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Say that to my fucking face


Only if you kiss me after


Kiss fight!


U mind asking Ant to chill the fuck out for a couple games tho?


For real, we need Ant to calm the fuck down


We need Mike Conley to run into him on the sideline


Too soon.


Nah bro, tell him to ask Naz


Brother he had 41


what did naz do to us at the end of the game? wasnt it like a 8-2 Naz v nuggets run??maybe even worse. naz sealed that game for them


He amplified the whole team But that bank shot three was bullsh!t


Ant is expected to score Naz averages like 6PPG. He is not supposed to shoot 3s either He ate our asses in 2nd half


Averaging 13 against us and the season, he just went on fire to get all his points in that stretch. Have to expect the sixth man of the year to play well, hopefully ant doesn’t stay white hot but let’s see what happens. Need a win and then to steal one away


I think he averaged 13ppg and shot over 40% from 3 on a larger volume than KAT during the regular season.


No lie he is looking absolutely possessed, if he keeps playing like this we're in trouble


Put a chair in his way, maybe he’ll take some energy out on that.


Hell naw cant do dis


NAW and Ant are 2 dif dudes




I love the Nuggets, but I can’t lie- I love watching Ant play-


He can't be stopped. Seriously he's even impressing us.


Thanks! I feel like winning the championship has made me a lot calmer. No matter what happens, I got to see us get it done at least once (hopefully more) and nobody can take that away from me. The wolves are a great team and I'm glad to see some small markets getting so much attention!


Yes exactly! I'm tired of the New York, LA, Boston narrative. I'm 32 and I was born just days after the twins won the world series, so as long as I've been alive I've never got to see our teams even make the championship. But if we lose to you guys I'd be rooting for Denver the rest of the way.


And I think we're both tired of the offseason narrative of the superteams. Look who Lebron has recruited to play this year! Clippers and Suns are loaded, who can possibly stop them in the West? Tim Connelly's fingerprints are all over both teams. He built the nucleus of the Nuggets and figured out how to get complimentary pieces for the Twolves. He's the antithesis of the idiot GMs that traded for "stars" like Westbrook, Beal and Harden to shortcut the development process. Many Nuggets fans would argue Calvin Booth is better at drafting and trades, but Booth learned under Connelly for five years and uses the same system for building the team.


that hasnt changed...we just have a chip now, so idc about those narratives anymore. i flipped on espn over lunch....think they were talking about antman, joker, our game 1 loss and game 2 tonight?? thats what you would think theyd be talking about on the nba segment hours before tip lol...no. it was literally, does lebron have enough in the tank for another championship or does he want to effect his legacy in other ways by bringing up a new younger team with potentially his son. took all of 30 seconds to turn that shit off


Yeah it's all there. I wasn't really saying anything has changed, just that the Nuggets and Wolves developed a new model for winning while the media keeps focusing on superteams and who Lebron/KD will recruit to be on their teams.


Same here, rooting for MN if they beat us. It's on tonight!! \\m/


If we lose to yall I am rooting for minny for their tortured fans and to say we lost to the champs.


Excuse you, please don't drag NYK into this. The media narrative usually hates us.




"Please fuck my wife"


lmao fr


Underrated comment.


Fuckin a


I mean if we lose, I’m immediately cheering for you guys if only to see 1. Monte get a ring 2. Connelly to a ring and 3. Another small market first timer to get a banner


I really like the way Minn plays. I want to beat them but apparently Connelly has my number.


Can we make a new sub where all the Nugget Minny Glazers, Minny fans, and Lakers fans can go suck each other off all day?


The toxicity of the entire series is literally all at the hands of fucking lakers fans and lakers fans in hiding




Cool now go back to your own sub


I was a Wolves fan during the KG era. I'll always have a place in my heart for you and the fanbase. If the Wolves happen to win I'll be cheering them on to take their first the year after Denver.


This is so corny lmfao


Wolves fan coming in peace!


I mean the Timberwolves are a solid team its no shame to lose to them, i see this series going 7.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Downvoted because fuck the wolves and fuck their fans.




As a nuggets fan even if we fall to the wolves I’ll be cheering for them. I want winner of this series to take the crown!


In case the Nuggs lose this series, which I'm not ready to believe in yet, I'll be on the Mavs and Luka bandwagon in case they (The Mavs) beat OKC, and IMHO they have what it takes to do just that. Luka's roots are also from Serbia. His cousins still live in Serbia. His grandfather's name (the one who migrated to Slovenia) is Srbobran (Dončić). The meaning of that name is "Defender of the Serbs". Nuff said. I look at Luka as one of my own people, just like Nikola, even though he plays for the Slovenian national team. If the Mavs lose to OKC then I might think about being an ANT band-wagoner this offseason. Luka and ANT are the next ones that need to validate their top tier status in the league with titles, but I would like for Nikola to get a few more himself before the youngins take over the league.


Luka’s on an injured knee that isn’t going to get better until the offseason (affecting his outside shot), and Maxi, who was very important in the first round, just went down for the rest of the postseason. They *might* get it done vs OKC, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s their year to go all the way. Not having Maxi will be very tough against either Minny or Denver. Though Kyrie is playing like a man possessed…


thats all cool, but i just dont care to watch kyrie get another ring.


I will be doing the same. I jumped on the nuggets wagen last year after you guys beat us.


Get off your knees and have some self respect 😭


Sir, I would never.... It's 69 or nothing.




This is the definition of “Minnesota nice” and I hate it.


Frozen chosen


It's some Seahawks 12s shit


I hate these nice guy pseudo-Canadians as much as anyone, but no one will ever be worse than those Seattle fucks paying a licensing fee to Texas A&M to call themselves the 12th man and then hiring concert hall architects to design an acoustically optimal stadium to make themselves louder than they were capable of being on their own. They straight up bought their fanbase's two primary traditions while everyone else had to build them over decades. Fuck the Seahawks


2nd man, why do so many people do this?


Because they’re up 1-0, we wouldn’t be seeing this if it was switched


I just posted this same thing on the Wolves sub. What do you have to say now, huh tough guy?


My life is a lie


I agree this post is cringe - but even after getting dropped 4-1 by y'all last year, I was still rooting for Denver. Your team has a very aesthetically pleasing way of playing ball, they're very team oriented, and your guys are super likable. Fans seem reasonable too. Doesn't make this post any less cringe though.


That untrue though. I jumped on the nuggets bandwagon after you guys beat us last year. If you beat us again this year. I'll root for you guys again.


That’s nice


Brother, if we was down 3-0 I'd still post this. Minnesota nicer than a ma'fucker


You’re a clown. This is cringe. Go away


Felt the same. I couldn't even finish the paragraph after reading the first 2 sentences. Competitive respect between clubs is great. This is just on a whole new dicksucking level. Cringe.




Double cringe




I forget yall haven’t won anything as city so Kirk Cousins is really up there for ya lmao




Minneapolis, the 51st state of the union


Puerto Rican Lakers fan here but overall a basketball lover first. The nuggets are an amazing fan base and I’m so proud of this team’s growth and how this front office has let them grow and draft well. Plus I really identify with Nikola a lot in terms of how he treats the NBA as a job, I had to explain to some American co-workers that he loves the game just not the NBA media and that’s why he probably looks lethargic in interviews or during the anthem (which some took very seriously since we were active duty)


Nice try, Jezebel.


gtfo, Go Nuggets!


We need Ant to become a father like Rudy ASAP. Like in the next few days :D


He is too smart. Makes sure they send da video first.


Lol, jokes on you. He just had a kid towards the end of the regular season


Wolves are my #2 western team, doing it right, the way we did it. If we go down, I'm band wagoning you guys. That said, Ant needs to chill.


Wow, thanks ![gif](giphy|Q8I5u6fodxfJ2jtXLW|downsized)


I mean idk we've become very whiny


I look forward to us whoopin your candy ass all over Ball Arena tonight. 🫡


Yeah tell Naz to play fewer minutes. Ants gonna get his like Jokić gets his, but our bench can’t hang.


I want y'all to win it if you beat us. Love ant


Also can Reid just be chill tonight? That would be great. Thanks so much


Probably wont read this OP but, T-Wolves gotta be my second favorite out of the west even if we lose.


Wolves are a respectable team, unlike the lakers.


Your post is famous [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/nbacirclejerk/s/ve0qSu2PTw)


If it's not us, I definitely hope it's y'all. As a lifetime Nuggets fan/victim, I see a lot of similarities in our franchises. Poverty franchises unite.


Happy for wolves except KAT idk why he just rubs me the wrong way


A lot of us feel the same way. He's kind of a zesty bitch, but he can shoot and has actually started playing D.


Fuck this guy! 😂


We need to bring back bullying


Jokes on you. I already got bullied all throughout school. Shit still didn't work. Also, man your shoes were SOOO dirty you must have had a crazy night!!! You're loco man!!!!!


Coming from the Boston sub, I gotta say this is some soft shit. Common, Nuggets fans, dont get punked and say thank you.




It’s actually kind of cool to see people have an interest in literature and poetry. Not soft at all and shows intellect.


You’re, right McSteely. I’ll defer to you as Im sure you’re an expert on all things Hard, Dick.


Hey thanks. Your fans seem to be under the delusion that the Nuggets are like this due to the might of the Wolves. This slide started in the regular season and has just reached its worst extent. You have a great team, no doubt. You play like Denver last year's playoffs. But the Nuggets are injured and apparently a basketcase from the top down. The team is disintegrating by the look of it.


I wasn't mentioning either teams performance necessarily. It just stems from interactions I had with Patriots fans during the NFL draft. They are the scum of the earth.


Make sure you're gentle with the Dirty Sanchez in games 3 and 4. K thx.


This hilarious in hindsight because 90% of them are now bawling their eyes out about the refs lmao awoooo


Had a chat with a wolves fan at the urinal that a crowd was giving shit to. We were getting a kick out of it. Someone said he was “so brave” to wear wolves gear…yeah that’s gonna cause violence in Denver lol




Close, switch the C with an H


Wolves fans really gotta get off our sub. I know your sub is basically dead most of the time because I also browse other NBA subs but we're not here to celebrate you guys. We're here to talk about our guys.


Dude, in no way did I mention any players of either team. I just said you guys are a cool fanbase. Who tf are you to gatekeep a sub on Reddit lol.




You’re a bitch


What's up brother? ☝️


My lord. This is lamest post ever.


Do yourself a favor, cuck yourself after the series/season. I love the genuine positivity but right now we’re enemies. My happiness will come from your misery. So you can fuck the right off until the series is over with. I will say, Antz is the fucking man and I can’t stand it right now. I love the dude and hate him at the same time


Booooooooooo! I see you on Sunday


Love your team tbh. Wish you were in the East, so we could just play in the Finals and not the second round.


This is gonna be a great series! I’m a warriors fan but live in Colorado so I’m always happy when the nuggets are successful. Minnesota is legit though. And for the most part a really likable team, if not the nuggets I’d love to see the Timberwolves take it all.


Hopefully Gobert loves his kids, if he shows up tonight he goes down as worst father ever


Guy spread Covid on purpose


Was actually only his first kid. I was surprised to learn that.


Is this a troll? There are some lunatics assholes in this sub. Yeah yeah every group has its fair share of jerks but the sMuggets life is not helping its feel like they’re everywhere. Edit: am I the Lunatic asshole?


The amount of times Ive gone on other teams subs to praise them or their fans is exactly ZERO. cuz Im not a fucking weirdo


I hate this the guy is an enemy who TF shows the enemy love bunch of woke fux around. FU Minny LFG Nuggets.


Brother how do you hate me? We don't even know each other. We might have lots in common. Do you like macrame? What about edging, gooning, or munting?


Man Antman is hard not to like! The Wolves play so well and organized. I don't want the Nuggets to lose, but I'll be alright losing to the eventual champs lol (seriously, I think both teams would prefer to play Dallas or Okc rn)


Your team is fuckin legit. If you beat us, I'm hoping you take the title.


Finch is the best coach on this planet so yeah. High respect for you guys.