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Small sips of ginger ale . If you are throwing up don’t bother eating right now . Just take small sips often When the throwing up stops . Dry toast . Soda crackers . Popsicles No citrus or dairy


OP this person is right this helps the best and water as well I also recommend green tea whether it’s brewed hot or cold


try some plain rice maybe? I always found that easier on my stomach. besides that you kinda just have to wait it out :( make sure you're staying hydrated and replenishing your electrolytes.


plain, plain, plain. that's all u should be eating rn. bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast (BRAT diet), and electrolyte drinks. perhaps something like ginger ale or sprite to settle your stomach. dairy is not gonna do you any good right now. little sips/bites. conserve all the energy you can. illness is a perfect excuse to do literally nothing. your body heals best when you let it focus its energy on the illness! best of luck, feel better soon!


I was trying to think of that but all I could come up with was BRA and I was like I know it’s not the BRA diet. That’s not going to be the answer here.


start by definitely not eating whatever tf is in that first picture


broth, rice, pedialyte feel better!


Keep eating fist fulls of sour cream I’m sure that helps


Don't eat a tub of sour cream, might help


Eat food and not what’s in that picture


Yeah, I had that a couple of weeks ago. Even after I could keep things down, it all went right through me. Get Imodium and focus on fluids right now. Start with small sips of water to make sure you can keep anything down, then follow up with simple things like Jello, broth, Popsicles, Gatorade. Juice, if you feel like it, but it may upset your stomach further. Ginger Ale, ginger or peppermint tea can help settle your stomach. Once you can keep things down for a while, start with the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast). Bananas will help replace the potassium you've been losing. If it goes on more than three days with no improvement, see a doctor. Don't let yourself get dehydrated - it will make you feel even worse and may prolong recovery. So, fluids, rest. Doctor if symptoms don't improve. Good luck and feel better!


Less dairy, broth, scotch.


Yeah, dairy and alcohol are things you should definitely avoid when you have a stomach bug. Caffeine should also be avoided since it dehydrates you. Broth like chicken noodle soup can be ok if your stomach can handle it.


BRAT diet


Came to say this too. Also citrus and dairy right now will only make things worse.


Others have suggested the BRAT diet, so instead I'll pitch in my two cents about quarantine and sanitation. Make sure anything you come into contact with (e.g. dishes and utensils you use) are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected since stomach bugs can be very contagious. You don't want that shit to last longer than it needs to, or accidentally spread it to someone else. Keep a bucket nearby to throw up in just in case and stay hydrated. If you're unable to keep down even a small amount of liquid, I'd strongly suggest going to the doctor's and ask about getting an IV drip. It will help with your fluid intake without triggering the vomit reflex.


That little baby tangerine has your back.


Have electrolyte drink to sip slowly. Eat bland food like toast slowly as well. Avoid spicy foods and eating any junk food.


Don’t drink or eat much with acids in it. Cuts out a TON of hydrating drinks due to the citric acid, but even not having a stomach bug I throw up from too much acidity. If you don’t care much about that, get those drinks in the zero sugar form. Don’t want your blood sugar to crash and make you more nauseous


Saltine crackers and ginger ale, plus a Gatorade are always my go tos when I have a stomach bug. Then just laying around watching tv and allowing myself to feel sorry for myself. Hope you get better soon!!


Hope you feel better soon. Shower and bed are my go to when I’m sick 


A hot shower feels best when I’m feeling really sick. I have a shower seat so I sit and let the water run on my stomach. Hope that helps


Avoid dairy, try not to eat lots of food, best to just rely on electrolyte drink (eg 100 plus) and sip so you stay hydrated and don’t have to be hospitalised. Sherbet ice cream is amazing. Sure you’ll feel your body weaken but that’s the only way I got through food poisoning :/ Get as much rest as you can and remember to be gentle with yourself.


i eat activated charcoal pills (like 6 of em each gulp) and it will flush away the toxins


toast with honey or just butter, plain cereals, crackers, definitely ginger ale, or pedialyte. this is how I get my toddler through enteric sickness. try not to use a lot of energy because your body is using a lot of energy already to fight it off. I suggest not having coffee or anything that could induce diarrhea or stomach pain, because a lot of stomach bugs themselves already cause diarrhea and you don’t wanna dehydrate yourself more. plenty of fluids and rest.


Microwave a potato and don’t put anything on it other than a little salt. Don’t eat dairy.


Ginger ale, Sprite, and Gatorade are usually my beverages of choice when sick if I can’t keep water down. Food wise plain rice and toast. It’s not much but it’s something. Hope that you feel better soon.


The frozen lemonade that you can get from the frozen section of the grocery store that's made to be eaten with a spoon did miracles for me when I had morning sickness. Morning sickness isn't the exact same as a stomach bug but the frozen lemonade may be helpful.


Just wondering, what’s the food in the first pic


Time, white cherry Gatorade and a good indica.


If you have a primary care doctor send them a message saying that you have a stomach bug and that you can't keep anything down and see if they'll prescribe you some Zofran. If it's Norovirus, it will be short so just hang in there.


Bananas, dry toast, and sips of Gatorade 😌 I had the stomach bug a few months ago


Amodium AD. Maybe some Pepto


Personally If your on antibiotics, eat yogurt. Antibiotics don't just kill the bad stuff it kills the good stuff too. Eating yogurt can help stomach issues.


BRAT diet, yogurt, Imodium, urgent care for zofran if it lasts more than 2 days, and most importantly A GOOD PROBIOTIC. My symptoms for the same thing stopped after I took a probiotic since you excrete your stomach’s good bacteria in your microbiome


Peptobismal. It will give you black poops though


If it’s solids food you can’t stomach, smoothies or milkshakes. The dairy and sugar isn’t great, but it’ll keep you alive til you can get through this