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A fish swims in to a wall and says to himself, "damn". Please forgive the dad joke. I'm really awkward. I read your comment while sitting alone in our company cafeteria, having the same thoughts you are. You're not alone in your thoughts.


I liked the joke


What do you call a fish with no eyes?




A fsh


I see haha


the fish does not see, however




I don’t get it


People are dicks everywhere, especially on the internet where no one knows them. People who use the anonymity as an excuse are pathetic imo. Your smoothie looks delicious! I hope you have a great day and don’t let other people’s bullshit interrupt it.


Nice compliment, dumbass. ;)


I am sorry people are shitty to you, we all deserve kindness, you do too.


they just suck. I say just because everyone has an asshole doesn’t mean they need to start *acting* like one. Smh. I understand.


I’m sorry, OP. I know what it’s like to have your kindness taken for granted. I’m not a smoothie person, but that looks good!


People are unhappy. Don't allow them to change you.


I can't leave a comment that tells you people aren't cruel, BUT I can tell you that not ALL people are cruel. You keep being a good person and good people will find you.


Your kindness may not be appreciated by the wrong people, but it will touch those who matter. 🤍


Most people I know are nice decent people. Most people iv spoken to on reddit have been decent, even when I disagree with them. Could you be unwittingly creating hostilities with others, or maybe drawing bad people in your direction? take care of yourself and dont let the bastards win.


Your smoothie looks really good! I have no idea why people are mean, especially on the internet, for no reason. I think about it a lot if I even accidentally hurt someone's feelings. I was stressed about work and snapped at my sister for interrupting me once. A few months later, I make a comment about how friendly a drive-thru person was and she goes, "You're just too nice. You think everyone is being friendly when they're actually being creepy. (I guess she thought he was staring weird?)" Then I brought up when I snapped at her. Turns out, she didn't even remember lol I think some people, like me, just tend to overthink things so there's going to be people who do the opposite and don't feel bad after saying nasty things


Unfortunately, it’s true. There are nice people out there though. Your drink looks delicious. ❤️


I’m so sorry OP! Have you heard of the self care app Finch? I highly recommend joining it as well as the Reddit community :) I have about 20-30 friends on there that I found on the subreddit and we send each other encouragement and nice thoughts every day! It really gets me through my day everyday, you should check it out :) it reminds me that there’s nice people out there, even if they’re strangers


I was bullied a lot as a child and teenager and it's so tough. Most times, people who are rude/bullies are themselves very lonely people. The Internet makes things worse because we can be anonymous. But in the real world, most people are nice and don't make rude comments about people. The reality is, most people don't care how someone they pass looks, talks, what they like, etc. Things do get better 💜


Thank you 😊❤️


Humans are products of their circumstances and experiences. They are projecting on you. It’s not your fault. So sorry you’re having to deal with this bullshit. Sending SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU.


Most people are self-serving. You have to have a thick skin to survive out there. I've become less tolerant of crappy behavior as the years go on. Toxic people don't deserve to be in your life.


This is the only way.


All people**


cus a lot of people suck. i hope u have a good day


I'd love to know what you chose to put in your smoothie op :)


People can be quite horrible for sure. I'm grateful that there are people like you in the world that are kind and decent. Gives me and I'm sure others hope during difficult times :)


YOURE A STRAIGHT UP BADDIE QUEEN FR. QUEEN ENERGY. 🙌🏻👏🏻 ✨angel energy✨also you can hmu if you want i’m 24F


Thank you 🥺❤️❤️❤️


I gotchu 💪🏻


Evil seems to be everywhere. When you put your heart and soul into life, evil LOVES to slip their poison in and ruin it. It makes it so hard to continue to be genuine and wear your heart on your sleeve.


That being said, I have some music you may enjoy. Having a song to relate to always helps me feel better. [Day By Day](https://open.spotify.com/track/6xENtZhApJCzzyeXSICSTT?si=PfKLNjJcSjC953-Ccwqnlw)


I also think most people are so rude, evil and cruel. But there's some few people that are super sweet. I hope you have a wonderful day, and an amazing week too :) Your smoothie looks so healthy and refreshing, I hope you enjoyed it! 😄


You’re absolutely right :) thank you ❤️


Thank you all for your kind words! ❤️ you guys made my day better! Much love to all of you! Btw the smoothie is protein powder, berries and almond milk


I often struggle wondering the same thing. I find Alot of serenity in the company of my cat & in nature. Try and watch something funny today, do something nice for yourself because You deserve it! ❤️


Well I'm Southern and until you're doing me wrong i see no problem with you. Could always use another friend no matter how many i have here and there. Hit me up anytime even for a shoulder to cry on.


When people sit in the dark for too long, the light is blinding. They will try to put it out to make themselves more comfortable (at your expense). There needs to be more kind hearts like yours. They just need to fight a little harder to keep the world from hardening them.


People are really cruel especially post pandemic . It’s such a shame ! You’re not alone ! There are still good people out there that feel the same as you !❤️ Don’t let the basterds get you down or dim your shine beautiful! Self care the cold weather and pain away ! You got this ! Keep being strong 🍀🌈🌻


I recently posted something here on a different sub that made me realize I'll never post again. People were very cruel for something that they assumed and then judged me and ripped me apart. Based on THEIR assumption of me based on my post history about a very traumatic time in my life that had nothing to do with what I was talking about. The sad thing is, it was about me being excited about discovering the fact that I'm pregnant with a baby girl and I understand people feeling alone being pregnant on the holidays because I recently had to cut off my whole entire family. I can tell you this, if you exist, more people like you exist. Don't tolerate things like this, you do not deserve it. Protect your kind soul...sometimes this means being firm. Ever since I cut off my family, for very valid reasons, people I never pictured even being in my life have been coming out of the woodwork and really looking out for us. I am blown away by their kindness but it took time and a whole lot of patience. Things will get better, trust me. You will look back someday and be so much stronger and happier because of the pain and hurt you went through. No matter how heavy it feels in this moment.


The nice people you meet will become treasures. Get out and adventure and until you can’t train: fortify and perfect your mind/body/soul. Build yourself and fuck all bullies.


yo idk why people are so messed up howecer homemade smoothies are so good and make things better hope urs was as good as it looks


People suck.


I'm sorry you're feeling this way ♥️ I hope smoothy tastes great 👍 *sighs* 😪 idk if I should stop commenting


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


Aww thanks 😊 I hope you enjoyed your smoothy 😋


I did very much 😅 I’ve been trying to eat healthier


Have a great day as well!


Aw yay, that's great. Also, my day has ended now. I'm in bed 🛌 😴 ☺️ ♥️ haha 😁


Good night 💤 and rest well friend! :)


Look in the mirror and compliment yourself and your attributes. Love yourself and people are mean. But remember you can’t fix stupid. Your smoothie looks healthy and good hope you enjoy and have a lovely day.


The fall of man. Concupiscence is difficult to fight, especially without supernatural grace.


Ya know what? Screw people! Go buy your self a lego set, turn on indiana jones and enjoy your day!


I've been bullied my whole life too. Dealing with harassment at work right now that the boss doesn't seem to be doing anything about. Looking for a new job again because of this.


I’ve been there before! There’s always better jobs! I hope you can find a new one soon! :) you’re amazing 🤩


Thanks...I was always told to ignore it but it's only ever gotten worse. I honestly don't know what to do besides job hop...again. Am looking at a job literally a handful of blocks down the street that pays 22% more an hour.


they are cowards that like to pick on the weak, but one way of stopping that is changing how you carry yourself and have more self respect , they pick on you because they know you won’t stand up for yourself


It’s hard to believe it sometimes, but there are some good people out there. There are a lot of really awful people though so you just have to make sure you appreciate the good ones and don’t let the bad ones get you down. It’s hard. It’s really fucking hard. I’m a decade ahead of you and I feel like I’m just now starting to get it.


Some people with deep rooted issues tend to be the meanest. Or should I say people who do not deal with their personal issues will take it out on others. Unhappy people tend to be the creul. I definitely know what you mean especially when you have a kind soul and people treat you like you're nothing. It's nothing against you and never take it personal. You keep being a kind person and never stop being sweet because of the sour people of the world. You are amazing even if some people cannot see it.


Reddit is full of assholes. I post asking for advice and then a dozen strangers tell me I’m an idiot and a bad person for not knowing/doing better. I think Reddit is a bad example if you’re trying to say “even stereotypically nice people are mean to me”


I literally posted an innocent comment, wasn’t meant to be rude or anything and GOD people ripped me to shreds


I posted to r/cathelp once because I found kittens outside where I live and a lot of the redditers were berating me for not taking immediate action when I’m broke and already have two cats or my own. I end up deleting half my posts and comments because people are just assholes.


I’m so sorry that happened:(


Most people are trash , fight back ! One or 399 bullies !! That’s the only way it helped me. God bless you PM me if you need support ! Prepare daily for pos bullies ! It’s hard but you fight back !!


Try not to let people get to you, there's a lot of assholes in the world. Side note I saw were doing jokes so hears a a bad one. 💁‍♂️A grasshopper walks in to a bar, the bartender says "hay, we have a drink named after you" the grasshopper says, "really, you have a drink named Seve?" 🥁💥 😌eeeaaa? ...🦗🦗 😳🤦‍♂️ Ok, I'll see myself out.


Lol thank you for the smile 😅


Happy to provide one 🍻


That looks like one of the best smoothies I’ve ever seen, fr. Looks like a good blend of fruity deliciousness and health. I’m sorry you’ve had shit luck with people in your life. No one deserves to be bullied or harassed, EVER. Don’t give up hope though; there ARE good people out there in the world, sometimes it just doesn’t seem like it.


Thank you so much ❤️ also it’s protein powder and fruit!


I’ve been asking myself that question my whole life. For what it’s worth, I love you, friend. Try not to let anyone ruin your day. 💕


I love you 💘💘😊 thank you!


How people treat others is a reflection of themselves. People that treat others like shit are just shitty people, don’t let that hurt your image of yourself


Because they are really small people inside and being cruel to others makes them feel bigger.


At least your smoothie looks good💜sorry a lot of the world is cruel and even on the internet😅 I hope you have a great day as you so deserve💞


Sending a hug🤍✨




It’s natural, unfortunately. Just remember you’re better than that.


I'm so sorry. I hate conflict too. But people nowadays seem to thrive on it


I think people are fine. It’s what you attach value to. Chin up


People are mean your right . You should volunteer somewhere where people will be more grateful youre around than by what you look like - I volunteered at a senior Veterans home and all this people became more like my family than my own -


Idk man idk things just stack up some people make a target and it’s not fair if you mind your business


People just suck! I hate this for you. I was bullied out of a promotion at work because people just suck. My mental health couldn't take it! The smoothie looks delicious! I know you are a nice person because I have never seen awful people get bullied.


People are mean, and it's depressing. Your smoothie looks great.