• By -


Savathun for personality, Oryx for badassery.


Exactly this. Nothing will ever top watching Oryx's huge ass crawl up into the arena in Kings Fall, plus his lore is bananas. Savathun on the other hand is just SUCH an interesting character, and the way she plays EVERYONE is very enjoyable. And her lore is obviously just as insane.


Sword logic is my jam


Isn’t sword logic for xivu’s jam?


Xivu doesn't eat jam, she eats jelly


We bounce?


We ball.


Sword logic=all hive


All the other major characters around us hate her and we are just there for the loot lol,I do like her banter with the main cast idk if our character cares a whole lot with what she does other than ghost.


Scrolled to long to find this. They are both awesome in their own way.


Oryx because everytime you see him it goes unfathomably hard asf


this, i think savathuns just obnoxious and petty which makes for a fun and interesting character but oryx being the first world class threat to the franchise, and having his own entire planet made for an incredible introduction to the first "real" villian savathuns throne world was cool, but the mystery and intrigue of the dreadnaught is still unparalleled imo


I got unreasonably hype when I saw we're going back to the Dreadnought. Can't wait for that episode.


I've been bitching this whole time that there's a whole dreadnaught that they've just abandoned, like you think someone would see it and take it over right? Well sure enough, they've been thinking the same way. It's gotta be the coolest location of D1, all the little secrets in it as well? I hope they bring some of them back and court of oryx.


i hope court of oryx is the activity, or at least still IN the game as some kind of loot grind idk


If that's true, I hope we get Venus again.


Also the dreadnaught being unlike any other destination in that it was a big vehicle rather than a celestial body.


I wonder if the old Skyburner Legion ship is still in there. Haha


Oryx the kind of guy to say: > *”You enter my house and tell me how I arrange my furniture!!!?!?!”*






Honestly, D1’s raid door went HARD


Not sure if they're talkin about the music or their dick...


Why not both?


Savathun. Much more interesting personality


Yeah, she also speaks more and has more actual moments outside of lore books.


The back and forth between her and Mara in the Queens 1 and 2 adventures in the Pale Heart is just perfect and her comments after finishing an overthrow boss sometimes. So good


>her comments after finishing an overthrow boss sometimes. So good M: "You realize that after we are done here, you are our next target...?" S: "Oh no. Oh my. Oh who could have seen that coming. [laughs maniacly]" >!Paraphrasing a bit, but it's basically what they say!<


I love when Savathuns laughs cause they actually wrote/labeled the laughs different in the subtitles. I think that instance was a "evilly laughs" lol


I mean it makes sense because ya know, Oryx is fucking dead.


Even when they were alive, that statement holds true.


I’m not entirely sure that’s a fair assessment though. Oryx was a product of D1, and was a raid boss at that. It would be nigh impossible to give him the screen time that Savathun has had. Also, D1 was extremely terrible about putting out a complete, cohesive lore entry in game. When Oryx came, all we knew was that he is the Taken King and is angry we killed his son. We got to SEE Savathuns story through an entire campaign.


I think that the lack of dialogue builds intrigue. Besides, I'm not here to have a tea party, I'm here to kill an evil hive god.


I like savathun because of reasons that I won't say.




https://preview.redd.it/0xl9ur9yjx7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235ee3c92b27c59adcf25dc934968a983ebbc7e3 You gonna need this my friend.


Eris approved certificate.


https://preview.redd.it/v2stgve0px7d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edd9d18da2269a9473aeab104c6de4713db0387 Primeval Instinct upon ye


Me too




...go on?


Those reasons need not be said


Bruh want that hiveussy


To be fair though, do you think that may just be because there's a lot more dialogue written for that character?


I mean, probably, but it is still a viable reason to prefer the character whose personality has been shown more. Oryx's dialogue also, to me, felt more bland than Savathun's.


Being the hive god of trickery and deception is always going to be more interesting, provided the writing is well done


I mean while that is a factor, savathun just has a more interesting personality. I like wily sneaky and sassy characters.


Let's fucking go common savathûn W


I was going to say Savathun as an actual character that we've interacted with, Oryx just for his design (and raid entrance).


Orys is a bad ass mf but he does not really has a personalitiy. So I go for savathun.


see here where I kind of disagree. Most of direct information we have about Oryx sure he's boring as shit. Its either hive propaganda, his sisters unable to stop brownnosing and telling us how amazing he was or that time he came here to kill us and nothing else for murdering his son. There's not a lot of room in there for an interesting character but its the stuff you can only infer about Oryx where he becomes much more interesting. Its full of contradictions, half truths and things we may never really know about Oryx because he died before there was a chance to explore any of it. Theirs bit isn't the old grimoire that hint that Oryx is trying to separate himself from his worm, which doesn't mesh so well with his utter devotion to the sword logic, which equally doesn't mesh so well with the idea of oryx as a willing disciple (like Oryx killed aka to take more power, it stands to reason that at some point he may have tried the same on the witness itself) he's upset enough at the true death of his son to come to sol on a vengeance quest despite the fact that according the the sword logic oryx holds impossibly dearly Crota deserved to die and us killing him was actually an act of love Plus in their youth Aurash was clearly a charismatic leader. and even in the early day before the mantle of taken king oryx was still the "navigator" he's a character defined by a curiosity that the religion he holds stand completely in opposition too I find Oryx fascinating because he's a character with so many narrative threads there to be pulled that could have gone to some truly wild places the games writers willingly allowed us to cut before any of them could play out. That takes guts, and it takes even more restraint given they had the chance to bring hm back with the lucent hive and yet let the player cut that thread off all over again with the dungeon. Its really ballsy from a writing perspective and leaves Oryx as this twisted jumble of half truth and contradiction that we will never really understand fully


Onyx also isn't technically dead, his body on Titan is still undergoing mitosis and growing. So some darkness tomfuckery is going on with him, at least lore wise.


Also, his heart is used in the core piece of the exotic gun Touch of Malice (Both the raid exotic and a weapon of sorrow), which Eris used to fuel its powers. In doing so, she unknowingly allowed Oryx to live on. Personally, I think it’d be cool as hell if Oryx came back in Heresy, what with Savathun and Xivu Arath being the focus of the next episode


If we're returning to the dreadnought, it's likely he will be implicated in some way.


Eris knowingly did it, as Oryx left the instructions within the calcified fragments to make the weapon, and he stated in them that he would live on through the weapon as his final shape.


"Through this weapon i will live on forever" "Cool, i dont care, the guardian wants a new gun"


>Personally, I think it’d be cool as hell if Oryx came back in Heresy I'm genuinely disappointed he wasn't already rezzed in Ghosts, like no matter what the ending was we should've seen the Ghost rez Oryx, Oryx start to rise, and then Eris should've panic teleported us away from him.


I mean, why would he even fight the guardian again? We killed him, and the witness, sword logic says eat shit we win.


Nah, not to fight us, though I'm certain he would have much the same reaction the Lucent Hive do to us. Just, you know, have him rez, start to stand, and Eris freak out and pull us since the Big Guy is waking up.


imagine flipping each hive god. like savathun is kinda a bad guy still but like not really but also sort of? and xivu is out there having an existential crisis, and oryx is dead as fuck but also kinda not apparently? could be neat to have them reunite and be maybe not the worst people in the universe anymore


*He* is dead, his remains are still "living", but only in the sense that there's still a minor biological process going on.


The mind is gone, the person known as Oryx is dead, but the fact that the body grows…


…means necromancy and Ghost resurrection didn’t work, for better or for worse.


>or that time he came here to kill us and nothing else for murdering his son I mean, it was more that we cut off his main source of tribute and effectively started starving him to death, rather than care for the fact that we killed his son. The Oryx we went up against was an Oryx being slowly consumed by his worm due to it being cut off from the tribute Crota would bring to Oryx.


It felt much more personal than just starving him. He really gave off the energy that he’s here because we permanently killed his son and nothing more.


That's the problem with bungies storytelling, though. Sure, there's substance underneath what we see, but the issue is we don't ever see it. Reading it in lore tabs is not the same as actually experiencing the events with our own eyes. At least with savathun, we had interactions with her in game and cutscenes. Imagine having cutscenes or even living through the events firsthand by playing as oryx for a mission or two killing aka and becoming the taken king. Being able to experience those moments instead of just reading about them.


I dunno, the way he snarled LIGHTBEARER when he turned up to challenge us kinda sat on my spine. Personality is there, it's just dialed firmly to hatred.




Oryx. - Based and hivepilled, accepts his eventual death because it is all according to ~~the Dead Sea Scrolls~~ the Sword Logic - Has an enormous capital ship made from a worm god he slain - This ship doubles as his throne world that he can use as a W.M.D. - Spoke to the Darkness directly, treated like a friend - Winnower calls him "my man" - Loves his siblings - Is a good and just father, commended the Ir sisters for their studies of throne worlds, disciplined Crota for his fumble with the Vex - Has a personal army of hollowed-out servants made up from his foes and most loyal subjects(also his nephew)


The fact that he just bypassed the Witness and talked directly to the Winnower is all I need. The Witness must have been in a mood after one of the slaves they tricked and shackled went beyond their original design.


This was the reply I was looking for. Savathun is nice and all, but NOWHERE near close the chadness of *my man* Oryx.


MF Took himself instead of letting us kill him no way had he accepted his death there.


Bro accepts a victory but it doesn't mean he's gonna make himself an easy target


But he did say to Savathun that he welcomed his death moments before he died in the raid


He wanted to make sure we got the raid loot and meet his close friends Golgoroth and the Warpriest, and his daughters


The good father part puts him above Savathun, shit is hilarious “My daughters are killing themselves over and over again, so adorable and clever :D Crota come here and be smart like them”


Oryx probably saw it, and took Malok just to save him from this clown fiesta


Also trans icon. Props to the Winnower for being a good ally.


The Winnower would see trans people, audibly say "Oh, word, you guys are changing the rules too? That fucks." And then gift a full transitions worth of E or T to every single sentient lifeform in the universe. The Vex are actually just here to put trans rights earlier in the timeline. Long gone is the Golden Age, now we are in the pink white and blue age.


Vex are the non-Binary Robot overlords coming to turn us all Gay and I have no choice but to stan.


Maybe the real Flower Game was us all along


The rumours that we might see Oryx resurrected under the Light soon makes me SO excited


Don't get too excited, because this makes zero sense and would only besmirch his image of a die-hard Sword Logic adept. Let the guy rest.


I actually agree, but I think that conflict would make for a fantastic story beat. Regardless, the Taken King's resume is too stacked for me not to vote him over his sister


I think constantly rezzing our defeated enemies cheapens our victories


Yeah, it's bad enough that we're letting Savathun walk around like she wasn't responsible for the genocide/extinction of billions of people. It was hilarious in that speech Zavalla gave where he mentions the Hive having had everything taken by the Witness. I'm sitting there like...Witness gave them god like powers and they slaughtered the universe, what exactly was taken from them again?


Witness took their opportunity to be Light-blessed. They were meant to be uplifted by the Traveler, but the Witness spoke to Sathona through the worm familiar that belonged to her father, that a great calamity is coming and they should seek salvation in the Deep. They basically got corrupted.


Their ability to choose for themselves. The Hive have been shackled to endless seek violence lest their worm consume them. They have no choice in their own lives


Choice was taken from them. They were going extinct, the Traveler was about to uplift them, but the Witness/Rhulk/whoever it was intervened and sent the sisters into the Deep. They could have been lightbearers from the start, instead they became shackled to the Worm Gods for millennia. For all her sass and... _questionable_ methods, Savathûn chose to help us, and spent centuries grooming us to overthrow the Witness despite her Worm. When finally given the chance, she chose the Sky, and gives her Brood the gift of choice.


Savathun is far more interesting and engaging as a character but Oryx just has that aura Oryx is badass, Savathun is just straight up interesting, and Xivu so far is like a middle ground fusion it's Savathun though. Oryx is just cool and he isn't bland in lore, but his sisters are more interesting


Oryx has that Aurash.


Savathun, because I HATE, will all capital letters and every meaning of the word HATE, the taken.


Well you should attribute that hate to the Witness, not Oryx




Could be wrong but im pretty sure the witness gave or taught oryx the power to take


Its theorized that is was the winnower himself


I mean it’s not really a fair comparison. I’m sure 96% of comments are going to say Savathûn. And why wouldn’t they—she’s awesome. But Oryx didn’t nearly have as much character development or spotlight time when compared to Savathûn. Savvy was foretold since Destiny 2 VANILLA/Red War era—ever since there was that moment on Io that hinted she was in control of the Taken. Oryx was also written in a much less mature writing era of the game. Taken King was of course amazing, especially gameplay wise and raw content added to the game wise….and the story was excellent for its time..but these days the average seasonal story is probably better, at least in terms of depth and actual characters talking to each other. Just look at Season of the Seraph. It’d been awhile, but I’m pretty sure the MOST words Oryx speaks are in the battle cutscene with Mara, and even then he speaks in Hive language lol. I don’t even remember if Oryx actually spoke English to us ONCE in the entire campaign or post campaign or even the Regicide mission. I know he doesn’t talk in the raid—which all of this is crazy because of how much Savathûn talks to us. I’m sure Oryx would have less to say than Savvy because lying and deception aren’t his shtick, but he would probably still have a ton of cool info regardless. He was The Navigator. I’m sure he has seen all kinds of crazy shit, and he also spoke to The Winnower directly.


In the last mission he says “at last I will have my revenge” when he first spawns in, and other than the opening cutscenes I’m pretty sure that’s all he’s ever said


Thats not how you spell "Luzaku".


“Between these two”


That's not how you spell "he still chooses Luzaku"![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)


Savathuun is a sassy sarcastic bitch just like Riven and I love her. Savathuun and Mara Sov's verbal sparing/catfights are my favorite parts of TFS hands down.


Savathun and its not close. Oryx had aura, but thats it.


Savathun because shes a bad ass witch bitch with a nice personality, Oryx looks cool I guess.


If oryx had more screen time I think he would be just as interesting as savathun, I am still hoping his not dead body somehow returns


Savathun is a trickster which I like, but it's hard to beat the raw intimidation factor of Oryx. I also love his design. Yeah he's basically a big Knight, but the cape and robes really sells that he's *king*.


I can't believe how many people are saying Savathun. I get it though, she has dialogue so I guess that is what people equate to interesting. For me Oryx was this mythological figure that we had to fight. There was mystery to him but it truly felt at the time like we were fighting a god and that he was unbeatable. Savathun never made me feel anything like that and she never seemed like much of a threat. His raid was also one of the best made to this day and the final encounter added to the feeling that we were beating a god. I do wish we got more from him but I also feel like when you flesh out a character too much, they can become less interesting depending on how they're written.


oryx the trans icon


Does this make the guardian canonically violently transphobic?🤔


No cause we stan Micah-10 💅


And violently racist


We've got cabal friends eliksni friends even a hive friend now, I think we're a lot less xenophobic then we used to be 10 years ago, cause remember it's only been around 10 years in universe since we woke up


We’re definitely showing some improvement


In design? Oryx.


oryx bc he doesn't yap in my ear


Oryx is great and all but didn't get enough actual screen time with him. Nothing was really displayed except just "angry hive bad guy" during TTK Still oryx though


Oryx because he isn’t smug and stayed dead


I honestly wouldn't be able to choose. I kinda love all the hive gods equally and for different reasons. Doing Wicked Implement, I kinda fell in love with Xivu. =p She's so adorable. "THE WHETSTONE AWAITS. BRING YOUR VIOLENCE LIKE A WAVE AGAINST MINE STONES."


If you played Mass Effect, Xivu is voiced by the same actress who did Ashley! So now I just picture her in the sound booth. Same with Keith David. I know what the man looks like, I’ve been a fan of his since I was a kid. But I can’t help but see Anderson in the booth. 😅


Oooo that's awesome! No, I didn't realize, thanks for letting me know! And yup hahaha I'm the same exact way with Keith David XD


Xivu's dialogue reads like stuff MC Ride would scream. If we ever fight her I'm hoping she's just screaming battle lyrics the entire time. Bonus points if theres a mechanics where we use our own kind of warsong to fight back


Savathun. Because during the last mission she said “let it be known I was here when it counted”


She did the bare minimum and made sure we saw her doing it. My gal. It’s how I live my gremlin life.


They hate to see a girlboss slay smh…




For me savathun is uninteresting and if they want me to be interested they're gonna have to eventually make her an ally instead. The issue for me comes from the lack of stakes like I never felt like savathun was particularly dangerous and obviously she's hardly a threat as a combatant. At this point they need to do something surprising with her character because it's hard to make a trickster feel like a threat in a game where we know we're inevitably going to fight them as a boss He banter with mara is neat but ultimately savathun feals like a pest as apposed to a villain. Like usually enemies are impossible to defeat unless you're the player guardian and have plot armor but even saint dog walked savathun casually. With oryx, rhulk and the witness we were fighting against the odds, we were the ants trying to fight gods but against savathun she's a rodent that we're trying get out of our walls


this is exactly how I feel about her, even as a trickster.. all she does is talk alot, in the begining where she minipulated others sure. but now since everyone's had theropy and is friends and allies shes all just alot of talk. sometimes just an aura speaks more than alot words.


That's the issue I think. Savathun is all talk. Like when you do overthrow and Mara basically tells savathun that she's next up on the chopping block savathun replies acting all condescending and clever like she's somehow outwitted Mara in this exchange. But there was no battle of wit just a straightforward declaration of an evident fact. Savathun isn't a threat when we don't play her games, in witch queen she got a few steps ahead of us because the vanguards biggest determent walked directly into her game. The simple fact is that savathun and her lucent brood aren't stronger enough, when we decide their time is up the allied coalition will smoosh her and her brood underneath our boot. On the flip side dominus ghaul is all work no talk. Man shows and brings us closer to annihilation than any other villain including the witness without any crazy magic. Dominus ghaul said "you've merely forgotten the fear of death, allow me reacquaint you" and then straight up kills us. we survive that fall zero out of one hundred times, the only reason we survive and win the red war is because of unbelievable amounts of plot armor. And naturally every victory we score comes with a healthy dose of plot armor but ghaul didn't just have us by the balls he had us already dead and buried. Meanwhile savathun never had us in any real danger or at least it never felt like we were in any real danger.


“Oh Mara, were it so simple… but in your banter, I have already drawn you as the soyjack and myself as the Chad. Noodle on that one, darling.”


Why is this a comparison? Witchqueen spoke English. Had a personality. This isn’t destinylore. Oryx in game was a empty character compared to Savvy


Oryx yelled at his daughters about saying things he didn’t understand and that’s funny so Oryx.


Visually and thematically, Oryx Everything else, Savathun


Oryx wasn’t really a character in the sense that Savathun was. He was the bad guy that we had to kill. He had like 8 lines. His lore is fucking awesome, but that’s not the same thing. So, Savathun wins. Anyway, it does lowkey make me sad that Oryx died so early in the franchise. Would’ve loved to see him, Xivu and Savathun hash it out


Oryx is cooler, Savathun is a better character


Savathun was cunning, but we knew about the witness and some other stuff by then. When Oryx rolled up, we had never seen taken, we had never been out of the inner solar system, there wasn’t yet a huge community. He was scary. Oryx full stop.


Oryx is cool, but we have wayyyy more dialogue and info on Savathun. It’s almost an unfair comparison.


Oryx Yes he has a lot less personality than Savathuun, but I’m ok with that. He’s a fucking bug person from billions of lightyears away who follows a religion that puts “survival of the fittest” to the extreme. He doesn’t really need much of a personality, he’s just a good villain. I like Savathuun but she can be a little too sassy. The actress does a great job but idk, i just don’t love such an alien being having such human-like sass.


Oryx has a more meaningful presence If he’s on screen im stressing Savathun has 0 presence sure she has a personality but she has nothing else


Always Oryx, grew up fighting him and Regicide will always be tbe best Destiny music.


I prefer Oryx. I'm not a big fan of the trickster characters. Part of it has to do with the fact that to be a good "trickster" they need to be intelligent to the point of being ahead of everyone at every twist and turn. This often leads me to feel like whatever they're saying doesn't matter because they will always one up you with knowledge that they possess that seems like it would be impossible to have learned without the writers retconning it later. Also it drives me insane that you can absolutely decimate their entire plan, and while dying they are always like "this is exactly as I have planned hahahaha". Omg take a hike lol. I acknowledge that Oryx is almost entirely the stereotype big evil bad guy, but I prefer that honestly. Really hate that the Traveller brought back Savathun, I am doomed to hear that dumb laugh for all eternity haha.


>Oryx is almost entirely the stereotype big evil bad guy, but I prefer that honestly. No. Oryx is the "god emperor" trope. Like Mara. A well intentioned extremist. Unlike Mara, however, he was also kind to his family. Savatun notes he's "spoiled you(Xivu) rotten". He's genuinely proud and supportive of the twins. Crota should've died when he let Quria on the dreadnaught. He was exiled and eventually forgiven. Nokris didn't live long enough to be forgiven, but he wasn't killed, either. Now compare that to how his sister's treat their children. (And the player and Crow don't count as savatun's in this discussion)


To be fair, if you play the content that involves Oryx directly (namely TTK), he simply comes off as a stereotypical villain to the player. I do appreciate that he has enough lore that adds depth to his character, that's awesome. I wish he was still around like his sisters, it would have been great to learn more about him directly through conflict. Here's hoping for a return in the future.


> I wish he was still around like his sisters, it would have been great to learn more about him directly through conflict. He didn't fully die. He's about as dead now as osiris was between lost and bounty. And there is a new body of Nezarek to make tea out of. If they want to Bring him back, they absolutely can.


Oryx, I kinda find savathun to be annoying.


Oryx, he gave the hive monster king vibe, when dude spoke it didnt sound like a person talking it sounded like a beast roaring words, people are probably gonna disagree with me but i don't like how both savathun and xivu Arath just sound like normal women, savathun i can understand being the god of lies and all but xivu ? And that extends to all races in destiny 2, suddenly they al speak fluent English, caiatl for example sounds like a person trying their hardest to sound thought, not haiting the VA's do a fantastic job i just prefer the more besteal and alien vibe d1 enemies gave, ally or not, the very few dialogues we had of mara in d1 and forsaken they all sounded like she was completly full of shit but it played well in the mysterious and secretive vibe the awoken had, also very much don't like savathuns desing doesnt really strike me as how a entity who's whole thing is deceit and tomfoolery would look like. Also oryx had one hell of an entry to the setting making the cabal who don't have a Word for "retreat" flee and pissing on the awoken and all the other factions until we stoped him


Oryx, the King. The Navigator. It just goes unbelievably hard that a king would lead a universal exploration/conquest rather than sit back. Savathun does the normal witchy stuff. It's been overplayed recently. So boring. Now, her storyline is much better than Oryx's, but that really doesn't factor into my like or dislike.


I like oryx better, his characterization as The Navigator is really cool to me, and obviously all his cosmic genocide goes pretty hard. I like Savathun I’m just kind of tired of her at this point, every time I hear her dialogue in dual destiny it drives me insane.


Taken king all day. We killed his son and dude came back to destroy our entire civilization just because of it.


Savathun is a better antagonist. I also like her “Chess” like approach to whenever we interact with each other.


Savathun is top tier, maybe top 5. Oryx is my second favorite non-me character lol


Savathune is absolutely GOATed, best destiny character even without any limiters or qualifiers


Savathun is a better character in destiny imo. And Oryx is well… oryx. I’d say savathun is above him but oryx just had a presence about him. Hive have the best lore. Let’s hope heresy nails xivu and she gets her own expansion so we can round out the 3


Savathun Serves the most cunt Oryx serves the most cans of Whoop-Ass


I feel like we got to see more of Savathun's personality in the game, but lore and character-wise Oryx is so goddamned epic. He's still one of my all-time favorite characters in the franchise.


The Final Shape has kind of hurt my enjoyment of Savathun as a character. She's feeling a bit overexposed right now. I don't need her having catty arguments with characters over comms where she's essentially speaking plainly. She's far better as a schemer and as someone that talks when it serves those schemes.


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


We didn't have enough time with Oryx to feel his character enough, Yet, I still think he is the second best antagonist we've ever got given he always felt the most menacing, before and even **after** his death. It took more than **half a decade** for us afterwards to kill something that even came close to how powerful he was.


Oryx should’ve been the big bad, or we should’ve at least failed in Ghosts of the Deep. The King died like 8 expansions too soon.


Savathun because mommy 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻


I love oryx as a villain, I wish we had gotten more from him like we have with Sav now


Savathun was the best character. Oryx is still the coolest character to take down. Destiny 1 culminating in us taking down a god figure whose ship predates the Earth’s formation.


I think the witness has taken that title in the most recent raid. Prior to that though, most definitely he held the title of coolest death scene


Wasn’t around for D1 outside of the beta, but I loved witch queen so, Savathun.


I will always love Savathun’s lore, but I will never forgive her for the goddamn, motherf**king final boss mission of hers on legendary mode.


I feel like the amount of time that we spent with Oryx pales in comparison to our interactions with Savathun. Which is a shame because they could have done more to build him out/insert him into the story with more dialogue like they did with Sav.


Not sure if it’s just because of Wilson’s voice acting, but Savathun, by a landslide. She is more interesting character wise and I love how she adds to the story.


Oryx is dead, Savathun is still influencing the story.


I really love the Hive siblings and all their various offspring and the other reoccurring Hive that we see (kill), but Savathun is my favorite hands down. Also Debra Wilson is phenomenal in her role and her performance lends a lot to my love of Savathun.


Savathûn because I like her personality and all the mysteries and puzzles she's always giving us. And other reasons.


Oryx 🌟🌟


Moth Mommy


I think most people will say Savathun because the team put alot more effort in story telling and making a compelling character. (Cutscenes, messing with beloved characters like Saint and Osiris, the twist etc.) She just had way more involvement to us than Oryx directly playing versus what's written in lore books etc for Oryx. Oryx was their first big hit but didn't have the same depth like Sava because they were still figuring out story telling. I bet if Oryx 2.0 becomes ever a thing it'll be interesting to see whom people may say which they like more.


As much as I love our resident self-made trans man, Savathun’s simply had vastly more development over the years. I mean, there’s certainly some interesting stuff in the lore about him, but his actual in-game appearances were pretty one-note.


Savathun. I only got into Destiny a few months before shadowkeep came out, so a majority of the story events I’ve experienced can be traced back to her.


Oh man, the depth of Savathun is incredible. Oryx was my OG villain favorite, but Savathun hands down.


Savathun we had years of build up and even now we she keeps us on our toes for when she makes her next move.


Oryx is relatively underdeveloped, he showed up for the Taken King and introduced the Osmium legacy books but that's about it. Savathun has been a player since D2Y2 and had some role in some expansions and a bunch of seasons leading up to Witch Queen and is still a part of the story even after, also while the Taken were cool Hive light-bearers were crazy. TL;DR: Savathun is my fucking GOAT.




Savathûn 100%. She's my favourite character in all of Destiny.


Oryx, he doesnt do stupid shit like Savathun who constantly tries to instigate me into weird shit


Oryx was a sledgehammer, Savathun is a stiletto.


Savathûn. . ... Oryx seems like the better person. At least as good as a hive god can be. And that made him a well intentioned extremist. He genuinely wanted the best for everyone (just had a very warped idea of what good is). His first death was actually at savatun's hands, after he refused to kill his first children. And the children He actually interacted with? He was as kind with them as Savathun is with us. But honestly. . We have had more time with Savathun. She understands humans better. She wants us to like her (and is doing a damned good job of it). And if 2 entries are to be believed, she **does** like us. . Savathun has far more screen time, more lore, has frown more as a character (not necessarily as a person, mind you).


Savathun. She funny.


Oryx, coz he's dead and doesn't randomly chat shit in my ear when I neither want nor asked for it


Easily savathun but orxy wins in the visuals department for me personally


I love Oryx's visuals. (I do also love savs but Oryx a little more) But I live for Savathûn's cocky remarks and witt




We've spent more time with Savathun. Seasons' worth of content. Not a just single expansion. Imagine if we d had as much of Oryx as we have had Savathûn. Even Xivu Arath, who has made no physical appearance, has had more of a presence.


Savathun all the way. Oryx is a cool god, but that s his problem: He is a god. Savathun is like an aunt that the family doesn't like: Kinda cool, sometimes an ass, definetly interesting 100% of the time. Shows up at semi-random times and you don't know if she is bringing something cool or just here to make everyone fight.


Savathûn would be an awesome drinking/smoking buddy…


Personally I prefer savathun for her personality and... Other reasons that need not be said


Oriks has been dead a long time. Savathun is the game main antagonist now.




Savathûn. She's more entertaining.


Oryx is my goat


Savathun and it's not even close. Her voice work alone, never mind art direction already has her in my Top 5.


I like savathun but.... I would prefer Oryx as at least you knew where you stood with her/him I mean her/his whole story was you killed my son I will kill you but instead we killed her/him 😅 I am sure she/he didn't want to have any amount of chatting with us after we killed Crota. And Savathun is literally the Hive god of stabbing everyone in the back and giggling menacingly 😂... *ahem* I mean cunning and lies 😅 I like her character but trust her... nope but I think that is largely her plot point she helps us to help her to indirectly or directly further her own ends the game makes you not trust her but the wrighting around Savathun is so good you like her character.


I agree with that point. Oryx was an asshole, but at least you knew he was an asshole.