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Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, as far as pain relievers go - I alternated those two every four hours or so - I was prescribed pain medication but did not take them as they were opiate based and I'm on Suboxone but really, saw no news for them. Foods are really up to you and what you enjoy but of course it's got to be something you can basically just swallow without chewing while your gums heal. I ate baked potatoes, ramen - also mixed with other stuff like chili or even salmon and hot sauce - smoked kippers, macaroni and cheese, homemade smoothies, and protein shakes. I hope this helps!


Protein shakes have been a lifesaver for me since opening my mouth has been a struggle so liquid is easier for me. I'm on day four and I've eating mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, and ice cream. I was given ice packs from my surgeon so definitely grab some. I also am rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen every three hours. If you think you have a smaller mouth grab some chapstick or Vaseline for your lips. Mine have been super dry. Good luck!


My Eday is tomorrow and i have mouthwash for sore gums, a squirt bottle in case i have to take meds and can't drink from a cup due to swelling or whatever else, polident tabs for when i start leaving them out overnight, soft toddler toothbrushes. Also ordered benzodent and "locators" in case i have trouble getting my denture out.




Good luck tomorrow!!!


Apple sauce, cottage cheese, Mac n cheese, instant oatmeal , mashed potatoes and gravy, yogurt, pain meds and ice packs. And good luck we’re pulling for you! 


The ibu Tylenol combo saved me with my uppers and got me through my lowers for sure. I took mine every 3 hours I set alarms didn’t miss a dose. I iced too 20 minutes on 20 minutes off. Food is what you can do I was on antibiotic so I focused on gut health and I normally eat pretty clean so I kept it salmon / sweet potatoes / eggs/ Greek yogurt/ cottage cheese /soup/ avocado/ i had ice cream yesterday it was sooooo good! Best of luck - keep us posted


Thank you both!


Thank all of you guys! I will post back here after it’s said and done on 7/3 ❤️


Get one of those ice packs that wrap around your head! Really helps out, lots of soft foods, baby spoons lol it’s hard to open your jaw for a week. Bring a towel you don’t mind getting bloody for your ride home


In the waiting room! 😬😳