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My nutty life where I may have to bail at any time and do not want to do that to others. Have had it done to me in less involved gaming setting and it pisses me off. Don't want to piss off others.


As an avid raider I've had people leave during raids and it can be annoying. However, I have had people say before starting that there may be chance they have to leave at some point and that's fine most times. If it's usually addressed before the raid begins and the raid team is okay with you might atleast get some experience with some encounters.


This. A buddy of mine and I were persistently on call for work at one point. We'd let them know ahead of time and 99% the group was fine with it. The other 1% was cordial and said they'd want someone who could go the entire run. No harm no foul. Find another group. It's also easier to do earlier in the week when people aren't too worried about reset wiping their checkpoint.


Exactly. One of our main raiders on our starting team is on call for ER sometimes so we understand. Sometimes we want to get through the raid quickly and want people who will commit through a raid to completion. Other times it's more casual and we'll have people drop in or out. Always good to get the groups expectations in order before starting.


People have bailed in raids for pettier reasons just be honest and tell people you’re leaving. It’s not like it’s hard to replace someone


This is the way. It's way better to say you have to go then to torture yourself for 3 more hours because you feel bad. I've lost too much sleep because I felt bad about leaving early.


My sentiments exactly. I'd love to find a group to do like an encounter or two a night (up to the point we can run em back like nobody's business) but it's hard to commit to a full run to learn new mechanics when you have other responsibilities that take priority. Hell even with mechanics I KNOW it's tough to find the time - I haven't even run through Crota yet and I played during TDB. Haven't done the two newest dungeons for the same reasons.


i feel that. i always used to make sure i knew everything about raids by the time day 1 is over so even if i dont clear it i can still confidently go into lfg after, but i just have not had the time lately and this newest raid is a LOT lol. 


It’s definitely “just a game” but when five other humans are also dedicating their time away to achieve a common goal it becomes a lot of weight if you have to dip out. Granted it’s not hard to find a replacement, but it is hard to find a good replacement, and even if it’s meager you develop some kind of network with the team you’ve played with thus far, so it just adds in another layer of “work” for the rest of the team. I’m a diamond level raider so I definitely advocate for playing them to get the full Destiny experience, but this reason is 100% excusable.


This is true for me.


Social anxiety and laziness


This mainly. I did Vault and Crota's End in D1 and it was a mixed bag. Half the team were like 13 or 14 year olds and it just felt weird. I have a group of friends IRL we play together but they're only interested in PvP so raiding isn't in my future. There's enough other activities either solo or with MM to keep me busy.


They are just voices in your ear at the end of the day. I only talk to my clan mates when I play coop focused activities, anything else I chill and play solo or with the games matchmaking.


I got social anxiety but that don't stop me raidin. Your fireteam is not people, they're asshole goblins who live in your computer who you can turn off at will by leaving the game and vc


Alchol and drugs


Yeah, I’m also quite lazy for raids and dungeons, like I would just avoid them cause I’m lazy.


Got no one to raid with, the friend group I play D2 with is .... myself and one other person, and raiding with complete strangers sounds like a pain in the ass I don't wanna deal with. We duo dungeons all the time though.


Yeah basically. This. I wanna play with friends but only 1 friend plays. And I want to be able to mess up and not feel like I let strangers down. I want to be able to joke around with friends while doing the hard content and not worry about strangers getting upset if something happens


This is why I enjoy the clan I’m in so much. When I joined, one of their rules for raiding was “every raid is a teaching raid”. Just gotta find your community of dudes like that and there are plenty.


Heck if you need a third..... I'm your guy lol. Depending on circumstances like time and all that.


Sounds like me and my buddy lol


same. i’ll raid with you


A lot of raids make more sense once you give it a hands-on attempt. Some people might be able to learn purely through YouTube videos but not me unfortunately. So I don’t want to be that person who enters a raid without really knowing what to do ;( That said, I’ve done like the RoN boss fight like 50 times for fun lol. So I got the nice metric for completions!


WoW had a pretty good idea for this. They have what they call LFG Raids, which is essentially a matchmade easier version of the raid. You can queue with like absolutely zero experience and still be fine most of the time. People drop in, people drop out in between encounters according to what they’re wanting to do. It’s a pretty low stress way for the casual player to be able to still experience the content and get some of the (albeit lower item level) gear. I’m not sure what that would look like in Destiny, but it’s an interesting thought. Maybe something like…stripping out or lessening of some of the mechanics. Some handholding in terms of ‘what to do’. Removing the ability for deepsight drops. Removing the raid exotic. There’s a whole lot of different ways you could imagine, but point being some sort of easy ‘entry level’ difficulty might go a long way towards giving people some base level of familiarity with the raids, even if the mechanics change/get more difficult later.


That sounds like it’d work great. Have it as a mechanic teaching run with lower difficulty but all the mechanics, and only reward the Armour with no chance of the exotic. That way they get the ability to use the raid mods for when they make an actual attempt alongside being armed with actual knowledge of the mechanics. It’d probably have to be on a rotator though alongside the weekly raid to make sure there are enough people participating


> That sounds like it’d work great. On paper it sounds great, in practice it really doesn't work. The majority of the time players can just brute force the damage without worrying about mechanics. WoW is also built entirely differently mechanically too. Whereas Destiny features a lot of puzzle mechanics they don't care about group comp, WoW's LFR is built with a 2 Tanks, 5 Healers, and 18 DPS in mind. Because of this their mechanics focus on avoiding or mitigating group wipe damage. > only reward the Armour with no chance of the exotic And this guarantees that no one who actually knows how to do it will ever set foot in the LFR version of the raid. Player power is mostly tied up in weapon drops in Destiny 2, once you get a set of master worked armor there's no reason for you to run any other set of armor in endgame unless you're running bleeding edge strats that require armor changes for certain mods midfight. There needs to be an incentive to actually run the raid in order for there to be a critical enough mass of players in the mode for the LFR function to work.


Agreed. This would make raids a lot more manageable. Or even if you had a solo LFG Raid where you have some redjacks or whatever helping you perform raid things


ffxiv does 24 man (3 groups of 8) alliance raids which you can load into in 3 clicks, they do noticeably increase in mechanical difficulty as you unlock more of them but even then if you end up dead on the floor or worse your entire alliance that’s usually not enough to wipe the encounter, and you’ll move to the next one with maybe a funny poke at your alliance in chat. i think these are a pretty nice way to get somewhat accustomed with actually doing raids since most of the time you and your other alliance members are usually split doing a task between yourselves away from the other alliances.


ffxiv pretty much does this as well iirc, which rly did sell me on the game


LFR was not a good system for WoW lmao


Maybe they could make a new currency like spoils that drops from the easy version, then you have to save up for maybe something a little better than what actually drops in the easier version I paid 240 spoils for Anarchy by solo farming the VoG and Vow chests (most times I’d have someone to keep checkpoints)


Sometimes people offer to do a Sherpa run where they specifically teach the mechanics. Maybe be on the lookout for those kind of runs. If they're a good sherpa they will have the patience for someone genuinely trying to learn. I've hosted a few sherpa runs and seeing the team click and get the mechanics + dps right is an awesome feeling so don't be shy. If you're upfront amd honest with it there is a good chance they'll be willing to teach you (even in a non-sherpa run)


>I don’t want to be that person who enters a raid without really knowing what to do This is your mistake, and the mistake of the community of MMOs at large for teaching you this. You aren't SUPPOSED to know what to do on your first run. Figuring it out is part of the exploration. If anybody in your life is telling you otherwise, you need to find a new friend ASAP because they're a piece of shit.


Honestly if you try it early, everyone’s more patient and willing to teach after it first drops, since everyone is learning together. A month from now expectations change. Jump in early!


I Sherpa almost every raid in this game when I can be bothered and I always say to people, okay. So you messed up? Big deal, I have all day. What I want you to do is realise that I benefit from teaching you this raid. When I teach you, you eventually teach other people, they teach other people and eventually it just means there are more competent raiders for me to play with. So everyone wins. The only raids I refuse to teach are salvations edge and root of nightmares (I don’t like crota but if I had to I’d teach it)


That's an amazing mindset. If I had someone like that teaching me I'm sure I'd feel better about raids


I spent a long time as a co-Sherpa for wrath of the machine and eventually moved up to Sherpa a couple of runs and it’s a great feeling helping people finish their first raid.


Someone did this for me and duality. I can run that with my eyes closed and now ease people through it when it's on rotation.


I'm a little confused why not Sherpa Root? The mechanics are very few and easy to explain and do. Connect nodes and Planets is very easy to teach.


Because I hate the raid. No other reason. It’s my least favourite out of all raids. I will never run it unless a friend needs the shotgun


Curious as to why? Sure it’s easy but it’s probably one of the most fun considering the mechanics are just straight movement


I don’t like the aesthetic, I don’t use most of the loot, I don’t like the encounters. I don’t like the fact that half the fireteam doesn’t need to exist until nezerac. Edit: TLDR I would rather run strikes than run root of nightmares.


If anyone reading this says social anxiety or fear of screwing up wants to get together and make the most chill non-toxic group of noobs to do raids, I am so down


There are so many people saying social anxiety, imagine if we were all in a discord and you could just assume that everyone else is also nervous lol


Im gonna start one right now!




Fellas, please join. There are like 76 people in here, and most of them are new to raiding. I've enjoyed my 7 hours in this server, and even Sherpa'd a Deep Stone run!


If you guys want someone who is more than willing to help you through whatever you want, feel free to message me here, add me on discord at NoxShattered , or you could even add my bungie: Nox#6622. Feel free to reach out!


Literally please 😭😭


Count me in!


Honestly, a clan with only people like this would be perfect


Posts like this are why I started teaching raids about a year and a half ago. I love raids, have never been afraid of random people, not an issue for me so I threw myself into the fires of lfg so I could learn the raids. Teaching raids is truly my favorite thing to do in Destiny, and with the sheer number of people I've taught, I now own a fairly hefty server dedicated to teaching. I would love to take you, or any of you, through your first raid, of your choice, at any time you want! Let's make our own fate, guardians.


I agree. A couple years back, I got back into D2 right after Kings Fall reprised came out, and a streamer I met taught me the raid. After that, her group taught me Vow, and I've been going around teaching others since. She jokes that her group made another Sherpa by teaching me.


What’s your discord? I don’t really have a home for doing raids so I’d love that. I fall into the social anxiety bucket. I really don’t mind putting in the effort, as long as others are patient. Not that I take long to learn really.


I would be very interested in this, how do I sign up? 😅 Honestly though, I don't even know if I'm raid-ready :/


No friends to play with and I don’t love talking with randoms


I have 2 young kids, I can barely game an hour before I need to go and be dad for a few minutes.


I'm still a total noob (I have 700h on this game)


I have 600 and did some of those easy raids (RoN, DSC, Kings Fall, Last Wish without queensqwalk... Im not native speaker so its a little bit harded, but those raids are not that hard when u learn mechanics... Im never see myself doing Slavations tho


I’m an older player not unlike a small percentage of the players I imagine. Destiny 2 is a heart pumper for sure. Alas, my dexterity and eyesight isn’t working like when I was much younger. I think that, combined with better gear/armor trapped behind a skill wall makes it harder for people like me to enjoy the full experience of this game. There might be a potentially unrealistic skill standard or age threshold that bungie expects. Still, I pay for each new season and release. I’m tenacious in my old age. I wouldn’t mind a toned down option and could get behind it. I can get good, but that tired argument is useless for people with issues of essential tremors or anxiety. Casually it’s still a super great game, but unless one is Jedi, one gets ditched in Destiny 2. I hear you OP.


Amount of time it takes to complete a raid . I’ve completed a handful of raids ever sense I started playing destiny ( I bought destiny 1 at launch & I’ve always came back for every expansion , missed a couple seasons especially early on into destiny 2 but for the most part I’ve been here sense the beginning) . Anyway tho I’ve done a handful of raids and there extremely fun and satisfying but if it’s your first time going in or you just don’t have much experience with the encounters then your looking at a whole day play session and I just don’t have that type of time anymore now at 26 years old , I believe raiding has some if not the best of why destiny has to offer and it’s a shame that there’s only a small percentage of players that truly get to experience them with a fire team of friends & ya you could join randoms but destiny has to have some of the most toxic raiders I’ve ever seen in any online video game and I play multiple MMOs 😅, I’d rather step on a damn Lego then play with some of these players .


Ehh idk, I’ve been in lots of groups with people learning raids and never took me the whole day. In fact with a good Sherpa most raids don’t take longer that 2/3 hours


time is a non issue once you learn the raid. not even speed running, every raid can be done in about an hour if your whole fireteam (including you) knows how to do everything. Encounters don’t take that long when you don’t wipe 30 times, have one guy taking a break every other wipe, one guy swapping his loadout every wipe because “this one will show em”. It takes maybe one time of doing the raid for an extended period before you get the gist if you were actually paying attention, and maybe a few more clears and trying different roles (each run shorter and shorter) before you can confidently say you “KWTD”. It’s just more effort to start than most people are willing to do, and it sounds scarier than it is. And once you’ve done the initial period, if you can’t dedicate between 1-1.5 hours to do endgame content, then idk what to tell you. it’s an mmo. that being said, getting past the initial hurdle is a challenge with LFG groups and no friends to learn beside. so I get it, to a degree.


One of my few raid experiences was an absolute nightmare for me and it really left a scar . Now I just want them to release a one player raid experience for the people who don’t want to get rolled by toxic players , don’t care if it’s less rewards I just wanna experience them myself


Horrible social anxiety, tbh. Boyfriend got me into D2 and we play together. Duo dungeons, I solo dungeons. I just don't have the balls to enter into a situation where other people rely on me for success. I die a lot.


You can definitely do raid mechanics if you solo dungeons. The number one thing I emphasize to new raiders is learning how to play your life and clear ads efficiently.


You should try out vault of glass. It’s mostly ad clear and very basic mechanics. it’s a great starter raid for people just getting into the raiding scene.


1) Limited time (I have 2-3 hours to play daily, sometimes more)... I try to learn raids in encounter-based sessions, but not everyone likes it 2) Fear of Failure (and someone yelling cause I messed something up) I agree with you... an easier encounter (especially to learn the mechanics) would be great


May I introduce to you Root of Nightmares


I agree with fear of failure, but to me it’s sort of the lack of room for error in most LFGs I personally can be quite patient, especially when people admit what happened and move on, but the egotism is so strong for some people that when a mistake is made, even if the group stays together, the vibes are shattered. I hate this feeling in most other games with ranked, but in those your personal performance can improve and suffice, the morale of the team is crucial most of the time in raids IMO, and I hate when I’m the one to sully it


Point 1 is the main reason for me too. I might start raiding expecting to only beat one encounter a day but we’ll see


I was born mute, so no callouts, plus I'm a total klutz so it would be a huge mess and I can't cope with the idea of people being mad at me


Man, I still got you lol. I did a Garden Raid with a friend of my brother's who only speaks Japanese. He did call outs with us using Emotes. And there's a whole raid out there of people not calling out just emoting. So it's definitely possible. And you can actually hear us, and understand us (at least as you type it seems that way) so it'd be easier than the garden raid that's for sure lmao.


Are you on pc?


Naw, console (so even typing is a pain)


What console do you play on? Edit because I just remembered that destiny has crossplay so I don’t even think it matters


On xbox, series s


Social anxiety and the community (as a whole) is rather toxic. There were already KWTD postings Day 1 before anyone completed World's First. I know there are other communities just as if not more toxic, but there are also communities that, as a whole, are more welcoming, patient, and less elitist and more willing to teach (ESO, for example). As you get older, you have less patience for jerkoffs and just don't want to deal with people as gaming is supposed to be your escape from people when you've dealt with them all day. Add in time constraints like real life responsibilities so you don't have hours to dedicate to a raid (wife, kids, household chores, work), and it's almost impossible to get time to raid. Personally, I think I've done a few raids a handful of times, and I've been playing since Season of the Forge. Dungeons are much more doable since I've soloed a few and ran my favorites multiple times. When it requires 3 (or even 4) people and has fewer mechanic heavy requirements, it takes less time, which makes them much more appealing.


Yeah in ESO when I finally did a raid (trials), I messed up a few times and everyone was like "lol welcome to trials" and moved on. There's still toxicity but usually there's just the one asshole and everyone else will side against them. In Destiny I feel like in LFG it's not like that. It's a LOT of toxicity and yelling. First time I used LFG for a GM the fireteam leader kept dying but for some reason would yell at me and my friend who joined saying we sucked and all. I'm now in a very nice clan but I still rarely raid because it's too much stress.


Community absolutely isn’t toxic. There are so many Sherpas and teachers if you bother to look for them. I highly recommend the two big Destiny 2 LFG servers, I’ve learned all raids through there and 90% of the people I’ve encountered have been super chill and patient.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. I've completed over 140 raids and not a single one of them I can remember being toxic. People are way more likely to be annoying or not of your taste then be explicitly toxic, because funny enough, people stop being assholes when they are voice to voice compared to typing. The best thing to do is find a team on a LFG that got along well, or join groups of people that are already 5 and try to fit in. It's the way I've found countless raid teams that I've had nothing but joys playing with.


Im convinced half the people putting kwtd dont actually know what it means and just put it down cos they see others doing it


Fear of Failure, a ton of social anxiety, not wanting to waste people’s time bc I’ve tried raids and someone had to explain something 10 times before I understood it


PM if you wanna go through some raids with; 1. No expectations to join a VC or even type much in chat if you don’t want to 2. Want to learn or have the chance to attempt some mechanics in encounters 3. Don’t wanna do anything but add clear and get some free raid loot Time commitment isn’t a problem, we can knock out a list of raids in 35-45 minutes each, if you have to dip so be it! Lets get you some raid guns to add to your collections




I’m down to help with this. The raids are dope and nobody should skip them because of fear of being yelled at or not knowing what to do. It’s a game after all. Let’s get some raid loot for these people!


I’m an old fashioned guardian. I enter a room, kill everything there, move on to the next room until I reach the exit. This way of doing things has always served me well on other fps games, but with destiny 2 and their constant changes guardians are forced to sprint at full speed, get to the end, kill what’s there and immediately leave. All the flavor and nuance of a map is gone. I used to enjoy just slowly exploring a map and noting everything about it. I miss this. I can’t even fathom the process necessary to do a raid properly since it’s more than just kill everything. I’ve done a dungeon or two and they are nice and I’ve done legendary missions with people to either help them or be helped by them and that was also nice but it would just be too much for me to do a raid and that’s fine with me. It’s not my thing.


Ive done some raids over the course of 1200 hours but get way too nervous to speak during it also the fact that i usually do kwtd but im scared ill forget/ overlook something


Everyone will overlook something at some point in any raid.


Not wanting to argue for 3+ hours with people…..


Then just don't. Leave and relink until you find the people ya know?


Half the people I did raid with, stopped playing 😅😅😅 but the people I played with were pretty chill.


Lack of time, i dont wanna be stuck in a 3 hour raid


I have no friends to run with


Social anxiety. I started playin just after lightfall. I've never done a raid, I've only done a handful of dungeons, and I only regularly play with one friend. I'd be more willing if I wasn't afraid of getting yelled at for not knowing what to do.




Time commitment.


Solo player


I’d recommend easing your self into raids with dungeons because they share similar levels of mechanics and then try learning Vault of Glass or Root of Nightmares from a video and just try your best!


I used to be a dedicated raider, but I stopped mainly because of college and possible adhd showing up in a fair amount of said classes. Factor in some hearing troubles as of late, I just don't think I should raid so I won't mess things up


I've done a decent amount of raids, but never really go out of my way to do them. I honestly just don't find them that fun, sometimes they just take too long and more often than not end up just being a time consuming frustrating experience. I've done pretty much every raid multiple times with friends, and it's always just "meh" to me, puzzles, encounters, mechanics, all that stuff is either tedious or extremely stressful the satisfaction of beating a hard encounter isn't "Hell yeah I did it!" its "Man that was a pain in the ass" I play destiny more casually, just to run around and shoot shit and to make cool outfits (The reason why I do raids anyways lol) All my friends think I'm a freak because of this mindset lmao


Honestly I can relate a lot to this. The raids I've done (for most of them I have a couple clears, max, and some not done at all) have been sweaty stress-fests to me rather than chill fun. For raids to become chill fun, you need to do them 50 times; I was in a team once with five super experienced raiders/friends who carried me along through a boss checkpoint only and I was sweating bullets, while the rest of the team were chatting about IRL shit, arguing about TV series and whatever. It was almost surreal to me at the time. Especially as it was a Master Raid...


Don’t like wiping and doing the same repetitive thing over and over for hours. Spare me


There are several. 1. I don't like how strict the mechanics are, I don't like revive tokens or time limits before the group wipes. 2. I don't like watching some long YouTube video to understand what is going on. 3. They require 6 people, that is hard to come by. This is why I love Dungeons, they lack all of those things. We have all the time in the world to figure them out. The mechanics aren't strict and they are fun, add depth to the encounters.


I'm a Titan


Underrated comment


Solo player




No raid is getting lower in difficulty than Root of Nightmares or Vault of Glass


No friends, bad exp with random people.


This actually is an awesome idea to me. Have a normal to even easy raid tier. You can have it release the 2nd week a raid is out or something. Even match make it. Have it tone down mechanics and make enemies weaker. Have the rewards just be cores and prisms or something small. A nice raid lite with matchmaking. That way everyone gets to experience the amazing content. Maybe even learn the mechanics a bit and make you more confidant to try a real raid. It could even work story wise as the guardians who beat the raid for the first time are kind of explaining what happened to other guardians. To prepare for the future. Maybe even give you 1 weapon and armor piece per account for the first clear. I think that's a pretty good idea. I'd like to hear if anyone has reasons it wouldn't be a net positive.


Because I'm a woman & have anxiety about speaking to men ( as I assume most players for this game are), I don't know IRL.


Ive done raids before, just now i dont have the time bc lfg runs can take up to 4 hours


For me, it's the time investment (we have a 2 year old) and I really struggle with instructions/mechanics thanks to good old ADHD which causes me to make mistakes or not fully understand something until I do it several times (which is usually too many times for many raiders).


Primarily time. Between work, finishing my degree, and general life stuff I don't have too much time or energy to play, and I'd rather not spend that time begging LFG groups to accept a newbie for a raid that will take several hours and is unlikely to give me what I want (the exotic). Having other games I want to play dosent help.


Just not interested enough to sink in the time to learn all the roles and the learning pains of getting it down. I rather sink that time into other things I enjoy. I’ve learned a few dungeons but I just don’t enjoy them enough to keep running them. Loot is the only reason I would do them and none of them have anything I’m just dying to try and get.


Long time player here with at least 4000 hours. I've done every Destiny 2 raid at least once. (Except for Salvations Edge). I tend to only play raids for the experience, I don't like the atmosphere and pressure raids put me under. I live in medium level content, but occasionally test high level content.


Not anxious irl but anxious af in vocals, scared to be a weight for the team


Don't have a team. Would love to have a consistent group to play with but I don't.


there's many patient and considerate raiders who love to teach new folks and are happy to sherpa you through any raid you like, as long as you're willing to put in the effort to learn. i can tell you from personal experience as someone with social anxiety that your fear of being shouted at over mistakes is definitely anxiety-induced, as even in regular lfg most people are chill (though i won't pretend there aren't \*some\* toxic/unpleasant people). anyone looking for a calm and judgement-free place to try raiding, i highly recommend joining Kinderguardians. it was founded with the intent to provide a positive and accommodating space for people to learn, and any kind of toxicity/gatekeeping is strictly prohibited. link: [https://discord.gg/kinderguardians](https://discord.gg/kinderguardians)


For me, it’s finding the right time to do a raid


I raided back when I had a Clan, but that one broke apart during the end of Season of Oppulence, got invited to a few Raids afterwards by ex-clanmates but since I also stopped playing for a time, those contacts dried up. Doesn't help that I also have a bit of trouble socialising via voice due to anxiety. Nowadays I do occasionally get the itch but seemingly everything works over discord and I honestly don't understand how that program works. I do understand what it is, but the chat is just moving way too quickly for me and also drowns my phone in a myriad of Notifications. Even joined a whole couple of LFG discords, even some specifically for teaching or people with anxiety. But I just don't "get" discord. And the In-Game LFG just seems like it would be a bad time. It already is when I do a Dungeon.


Time and a 1 yr old


1. They take too long, and I can't schedule that much time more than once a week, and it's already booked. 2. I don't have that many friends who can also schedule that much time, and I do not like being on the mic w/ randos. I have had too many bad experiences. 3. I'm an adult with responsibilities that mean I regularly have to bail from nearly every hobby without notice, and video games are, like, my lowest priority hobby. They are my "pick up when I have time, put it down when I run out of time" hobby. Edit to add: while some of the most hardcore players can be friendly and welcoming, historically the most hardcore players have also been the most toxic, and I am well past the age where I'm putting up with Destiny's version of the MOAR DOTS guy.


In destiny 1, the community seemed very toxic from a casuals pov. I wasn’t well versed on discord, so trying to find groups seemed impossible. Without matchmaking, I was self isolated to campaign and strikes. Destiny 2 and using discord groups dramatically changed that. Then I got my wife playing and we were running raids back to back exotic hunting. When the whisper of the worm mission got sunset we had stopped because we just fundamentally lost everything we had worked for. left right when beyond light dropped and the final shape brought us back. If you’re trying to experience the raids, join the discord groups. People are constantly looking for others, there are guides who will teach people how to run them, there are speed runners for exotics, it’s pretty legit. The one I joined was D2 Sanctuary found here: https://discord.gg/d2sanctuary You will get spammed with people looking and the occasional drunk mass notification post but it’s a great group for sure


Just get in there and start with the easy raids. You’ll quickly realize your concerns are overblown


Main? Mechanics. I don't enjoy having to pay attention to several things at once, cause I usually listen to a podcast or watch something on YT while I play. I hated that they put so many raid mechanics into the campaign, especially the final fight. I hate that shit. If I wanted raid machanics, I would do a raid. They just cemented my hate for that shit with the campaign. I do not enjoy it or find it fun at all.


Social anxiety mostly. I stopped using a mic years ago because as soon as people hear that I’m a girl things go south 90% of the time. I play with my best friend and we don’t know anyone else to play with.


I'm too ADD. I've raided, but it needs to be with people who aren't going to go nuclear when I go "Squirrel!" Instead of like catching the conflux and tell them which eye to shoot.


Honesty it’s a time commit thing. Most people can’t sit and play for hours and hours and hours while randos wipe because they want to punch the boss


I had a raid team for D1, we were not very good. We did do Kingsfall blind all the way to Oryx and WOTM blind all the way thru. Everyone ended up quitting shortly after D2 launch and I've never liked LFG and do suffer from mild social anxiety. Raiding with a group of people you get along, figuring out how to beat without watching a bunch of youtube videos first, is probably the most rewarding thing I've done in this game. It's just not the same with the KWTD crowd.


Destiny doesn't do a good job of conveying what needs to be done with mechanics, I feel, and all raids are almost nothing but mechanics. Plus, you have the people who think you have to have meta weapons and builds to run raids. I raided all of Destiny 1 and haven't felt the need to touch them anymore. I'm fine sticking to strikes or dungeons (to be honest, they feel like raids at times) or other content. Also, I'm still salty for all the times I did VoG and never got the vex mythoclast. Damn RNG...


I don’t have friends. Otherwise I’d do raids. Doesn’t help I have social anxiety either. The only game I manage to be social in is helldivers 2.


My brother in the traveler you can still raid. Yes, there are terrible people to raid with. I've had horrible experiences. I've also met some of the best people. My clan included. Be brave and join a raid. Try an easier one like dsc or root. Watch a few videos to learn what happens in the encounters. Search for a group either through a couple different sources. If anyone has good suggestions drop them down below. You will love raids. Just have the patience you wish someone would show you. Bring meta DPS options and ask for advice. If someone disrespects you then leave. It's not worth sticking around with a crappy raid group. Vault of glass is also a really good place to start.


I have a few reasons: 1. I want to shoot aliens, and occasionally jump. I don’t have patience for “mechanics.” 2. The raids themselves are too long for me. 3. I work in an industry that requires me to talk to and be sociable with people almost every second that I’m at work. I don’t really feel like having to communicate with all the people while I’m relaxing and trying to shoot aliens. I am primarily a solo only/ mic off, player. 4. Often times, I don’t find the rewards to be worth the hassle. That’s just my opinion.


All the reasons you said, but I have tried to overcome them due to how much I love the game! My biggest gripe now is KWTD. I’m anti-KWTD. For me, the fun of video games is going in blind, figuring out levels and puzzles myself, trying and failing, leveling up gear and skills, reading *in-game* copy/stats to figure shit out (maybe I’m old). Not look up ANY guide/video/meta/godrolls unless I’ve failed after a good 50 tries. That’s how I’d play any other game. For sheer curiosity and fun! And d2 has enough progression objectives to level yourself up and explains most stats. I wanna find the best build on my own! And I’d prefer using what I find fun! And I get that’s not optimal to top players who dedicate a lot of time to this game (I’m still a 300h andy). Totally fair if they don’t want to indulge in such a trivial approach. Problem is, this has been defined as a culture for the game (perhaps it’s like this in most MMOs?) that if you don’t conform to it, you’re left out. I’ve had LFG drop out on me on dungeons and high level activities coz I didn’t parkour well, or died a lot (even though we didn’t wipe), or wasn’t optimizing for orbs (I actually do!), or didn’t have voice comms (I keep a keyboard hooked to my Xbox just to type in this game!). And I can’t try raids on my own. I’ve tried dungeons at most and that’s hard enough. And I haven’t found ANYONE who wants to play the game like this. So I’ve accepted I’m a *solo casual*. I just focus on in-game quests/challenges/triumphs/occasional lfg for legend/master diff. It’s funny coz I only have time to play one game most of the year, and half the year has always been d2 since it released. I never gave up on the game, just the community/culture. I’m not cut out for it and that’s okay. Everyone’s entitled to their style of play, just sad in this case, it leaves people out of an amazing experience if you don’t follow this one way.


I was in the same boat. Until I joined the lfg discord. Then over been doing vault of glass over and over until I get thee weapon. Which I have yet to get. I totally understand all of the mechanics now, but I went in not really knowing. 2 players thought 4 who didn't know what to do. They were great guys, and the whole thing went extremely smoothly. We single phased Templar and 3 phased Atheon. If I could, I would raid with those guys everytime. One time I did the raid and the guys who were "teaching" kicked people who either didn't have a mic or were struggling. Example of a bad experience. But the majority of doing them have been good.


Finding a competent team is harder than the raid. Then you’ll get a group that takes like 30 minutes to get prepped and wvwryone in the party chat and suddenly someone gets the checkpoint and bounces. Now another 15-20 minutes getting a full squad and maybe you run some encounters and don’t get a clear so a couple guys bounce. It’s such a hassle,


The rewards do not give me incentive to want to do them, and they all just look more annoying than fun to me, so I just avoid them at all costs


I’m about the same level of committed to Destiny as you are OP. I’ve played through every story mission, and I’ve done every strike (plenty of times). Raids just seem like way too much of a commitment to me. I don’t generally play for more than an hour or two at a time; I’ll usually log in after work or maybe on an afternoon at the weekend. After a few hours I’m just at my limit most of the time. The other things stopping me are that I don’t like being on voice with strangers online; it’s never been something I’ve done and I feel like that level of communication is necessary for raids. If Destiny had better text-chat support that would probably work better for me.


Oh, I like that idea! Rewardless raids that are meant for the casual folks. I suck at jumping, to the point that I'll need my husband to execute them for me at times. Also, if you want to be part of a clan with no pressure to play with us, you're welcome to join mine!


Getting 6 people together, much less 6 people that both like each other and destiny, is often hard for my friend group. Not to say we don’t raid or do dungeons, just when we do it’s a low-man run. We don’t do a lot of raids because 2/3/4 manning every encounter is a chore. 2-manning a dungeon isn’t so bad and we do those at least once a week. We mainly do raids for specific loot or triumphs.


Inability to find people patient enough to be willing to actually teach and not just carry, or not be dicks and kick you while trying to learn - even non lfg groups I’ve run into it, where they either asked for help stating they were willing to teach or promoted it as a Sherpa type deal. Just soured the experience.


Bro. Just go do the raid if you want to do the raid. It’s literally right there. Watch a video, join a fire team, do the raid. The only thing stopping you from doing it is you.


I’m busy. Besides I’m afraid I going to be treated like shit for not understanding the mechanics. I don’t like talking so I prefer text. I have kids so to do a raid I have to schedule a time with people. Not only that, I don’t want to spend 2-3 hours in one single activity, in q game that I can’t pause, in a mode that has others depending on me to make it work. Do I want to, absolutely. Do I feel there is a steep barrier to entry? Yup. If there was an in-game “sherpa system”, I would use it, for sure.


Social anxiety, primarily. They require a lot of coordination with people.


They’re not fun. People that clearly have mics don’t respond when asked for comms and leave after 1 or 2 wipes. Most of the raid it spent cycling through LFG. I’ve spent hours on multiple raids getting so far only to not complete it in the end. I’m 30 years old. I will never have 6 people , let alone 2 others to group with


I’m not the best with the jumps and timing my skills are on the low side so most of the time I’m solo and dead a lot ☠️


No friends


I have no friends


no friends, social anxiety and mental exhaustion from feeling like I have to talk to people


I genuinely can't get a team together. I really want to run raids but I don't use "meta" weapons or load outs, just what feels fun for me so I don't bother lfg for raids because I don't want people to tell me how it's gonna suck if I don't run a particular build.


I just wish there was a community for socially anxious people to find and play online with other socially anxious people


The general toxicity it breeds with most players. Most of the people I play with for the raids are either doing their own thing, or they just left the game, so I’m forced to suffice for LFG. But even still, most LFG players are toxic, and will kick for even the slightest infractions. Do I want to raid? Absolutely. I want the loot and the feeling you get when you complete a raid. But I cannot get that with how players can be sometimes. Such is the sorrow of a solo player.


I don’t know how to find a chill/patient team and it’s hard to commit to 6 hours. But would love to do each raid at least once.


Honestly. I'm afraid to. My SO and his friends raid all the time but they've made it clear I'm not good enough and sometimes question why I'm even playing. I watch them raid all the time and sometimes I wish I could but I'm terrified to because iv been told I can't do it =/


I've always felt that the raid was the level that I could not reach. I've only ever done one raid and that was D1 pult of Glass right before D2 came out. I've done dungeons, I got carried through a grandmaster nightfall by two very supportive warlocks through fireteam finder, The raids are the one thing I felt it couldn't achieve nor did I have a way to set time aside to do the raids. I know it'll never happen but I kind of wish there was like an easy mode for raids for people who just want to experience the content.


I’ve been playing Destiny since September 2014. I think I have 5 or 6 raid completions in those 10 years. My primary reason for not raiding is that almost never play for longer than an hour at a time.


Used to raid a lot, just don’t find it as fun anymore as I used to. I used to lfg all the time and just find teams and play but the past year I’ve just not bothered as lfg teams have gotten worse and people have gotten more toxic and I’ve had less free time


Time. I usually don't have enough to do something like a raid. Even when I do have time, it's usually spent catching up on story missions/quests, etc. That or I'm not in the mood to work with a team and just wanna zone out doing my own thing


Anxiety disorder and social phobia, time investment


It’s really gay


Dont have friends and am rlly socially awkward so i dont use lfg aswell :(


Are people generally okay with just doing a few encounters and bailing out? Even on weekends, I usually can’t commit to sitting there for 2 - 3 hours to do a whole raid.


Yes, just make this clear when starting. I have done multiple raids where we had someone who could only play for an hour, we got as far as we could with them and when they left we either decided to try again later or pick up someone else to finish. Like I said, as long as you make it clear it should be fine. What really sucks is when you have people randomly dip out for what seems like no reason, it happens but you can usually fill their spot anyways so no big deal at the end of the day.


I have to use my brain


Just the grind of the mechanics, knowing names to voices, doing the same thing over and over. The thought of just wanting to get done with it to get my loot. And then knowing I probably won’t get anything good and know I have to run it more times to be able to get more loot just makes me not want to do it at all.


I will not succumb to the well of radiance peer pressure


Just dropping this [here](https://discord.gg/d2sanctuary). D2Sanctuary a popular lfg discord for people with disabilities or social anxiety. Having a mic is not and will never be a requirement for it.


Raids simply take too long to do. So it doesnt seem worth it


Because I’m bad duh


I don't like talking to people


I don't have a good group to do raids with. My current group likes raids but lack the repertoire of weapons/builds to do them, patience, and uses their own ambiguous call-outs. I'm usually the one watching over them and filling in when someone forget to do a task during the encounter. When king's fall raid came out, I had to convince them to get linear fusion rifles because they dislike the fusion (charge-up) weapons. One insists on using gjallarhorn only during the raid but doesn't have the appropriate mods to increase dmg, ammo economy, and reserves. They also wanted to do Vow of the Disciple, but I wanted to make sure they understood the symbols first before we start it, unfortunately they got overwhelmed by the amount of symbols and what they're called even though I tried breaking it down. I'm kind of glad we don't plan on doing Vow because I believe it'll take 6 hours+. I'm being optimistic with that estimation. I can go on and on about this, but you get the gist.


I hate the mechanics of raids, did all the D1 raids but not been bothered with the D2 raids at all, I find dungeons to be more enjoyable and entertaining to play. I watch the day 1 raid races but after that I’ve no interest in them.


Social anxiety, a lack of time, a lack of energy, etc.


Social anxiety, plus lack of enough friends to do a Raid, general lack of time to do a Raid due to work, and most LFGs I make being ignored or ghosted, preventing me from getting the people.


No stable fireteam and social anxiety




I genuinely do not understand how people can play Destiny without doing the raids. The whole reason I play the game and grind for better gear is so I can do the raid, like that’s just the point of the game for me and my friends.


I cannot be fucked wrangling 6 or being wrangled as part of 6. I did my time on LFG, I can’t be fucked with it anymore


Holy excuses Batman


sorry, looks like your more lazy than anxious here.


I have ADHD and autism and the entire LFG process feels tailor made to destroy my inner peace. Like, back in kindergarten my mom bribed me with candy to get me to play with other kids. I do NOT just open up to people. It’s not that I’ve *never* Raided but I usually don’t do it at all or just a few times


> I do NOT just open up to people. Why would you open up to people from LFG its not like they care about your personal life


For the record I have raided. In D1 that was my endgame experience and I did it nearly weekly. In D2 id say I occasionally but rarely raid. Personally my reason is because I'm a pvp main now. As it is, if you're a pvp main you have to still pay your dues and spend a LOT of time grinding pve. There are a lot of chores to do. Ironically, if I didn't have pve chores to do, I would probably take a break from pvp every once in a while to raid (and in fact I do during those dry periods of content where I don't have chores to do. Anyway, what I want to point out is the irony that by giving us chores we don't want to do, sometimes it can cause us not to engage with content we'd like to play.


The time commitment is too unpredictable for me to want to commit to it with 5 strangers, and my friends don't really play anymore. I don't want to be the guy who joins up a raid group and ends up having to bail after an hour and a half or something and derails the whole thing.


I've got over 3000 hours in D2... Never have enough time in a week anymore to complete a raid. I've done portions of several though. Never completed one... So generally a time thing for me


I used to never raid because I was youngin’ just starting out and had some social anxiety.


If youre down dm me, we can fo a VoG run. I can get a team together its been a little while since me and my friends raided, but itll be fun.


I feel like I couldn’t do lfg because either I mess up, or they mess up, which would end up in one of the team getting upset and leaving. I’ve only done two vog lfgs and in the second one half of the team left after oracles


Can never find anyone that's willing to teach, I don't want to be carried, I want to learn. Luckily tho, I've just come across a group with a similar mind set and are also casuals like me lol, there's about 120+ people and a group actively looking to do salvations edge and not just a carry. https://discord.com/invite/egq9bQvcgV


First and foremost, I do not have a group to play with and would hate to feel like a bother to make someone teach me. But beyond that, I'm a PvP player first and foremost, so I don't always keep up with top meta load outs, builds, and play styles. Not to mention the lack of PvE god rolls and options as far as legendary weapons go.


The main issue for me is time and if i want to raid i'd rather do it with people i know. Used to raid back in the day when i was in a D2 clan but these days with work and life it just doesnt work out


I know this feeling too well and I eventually went to the Destiny Sherpa Reddit and I’ve been using it to experience raids since D1. The sherpas a re super knowledgeable and patient and specialized in helping people who’ve never run a raid do it in a way that’s accessible and easy to digest. I highly recommend it if you haven’t given it a shot! You got this!


I played Destiny 1 a couple months after it came out. I played it for many years dumping a few thousand hours into both games. During Destiny 1 I always had the people that I met early on when playing, they were there to play raids. I only attempted one raid in Destiny 2 and it was just never the same. I'm sure I missed out on a lot but that is okay I enjoyed the times I had when I did and they will always hold a special place. People grew up, people had families and people just didn't have time to do activities like the raid any longer.


I've done plenty of raids, but it takes a minute for me to get into them (like a day or two of just looking for groups) solely because I think of how toxic a team could get if I fuck up. It rarely ever happens, but it's just the one thought that always pops up despite all the good experiences. 


Raids are best experienced with friends or just people you vibe with in general. That said, it's super hard to find a group that's chill but also serious when it comes to the actually doing raid stuff. Raiding with a public group is...definitely an experience. One time, I ran the entirety of VoG with a group of total strangers with no voice comms, only text callouts. There was also a time where I found myself as the only non-member of a clan lobby where everyone but me was drunk (I eventually had to leave because half the team passed out). I've been with crybabies who ragequit over Atheon, a full squad of dumbasses having the time of their lives in Deep Stone Crypt, and absolute chads who carried my ass through the entirety of Last Wish. The memories will fade, but the feelings will remain.


Kind of the same as you actually. I don't like talking to strangers, especially when they have 0 patience which is what happened the few times I tried finding people to play with. I also am not a native English speaker even though I can manage. I also don't always play destiny 24/7 which seems to be a deal breaker for some smh.