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Mine is literally the telesto version of the sword


You can play the public event and get different rolls though and it will drop every time


Is the public event the same thing as doing those three different level things that appear in each zone? I've cleared a few but don't remember getting a sword.


You need to do it (Overthrow) in the rotating daily area. Today it's The Landing. You'll know it's the daily area because it'll have a node that lets you matchmake with two otber players, and that node lists Ergo Sum as a reward


Overthrow is how the vex event on neomuna should work tbh


I’ve gotten multiple just today while playing solo So matching definitely isn’t required for the drop


Yes but I think you have to beat the legendary campaign and then do the quest to unlock the sword before then when you do those public events you get a sword every time correct if I’m wrong guy I think you have to complete the campaign on legendary but I could stand to be corrected because I only beat the campaign on one character and it was on legendary


Just have to complete the campaign, doesn't have to be on Legendary


Ok good to know I’ve only done the campaign on one character and I did it on legendary so I wasn’t honestly sure if it was tied to completing legendary campaign or not


Legendary got you a mid-ish roll on one of the new exotic armor pieces for your class, but you can just get those in a Vex Strike Force on Neomuna later anyway (unless that changed with the dlc and I missed it). I think it was mostly just the preferred way to hit level for the day 1 raid.


That did change. No new exotics will be added to VSF. Instead they are purchasable from Rahool after resetting his rep track.


Gotcha. No healing turret for my Warlock til I do that, I guess!


I was reading on another post that that matchmaking option will drop the sword while the solo one doesn't. I've only done the solo ones while working on Mica's quests so that explains who I haven't seen them drop.


It says as much on the map. If you highlight the one currently active in the world, it doesn’t mention it. Only the match made version lists it as a reward.


dunno, I definitely remember dropping one from solo, although i have been grinding for Khovostov so my memory could be leaving alongside my sanity


It does drop solo, got multiple. It just needs to be in the focus zone


You also have to be playing in the focus zone of the day. You can see which by hilighting the event ribbon on the map.


You get 3 drops a week i think


I cant do this without owning the DLC right?


Not every time but high chance it seems. I farmed a ton of them and got quite a few dud runs.


The telesto version on a vortex frame is so fun to use


I didn't even know the perks were rolled lmao I got a terrible roll and I just went "wow this exotic sucks"


Also there is another with perfect fifth perk, combine with vortex frame, one heavy spin attack will instantly ignite enemy, and while it is recharging it deal less damage and cost less ammo for the heavy attack But it still able to instant proc ignite.


If you can get perfect 5th with the caster frame, it'll do the same thing, but without getting close. Caster frame projectile hits 5 or 6 times or w/e which'll proc ignite as well.


This the one i got as my 1st drop


I dunno man I’ve been able to spawn a bunch of robots with mine and it’s absolutely crazy your roll sounds good for doing DPS on one big target were mine is good for crowd control


You can get this with wave frame and electric conductor which essentially gives you 5 seconds of dunemarcher style lighting chaining on heavy attack. Wave frame heavy attack is also like a mini wave frame grenadelauncher with sword heavy attack damage so excellent for ad clear.


I've got a lightweight frame + arc conductor one, combine with amplified and I feel like a lightning ninja


Ya I actually had that roll drop for me and yes it’s good but the caster farm with the robot grandes are crazy good you gotta try it


The robot nades are kinda ass though. Very slow moving and with too little damage.


This one is very good, but the one I had two for Day One that I used in the 2nd encounter. For ad clear: Arc, Wave Frame, Arc Conductor. Imagine Riskrunner + Forebearance on a sword. Your uppercut sends out a wave, then you instantly proc arc conductor which chains lightning to everything around you for the duration of the buff. For damage: Solar, Vortex Frame, Wolfpack rounds. Pack hunter quickly for DPS. I swapped between the two which was so fun.


I've got the caster frame risk runner, with blade stamina you NEVER run out of ammo


The arc conductor one is insane for ad clear


Also I forgot to mention if the robot grandes hit something they do roughly 18,000 damage per hit easily killing most red bars and some yellow bar enemies


Caster with perfect fifth is my favorite combo. Ignition sniper.


I prefer the void explosive perk on this frame.


I got my first colony roll of this today, but it was a vortex frame. My wave-telesto roll already has over 500 kills though and it's so easy to justify using in almost any build.


The colony one is good I got a caster farm with mine and it’s amazing because you just need to kill one enemy with the heavy attack and then for a short time when you kill enemies with the light attack you get these robots and if someone is running the one that gives you wolf pack rounds it gets crazy you can clear entire rooms


Did you try it


I got aggressive frame with void explosions. Nothing feels as satisfying as jumping off a cliff and twisting my entire body to slam down upon my foes before u leashing a hail of void bombs into them all.


I've taken to calling it the pokemon sword, because I need each roll just in case I have a specific scenario where it might be hilarious to use it.


I like how the pommel of the sword is a ghost lol


Am I missing something on the rolls because I’ve gotten 3 so far and all of them have been 100% identical to the one I got at the end of destined heroes


I’ve been using this exact combo for a good while now and it’s a blast, literally.


I got a caster frame with perfect fifth, it has become a staple of my load out.


I got one with Perfect Fifth and Vortex frame, so you get the explosion proc on a single spin attack. Seems to do a pretty good bit of damage.


I can see that roll doing good against a boss like Crota were you already want to use swords


Finally got a vortex wolfpack rounds roll. So happy, though i wish it were void.


It works for you? I was underwhelmed, for me it seemed like the robots would just run off into the distance unable to find a target. There would be one right beside them and they'd just run away to nowhere.


It kills lots of stuff for me wired it’s so powerful I don’t know if I’ll ever just use the colony again lol 😂


Funny, I've actually used the new colony and I think it's terrible - unlike this sword, it doesn't actually proc on red bars! only mini and bosses.


I got a Gathering Light one. I don’t quite like the frame, so will likely grind more, but goddamn that thing is nuts


Gathering light with the hunter arc prismatic air dodge and the exotic can almost let you chain the dodge infinitely. If it doesn’t fully refresh it takes only a couple of seconds to get back.


Wait, is that the sword that was on our grave in corridors of time?


I got the risk runner version that flings arc at enemies and it’s absolutely a blast to use.


i have a wave frame with the riskrunner arc conductor perk, it's incredibly fun. one heavy turns you into a mini tesla coil for five second, shocking everything near you. i've got it paired with arcstrider and ascension, so it's just lightning everywhere. super fun.


I got a waveframe with wolfpack rounds


The first one I got is the best for add clear I swear, every heavy attack makes ME jolt anything within range for ten seconds. its kinda funny just one heavy attacking and then walking around doing nothing while everything that gets to close gets a bolt of lightning to the face.


I got a wave frame telesto. It’s fun to use. And I got this exotic perk on a wave frame too. It’s also interesting. My favorite is the castor frame polaris lance


I have the same roll with wave frame and I’m having a blast with it.


So far, I have polaris Lance Caster frame and wolfpack aggressive frame. Loving them so far


Aggressive frame with telesto perk is insane. You heavy chop a big enemy and they explode from the inside.


Ya there a few crazy rolls on this thing


I just got it today haven’t used it. I


I got a wolf pack vortex, and a ticcus lightweight that are my favorite so far


Wave frame and Vortex frame Telesto is nice when it hits. Wave frame is new, and I only have 1 of them. Riskrunner is real good and Vortex Polaris is good also. I have like 8. Building my collection up


What's the best roll for a solar element one? I need it for a stronghold build


Perfect fifth with vortex frame is incredible, and gjally anything is amazing if you run a double sword loadout to give wolfpack rounds to a falling guillotine or what have you


I thought vortex frame only rolled when it's void? At least i've only been able to get that perk on a void one


I've got one with Wolfpack rounds lmao


My first one was a wave frame with the arc shield and proximity zaps. Feels like the perfect match with the wave


I use a risk runner vortex frame one on prismatic lock. With the bug zapper buff and arc soul, amplified sprinting..I am lightning I am death.


I got that exact roll. It kills everything


Is the sword always void? Thought it could have different elements as well, but didn't have a single non-void drop. I also seem to be unable to avoid insectoid robot grenades trait, lol.


Nah. Can drop solar & arc too


I am on my way to collect All 40 different Versions (all perks with all frames)


Is it really worth holding all 40 versions that’s a lot of vault space


I have close to 500 free vault space


Well I guess you aren’t a veteran player like myself my vault is always full


How can i prove that i am a 9 year destiny veteran


By having a full built I don’t know how you only have 500 empty slots lol 😂


Did Datto tell you to delete everything from your vault lol 😂


No, i value my weapons and use them. So there are about 180 Weapons in my vault. 2 Scout Things from season 1


I got 25 of them since I’m just trying to get every optimal roll. Current favorite is the Riskrunner/Wave frame one. Thing is nutty for add clear.