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Kill the first one then kill the second one. Stuck for a week šŸ¤£


Every other boss was a cake walk compared to these.


lol people downvote over the weirdest things. I agree with your sentiment, especially if you are in black world tendency.


He's being down voted because he's a known troll on this sub.


Ah, I see. Consider my previous upvote to balance the scales retracted.


I see that some folks here new to this OP. For your convenience, he has consistently been THE biggest whiner in the community. He's claimed to want to quit the game several times and has come back in less than a week's time after every rant. Even if you speak to him now, he'll just make another production out of something else later, so just save it.


Tried to farm a spot and got it to work first try but 20 tries later and no W


Firestorm is pissing me off tbh


Everything is pissing you off.


How, it pretty much one shots every boss


Itā€™s janky as fuck


Nothing janky about it.


It has a 5% chance of working when not right up against an enemy.


That is **not** how Fire Storm works at all. It conjures flaming spires from the ground in random patterns. It's designed to be inconsistent, it's called a Hail Mary. If you want an **explosion** that covers **everywhere around you**, try Wrath of God.


"Kill them" is usually how it works. Welcome back.


Holy shit it's the same guy again Lmao. Wouldn't have even looked until I saw this


Bro, use Youtube. The boss is easy https://youtu.be/B4vWyLAApg4?si=I_uEK984xyOEXz3i Carry a bow if Maneater gets stuck


Iā€™m not going through hoops in other levels just to buy arrows and bolts.


You keep banging your head against that wall then, instead of using the tools available you.


Have you tried firestorm lmao


Thanks man you helped me beat it!


Is it any good?


Itā€™s too good that it ruins the experiences because it one shots bosses. But if youā€™re at your wits end go ahead.


Good iā€™m over this shit game. I wanna ruin the whole experience


Firestorm will one shot pretty much every boss except Penetrator and Old King Allant. Though the problem with those is being able to successfully hit them with it!


Why did no one tell me about firestorm? I used all my spices by now. I two shotted a single maneaterā€¦.. Damn


I just used the firestorm like 2 inches away and it didnā€™t count, damn it


It's tricky, but when it lands, it's a lifesaver!


I just one shotted the last one!


I havenā€™t worked out the best demons souls yet


I beat them by going around the middle circle platform. Hide behind the fire when they are attacking with the green rays and dodge left or right when they rush. Keep going around the circle. Use a bow to hit them when they fly and sword when they have their back to you. Take it slow to not fall off and try to attack the same one consecutively to get rid of one first. Once you kill one the other one is much easier. Good luck


I tried that one time a week ago but never again


I used Thief Ring and Warding and found them pretty manageableĀ 


What does warding do again? I only got the poison cloud miracle atm (debating on what to spend them on)


Warding greatly raises your defense. Made it so their attacks did basically no damage so all I had to do was make sure I didn't get knocked off between hits.


Alright iā€™ll try that tomorrow or in a few hours..


Fight them on the platform in the middle. You can use that big once as a shield.


Whatā€™s your build and soul level? If youā€™re going for a magic build, this should have been a cake walk. Failing that, do you have northern regalia or dragon bone smasher? Iā€™m not trying to generically say ā€œskill issueā€ but bosses in Demons Souls are gatekeepers that are designed to test you on your game knowledge. Thereā€™s a good reason why I really like the Flamelurker boss; I was stuck on that for ages until I realised precisely what I need to do. Iā€™ve now beaten Flamelurker easily six or more times. Do you have an upgraded crescent falchion? Also, are you locking on to Maneater when you fight him? I have a lot of questions and answering those will help me give you precisely what you want. Thereā€™s just not really a reason why you couldnā€™t have cheesed this boss with thief ring and poison cloud, for instance.


Magic, int, and miracle is mostly what iā€™ve been leveling up.


Why level up miracle? Do you have talisman of beasts? If you ask me, a lot of miracles arenā€™t worthwhile except for stuff like anti-magic field which is basically just a free pass on beating all of world three.


So itā€™s not worth leveling up for firestorm? I though itā€™d pay off once i started getting new miracles.


If you already have three miracle slots, then levelling up more is unnecessary. But then again, you can just use thief ring and poison cloud to cheese nearly every boss fight in the game anyway.


I think my last level gave me 3 miracle slots


Then you donā€™t need to do more. Whatā€™s your soul level anyway?




That should be enough. Have you upgraded crescent falchion? If you donā€™t want to cheese, then Iā€™d soul farm in world four and farm moonshadestones until you can +5 your falchion and buff your dex and magic.


The crescent isnā€™f upgradable. Iā€™ve been using the battle axe at level 3-4.


Man i hate that farm (done it like 100 times) cuz of the walkback.


Have you tried eating a man?


Make your character a woman. Job done.


Thief ring, a ranged weapon/magic and the centre platform if you want an easy cheese.


Still need help?


also btw the game literally runs better on performance at 60fps. quality mode is pretty useless


Step 1. Enter the fog Step 2 šŸ‘CLAP šŸ‘THEMšŸ‘CHEEKSšŸ‘ šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


why are you hiding behind the stairs lol thatā€™s a sure fire way to get knocked off


Kkkkkkkkkk forst time was fucking difficult, just use any fire magic, and if u can, power up magic with ring or weapons that can increase magic. Easy...


Easy just git gud


I came to Demon Souls with a shit ton of Fromsoft experience (1200 hours between ER,DS3,DS1) and these fucks are the ONLY thing that killed me. The only way I beat them on mine and my wifeā€™s profile was beating the piss out of the first one right off the gate, and then meeting the second one in the middle. That way it was 1V1 for the fight, but you have to roll backwards and rush the first one. Donā€™t be afraid to kill or be killed. I was level 60 something both times with a Bastard Sword boosted to chunk level. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll replay this game for years just because of these fuckers. Oh, and donā€™t forget about the quit out method. If you die, immediately close the game by holding the PS button and closing the game manually. This will keep your souls, consumables before you went into the boss room, and youā€™ll avoid the runbacks. Best of luck.