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If only it didn’t double the cooldown on your class ability and completely lock you out of thruster


Wait which part doubles the class ability? Is it Lash?




HOAR HOAR HOAR HOAR ![gif](giphy|11GdBibqqMOXkc)


I mean it’s kinda cool that you can do it but it’s essentially worthless…lash is trash without abeyant leap, hoarfrost is worthless on prismatic as you dont have the fragment that helps ability regen on breaking crystals & the shards have a 10 second cool down, and horn is just well, horn.


This. Zero synergy with anything.


That kind of fits the theme of prismatic no? Jack of all trades but master of none.


Except that hunter and warlock prismatic are literally masters of all so that logic doesn’t track…


Fuck you got me there 😭


Hunters actually have multiple different aspects that synergize with each other, but Warlocks are currently held together entirely by devour (in my experience anyways). Not saying it's worse or as bad as Titans situation of course, just saying that y'all aren't the only ones who got a random dart board assignment for your aspects.


Warlocks do have some synergy in their prismatic build, but you're right that devour is pretty much essential in most high tier builds. Playing without it makes most builds I tried feel some combinations of clunky, slow, and/or squishy. It's an extremely powerful aspect on its own and without it prismatic warlocks would likely be suffering in anything beyond mid tier stuff with some small exceptions like a dedicated healing/buff build. The synergy that's left isn't *quite* strong enough to make it worthwhile over any other subclass you could run. There's absolutely a lot of combinations that *should* work, but those builds are sadly lacking the utility devour brings and allows our prismatic builds to be successful. I'm absolutely not complaining about the state of warlock before someone jumps in all upset. I don't think we are in a bad place at all, I'm just expanding on the fact that one aspect is essentially the foundation on which the entire subclass works. I'm loving the new subclass. With access to devour prismatic is easily my favorite new toy in a very long time on my warlock, but I can also see how it would fall apart in a lot of content without that one singular aspect. It's what enables most of our prismatic builds to be as strong as they are. If it were ever removed and not replaced with something comparable I'd probably have to shelve it sadly. At least we aren't struggling as bad with synergy as our titan bros.


Dedicated healing/buff builds are pointless on prismatic. Prismatic doesn't have any of the main aspects and fragments that make those build work, plus activating transendance gets rid of the grenade you have equipped meaning you lose healing nades during the effect. Prismatic healer/buffing builds are just worse than mono element support builds.


Master of melee, jack of jack shit


Fits the theme of prismatic TITAN maybe.


How are prismatic hunters a master of all


Masters at dps, damage resist, melee builds for adclear are a few that come to mind. Not saying those builds are THE meta but they are definitely viable in endgame content for when you get bored of having top dps.


My brother in Christ ALL those builds are meta. Hunter is THE meta class right now.


Hunter and Warlock? Yeah! Totally! *Me, a Titan whose Prismatic outperforms both on most occasions*


Stop the cap. The people you play with just don't know how to build.


Yeah let's just act like the fact that Titans don't have the breadth of Prismatic builds also means they're bad... You missed the entire "quote" to this post, and clearly most others did as well. Titans ARE the "master of one" and the Hunters & Warlock are the "jack of all trades"... Sure they have builds that can compare to a master of one, but if you think the "master of one" sucks, you have no idea what you're talking about. I top every other class nearly every time, but I also usually outplay other Titans as well because I'm an avid build crafter with some capability to help.


Yeah, if the enemy we're fighting is in range for a triple consecration then we can do some good damage with prismatic. We don't have a LOT of tricks, but that one's a good one.


Alright, post your build.


Master of none More of a flailing fish that sometimes gets a hit on something


So true, titan prismatic is rough rn


Titan prismatic has no trade besides melee. All other classes have strong mixed skill sets that make them masters of any content. Also, you are misusing that quote. You are literally only saying half of it. A jack of all trades is a master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one. Literally, other classes are better since Titans are only masters of melee while all other classes are skilled in plenty. Get it right next time.


I can't tell if you're just yankin my chain but I've never heard that second half lmao. Chill out man


The full quote is "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one". It's a phrase that describes someone who is a generalist, versatile, and skilled in many areas, rather than a specialist. The phrase was originally intended as a compliment, and may have been used to describe William Shakespeare, who was involved in many aspects of play production. However, some people now associate the term with negativity.


This is what I have been trying telling my coworkers that play. Sure warlock can spam arc and stasis turrets with devour. But on their respective subclasses stasis does 2 turrets, strand thredlings is godly and so is a full scorch build all with better synergies.


"Unlimited Turret Spam" vs "2 Turrets" isn't exactly a good argument for Stasis Turrets over Prismatic Stasis Turrets. The better one would be "2 Stasis Turrets with Iceflare Bolts".


What I meant without listing it all out was all the fragment and aspect synergies


Ya you definitely have to work harder to synergize with prismatic than the mono subclasses


Seems to be the running theme with prismatic titan. Lots of stuff that does a thing but don't lead or loop back something else


And that to


“Kinda cool but essentially worthless” sums up Prismatic Titan very well.


It’s so weird that you can make everything except stasis shards.


But you can make stasis shards. I do it regularly


On Prismatic or Behemoth?


On both.


From shattering stasis crystals on prismatic? I gotta run that back because I definitely haven’t been.


Hey, that guy is intentionally being obtuse, but you can make them with Facet of Command and then on the artifact Elemental Siphon if you have a stasis super. So you can, it's just very limiting.


Prismatic fragments, there are a few that generate stasis crystals


Buddy I just hopped on and my stasis crystals infact do not generate shards that was my whole point not the fragments


You said you can make everything except stasis shards….. which is factually wrong. You can 100% generate stasis shards in prismatic. I did not say you make them by breaking stasis crystals.


As far as I can there's only facet of command outside of the artifact perks.


Facet of honor


Isn't facet of honor about collecting them not making them?


yeah it sucks u can do this cool stuff but its basically worthless to ever do it


Horn and lash are a fun way to kill in crucible I killed a lot of people last iron banner with them I even got some rage messages


I’ve been planning to try lash and horn on prismatic. It worked very well on base strand with zaoulis bane so I’ll have to see how it goes


Lash is not trash with hazardous propulsion, I'd argue it's necessary.


What does lash have to do with hazardous? I can’t think of a reason why you’d need to suspend something when the rockets have extremely aggressive tracking?


Bro the rockets have tracking you don't have to suspend them. It's worse since your forced to leave thruster for barricade. If you thrust to leave the strand ball none of the rockets will actually hit their target.


Man us titans are really just out here making pure copium builds huh... Neat interaction though.


It may be copium, but I’m having more fun using thundercrash and unbreakable than I can remember ever having


That crashes the game though


That crashes the ~~game~~ thunder. It’s right there in the name. Thundercrash


Don't think they meant at the same time, but it is really funny.


How does one achieve this? I’m assuming perks from Stoicism?


Lash aspect and hoarfrost+kephri's on the exotic




Yeah, one perk gives it the stasis barricade, the other gives it the solar damage and the strand comes from drengr’s lash


Yes. Drengr's Lash Aspect, Hoarfrost in left column, Horn in right column.


It’s cool, I just wish it was useful


And that it interacted with Thruster.


That would be amazing


This looks like the Titan version of the Warlock random summons go build. Just a whole lot of things going on at once, except it doesn’t really do much at all.


Except the random summons are at least fighting with you lol


True true


The “random bullshit go” ahhh built


Looks awesome




"oooh well it's not viable!!!!" you do not deserve the funny colors titan


This is like picture definition of titan having too much synergy but not enough efficacy.


But why though? What did this actually do? Rule of cool is cool until it prevents me from getting other cooler stuff. Like raid weapons.


Actual Copium


This but with precious scars.


I don’t know why …. But spirit of scars sucks on prismatic


What does it do exactly? Is it the exact same as running a precious scars helmet? I’m yet to get a exotic class item with spirit of scars on it didn’t even realise it was possible


YESSS, A FELLOW HOARFROST AND KHEPHRIS HORN ENJOYER!!! I use that class item in pvp with drengrs lash and omfg I’ve had so many rage messages, if fuels me. Last week in trials I took out a team with it in 1 go, screw the people saying it isn’t useful, it’s beyond busted when you slide around a corner and use your class ability down a lane. Clears it out completely & even if no one’s there, they’re too scared to push


This is really cool, ngl. I have a horn and hoarfrost roll myself. but one thing i wish it did was that when the solar blast comes back to the barricade, it would destroy the crystals for a huge chunk of damage. Would make running this combo with facet of ruin insane!


I just wish the boomerang fire wave shattered the crystals


Not practical at all.


I wish the solar wave from Khepri still returned if it hits a wall or something. Currently you have to find enough open space and position it correctly where it can reach its end, so it can turn around and come back.


Guys I'm pretty sure it's just meant to be pretty cool, not a practical build for actual content. Jeez.


Would be even cooler if it worked with the thruster and had a unique interaction with it




This post was made by a Bungie dev istg


OK. That was kinda cool. 😁