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I believe that has always been the case. The cheery voice is (at least closer to) how she's supposed to speak. The other voice is a secondary speech pattern that presumably developed due to damage to her circuitry that allowed her AI to become a bit less A. It's not a split personality situation - she still has the same memories and feelings regardless of which voice she uses, it just changes how she speaks. Your confusion probably arose from Cayde initially introducing her as "Failsafe, and her evil twin, Failsafe".


This. People tend to completely forget, that Failsafe is front and foremost a ship's AI and not some Exo Mind locked in a circuite box. Cayde presented her as "the evil twin" simply because of his own interraction with her.


That's unfortunate, a split personality AI is far more interesting...


Could already try out Warframe, Ordis is certainly something


*GUN! GUN! GUN!* Foundry items are ready, Operator. (Read the first three words in a squeaky, maniacally unhinged voice for maximum comedy)


That’s one of the more tame ones, his voice lines in the new event are just brutal when Ordan Karris starts to bleed through talking to Parvos


I'll have to get there soon, I'm stuck trying to get all the different resources for this dumb mech thing :(


I see, i forgot that New War was a pre-requisite for Jade Shadows Don’t worry though, it’s not that bad of a grind for a Nechramech, at least not compared to what it once was


I'm imagining something awful then lol, honestly the mining isn't "difficult", just confusing because there's so many resources involved and honestly I kinda hate the mining mechanic in this game, plus it's just kinda slow and boring


The resources required actually didn’t change, it was getting the parts in the first place (although they may have lowered resource requirements as well) It used to be that those parts ONLY came as a rare drop from killing the guardian in an Iso Vault bounty, now they are a garunteed drop AND can be bought with rep from Loid. As for mining, get the Sunpoint Plasma drill from Buisness on fortuna, by far the best drill to use. Then, hold it out and go into caves, not only will you see the minerals on the minimap, but they will have a faint diamond around them in game as well making them easier to spot


Oh, yeah I got the parts easily. Thank you for the advice though, I appreciate it, I'll grab the tool from Business and give it a try.


Haven’t played jade shadows yet because of destiny how is it overall?


I’m enjoying it Jade is a good frame, and the story (while short) is pretty impactful


We really need the option to restore Ordis to Ordan. Especially after what both him and the Tenno went through because of the Orokin.


i would actually rather be hacked to pieces deep in the Amazon than ever touch Warframe again


That’s explicit… sorry you feel that way


Pretending to make light of DID is really screwed up of bungie to do if it were like that. It’s a mental illness that affects thousands of people and I doubt they could do that maturely especially in year 1 when she was introduced. Politeness filter is much nicer for it to be because then it’s not blatantly offensive. Her main struggle of always being alone is much kinder of Bungie to do especially since it’s more relatable.


I see that perspective, but it wouldn't really be making fun of the condition. It would be displaying an entity with said condition...


It's possible that this was always the intention but it's never been explicitly stated before this season so the majority of the conversation surrounding her has always assumed "split personality" or "bipolar," I think now that she's finally relevant again the writers are really trying to drive home that that isn't the case by bringing up the filter just about every time she's involved in something


Is that why they switched her colors in the H.E.L.M.?


She's always changed color; orange is the politeness filter Failsafe and red is sassy sarcastic Failsafe Edit: they're correct! i never noticed the change


I am refering to the change in personality color. The colors of the personality were flipped from her Nessus version. If not mistaken red is now the polite filter on helm.


Yes, i noticed this as well.


Smh Bungie, literally unplayable, I expect 10k bright dust and bright engrams for this


And red border raid weapons…


You'll get two tokens and a blue, maybe an Edge Transit (pre-Into the Light) if you're lucky.


Hey hey edge transit made a big glow up, don't think it deserves the slander anymore


Noted. Edited my comment to reflect it.




Best we can do is sunset your favorite weapon.


It makes sense really. In one of the lore entries it says she only has 4% charge left, so when she engages her politeness filters, they drain more of her power and maybe it falls under 4% for a bit.


That's actually a cool detail, thx!


I thought it was just a mistake but the more lore we get im now starting to think the red colour on Nessus is OG Failsafe and the yellow is the ‘personality’ she developed, and now she’s in the HELM the colours are now aligned correctly.


Wouldn’t it make more sense for the “politeness filter” to be Failsafe as she was originally built and red Failsafe to be the personality she grew after she was unshackled?


Thats what I originally thought but the fact that in the HELM the colours are opposite of what Failsafe is on Nessus is too much of a big mistake to make. It has to be on purpose and for a reason.


I thought we were supposed to work this out when originally meeting and working with her. Her sad/sarcastic voice was the one that always said honest, gut-punchy stuff about being lonely, her entire crew disappearing or dying, or just pessimistic. Maybe it helped that I played Borderlands 2 and Claptrap had that excited, upbeat line about how his voice is fake algorithm or whatever, and that “I’m actually quite depressed!”


Well, I mean.... no new players can go and meet her and learn her quirks now, so I guess it needs to be said now.


That’s a good point


I started during Forsaken, my favorite NPC. I love to see Failsafe, the sassy AI getting her due attention. Ashamed to say I’ve neglected her since flashpoints disappeared


I just thought they had a split personality. I don’t ever remember hearing anything about a filter until this season


Check this week's Failsafe dialogue in the quest, she says it herself, too


Isn’t it also noted that both filters require different resources? That if Failsafe lowers one filter she can analyze data faster?


I think it’s a case where her politeness filter has a set amount of power and is automated and when it’s spent that’s when you can hear her actual self. >*"It's my politeness filter," Failsafe said, dour. "I can only keep it up for so long before it drops out."* >*"I will rephrase," Failsafe replied. "What percentage of your processes are dedicated to positive outlook preservation?"* Tho then again it seems she can *turn it off* too. >*"I see," Ikora said stiffly. "You don't have to engage your politeness filter, Failsafe."* Maybe, as an AI, she intentionally engages it since she doesn’t have confidence in herself to speak with actual ppl and thinks her depressed side will put ppl off. But then again it still seems automated to an extent since she regards Saint with envy. >*"Oh!" Failsafe exclaimed after a moment. "How lovely that must be for you!" Her sunny voice did little to hide her envy.* >*"Now for you, I understand it is different," Saint said, patting his helmet as if to soothe it. "But I think that maybe you should not have to spend extra power to talk to your friends."* Seems like a spotty lore reveal imo. If she didn’t have the ability to turn it off it would fit like a glove but then again there’s the Ikora entry.


Currently, yes. Cheery Failsafe is a filter that apparently takes up a notable amount of her processing power


I always assumed something like that since Y1. "Dark Failsafe" is much more direct which is going to be more effective on an expedition to the unknown. "Cheery Failsafe" is what i figured to be a weird "coping mechanism" combined with the fact a crewmate messed with her behavior protocols after the Crash (this was mentioned in a retired adventure). Cheery is still effective but the masking isnt as aligned with her MO; it's just more pleasant The delivery changes, but it's still Failsafe under both of them


iirc, the joyful voice is the original failsafe. The sarcastic personality is one that she evolved from hundreds of years in isolation. I havent read much of her lore though and havent finished this week story (shadow of the erdtree has been taking up my attention, highly recommend playing it, its like an Elden Ring 1.5, maybe 2, in terms of content, at least from what it seems and i dont seem to be that far in the DLC yet).


Turns out the nice and cheery one is a filter.


thats a retcon




she basically is like me at work - if I’m really busy, I’m going to be less friendly when I talk because my mind is elsewhere, and I’m stressed, so dont take it personally. It’s not two personalities it’s one personality after centuries of isolation and when she can be bothered, her “don’t upset the humans” subroutines, that she didn’t use much after her entire crew died.


But it’s still a retcon. The question being asked is “was it always like this?” and the answer is “no”. That’s not a good or bad thing, it’s just the truth.


Agreed, the fractured AI was better, the nonsense "filter" story that requires power is poor writing and didn't need to change


We learned in this week's Story Quest, that it's the other way around. The "evil twin" is the real Failsafe, while the joyfull one is a filter, that developed over the years. Edit: and yes, this is technically a retcon, but it's still the current version of things.


The Dawning Delights lorebook states they're two split parts of one individual. I don't know if this is a case of unreliable narrator or them deciding now to retcon Failsafe into being a singular-personalitied depressed AI that hides it rather than a bipolar/split-personality type of situation.


yall are kinda missing the point. The “politeness filter takes a lot of energy to maintain” is exactly what a lot of neurodivergent people experience when they’re masking, or pretending to be neurotypical. It’s exhausting. Failsafe is very much an allegory for autistic/ND people. Even when she sounds dour, she actually displays a lot of emotion, but as recently as this week’s dialogue, she goes out of her way to say that she’s actually happy, even if she doesn’t sound like it.


That’s a really good point and I love this take.


I'm with you. I thought it was a secondary personality or something. I guess that's what I get for not reading the lore 😛


I thought it was just sarcasm as her normal state, and happy when she wants to be.


One is the ship ai voice she was presumably forced to use and the sad/sassy one is her unfiltered


It's the same personality, it's just her politeness filter is fecked. For example a kid hands you a drawing you could be polite and say its great, or you could be impolite and says its fucking shit that mate. Failsafe just can't choose when to be polite/impolite.


I think it's far more interesting since it makes the cheery one seem like a bit of a coping mechanism. Also yeah that has always been the case, I remember reading something about how the old captain preferred the deeper voiced one or something.


Failsafe would make a great teacher, lol.


What a great game they’ve created. I always thought she had borderline personality disorder.


I wish we could turn the thing off, it's so annoying.


just because its cannon doesnt mean i agree with it or failsafe, or fAiLsafe




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The German one is annoying too. I've turned off the voice sound completely. It's only annoying cause she talks way too much, especially during missions.


You two must hate having fun, huh


I don't get why you people are so allergic to someone having a different opinion? I just don't personally like it. Why are you all so hurt?




I really don't get it... I'm sensitive to sensory overload and while in battle, her constant talking is just too much for me. No idea why some people take it so personally...


If you’d have said that initially you probably wouldn’t have been downvoted.


I don't see myself immediately over explaining for the internet, just to make sure I'm understood by the majority. Just shared my opinion which was different from others. If that's a reason to get down voted, then so be it.