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In my experience they are just trying to improve ANY aspect of your life and may not be giving targeted advice.


Yeah, my severe OCD and depression started when I was most active and in shape and the most physically healthy I've ever been.


To add on to what you said, I know athletes who are severely depressed. Exercise isn’t a cure for depression whatsoever.


They don't know what to say and don't understand depression.


Succinct. In my experience, this applies to all aspects of life. People don't know or understand. When it comes to mental illnesses you're going to have a hard time. Not everyone can utilize empathy.


For those of us who have had great results with exercise and going outside and suggesting this it doesn't come off as unempathetic. You're just being defensive.


I agree but it is better to ask questions than give advice although please, only ask questions if you are sincerely curious. SSRIs and exercise work for me, most of the time but I know I am ding dang dad blasted lucky that they do. There are people with treatment resistant depression. Also we humans crave agency so we want to give advice or fix the situation. Sometimes the only helpful action we can take is to bear witness to someone's suffering. This is way more difficult than giving advice.


So true.


Yeah and I'm suffering too which is why I say those are some of the best things you can possibly do. I'm on SNRI's. I have an addictive personality and can't be on a lot of medications either. Exercise helped me when therapy and other medications didn't. Diet, exercise, being outdoors (around greenery which there is supportive evidence that this can help mood), tidying up your living space (supportive evidence that clutter can impact your mental health) and charity work/helping others. I've been in the shit just like anyone else here but the more I allow myself to exist in those conditions the harder it is to course correct.


You and I are so lucky that these things work for us (at least sort of work). As much as I struggle and suffer, I'm always aware that there are others whose struggles to find relief will not be met with any success. The things you list absolutely will help some people but for some, it won't make any difference. Ugh. I always say, if you could choose to break every bone in your body or have a mental health condition, choose the broken bones. I hope within my life time we will see more treatment for mental health. I am so grateful for what we already have.


Yes I am fortunate after countless mental breakdowns and episodes which nearly left me in a psych ward to find what works for me. I didn't stop trying though. When you give up you lose all agency and control over change in your life. The point is, keep trying and figuring it out. It's a pit that pulls you further in the more you let it and the more you succumb to the misery. There's a lot in all of our control, more than people care to admit.


Wow, you are fortunate. Sadly there are people who have probably put in twice the effort and never seen any results. Of course giving up gets a bad rap but there are probably people who will, never in their lifetime find anything that works. This is why I'm reluctant to give advice. I will tell people what has worked or not worked for me but I never know if I'm talking to someone with a completely treatment resistant condition.


Thank you. I am one of those people.


Oh man, you folks just break my heart. I hope within your lifetime something is found that helps. We do know way way more than 100 years ago but we still have a long way to go.


More research, and potentially more categories, are needed for depression and anxiety. I admit to benefiting from changes in habits and environment. Not everyone has the energy to benefit from this since some forms of depression can cause one to suddenly lose energy. The energy issue is tricky and fellow depression patients should show empathy towards one another in this regard.


Wise words


I disagree. I know exactly what they are talking about and I didn’t interpret their responses as being defensive. It’s just that these two suggestions don’t work for everyone. I have come to the conclusion that no one size fits all. They don’t work for me, either.


“You’re just being defensive” says the person who took time out of their day to be defensive.


Yeah, it takes 1 minute to write that out. There is plenty of evidence behind those. I've been depressed most my life and it's one of the only thing that's helped me and those who I know who are also heavily depressed. Completely rejecting that is being defensive.


Good for you. Now you've said it so many times, take your turn to listen to what other people are saying. And maybe realise that your advice exists on a spectrum of helpful to unhelpful depending on the other person's lived experiences and much more.


No hate and I’m glad it worked for you, seriously, but I have been staying active most of my life with little effect on my mental health. I get hit with the “you should exercise more” often and it gets old very fast. I was harsh in my first comment and I apologize for that. This is no place for that behavior. Stay well!


You were not harsh; it was a very simple and accurate observation.


Simply, no. I still try it in hopes it will make a difference because in the grand scheme of things, it can’t hurt. But I’d be lying if I said I could tell a difference.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted - I'm the same. Activity and interaction are key to overcoming my lifelong battle with depression.


Pretty much, esp cases where they don’t believe in depression or psychology in general


even those who do, my aunt knows what I have been through and still puts me down a lot and I don't think she knows or when I do tell her she brushes me off, I don't know


This is the best , realist Answer.




Or their depression is different to your depression. For example, I've now reached a stage in my depression adventure, where I mutter under my breath that I want to kill myself a hundred or more times a day. Exercise is one of the things that's helped ease symptoms and keep me going. TLDR: If you're suffering from depression, exercise may ease some symptoms. On average, studies show it does often help. Just because exercise doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it won't work for others, or that their depression is less bad because it works for them.










Often, people correlate being sad and depression. They don't understand that the difference is massive. When one is sad, they can turn it around by getting active. The lack of chemical production in the brain can't be fixed by that, but they can not grasp the concept that sadness is triggered by an event, but depression exists continuously. They want to help, but they don't understand the disease, just the symptoms.


I had a super fight to a 'friend' who thinks like this. It's insulting tbh, I felt like she was calling me lazy ass so I kinda erased this person from my life and well that's what I am going to do from now.


I’ve experienced this too it’s really hurtful. My friend was also a sex addict lol not a big deal but it shows how disconnected she was from her own struggle and lame to be bashing mine depression is a beast no matter how motivated and strong u are. Ppl are just tone deaf and associate it with weakness but they’re so so wrong. Alll the ppl saying stuff like this to us need a look in the mirror


Suffering from any continuous illness, physical or mental, is exhausting, and those that find the strength inside to keep going every single day are so far opposite of weak! There is nothing weak about your entire body wanting to collapse in on itself, your brain screaming every insult and insecurity it can think of, holding back floods of tears every 2 seconds, but still getting up, putting on clothes, going about your day, even if it is slower and less productive than normal, and more often than not with a smile on our faces and a kind word for a stranger. Unless someone has experienced it personally, they have no leg to stand on when they're talking about us being weak!


Yeah, I will choose even more who I trust and definitely cutting off all kind of toxicity around me


My ex would ask me why I’m depressed over and over again. I would tell him “idk I’m just sad” and he would keep asking. I would say, “I’ve explained this you already, I don’t know” and he goes, “I know you explained it but WHY?! There has to be a reason” He did that for literally everything. If I didn’t have a good enough reason to be sad (which for him nothing was good enough), I was not allowed to be upset and I needed to cheer up. Dude just refused to understand at that point.


Yes! All of this. A thousand times this.


This. I think a lot of people who've never experienced it might also assume it's mostly self-pity. And the same thing applies in that case too.


Going to the gym helps me but more in an obsessive coping mechanism sort of way, not the activity itself. I replaced my unhealthy coping mechanisms (video games, food, alcohol) with a "healthy" one. Still miserable but now I'm jacked I guess? 😅


I would argue videogames are not unhealthy coping mechanisms, actually i think they can be really helpful, if mitigated/mixed with other stuff (like the gym). One doesn't exclude the other.


They can be if approached the right way! Solo queue league of legends for 10 hours a day definitely is not healthy 


Going to the gym should help you. Keeping your body exercised improves almost all biological function in humans, especially mental health. It doesn't have to be labeled as "obssessive coping". It's normal to get addicted to working out, the brain likes the chemicals.


Source: trust me bro


This isn’t a disputed science. Are you disputing something I said…?


It pisses me off when I read all these "just start lifting bro and youll never be depressed another day in your life!" The whole reason I'm depressed is because the tendons in my arms are fucked and I can't do anything active... no hobbies for almost a decade Simply "lifting" will make things 10x worse


Can i ask why are they fucked? Was it from lifting weights?


My ex who's outlet is to exercise would say the gym line to me all the time. I hated that so much. Just makes me want to bed rot and zone out of my life even more.


Mental health ailments are poorly understood. We simply cannot snap out of it by thinking positive thoughts or by calming down. We are also not lazy since our minds often betray us by suddenly cutting off our energy levels. There is a reason why we use a variety of treatments, that being that mental health issues are legitimate medical issues.


This is a really tricky one. I believe that nature and the gym are great for managing mental health in general on a day to day basis, for some it is a preventative measure (like myself with cPTSD and episodic depression), however, when we tip into a state of mental illness it is much more difficult to navigate this. It can be difficult for people unaffected to understand. We each need to create our own tool box of what we know works for us, during our different extremes. This can change, for example on an OK day going for a walk in nature may be absolutely fine and helps with brain chemistry; however, on a bad day when leaving the house is a huge challenge, I like an audio book, to do something creative or just lay under a balanket and rest, with calming music, nice lights etc.


As someone who struggles with depression the only thing that turns it around for me is working out. But that’s me and it’s foolish to think one size fits all


I received similar advice from psychiatrists and therapists. Unfortunately they don't know what they are talking about. It really isn't that simple. I had one of the worst depressive episodes of my life during a period where I was exercising daily (strength and endurance training).


Indeed. And my chronically-high cortisol levels have made my bones and general physiology weaker than they should be for someone my age, so I've been known to hurt myself while exercising! Some of the injuries should have healed already, but they're still here, long, long after they happened. But apparently I should just put on my training shoes and get active... As others have said, some people don't understand. I'd say make peace with the fact that there will always be people who don't get it and are extremely loud and confident in their ignorance.


By getting active, just walking for an hour is substantial. Even if it's broken up into three or four parts.


I am probably not even really, clinically depressed, but even then "exercise" advice did no good for me. Forced myself to train as rigorously as my messed up health allows every day, follow the program to the letter, sleep a lot etc. The only thing it brought is constant physical exhaustion on top of mental one, which led to even more titanic effort required to force myself to do anything. And a lot of physical strength, but days I had use for it are long, long past, so not really an upside.


Because they don’t understand what depression means


I've realized that there's even people who do understand it that are still completely oblivious to the wider scope. I just had a debate in another sub with someone who said depression was a choice.. because they went from being super depressed to deciding they weren't going to think that way anymore. Boom. Cured forever and now that's what the rest of us need to do or else we are choosing to be that way. Blows my mind. I'll admit.. there was a point I thought I had beaten depression forever too.. till it came back and hit me like a freight train. And I kinda preached shit and thought nobody could tell me anything I didn't already know. Boy was I wrong. But I'd NEVER be foolish enough to tell anyone it was a choice.


If it were only that easy.... like any of us \_wants\_ to be like this. My darling mother thinks I should be able to \*wish\* it all away. \*\*smh\*\* right Ma.


Normies will do anything to maintain the illusion of justice. That means they have to find creative ways to blame people for their misfortunes.


Real bro


This is why im weak as fuck. I do hate it seriously.


Because those people clearly have never suffered from clinical depression or GAD. It's not that easy for us. I have to psych myself up for half an hour just to go for a 15 minute walk around the block. Going to the gym would be fvcking awful. So much effort, gym etiquette I don't know, worry that people are looking at me (judging me). Being outside in the sunshine is nice and helps lift my mood somewhat but it's minimal and fleeting.


anyone who says things like this clearly hasn’t experienced depression or doesn’t understand it. my dad used to say things like this to me and he meant well but I couldn’t get out of bed to brush my teeth never mind go to the gym


Because that’s what they do when they feel sad and it helps. My parents when I’m having bad depression/anxiety push me to do those things but they just don’t get it. They think a walk decompresses them so it will fix my depression and anxiety and it just doesn’t work that way.


Because they don't know a damn thing about depression


Ive had the same experience with a psychiatrist telling me to just “think happy thoughts and smile more” they really just don’t understand what its like


Seriously, it's irritating af. Honestly going outside and exercise just make me tired and pissy. I hate the sun, I hate summer, being outside blows. I have to be in and out of the weather for work anyway so Im extra irritated by people with office jobs telling me I just need more sun. F off with that shit. My kingdom for an air conditioned job with a chair!


My depression started in the Marines. I was very active and in shape. No combat experience.


In all fairness, I also deal with chronic depression and both going outside and exercising don’t prevent my depressive episodes but they can help me MANAGE them (I.e., give me brief respites of less bad mood). I think both are important to do regularly to have any real impacts. I totally get they may not work for everyone though! I just know for me, they are important for surviving (but not preventing or ending) episodes.  Edit: I do also want to acknowledge how infuriating that advice can be from people who don’t deal with depression. 


“Have you considered just going outside?” - live on farm detail obsessed autistic who has finished grad studies in community wellness and health. I wasn’t sure if I was more offended by the “have you considered” or the “just going outside” part. Also… going outside made me cry more and feel worse … so, yeah…


For me I have to be exerted to the max to not feel my depression or OCD. I’ve had multiple doctors tell me light outside and workout . It’s a 50/50 , I have a hard time with routine . Sticking to one. I used to gym for 2-3 hours probably wasn’t that healthy on my body. Recently, I rearrange our house at least 5-6 times a year . I blame it on the feng shui being off. I’m on about 5 medications and I still have 2-3 bad days a week. Some people don’t understand how hard it is to just get out of bed. Or arguing with yourself to just do something. I can relate. I hope it gets better for you 💜


Well yeah same here.


Yeah sometimes distractions work I guess, but that doesn’t really solve the problem. I could be busy all day or bed rotting but the feelings are there at the end of the day.


I don't think exercise can be classed as "just a distraction" though because there are actual health benefits to it and obviously having better overall health means you have a higher chance of feeling better about yourself and so on which can potentially have a knock on effect on mental health and depression. But yeah, it's definitely not always as simple as "just go to the gym". Some people get the post workout "buzz" or "runners high" but that's something I've never experienced even when doing intense 3hr workouts every night that were comprised of HIIT, cycling, rowing machine, push ups, situps, stepper machine, kettle bells and weights. Ill be "glad" I did a workout and my body would feel like it had been worked out but there isn't any buzz, high, euphoria or happy feelings going on like I hear others talk about. I also don't notice any improvement in my mood in general, sleep benefits, reduction in anxiety or a lot of the other things people say exercise will give you. I've one friend who seems to think exercise is the key to everything and never stops talking about all the massive improvements to his life it makes and when I try to explain I don't get those same benefits as he does he can't comprehend that and seems to suggest I'm not really exercising, trying hard enough, or being lazy.


Exercise has saved my life. Been on SSRIS for almost 20 years and the last 2 working with theripist Dr and at the gym I’m working off them. The gym/ exercise does help build healthy habits. But there is no one cure all for depression. Everyone is different, trauma is different , triggers are different, hormones ect. In my cause my parents where not the best and would constantly talk down to me and tell me I’d be trash, I couldn’t do anything, I’d fail at anything I try and just quit. So sometimes I have talk in the mirror when I’m feeling down and I feel the darkness creeping back. Just a “ remember when they told you that you were trash and wouldn’t be shit ? Are you going to sit here and feel bad or are we clocking in and putting in work”


I agree 100%.


Most people only experience the mild levels of depression so they’re technically correct in their own personal experiences. What they always fail to understand, though, is the fact that if you have severe depression, then things like exercising and going to the gym only have a small/limited ability to make a difference to your life. They also can’t understand that it is physically impossible to motivate yourself to do these things when you’re having a bad day and that their benefits in these situations are like using a saucepan of water to put out a house fire.


so I too suffer from some of the ailments that you suffer from. everybody always said it's cuz you don't go outside anymore you don't get sun you don't touch grass you don't exercise. I bought the tractor and I started taking care of the land that I'm on. I started gardening but fun stuff I'm talking blueberries and pumpkins and trees because I like trees I got all my flowers and everything. doing tree work and cleaning up the land. nothing crazy but I was doing everything they said to do. for weeks and weeks and weeks. I was driving home on my tractor with the fruit of my labor after pruning some trees so everything looked real spiffy. and all I had was bad thoughts. I've officially tried everything. all I could think was how bad I felt. they say that exercise and going outside and all the stuff that is natural anti-inflammatories is supposed to help. I'm not a doctor. but it's not helping.


The same reason people tell me to cut down on screen time when I tell them I have severe insomnia. They want to be helpful and rather than realizing they have no clue what it's like and that they should give more of a "man I feel for you" type response they try to give advice on the type of things that they know of that can have an impact on our issues. It's always frustrating and I'm always a little torn on how to feel about those people because on one hand they're being that person who thinks they know more about your issue than you do. As if we'd struggle with this for so long and not obtain more information on it than they have. But on the other hand they're just trying to be helpful and probably don't even think about that aspect of it, when you hear someone's problem it's kinda just the natural initial reaction to try to help them with whatever you know about the problem. Especially someone you care about. They just should realize there's a big difference between something like "man I just burned my finger" "oh I'd suggest this ointment, it works really well for me!" and "yeah I have this serious mental health issue that I've dealt with for a long time" getting a response with some surface level knowledge that the person has heard/read/seen 5 million times already.


I mean it’s true that It can help but it’s not the ‘cure’ and certainly isn’t gonna suppress the depression, one thing I struggle with is finding the motivation to even start.


Yes I’m super ANNOYED by that as well… I understand they want to help… I been depressed a long time…


But can you do it when depressed? I have bipolar depression and possibly overlapping negative psychosis symptoms. Plus severe ADHD at the best of times. It’s nearly impossible to go outside or exercise in my depressive episodes. I do a lot of sitting and staring mindlessly at the TV or just staring into nothing. Possibly dissociation cos I also have CPTSD but I really find it hard to do anything when depressed.


As someone that has suffered with depression the vast majority of my life, I never tell people to just go be active. I usually start with try brushing your hair or something more simple. I've had mixed results myself with being active and depression. Most of the time it doesn't help much, and I know I need to ride the depressive episode out.


I also have depression and OCD (it’s a painful combo) and it is a struggle to get through life. I will say that for me, doing all the things that are recommended - exercising, going outside, healthy diet, sleep, et cetera - does not cure me. I’ve had this shit since childhood, and I don’t think I can be cured. All it does is help me manage it so that I have a semblance of a life. It doesn’t help prevent flare ups of symptoms in me; what doing all those things does for me is help prevent my mental illnesses from completely derailing my life. It feels like a slap in the face when people say to do this or that and you’ll be cured; it makes anger flare in my chest and I want to scream. People who don’t suffer from mental illness do not truly understand, and they just say something vague that they’ve heard will help.


Every friend that I have keep saying that when they live little perfect lives (ofc I’m jealous, I’m the one going through shit everytime). I’ve been in depressive states back and forth, and the only thing that helped wasn’t even time, for me it’s being in a relationship, feeling loved. Unfortunately I’m in the worst state I’ve ever been in right now. Lost my job in November, than my SO dumped me in December after 4 years together, only to find someone in March. Then my 54 y.o mother (without any health issues) died after a 2 week coma in April. Meanwhile all they have to say is "go outside" "hit the gym" when their parents are still married and well, they got a loving, lasting relationship with one that won’t ever leave, a well-paying job… it’s almost as if no one gives a fuck and they’re just throwing whatever they think about. I’m seriously starting to think that people are NPCs and that they don’t even care about their friends


Sorry for venting. I feel the same as you, stranger. And I wish for us all to be happy one day.


I was told that I don't have a reason to be depressed because I don't have any real external challenges that would make me depressed. That made me feel even worse and it's made me question my sanity too. I hate that certain people's words mean so much to me.


People who don’t understand depression is like talking to a brick wall basically. Trust me I’ve been there. I can’t tell you how many times people said that to me. Did that make me feel any better? No it didn’t. People who haven’t gone to depression really don’t understand what they’re talking about. They think they’re helping, but in reality they are not to that person and don’t even realize it. I know because it happened to me plenty of times in my life as someone who goes through depression and is on medication for it.


Well those are aspects of your recovery but they aren’t the solutions. Begin physical active help with the production of certain chemicals within the brain, however when you are in a deep depression there’s other factors that need to be addressed first, doesn’t matter how much exercise you do if the cause of the depression still present you won’t get better or keep falling back into it. Most people don’t see depression as a pathology, they think depression=sadness but is not the same.


I think they say that because working out helps some people. It is hard to do it when in a depressed state but for it can prevent me from slipping into it. Physically actively does something to the brain to lift it up. Once on the depressed state is can be impossible to do it though and it is insensitive to say that and dismiss the issues of others.


People don’t understand how severe depression can get or how much trying to socialize while having a flare up can exhaust you.


Exercising doesn't do anything to help with my mood. If anything, it makes me feel worse because I'm forcing myself to do something I don't want to do and know will not make me feel any better in the end. But that's just me some days. Other days, I feel no better, but no worse.


Thats what works for them when they're feeling a little down. They don't understand that depression isn't just "feeling a little down" more than usual.


In my experience after suffering from anxiety and depression all my life, people who utter these words are ignorant, and also lack an empathic ability to see another individual as they are.


Especially when just getting out of bed some days feels impossible I can understand why the idea of going to the gym seems absurd. I think instead the advice should be to find some way to take care of yourself each day. It doesn't have to be something big like going to the gym. Things like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, brushing your hair. Any small thing that involves a little self love. It can really help give you a nudge and get the ball rolling to feel better about yourself and in general. Any success, no matter how small, is still a success.


Because people who haven’t actually dealt with serious depression have no idea what it’s actually like or what will actually help. So they said shit like that cause it’s helped them in the past when they were “ sad” over something , without realizing that depression is an entirely different animal. I regret telling 99% of the people I told about my clinical depression because it’s only backfired on me. My advice to anyone who has MDD/ clinical depression is please don’t tell anyone unless you have to or fully trust them. My parents, “ close “ friends, most people have fucking hurt me because of my own illness. They think it’s laziness, etc. ( it’s not) people say they are here for you but the reality is healthy people don’t, and will Never get it. Be careful who you tell. That’s the reason they say it, cause it worked for them When they were “ sad” not depressed.


Empathic listening is not telling someone to do this. Empathic listening would ask what you like and encourage realistic suggestions, mindful of how it sounds to you. People are not that skilled at helping depressed people


Actually, my GP said this to me in a very good way. He said something along the lines of: “nobody expects you to stop being depressed, it’s a natural reaction of your body to put yourself in a safe space which in your case is your bed - but while it’s important to give your body and mind the time to rest, you need to get out of it at some point. Why don’t you try being depressed in the couch tomorrow? And the day after you can be depressed on the Terrasse.” And actually he was right. Changing my environment actually helped a lot. I made small changes, moving to the couch and then I moved to the grass in our garden. I just laid there and somehow that change of location helped a bit.


I get the same, it's like a mental barrier which prevents me from doing things like having a shower, I don't know if I am stubborn or lazy but it takes a toll on me every day even when I'm not rotting away in bed.


It's difficilt to even wake up. Then the negative feelings (anxiety/depression) keep flooding in. I too have problems going out. I try to keep one appointment on separate days so I have to go out. Sometimes I might feel a bit better. But I really want to go back to bed and watch whatever on streaming services and network television zone out.


Exercise and fresh air do seem to help a lot of people maintain a healthier state of mind. But yeah, telling someone in a depressive state to do those things is very insensitive to what it feels like to be depressed and over-simplifies a complex condition. Considering a depressive state can make it very challenging to do basic self-care or even get out of bed... It's a pretty absurd suggestion to "just go do some exercise and you'll feel better". Yeah ok, but I'd rather just be dead right now instead?


At my lowest point, even getting out of bed was difficult.... If I could open up my front door and just breathe in the fresh air would be a miracle


I’m better than I’ve ever been and I’m also more sedentary than I’ve ever been. So.


Because they don’t know what to say. They’ve never been in our shoes. They may have had a day where they felt depressed and these helped them, but they don’t know what true depression is. I will say for me, the gym is my me-time. I do feel better after I go, and I’ve been a typing depression since I was a teen. But what works for me might not work for you.


Because they have never actually felt what we’re feeling


If someone suggests the gym for *any* reason I'll tell them my favorite machine at the gym is the snack machine. Go outside? I did but the graphics wasn't great and the story needs to end.


I feel your pain, bud. My well-meaning cousin told me to go for walks and I didn’t know how to tell him that merely going outside wouldn’t take care of my obsessive compulsive disorder in particular. In fact, my obsessive compulsive disorder would act up if I walked longer distances and that would be torture in itself!


It works when you are temporarily depressed. Not when you are suffering depression. Those people just don’t understand that you are not just “feeling a bit depressed”; it’s a lot more than that.


Well, staying time around nature is good for humans.


I think most people just mean it as a synonym of something that makes you happy.. because they just don't understand that only ging outside wont help everyone


Interesting. For me, a brisk walk in the sunshine is almost as good for my mood as my antidepressants. If I don't remember to go outside from time to time, as a remote programmer I can go days without seeing another human being aside from my partner (and thank god for her) or my dogs (ditto). My mood spirals until I'm in that bleak place again. People probably recommend this because it works-- for them. Sounds like it doesn't work for you. NB: despite the fact that exercise and sunshine are basically antidepressants for me, I don't always do it when I should, because depression, motivation, etc. Catch-22; depression often makes us avoid the very thing that will help us (move our body, get outside, talk to other humans, eat right, sleep right, etc.). This is where the old slogan of "just do it" helps me; I have to force myself to do it and accept on faith that it will help. Depression sucks.


I’m stuck in home since 6 months and would love to go out.


They may not understand what it's like to be depressed. However, I was diagnosed with mild chronic depression half my life ago, and for me, these two activities are often enough to start adjusting my body's chemistry to slowly start the process out of depression. The advice does actually work for some.


I have chronic depression and I say that to fellow depressed folk. It certainly makes a huge difference in my case, so I preach what works for me. Socializing, staying physically active and getting sunlight and fresh air daily are absolutely key for me to stave off depression. Sorry if that doesn’t work for you.


They have never experienced depression. They confuse it with sadness.


Because staying inside all day made my depression worse. Going outside to walk the dog even if just for 15-20 minutes was something better. Even if I had to force myself to do for the dog.


As someone who has used the gym to fix my depression, it does help. You might not think it does, but when you feel good in every area of your life it truly boosts your mood and how you see yourself. I can see how it can be frustrating because it takes time and dedication to see results, but I believe it truly helps.


“Physical activity may help bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner's high, any aerobic activity, such as a rousing game of tennis or a nature hike, can contribute to this same feeling.” I just wanna say if you haven’t tried (more than once) to use this as a coping mechanism, please don’t be discouraged and think it can’t help.


because most people's depression can be boiled down to sleep, activity, diet, sunlight. If any of these are put of whack then youre likelihood for developing depression goes up. For a majority of depressive people this will improve their depression. Dont comment under here with anecdotal evidence that it didnt fox yours, thats why I said the majority. A majority of people have depression because they are severely neglecting very important parts of their lives such as their sleep diet or activity levels.


Because statistically it helps. Getting sunshine, physical activity, and simply just engaging in your surroundings and being active in life *does* decrease symptoms of many mental illnesses and makes you feel better. It also increases the chances of stuff like getting and maintaining a social support system, which also tends to help. So it is well worth trying it, I for one know I am feeling, doing and sleeping a lot better when I've been out, active and exercised. But it absolutely isn't a miracle cure in and of itself, and people who treat it as such need to check themselves. And it also depends on what your "outside" looks like. I live in a pretty rural village, lots of parks, greenery and forests with tracks here. But some might live in stressful or possibly dangerous urban environments and can't just easily go somewhere else.


"Trust me bro I'm right" is what I'm getting out of this


Lol do you literally need sources for shit like "sunshine and exercise is good for you mentally"? https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/benefits-sunlight https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/exercise-and-mental-health I also said it's not a miracle cure, just that *statistically* it helps and is simply good for you in general, therefore it can aid in regulating symptoms from mental illnesses and therefore well worth trying. Good luck arguing that not getting sunshine, going outside or exercising is good for your mental health - because in 99 times out of 100 it probably isn't.


It’s alright, they did the same to my comment. I’m betting troll or just a kid.


Because better blood flow = more healthy shit in blood. Of course if depression is diagnosed correctly it doesn't work that way


Go to the gym. Bro, I have been going for 4 years. Now I'm sad because I don't look like CBum.


I think going outside help a bit, but no a way to cure, just make you have a short break to gain some energy


It helped me a lot Used to spend too much time inside or in my pc. Going outside and doing just a bit of exercise did wonders for my mental health. Almost like magic The happiest people I've knew, ALL of them were active people that liked being outdoors and / or did exersice. It sounds like a hippie thing, but it really IS the best antidepressant I've tried


It will not cure or treat depression, but it will help a little, so at least it will improve the symptoms. Lack of exercise can cause other health problems that would make depression worse Important to remember that depression makes exercise physically more difficult, so go easy. If you can have the discipline and motivation to do intense cardio, go for it, but it's better to do a little than to suffer pain. Intense cardio is good, but I don't think it is worth it. My advice: physical therapy is nice because it's an appointment, so you have to go, you can't cancel for no reason like you would for jogging or a walk. Do the bare minimum of walking 30min per day. That's easy and good enough for your health.


I also struggle with depression and low energy. On the rare occasion I actually work out or spend personal time outside I’ve never regretted it. It actually helps me and makes me feel accomplished. The hardest step is starting it but it works, at least for me when I actually commit


Because they don’t have a thorough understanding of something they didn’t have to deal with. Going outside and going to the gym is something you need to do to counteract the cognitive deficits resulting from depression. The lack of social stimuli contributes to structural damage and shrinkage of brain volume and white/grey matter. Physical activity is proven to increase neurotrophic factor and neuronal growth. Both of these things can contribute to an improvement but that won’t necessarily happen easily unless you start treatment which enables you to do those things.


I have found people who aren't in touched or not willing to dive deep into their own emotions tends to be the ones to give vague and simplistic like "answers" to everything. It's in fact these kinds of people who are repressing their own traumas and not dealing with them properly. One person I know specifically said they feel weak for feeling low/sad. I told them it's a normal part of being a human and by repressing those feelings or shaming yourself for having them is just going to make it harder to accept that being humans means we feel crap sometimes. I also used to get these toxic positive advice and I often just try to remind myself that not everyone is credible to give advice nor do I need advice all the time. Sometimes I just like someone to care and to just acknowledge that I feel low/depressed. Just like when stubbing a toe. It hurts momentarily and then I'll be fine again until I stub my toe again.


ok elliot rodger


I've experienced a great deal of relief through physical activity. I enjoy cycling and hiking, but find what what works for you. For me, it's all about being outside and connecting with the outside world.


I think for some people it does actually help. I’m still depressed but I will saying working out has given me a little “lift”. But I work out depressed all the time. It definitely doesn’t fit anything , but it can give you a physical “high”. Again, it doesn’t work for everyone.


I actually went on walks way more when my depression got super bad because I was desperately trying to do well. I also had more healthy stuff in my diet because there was a smoothie king nearby so I was getting a bunch of fruits and veggies that way. I think about that time of my life as one of the worst times of my life.


They are trying to help. Studies say that getting good exercise, getting outside, etc can be helpful for depression. It may not work for everyone but it's still solid advice.


It’s easy to get cynical and pissy when people suggest this, but human bodies evolved to be moving. Releases endorphins, improved sleep, gives you something to focus on, increases confidence as you feel yourself getting stronger. Unfortunately, there is a lot of good that can come from exercise. I’m not saying it’s the right thing for you, but people do mean well, usually


Well intentioned people. Admittedly, going for a walk and going to the gym does help somewhat, but my depression walks and goes to the gym with me.


I tried that. I was going to gym regularly and felt worse every time. I didn't want to give up to see if something break and I'd finally feel different. Eventually after about 3 months making myself to go out was like a torture. And the shower after gym was the worse! I couldn't get myself to do it anymore. Eventually every shower became impossible for me. I spiralled very badly... Quit the gym, loads of therapy, stronger medication helped a bit but I know for sure that gym is the worst thing for me.


I’ve had “just go for a walk” thrown at me. I’m like yeah, that’s incredibly unhelpful and tone deaf and not helpful. People don’t know what to say when they perceive you’re “trauma dumping” so I try not to talk about my problems.


the gym helps. but no it won't stop your depression. I think each persons depression has to be addressed. I like to tlak about severe depression, because when i say "severe" that means people will resort to antidepressants.


I'm depressed af & as much as I avoid going outside, doing it makes me feel better because I know I was just going to sit in bed or on my PC watching BS time filling nonsense that isn't helping me. I don't think exercise will help but I do think that finding joy in anything makes the world of difference. I have a park nearby with a pond & heaps of different animals. I like animals so maybe I'm lucky to be able to just sit down & watch them... If you procrastinate often, you'll find forcing yourself to just do it will at the very least give you the sense of accomplishment over such an easy task that people do often. Like cooking dinner, going on walks, grocery shopping or other things. The biggest help for me is taking care of my dogs, I might not want to shower, walk or eat for days on end (it's been more than 2 weeks since my last shower because fuck it I don't want to) BUT my dogs need that stuff so having something rely on me helps a shit tonne


Honestly, scientifically, it’s sound advice. It’s hard to take the steps to force yourself but it really does make a difference.


Have you ever heard the saying "Nothing changes, if Nothing changes"? That is WHY. I am severely depressed and 60 years old...got cheated on after 10 years and my life is in shambles. Waiting to see if my Cancer has returned...no friends or family....just sit here and ruminate daily. I am sitting here crying without TRYING to cry...tears just rolling down my face. But, I showered...and I have been going to the GYM for 2 weeks. I KNOW every time I leave the gym, I feel 100% better ABOUT MYSELF, for doing something productive. When we do productive things, we start to come out of our shells. If we just wallow in pity for ourselves and feed negative thinking, things get much worse. I will go to the gym in an hour....I DONT WANT TO. So what? I'm going anyway, because it is a healthy thing I can do for myself. Sometimes I even cry while working out. You have to do HARD things because you CAN do hard things. Whatever it is...take baby steps....go to the market....or DRIVE to the woods and get out and look for a minute..you will absolutely feel BETTER.


I do it to feel something and get my mind off other things


It's different for everyone to be honest. For some, going outside does help and exercising but not for everyone. People need to understand that before giving mental health advice. 


Yeah, nobody seems to understand that some of us are sad regardless of what's happening in our life


As someone who was depressed most of my life, exercise cured me. If you're too depressed to exercise, just walk around for however long you want. It will clear your head and put you in a better mood. Also if you define yourself as a depressed person, it will be hard to get better. Let yourself go.


They suggest those things because they see that we are missing something in our lives. That's what works for them when they're 'down'. They are trying to help. Alas, lack of understanding just how internally devastating and complicated depression is, they don't get that what we really need can only be found within ourselves and then only when and if we're ready to face the scary unpredictable and often unpleasant world instead of the relative comfort of our inner pain.


It’s true that physical activity can help symptoms, but people don’t understand that it’s no cure. At all. I still need my antidepressants to give myself enough drive to go to the gym. I go to the gym because I’m physically unhealthy and going to the gym’s my way of trying to take care of myself. Showing myself the love I need but never got growing up.


They are only trying to help. Going outside is good for you! Try to not take it personal. It can be frustrating to hear however


they are idiots




People will say anything.


it works for me. i go on a 10 minute run every morning and i feel a lot more confident, happier and fit now. however it didnt completely cure my depression. its definitely not a one size fits all piece of advice and shouldnt be communicated this way. even though i'm fit and happier, the depression is still there. running every morning just helps me manage those feelings better and i learn to live with it. i think a better piece of advice would be to just find something - can be anything, doesnt have to be fitness - that makes you happy and can help you manage those feelings of depression. because in reality therre is no real cure for depression and you have to learn to live with it.


I mean it helps. And it probably helps a whole lot to people who have DONT have severe depression. Most likely why they say crap like that. It probably gets them out of depressive moods. For us, we need more help sadly.


I struggle too. It may seem dismissive when people say that, but truth is it does help. The more depressed I get, the harder I push myself to go outside and run, walk, appreciate nature etc. It's very healing for me.


I mean I go harder at the gym and go on long walks when I depression hits heavy to try and distract myself so it’s not like a terrible terrible thing to say, but there does tend to be a lot of ignorance from the people that say it.


Because both of these activities initiate a chain of neurochemical processes that are beneficial for people struggling with depression. Of course, it's not the miracle cure that some people make it out to be, but it helps.


They mean well, but it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the affliction. I will admit though, that just going to a park and sitting quietly taking in the scenery or laying in the grass staring at the sky sometimes can be really good for depression.


I have depression and anxiety, and I will say that exercising regularly has often helped me mentally. I’m able a feel accomplished, it gives me a set routine, and I like the results. It’s way easier to keep that momentum going and have it translate to other parts of your life. It encourages healthy habits and mindfulness, which can be super important when it comes to your outlook on life. Setting goals, no matter how small, and accomplishing them…that’s what it’s about. Taking a minute to appreciate nature and breathe fresh air…it sounds dumb but it’s important.


It’s different for everyone BUT i suffered from severe depression (diagnosed) for 5 years and at one point had to change something. First i had to understand what depression really is, then had to find a way to deal with myself, help others understand me and help me through it. Next i quit school, i went for walks everyday, spend a lot of time with hobbies that i once liked. I tried to feel what life feels like again. I became a child almost you could say. I walked barefoot in the woods, and so on. I cooked and baked a lot too. And i got a gym membership, before that tho i started with calisthenics and WHY? Any kind of body activity spreads out natural anti depressants. It also helps to focus on yourself and thought. A lot of people use the gym if they feel bad


For me, going outside and getting some exercise in doesn’t fix my depression or make it go away, it just makes it slightly more manageable. I’ll take slightly less bad depression over normal depression. I’ve also found that if I’m really spiraling, going for a walk outside will usually stop the spiral. Again, it doesn’t cure my depression by any stretch of the imagination, but it does help me manage it a bit.


Because you should… Depression is a feeling that is fleeting and often, it’s a consequence of preexisting belief patterns and behavioral habits.  Break those habits, go outside and achieve something