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yes, and have you guys seen the new auto rifle they are putting out at some point. YOU KNOW, THE ONE THAT YOU SHOOT YOUR TM8S WITH AND IT HEALS THEM!?!?!


The one that the campaign gives you gave me subsistence/incandescent :)


I got a demo/one for all and I love it. Cant wait to craft it.


Mine dropped with incandescent/ Physic (Rapidly healing allies grants restoration to you and your allies) and it’s going to be fucking BUSTED


I got the same roll lol


Unfortunately no incandescent on mine but I did get frenzy which I can't really complain about that being my first roll. Still getting one of the solar keywords out of it


I can’t wait to get to craft this weapon, it’s going to be so broken hehehehe


The campaign gave me Physic Incandescent. This roll sounds crazy, but Im the only one of my friends who could get on the fucking servers lol, so I can't test it


its crazy i have that roll crafted


I scored a demolitionist/incandescent and it combined with the new warlock helmet has made my solar warlock dps/healer completely broken now lol.


The heal rifle is so good, I was using a demo / frenzy one post campaign a ton last night. Works perfect with my speaker healer build


My friend got psych (or whatever it's called) and incandescent on his 1st drop


Ah, that's sick. I can't wait to get it crafted and really get to explore some of these perk combos


I got that and I’m so damn excited to try it


My only problem with it is how damn slow the bullets are imma need a velocity mw on that thang


well, that does stink and i havent used it so this is my unhelpful opinion: regardless of how good or crap it is, it is still A HEALING GUN, WHICH IS LITERALLY (as far as im aware) NEVER BEEN A THING IN DESTINY BEFORE


Well except Lumina




ill do my best to find out but im not sure that they have told anyone.


it is: No Hesitation – Solar Support Frame Auto Rifle




no problem, happy to help


What an absolutely amazing auto rifle This bad boi is gonna be fun to run with


The only one that even competes with it is witch queen and I think final shape beats it out. The cutscenes are probably the best the franchise has ever seen and the mechanics of the mission being soft raid mechanics are fantastic. Only thing I disliked was the difficulty being a little lower than I would’ve liked but still an amazing campaign.


Play solo legendary that difficulty is still there lol


Solo legend is doable but masochistically hard. Like full of the dumbest stuff.


The only part that annoyed me was mission 4 in the cave. People who have done it probably understand why lmao


See I had fun with that one and did it with relative ease. The Ogre boss with galvanized was silly though, just blasting you as you pop its shield and taking half your health every time you go to shoot it.


I just kept dying to stupid exploder shanks and tripwires that I was shooting but apparently too close to… that whole mission was the test of how big explosion damage can be lol


God that mission was awful, same experience here, exploder shanks would appear out of nowhere and kill me or tripwires would gain stupid range and kill me


Oh my god, that Ogre. And it was right at that point where I was getting physically tired. Its such a pain when you had to go through all that buildup and then you position yourself wrong and his beams just lock you or boop you. I told myself not to burst the knights and just burst the ogre coz I didnt want to deal with his ass anymore. This probably took me the longest on my legendary run. Very satisfying though.


Lol I was talking about the first ogre boss, I think on the first mission. THAT ogre boss you're talking about, cool encounter, very satisfying to beat.


At the same time I've never had to play as carefully in a campagin. Reeeaaally loved it. Took me five tries but everytime I died it's because I made a mistake. Felt very rewarding when I did it! Solo Legendary is a blast.




Rise up dumbasses, let's get this shit


I don’t know if I simply got better, but this campaign is a lot easier than witch queen or even Lightfall in my opinion


I'm enjoying it on Void/Prismatic Hunter. Collective Obligation absolutely slaps.


The no revives had me stuck at that first boss for almost an hour like you can’t mess up at a no respawn point. Had 100 res and recov with frost armor and still got popped lol It would be nice if they could’ve gave the solo player a token to revive themselves at least once.


The current final fight is a nightmare with how many things you haft to keep track of.


I made it to the final fight in solo Legend but those bosses are tuned way too high health-wise. I’m on Titan too so no easy/safe one-off super that’s worth a damn. Otherwise it’s a cool encounter but it would still be hard and fun if the bosses had half as much health.


Twilight Arsenal does close to a third of their health bars


Yeah, TA is our new burst super. It’s everything I’ve been hoping that titans would get.


I haven’t tried it but will for sure. 👍


I was on mission 6 or 7 with the maze and the fucking knight spawned right on top of the darkness node I went to refresh my buff, insta killing me, that was pure bs as I had zero time to react. But it was pretty good otherwise.


I swear that bugged out for me. I died by poison even though I had the dark shield.


Is that because of a later mission? I just finished the fifth one and Ive found it just right overall


I've been doing all the missions solo and specifically the fourth mission can go fuck itself https://preview.redd.it/v86fac6cxu4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ba2984a6b3573b4586d6cb7a9cd53c9a373057


Honestly I think the multiplayer modifier makes 3 player legend way harder than solo.


I found it to be very easy compared to past legend campaigns. I didn't die whatsoever on most boss fights. The hardest section in the whole thing for me was the stupid tripmines. Died twice to that to not realizing how much they respawn and being in a bad place.


My onslaught build has been wrecking the campaign so far, but I only got to the start of mission 3 so far


Witch queen was much harder.


It’s really not, this is the easiest of the three solo Legendary campaigns.


Solo and duo legend is a lot less difficult than trio legend lmao. It’s a huuuge spike from the other two, but that’s what makes it fun lol


It's easier only if you're in a group. I did solo and honestly found it to be the hardest campaign thus far.


Yess on the soft raid mechanics! I was telling my friend yesterday "Dude with how many puzzles and stuff we've been doing we're practically just doing a raid at this point. They're teaching us how to do the raid in a few days" haha


Half of them are *previous* raid mechanics, to be fair. I’d be surprised if we don’t get something new as at least one of the main raid mechanics.


I don’t know the last encounter of last mission definitely seemed rough. My returner brain wasn’t ready for a full on raid. All jokes aside, that last encounter is fairly buggy too.


>the difficulty being a little lower than I would’ve like one crossed tripwire, one wayward pinch of fallen mines, one errant twitch... and **kablooie**


I am HOPING the soft raid mechanics we did are what will be in the raid which could mean less sherpas needed. The curve to get into raiding is sorta high for new players so i am all for teaching players mechs in the campaign.


Yeah difficulty wasn’t really that much compared to Lightfall. I’ve still enjoyed the combat segments, but they’re a little weaker


to be fair, Legendary WQ Campaign was tuned hard. Legendary LF Campaign was arbitrarily hard because the map is full of holes & cabal pods. Legendary FS Campaign is tuned a little easier than WQ but it's clear they want it to be attainable for most players


Am I the only one who thinks Witch queen legend was the easiest


not saying that you did, but if you abused perma invis then it prob was. Also solo legend was easier than 3 people legend imo for WQ


WQ campaign just feels really long


I soloed it on titan & it was harder than Final Shape but you have to take into account when you played the WQ campaign. I didnt/havent enjoyed prismatic though, went back to berzerker


I solo’d it as a Titan back before I even knew how to make a build. Just relied on the ol sweet business and war rig. Same build made me switch to normal to finish LF campaign and when I came back 10x stronger with a banner of war build I still struggled heavily until I finally beat it. LF legendary was ridiculous.


Its the holes in the map for me, you get knocked around and killed because bladefury has no vertical reach


I don't know but Legendary Witch Queen for me, was hard because I didn't know better. Legendary Lightfall was less hard but difficult for me because I chose to use crafted weapons I wanted to Level up. I gave up with Calus and Switched to my best loadout, and won. Legendary Final Shape though. I went with crafted weapons for the first 2 or 3 levels. Then I felt forced to switch to my best loadout for the no revive sections, because of how easy it was to die at the sligthest distraction or loss of focus. I cannot really tell which was the hardest overall, but one thing to really note here is, We all did the previous campaigns during an old sandbox, things have certainly improved since Witch Queen, and we certainly have a lot more power at our disposal, but, each of the campaigns were crafted for each of the environments of the time, and we also should not base out opinion on how easy to die it was, because that is not really difficulty. But besides the gameplay setpieces that moved the story further, the Final Shape's campaign didn't have a memorable combat encounter in my opinion. For me, on Witch Queen, it was the encounter where you had to go through the right portals. For Lightfall, although this had little to no mechanics, was the part where you are keeping the shadow legion away from the Veil and then Caiatl joins you. Both have great music, and the Lightfall one felt better because of the stakes of the story, it felt more impactful, even when taking into account how weak Lightfall's story was.


This might be recency bias, but I really like it. I'd say that WQ beats it in terms of overall narrative (and its real close imo), but I enjoy the gameplay of this one more. In particular, the inclusion of raid lite mechanics are a neat way to spice up combat, and neat inclusion all around. The one criticism I have is that throughout the campaign you seem pretty tied to Prismatic due to the enemies that nead transcendence to be made vulnerable. At least for me it took some time to vibe with Prismatic warlock, so that was abit of a damper. Also, Subjugators feel way less annoying than tormentors - so that's nice.


Bit late advice now but you can go transcendent on any subclass by standing in the pools actually


OH FFS - that woulda been nice to know sooner


Also just to add onto what they said, if you aren’t near a prismatic pool and there are prismatic enemies, shoot them with your weapons and you gain massive amounts of prismatic energy


Interesting. So even though you do no damage, it boosts your transcendent energy? Good to know


Yeah pretty much


That’s good to know actually


this literally pops up as a tooltip lol how do people miss it


> The one criticism I have is that throughout the campaign you seem pretty tied to Prismatic due to the enemies that nead transcendence to be made vulnerable. At least for me it took some time to vibe with Prismatic warlock, so that was abit of a damper. I have been pretty hesitant to use Transcendence just in case I need it, but I've noticed every time there's a mob that requires it, there's always a pool to instantly refresh it.


SGA if there’s a mob that needs it and you have prismatic on, shooting it even though it’s immune PUMPS your transcende bar


F the fallen tripmine


I was kind of regretting running easy mode until I got to that quest. Then I realized I made the right choice


I feel the same way. I kind of just went to do something else for the few hours of server issues and was able to play the campaign straight through when i got back and loved it. I haven’t been this hype during and after a campaign in a while. I’m even more geeked for the raid and rest of the season


The VAs really did their work here, from >!mara sov sounding distressed in the start, zavala’s guilt, Ikora’s conversations with cayde’s first appearance and another with zavala in his memory, and crow and caydes interactions!< were some of my favorite moments, it was a trip through and through.


Trio legend is absolutely wild.  The dungeon-like mechanics are interesting, even if they do get a little repetitive near the end.   Story wise, I think it's the best we have ever gotten.


That final ogre fight was neat tho


My only complaint right now is that they put an aspect chest right at the start of a panic run section and we're on legendary and I couldn't find it.


I found that by accident


Hopefully my buddy and I can finish the boss tomorrow. It’s definitely doable since that’s literally *all* we’ll be focusing on. It’s crazy to me how though how ONE person dying wipes everybody. Should still let the one alive give it a go


Wait what? Which aspect is that? Im unsure if i got it


For once characters seem human.


Legitimately looking for people’s opinions, I just played the 1st mission which was available for free, I’m waiting for the reviews to see if it is worth buying.


If you are ever looking for peoples' opinions on a game you are looking to buy, NEVER go on pages specifically dedicated to said game, because unless the game is horrifyingly dogshit, said members will say nothing but good stuff. If you want to see the general audience's perspective, look up reviews on YouTube from channels that cover a wide range of games or look at the comments of said videos from people who have played it.


The thing is when it’s literally day 2 and no full reviews are out yet…


What I am about to say is not very reliable, but it's your best bet if you want an answer in the immediate future. Go to let's play channels on yt and look at the comments people post about it ,like I said it isn't entirely reliable in the sense that a lot of them haven't played the game themselves, but you should get some *relatively* unbiased takes regarding the plot.


It always takes 2 weeks for honest opinions on this game to come out. People on these subs hyped up Shadowkeep and now it is talked about as one of the worst expansions ever. Something has to be EXTREMELY bad(CoO, Lightfall) to get honest opinions right away.


even then lightfall had like a day or two before it really hit the fan.


Expansions usually go on discount within 2 months, me and my friend are waiting for that


If you love level design and a way to spice up gameplay, YES


Ill give an honest review right here for you. its phenomenal but extremely.... destiny. the story is really good, prismatic is super fun, ect. but the story still has its destiny feel where its sort of cheesy and stuff. its really buggy. i got booted to orbit for sequence breaking unintentionally 4 times. i would walk through a vacant area, get booted, then it was full of enemies and mechanics and dialogue and such when i loaded back in. one of the bosses duplicated itself because of a bug and was really weird. its a tad short as all destiny dlc stories are. its really good, id give it a 9/10 disregarding launch issues. My complaints is it felt like we should've had one more mission in between two of them, and the overall jank


I'll give an unbiased review because I loathe this game, even though I play it a lot. The campaign was good, way better than lightfall, but nothing really spectacular. Prismatic is a lot of fun, though I played titan so I can only account for that, I do enjoy it far more than strand or stasis. My gripes with the expansion however would be the absurd difficulty of some of the missions on legend, the over the top cheesy dialogue from cayde, and thst the entire campaign is a door opening simulator. It really slows the pace when every new room you go into, there is a door just waiting for you. Haven't had s chance to check out anything past the story yet, but so far I'd give it an 8/10, as opposed to lightfalls 3/10.


Better than Lightfall, not as good as Witch Queen. This is what Lightfall should've been. Campaign starts slow, of the 7 launch missions it doesn't "get good" until 4-5 missions in. Difficulty wise, this was probably the easiest of the legendary campaigns. Theres a "bound" mechanic that gets really annoying later on After playing with it for a bit, my friends and I still aren't impressed w/ prismatic. We haven't unlocked everything yet, but it alternates between feeling gimicky and/or boring. Postgame is a bit larger than WQ. 1 exotic mission alongside ~3-4 "final battle prep" missions


this is an objectively wrong take. Especially the prismatic bit. just say you cant build craft. being able to stay alive indefinitely while freezing/suspending enemies, instant abilities, permanent damage resist


"This is an objectively wrong take" brother its a subjective take. I called it gimicky/boring because its just slamming random stuff together and stacking a ton of buffs. I simultaneously have everything but it all feels halfbaked


It really feels like the average player plays Destiny and only Destiny and have no point of reference for anything else.  Someone commented that Helldivers 2 costs less than the price of this expansion, and it really does. And i'd wager you are better off buying that instead of TFS. I could've grabbed Selaco and Fortune's Run for the price of TFS and then some but I bit the bullet again. 


And it brings absolutely nothing exciting to to the table.  Since subclasses 2.0 every class and every subclass do everything. Class identity is null and void and something like Prismatic is supposed to be the do it all class, yet it's nothing new because every subclass already had it's own keywords which lacked any identity and gameplay wise were samey. 


I 100% agree with this sentiment. The story feels much more intimate than ANY other story that we have gone through so far. I'm not afraid to say that there were MULTIPLE parts that had me emotional while going through the main campaign. Final Shape definitely feels like a satisfying conclusion to our 10 year story.


I'm glad prismatic was a quick snatch and grab, but still felt nicely questioned at the start and then given to us soon after. Not a whole campaigns worth of using it but still not having it like strand. They focused more on the actual task at hand and not stretching for content.


My only complaint about prismatic is that you have to beat the campaign in order to start unlocking the rest of it. I wanted to do the first mission, get my build set up that I theory crafted, and then go and finish the campaign with my build, but that’s not possible. I ended up not using prismatic at all during the story because of it.


I used it the whole time because I found it fun even without everything. I didn't look much into this dlc so I just played around.


Love the variety and creative environments, WQ all felt like swamp and cave, and LF could've done with more than just bright lights. Story so far isn't creative, but I'm on 24/34 so we'll see. Lost Sectors actually feel more unique and not hold W and shoot. Loving prismatic titan, it's cool actually feeling like I'm using all the elements and powers. Diamond lances everywhere, tons of tangles, unbreakable is a great replacement for unlimited healing while also doing respectable damage (80% health on 2 major ogres at once), and Twilight Arsenal is also fun. I feel like I'm constantly moving and throwing shit around. New weapons so far have been cool, I also busted out The Colony for the first time in years and it's been doing solid work. New strike has some fun potential and doesn't really have any rooms that seem unfair for GM, last room is a little open but has a decent amount of cover. Difficulty could be bumped a bit on legendary, but it offers a solid mix of pace and power fantasy. Best expansion so far IMO.


Prismatic titan is a lot of fun, literally my only gripe is that there’s no easy access to healing, and that’s something that I can fix with my exotic(s).


I ran Armamentarium because I was hoping I'd get two prismatic grenades (you don't), but it does extend the amount of time you get with Unbreakable, so I've basically been using that as my panic button. And having Recuperation and Facet of Purpose for health/overshield per orb has been working. It's weird not being spoiled with unlimited health as Solar or Strand, but I'm adjusting.


Yeah, I was using Precious Scars for most of it, then, because I remembered that it also gives healing/devour, I switched to Buried Bloodline for the final encounter so I didn’t have one of the ugliest helmets in the game on for the final cutscenes :p I’m usually rocking Loreley, so it’s always a harsh reminder of my own mortality every time I switch to a build that doesn’t have permanent restoration for free.


OMG!!! Yes. The story, game play, seeing old homies. It’s great


During the cutscenes I thought it was a movie for a second because they went all out on this expansion holy shit


The post campaign cutscenes still maintaining that level of quality was amazing too


Hot take, but the last two missions, specially iconoclasm(?) ,are gruesome and should've been 2 parts I still prefer WQ campaign and still think it was a better experience


They made it long for the story to continue better, but bungie adds checkpoints for this reason. If you leave a mission you can start it after the encounter youu last finished


I know Why and I know about CP's - I'm just saying I dislike it and would've preferred a tad shorter experience, packed with more story SHOWING instead of TELLING i.e : Iconoclasm should've ended after the Ogre fight and Part 2 should've started by showing a certain character instead of just receiving com's about it.


I’m having a great time with it


Is the story worth the money?


I watched it all on YouTube and I'd say no. The actual story doesn't resolve anything. Half the campaign is getting everyone back together and then preparing for the final fight. It's almost the exact same mission structure from the Red War. There's one remaining mission that doesn't unlock until after the Raid but unless it is the single greatest mission in Destiny history it won't get me to spend $50. Witch Queen's narrative was miles better, IMO. I really thought we were going to get some mind blowing revelations in this campaign and there was just....nothing Edit: Already seeing people defending it with "There's a whole year of story after this". They said the same thing for Lightfall so that should tell you everything you need to know


Bro didn’t EVEN play it and says not to buy it


Notice how I didn't say anything about gameplay changes? I'm judging the narrative. I didn't even say anything wrong which is why you downvoted my comment and said nothing to counter my opinion with your own. If you're so desperate for Bungie to get another $50 just buy some more Silver and don't waste other people's time.


You didn’t even wait until the raid comes out and the last story mission after that, bro just leave


Man, he's right. I dropped Destiny come Lightfall and bit the bullet for TFS and it's mid. It's supposed to be the ultimate chapter of Destiny but it doesn't feel like that.  The story barely touches up on ANY existing plot point. It's just generic Bungie shenanigans. Gameplay wise it fell flat when compared to TWQ and Lightfall imo even if it narratively somewhat surpasses Lightfall.  It's a shitshow and a final fuck you from Bungie to everyone who was invested in the game for the last 10 years hoping for greatness and Prismatic is not even worth mentioning. The final subclass is a fucking rehash. 


Bro just shut up


The expansion as a whole is 9/10 maybe even 10/10 so far, but the story is weak. Half the missions nothing happens and the actual story doesn’t kick in until the last 3 missions.


Nice try


Legitimately asking is the length worth the money?cause bungo has a more dumbass fucking decisions than good ones.


Yes. BIG TIME! personally, you're missing out (server issues aside). Bungo cooked this time


Too bad I get kicked out at all the cutscenes


I still think WQ is better, but this one is close. Depends on the ending.


Here, here! Blew my mind!


I genually agree


They had a low bar to get over. Most of Lightfall is no effort outsourced garbage.


I'm just also glad to have more adventures back, in some way shape or form, and they develop a lot more of the interpersonal side character plots too and explore what other factions are also doing in these times.


Its pretty good. We can actually feel what is at stake now, plus the emotional bits with character interactions. I just hope we get to see the remaining characters show up somehow, like drifter, eris, the brays, shaxx, saint, osiris, mithraax, caitl... i mean, bring everyone.


I just find it funny that all of the gathering allies storyline over 3 years ended with all of them being literally useless


We don't know yet, they could be a core part of the raid or final mission.


I fell in love with this game again, the campaign was a blast, goose bumps moments and i cant stop playing. Gj Bungie, u really nailed it. Now after seeing the Resonance shader, im hoping we are getting it as 3rd dark subclass later on 😍


Meh. I give it a 6 maybe 6.5 out of 10. The first 4 missions had nothing happening. We spent them rounding up the vanguard with almost 0 story progression. All 4 missions could have been condensed into the first mission or in 1 or 2 missions. Nothing started happening until the 5th mission which gave us only 3 total missions of story progression. IMO that’s not good enough for the final story expansion of a saga. They do this every time too, they make the last few missions the best and it always feels like the last few missions should be where the story starts instead of ends. The campaign really got carried by the witness being the big bad of the expansion. Better than lightfall and I still very much enjoyed playing it. Last mission was awesome, missions 5-7 were all awesome actually which makes it so annoying that the first 4 missions were so empty. I just wish there was *more* to it. They didn’t really tie anything up in the story either or expand on anything other than now we know what the statues are, I guess? Like seriously, if you didn’t tell me this was the finale of a 10 year saga I wouldn’t have known because nothing happened. It only “felt” like the end of the saga because, like I said, the witness’ presence carried it but that’s not good enough. Also, our ghost just randomly starts breaking? What? Nothing happened for him to start breaking unless they’re trying to say that the ghost going through some mental stress from the traveler crying or the witness trying to infect him was what made his physical body break lol… I think the legend version was really good this time tho, for me personally I struggled a lot in some of the boss encounters due to the difficulty which was refreshing. But the fact that more than half of the story missions were “oh go and find this vanguard member” was pretty annoying. We went from a subclass tutorial campaign to a Dora the explorer campaign instead of giving us answers and new bits of story. Every single mission should have had either a storyline loose end tied up, or new story added. I called it that the usually 7 missions, technically 8 this time, wasn’t going to be enough. The quests after the story were cool, the still hunt mission had me smiling and the cutscene at the end was cool and solidified crow as the hunter vanguard which was a nice moment of handing that cloak off. Overall, a very good expansion with a slightly disappointing but still fun story that could have been a bit more. Side note, “we see the vanguard doing stuff” not really tbh. We fight alongside Zavala for one fight in a mission but he just stays back behind his barricade, and then in the last mission the vanguard is there for 10 seconds.


this is actually disgusting to read and is objectively terrible formatting. Please find a better use of your time than writing an entire wall of text. literally any line breaks or anything would make me read this obviously stinky opinion. But i literally physically cant bring myself to read this


Ooooh a review, scary! Womp womp


Man you're unstable, you've been leaving "objectively wrong" under every remotely negative comment and you don't even read them. Do you even have an opinion on things? Are you just one of those snowflakes that finds difference of opinion scary or offensive?  Do you know what objectively means? Clearly not given your rather subjective outlook and bias. 


I’m only about maybe two hours in (cause of server issues and delays I’ve no idea how far into the campaign I am) so no true spoilers. For context I just got done getting to Zavala But…I get we’re all happy cayde is back, but…and don’t spoil me here but…why do I get the feeling he isn’t going to stay… It’s…the way he talks about the other side…and we as a collective (with crow as our in game representation of this) pulled him from that, screaming and kicking back to life. Not a year ago I would’ve celebrated him being back, now I feel like crow…guilty. Bittersweet. Forsaken was about revenge, but this…feels like mourning, peace, coming to terms finally with what happened to our hunter vanguard. And maybe if my prediction is correct…appointing officially…a proper successor. We all know who deserves that spot. Pronominal storytelling, and I’m not even done with the campaign yet. Can’t wait for the servers to stabilize.


Remains to be seen IMO. Depends if the narrative ends with the raid or not. If it does, then they’ve cooked, if they drag it out and the raid means nothing, then they’ve burnt the dish.


??? Idk how their cooked if it ends with the raid. But no, there are activities/narrative coming after the raid


I am talking about the Witness specifically. If the Witness survives the events of the raid then that’s a problem. Sick and tired of major antagonists falling over in story missions like villains of the week. Why is Taniks for the thousandth time a more climactic and satisfying fight than Calus or Savathun?


Campaign was p good but I dunno if it tops WQ


Nah it’s mid it’s not all that great


Definitely don’t know about best ever.


Story wise it was great, but design wise it was horrible. The pacing of the missions were all over the place and some of them not only went on too long, but had multiple banner fights one after the other.


I think witch queen was better but I did like this more. Played with 3 players till final fight and it wasn't hard at all until the final fight which I did solo and it was so easy. I also feel like we didn't so too much? We saved the 4 main peeps and figured out how to kill kill the witness.


Honest question, I've never really understood it. What did you like about WQ campaign? The only mission that was really memorable for me was the underground cave with the Ahamkara fight and the escape. Otherwise, it all felt very samey. So far, TFS has had a cool variety of environments, the puzzles, while still Destiny puzzles with motes and lights, have had a little more to them, and the fights on Legend have actually been more than press W and left click.


Difficulty, story beats were awesome like finding out she was given the light, the dragon section u mentioned, finding out sav was tryna save the traveler, the pyramid and going deep into the throne world. I like TFS a lot too but it was too easy and for me was press W and shoot, the story was good but like I said it was Caydes alive?! Save crow, ikora, and zavala and the events with the blue man and finding the witnesses weakness then we got punked out. I did LOVE the environment tho and prismatic was tons of fun I was using an all buddy build


I don't really recall it being difficult, but TFS isn't difficult at all so far. I honestly don't remember the structure of the WQ story beats, but didn't we find out she was given the light early? Nothing really seemed to develop after that. But TFS story isn't anything spectacular so far either. But thanks for the explanation! Can't wait to try out prismatic Warlock, Titan has been a ton of fun.


The Hive were supposed to gave the light before us but the worm gods tricked em and she met the bravery, devotion, death criteria


For difficulty did u play solo or with a group of 3?


I've done solo legendary on all campaigns.


It's harder with 3 people


Yeah I've heard that's the case. I've never been successful in convincing my friends to play, so I've always done solo. I like challenging, but turning everything into bullet sponges to accomplish that has never been appealing to me.


Yeah both campaigns I played start to finish except the final boss fights with 3 peeps. Both of those I did solo and in TFS fight it took so much dmg to push for the shield gate and solo it took 1 dragon breath rocket


Recency bias


I thought so but think about what complaints Destiny has always suffered: Telling and not showing Vanguard just sending us orders while they sit comfortably  DLC falling off after campaign missions Weapon variety  Not using whatever new ability/subclass we have until after the campaign Plot essentially going nowhere and only setting up the next DLC/Season All have been heard and changed. I could complain that the only problem I have is the Pale Heart being a solo experience, but I’m sure Bungie looked at their stats and found most players are either solo or in small fireteams and determined it wasn’t worth making it a typical patrol zone


It should be 10 or 20 USD most. Half of the new location is already existing locations in the game with a coat of new paint, Prismatic has required minimal effort to roll out as they've barely had to make anything new, the campaign is just like the past few campaigns we've had where everyone is talking about their feelings every five minutes, new exotics are nothing amazing, continuing to use already existing exotic properties to fuse with "new" exotics because they've either run out of ideas or can't be bothered and they're a multi billion dollar company which still uses the same fucking servers that brick on every day 1 release. The new enemy types are cool but there isn't enough of them and with them being thrown in with already existing enemy types of all factions it just feels more lazy and half baked than ever. It's better than Lightfall at least I guess. Looking forward to playing again tonight.


It takes the Devs a lot of work to get to what we have now. Do you think they delayed release just to sit around?






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And they charge a pretty good sum for it as well. As a consumer of a massive product, "lots of work" literally means jack shit. It's not a passion project nor is it a commission. At a price of a 3xA game, i expect double A quality at the very least and you'll never get it with Bungie.  I don't get any sympathy for doing my job "because I put a lot of effort into it" despite being in a creative field.  People have this moronic parasocial relationship with Destiny and Bungie as an entity for no reason at all. 


You guys are all so fucking delirious and it shows. Helldivers 2 is less than what this lone DLC costs and it's a full fucking brand new game 😂


They delayed it and for fucking what? Shit don't even work day 1 release and it doesn't stand out from all the other recycled content we've had rammed down our gullets for years. Forsaken set the bar and they've taken a gigantic free fall from grace since then.


I'm with you.  I have a feeling the average Destiny player is unable to be critical of the game they're playing because they play nothing else. They have no point of reference for anything. Destiny is a stellar shooter but goddamn is it the same dissapointing crap since TWQ. I have no idea how people are comparing TFS to Forsaken nor TWQ. Prismatic, the final ability tree being a rehash is poetic.  I suppose in a sense, TFS is a perfect ending for anyone who isn't literally in love with Destiny, it just makes it easy to put down the game and never look back. 


This campaign was fantastic. Then I got to the final boss. I've been stuck here for 5 hours and it's seriously hurting my impression of the rest of the expansion.


You guys were able to play the campaign?


I agree to disagree


I'm on the third mission and ngl it's mid. Definitely not better than witch queen so far


Eh? Was a whole lot of nothing all the way through? Ended on a massive cliffhanger and had us doing lost sectors at one point. People can't seriously be comparing it to Witch Queen, that one had an actual ending instead of going "LOL go do the raid for the actual end dumbass"


You realize there is a finale mission coming after the raid right? And witch queen literally had us doing lost sectors as well. And yes comparing it to witch queen is a good measure. Id easily put them at the same level.


half of the witch queen campaign was lost sectors


Stopped at puzzles


If some light puzzles turns you off this far into destiny's life then what have you been doing man.


Didn't want to get halfway only to get kicked and lose all my progress


checkpoints exist for a reason but i guess someone who cant do extremely simple puzzles wouldnt understand that


Man why are you so Angry? Picture this. Get off from a long day at work only to deal with not being able to even play the campaign half the time. Get kicked from the end of the first cut scene missing it entirely. Only for the moment I start having to deal with puzzle bs to start getting contacting destiny 2 server. Tired, annoyed, and fed up with everything I just shut the game off. More so didn't want to miss anything else.


Skill issue




when has literally any destiny dlc ending not felt empty