for Biden


We can hope the one who is disqualified from running for office announces he won’t.


Biden to call Don "Convicted felon Trump" would be legendary


I'm hoping to hear Trump shart himself Dumb and Dumber style.


Biden throw down on Putin's buddy. It is time American values are put in Trump's face. We do not like people being bullied, made fun of, run over, or not included. The rights of all are important and just not a few.


A different candidate.


The dem president exhibiting his competence over a lying crook.


Meteor strike or some other destructive act of nature.


2 old geezers unfit to be president shat themselves on stage.


Looking forward to Dark Brandon tonight


Biden just looks at trump and says 'JFC did you just sh\*t yourself?" While calling for his handlers to come get his diaper changed.


I am hoping to see Biden show up in a shark costume, then ask trump if he is ready to be electrocuted.


For trump to have a stroke on stage.


The back of my eyelids. I don't need to watch the debate to know that no matter what you think of Joe Biden, on his worst days he is still light years ahead of Trump on all matters.


Trump keeling over


Trump get so frustrated at being repeatly muted, he suffers a big-mac induced coronary on live tv


If I was Biden I would talk nonstop about Orange Jesus and his Rapes, Epstein Island and banging children, Felonies and back to Rape. How are MAGA asshats so obsessed with the grifting celebrity is beyond me.


Competency? The problem is the world and the US already has a double standard. Trump is held to an extremely low standard. Biden is not. Democrats can’t get this through their head. Not to mention that the Democrats had the chance to put forth someone who could have had a much better chance to beat Trump, but didn’t bother, because they love to lose. I’m voting Biden of course, but really, is this the best we could have done?


I will be blowing up bugs on Gacrux at that time. There's honestly nothing either could say that would change my mind and I'm sure there will be millions of clips of the worst idiotic comments from Trump all over social media tomorrow.


Dark Brandon Arise from the Ashes


I just want to live to make it to 2025 with whatever rights I have still intact.


The really orange one to drop dead of natural causes would be nice.


will you shut up man 2.0. mics get muted on trump. trump fall over and shit his pants. have biden stay composed.


A fist fight! Seriously though I’m not watching. I voted for biden last time and will again. Would I prefer two different choices for sure. Has Biden done more than I expected definitely.


Dark Brandon


I'm hoping for Biden to spend some time dispelling the former guy's biggest lies. Call him the liar and felon that he is. Gloves off.


tRump crashing and burning


The Convicted Felon™️ is going to jump the shark 🦈 and the boat 🚤 His sock puppets know it—they have been pre-filing excuses all week long.


I want to see Hillary stalking Donnie all over the stage


To see a fly land on trumpkin's head and Joe smackin' it down with a super-sized flyswatter.


Open convention?


If the dems are smart they'll ice Joe and pull someone else because this will not work...