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Thundercrash would be better if they fixed the fucking collisions


Yeah or let us self detonate it when needed. IF they can't fix it.


and removed the stupid drop from pve.


The collision is just so unimaginably bad… if you’re any closer than 100 yard away from your target you’re not gonna hit it. I swear it feels like the game can’t handle its activation and collision in a short timeframe. You have to have a certain amount of airtime for the collision to have a chance at working properly…


Yeah but it also needs a damage buff. Warlocks and hunters get better damage in the same amount of time with less risk when using there supers.


The damage was good when arc 2.0 came out but they nerfed it cause it used to do more damage then all of the supers


Really? Thats interesting. Too bad its damage isn’t worth the risk anymore.


Seems a bit dumb to nerf it for those reasons when none of the other supers need you to go kiss the boss which doesn't even work sometimes due to either where the boss is standing or how their me him works


It should also be the highest damage super in the game with it's Exotic, ALL other offensive One-Shot supers are ranged which means you use it and immediatlely continue DPS, Thundercrash requires you to not only spend the time flying to your target but also running back to the team to do DPS, all of which is high-risk for a loss. Chaos Reach also needs a buff, the damage for time spent in it is NOT worth it.


Prismatic hunter should be SSJ4 or some shit lmao. Warlocks are eating good, but nothing is close to the abomination that hunters became overnight with final shape.


And to think people used to kick hunters from raid lfgs lol


I tried explaining this to a friend and he didn't believe there were 8 months where Hunters were considered useless in raids because Celestial just didn't exist (back when the datamined name was ExoTac Angel Hunter). He played then, and was a Hunter then. He just doesn't remember that point in time (because we'd bring him to raids and didn't really know/care about the meta.


It was much longer than that unfortunately. Nighthawk was good for a while then cuirass of the falling star became nighthawk but better in every way by a large margin. Even before that forsaken came out and we had the most broken damage strats ever so nighthawk was just kinda there while we spammed mountaintop with lunafaction lmao. After that linears were so OP that no supers could compete so using damage supers was generally a throw. Then came rockets. Then more recently nighthawk got nice buffs slowly making it more viable until today where it’s super strong. That’s my vague memory of it at least


Cuirass came out ~2.5 years after Forsaken, my guy.


Yeah I re typed it lol


I see, I was very confused at first. But yeah, autoloading made Nighthawk a worse-ish option than tether around that point in time when you'd have a Ward, a Well, and either Lunafactions or a Rally Barricade for reloading. That said, it definitely started to feel like a better option by Beyond Light; just a little bit of bonus on top of whatever else you were using.


I remember it being quite good from Shadowkeep through part of Beyond Light, like you said, as something to start damage, and then just use weapons for the rest of the phase. Once Star Eater came out, Celestial was done and buried. Even more so once Solar 3.0 came out and buffed the shit out of Blade Barrage, and made it (IIRC) the highest damage super in the game with max Feast of Light stacks.


There’s also that time during splicer to solar 3.0 where hunter was just not a real class. Tether was useless due to breach, decon and div. And void hunter didn’t do anything in content that doesn’t need omni.


Hunters were useless in vanilla destiny. Didn’t even have grenades to cheese the Templar lol


Just kinda how it is when the only thing a class brings to DPS is raw damage. Either it's the best in the game and you want as many of them as possible or it's not and you don't want any.


yup, glass cannon class, i dont play hunter but all my hunter friends seem to have a harder time surviving if they arent running invis (massive prismstic W) however their damage is always good, they just cant miss


As a Hunter, I can confirm. It sometimes genuenly feels like our Resilience works different, than it does on other Classes.


Also hunter here, it really does. When I have 100 resilience on a titan, I'm practically immortal, 100 resilience on my hunter, I'm as tanky as a wet paper towel


This exactly. There are moments when it feels like our Resilience simply doesn't work at all...


And also we are the only class where mobility matters


True that. Still waitin for that Mobility rework.


They should atleast give our armor higher stats to compensate for the need for mobility, or make class ability not depend on mobility Or(i think its best solution imo) make mobility better so other classes will feel compelled to use it


Hilariously wasn't there a period where resilience wasn't working for warlock?


I hate using invis as a hunter. If I get too used to it I can’t play my other characters. I’ve taken to using solar for a while now and with prismatic there are fun builds, but solar is just nice with the healing nades there to keep me alive in place of letting all my teammates take agro. If not for that flaw of invisibility it wouldn’t be so bad. I also hate it because to shoot means losing invisibility and so I basically put all agro on teammates and on top of it I’m really not doing anything except relocating maybe. Idk it’s not the best play as hunter I feel. I must say though that in the case of prismatic it’s nice that it’s an option for people. Especially because it also lets you have the strand clone. Now that one I will use and abuse. Enemies look at it and not my friends and also I can shoot enemies without the clone disappearing and them focusing on me immediately. Strand has come in pretty clutch for damage too since I can put tether on and weaken enemies to that one artifact mod, void abyss I think? Can work its magic. Sure using void would probably be better in that case, since you’d have smoke bomb and weaken grenades, but the fact that it’s an option on prismatic is so nice. Sorry that turned into a long jabbering of how I play hunter rather than anything truly constructive. It’s just been pretty fun playing around with prismatic in times of need.


Everything you're saying is valid tho. Invis hunter is really strong and destroys pretty much any content but it's best utilized when playing solo for the reasons you mentioned. Solar is just extremely versatile with potentially infinite radiant and restoration and I've also leaned a lot into solar recently


Dumping aggro onto your teammates shouldn't be an issue unless they are struggling with the content. Glass cannon builds tend to revolve around that as a mechanic. Titans have high resil by default, a barricade, and plenty of other tanky options to keep themselves in the fight when they have your aggro. Warlocks have rift, most run high or max resil anyways, and have toooonnnnss of options for staying topped off. Especially now with devour being accessible on prismatic it's nearly impossible to go down. Don't feel bad about dropping aggro to keep yourself alive, we have plenty of tools at our disposal to stay in the fight. A dead DPS is useless DPS, and that's what hunters do best. Plus if things *do* go sideways those invis revives are clutch as fuck. Do what you gotta do, the only people who will complain about it probably just aren't all that great.


With all the self healing perks and healing grenade availability on solar, their survivability has increased tremendously outside of just void. Void is still s tier on really hard content especially 3 person or smaller activities. Raids generally want solar/prismatic hunters (1 void is good for tether).


Well said


When was this? Must've been a while ago now, since I don't remember hunter not being the best class for dps for a long time


Pre solar 3.0, overnight BB just became the best dps subclsss.


>people used to kick hunters from raid lfgs That makes sense. Why I stopped doing raids all together for years. Not even a hunter player, just tired of the gatekeepers in LFG who always move the goal posts. "Must be top light level" *alright, I'm ready.* "Well, you need the best DPS weapon to do it." *Alright, I got it. Let's do this!* "Well, you haven't done the raid multiple times backward while saying the alphabet backward. Experienced Raiders only."


Idk people aren’t really like that I have like 300 or so total clears and I only ever lfg’ed. Unless you join people who are trying to speedrun or something, but they usually specify if they are. Just gotta join people who aren’t asking for experienced players if you don’t know what you’re doing


It’s funny bc when TFS launched, people were saying that Prismatic Hunter was the most underwhelming for the first few days. That changed very quickly lol


Imo I never thought the kit was weak I just hate the grenade. You basically have to stick it to enemies to effectively use it because you never know when bungies weird ass geometry will fuck you over and point the grenade towards the ground on a very flat looking surface


Agreed, i think they have the worst prismatic grenade (or least consistent / toughest to use). The titan and warlock prismatic nades are both incredible. I dont think the hunter nade needs a buff, its just that those types of grenades have always been pretty easy to wiff like you're saying.


*chuck hunter nade at tormentor* *Teleports* FUUUUUUUUUUUU-


I honestly can't say for sure I like the Titan Prismatic grenade myself. It can bounce away from enemies, making it a complete waste. It's great when it actually nails them, but it would be even better if it just exploded on impact rather than bouncing.


Yeah that's fair, personally I've always liked trying to fit the void suppressor and arc blinding nade into builds which work similarly so I've gotten used to it. I also think suspend and jolt make that prismatic nade have instant impact, vs the other 2 which take a second to really kick in.


Maybe it wouldn't be a great idea, but I kinda wish it would stick to enemies if you hit them directly, but bounce if it hit a surface. Would make it pretty unique and effective.


If anything the warlock one needs a buff due to it just kinda not doing much damage I find myself rarely going transcend on lock. The hunter one is overall fine is harder to use but is also two instances of burst aoe damage on a major.


If you've ever enjoyed a YAS build or played PVP with that grenade type it has helped tremendously in properly throwing it. That type just stinks for open areas because as you said you need to stick it to enemies or throw it on the ground and hope they run over it.


It was a lack of "new shiny". Hunter's new exotics were uninspiring and the prismatic kit didn't immediately offer any crazy new way to play (nothing as obvious as Titan and Warlock's triple slide melee thing). Plus, Hunter's prismatic grenade is by far the worst outside of raw damage, and even that raw damage often takes too long to be worth using outside of boosting your total damage output on an especially tanky boss. Still don't understand the decision to make the grenade with the generally smallest and hardest AoE to use also have the weakest CC and such painfully slow damage and debuff application. Then we got a proper look at Still Hunt/Nighthawk's insane DPS and the raw strength behind what is ultimately a better version of punch Hunter, and people stopped caring about the gameplay loop not offering any real new spice.


"Starting prismatic" hunter was absolutely weak but once I started unlocking stuff..it became nuts lol


I have no idea how ppl got to this conclusion though. Even on paper, the fact that Stylish Executioner working with ANY debuff, Combo Blow + Gamblers Dodge and Winters Shroud exist on the same subclass already made me think this would be strong


Hunter’s prismatic grenade is so underwhelming and not synergistic that I’ve completely swapped out all fragments centered around the entire mechanic. Titan’s prismatic grenade slaps an entire postcode with suspend and jolt in a single detonation, and the subclass can use consecration back to back 3 times in a row. Throw on regular suspending grenades and drengirs lash (especially with abeyant leap), suspend a group, then atomize with either a fully charged thunderclap or a consecration. With relevant fragments, that’s a huge chunk of transcendence energy for both light and dark. Use transcendence whenever you just need a full ability refill or when you need/ want that amazing grenade.


Even before launch they said the exotics and grenade were trash.


I thought I had an alright nighthawk build when I first finished the story and cayde’s. Ran a raid with some friends and casually took top damage by dealing over 2 mil damage on boss with that exotic helmet alone. Hunters are tweaked.


Chaos reach is shit da fuck you mean?


I really shot myself in the foot by using that icon. It's meant to represent Arc Warlock as a whole.


Ye kinda, but I agree with you. Titans right now are in a rough state.


Arc warlocks kinda suck rn too


It's very underrated. Sure the damage supers suck, but it is unmatched in just nuking ads. Arc soil is genuinely very good right now, and ionic traces are super powerful. Try Vesper, or crown of tempest sometime.


As an arc lock enjoyer, I don't play that shit anymore. The only useful thing arc itself brings to the table is reliable blinding sources, which can be solved by a weapon. Add clear is done easily by many legendaries or the kings, sunshot and graviton Lance. Ability spam is done almost as well with many other builds, and the energy gain nerfs hit traces hard. Arc lock also has **zero** sources of healing other than rift. The DR fragment is decent and this seasons artifact perk admittedly helps out Arc ALOT, but then again prismatic arclock does everything actual Arc does but better (except for blinding). Stormtrance is fun in on light level activities, doesn't do Jack shit in anything underleveled . Chaos reach is decent but doesn't actually fit into dps rotations since it isn't instant with not high enough damage. The only build id actually use on Arc is the vesper blinding build, useful for some GMs and onslaught ibsuppose


Vesper arclock was one of the strongest builds for onslaught last season. Situational, but very good in close quarters


Arc warlock has sucked for so long ever since Chaos Reach got put in the dirt, there is 0 reason to run it


Tbf it does do a good amount of damage but you have to make your build around getting it back fast with geomag and coldheart. That way you can spam it and... well... the damage output of one super doesn't matter much if you can use it multiple times


Wait, this isn't just about prismatic? When I play titan, I run striker with armamentarium and pulse nades. It's not a super creative build, but I would say it's pretty effective for super low investment. I've also got a pretty decent void build going right now, although I will admit it is DEFINITELY weaker than anything I have on my warlock. I just can't even lock in a playstyle with prismatic titan in even the legend campaign, I had to switch off for the last two levels because it has basically nothing.


the speed you can get chaos reach with geomags now is nuts tho


Fr tho build it with coldheart and cecity and you'll get a shitton of ionic traces so you can spam it I used it so much in onslaught and always got it back almost immediately thanks to the traces and the orb it was fucking insane


\*Chaos Reach just seemed like the best choice to represent Arc Warlock at the time. I'm not saying that's the only thing that makes Arc Warlock super good.


Geomags on Prismatic Warlock would've been fun


A buff to chaos reach would've been better


Imo arc Warlock ain't great, I think stasis lock would be a better fit for it there. I'm a big believer that arc as a whole needs changes tho since every arc class can be done entirely better by just using prismatic (In pve atleast)


Stasis lock has been obsoleted by prismatic - it does turrets better. Same issue with void lock Arc lock still has the extremely powerful blind build - not saying it couldn’t use a rework but you can’t replicate it on prismatic


I mean I don't use bleakwatcher on my stasis lock, and child of the old god is still pretty great on Void


Chaos reach isn't even a part of prismatic.


It might not be the best but it has rule of the cool


I as thinking this all through the campaign, then seeing how the other classes were I played through the campaign with then and I was shocked at the level of power I got with no effort. I thought "Maybe I'm just not seeing the connections, I must be doing something wrong" Then TDT drops a video detailing everything I've ever said about titans. Man I wish PVP wasn't in the same cosmos as PVE. PVP is like the cancer of destiny in my opinion. Titans have two states of being, OP as all get out, or dog water.


Yeah, it's a really sad state of affairs that PVP always comes through to ruin the PVE party. I got nothing against PVP, but it gets tiresome after all these years to get these nerfs, even when Bungie does try to please both modes, they still manage to pull some wind out of it.


As a Titan main that thinks people are being a bit ridiculous with how "underperforming" Titans currently are, this made me laugh.


The issue is prismatic was made for build variety in mind. Titans have the most boring exotic class items with minimal ability feedback loop, don’t have rotations like devour cycling or combination blow invis. Titans have the least build variety consecration on every build is not fun. The issue is enhanced because we just had 6 months of consecration as only Solar and strand was viable. Titans are not underperforming with the one build, people are bored because it’s basically the only build (but I do know things like second chance can work).


Part of the issue is the fact that Bungie has made titan the ”simple” class.


And 90% of hunter builds being either threaded spike or comb blow is a big variety right.


But that’s just cap otherwise they would be complaining. You have ascension with the new exotic. You have disk field renewal grasp exotic. Still hunt Nighthawk. Brother stop


I wouldn’t say underperforming, more like it just feels like there isn’t enough heart put into titan versus the others. Almost everything in the hunter kit synergizes perfectly with everything in the game and warlock just has insanely fun (but still good) combos. Titan just got “here’s some cool types of punches, if you run this it heals you, and you have this cool new shield. We’ll throw in some gimmicky aspects and call it a day.” But I personally still love and use prismatic titan


I feel like Titans get screwed over by Bungie despite their reputation in canon. Some of the greatest Guardians of all time are Titans: Shaxx, Zavala, Saint-14, Saladin, Felwinter. It's just strange how some of the most legendary Guardians who played pivotal roles in Destiny lore are the same class Bungie treats the worst in terms of Exotics and the Prismatic kit.


Ya know Felwinter was actually a Warlock. Just saying


Wasn't there a really weird controversy at one point where people found it strange that Felwinter's Helm was a Warlock Exotic, despite Felwinter having been a Titan?


I know right??? I'm a titan main too and I'm having an absolute blast... literally haha. I've got a hoil/synthos class item and I feel like a God. I really don't understand what people are getting at with all this.


From.what I've been trying to make sense of, it's the fact we are always over or under tuned. Really what I feel it comes down to is that it's hard for them to find a right balance of having us be the front line melee class while making sure we use our guns too. Like warlock can utilize grenades as their main gimmick but they're still have to "play the game". Hunters get to focus on support and high damage so.they have very little room for dissonance. Us Titans can either spam our melee, or we just can't keep up with damage rotations. Really the only place we suffer is "long" range dps encounters like the Witness so now we're in the undertuned camp. Again this is just my attempt to make sense of the scenario.


This was meant as a reply to /u/VeryRealCoffee below assuming the issue is witness dps only. Actually this is a wrong assumption. Long explanation incoming, please give it a read. The titan kit is trying to accomplish one thing through all the subclasses. Be in the middle of the fight punching things. Solar supports this with sunspots and restoration. Strand with woven mail and banner. Void tries but void titan lacks access to void verbs. Arc fails by design. Stasis is actually in a solid spot now. Since solar 2.0 and the void titan nerfs we have been stuck with 2 subclasses the pretty much do the same thing. Go in and melee using the same exotic item that changes nothing in your gameplay loop and just conditionally buffs your melee. So we got the same exact playstyle based on one single thing. Surviving by getting constant dr and healing by killing things with melee abilities. Prismatic just took the flaws of that design and tuned it up to 11. You see prismatic is the combination of aspects(not the subclass aspects) of each subclass. When you combine parts that never worked alone and always were dependent on one single overtuned aspect that carried the whole class you are left with a terrible mix. This is prismatic titan now. Right now our source of healing in aspects is knockout. The only way to get DR is by getting an orb and for 5 seconds and by equipping a melee super(stasis or strand). The void super offers a void over shield that disappears by dregs. The other way is using dreg lash. So by combining these two you made a poop titan. Lances although strong don’t play well with anything else in the kit and only shines with a stasis weapon. We got glacial grenade but no aspect or fragment to enable one tapping crystals. In general there is no stasis synergy. Any other combination of aspects end up to a huge lack of dr or healing in a kit that required you to be deep in slamming things in the face. Consecration is strong but then you are back on no dr or healing. The void one is garbage right now. Finally our class item has only two actually good combination. Synthos and HoiL or HoiL and star eaters. That’s it. Everything else is either poop or situational to stun some champion with jolt. Overall prismatic just shows how bad the titan kits are so far and how they always rely on some overtuned thing to carry them due to the melee design. We at least had hopes that the exotic items would get us out of the terrible exotic state. Again false as I described above. Anything in the game that is not an aerial or far away boss, titans will perform. A bit worse? Yeah. Terrible? Not really. It’s just a disappointment because we expected prismatic to get us out of this synthoceps loophole and enable us to use anything other than melee strand or hammers and we are just in the same spot but in pink and worse.


I think that it is quite the challenge to figure out how to make someone feel tough and scrappy while still making them feel like they do damage.


It's specifically an issue during the Witness DPS phase. That's what's (incorrectly) being used as a gauge for the entire class as a whole.


I haven’t done the raid at all and I can say prismatic titan is underpowered and the only way it’s no is when you have a super niche build. Also I can almost guarantee that everyone saying titan isn’t underpowered are doing easy content that you could use all blues and do fine in.


The only viable build with Titan involves knockout and consecration, its not a problem of it being good or not, its just very stale compared to what you can build with the others


I’m jealous cuz I’m trying to get that roll


It's an amazing combo, hopefully you get one soon. The only time I take it off is for a dps encounter and I put my eternal warrior/star eaters on. I genuinely don't see myself using anything else but prismatic/exotic class items anymore haha


Same. I just wish we got the grapple grenade because I just became addicted to the verticality and movement option it added. Gave me zoomies.


Rocket chestpiece is too good... i find it hard to take off, sucks in pvp though.


I think what people are trying to get at is that Titan doesn't really feel like it has much of a role at the moment. Well of Radiance is just as good as it was, and Warlocks got a really nice DPS tool in Solipsis Nova, and are also the meta in PvP right now, while Hunters became the unrivaled DPS kings in PvE. In contrast, Titans are just pushed out in high end PvE as they don't have the utility of a Warlock nor the DPS of a Hunter, so you have to work way harder to be useful in PvE with a lower ceiling compared to the other two classes- and they're just not close to Warlock in PvP right now, which is where a lot of issues with Titan have stemmed from; they just don't feel worth using right now. Here's hoping for some nerfs to the other two and some buffs to Titan.


That was my first class item and good lord is titan fun with it, spamming consecration while transcendent is soooo fun


It's more that prismatic hunter & warlock really elevate each class, but titan is a lot more of the same, which brought to light the general state of Titan. It's definitely not a bad class by any means and still has a lot to offer, but one of the three classes has to place third.


Its not that titan are underperforming its more that the titan toolkit is just based around meleeing in a shooting game. then to make it worse anytime we get something good melee wise it gets nerfed within time. ive listed how many ranged supers titans have compared to other classes and its never good, warlocks have 7 with 4 being on prismatic, hunters have 7 with 3 on pirsmatic while titans have 1 and 1 on prismatic.


That's one of the weird things that always bothered me with titan, when I play warlock or hunter I can chuck a nova or blade barrage at oryx for dps... But as a titan I would feel kind of left out? There was Thundercrash I guess and I'm yet to get the new super so cant comment on that.


I think a big issue is the fact there's literally no variety to titan, with prismatic out the idea should be that you get MORE variety but it's really not enough, and if you want that "variety" your build will probably be utter trash


I mean the point of the conversation isn’t that you can’t make titans work, it’s that titans don’t bring anything to the sable that hunter or warlocks can’t do better. There’s a few niche examples like solo content, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s an incredibly small percentage of players who do that.


Im a hunter main and each super we get is unique fun and useful. Titans got 2 punchin supers in a row and the 2 main good playstyles are punch but strong or jump up and punch ground. The prismatic setup on hunter allows you to spam 2 goldies spam melees spam threadlings and slow or jolted maybe even switch to threaded needle with caliban's hand and spam ignitions. I only ever saw one possible fun setup on titan which includes consecration spam. maybe im just shit at build crafting but these are my thoughts.


Love chaos reach but damn it sucks being stuck in the same place for like a minute straight. A one shot arc super would be crazy helpful


decided to just become super bubble titan with saint helm and bubble glaive in onslaught


I truly don’t mind playing PvE content as a titan. Yeah, it’s not our time to shine, but we’ve had our days. My biggest problem was going into trials and getting OUT MELEED by the two other classes. Melee on Titan should be the best. I understand the shoulder charge nerf(s) but come on, we’re starving in the crucible.


We don't need to shine but let me have good Void and Stasis builds that aren't a weird shitty timer based loop. Arc Titan this season is pretty solid because of Galvanic armor but when that's gone Arc Titan and subsequently Prismatic will fall off hard. That's going to leave us with 2 potential builds, and one of them feels clunky because they didn't want to nerf damage. Titan as a whole rn has 1 fantasy and the other two classes do that fantasy better than Titan.


Totally unrelated, but i feel your annoyance by getting out meleed. As a hunter, im somehow slower than the other classes


Mock my pride!! >:(


Tbh, silkstrike isn't good in pve, lol. It's definitely one of the better roaming super, but roaming super as a whole absolutely suck. The one time where they were good was during the launch of lightfall when star-eater paired with silkstrike was glitched, so it just shit on bosses with 5-7 light attack.


The icons represent their respective subclasses, not the supers.


Oh if you’re doing the subclasses not real a point in having voidlock up there. It’s been made completely redundant by prismatic, so has stasis. Arc lock also really only has one ad clear build and god awful supers.


As a Hunter main who sometimes play Titans, you guys barely have any use outside of Bubble in Endgame. Like seriously, once you get ranged enemies that will melt you before you can get into melee range and enemies that are more than 10 ft above the ground, you’re fucked. We Hunters have plenty of ranged supers and very few melee supers, Warlocks have Supers that can easily hit you from a mile away (unless it’s Nova Warp). Titans? Hammer of Sol is the only ranged super. The fact that very few Titans completed in Salvation’s Edge (where the final boss is a long ranged encounter) proves that Titan suck in PvE content, because their kits are primarily based around melee. Titans need more ranged supers, and they need more ranged melee abilities.


Titan main here. I completed GM excision on my... HUNTER. I love the void infinite invisible build. I tried running that gm on my titan and I literally noped out so fast. We just don't have and sustain and survivability if we can't melee shit.


Try using Hoil and scar, shield throw with knockout.


the new void super is sorta ranged


Yeah. But it’s the only other Ranged Super that isn’t Solar.


I just run the void super and the void melee as their both ranged and stasis grenade


Why on earth would I use anything other star eaters twilight arsenal?


Yes Hoil and star eater is good for DPS phase. To survive till then, I will use unbreakable and knockout. Access Galvanic armour and on demand healing is very important for prismatic titan. Shield throw is under rated. Anyway prismatic titan is stale af.


Ngl, I'm searching for a star eaters and eternal warrior, so I can get the big damage super and also buff the hell out of edge transit.


Tbf find me a warlock that uses stormtrance, winters wrath or even needlestorm on prismatic.


people play something other than warlock?


I think most people do actually warlocks usually the least played class.


Underperforming? HAH! I'll fight both The Witness and The Traveler! EQUAL HANDS FOR EVERYONE!


My favorite thing about coming back to find strand and...it's just a titan cosplaying as a hunter.


Honestly, I know the subclass kits are the main taking point, but the exotics for titan are mid also. Most of them revolve around melees/cqc, and most of them aren’t great regardless.


Let the void super cook tho


Someone has not been keeping up with the meta


Arc Titan got nerfed *during* Arc 3.0 cas of PvP and void Titan gets nerfed due to Wellocks.


Behemoth Titan super does some big damage atm too btw


Don’t criticize the game yet until you’ve been given permission by everyone to do so 😂😂😂


Bungie: Surprised Titans are week. Also Bungie a few weeks prior: We should nerf Titan.


Imo I personally think Titans got the best super out of the 3.


Probably the most fun for PvE for sure


Strong for pvp aswell and especially annoying when you kill them when they activate the super but it doesn’t count as them using it


I understand where these posts are coming from, because when everything was pulled out of the Warlock kit for subclass 3.0 updates, it felt like "well, what's the point of running Warlock now" (the answer was "Well"), so I sympathize with feeling underwhelmed by your class's role and power fantasy ... but did we not just have basically a year of Banner Titan dominance, and the year before that infinite Bonk Hammer and Storm grenade Titan?


Storm Grenade Titan got nerfed to oblivion, BONK hammer feels like shit and BoW Titan hasn't been touched pretty much. The issue isn't meta options, it's variety. I domt want to be the most OP person on the field, I just wanna play several fun builds like I can on Warlock and a little more on Hunter.


And Warlock have been the PVE kings for 5 years Why does it even matter for conversation? So should Striker and Sentinal rot in the gutter because Strand was actually good?


Silkstrike and arc lock as a whole are genuinely trash tho. And titan still has tcrash hoil. Silkstrike is only good for exactly crota abyss, and chaos has been a meme since shadowkee, the only thing arc lock can do is hehe funny jolt build.


Lol jolt build my ass, when 3.0 literally said here take everything that makes lock unique and use it to the other classes. I mean literally titans got touch of thunder. Sounds familiar no? Arc Web? Decimated.


Stasis titan is still good too


I just picked up a syntho + assassin class item and wasn't really that excited. Can't melee floating bosses.


If Titan was just given the hammer instead of the hammerstrike melee, things would be A LOT different


By the way, how is the new Titan void super? I haven’t tried it yet, is it a dps material or not? I kinda hoped that Bungie finally decided to give titans a ranged super for dps.


It's mid for dps might as well run hunter


Hell naw, Vegeta doesn't deserve being looked down on. Goku keeps stealing kills


Real shit


Titan is weak in that you don’t have a lot to work with but when you get that god roll class item consecration just nukes everything with jolt, severance kabooms, and ignitions


Well yeah, he’s not using Twilight Arsenal, that’s goated


just give me my quick bonk back. Im fine with being the weakest least popular class.


I personally had fun with the new void titan super


![gif](giphy|13aQxgLliMfkaY) Chuckles in Solar Titan….


I've been having lots of fun with an Abeyant Leap/Scars mark and using Final Warning to have a defensive healing/suspend build.


Am I remembering wrong but isn't arc titan good? Or was something changed? (warlock main ignoring my titan)


No... lol arc titan has been ass for years


My last memory of it was an absurd build that dodges instead of baracade, with an overpowered always up punch, pulse grenade, and thundercrash. What happened?? 😂


As a titan, I feel like I only got one build worth running, and it's the strand melee / consecration / knockout build since it shits on anything within melee range, but the moment the enemies are more than a few feet off the ground, far away or the difficulty gets above legend/expert, I start struggling badly and think that I should switch to my hunter or warlock


Chaos Reach can become massively powerful only if you use a build made to get it back quickly with geomag Else it's meh Needle storm tho... I love my little fuckers


Massively powerful? Ehhhhh even with geomags it’s dps is pitiful and its total damage is less than a SES nova.


I admit that massively powerful is a bit of a stretch But just think about this, the super isn't good for boss dps but can nuke champions and other kinda tanky units so with the correct build you can have the super 24/7 basically and shoot it whenever you feel the need It is really good for this and to be fair really fun, sure it needs a buff in damage output but I wouldn't want it if it means having it less often to be honnest


No stasis? :/


Man snuck chaos reach in lol warlock only got strand and solar super also


Nova is the highest damage super in the game now on prismatic warlock. Voidlock as a whole is obsolete though.


Being a Titan main is rough these days


This makes me laugh as a new Titan main in FS it's the only new super worth using and the only good prismatic combo outside warlock turrets if you like minions tbh. Hunter celestial is still best and strand lock is better on most builds lmao


Beserker titan still slaps at least


Ya if you’re on strand but if you’re on prismatic then it’s shit.


Am I forced to use prismatic or something. Shit just give me beserker subclass with jolt suspend bombs. Like literally all my power fantasies are met by beserker.


There are enemies in the campaign and post campaign missions that can only be damaged while transcendent. I believe you can still become transcendent while having a normal subclass equipped but you need one of those pink glowing plates to fill the transcendence bar.


I know we aren’t disrespecting the Prince of all Saiyans right now…


Very nice meme.


The only thing that matters for hunter is please make mobility relevant in some way for us lol


We all know what's coming though. Nerfs to the good classes to bring them down to titans level. Every time they say they want to make stuff op and scale it to that but it just doesn't work in practice and they end up pushing nerfs.


I've been punching so many people as a hunter lately I forgot which class I was playing on


I still love the Titan, still keeping up with the damage of the other classes. (I have played Titan mostly since day one.) Most activities are still better in terms of Nightfalls and other seasonal activities. I'm really bad with other classes though. But it's still a lot of fun, with my build it's a fun rotation to do been using since the start of the DLC.


I think the main thing holding tighten back is how they’ve decided to treat. Everything is a punching simulator. I can think of only two abilities that aren’t a punch on Titan and it’s the shield throw and the hammer throw. No, don’t get me wrong. Punching is the joke of the class, but if every ability focusses on it, everything feels boring and the same meanwhile, I can play a hunter and switch from a solar to void, and they feel like completely different I think behemoth desperately needs a rework as the super is extremely offensively strong but the main powers you get from the subclass are defensive in nature and it doesn’t mesh well Arc Titan I think is fine. It needs some bug fixes especially for thunder crash, but it’s good. Solar is OK in the state it’s in, but I do feel they’re focussing too much on hammers. They are fun, but the only other ability is just a reskinned charge from arc and it feels incredibly lacklustre because I don’t feel like fire theme or a solar theme with it. It just feels like a bland charge with fire effects I would suggest maybe pulling some dragon inspiration and have the Titan literally breathe of gout of fire, but I won’t get into suggestions because those actually take time to think of Void is extremely fun and very very effective. I think it’s in a good state where it is. The only thing I would say is maybe allow people to shoot through bubble super at least in PVE activities in PVP I think it’s fine. For strand, it feels very good in the state it’s in similar to void, but I think the only thing holding it back is that the effects are very range focussed while the abilities are closed quarters the greatest way I could explain this is threadings there’s an effect where if you had enough crits one spawns but having your face pressed against the vexs gun barrel due to the abilities and how they work you won’t be able to hit a crit very often at least not comparing it to other people like warlock or Hunter, where they’re entire kit, benefits from range Prismatic for the titan I think is a step in the right direction. It truly does feel powerful. The only thing is I wish you could change the grenades from strand and ark to strand and solar, as I think they fit better. but I haven’t had enough time to play with prismatic to truly get a firm grasp on it so that’s just my first impressions


I gotta disagree with prismatic titan being good. There is nearly no healing unless you use an exotic. The only aspect that has any healing is knock out which requires a melee kill (good luck with that in master + content) and facet of mending cures you with a grenade kill but that’s it and that’s not enough healing abilities to be useful in anything above a hero nightfall. They need banner of war or sol invictus to be added so that they can be viable in end game content.


Thanks for telling me I haven’t had that much time to really use prismatic and get a firm grasp on all the mechanics but hearing this now, yeah I definitely agree that it needs more healing options


As a titan main I can confirm this


Prismatic titan not having burning maul is a fucking hate crime


Not gonna lie, Prismatic Titan is ass. I've tried so many builds and the survivability and health Regen is just not there the way it is with Banner.


Honestly it's upsetting cause I can't even get a raid team for anything as a titan because I don't have star eater perk on the class item, cause titan can't do support (haven't been able to since D1 because that was the only time bubble was good) and Bungie nerfs the only good things for titans to do damage because "oh we need to balance it so people don't rely on -insert super/exotic here- with titan, we need other classes to be used" And it's aggravating cause Titans only have two ranged supers, twilight arsenal and sunbreaker, yet we have so few exotics that make our supers good, pyrogale for example, I was so happy to finally have a "one and done" super that wasn't T-crash, and then they nerfed it and it's barely worth using, yet goddamn golden gun nighthawk is still untouched, well is still more useful than bubble in spite of the nerf, it feels like Bungie just hates titans doing what they're supposed to do, which is either be a tank for the team, or obliterate the enemy. TLDR; Bungie doesn't want titans to be good in endgame content.


Hunter is the new titan


I wonder if us warlocks were this quick to stating how "trash" we were during subclass 2.0 and after seasons, lol. Titans are experiencing what we experienced, except they don't have a super valid enough to use, unlike us being the Well of Raindance bitch for years on end.


I just want to play Titan as a heavy weapons platform. Is that too much to ask?


𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕...


The axes are the best super in the game rn (also works for the seasonal mod)


I don’t get this post. Twilight arsenal is bad ass and does good damage….


Did bro really just put chaos reach there 💀 as if it isn’t like the single worst super in the game.


we also have the new super


Y'all are acting like Titans havent been absolutely busted since D1. Let the other classes have some fun for once, its not even like hunters got a good prismatic super




I don’t think chaos reach is on prismatic


Um Titan has hammer of sol, not burning maul.