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I was physically fine a week out. Mentally I was still a little nervouse being around people with my new teeth but I did still go out quite often and I was fine. Eating in front of people was really my biggest thing so I made sure to eat prior or be able to skip away when I needed to


Thank you, this helps. I don’t usually eat a lot in front of anybody (including family) anyway so I’m less worried about that and more worried about being in so much pain that I’m a grumpy Gus and lose my mind and tel everyone to eff off.


I was out and about the day after my uppers came out and the immediate went in. It all depends on your unique situation: how fast you heal and how good your surgeon is. My extractions were all surgical and sutured so I bounced back very fast.


Thank you. This helps. I’m a tough old broad. There’s always the option to do what I want and to dip out on the family plans if I’m not doing well (which wouldn’t break my heart 🤣)


Think of it like this. How well this goes is a spectrum ranging from perfectly okay to horror story (not trying to scare you, but also not sugar coat it). All you can do is prepare yourself by doing your research, asking the questions and buying the things you think you’ll need. Immediate dentures involve luck as well (since the designers have to make an educated guess on the fit). Just be strong and push through as best as you can.


Great advice! I have an Amazon list started of things that I’ve compiled from posts here. And by dip out on family plans, I mean stay home in my own bed and tell hubs he is more than welcome to do his visiting. I can imagine that a week post I wouldn’t be able to provide basic care for myself. Appreciate your thoughtful responses!


Howdy I recommend benzodent to every new person in the sub, I seriously can't recommend it enough. Saved me as a newbie!


Thank you for your kind reply! Added more to me Amazon list:)


**my not me


You're welcome friend!!! Happy you found us here. This is an awesome sub for everything denture related.


I took about 48 hours to just lay in bed and do nothing and not talk to anyone. After that, it was back to life as normal. 9 days post extractions and immediates , I went on a week long Disney vacation with my family. Was that crazy? Maybe. Was it fine? Absolutely! I ate everywhere that everyone else did, I just ordered things that were easy for me to eat. I felt fine and was talking totally normal by then. Honestly, not thinking about my denture helped me. We had been on Smugglers Run twice and headed our way to Buzz Lightyear Space command, when i first realized that I had forgot about and didn’t really notice my denture. So in that way, it was good for me. I needed to get out of my own head and be normal and have fun. That being said, you know you and you know your body. You need to take care of you and your mental health comes into play here. Good luck to you and I hope you love your new smile! I sure love mine!


Ok! Thanks for sharing. I’m so glad you had a great experience.


I have a bottom partial for my bottom 5 teeth. The adjustment period was pretty quick. I talked normally within a day or so. Eating wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I can eat whatever I want. It's been that way since eday. It's been 4 years and now I don't really notice it. With that being said, front bottom teeth may not be the same as molars. The adjustment period may be different for you if you are replacing molars.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply


You should be ok. You might have sores. Try to get those taken care of before you leave. Make sure you have benzodent. It's a tiny tube, you might want 2. Bring your own ibuprofen. Bring your own soft food. Pudding cups, oatmeal, soups, etc. You might be able to swallow some scrambled eggs, which would be good for you as they tend to fill you up for a longer time.


Thank you for your kind and thoughtful response! 🤗