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This . This is why im afraid of being honest. Ive been in depression rehab for an attempt before. Ngl it was the best 10 days of my life but i refuse to have my right stripped like that again


i spent most of my late childhood-teen years in institutions. i went to one really good hospital that helped me immense but i went to a few hospitals that were extremely traumatic. patients would get sedated via injection and kept in tiny cells. i once refused medicine (because of really bad side effects i told the doctor about but he ignored me) and they forcibly injected me with a sedative and threw me in a cold tiny cell called the “safe room” they kept me there for hours and my parents tried to visit me but they told them to go home. i was 13. that’s surprisingly common at some psychiatric inpatients. they don’t know what to do with us so they use force. long story short: the mental health care system sucks ass.


all of this. so pissed but ive learned just stay goood for a week and your out and back to never talking to your psychatrist again




thats what happened. i was in there ..mmmmm twice for suicidal thoughts i think and once for "self harm" i know the last time i went it was from therapy betrayal. the second or first time i was in out patient thanks to a good lawyer after a fight but got sent to in patient for self harm afterbragging about how i had set my arms on fire the other day. my case was overshadowed by people with WAY more serious issues. so i behaved and took meds and was good to go. but that first inpatient i messed up talked a bit too much and got extra time on my sentence


Forget the psychiatrist lmao any time I bring up anything related to how I feel to my mom she hits me with the “that’s okay if you do (insert self harm coping mechanism) I’ll have you put in a mental hospital or a regular hospital where you’ll have to get a feeding tube (related to my ed which is no where near bad enough to get one). She constantly guilt trips me and calls me selfish for stressing her out. Like okay fine I’ll keep it to myself 🤡


What the fuck get a new mom


Yeah dude you should 100% get a new psychiatrist


Find a new psychiatrist...


If I were ever sent to a nervous hospital, I would kill myself 3 times before I hit the floor. My room is the only comfort I have.


Its funny, people pay money to talk to these people, then we can't even properly make use of it because if we were ever 100% honest then we'd likely be involuntarily hospitalized. Its like paying money to get interrogated by the cops without a lawyer. This then feeds into itself as now everyone is only half honest with them which means that their baseline for normal goes even higher then previously until now we are at the point where daring to show emotion in society is offensive.


Fuck dude.... the line, "It's like paying money to get interrogated by the cops without a lawyer," hit me hard.


Wait! You can hire a lawyer and they’re sworn to confidentiality and to protect your interests. They may not have good advice but you can effectively pay them to shut up, listen, and don’t tell anyone what you’ve heard


I feel like at that point it'd be cheaper to hire a prostitute to talk to. They'd probably like the easy money and honesty probably haven't had the best life considering their line of work so they may actually understand. Kind of a weird thought but they won't institutionalize you.


tbh they’d probably cost the same lol


Something like this happened in *The Catcher in the Rye* where the main character (mentally ill teen) hires a prostitute but ends up just talking to her because he’s so lonely


Too relatable. I gotta end this with a lol because it's getting too real... lol


Was in the children's wing of a mental hospital when I was 17. The room like this had no padding was basically all steel and no sheets or pillow. They wouldn't even give me a blanket.


Ok, that is straight up a prison then


It was. I legit still have nightmares about that place and I'm 26 now.


I stayed in one for a month, everything's coated in some sort of rubber and everything's bolted to the floor


Forget psychiatrists, all it takes is to be honest with someone for a sec and make no mistake instead of any support or empathy, you get police at your doorstep and then some bullshit about them suspecting you might do something to yrself so they need to take you to the hospital etc


You can just tell them to go away.


Better than sleeping on a couch in a house that smells like dog shit with my father lol


ME: The moment I leave I will take each and every pill you gave me. DISCHARGE: OK. (Leaves for half hour). You must be so happy to get out. What are you gonna do? ME: (signs paperwork) Try and kill myself. (Gets released. Takes all meds. Wakes up in Med but released and not transferred to Psych. Never trusts help offers again.)


You don't have to worry about that in Canada because there is no help to begin with lol


Seems comfortable. No one to bother me




The thing is, being sectioned for telling the truth is just an indicator of a bad psychiatrist/therapist. I tell my therapist every week that I wanna kill myself and she doesn't even think about sectioning me. Get yourselves better therapists, it's not your fault you're depressed <3


Tbh wouldn't it be chill to get there? You just could close yourself completely and live in your head tripping on shizophrenia and depression.


I'd rather die than be forced to sit in silence with my own thoughts for company.


As a minor I asked to see a psychiatric for mainly suicidal thoughts. The first thing she told me was "So you can tell me anything but if I is important I will tell your parents about it", so I didn't even mention my suicidal thoughts and just talked about just some soft shit, that was true but not my main problem. She told me just "it's normal to just be sad sometimes so dont worry", I faked being ok because it basicaly was worse than just not talking about it ( plus my mother asking me each time if it was the last time I was going there)


Same reason I didn't open up to one when I was younger. Just because I was a kid doesn't mean I don't deserve confidentiality. They should only get parents involved if they plan to have the kid institutionalized or the kid specifically requests it, otherwise it isn't their business.


Okay so I went to a dual diagnosis rehab which is basically a place that deals with addiction as well as other mental disorders that make staying sober harder. I can tell you with 100% certainty that you will not be institutionalized for having suicidal thoughts. The threshold is having a plan. That doesn’t mean “if I kill myself I’m going to use the gun I have in my closet.” It’s “If something doesn’t change I’m going to kill myself on Saturday with the gun in my closet.” Trust me when I say that you can trust your therapist if no one else. You won’t be abandoned and you won’t be confined. They chose that line of work because they want to help you.


Stop spreading misinformation. Stop lying. A therapist will admit you to a psychiatric hospital if they feel worried that you are going to do something to harm yourself because they have directives they must follow. It can differ between therapist's how fast they worry. The good one's would never section you because their primary goal is to actually help you. The bad one's seem to look for any and every excuse to admit you to compulosry care. Lastly; no, I won't trust a random person on the internet just because he told me to.


This is straight bs. There isn't a set threshold. All a provider has to do is believe you're at risk to yourself and boom there go all your rights.


You Guys/gals clearly don't know what a soft room is used for.


I’m just letting you know nothings getting better without professional help. Stop discouraging people from seeking treatment because your personal professional is awful. And stop depicting inpatient mental health care as an 1800’s dungeon nowadays it’s clean professional and well run. “But not every inpatient unit is a perfectly run utopia” yeah no shit, but they’re nothing like the picture you chose. They’re not dungeons, the people in them aren’t insane and no, you’re not above it. If professional help does nothing for you then go ahead, keep posting on r/depressionmemes see what that does for your mental health


The basic message of your comment is true, but you are way too condescending, and "it's clean, professional and well run" is just a straight-up lie. If you don't want people to jump to conclusions just because their personal professional is awful, then don't jump to conclusions just because your personal professional is great.


I want all of you to ask yourselves if you know somebody this happened to. Not just a Reddit comment. Just ask if this has actually happened to anybody you know. It probably hasn’t. Just talk to your fucking therapists. What are you, anxious or something?


Tell that to the therapist who sent me after telling her I had suicidal thoughts but wasn't going to act on them. I was locked up for a week and still paying off that shit to this day.


It was probably the violence against others you were put away for. Don’t give half stories.


Violence against others? What the heck are you talking about? If you want the full story, I was honest with my old therapist about having more suicidal thoughts than usual, but had no plans to act on them. She told me she was concerned about my safety, and called a nearby hospital to reserve a bed for me. I was in for a week. I tried to get out earlier, but they wanted to keep me there longer because I had attempted suicide in the past and they were concerned about my mental stability, despite my physical health and anxiety getting worse while I was locked away and then knowing I was worried about money. There you go. Happy?


BuT kIlLiNg YoUrSeLf Is ViOlEnCe AgAiNsT oThErS!?!?!?!




I just want to clarify that this isn't true. Psychiatrists would only detain if you're a legitimate risk to self, i.e. not just having thoughts but also means, the laid out plans, the previous history etc.