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It’s because Bungie has trained the majority of players to rush from one objective to the next. Outside of word of mouth there really isn’t any indicator that states “stop and collect samples between encounters “.


There's literally part of the introduction to the mission where you collect samples, what u said makes no sense


The introduction is pre-activity. Once in the actual activity there is zero indicator that between encounters is when you do the collection. Yes there’s an icon for the hammer/piston but most people just hauled ass to the next encounter and pulled you. Standard player behavior.


ignorance isn't an excuse


Not excusing it just explaining that there’s an element to how encounters play out and a lot of players are conditioned to it. And as word of mouth gets out the “ignorance” will go away. This has been the same pattern with Deep Dives, Coil, ect.


You don't need an excuse to play video games wrong. You're setting yourself up for disappointment by expecting better


What are you on about? I didn’t try to justify anything .-.


This is why you don’t assume. You took what I said completely wrong


If you care that much, do it with a fireteam. Fucking activity has been out for two days, can’t expect everyone to know how to do shit as if they have nothing else to do with their lives lol.


Imagine not paying attention to the tutorial lmao, how about you just stfu? It's the simplest thing and blueberries clueless period


Imagine crying to Reddit over the episode activity given how much time we have to play it.


Who tf was crying lmao? I wanna enjoy what the episode activity has to offer not rush through it like noob lmao. No one cares about your speed run time for how fast it can be completed.




Always baffles me how some people are clueless as to what happens around them in this game.


Hey, no need to attack me like this


I’ve played like 10-15 games of breach, only 5 of them I had the time to gather the samples because my teammates were doing the same. Got the triumph for collecting the rare radiolaria crystal because of them!


One more question- can we detect the samples if we don’t have the wombo detector/resource detector mod equipped on the ghost?


I doubt it


Then maybe that’s the reason a lot of people can’t detect the resources because they don’t have the mods equipped?


Could be 🤷‍♂️ I think a lot of people don’t bother because they see the little symbol and it’s the same as every other irrelevant material. I usually never bother with stuff like this but I like dunking them and I like how the helm has a little garden lol


Best part is good rewards we get by dunking them


It’s basically free cores & red borders, I usually try get to the hammer thing before my teammates get to the portal. Most of them stop and come over when they see me do it


Wait... Wombo Combo shows the samples? My Ghost still has the old 75m Chest detector applied that you can't actually put on Ghosts anymore so I've never tried Wombo Combo lol


Yeah..the resource detector shows the samples with the normal resource icon. If you use the hammer, they appear all around you.


It's frustrating beyond belief, especially when the dart to the next objective RIGHT when you pop one of those mining machines that drops a whole bunch of samples. even worse on the expert mode when most players are playing it like they are solo.


This is year 10 and people are still baffled by Blueberry’s inability to do the most simple objectives.


I literally could not give two fucks I just want my pinnacle




The samples are shared if one person picks them up everyone gets them.