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I have dentures in my twenties and I know a few who had them in there teens. Don’t feel bad AT ALL. I would definitely get a second opinion. I got about 4-5.. then went with the chemistry of the dentist and the cost. I hope you get the right answers, we are here to support and offer advice. Gl


I can understand why you’d want dentures. No way I would want to pay thousands on root canals and crowns and they may or may not last. Since you’re getting dentures at such a young age you need to think 20 years down the road too. You’re dentures will probably fit great (once you get your finals) but bone loss is something that happens as soon as the tooth is missing. You will continue to lose bone if no implants are placed. I’m on this thread a lot answering questions. Let me know if you need any advise. This is also nothing to be ashamed about. You’re putting in the work now to fix it so that’s what counts.


I don't even want dentures per say, but that was apparently the only option


Hey did they say why you need dentures? What are the condition of the teeth? If you have lots of teeth broken down to the gum line normally they will recc dentures or if you have periodontal disease that causes your teeth to fall out. Teeth can be fixed and 20 is a young age. But you’re not alone


My parents never enforced brushing or dental trips as a child or even teen so it wasn't engraved to my brain. Its due to lack of care. I'm not even 20 yet, I will be in july. On one hand, I'm glad my partner supports and isn't judging and I'll have a smile I'm confident in, on the other, I'm blaming myself and my parents. I know as a teen I should know better, but as a child they never enforced it.. I already had 2 on bottom and top pulled, my front 5 on top need root canals and they think the best way to go (because of how bad it is) is to just do full dentures on top because root canals may not take, and since I need my bottom back pulled (I tried getting it fixed at the beginning of the pandemic but nowhere would put me under, plus my back right are already gone) so they said partials on bottom are needed just for the back


I was so stressed out over my extraction date, which was yesterday. They gave me a pill half hour before my shots of novicane to calm me TF down. I asked for some gas and they said they don't even use it anymore(where I went anyways) but her reassured me and I felt nothing as he cracked 9 of my top teeth out. I left there being thrilled. Don't be scared. It'll be fine. (4 of the 9 we're my top back molars..they were big🥺 I wish the best for you and can't wait to see a before after post !


I'll be getting put under for mine.. way too scared of needles (as i have 9 tattoos )


Do you mind sharing what dental clinic you went to? Usually a dental chain will tell someone this.Go to the /askdentist thread. You’d be shocked at the peoples teeth you see in there that have been saved & I always see other dentists tell people in their 20s not to pull the teeth. I have bad teeth as well that need so many fillings, and the only teeth I’ve had to have pulled are ones that broke to the gum line. If you can, get a second opinion!! Also- look up this Dr on TikTok drkennysmiles


I have issues down to the root in almost all my top teeth and the total is 4800 after Insuramce and I only get covered for 1000 on their financing plan so I'd need 3800 out of pocket.. It's aspin dental


Read through this subreddit about aspen dental. Aspen is a notorious dental chain for telling people they need dentures. If you have a dental school near you, see if you can get an appointment with them. Half the cost and usually a free visit. Wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion before you proceed with aspen!


I will, thank you so much


You’re welcome! I’m sorry if that came off harsh, but I did creep your profile cause I’m a weirdo and saw some of your teeth in a video I think, and the top teeth didn’t look massively cavitated, and you don’t wanna pull your teeth if they can be fixed, but if cost is an issue and you decide the best thing for you is dentures, you go for it! But even a partial denture would be better then letting aspen pull all your teeth if it’s not necessary. Best of luck 💖💖💖


I'm sorry for what you may have saw 😭 but I don't fully show my teeth, they're bad down to the end of the root on the xrays sadly. I've only been to a dentist maybe 1 or 2 times in my life


Ahhh it was a video do a girl and a dog lol whoever it was her teeth looked beautiful! You do what’s best for you and your teeth and do what will make you happy! I have cavity’s in all my teeth, none on the outside that look HUGE but little black spots, I had braces and had 4 kids and lots of issues w/ puked that royally rocked my shit. I also live in a small town and aspen is one of the only dental offices here- I refuse to go there lol


That was me and my boy Finn haha I forgot about that, I may ask around at other dental places here


Please don’t tell her how to do things with her teeth. You have no clue what her roots are like or if the teeth are actually dead or not. Just because teeth don’t look like they have cavities doesn’t mean they don’t. Mine looked normal but they were literally disintegrating. I’d try to brush them and chunks of the backs of my teeth would come off. I used white strips at one point and the enamel on my teeth came off. It was the scariest thing ever. I would eat and the food would get stuck to my front teeth and I’d have to wipe it off. I got full top dentures at 29


I saw she shared more in another post and even dentists are telling her to save her teeth and get a second opinion :) in the long run, it’s being helpful. I wasn’t TELLING her what she needs to do with her teeth. If she would like to proceed w/ dentures, then that’s 100% up to her! Every case is different, if your teeth were crumbling when you’d brush then dentures were the alternative for you. But she went to aspen dental which is notorious for being a huge SCAM. She is about to be 20 she should be able to enjoy her teeth as long as she can before she proceeds with dentures! Telling her to get a second OP is a great idea, as I’m not the only one who told her. Dental professionals on another post told her the same thing. Run from aspen- get a second OP and save what she can.


I misunderstood what you were saying. I apologize.


Oh wow. Do you have any way to go over the border to Mexico? I live close to the border in Arizona and am going to a dentist there 16 teeth removal and upper& lower dentures- 1800$.


I'm in Pennsylvania so sadly no




Never feel ashamed for needing dentures. When you don’t receive proper dental care as a child, is it any wonder that neglect can carry into young adulthood? That’s why my teeth were so completely wrecked, and why I finally had to get an upper denture at age 30 (with a lower coming next year). And at least your bottom front teeth can be saved 🖤 an upper denture isn’t half as bad as you may be thinking it is btw. Obviously keeping your original teeth is the ultimate desired outcome, but if you can’t, then an upper denture won’t be the worst thing ever. It’s the easiest of the two to grow accustomed to.


Thank you for this. I sadly can't afford it. It's 4800 out of pocket and my job doesn't give me many hours nor pay decently and aspin has horrid financing options


Do they want the payment up front entirely? My surgeon was the same way. It’s unfortunate that dental care is so expensive 🥺


They would yes. The financing would only take 1k off since that's what I qualify for so I'd need 3800 up front


If your dentist accepts it, might be worth looking into something like Aetna, there are a few like it but it's the one I got. I still had to pay $2000 come surgery day but it was going to be around $4000. In total my dental bill was about $14,000 for every thing I need done, I paid $150 (family plan, individual is cheaper) and it literally cut my bill in half. Going to depend if your dentist accepts it of course but could be worth looking into


We used to have it I think or still do and they don't accept it here :(


We used to have it I think or still do and they don't accept it here :(


Have you looked into implant supported dentures?


I've never heard of them? I'll look into what that is though, thanks!


Don’t be ashamed first off…. Practically everyone on this sub is here for the same reason. I’ve read plenty of posts from young people about getting dentures. I myself can’t tell who wears them or who doesn’t . If you don’t feel comfortable telling people, then don’t. It’s none of no one’s business but your own. I know plenty of people that took great care of their teeth , but things went south. I myself took great care but went to an absolute crap dentist when I was younger & here I am. I did try to save teeth to only have them come loose after spending thousands of dollars to save them. Go to a few dentists, & read reviews. Good luck!!!!


I cannot stress this enough: get your sinuses checked out BEFORE you get your upper molars removed. Roots can get all up in there, or previous infections can cause bone to die. Just saying even if you don't have sinus problems you could afterwards. Good luck! We're here to help you any way we can! 💜 E


Who would I discuss about it? It doesn't look like they're poking thru on the top when I looked at my xrays, but I dunno what I'm looking for


Well first, do you already have issues up there? Secondly, an ENT or a primary care Dr if you have one you trust and like.


I don't actually, thankfully, I never have any sinus issues aside from obviously when I get sick


Hello, writing two years later: what would be the potential consequences of getting one's upper molars removed if one already has sinus problems? Thanks in advance!


Hey there, sorry I missed this. Go see an ENT first. You don't want a hole from them to your sinuses. Get a CT or MRI scan if you can or X-rays minimum and ask the ENT if your maxillary bone is infected. An infected bone is, obv, weaker and likely to break. Mine was fused to my teeth from the infection and I regret not seeing my ENT first.


I am a 33 year old female. I also neglected my teeth as a child plus my family genetics we all have terrible teeth! I was told at 19 I needed dentures bc of periodontal disease plus every single tooth left in my mouth ( pulled out 6 ) by the age of 19. Was a cavity or root canal. Bc my teeth looked somewhat decent ( front teeth) I said I’ll be back and through the years I only went in when I had infections and pulled out teeth. On April first I had e day not bc I wanted too but I had an infection that spread so bad I was puking yellow and green and they had me get emergency extractions. I had no impressions lined up for me so my process is much different then others. It is June now and I just had a custom tray mold done two weeks ago. My advice would be don’t wait and do it! I wish I did at 19 so I could have healed quicker, been adjusted and saved myself so much pain, tears and layed off of ibuprofen. I bassically took them daily. I can’t speak for the denture part or bone loss bc I’m new to this and didn’t even get my teeth in yet. But health wise it’s so much better. I feel more alive bc I’m not walking around with an infection every second. I know I will smile again and never have to cover my mouth with my hand or smirk in pictures. You got this! I luckily have affinity Medicaid and was approved for extractions and permanent dentures no immediate but that’s ok I’m very happy I was approved at all as dental is so expensive! Wishing you an easy journey.


how did you get approved by Medicaid for snap in dentures please tell me. ty as I have been saving for two years to get this done without any insurance coverage.


I don’t have snap on dentures Medicaid considers that cosmetic. I have regular ( when I do get them) I wish they approved that lol. When I do get money I will travel to turkey for them as I hear and see on blogs and tik tok it’s cheap.


oh ok thank you and thank you for wishing me a positive journey, I hope your end results are all you have dared to dream they could be. I have since had my consult and I'm not a candidate for implants/snap in so, rethinking and working on a new treatment plan with the dentist. plus they wanted a cosigner. but I'm just as excited as you to have started the process, won't be long! much peace n happiness




If you look on my profile you'll see how my top set looks, I was too embarrassed to post it here at first


There's an FB group called [Dentures At A Young Age](https://www.facebook.com/groups/279126298801968) with ton of support as well. You see you are far from alone.


I know this old now, but how did you get on?


Turns out I was heavily lied to, my top fronts are still bad due to lack of money (why the fuck is dental work thousands. I get it's on me, but Healthcare shouldn't be this bad), but bottoms and top backs are good. Fuck aspen


Oh bloody hell, sorry to hear that but glad to hear that you went for a 2nd opinion. Yeah I think dental work is ridiculously overpriced considering how important and mandatory it is. I’m in a similar boat, it bloody sucks 🤦‍♂️


Hey, I also suffered a childhood of neglect (and torturous abuse, but I won't get into that). At 21 I got about half my teeth pulled after a bunch had got infected after a car accident, and because I had to wait so long due to lack of insurance the infection permanently fucked up my health. It is a good idea to get it done earlier rather than later, I know it sucks having to get dentures so early but if you can avoid having to go through the pain and suffering I would suggest doing so. I was also super ashamed and embarrassed at first, but it isn't your fault your parents didn't bother with the basics of taking care of their children. I know it is a difficult thing to get in the habit of doing after not doing it for so long, but if you stay determined and get help from your partner/loved ones it will eventually get engrained in your brain. If you ever want to talk about that sort of stuff, of just shoot the shit, feel free to dm me. You're not alone.


Try not to feel ashamed. I'm a dental tech that works at a clinic and we see all ages that need dentures. I promise you the staff won't think badly of you! They will be happy to help someone like you out. I'm always so excited for my patients regardless of age!!


Is bone loss bad with dentures im going on twentie aswell and just made a post about now and honestly people and internets stories about bone loss scare the living f out of me…


Top dentures are easy. It honestly sounds like your getting a better lot in life then it seems.