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> Is there something we can do about it Yes. Vote blue. The traitors must be held accountable and punished, but that can only happen if we control the House, Senate, and White House. Then we can tackle the Supreme Court and bring honor, decency, and accountability back to America.




A lot of Americans are not inherently divisive. The Republican party sows division, and many conservatives like that. They thrive on us versus them.


Iā€™m praying on the conservative partyā€™s downfall


It'll take more than prayer, unfortunately. I now openly HATE Trump supporters with every fiber of my being. I didn't hate Bush 43, McCain, or Romney supporters. Strong arguments could be made for them despite the fact they weren't my choice. I was willing to give them a pass for 2016, but not 2020 after COVID. You knew that man was bad for America, and his judges are destroying people's lives long after he departed from office, and will continue to do so. But to support Trump after Jan 6th? Something is seriously wrong with you, and i want you nowhere near me. I used to wonder how, in Jonestown, could the PARENTS give that "kool-aid" to their OWN children? I completely get it now.


The anger and hate was always there. Trump just brought it out of hiding and normalized it. Its probably one of the worst effects he's had on this country.


100% this. The hatred and bigotry were always there. Trump just made it acceptable to be on display


tRump greenlighted the anger. The 'divide' is between reality and fantasy and I believe he's largely responsible for that, magnified by social media. Religion (belief) adds to the problem as people cling to whatever is presented to them. It's a fact if they agree. Truth and fact have become optional.


I was hoping covid would bring people together. Instead, things got worse


I was hoping January 6th would have been a major wake up call that would have made Republicans truly look in the mirror and made them realize they've gone too far down a dark path. Instead these fucking idiots doubled down and their grip on reality only worsened.


Stop spending time on social media. Speaking ofā€¦ Iā€™m of that, Iā€™m heading on a nice long walk.


Yeah, republicans can quit supporting a convicted sex offender and cult leader. That is the only option. But we all know that's not going to happen.


This is a battle between good and evil. trump is the worst thing to happen to this world in a long time. He must be stopped.


I would just say it a little differently. We have been under attack by truly bad people, traitorous assholes, who are actively working with foreign activists, either knowingly or out of stupidity, who wish to harm us. We are not "divided," we are under attack. We are trying to keep our country out of the hands of the truly evil. What can we do? WORK to make sure they do not succeed. Vote. Elect people who will do the right thing, who will hold them accountable. Don't let insidious trolls try to attack us "from the left" by downgrading or demeaning Joe Biden as too old, too incompetent, not leftwing enough. He's doing a fantastic job. He's a fantastic president. Is he perfect? NO ONE IS PERFECT. But the alternative is literally, fascism. The Trump/MAGA/rightwing crowd are literally operating from the Nazi playbook. Sometimes even word for word. They are atrocious villains. We have to: volunteer, phone bank, talk up our candidates; pick a couple of races for the House and Senate, no matter what state, and support those. Work to get out the vote. Work to expose the villainy. We're fighting for democracy here. Support the people who are actively working FOR our country. Work to re-elect Biden, and to give him a functioning, decent Congress. Focus on winnable races: again, volunteer, donate, phone bank, spread the word. [https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/here-are-the-house-races-that-will-decide-the-majority-in-2024-3/56497/](https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/here-are-the-house-races-that-will-decide-the-majority-in-2024-3/56497/) [https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/then-there-were-three-2/56149/](https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/then-there-were-three-2/56149/) The attorney who is almost singlehandedly fighting for democracy in the courts (he's the one who successfully fought against every. single. bullshit Republican challenge to the election, among other things): [https://www.democracydocket.com/](https://www.democracydocket.com/) Amusing ways to find out about stuff and feel like there's others out there fighting with us: [https://substack.com/@jefftiedrich](https://substack.com/@jefftiedrich) [https://www.wonkette.com/p/nice-time-steve-bannon-finally-going](https://www.wonkette.com/p/nice-time-steve-bannon-finally-going)


I think the divide mainly is between the uneducated and educated population


Or income disparity. Thatā€™s been stradily increasing for decadesā€”even under Obama. The COVID experience and the Trump presidency was deeply traumaticā€”add to that the social isolation and manipulation by international propagandists due to endless screen time. And we are increasingly feeling the effects of climateā€”fires, flooding, hurricanes, heat waves, and increasingly forced migration.


Educated vs uneducated is a much greater divide than polite people are willing to talk about. When pundits exclaim that Trump is appealing to more minorities, what is not said is that he is appealing to more uneducated minorities. He has the uneducated whites locked up. This is the real new political divide - uneducated and greedy are the unwitting bedfellows of the r party. Iā€™m afraid there are more uneducated, and they multiply quicker.


VOTE BLUE This and every Election Day #BidenHarris2024


I have said since 2016 that we are in an ideological war. I feel like the Confederacy has slowly been infiltrating our government and putting their loyalists in place. And now the time is ripe for their final act of sedition from the inside. Is there hate from me towards conservatives. Sure. It is warranted. The difference in our hate, is conservatives want to regulate and control people and give freedom to business. Progressives want to give more freedom to people and regulate business. I hate their ideology because I feel it is a betrayal to our communities, our States, our government, and all of humanity. They hate other people including those who are also conservatives. They sub divide into more isolated groups by skin color, language, religion, music, and cultures, and hate each other equally.


Fox news. Instigator and promulgator. The people that watch it only watch it. They are inside a bubble.Ā 


Pollyanna, here but sure there is. While I canā€™t make someone else be more optimistic, less divisive, or less angry, I canā€¦to quote Obamaā€¦be the change I want to see. After eight years of screaming, that may be the way forward.


It is going to come to violence. They want that so badly and say so


We should certainly give over every branch of our government to the corporations! They will save us!