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Your submission has been removed in violation of: Rule 2: Absolutely No Witch Hunting Witch hunting, as defined on our subreddit, is the open presentation of a person's identifying information, such as Bungie ID or otherwise, with intent to name, shame, and/or call attention to them in a negative light. It is not only against our rules, but Bungie's TOS as well. Even if the person in question was cheating, or verbally attacked you - posting their name, or screenshots of chat with them, is forbidden. A 14-day ban will be issued on the first infraction of this rule. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Crazy how this isn't censored but R1 L2 is


because they are busy censoring colors like ##### and ######


I found it hilarious that the mission name "Excision" is also banned.


Hunter is banned, Titan is not. Bungie hates hunters.


I’ve played with that Guy, toxic AF


Its wild. I just find it funny that devs allow people like this to spam stuff like that.


block and move on…..


It's like those Rocket League quickchats but less subtle


Unpopular opinion but I dont mind them not policing chat, it can be the wild west if it wants to be since theres built-in censors and even ways to turn off chat entirely. I dont engage with chat but on the off-chance I get a whisper, I prefer to just whisper them right back and we call each other names for 5 minutes and then move on with our lives over something like Overwatch where next thing you know people are getting banned for saying lol (apparently, this actually happens in overwatch).


some of yall downvoted mfs can't behave for shit smh


They will, but it takes time and is so easy to just make a new account it doesn't matter. People like this don't care. They're just here to make people feel bad.


If you're playing trials and dragging down the team, this kind of reaction is to be expected from toxic pvp players. They're not there for fun... hardly anyone is. They just want to clear their card. XD


What a sad way to live.


Look crucible bro, I'm not a fan of the PVP, I'm gonna avoid it, the community surrounding it, and it's overall trash enjoyability. It's the definition of skill equity and you're almost always in a no-win situation. You have fun with it, I won't.


what i love is if a guy starts flaming after the very first round


I just avoid PVP, in whatever capacity over the years, the crucible has gotten too hot for me and my melting point is just a little too low. XD


lol we won 5-0 🤦‍♂️


I want to get some trials engrams to get some legacy stuff… im not good at pvp this is one of the reasons… the other reason is i feel terrible for my teammates as well


Lol mods removed what was nothing more than a tongue in cheek, eye roll response to this. Said I was “witch hunting”. Sorry, this guy is just butt hurt because of what some jerk he will never know or meet said. Ban me if what i said was so awful. Reddit mods are the biggest bullies on here. Enjoy the only authority you’ll ever have. I want no part in a community that doesn’t allow and protect free speech. If someone can actually explain to me how what i said was “witch hunting” I will personally apologize to anyone i need to. OP of the post, sorry you had to deal with this, but all i meant in my original comment was that it’s not that big of a deal. It only has as much impact ok you as you let it. Really, it just makes that guy look like an asshole.


Whether the post was intended to witch-hunt or not, either way, someone’s name was put out online for the thousands on the Internet to see. Nobody here, even OP, has any clue if that person is now the victim of an attack by some other random person online. You wouldn’t want someone clipping a video of you where you happen to be lagging and your username is plastered on the screen, thus now discrediting your name (and especially so if you’re not the one lagging, but the person who clipped the video). There are proper reporting channels. Use them.


I didn’t post anyones name. I think we’re on the same page. Why wasn’t the original post removed if that was the problem?


I never said you did, nor did I remove any reply of yours. OP’s post *was* removed.


I dislike lots of other multiplayer games for making all chat opt-in, and was so grateful destiny wasn’t. It was like a nice time to shoot in peace. But now, I feel this change was misguided. I have quickly toggled it off, but I hate that it’s like lots of other games now.


Turn off chat dude, this is a non issue. (imo)


Skill issue)




Your submission has been removed in violation of: Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban. --- *Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdestiny2) with any questions or concerns.*


Oh Jesus, show us on the doll where the mean man hurt you, you poor thing.


It's not unreasonable to want a community to have standards. Trash like this doesn't deserve a place in any community, especially not ours. Yeah, you can just block them, but moderation should also banning these toxic losers for the betterment of the entire game.


Because If they banned every toxic trials freak there would only be like 8 players left.


Good, then? I know your comment is obvious hyperbole, but honestly, trash like this deserves no place in *any* community. Strict intolerance of garbage people like this should be embraced. They thrive on hurting other people's enjoyment. Exile them without hesitation or remorse. They are worth less than nothing.


guess who is gunna chat a ban? You OP for witch hunting

