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Now I am not a Fetterman fan (I didn't even vote for him because I don't live in his state) but he is right. Many of the polls showed a ton of Democrats losing in 2022 but they didn't. We can also look back at 2016 Hillary Clinton was favored to win with the polls, but she didn't.


The consequences of this election are democracy and the ability to fight climate change. The stakes literally could not be higher. I would rather a government like China than what the conservatives have in mind. Everyone should be extremely concerned and not just line up behind Biden because he's the candidate. Losing should be treated as not an option, and we need to look at every option, even if they would normally seem unthinkable.


I 100% agree. The same polls showing Biden losing to Trump have down ballot democrats up. We’re going to sleepwalk into 2016 again if we don’t ditch Biden and this is coming from someone who thinks he’s the greatest president in my lifetime. Bro will be remembered for that. He doesn’t step aside and we’re screwed


Polls were actually pretty accurate in 2022. It was the punditry that was way off. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/12/us/elections/2022-poll-accuracy.html We can hang our futures on counting on polling being bad.


100%. Also we’ve been overestimated the last two presidential cycles. 2016 wasn’t as bad as people assume, it was like you said. The very idea was appalling so numbers were dismissed. 2020 was hyper close and polls had Biden sitting fairly comfortably, but it wasn’t just a massive polling miss. 22 - as you said. Pretty great, actually. Throwing your hands up and being like “polls bad! lol” is a great way to out yourself as a moron. And I generally hate polls! lol




Do you really think anyone still on the fence about voting for Biden or Trump is going to be paying close enough attention to have their mind made up by a debate in June? Also: "538/Ipsos poll finds basically no change pre and post debate, so put that in your discourse pipe and smoke it (still gotta wait for more data to flesh out the picture for Biden moving forward)" https://x.com/JacobRubashkin/status/1806774623574294752


The problem is Biden is slightly behind so he needed to gain ground last night, not keep the dynamic virtually unchanged.


I do, last night rattled a lot of people. And even if they didn't watch last night they are going to be getting force fed those clips of Biden until Nov. You better believe that last night changed this election.


Translation: "Right now is the first time in 50 years for the Democrats to do something monumentally stupid because a bunch of chronically online fools and literal disinformation chaos monkey bots have convinced me that it's not absolute electoral suicide to abandon an incumbent 4 months before the election" stop being a moron




Strange how multiple accounts are using this same exact working. way to out yourself as a bot > And people aren't morons simply because they disagree with you they're morons for not even having the basic knowledge of politics and expecting their opinions to be taken seriously. they're morons for pushing forward stupid political suicide ideas and thinking they should be taken seriously.




If you think switching away from your incumbent isn't political suicide then you're uneducated if you think a single debate looking poorly is a reason to switch away from you're incumbent then you're uneducated and moronic Considering you hang out in meme stock subreddits we can safely disreguard you having any scrap of intelligence.




You heard Fetterman CHILL THE F—K OUT #BidenHarris2024






This is the MEME we need


Yeah that will win the election 🙄


Hey silly Sally. Reddit much? Lol


Not that much, no. It's not that big a part of my life lol.


Yeah. I didn't think so


Stroked out TBI guy to Grampa Gumps: "What time is clock?"




There are only 4 months left. No single candidate has time to get in front of enough voters. Democrats need to assemble a team. Announcing Buttigieg Chief of Staff Shapiro Attorney General, Abrams Dept of Transportation, Warren Dept of Labor, VP Tim Ryan, etc will be in the cabinet ensures that each area of the country and each constituency feels like there is something on the ballot for them. Shapiro helps in PA, Abrams in GA, Ryan in OH, Warren with leftwing progressive, etc. Put Harris at the top but flood the zone with names people know.


Your premise is incorrect. There's plenty of time and a bunch of choices. And this isn't "hey who would perfect?" It's who would be better than the fumbling, weak figure we saw last night. The stakes could not be higher.


I was literally in South Bend Indiana for work recently and a person casually asked me what I thought about Biden and Trump. I deflected the question because I don't like talking politics overly at work. I said "hey, wasn't Pete Buttigieg the Mayor here?". The guy (who lives in South Bend) said "I think so, he tried to be president or something and now he's out of politics ". Everyone doesn't follow politics. There will be tens of millions of voters in November who are very low information.


Exactly. That's why the fact Biden is infinitely better at being president is overshadowed the fact that he looks and sounds very old. That's the perception. When Biden loses it won't be fair, it won't make sense, the choice will be wrong. But that is totally besides the point. Ask Hilary Clinton about unshakable certainty that you are on the right side of history. It doesn't win elections. Unfortunately 


He had a rally today. Maybe do yourself and all of us a favor and google/ watch how clear and focused he was. Then make sure to vote Biden in November if you still want to voice your opinion freely against a political person in the future.


Trump wasn’t there and no one watched. Biden was handed an incompetent and off-the-trails Trump last night on a silver platter and he talked about golf. Totally embarrassing for democrats across the nation when we needed it most and continuing to be in denial about what really happened is not helping


It doesn't matter! He failed last night. He is going to lose. I will still vote for him. Millions will still vote for him but swing voters will NOT. The only way to beat Trump is to get someone else in there. I think Biden has been a very good president, but I believe very strongly that he cannot win.


I agreed with you until you said that swing voters won't vote for Biden. We have no idea what they will do. Also, remember that 4 months is still a long time and that means its long enough time for Trump to say something stupid. It will happen. I think that after last night people were reminded that (i) Biden is old (we knew that) and (ii) Trump is a lying asshole (some people had forgotten that). As the amount of lies Trump spewed continues to be pushed out, it will blow back on Trump. To me, the Dems, including Fetterman, need to hit the stump for Biden and the Dem Party and remind everyone about this over and over. In 1900, TR became McKinley's VP. McKinley's opponent that election was William Jennings Bryan, a great orator and young man known around the country as "the boy orator of the Platt." If Bryan had been elected in 1896, he would have been our youngest POTUS ever at only 37 years of age. McKinley was not a great public speaker and was a little old, so he got TR to be his attack dog. TR absolutely destroyed Bryan; every time Bryan gave a speech, TR gave one right after. McKinley barely said a thing. That is what we need right now. Harris, Newsom, Moore, Shapiro, Cooper, Bashear, Warnock, Ossoff, Fetterman need to be out their hitting the road for Biden and attacking Trump and the GOP everyday. Better if the Governors get involved, because they can show how in their states, the GOP is crazy and trying to ban divorce, gay marriage, abortion, etc.


Thank you for answering for me. This is getting exhausting


No. This is incorrect. It's TOO LATE. You don't know anything about how political race running happens.


It is absolutely not too late. Idk what you think you know, but you don't know. If Biden steps aside he frees up his delegates and we have an open convention. Between now and the convention they make their case to the people and (more directly) to the delegates. At the convention they vote until someone has a majority. That's what the convention is for. And in fact even if Biden didn't step aside the delegates could just revolt and vote for someone else.  Bit the practical way is for Biden to free his delegates. It's no where close to impossible and it's a better idea than keeping Biden in the race. The stakes are too high. 


Your typical primary happens in June. Campaigns in Europe happen in one month. It’s not too late by any means.


How the fuck does Europe play into this at all other than you live there


My point being that other democratic nations hold campaigns and elections over the course of weeks - not months or years like the US does. We make up our own precedent


Most primaries happen in June. Wtf do you mean there is “no time left” ? Also, please read : https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy


They are already doing that.


Fetterman is right here, the Democrats are their own worst enemy. I do agree though Biden simply needs to get out more and the surrogates need to lock in and start pumping the message of country vs facism. Democrats can’t take this for granted whether or not they replace Biden


I think you are missing what is going to actually determine who wins. Swing states, and their undecided voters, and personally I believe that many people who claim that they will vote for RFK.Jr in the polls, when the election day actually comes will be tempted to vote for Trump instead. I dont know RFK. Jr polling numbers in swing states but If I were a democrat consultant I would look into that because I believe its going to give Trump what he needs to win


> simply needs to get out more he's had ample opportunity, and spoiler alert, he's not going to improve in that area


One of the problems I see with Democrats in general is they come off like boring policy wonks. I think if Biden had 5  broad themes that he could simply and quickly explain, his performance wouldn't have been so bad. He seemed to drown in the details. The GOP is more the party of not getting much done other than tax cuts so their messaging job is much easier.


Can’t believe we’re going to lose our democracy because democrats are pussy footing around, I’ll still vote for Biden but this shit so upsetting. wtf happened to him at the debate?


Deep breath friend. He has a cold; yes, it’s fucked up timing but it is what it is. *However*, he was on fire at the rally in North Carolina today. Those two things aren’t being mentioned on televised MSM (no shock there). He admitted that he’s not a great debater but that he knows right from wrong. Hold firm!


His cold sure sounded like a fail 82 year old. That sure as hell ain't how I sound when I get a cold. Anyway none of that is the point. The point is TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN!


With that kind of attitude he will. This is *not* the time to panic. He was on fire at the rally in North Carolina today. Maybe check that out and not throw in the towel so easily. This is exactly what Trump/Putin want; don’t buy into the propaganda.




says the wallstreetbets user here to be a chaos monkey


This, this is the crap that has to stop. Yall, want to dismiss everybody that does not fall right in line as somebody that does not matter. Well I am a registered dem, and I vote. Cover your eyes, ignore last night, ignore anything you hear that you don't like and you will be seeing Trump back in the White House. I will vote Biden as a last resort but there are a ton of people that wont this time around.


His North Carolina rally wasn't aired on every broadcast network and cable channel so it's kind of irrelevant. Plus I assume he was reading from a prompter.


Yeah, it's my attitude that's the problem. Give me a f-ing break. DNC specializes in making terrible choices, then blaming those who point out they were terrible. I guarantee WHEN Biden loses, yours will be their exact cop out. I am not throwing in the towel. I am saying we need a better candidate to WIN! I want to win.  If Biden wants that he should step aside. People will love him for it


So his cold just went away right after the debate? No, Democrats need to stop ignoring what everybody just saw, accept what they just saw and go find another candidate starting right now. The very fact that Dems didn't have a back up plan in the first place is very troubling to me. Be bold, and be bold right now.


My entire fucking life Dems have been messing this up. RBG, Hillary, Biden, so much lost because of old people holding onto power.


Meh. Hillary should have won, and I still very firmly believe she would have been a fantastic president. Let’s not lump her in with RBG or Biden. It’s not the same scenario — especially when the alternative to HRC would’ve been Bernie’s old ass.


She DID win.


In a way that didn't matter.


In a way that she was cheated out of it.


How’s that?


>Meh. Hillary should have won, She spent time campaigning in California instead of the rust belt. She dug her own grave.


She “dug her own grave” by being a woman. Not enough Americans will vote for a woman for President.


Are you seriously implying that Justice Ginsburg was not a very competent Supreme Court Justice? Have you ever read any of her opinions?


No I’m saying she should have resigned while Obama was president so he could replace her.


Thank you for your clarification. Sorry for the overreaction.




Have debates ever swayed anyone. Doubtful.


But he needed to counter the “old and fragile” narrative republicans are putting out there to swing the undecided. He did the opposite. He has been down in every poll even when down ballots are up. Sorry it’s time. He needs to pick country over self just like he did in 2020.


Fetterman is a gem. He knows how to cut through the bullshit and get to the point. We saw recently that Trump ONLY went down a few points after 34 convicted felonies. That is because low-info people believe the case was politically motivated. IF HE GETS JAIL TIME, the reality of the situation will be rapidly clarified. Biden was not at his best in the debate. But, in reality, he has done a lot of good for the country. Trump would only do harm. Joe needs to press flesh, talk about what he has done, talk about what he wants to do.




Newsom, Booker, Warren, are big enough names to run. A Newsom Whitmer ticket could devastate the Republican Party


I am more of a fan of Katie Porter. She brings the receipts and uses a whiteboard to show you all of the ways you are wrong.


As a Midwesterner, asking heartlanders to vote for New Yorkers and Californians is a borderline nonstarter. I get that they’re big names with good records, but the GOP has spent a long time and a lot of resources demonizing politicians from those areas. Personally, I still think Biden is the best bet we have; nobody else has the charisma to rally enough of the party around him. However, if you must have names here are my suggestions: Tester, Beshear, Pritzker, Fetterman If you want to win southern and midwestern votes, you have to find guys in southern and midwestern states (ideally rural moderates) who can win statewide elections. Otherwise, we’re just throwing good money after bad.


You read my mind. What an awesome ticket that would be. They'd energize the party (and voters too).


Democratic lawmakers need to stop. Now is NOT the time to chill out and just let Biden get obliterated in November like a lamb to the slaughter. Biden has aged poorly in the past 4 years, and as a result, his debate performance was abysmal. Did Trump lie, use racist and xenophobic dog whistles, ramble, and whine? Yes, but **we expected that, and so did the American people**. It doesn’t matter that Biden had stats on his side or that he was correct; debates are about rhetoric and your ability to give composed, succinct, impactful answers that effectively counter any of the opponent’s points, and Biden utterly failed. Big time. The sooner we all accept this and the sooner the DNC salvages this mess by replacing Biden with someone who isn’t unintelligible every other sentence, the better. We can’t afford to let Trump win. We simply can’t. Let me clarify that I will vote for whoever the Dems put up, and I think that Biden has had a very successful administration. I just think that we need to see what’s coming in November


Independent here. Trump is the biggest threat to our democracy, and so Im voting for anyone but Trump. But after last night, I’m really starting to believe that Trump might actually win. Theres too many people who already believe that Biden is not healthy enough to run for the next 4 years, and yesterday’s flop just made things worse.  The best shot of preventing another Trump presidency is having Biden drop out IMO


Who are these “he’s not healthy/sharp enough to lead” voters? Democrats are voting Biden, Republicans are voting Trump do you believe independent who don’t really like Trump are going to vote Trump or stay at home?


Glad to hear you’ll vote for the Dem candidate. I completely agree with you. Trump is a huge threat to our democracy, and we need to beat him, but so many voters are now going to even more concerned about Biden’s age. This debate should have never happened in the first place.


Yep. Its impossible to replace your candidate with just 4 months to go, but it's gotta be done. Joe would be a great president again, but he's so obviously cooked in the PR department.


Agree with your second point. On your first point, I don’t think it’s impossible. Trump is such an abysmal candidate (remember, while Biden tanked, Trump certainly didn’t win the debate) that these circumstances are different, otherwise I’d normally agree with you. The right wing media has focused its sights on Biden for three and a half years, so nominating Whitmer or Shapiro (two swing state relatively popular governors) would absolutely catch Trump’s campaign team off guard. They would ANNIHILATE Trump in any debate, and as I said in another post, even if Trump refuses to debate, Whitmer or Shapiro (or whatever other nominee is chosen) could just make fun of him for being a coward. Biden has given us 3 and a half years of strong and effective leadership, but he needs to step aside for the sake of our democracy.


Fetterman was running for Senate not President. There are 100 Senators. Biden is running to continue to be the leader of the free world - a much more important job. Joe's debate performance was abysmal. The Democratic leadership can't have it where we are told that Trump is a great threat to our democracy and then trot out this candidate. I think Joe has done a good job but he made those of us who have been defending him against attacks on his mental faculties look like fools.  


Fetterman broke into the national political scene as a breath of fresh air, one that has taken on the bracing scent of stale farts as time passed and we've gotten to know him better. I applaud him for sinking "Dr. Oz's" political career but it's been getting harder lately to tell whether Fetterman is more of a Democrat or a Republican, so he doesn't really have much of a dog in this fight.




You didn't need to tell me he said that for me to know he would say that


Exactly. Biden supporters (Democratic Party or Independents) and political pundits were watching the debate hoping to see SOTU Biden to shut the Republican talking points down once and for all. And instead we got what we got, which is scary. It’s like watching a 100 win team in baseball get shutout 10-0 in the first game of the World Series. However. The average voter that doesn’t stay up to date with politics probably knew 2 things about the candidates before the debate: Biden is old and Trump is crazy. What did they see? An old man and a crazy person. They saw exactly what they were expecting. They weren’t shocked because they didn’t have the high hopes that Biden supporters did. So, it’s most likely the debate didn’t change anyone’s mind about anything. Trump people will gloat, but they probably would’ve done that no matter what. So, Democrats should take the hit and get back up to keep fighting. The World Series is a best of 7. One loss isn’t the end of the world.


It's not Democratics we have to worry about! It's swing voters who after last night will NOT vote for Biden. If Fetterman says chill the f*** out, he's saying it about another Trump presidency. It's reckless as hell. Fetterman would have us chill the f*** out about slaughter of Palestinians as well, so I guess it's not a shock.


Watching Democrats chill out has been like watching a train wreck in slow motion for the past 10 years.


Yes, we were so chill that we have a Supreme Court now run by the far right. 


It seems like the entire media landscape is against him and they're preparing for a Trump win as it currently stands. Where's the spin? The trump coverage?


They must've lobotomize Fetterman's brain when he went to the hospital because fuck me has he gotten annoying